In a private house      04/05/2019

Secrets of a successful planting of roses in the fall. How to plant roses in open ground in August and September in different regions of the country

Planting roses in autumn will allow you to enjoy their flowering in the very first year of life. Plants planted in the spring are usually stunted and are not allowed to bloom so that they can gain more strength. Many doubt whether it is possible to plant such delicate flower in the ground in autumn in the middle lane. If you learn how to plant correctly, calculate the time accurately, then in the spring an already rooted seedling will grow faster, it will receive the first hardening by wintering, which will help it continue to grow healthy. So it's worth talking about how to plant roses in the fall.

The main nuance in how to plant a rose in the fall is the timing. Everyone knows how to plant correctly, but when? The answer to this question is the weather. The fact is that you need to plant a bush on the site a month before the onset of real frosts. Three to four weeks is just enough for the plant to get used to a new place, grow several lateral roots, and gradually prepare, together with the cooling of the air and the earth, for a dormant period.

The southern regions can afford to plant roses in October, usually in the second or even third decade.

In the middle lane, it is better to do this, if in October, then in the first decade, and preferably in the second half of September.

More northern areas are suitable for the beginning of September, or even August. Each grower must determine this time based on the usual time for the onset of permanent frosts for his area, counting from it at least three weeks.

Video “Landing in autumn time”

From the video you will learn about important rules planting in autumn.

How to get a seedling

It is best to buy a seedling from a reputable nursery or from a store where there is often a significant discount on such products in the fall. Many flower growers plant rooted cuttings or plants grown from seeds of their own roses in the fall.

A suitable time for rooting cuttings is the period from the beginning of bud formation to autumn. Those who want to grow their own rooted roses, at the beginning of flowering, cut semi-lignified shoots into pieces with 3 - 4 buds and root them in water or soil. By the end of summer, the cuttings should just have acquired roots and even young twigs.

Seeds from last year's fruits are sown in autumn or spring, in any case, by the end of the season they have already turned into young plants with roots that can be planted on permanent place growth.

How to choose the best place

Roses grow well in open sunny areas, protected from the north wind and drafts. This may be the southern slope, on which water will not linger after rains or snowmelt. It is important that groundwater does not come close to the surface, as the rose does not like stagnant water or swamps. If there is such a threat, it is worth organizing drainage and raising the flower bed above the general ground level.

The place should be free from other large plants, the flower should not be shaded by trees or buildings in the morning and evening hours, shading is acceptable (and sometimes even desirable) in the hottest daytime.

If you plan to plant several plants, then the planted roses should not shade each other, too frequent arrangement of the bushes will not allow air to circulate enough to ventilate them, and this already threatens with diseases. Therefore, you need to keep in mind the size of adult bushes. Usually between them they leave from 50 cm to 1 meter, for low bushes less, and for climbing roses - 1.5 m or even more, for stem roses - at least 3 m in general. climbing roses, it is worth considering a place for winter shelter aboveground part.

best weather

For autumn planting it is advisable to choose a fine day, you do not need to do it in rain or snow. Plants are well received in autumn precisely because the weather is right - the air humidity is higher than in spring, and the air and soil temperatures are optimal for a new plant. But, if you plant it at low air temperatures, or when cold rain and snow cool the ground, this will doom your actions to failure. If the seedlings are waiting, and the weather has deteriorated for a long time, then it is better not to risk it, you can plant roses in the fall next year, and these will have to be left until spring. It is advisable to dig them in with sand or earth, place them in a cellar or other room where the temperature will be maintained from +1 to +5 degrees. They will winter well, and then they will grow, planted in the spring.

Soil preparation

Roses need light, breathable, non-acidic (or slightly acidic) fertile soil. This is what you need to prepare a few weeks before planting. To do this, the site is cleared of weeds and all plant residues, dug up, adjusted, if necessary. Acidic soil is corrected by adding lime or dolomite flour, heavy mixed with peat, sand and compost. Then they dig a hole larger than the root system of the seedling. Its bottom is loosened with a pitchfork, the earth taken out of it is mixed with rotted manure, wood ash and mineral fertilizers are added.

If the soil is completely sandy, then clay, peat, compost should be added. The clay is brought in dried, ground to a powder.

Roses grow well on manured soils, and horse manure is preferred, but it should not be added fresh, only rotted.

Seedling preparation

When choosing a seedling With open root system Special attention should be given to her, her good development is confirmed by the presence a large number thin roots. The roots should be healthy, not overdried, without spots or traces of rot, on the cut - light. The shoots also need to be examined, they should not have signs of rot or disease, there should be at least three well-developed healthy shoots.

The day before planting, the roots should be soaked with water, preferably settled with a temperature of at least +18 degrees. And just before planting, the root is shortened to 30 cm, and the shoots to 35 cm, the entire seedling should be treated with iron sulfate to prevent diseases. Some flower growers advise dipping the roots in a clay mash with the addition of a slurry solution.


If everything went well, on a cool autumn day you can renew the pit, pour a hill of prepared earth on its bottom, install a seedling on it, spreading all the roots along this earthen hill, gradually fall asleep. They do this carefully, pour a little, then tamp, then pour the earth again. The earth needs to be tamped, and then poured abundantly with water, make sure that there are no voids left, the bush sits firmly, and the place of the scion is underground 5–8 cm below the surface level and looks south. Some advise lowering the root neck even lower, because over time the plant rises a little, and it can open, this should not be allowed. When all the water is absorbed, more earth should be added. It was the so-called dry landing method.

The wet method differs from it by the use of root growth stimulants, drugs like Kornevin. Such a preparation is dissolved with water, at least a bucket is poured into a pit, and then a seedling is lowered there, gradually filling the roots with prepared soil. Then they also tamp, check, by slightly pulling on the top, whether the bush sits firmly, fill up the earth, water it from above, mulch.

After 2 - 3 weeks, young plants get used to a new place, they have new roots, which means that in the spring they will quickly begin to grow. The next task of the grower is to cover them well for the winter. Just before frost, the bushes are shortened by at least a third, spudded with dry earth with sand, sawdust, dry leaves by 25–30 cm, and covered for the winter. Best of all, young roses hibernate under spruce branches and lutrasil, they need to provide dry air under cover so that the shoots do not rot.

Video “Phased Landing”

From the video you will learn all the steps proper fit bushes.

The rose is the most luxurious inhabitant of the flower beds, striking with its beauty and unique aroma. Each gardener strives to grow at least a few varieties of an elegant flower on his site.

Settling a rose in the ground is preferable in the fall. Observing the terms and features of planting, following the necessary rules for caring for a rooted cutting, the flower is already ready for the next warm season will bloom amazing delicate buds in the garden.

Wayward "Queen of Flowers"

The rose is the closest relative of the wild rose, it represents the thousandth collection of its breeding varieties. The plant is very rich in variety of forms of the bush and buds, the number of petals and color schemes. For many centuries, the flower has occupied a leading position in flowerbeds around the world. Nothing can be a better gift for the occasion than a bouquet of freshly cut roses.

To grow a plant on the site correctly, take into account many features of this crop. As far as the “queen of flowers” ​​is beautiful, so fastidious. She loves complete care and favorable conditions cultivation. She needs a warm climate. But there are varieties that are not afraid of frost and easily take root in central Russia.

Most garden plants recommend planting in the fall, the rose is no exception. Wet soil, moderate air temperature is what young cuttings need for good rooting. During the winter, the root system of the future bush will gain strength, strengthen enough and will throw out new healthy shoots next spring.

Growing roses in autumn

In order for a rose planted on a plot to please the owners of beautiful, flowering bushes for many years, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles, planting dates and agricultural practices necessary for this crop.

Selection of seedlings

Some cultivated forms are grown from seeds or cuttings. The most reliable planting material is seedlings obtained by grafting varietal cuttings or buds to the rosehip root system.

Shrubs sold with roots hidden in the ground or other organic base are easy to use: they are transportable and protected from damage. You can buy a rose grown in a planting container. It is transplanted even during flowering. Seedlings with an open root system are planted in the ground immediately after purchase.

There are signs to pay attention to when choosing planting material with bare roots:

Suitable landing dates

Wet and warm ground optimal condition for planting roses. The choice of the month depends on the climatic features of the region. It is important to complete planting work 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost. Closer to the south, cuttings are rooted in mid-late October, in the northern regions in August-September.

Early planting of roses in autumn will negatively affect the growth and development of a young bush. Favorable air temperature for rooting seedlings + 10-16 degrees Celsius. When choosing the appropriate time for the procedure, they take into account not only external factors, but also the characteristics of the variety and the quality of the planting material.

Preparation and planting of roses in open ground

To make the rose feel comfortable in a new place, it is planted on the south side of the garden. The selected area should be well lit by the rays of the sun and protected from the wind. The flower needs fertile, light, moisture-permeable soil. If the land on the site does not meet the requirements, 10 days before planting it is enriched with a clay substrate and compost.

Before planting, the young bush is soaked in water for 24 hours. He is relieved of foliage, dry, spoiled roots and buds below the graft. The stems are cut so that their height reaches 30 cm. To protect the plant from diseases and pests, experts advise treating the seedling with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate.

At home, planting a rose is carried out as follows:

  1. 1. Dig a hole with a depth and diameter of 40–50 cm. The size is adjusted depending on the size of the root system, which should not be crowded in a new place. The wells are moistened with water, drainage is made from pebbles or rubble and organic fertilizers are added. It is important to consider the distance between them: for park roses 80–100 cm, for palant 40–60 cm, climbing forms are planted, retreating at least 100 cm from each other.
  2. 2. Seedlings are placed in the prepared recesses. The roots are leveled, and the root collar is deepened 5 cm below ground level (climbing roses 10 cm). The pits are covered with a fertile substrate, watered abundantly and the soil is compacted.
  3. 3. To protect against early frosts, seedlings are mulched with peat, sawdust or dry foliage.

The flower is planted in the second way: with the help of a growth stimulator. To do this, sodium humate or heteroauxin is dissolved in a bucket of water. This solution is poured into the hole and the seedling is placed there. The plant is buried and no longer irrigated. Otherwise, this method does not differ from the previous one.

Rose lovers begin to acquire their pets even in winter, ordering them from various nurseries or online stores. As a rule, such roses

Planted out in the spring. However, when buying them in this way, there is not always a guarantee that the ones you ordered will be sent to you. Therefore, many rose growers try to buy plants in the fall, when they are sold with flowers. Here you already know for sure that planting roses in the fall will not result in buying a pig in a poke. You can choose both by the color of the flower, and by the aroma and size of the bush.

How to choose roses for planting in the fall

So, you choose an open-rooted rose bush from a nursery or market. What should you pay attention to first of all? Of course, the number of shoots and roots. It is advisable to choose seedlings that have two or three strong shoots, and the root system is well developed, and does not have one long root without lateral processes. In addition, small filamentous roots should be present on the roots, which just deliver nutrition to the rose from the soil.

Also pay attention to the fact that the foliage on the plant is not affected by black spot, the leaves are not twisted and webbed. Also, there should not be any small insects on a rose bush. In general, a rose bush should be healthy, have shiny green leaves and preferably a blooming flower, by the look and aroma of which we make our choice. If you decide to buy a rose in the fall, you will probably be wondering which ones exist at all, in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat size the bush will be in the future and find its place in the garden.

It happens like this - they bought a plant, in the hope that it would be of a small height, and planted it in the foreground, and a year later they got a bush that covers all the flowers growing behind it. And you have to replant the plant, and this is extra stress for him, a long process of rooting in a new place.

For example, they cannot be located in the foreground of your flower garden in any way due to their size, which can sometimes reach 3 meters in height.

When is the best time to plant roses in the fall?

If you are not sure when you can plant roses in the fall, then be guided by the planting dates fruit trees and shrubs. After all, a rose is a shrub like any other, and considering that everything cultivated roses grafted on a wild rose, which is distinguished by remarkable frost resistance, then the timing of planting these plants can be stretched almost until November, in central Russia. Here it is already necessary to think about good cover for the winter. If you doubt whether roses are planted in autumn, then know that autumn is just best time for this. Planted in a month for the onset of frost, the bushes will have time to take root in the soil and survive the winter painlessly, of course, subject to good shelter and the presence of snow on the site.

There is one more nuance why many rose lovers choose autumn planting. Sellers of roses with an open root system, fearing that they will not have time to sell their seedlings before the onset of cold weather, reduce prices by about 30%. For example, if in September roses cost 150 rubles a bush on the market in our region, then in October you can easily buy them for 100 rubles. Therefore, the question of when to plant roses in the fall seems to be clear.

How to plant roses in autumn correctly

You have purchased seedlings and now you need to determine their permanent residence for many years. Surely you already know that the rose loves a sunny place, although there are shade-tolerant roses. When the landing site is found, we dig a hole of such depth and width that the roots can fit freely in it, without bending or twisting. If you have several seedlings, place them at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other, so the bushes will be well ventilated in the summer. Fertilizers and compost should be applied only if the soil is very poor, and then in small quantities. At the same time, be careful about adding humus. It must be carefully moved with the soil so as not to burn the roots of the seedling, but pour a layer of ordinary earth on top.

If you bought roses and did not have time to plant them on the same day, it is better to lower them into the water before planting.

Now we take our bushes out of the water and cut all the existing roots by 1-2 cm with secateurs so that the sections become light. If the rose is purchased in bloom, the flowers and buds must be cut off, no matter how much you would like to leave them on the bush. It is also recommended to cut off all the foliage so that the seedling spends less moisture, because the evaporation of moisture occurs just through the leaves. We cut all the shoots to a height of 30-40 cm and after that we put the bush in the prepared hole by grafting to the south. Planting roses in autumn video clip shows quite well.

We straighten the roots and sprinkle with soil at half the height of the pit, lightly crush the ground so that the seedling does not fall, and pour the pit abundantly. If the soil is dry, as we have this summer, then the pit is shed additionally before planting the seedling in it.

As soon as the water is absorbed into the soil, add the remaining soil and compress the roots well to squeeze out all the air pockets from the ground. The grafting site should be 8-10 cm deep into the ground. This will keep it from freezing in winter. Although there is no unequivocal opinion among rose growers on this matter.

Please note that if the graft is level with the ground, then over time it may be above the ground, since the bushes have such a property as sticking out of the soil and then the big question already arises how such a rose can endure winter frosts.

Make an earthen roller around the bush so that the water does not spread during irrigation and goes directly to the roots. And water a new rose you need the same as everyone else, once a week for a bucket of water before the onset of cold weather, provided that the autumn is dry and without rain.

It happens that they bought seedlings or received them by mail, but there is no time to plant them or they did not find a place. In this case, they can be stored until spring by simply digging in the garden or in a hole about a meter deep, closing it from above. wooden shields, branches, earth.

Gardeners with experience advise planting roses in the fall for better survival and hardening of plants. At the same time, the flowering period comes faster, and the bush itself will delight with good immunity and durability. Why autumn planting of roses is preferable, our article will tell you the main secrets of choosing a seedling, as well as how to plant roses in autumn.

Any garden plant planted in open ground, seated or propagated only during a period of low vegetative activity. This happens either at the beginning of spring, or at the end of the summer season, when the vital processes gradually subside. Planting roses in the fall is more successful, because the normal adaptation of the bushes requires additional time.

To do this, the timing of planting roses in the fall is determined depending on the climatic region of cultivation, usually this is the period from September 15 to October 15. There is at least a month left before real frosts, during which the root system will have time to properly strengthen in a new place, and the aerial part will not let new buds. If you hurry too much, rose bushes with blossoming buds will inevitably freeze out, or they will hurt in the future. In the Moscow region, roses are usually planted in October, and for more southern regions, the dates can be shifted by two to three weeks.

Planting roses in the fall also has several benefits:

  • The plant adapts better.
  • Flowering begins a year faster.
  • The bushes are well hardened.
  • Leaving after landing is less problematic.
  • Rose seedlings are much cheaper in autumn.
  • After winter, the plants are weaker, which inevitably affects the successful survival.
  • You can plant rose cuttings yourself planted in spring.

It is advisable to purchase rose seedlings for autumn planting in proven nurseries. When ordering online, it is better to purchase sprouts with a closed root system - this way they are more likely to successfully endure transportation. It is best to use zoned varieties for cultivation, but with proper care and proper planting, even heat-loving roses take root perfectly in the conditions of the Moscow region and Middle lane Russia.

Selection of seedlings

Planting roses in autumn in open ground is preferable to seedlings with an open root system. So you can verify the viability of the plant, as well as stimulate the growth of roots with special solutions. To do this, the acquired seedling must be soaked for a day in warm water, in which to add a stimulating solution or dissolve a little sugar. After that, the roots of the plant are cut a little, and the process itself is transplanted to a permanent place. Many factors influence the success of planting, so when choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to its condition.

Signs of a viable rose seedling:

  • Three main shoots are well developed. They have approximately equal length, uniform color and surface.
  • On the roots there should be no signs of damage, rotting areas, as well as dry shoots.
  • A healthy seedling must have several young shoots and leaves.

When buying rose seedlings with a closed root system, you should pay attention to the earthen clod in the package. If the soil is too tight against the walls of the container, this is a very negative sign. In general, if possible, it is better to purchase seedlings with bare roots. If the rose is waiting for transportation, or it is impossible to immediately plant the purchased seedling into the ground, the roots must be closed.

Before planting rose seedlings in autumn with an open root system, it is advisable to dip the roots of the plant into a pre-prepared “talker” of cow dung and clay (proportions 1: 2). This will protect against pests, and spraying the bush after planting with a 3% solution iron sulphate provide reliable prevention of fungal diseases.

Soil preparation and planting

Before planting rose seedlings, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. It is advisable to do this two weeks before planting, so that the soil has time to settle and absorb moisture. Roses are very fond of sunny, draft-free places. For comfortable growth, there should be no blackouts here, but the sun can also adversely affect flowering. It is imperative to pay attention to good drainage, because from stagnation ground water roses will ache and wither.

Landing site preparation also takes into account qualitative composition soil. For too dense clay soils, be sure to dilute the composition organic fertilizers, or prepare a special soil mixture. To do this, mix loam with humus in equal proportions. To the bottom landing pit a drainage layer must be installed ( broken brick, expanded clay, crushed stone), and a layer of clay can be used to stabilize sandy soils.

How to board:

  1. The landing pit should be at least 40 centimeters deep and half a meter in diameter.
  2. Drainage and a layer of fertile soil mixed with wood ash for soil disinfection.
  3. The seedling is set at the bottom of the pit, the roots must be well straightened. The root neck deepens to a distance of at least 5 centimeters. All shoots below the vaccination should definitely be cut off, because these are the “wild” parts of the bush.
  4. The pit is filled with fertile soil, all air voids are carefully compacted. This is necessary so that the earth does not push out the planted plant in the future.
  5. Above-ground shoots are slightly shortened. Be sure to remove the leaves and buds, as well as thin twigs, which still do not overwinter, but can become a source of decay and the spread of the fungus to other parts of the plant.
  6. The landing site is abundantly spilled with water. This procedure also helps to remove all voids from the ground.
  7. After the moisture is absorbed, the root area is covered with dry peat and mulched.
  8. Before the onset negative temperatures the bush is watered every other day.
  9. With the threat of the first frosts, the bush is covered with sawdust, peat and covered with agrofiber. You can use branches and spruce branches for these purposes.

The comfortable distance between the bushes in a group planting depends on the variety and size of roses. Varieties of floribunda and tea-hybrid are planted at a distance of at least 30 - 60 centimeters from each other. For parks, it is necessary to leave 70 - 90 centimeters, and for weaving and standard ones - at least a meter.

If for some reason the time for planting is missed, you can leave the seedling with a closed root system in a room where the lower temperature does not fall below 5 degrees Celsius. Roses with an open root system can be buried in a greenhouse, or in the ground in an inclined position and in good shelter. With the onset of spring, the seedling moves to a permanent place of growth.

The proposed video shows a video of a phased landing, as well as important nuances planting roses in the garden.

Conditions for further cultivation

You don’t have to take care of the planted roses in the fall. It is advisable to water the seedling before the onset of frost, and also make sure that the plant does not start up new shoots and buds. This reduces the chances of a successful wintering, so such shoots are ruthlessly removed. When the air temperature becomes quite cool, and at night there is a threat of the first frosts, you should definitely take care of the winter shelter.

Usually zoned varieties of roses winter well even without special shelter, but in the case of a snowless winter, or frequent thaws interspersed with frosts, plant roots can be seriously damaged. That is why, experienced gardeners be sure to cover all varieties of roses, regardless of their frost resistance.

Shelter is built as follows:

  1. A bucket of earth, peat or dry sawdust is poured into the root zone of the bush conifers trees.
  2. Spruce branches, cut branches of trees are thrown from above.
  3. You can install metal arcs covered with agrofiber on top. Air - covering method is best suited for large bushes and group plantings.
  4. Small seedlings can be covered with the cut part plastic bottle, into which sawdust or onion peels are poured. From above, the edge of the bottle is covered with a tarpaulin.
  5. After snow falls on rose bushes, it is advisable to throw a large snowdrift in order to protect the plants in case of possible melting.
  6. When warm weather sets in, the shelter must be removed so that the bushes do not trample and rot.

Well-groomed and flowering rose bushes are the decoration of any garden. It will take a lot of effort to achieve this. One of the most important stages is planting roses in the fall in open ground. Our article tells how to plant roses correctly and when it is better to do it: in autumn or spring.