In a private house      06/16/2019

What to do if forced to change water meters. Provisions of the federal law on the replacement of water meters. How does the management company control the timing of verification of apartment water meters

Order. But about how often it is necessary to change meters according to the law, let's look at these laws. Let's start with an overview of the legal framework. Since November 2009, the installation of meters has become mandatory for all water consumers, which is prescribed in Federal Law No. 261. The legislator believed that this measure would allow the population to reduce utility costs, and the service provider to control losses. And in May 2011, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 354, which clarified the norms for providing utilities and rules for calculating payment for them, including cold and hot water supply. It is clearly defined here how much a person will pay for water with a meter, and how much without installing it.

Water meters, like other metering devices, can distort information due to malfunctions, marriage and other reasons. Therefore, the legislator decided that the counters require regular compliance with metrological data. The subtleties of this procedure and its regulations are prescribed in the Federal Law No. 102 of 06/26/2008. Such a measure allows minimizing the consequences of false testimony, but it causes a lot of trouble for consumers of utilities. Plus, it's not free. A Muscovite's pocket at each check will be empty in the amount of several hundred rubles to one and a half thousand. Below we will consider when to change the hot and cold water.

It can be seen from the data in the table that the answer to the question “Is it necessary for water in 4 years” is not necessarily. Only devices with errors and breakdowns are subject to replacement. Therefore, the requirement of the housing and communal services to replace the water meter after a certain period of time is unlawful if it is in good condition and has no complaints based on the results of verification. How to know when to change water meters? Just check them out.

Do I need to change water meters in Moscow?

Residents of the capital are more susceptible to the imposition of unnecessary services due to the abundance of those who provide them. Apartment owners are literally attacked with calls with a proposal to replace meters. You can avoid unnecessary expenses only by studying your rights and the norms of the law. In order to know exactly when to change the meters for water, it is necessary to control the calibration intervals, to check the water meters on time, to have the verification documents on hand, and only in the event of a malfunction, to replace.

A lot of questions are raised by a normative act from the Government of Moscow - Decree of December 26, 2012 No. 831-PP. It involves the abolition of deadlines. This initiative was supported by the prosecutor's office. But there was a legal collapse. Law No. 261 still obliges regular verification. Some refer to the fact that the Law stipulates only legal entities and entrepreneurs, and interpret this wording in their favor. Management companies argue that verification must be carried out in accordance with the terms specified in the instrument's passport. But the catch is that there are many "craftsmen" who manually put down such data in documents.

Given all the ambiguities, the question of how often it is necessary to change water meters according to the law and carry out their verification is open. Therefore, many people prefer to check their water meters according to previously established rules. Moreover, it is worth doing this a couple of months before the expiration date of the previous verification.

Who should change the water meters in the apartment?

Firstly, the device itself must comply with the requirements of the State Standard.

Secondly, they can only be carried out by accredited organizations that have special calibration equipment for these purposes.

Thirdly, the replacement of the device cannot be trusted to amateurs. Incorrect installation threatens data errors and breakdowns.

It is possible to change water meters on your own, but at the same time there should not be any complaints about the quality of the installation from those who will seal it.

How is the verification process?

a specialist of a licensed organization removes the device by installing a temporary jumper so as not to deprive the owners of the apartment of water;

The meter is taken to the metrological workshop, where it is cleaned, repaired if necessary and verified;

The master returns the serviced water meter to its place or mounts a new one;

The customer receives documents on the work performed and the results of verification.

It is according to the results of verification that it is decided whether it is necessary to change the meters for water.

After how many years do you need to change water meters?

According to statistics, the average life of a typical water meter is 12 years. The figure may vary depending on the load on the meter, its initial quality. Important role in maintaining the working condition of water meters, the type of pipes plays. It is noticed that the plastic pipeline helps to increase the service life of the meter.

What if you don't change?

Initially, the installation of the meter is in the hands of the consumer of utilities. You know the exact cost figure - you pay as much as you spent. But usually in the receipts the sums of the difference with the common house meter and the cost of water for general needs are added. Without a water meter, payment is charged according to the standard, which will hit your pocket harder than the cost of the device, even taking into account all kinds of additional charges. The situation when the meter has not passed verification is equated to its absence. This means that you will have to pay according to the rules. In fact, when it is up to you to change the water meter, the reluctance to replace will simply change the amounts on the receipts.

Not everyone likes the need to replace meters. But it is worth remembering some nuances:

You will have to change water meters only in case of their malfunction;

The meter may not lie in your favor, and you will pay monthly for non-existent cubic meters;

Do not forget about, in case of discrepancy with which clarifications and additional charges will begin.

The topic is controversial. And each situation requires its own solution. We can provide you with advice on meter verification and determine when it is necessary to change water meters in your case. Call us or leave a request.

Everyone who installed meters on pipelines supplying cold and hot water from central networks could make sure that this is beneficial. There is such a category of the population that believes that, and this is the most correct approach.

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Water meter installation laws

The government has adopted a number of legislative acts relating to means and methods of measurement.

Federal Law No. 102 of June 26, 2008

Federal Law "On Ensuring the Unity of Measuring Instruments", it defines the need for verification of measuring instruments with the requirements of metrology.

The purpose of the Federal Law is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state from the negative consequences of unreliable measurement results.

Verification (verification) is a set of activities performed in order to confirm the compliance of metering devices with metrological requirements.

Verification of the device is a check of its serviceability and accuracy using special equipment.

The law regulates the period during which the metering device can operate without hindrance and what intervals are permissible between verifications of hot and cold water metering devices.

It is allowed to install metering devices only those that are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 261 dated November 23, 2009

This law affirms the need to draw up contracts between the service provider and their consumer, this act allocates 180 days for the fulfillment of requirements.

The law on energy saving defines the obligation to measure the consumption of communal resources.

Mandatory installation of metering devices will enable:

  1. Increase the possibility of saving resources;
  2. Allows you to determine losses.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 06.05.2011

This act explains the nuances of the amount of payment for the use of water and other services for residents of multi-apartment and residential buildings, as well as the rules for the provision of public services.

Here, the concept of the amount of the fee is clearly divided in the presence of a meter and in the absence of it.

Why are water meters subject to mandatory verification?

A water meter is a fairly accurate and sensitive device, which, after a while, may fail, that is, show not quite the correct water flow.

Such indicators are of no interest to either the consumer or the supplier. Why are the indicators on the counter no longer accurate, and how much do the device data differ from the actual ones, and in what direction?

Hot and cold water affect meters differently. It is clear that hot water contains chemical additives, so its composition and heat more aggressive towards the details of the counter, and therefore verification of metering devices on hot water pipelines needs to be done more often.

The check may show that the device is in good condition, and the damaged accounting equipment must be repaired or replaced.

When do you need to change water meters?

The calibration interval for a meter installed in a hot water supply system is 4 years, for a meter installed on a pipe with cold water- 6 years.

Cold water meters should be checked no later than after 6 years, and hot water- After 4 years.

There is no need to think that the period set for verification means the replacement of equipment for recording consumption. The water meter needs to be changed only if it does not work or shows incorrect water consumption figures.

The service life of a water meter is on average 12 years, which means that one device can last up to 6 years before failure, and the other - 18 years.

It should be remembered that it is better to take care of the issue of calibrating the water consumption meter in advance, 1-1.5 months before the end of the calibration interval.

The service provider maintains records for each apartment, each house or other object. If the user himself forgot that the period between verifications is already coming to an end, he will be reminded - they will send a notification.

The procedure for checking water meters

How are water meters tested? Since it is necessary to carry out verification only with the help of special equipment, not everyone knows that verification can be carried out not only in stationary conditions, but also on the spot.

To carry out work, citizens independently choose an organization that has the necessary permits.

How to replace a water meter?

  1. Before the start of work care must be taken to turn off the water, having coordinated it in the Housing Office;
  2. Provide access to water pipes;
  3. Pipes must be in good condition;
  4. Cranes (valves, Ball Valves) must completely shut off the water in the apartment.

Verification can be done in several ways:

  • With the removal of metering devices
  • Without removing metering devices

If the verification will be carried out by a specialized company, then you should call the plumber serving the house to remove the meter. The dismantled device will be put into operation, drawing up an act of withdrawal, indicating the brand and serial numbers. You need to have a document for a water meter with you - a passport and your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

For the verification procedure, they use special calibration settings that allow you to accurately verify the correctness of the readings.

After receiving back his accounting equipment after some time, from several hours to several days, the consumer will receive the following documents:

  1. Agreement on the installation of water meters;
  2. Certificate of completion;
  3. The act of commissioning a water meter;
  4. Passport for a cold water meter
  5. Passport to the hot water meter
  6. Certificate for counters
  7. Maintenance contract.

A water meter recognized as unsuitable will have to be changed, a serviceable one must be installed in its original place and used until the next check comes.

There are methods in which the removal of meters is not required - verification will be done right on the spot.

It is necessary to make sure that the company is accredited, and its employees have attestation.

How is a water meter checked? We invite you to watch the video.

Of course, this verification method is extremely convenient. Representatives of the company will contact the supplier themselves and remove the issue of verification. The consumer of the service will receive a paper on the date and results of the procedure.

This method also has disadvantages. In order to make an accurate calibration, about 250 liters must pass through the device connected to the tap. water, for which the owner of the apartment will have to pay.

If an error is found on the water meter, you will not have the opportunity to repair or correct the device on the spot. The device will still have to be removed.

What threatens the owner of the dwelling if he did not check on time?

Having an IPU verification certificate in hand, the owner must make sure not to miss the deadline for the next verification.

An uncalibrated water meter, both hot and cold, is considered unsuitable, which means that it is impossible to pay according to the readings of such a device.

Further bills for payment for the use of water will be issued at average rates, as for users who do not have meters, taking into account the number of residents registered in the apartment.

These norms will force the consumer to spend a significantly larger amount monthly than when the meter readings were taken into account.

IPU verification is a paid service or not?

Citizens are required to verify IPU ( individual appliances metering) at its own expense within the time specified by the manufacturer and specified in the passport of the metering device.

You have to pay for trust. IN different regions the cost is different, but the average figures are from 370 rubles. up to 1000 rubles

At the same time, it would be useful to note that the price of work when using a portable standard, that is, on the spot, without dismantling the water meter, and in the case of removal, are almost equal.

Tracking the verification period and organizing its implementation is not so difficult. A self-respecting homeowner will always be interested in ensuring that the equipment in his living space works correctly and is in good working order. You can choose any of the methods for checking water meters.

For electricity, like for many other things, you have to pay. But, unlike many goods and services, electricity is invisible and cannot be paid for immediately and forever.

In order to pay exactly the right amount, without leaving either the "plus" or the "minus", they set. This allows the consumer to know exactly how much he is spending and how much he has to pay.

Equipment types

Electricity meters are divided according to several parameters, but the main division is considered to be:

Currently, most consumers are trying to establish: they are easier to use, provide more reliable information and allow you to track illegal network connection.

However, electronic options are more expensive, and voluntary replacement with electronic ones without a good reason, for example, a breakdown, is not available to everyone.

Note: craftsmen who force you to purchase more expensive models of electricity meters, referring to the law, act outside of it.

Which devices need to be replaced?

By law, meters must be replaced in the following cases:

  • in the event of a planned replacement of all counting devices due to network upgrades or other works;
  • in case of breakdown, malfunction, incorrect setting and other options;
  • when, according to the data sheet, expired.

The 2012 law states that consumers must use meters with an accuracy class of 2.0 or higher. This requirement applied to all devices whose validity period according to the passport had not yet expired: they could be “finalized” to the end, and after that they had to be replaced with new ones, of a higher class.

For organizations, the requirements for devices are somewhat different:

  • at maximum power 670 kW, it is necessary to install a meter with an accuracy class of 1.0 or higher;
  • with a maximum power above 670 kW, it is necessary to install a meter with an accuracy class of 0.5S or higher. It should provide storage of data on hourly consumption of electricity for 4 months.

Take into account: the law does not require mandatory installation electronic models of meters: the consumer can also install a mechanical one if it is more convenient and profitable for him, but this must be done immediately after the end of the service life.

At whose expense

The electricity meter is changed by the one who owns it, except in cases of planned replacement at the state level.

In this case, the replacement procedure is the same in any case. However, ownership is often questionable.

  1. If the meter is located inside the apartment, it is in the care of the owners of the living space. They are obliged to regularly inspect according to the data sheet, ensure the safety and continuous operation of the device, carry out the necessary replacement.
  2. If the meter hangs in a common corridor, on the common property of the residents of the floor, it is a joint property. In this case, it is necessary to check the grounds on which the agreement was concluded with the Management Company: whether the replacement will be made at the expense of the funds already collected or will have to be paid additionally.
  3. If the meter is on the balance sheet of an energy company or another owner, such as a municipality or some firm, the replacement is at their expense.
The replacement of the meter must occur without fail only if it breaks down or when the validity period specified in the passport expires.

In other cases, replacements are carried out at the request of the owners, for example, if they want to switch from a mechanical model to a more accurate electronic one. This replacement is not mandatory and cannot be carried out without the voluntary consent of the owner of the living space.

When installing a water meter, we are always warned that sooner or later it will become unusable, however, we understand this on our own. There are many factors due to which the continuous operation of this device is simply impossible.

Most likely, you have heard about them for a long time. The first is the quality of the water. The water in the tap is suitable only for bathing and washing, therefore it is quite hard, which impairs the operation of the device. Its mechanism itself also suffers. Although very coarse filters are installed in the meters, sooner or later they become clogged, and precipitation gets inside the device and interferes with its smooth operation. This causes particular harm to the impeller, a wheel with blades, precipitation clogs the blades and the device stops working normally.

But no less affects the operation of the meter and the intervention of the owners. Some people really want to use a large number of cubes, and pay very, very small amounts. So such tricksters use a variety of magnets, launch all kinds of ribbons with beads inside, and stick the device with needles. Only then they are very surprised when the device either winds up much more, or refuses to work at all.

Water meter change

Before you believe the rumors about what needs to be changed and when, open the data sheet of your water meter and read it carefully. The service life of a conventional water meter is about sixteen years, from which we draw a simple conclusion: you will need to change the meter only after an appropriate period of time or because of its wear.

Water meter verification: legal or not?

If you do not follow the adopted laws and innovations at all, then it will be quite easy to deceive you even in terms of checking the calculating device. Although you most likely know that this procedure must be carried out at a certain time, you may not notice the changes and not hear that the calibration interval for them has been canceled. Due to which the counter can work for you at least all sixteen years until it operational properties will not fall into disrepair.

Since verification was and is being carried out at the expense of the consumer himself, it is from your pocket that the amount from one to one and a half thousand rubles per procedure for each counter will go out. In fact, we recommend that you really inquire about the malfunctions of your device once every 6 years, because due to damage, it can wind up more cubes than you actually consume.

Most importantly, do not give in to the exhortations of fraudulent companies or simply unscrupulous management companies about mandatory verification intervals. If they actively force you to perform and pay for this procedure, just remind them that the prosecutor's office does not agree with them. Remember: knowledge of the laws can always protect you and save your money.

The meter gives incorrect readings

The device should only be replaced when it can no longer be used due to a malfunction. For a statement this fact you need to contact your management company, otherwise you risk stumbling into scammers who will force you to change a still suitable device and sell you a new one at an inflated price. In addition, it is not at all necessary that it will work better than the old one and you will not have to contact special structures again.

How to determine that the readings of the water meter have become incorrect? When you have such suspicions, it is necessary to call the master from your management company, who will tell you exactly if there are discrepancies between your consumption data in the billing center and your appliance data. If they are significant enough, the meter is seized as unusable and removed from the register.

In this situation, you should quickly buy a new device and seal it. If all the indicators converge, then the master will inform you about this and calmly leave. By law, again, no UK has the right to force you to replace a perfectly functioning water meter.

Thus, the instrument should be replaced only when it actually malfunctions, and not after any period of four, six or ten years has elapsed. Carefully follow the laws and your rights, carefully filter any information, then no one can deceive you.

Replacement of electricity meters can occur for various reasons.

The electricity meter might fail, maybe it might technically obsolete, or the subscriber of the power supply company may want to install a more modern multi-tariff device, which can significantly save money spent on electricity.

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However, the replacement of meters electrical energy very difficult, as there are many rules and laws that will have to comply with the owner or other subscriber of the energy supply company. Not many people know at whose expense the replacement of electricity meters in Moscow and other cities of Russia is carried out.

What is regulated?

Maintenance and replacement of electricity meters regulated by Russian law:

  • Art. 543 and Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • housing code;
  • federal law FZ No. 261 dated November 32, 2009;
  • federal law FZ No. 102 dated 06/26/2008;
  • decision of the State Standard of the Russian Federation;
  • Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 530 and No. 491.

Who changes and at whose expense?

Do I need to change the electricity meter at my own expense? Depending on the location of the meter inside the apartment (private house) or in the entrance, responsibility for the condition and correct work electricity meters are borne either by the owner of the dwelling, or Management Company.

In a private apartment

At the entrance

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491, electricity meters located on landings at the entrances apartment buildings, are .

Accordingly, all work and expenses for the replacement of electricity meters must be carried out the management company in whose department the residential building is located.

However, the law stipulates the possibility of payment for work by the owner of apartments, if such a provision is written in the contract between the owner of the dwelling and the management company.

If this is not specified in the contract, then all costs must be borne by the management company.

In a private house

The owner of a private house fully pays for the costs of replacing a failed electric meter in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 530, since he is the owner of the property.

In those rare cases where the utility user resides in the municipal private sector, replacement of electricity meters is carried out in the same manner as in municipal non-privatized apartments.

Rules and deadlines

When replacing an electric meter, there are strict rules that must be followed.

In case of violation of the replacement procedure and violation of sealing you can get a significant fine, the re-accounting of paid energy at the maximum tariff for the last 3 years can also be made.

When appropriately contacted by the energy sales company, that obligated within 10 days send an electrician and replace the electric meter.

Electric meters are subject to replacement, the period of operation of which, according to their passport data, has expired. Outdated metering devices are also being replaced.

If broke

If the electric energy meter is out of order, then in no case should you try to fix it yourself, as the seals of the device manufacturer and the controlling organization will be violated, which entails penalties.

If a malfunction is detected, the owner or other subscriber must contact the power supply company and do the following:

  1. Write an application for the departure of a specialist, indicating the home address and signs of damage.
  2. Find out the time of arrival of a specialist from the dispatcher by phone.
  3. Wait for a specialist who will check the sealing and the technical condition of the device.
  4. If necessary, replace the electricity meter.

Can I replace myself?

Can I replace the meter myself? Theoretically possible independently or with the help of a familiar specialist to replace the electric meter.

With such a replacement, you should obtain official permission from the energy supply company, and removing the seal of the old meter must be done in the presence of a specialist from the management company.

At self replacement technical safety rules must be strictly observed.


How to change the electricity meter? When replacing an electricity meter follow the following procedure:

  • you should contact the power supply organization and obtain permission to replace the electricity meter;
  • you need to get a certificate, without which it will not be possible to purchase a counter in the store;
  • you need to get permission to remove the seal from the management company (it is possible that the management company will send an observer);
  • you need to select a suitable meter, approved by the energy sales company and technologically suitable to replace the old one;
  • an electrician is sent by an energy supply company or is located independently (an electrician must have a 3rd electrical safety group);
  • needs to be dismantled and stored old electricity meter for verification by a specialist of his data;
  • then you should install a new meter and make sure it works correctly;
  • it is necessary to call the controller for verification and sealing.

Is a notification being sent?

If the initiator of the replacement of the electricity meter is the energy supply company, then the owner of the residential premises notification is sent, which informs about the need to replace the meter and instructs to purchase a meter and pay for its installation services.

This usually happens when the previous meter expires. In cases where replacement initiated by the owner of the apartment, he must apply to the power supply company with a corresponding application.

Checking and sealing

After installing a new electricity meter, the owner or subscriber of the energy supply company must call a specialist as soon as possible, who will check the operation of the device and seal it.

Without these procedures new electric meter will not be put into service.

To call a specialist, you should contact the management or energy supply company and pay for this service according to the receipt provided.

What documents are issued?

After installing a new meter and sealing it to the owner certificate of sealing is issued, which should be submitted to the management company to recalculate the cost of providing electricity.

Thus, if the electric meter is located on the landing, or is carried out in municipal housing, then the replacement of the meter is the prerogative of the management or energy company.

If the meter is installed in the owner's apartment, then replacing the device cost him a lot of money and during the dismantling and installation of a new device, the strict rules established by regulations and laws must be observed.

You can learn about the rules for replacing electricity meters from the video: