In a private house      07/02/2020

Metro last light camp closed door. Walkthrough of Metro: Last Light. Journal Entry: Train to the Past


For us there is only

one time - present,

and only one place - the metro.

Metro: Last Light begins with a story about blacks who came from the surface to the subway. That they are very scary and terrible, that everyone is in danger of great trouble and danger. Those who played or watched know who the blacks are and that at the end of the game there were two endings. It all depended on how we played the game. Main character Artyom either destroyed the black lair, or decided not to do so.

The game begins with a group of people sitting near a fire in the subway and suddenly blacks attack them, and people catch glitches seeing mutants in each other and start shooting at their own.

Meanwhile, the hero Artyom, already familiar to us, awakens from the fact that Khan wakes him up and keeps repeating that he must make contact with the blacks. While we are exploring the station, it turns out that Artyom was taken into the Order of Sparta and they settled in the secret bunker D6, which they had found earlier. Artyom is given a weapon and he goes to Melnik, who called him.

Train to the past

Khan saw one black man near the Botanical Garden and therefore Melnik gives Artyom the sniper Anna and gives the task to kill the black man. Khan protests against this and says that they cannot be killed, but simply need to find contact with them (as I understand, there is no smell of a good ending from the first part and that then a missile strike was carried out on the lair). Khan, of course, is detained, and Artyom goes with Anna to the surface to the scorched black hive.

Artyom discovered a black cub. He recognized Artyom and was frightened and conveyed to him his visions of the moment when the rockets were flying towards the hive. Artyom passed out and was captured, the black cub was put in a cage.

Enemy of my enemy

Artyom wakes up in captivity of the Nazis with other prisoners. He, together with another captured communist, manages to kill the guards. and together with him they make their way through a fascist camp filled with prisoners. Having reached the control room just before the end of the mission, you can press the lever and release all the prisoners from the cells.

Also, having overheard a conversation between two fascists, he learned that the black man was sold to traders from the Hansa. Hansa - ring line of the Moscow metro Union of trading stations.


Artyom learned that the red prisoner with whom he escaped was named Pavel. And they, together with him, disguised as Reich guards, walked into the very crowd of fascists, but they were burned. And the two of them begin to run away. Artyom is caught by a bullet and Pavel drags him to the trolley.

Artyom missed the black one and now he needs to get to the Order’s headquarters and report on the failed operation. He also finds out that the Nazis know that the secret bunker D6 was found by Sparta and they want to smoke them out of there and occupy it. Therefore, perhaps a war is expected soon.

The escape

Pavel breaks through the grate with a trolley and it turns over. They are looking for a further path, but when Pavel climbed into sewer hatch The fascists took him and now Artyom alone makes his way through the fascists.


Artyom understands that Pasha, a man whom he knows very little, helped him a lot and therefore he is not going to leave him in captivity of the Nazis, since death awaits him. So he goes to help out his new friend. He arrived in time just in time for Pasha to be hanged and he barely manages to pull him out of the noose alive.

Through the darkness

Artyom freed Pasha and he promised him that he would take him to his people. And the two of them make their way through dark tunnels infested with spiders.

Path through the light

Having made their way to the surface through the tunnels, Artyom and Pavel go further to Theater station. On the way, they pass by a fallen plane, in which Artyom saw a vision of how it got into the very epicenter of a nuclear strike and fell.

After which, as in the classics of the genre, a flying monster, the Devil, and many mutant guards will meet, almost just before the entrance to the station, where our heroes barely fight them off and the gate is opened, just in time for them to escape.


Our guys hit the Theater Station, from which it’s only a short walk to the Pole, if, of course, Pasha leads through his own - the Red posts. While Pavel negotiates with his people, Artyom has time to study the Theater Station. A station where people of art and creativity gather.

After which Pavel offered Artyom a drink. But it turned out that he drugged him and, together with his Red friends, took him prisoner and handed him over to his superiors. Our hero did not expect such betrayal from his new comrade.


Pavel took Artyom to his superiors and he was immediately taken to the interrogation room, where they began to beat information about D6 out of him. Also, at the very beginning of the game, a certain Lesnitsky disappeared from D6. Artyom saw him among the Reds and realized that he was a spy.

Artyom was injected with truth serum, he passed out and saw an episode from his past, when he was still very young and with his friends came to the surface and they were attacked by monsters. Then one of the Blacks helped them. He also heard a conversation about Black and knew that Pavel might know where he was.

Artyom, as always, was lucky. The son of General Secretary Moskvin was against this red nonsense and torture, so he frees our hero and he tries to leave through the pipes. He accidentally overheard a conversation between the Secretary General and the Head of State Security in which he learned that the Reds were planning a special operation to capture D6.

Red line

Now Artyom, realizing that he can only find out about the whereabouts of Black and the plans of the Reds from his former “friend” Pavel, goes in search of him, making his way along the Red Line. Looking at the preparations of the Reds, Artyom understands that they are not preparing for a serious war and it will be quite difficult to recapture D6.

In hot pursuit

Artyom unexpectedly stumbles upon a man, but he was lucky: he was already familiar to us, Andrei Kuznets, who helped us once. Andrey promised that he would tell Melnik about what happened with Artyom and their mission and that he continues to search for Cherny. Andrei gives our hero a homemade railway car “Regina” and he sets off on his journey on it. Along the way, you will meet a train; you need to push it forward with a handcar. We also pierce the passages with a trolley.


Pavel's group is moving to Tretyakovskaya, also known as Venice, several hours ahead. While chasing through the tunnels, Artyom unexpectedly runs into a group of refugees from the Red Line. All the men who could fight moved forward and they were all shot there. The refugees were left with only a few men, and mostly women and children. And now you can’t go forward; there’s danger, and behind them are the Reds who will shoot them. Moving further, Artyom runs into bandits, who shoot everyone.

Dark Waters

Artyom, together with a fisherman, makes his way on a ferry through the metro tunnels through a bunch of mutant shrimp, which, as the fisherman puts it, the local fish is very good with beer.


Having reached Venice with the fisherman, it is a large den of thieves. Artyom finds out from the locals that two Reds recently arrived at the station. And he is sure that one of them is Pavel. He must catch up with him at all costs. He has two missions associated with Pavel: Find Black, and find out about the Reds’ plans related to D6 and the Order.

Finding Pavel in the brothel, he followed him to the warehouse and grabbed him there. Pavel said that Black at the Oktyabrskaya station and the Reds were experimenting with him and his abilities. But Pavel managed to escape. And Artyom goes to the surface into the swamps to get to the Order’s base and meet with his own.

Continuation of the passage of Metro Last Light

Chapter 1. Sparta.


In your sleep, shoot Blacks who are marked as friends. When you wake up, talk to Khan and leave the room to receive the task.


Having determined on the tablet the direction to the main goal of the task, we go to the armory and take the necessary equipment with ammunition, which in the game also serves as currency. Then we select the main weapon, equip it with a sight module, go to the shooting range, where we train in shooting under the guidance of an instructor, after which we return to Khan. On the way to the command center, we listen to Khan’s story, find the commander and, after talking with him, follow the girl to the carriage, in which we leave.

Chapter 2. Ashes.

Train to the past.

Turning on the flashlight, open the door by pulling the lever to the right of it. After leaving the train, we go upstairs and go through the tunnel to the stairs, put on a gas mask and climb up it, not forgetting to wipe the fogged windows with the button. Having climbed the stairs, we go forward until the guards appear, with whom the sniper will help fight. Waiting to the left of the skirmish is Black, who will hide by jumping into a hole. Bending down, we climb after him, changing the filter of the gas mask, and pursue him until we see flying missiles through the eyes of Black.

Chapter 3. Paul

The enemy of my enemy.

Red, having opened the garbage chute, leaves in the elevator. We follow him without leaving the shadows and help Red climb up. We climb up the ladder he lowered and, crouching, follow forward, obeying Red’s commands. Having approached the guard on the right, we wait for the second one to turn around and kill or stun him. By pulling the lever, we lower the ladder and crawl down, unscrewing the light bulb along the way. When Red turns off the light on the bridge, we crawl to the other side and, having stunned the enemy and found the entrance to the pipe, we crawl along it to the very end, along the way we hear how a mercenary sells a Black child to a representative of the Hansa. Having got out of the pipe, we come across a corpse, pull out a knife from it, go into the passage and, having dealt with the enemy, climb up. Having climbed higher, press the green button and hide. We run into the opened gateway and lock it with a lever. We move along the corridor, killing enemies. When the last one is killed, Red will come down and help open the gate by pulling the second lever on the left. The gates open, the Reich prison is left behind.

Chapter 4. Reich.

We move through the crowd and when the alarm is raised, we run after Pavel, jump at his command and run to the gate, under which, bending down, we crawl through.

Chapter 5. Parting.

The escape.

We jump off the trolley and, following Pavel, help him climb to the pipe, after which the alarm is raised. We bend down and, turning on the flashlight, hide behind the obstacle. When the guards go into the tunnel, we quietly follow and stun everyone in turn. Having cleared work area Reich, we go to the other side of the bars through the rooms with soldiers. Once on the opposite side, we kill the guard listening to music so that he does not set off the alarm. We go further to the stairs, go up and look for the ventilation shaft opposite the lamps. We climb into it and crawl forward.

Chapter 6. Camp.


We crawl forward until we meet two soldiers talking. We wait until one of them goes to the radio and then to the place from where you came, we quietly deal with him. Having killed the soldiers, we look for the stairs, go up and remove two more, follow to the second stairs, turning off the lights along the way. We go down the second staircase and go through the door marked “exit”. We make our way through the hole on the left into the room with withered flowers, after passing which we look for a shield with toggle switches, killing enemies along the way. Having turned off the electricity, we go in the same direction where the first enemy, killed after the room with flowers, went. Having reached the soldier sitting in the chair, we kill him and put out the light, the second soldier should pass by. Crouching down, we go forward to the door and see that the task has been updated.

We look for the switch that turns off the airlock, then we go down the stairs into the water. We move in the water, bypassing the soldiers, reaching a box with a flashlight, extinguishing it and killing the enemy who comes up to check what’s going on. Next, we go left to the end of the ditch, go up the stairs and turn off the light again by lowering the toggle switches on the wall. We climb up the ladder, which is located directly above the hole from the ditch, pull the lever to open the airlock, and turn off the light on the panel on the right. Having passed the gateway, we climb up the stairs again and, turning left, we see how two soldiers are about to hang Pavel. We save him and follow him forward.

Chapter 7. Torch.

Through the darkness.

We move straight with the flashlight on, help Pavel open the grate and jump down with him. Entering the elevator, we scare away the spiders with light, go up and then follow Pavel until we reach the abyss. We climb over it on a pole, helping each other. When Pavel makes a torch, we go to the door with electronic lock and further, along the wires stretching from the door. Leaning against the closed door, we turn into the corridors on the right and, having reached the instrument panel, turn on the power supply. We return to Pavel and exit through the closed door.

Path through darkness.

Taking gas masks from the box, we follow Pavel, who is going down the wing of the plane. Having passed the turnstiles, we select a filter on the floor, which lies there at all difficulty levels except high, and in the service room we take a shotgun. After inspecting the plane and removing the gas mask from the skeleton, we fight with the Guardians and around the corner to the right we climb inside the building through a hole in the wall. Inside we go down the elevator, fighting off the last waves of enemies.

Chapter 9. Bolshoi Theater.

After talking with Pavel, we go through the station through the market and, having reached a bench with a note lying on it, we sit down and listen to Pavel.

Chapter 10. Korbut.


After the video and cut-scene, the son of the Secretary General, Lenya, frees us. We climb into the pipes on the left side and crawl through the ventilation, listening to the conversation between the Secretary General and the General. You don't need to do anything in the mission, just listen.

Chapter 11. Revolution.

Red line.

We collect weapons from the filters, go out through the door and, having killed the enemies near the metal detector, go down the stairs and turn off the toggle switches, partially extinguishing the light. When the bulk of the soldiers disperse, we quickly kill the two who lingered and move to the right of the locomotive, hiding behind the columns. Having reached square pipe, we climb into it and crawl along it until it breaks. Then we move to the next one and follow it to another part of the metro. Having found a room with a fireplace, we lower the lever and, having passed through the gate, go to the door with the valve. The guard sitting next to you must be killed by throwing a knife, otherwise he will raise the alarm. Having passed through the door, we go along the wall to the right and turn off the electricity on the panel. Having gone a little further, we climb up the stairs, look for another staircase and along it we go down into the ditch. Having passed along the ditch, we go up again two times until we find a lever that stops the large valve. We climb into the hole to the left of it and move along the corridors, going up the stairs and turning off the lights until we find a door marked “exit”. We go out and open another door with a valve, after passing which we hide from a detachment of soldiers. When the soldiers pass, we look for ventilation, next to which there will be an entrance to Andrei Kuznets.

Chapter 12. Regina.

In hot pursuit.

Following the blacksmith, we climb onto the railcar called “Regina”. Having reached the desired place, we find a locked door with a lever and following the wires, we find a way to get through. At the end of the corridor we turn on the electricity with our charger. We climb onto the trolley again and push it onto the carriage standing in front. When the car turns right and hits a dead end, we return to the arrow, change the direction of the rails and move forward, breaking through obstacles.

Chapter 13. Bandits.

We ride on a handcar until we meet Red refugees, who will tell you that bandits are waiting ahead. Having killed the bandits, we go to open the gate. The lever that opens them is in the corridor on the right. To get into it, go back a little and turn left into the corridor, at the end of which the desired lever is located.

We move forward through the gate until we turn into a tunnel with an image of a skull. Where the first battle with the bandits took place, we untie the bald captive, he will help move the disturbing trolley from the tracks. Having changed the arrow in front of the image of the skull, we enter the tunnel and, when the trolley breaks, through the passage on the left we move back along the train to the last car. Having passed through it, we go out to a tunnel filled with acid and, by pulling the rope, we call the ferry. We kill all the attackers and leave on the ferry.

Chapter 14. Dark waters.

We're riding the ferry, shooting at monsters.

Chapter 15. Venice.

Having reached the station, we pass through the market and, going up the steps, listen to the mustachioed man. Then, leaving it, we go to the right and passing behind the red curtain, below we see Pavel closing the door of the carriage. Having overheard their conversation with a friend, we kill the bandits. The warehouse is cleared and the mustachioed man appears again. Moving the box aside, he will show a passage, which we climb into after putting on a spacesuit.

Chapter 16. Sunset.


At the bottom we climb over the fence and go around the trailer of the truck - a tank. Moving with the help of the radar, we pass along the logs past the bus to the plane, in which you need to take a can of gasoline. We go back and fill the generator with fuel. When a ferry appears with the flashlight on, call it by pressing the button. We fight off the enemies and leave by ferry.

Chapter 17. Night.


Having passed the building, we go up the elevator to the bridge and move towards the church. We start walking along the log, a giant monster appears. We kill, trying to keep our distance. After the battle, the rangers will move the log along which we go to the church.

Chapter 18. Catacombs.

Through Hell.

Having bought supplies, we approach the door, an explosion occurs, after which the battle begins. Having killed all the enemies, we go through the catacombs to the lift. We go down and fight off the guards, trying not to fall. At the bottom we open the gate with a wooden valve and go to the suspended platform. We go down below, fight and, going up the steps, jump over the abyss. We lower the log on a wooden lift to open the way for water. Enemies will appear and will attack until we leave on the lift.

Having left on the lift, we move forward until we meet a huge monster. We hide behind the columns so that the monster destroys them and disappears by punching a hole in the wall. We follow him and in the next cave we repeat the trick with the columns, injuring ourselves. When the columns are destroyed, all that remains is to finish him off with a shotgun. The cave will begin to flood, we calmly wait for the end of the mission.

Chapter 19. Infection.

Through the fire.

We go forward and eavesdrop on Lesnitsky’s conversation with his subordinate, after which, going to the right, we see an execution. We crawl further until we jump down into the room. Having silently killed the patrol, we listen to the dying man. We move along the tunnel, extinguishing the light and killing enemies, until we find a hole in the wall. In the next room, we go down through the hole in the floor and crawl until we get out. Having dealt with all the enemies, we look for the stairs up to the carriage, passing along which we jump off the other side of the fence. We go down past the burning boxes into the rift and walk along it until it becomes possible to get out. At the top we kill all the enemies and look for the red door behind which Anya is being held. We save her and watch the cut-scene.

Chapter 20. Quarantine.


We go down, following the radar, and listen to the conversation between the doctor and the general in the disinfection chamber, after which we find Khan and leave the station with him.

Chapter 21. Khan.

River of fate.

We pass through the blades while Khan holds the valve. We jump down with Khan and, on his orders, burn the web, behind which we break out the grate and move on, constantly burning the web. After talking on the phone and getting under the water, we watch a cut-scene, after which we leave with Khan on a handcar.

Chapter 22. The chase.

Train to the future.

We ride on a handcar, fighting off the Reds, having reached the train, we move through it fighting to the end and watch the video.

Chapter 23. Crossing.

The original Metro 2033 game ended with a missile strike on the lair of the “Blacks” - perhaps the most dangerous mutants in the post-apocalyptic world of Dmitry Glukhovsky. The Moscow metro, home to bomb survivors, is torn apart by a gang war that threatens to exterminate people before the terrible mutants from the surface do. Humanity repeats the same mistakes over and over again.

Judging by the fact that in new game the main character is still Artem, which means that he still managed to somehow get down from the Ostankino tower, although numerous staircases collapsed during the ascent.

At the very beginning of the game, you will only need to shoot the creatures that attacked from the darkness of the tunnel. In fact, here we are shown the effect that Blacks have on people - they cause visions. A second ago, people who were comrades begin to kill each other. Artyom can shoot at his comrades who have succumbed to hallucinations, or do nothing, then the script will simply work.


2034 The Order of Rangers took over D6, an old military storage facility. This is where the game begins. Khan woke up Artyom. He thinks that the Blacks wanted to establish contact with Artem. Ullman sent him out, we will meet with them later. Artyom was accepted into the Order of Rangers, which he had long wanted to join. You can try to get a tablet with tasks and a lighter [M]. The green arrow indicates the direction to the target. This is not needed now, but it may come in handy in the future. There is nowhere to rush, you can look at people, listen to conversations, and feel the atmosphere. And learn a lot about the world of the game. At the armory, Artem will be given initial equipment: a gas mask, two filters for it, a first aid kit and several army cartridges. The latter here act as currency. Remember: if you hold down [R], these are the cartridges that will be charged, so you need to press quickly so as not to accidentally shoot money. demonstrates the contents of the backpack. Now you need to choose a weapon. You can carry up to three units at a time. If you pre-ordered the game, you can choose the RPK - the most powerful machine gun. The author took an RPK, a killer and a valve, and attached a collimator sight to each, as well as an extended barrel to a shotgun. You can test weapons at the shooting range. The first dummy needs to be shot in the chest, and the second armored mannequin needs to be shot in the head. If the results do not satisfy you, you have the opportunity to choose other equipment. Also in this place you can clearly see the work of PhysX technology. You can go further, through the kitchen. At the exit, Ulman and Khan are already waiting for Artyom. The gate to the station opens, revealing a strange elevator moving in a spiral inside a giant round well. At the top is the entrance to the command center. The miller organized a meeting, to which all the detachment commanders came. You need to go inside after Khan, who is chatting about the Blacks. The miller does not approve of his desire to seek a common language with them and gives the order to take him into custody. He sends Artyom in search of a surviving Cherny, along with sniper Anna, the daughter of the Miller himself, who will have to kill the monster. If you wait a little, you can find out that Lesnitsky, about whom we heard so many rumors, was sent, stole a container from the laboratory and fled. Anna is waiting in the freight elevator. It will go down to the station where the monorail feeds.


The monorail has arrived at the station. Until the light is turned on, you need to use a flashlight [F]. You need to pull the switch to open the door. The stairs lead to a sewer that is overgrown, waterlogged, and full of rats and cobwebs. The lone mutant runs away further along the tunnel, but if you want and have a good reaction, you can shoot him. Artyom and Anna find a ladder to the surface. You need to put on a gas mask [G]. Notice the watch on his left hand. They show the time for which the filter will last. On the surface are the ruins of the Botanical Garden. A lot of scrap metal, stinking puddles, a collapsed Ferris wheel. Soon Anna leaves Artyom alone to find Cherny. But so far we are only “lucky” with ordinary Guardians. There are three flocks of them here. By this time, Anna has climbed onto the gate formed by the ruins and is covering Artyom. In the winding passage there is a small Black, probably a cub. He is so fast that it is impossible to shoot him. We'll have to pursue. Despite all his efforts, Black takes no damage from the shots. Artyom grabs him, but he manages to penetrate his mind. The video shows that the baby was able to escape from the explosion that killed all his relatives.


Artyom woke up only when he was captured by Reich stalkers. And also a small Black one and two Red ones that came from somewhere. The Reich is at war with the Communists, but not with the Order. However, Artyom is taken with them to a Reich concentration camp, where they are kept in a toilet along with the others. One of the Red scouts is killed, but together with the second, Pavel, Artyom manages to kill all the fascists.

Exit through the door is not possible, so you will have to use the garbage chute. Below is a sewer full of dead people. This is something else: further on there is a view of a well, which is full of hanged men, and above - cages with people. These people are only to blame for the fact that they were born with certain anomalies, such as head sizes different from the “norm”. You need to follow Pavel, keeping in the shadows, to the grate. There you will need to stand in front of him to lift him onto the stairs. He will lower the ladder down, and Artyom will be able to climb up too. You will need to sneak around in a crouched position and stop on command. You need to go upstairs and get to the right officer and kill or stun him. Then pull the lever and lower the ladder. It’s so funny: the prisoners in the cells tell Artyom what to do! At the top you need to unscrew the light bulb from the spotlight. Pavel on the other side turns off all the lights and leaves. You can walk across the bridge, which is no longer lit. Another fascist and a ladder. There is a dirty narrow pipe that you have to crawl through. Below you can hear a conversation between two Reich soldiers. One of them saw his son in Cherny and could not kill him. Instead, he sold it to a Hansa merchant. On the other side, three throwing knives can be snatched from the corpse. Good quiet weapon. You need to get back to the cells, climb the stairs and press the call button. The airlock will open and the sentry will come out. You can kill him yourself, or hide, then Pavel will kill him. You need to go inside and pull the lever to close the airlock.

Then Pavel throws a pistol with a silencer to Artem. It will now be easier to kill patrolmen in the sewers. You can also pick up a couple of machine guns from them. There is also a lever here, on the panel by the window, that opens the cells. You need to help Pavel open the airlock by pulling the lever on the wall.


The escape from the Reich continues. This scene was shown in the very first videos before the game's release. Sturmbannführer tells the Nazis about the D6 base, which is full of food supplies, medicine and weapons. And which Sparta is holding... At this moment, a man appears who will talk about the escape of two prisoners. Pavel shoots in the air, and he and Artyom begin to rush headlong. Artyom is shot, but Pavel drags him to the trolley. It turned out okay, the bullet hit the bulletproof vest.


The trip doesn't last long. Almost immediately the tracks lead to a dead end. The only way leads through the pipe... but Pavel, who climbs into it, is grabbed by the guards. The gate opens, and two fascists come out in search of his accomplice, that is, Artyom. They can be bypassed, killed or stunned. You need to go through the gate to sector D3. It’s quite possible to get through this zone even without killing, the main thing is to unscrew the light bulbs and stun all the patrolmen who are not on guard. You need to climb up and go through the guardhouse. Behind the door, an enemy caught in a bed will surrender. If you want to see a "good" ending, you need to spare him. The further path lies through a technical channel, with spiders the size of a large palm.


Pavel was beaten, his nose was broken, and now he is being led to execution. We must try to save him. At the exit from the tunnel there is a new room full of enemies. You need to go up the stairs, go around everyone and go down the other side. Behind the door is a freezer full of animal carcasses. Then there is a makeshift greenhouse where plants are grown in bathtubs. The lamps that illuminate the safe path in the center can be turned off using the switch on the left. On the other side there is a descent into the ventilation. From here you need to get to the commander, pull the lever that opens a new passage. You can walk the entire path quietly. The stealth here is very similar to Dishonored. We jump off the bridge, disarm the tripwire, and climb the stairs. You need to crawl through a narrow gap in the wall. Behind her begins the execution of Paul. You need to kill the executioners and cut the rope.


Instead of starting pursuit, the Nazis turned off the lights in the tunnel where Artyom and Pavel ended up. It turns out that there are people living ahead big spiders who hide in the light. This means you'll have to use a flashlight. As in the first part, it can be pumped up with kinetic energy. To do this, press [F] and left-click until the arrow starts going off scale. You will need to lift the grate to go down into the tunnel below. Using a lighter, you can burn cobwebs blocking your path. The elevator found turned out to be not a path to salvation, but a bait leading directly to the lair of giant spiders the size of dogs. When they stick to the walls of the elevator, you will need to approach them and illuminate them with a flashlight, the light of which is fatal to them. The elevator will go up. There will be one spider here, and behind it a bridge. The first jump is easy, but then the failure is too big. Spiders are also coming. You will need to help Pavel pull the pipe out of the rubble. It can be used as a vaulting pole. You need to press [E] from a certain distance. Then Pavel and Artem climb onto the train and go down the other side. In the distance you can see a collapse, from which daylight breaks through. Spiders won't come near him. Pavel finds a torch and lights it. You need to be closer to him so as not to become a spider's dinner. What, by the way, do all these huge spiders eat here? Giant moths? The exit from the bunker opens a little further. Pavel sent Artyom alone, but he himself remained by the fire, and did not even give away the torch. You need to find an electrical panel, D’Artagnan will do the rest himself. The door will open.


The stalkers set up their camp in the basement. You need to take the gas mask that Pavel found. Behind the door is an exit to the surface. A huge passenger plane crashed, burying its nose in the entrance to Teatralnaya. The weather here is even more unpredictable than in the tropical jungle. The sun is shining, and a second later the clouds have already rolled in and it’s raining. In the transition you can pick up a new gas mask with a filter and intact glasses. There was an animal hiding in the service room, guarding a double-barreled shotgun. At the exit from the passage, a running flock of guards is encountered. If you sit down and don't move, they won't notice you. Judging by the strong wind, a real storm is approaching, from which the animals are fleeing. Then the path lies through the same plane. Inside, Pavel and Artem begin to have visions. They even see the cockpit and pilots at the moment the nuclear apocalypse began and the plane crashed. Pavel became so stupefied that he took off his gas mask and began to choke on non-existent smoke. Upon exiting the plane, it turns out that the sun has already set. And the wind died down. How much time has passed? Suddenly, a Demon swooped in, grabbed Artyom, but threw him away after Pavel fired a burst at him. Around the corner a flock of guards already meets you. You need to stick with Pavel, he will lead you to the entrance to the station, first through the window, and then down the escalator.


Welcome to the first Red station. A train with refugees has just arrived at the platform. Judging by the conversations, those who were considered “mutants” in the Reich are fleeing here. While Pavel negotiates for Artyom to be allowed on the Red Line to Polis, the ranger himself can inspect the Theater Station - the most “cultural” Metro station. Apparently, at the time of the apocalypse, there were actors and connoisseurs of beauty on it. Just one such, a theater critic, begs in the aisle. You can put the cartridge in the box if you want to see the good ending. Moreover, after he finishes his speech, it will be possible to throw a second one. I wonder if we will see an underground theater performance? There's even a barker here. He walks throughout the bar, where the militia are drinking, and beyond, where the juggler entertains the children. You know, this “peaceful” station will give odds to similar locations in BioShock Infinite. Look, listen - you definitely won’t regret it.

Further on the market you can buy weapons and ammunition. After the market, the entrance to the New Bolshoi Theater begins - on the right is the queue for tickets, and on the left is the passage to the hall. At that moment Pavel returned. He will take Artem straight to the theater completely free of charge! There are girls dancing the cancan there now. It's worth getting closer. And the left one is clearly new, it doesn’t keep up with the others at all. You can sit in a chair and watch other performances. One of the actors, four-legged and tailed, almost attacked the audience. The poor guy is tired of jumping endlessly. Next came an accordion player with half-naked backup dancers, one accordion player, one guitarist, and an accordion player with a guitarist together... The poor critic was right - this is by no means a theater.

A further hike leads behind the scenes, where the dancers are now resting. You can listen to them and spy a little on two young ladies who are washing themselves. At the restaurant, Pavel invites Artem to have a drink. He does not refuse, and soon falls unconscious on the table. Here you go... the rascal!


Out of the frying pan into the fire. Or from the Reich to the communists. Now the captured Artyom is being dragged through the Red base. There are more fighters at the station than the Order had. They train, do push-ups, or just wait for orders. Pavel Morozov handed Artyom over to General Korbut. Lesnitsky, who betrayed the Order, is also here. He recognized Artyom.

He was handed over for interrogation, where he was diligently beaten by himself Secretary General Central Committee of the KMP Comrade Moskvin, with a “Hitler” mustache. But, since our comrade really doesn’t like to talk at all, the scuffle leads nowhere. Unlike injection of “truth serum”. It evokes visions of that very day, Artyom’s first exit to the surface at the Botanical Garden station. One of the Blacks saved the child from the guards. At the same time, gaining access to the subway, where in the future his relatives will kill thousands of people...

Artyom should have been killed, but this has not happened yet. The son of the General Secretary, Lenya, does not want to follow in the footsteps of his cruel father and frees the ranger. For him, this is another way to interfere with his father, and for Artem, it is a chance for salvation. The exit from the cell is in the ventilation, which Lenya points to. And you can immediately overhear Moskvin’s conversation with Cheslav Korbut. Having promised the Secretary General a “bloodless” option for ending the conflict, in another room General Korbut orders the detachment to attack and capture certain objects, while removing insignia.


Pavel Morozov was told where little Cherny was and was sent to look for him. So, you need to go after him.

But for now we are still on the Red Line. Artyom puts on a heavy helmet with marks from bullets that could not penetrate it. As is often the case in video games, no one took away the weapon during interrogation. But in the closet you can pick up a double-barreled shotgun with a silencer. You need to overcome three communists, go down the stairs and go through the door.

Behind it is a hangar with an armored train. You can turn off the lights and stun the soldiers one by one. Judging by the conversations, communists are notorious lazy people: they can do business only for show. And one of them, when he heard the words “burn the rats,” decided that it was about refugees. Here are the Kyiv developers for you. You need to go around the hangar to unlit areas, wait for the loaders to leave and sneak to the door.

In the new room it will be possible to sneak behind soldiers, even in illuminated areas. You need to get to the stairs, go up, find the lever in the caretaker's booth, go back and crawl through the blades of the stopped fan.

You need to go down and just walk to the next door, keeping to the shadows.

The airlock will open and the sentries will come out. You can wait behind the barrels and then pass by. After the fires, a tunnel full of cobwebs begins. The road ends with a meeting with a man armored from head to toe with a light machine gun...


It turns out that he is Andrei Kuznetsov, an old acquaintance of Artem. After drinking and feeding him, he puts Artyom on the Regina armored train. It looks like a crude knockoff of a sports car (to put it mildly), but it sits on rails. The controls are the same as in any car game, only there is no steering wheel. The engine turns on [space]. You can also shoot your weapon. You can go out and inspect the tunnels, for example the room with the corpse at the very beginning, followed by the spider’s lair. The ride ends in front of the lock. It cannot be opened because there is no voltage. Therefore, you will have to wade through another spider nest and look for the shield. Now you can return to Regina, open the gateway and continue your journey. The ceiling has collapsed here, so contaminated air has penetrated from the surface into the tunnel; you should wear a gas mask. Spiders were replaced by new monsters who are not afraid of light. When the armored train hits another train, it will be able to push it. But due to the fact that the speed of movement will decrease, the monsters will be able to catch up and attack Artyom from behind. We'll have to shoot back. When the extra car moves to another track, you will need to move the arrow so that Regina goes in the right direction. Although it depends on how you look at it, it was not in vain that they boarded up the path with whatever they could. The armored train accelerates to great speed and overturns.


Although Artem fell out of the seat, Regina remained on the rails. Now if you go to reverse side, you can find a corpse (for a good ending) and a shotgun near it. We need to move on. A caravan of refugees from the Red Line is discovered behind the barricade. The soldiers protecting them have most likely already died ahead, so Artyom will have to go and kill the bandits alone, who have already killed a dozen men. So, to save the first girl, you need to run to get to her and the kidnappers. Now you can go back and clear the paths of bandits. It is necessary to free the bound prisoner so that he can drive away the trolley. Now you can return for Regina and continue your journey. To open the gateway, you need to overcome the resistance of the second bandit ambush. The third group guards the arrow. By changing its direction, it will be possible to drive Right way. However, the dead end is also worth a visit to look at the trolley full of fresh bodies stuck there. But around the right turn there is also something interesting: the bandits have grabbed a woman and children and are keeping them in a room. To get into it, you need to quickly run around the circle of corridors, otherwise the woman may be killed. In the end, the armored tire will fail and refuse to continue the trip. You need to go through the cars on the tracks on the left. Behind them is a half-sunken station. By pulling the string, you can call a boat to Venice. However, at the sound of the bell, a flock of local monsters arrives for dinner. You need to hold out until the boat arrives and get on it.

Dark Waters

Artyom's savior turned out to be a local fisherman, Uncle Fedya. I wonder where the fish on the metro tracks come from, and is it possible to eat it? Let's find out!

A short swim does not answer this question. However, I think it’s not worth repeating the experience. It's better to duck when the logs pass too low. Then there are amazing mutants, which the fisherman calls “shrimps”. They are similar, but the size, with a pig, is somewhat confusing. Even if you don’t start a fight first, the shrimp will still attack the boat. To prevent them from turning it over, you need to shoot those who dare to climb. At the end, the fisherman will throw a whole box of dynamite, from which a tall wave will rise. Yes, fishing is what you need!


Having overcome the bars, Artem and Uncle Fedya found themselves in Venice. It seems like everyone here does nothing but fish. But this is only the beginning, it gets more interesting later. You can knock on many doors, but no one will open. You can give alms, but to steal is to spoil karma. Three bandits are chatting about how the “circus of freaks” on Oktyabrskaya has expanded. Maybe this is our Black? At the market you can buy and sell weapons, ammunition, and equipment. And nearby there is a shooting range where you can shoot at rats. If you have a shotgun, it will be quite easy. If you win three times you can get special prize- a teddy bear that was “lost” by a boy crying next to his mother opposite the shooting range. Giving him a toy is a great way to improve karma.

We need to go to the brothel, they say that two commies went there. Indeed, Pavel and another “red” ordered a private dance. Having overheard them, Artyom learns that Korbut ordered some kind of virus to be delivered to Oktyabrskaya. It’s impossible to find out more, but you can order a dance for yourself. Well, if you know what I mean. However, we need to catch up with these cardinal's guards.

They are hiding behind the door behind the market. Communists in disguise settled there. One goes to the door, the other to the fuses that Artyom turned off. The third one stands with his back to the lamp. A suspicious suitcase, locked, was taken to Oktyabrskaya. You need to get to the door behind which Pavel is. Artyom manages to overcome him, and he repeats the story that Cherny is on Oktyabrskaya. But, unfortunately, it slips away when a familiar comrade appears from the door, who at the beginning of the mission suggested going to shoot the bandits, but this idea was rejected by the station chief. He shows the way to the surface. First you need to put on a protective suit, which is located in the closet to the right of the stairs.


After a short briefing, Artem is left alone with the radioactive swamp. It is infested with leeches, as well as new creatures with powerful claws and shells. In the trailer of one truck you can find a supply of incendiary bombs, which do an excellent job with them. You shouldn’t stay too long, because the supply of filters is not eternal, and the skies are full of Demons. In one of the garages at the other end of the accessible area you can find a new machine gun - Kalash 2012. You should move only on solid ground, as well as in places marked with red flags. To find fuel, you need to visit two places: in a crashed plane, which you can get into through a hole in the roof by first climbing onto its wing, and also in the garage on the opposite side, on the border of the map. The canisters should be checked in both places. When you find the full one, a huge monster appears outside. You can't kill him yet, so you can just move on. You need to find the ferry station, which required fuel. You will have to activate the launch twice. The first time it will be attacked only by shrimps, but the second time it will be attacked by that same big and green creature. However, the demon has already had his eye on her. After this, the raft will finally dock and it will be possible to cross the swamp.


The night is dark and full of horrors. We still need to get to the church. The big green monster appears again and leaves. Besides him, there are also less tenacious land creatures here. Flags lead into the building shopping center, which is called “ROISSYA VPERDE”, where now the remains of a beauty salon, cafe and hardware store can be guessed. On the second floor there is an exit through a broken window, onto which a spotlight is directed. The voice of sniper Anna is heard from the loudspeaker. It would be interesting to know her path and purpose that led her to this place. Outside the window there is also a direct road to the church through the ruins. Before Artyom had time to cross the log, that same harmful and unkillable creature appeared from the water. Although no, still killed. It took half a dozen guns to finish her off. After the victory, all that remains is to move to the church along the log.


Artem was given a bed in the very corner of the church. The evil Anya wakes him up, apologizing in the process for allowing him to be taken prisoner. Behind the bunks were dealers in equipment and weapons. But what happened next was more interesting: during the discussion, there was a knock on the chapel door. It was Lesnitsky who led the Reds to the Order's outpost. The doors exploded, turning into splinters from the explosion; those who were not killed were stunned. Artyom manages to see Anna being grabbed and taken away (isn’t this the notorious karma?), but then passes out.

And when he woke up, there was no trace of the communists. The doors to the outside are blocked, but the catacombs are open. An audio recording on the floor reports that Anna is being taken to Oktyabrskaya. By the way, we were going there anyway. The path is long and winding, but there is nowhere to turn. Soon Artyom begins to imagine all sorts of things. You will have to go down in the old cage, at a very low speed. But soon a pack of creatures dares to attack, one or two at a time. You need to aim for their nose. The cage falls, but not to the very bottom. You will have to go down further through the tunnel. It looks like an abandoned mine, or medieval catacombs. Monsters are running ahead one after another. If you don't touch them, your karma improves. To increase more, you need to go in the direction from which they left. Behind a small waterfall, the guards ambushed Artyom. The gate is opened by rotating the wheel and holding [E]. Behind them there is a very beautiful cave, full of underground streams, and in the center there is some kind of small building. You need to go down the elevator, and then jump off. Straight to the next group of monsters. Also mutated here the bats begin to attack with strong ultrasound. After the next group, you will need to find and activate the lever, which will release water onto the elevator mechanism. When it goes down, you can ride it up. There is a bridge here that looks very fragile. And as soon as a big fat monster joins Artyom, it collapses, dragging them both down. You won't be able to kill a creature that looks like a gorilla, so you can just make it ram all the columns. Nothing will collapse, but soon the creature will make a hole in the wall leading to a tunnel, after which a mortal battle will take place. After the death of the gorilla, a form of Indiana Jones begins: the walls of the cave cannot withstand it and it begins to be flooded with water, which drags Artyom along with it.


It seems that wandering through the cave passages is ending. Anya's heavy breathing can be heard from above. Up the stairs you can climb into the ventilation. It shows Anna being taken somewhere. Next you will see how the Reds shoot civilians infected with the infection. Going down, you can overhear their conversation. They don’t know that it is their Reds who are to blame for the epidemic, but they suspect that something is fishy here. However, it would be much more useful to kill them before they finish off one of the civilians. He will say that the Reds appeared at the station two days before the outbreak, but immediately with flamethrowers. They probably released the virus. On the table you can pick up a night vision device. A trail of corpses follows the rails. NVGs will be more of a nuisance if you are passing through covertly. The communists occupied the station. You need to get to the door marked “do not enter.” Behind it begins the contaminated territory. The Reds burn bodies and residential buildings. It will be harder to sneak past them if they discover the bodies. You will need to crawl through a very low tunnel. At the other end, everything is just blazing. Including a very large library for a metro. Here you need to get to the red door leading to the border of the station. On the other side there are escalators, as well as Lesnitsky, holding a knife to Anya’s throat. And he asks Artyom to take off his gas mask. As a result, the traitor runs away, and Anna and Artyom use their last strength to get to the Hansa, where they are put on gas masks, temporarily saving their lives. It is still unknown whether they are infected or not.


The chapter begins with that same bed scene. Not knowing yet that their lives are not in danger, Anna gives herself to Artem, and he does not particularly resist. Later it becomes known that they have no traces of infection. But Anya still needs to heal the wound, so for now Artem leaves the quarantine zone alone. The civilians who fled from Oktyabrskaya are under surveillance here. And most of them are not so lucky, most likely they will die soon. In the purification chamber you can overhear a conversation between a doctor and a martinet. He believes that this epidemic is caused by the use of bacteriological weapons, which should kill the maximum number of people in the shortest possible time, and after some time become harmless, making it possible to repopulate the territory. Artyom is allowed through the checkpoint, but other refugees are not allowed in. At the station everyone wears gas masks, and no wonder. Artyom is met by Khan, and they are both allowed onto the platform. There are also other rangers here, thanks to whom Hansa managed to survive.

Khan continues his half-crazy speeches. He wants to find and save baby Black, calling him “the last angel.” Khan and Artyom are allowed to enter Mezhlineinik. A labyrinth that almost no one walks through. As long as Han holds the lever, you can walk through the blades of the giant fans. For some time you just need to follow Khan, until a flock of guards appears. You need to use a flashlight or night vision device to see targets at a long distance. Next, you will need to burn the cobwebs, behind which the rotten grate is hidden. Behind it begins a half-flooded tunnel. “Strange place” is an understatement. Suddenly the phone rings. An old wall-mounted telephone. The voice of Artyom’s mother is heard from the receiver. Here comes another batch of glitches. In this place, by the way, Artem can run in seven-meter strides, despite the knee-deep water level. Khan mutters about fate, that the River will take Artyom to Cherney. And it’s true: when both heroes find themselves in the funnel, a “drain” occurs and they are sucked in, carried away in an unknown direction.

They find themselves at the top of the Ostankino tower, at the moment when Artyom sent missiles to the Black lair. When Khan jumps off, you need to approach the “second” Artem. The next attraction: chasing little Black in the ruins of his house (already the beginning of this game). Next vision: chasing a kid through a burning freak circus train.

Finally, the visions end, and Artyom and Khan find themselves in the real world. Everything is just as wet and dirty. The radio warning for the 13th post about a possible attack from the Reds had just begun to arrive, but there was no one to accept it. Artyom and Khan got into the handcar; they need to catch up with the train.


Not only the Rangers, but also the Reds boarded the tail of the Hansa train carrying Black. At the beginning of the chase, you will need to kill the crews of several railcars. The fastest way to do this is with headshots. Then it turns out that the communists are already on the train itself. First you need to clear the tail car, and then the entire left side. After which Artem, completely independently, will jump from the handcar to the train. You need to move to its head, shooting the red ones that jump out. Please note that wooden boxes are highly susceptible to gunfire. Behind the carriages there are cages. Their only inhabitant is the Black cub. A train explodes in front, the train stops, the baby climbs out of the cage and grabs Artyom’s hand. The new vision continues his first appearance on the surface, at the Botanical Garden station. This time he remembers his mother's face. And the Blacks... they really tried to establish contact with him. This time the baby loses his strength, and Artyom must carry him.


Artem carried the “child” out of the burning train to the surface. The telepathic connection has finally been established, and now Black’s thoughts are heard in the ranger’s head. But soon he disappears, leaving Artyom to walk on the surface. You need to go down and walk along the trench. The number of monsters exceeds several dozen. Fortunately, they don't attack all at once. Black changes Artyom's vision, making it thermal. But it doesn't last long. The baby appears again near the Moscow River. You need to walk across the ice, from under which one hungry monster appears. Black continues to shamelessly delve into Artyom’s head. Under the bridge you can find the body of a demon, this improves karma. There is also a note here. Even further you can go inside this bridge. Behind the bars the staircase begins. It leads upstairs, outside. Little Black put on items of children's clothing. There are many skeletons in the carriages - not everyone who visited the metro on “that” day ended up underground and survived. Hundreds were thrown to the surface during the explosions. Suddenly it turns out that the demons are so strong that they can throw a subway car into the river. Artem falls into the water first, thanks to which he is saved by surfacing and getting out onto the ice. There is no way to fall into the river again; there are fish here that can devour a person whole. You need to run across the ice towards the stuck ship. From it you can move onto several carriages lying in the river. You can use them to get to land. You'll have to climb inside the bridge again.


At the very beginning you can find a sniper rifle. At the top, Black will again show the capabilities of his vision. Red (auras?) are evil. They mean monsters, not communists. Although, who knows, it could be a play on words. You need to walk along the bridge, shooting the creatures. You can pass by the second group along the paths on the left, they won’t even smell it. But at the top of the escalator, a fight cannot be avoided. In the closet there is a staircase leading upstairs. There used to be a squad of stalkers here, but they were all killed. Mutated bats appear here. Finally, there will be a cable on which you can cross a good half of the bridge. Until the demon cuts him off. But Cherny unexpectedly comes to the rescue, distracting this animated gargoyle from Artyom. They meet again in the carriage.


The metro depot shakes with thunder, rain lashes the roofs of rusting trains, and the sky is almost as black as at night. Black notices people first. Probably with the help of his special vision, or others developed feelings. People, he says, are afraid of attack, but they themselves are not evil. They turn out to be the rangers who occupied the hangar. Their leader, Stepan, speaks Ukrainian. It’s strange that after so many years he still hasn’t learned Russian. Here you can trade with his squad.

Having gone upstairs and meeting with Cherny, Artyom learns that many hostile people have shown up at the Depot. Red communists. Behind them will be a door leading to the stairs. There the kid will give Artem the filter he found. And then he will also open the locked door. Behind it is the second squad. It will be easier with them than with the previous ones. The third detachment is already following them. Their goal is to capture the last surviving Black. They don’t need Artyom alive. There are already stories about him as someone who can kill an entire squad alone. So let's not disappoint them. After them, behind the door, there is a detachment of black and red. They are afraid, and still want to kill - as the commentator suggests.

After this group, Lesnitsky meets you outside the door with one knife in his hand. Black grabs him by the neck, after which he and Artyom penetrate his memory. About those moments when Lesnitsky stole the virus from a chemical weapons laboratory, handed it over to General Korbut and Pavel Morozov, and took Anna prisoner. But something new also comes to light: Pavel was also ordered to do something related to Red Square. After the visions there will be a choice: whether to kill Lesnitsky. As you probably understand, a simple stun is better for karma. A message is broadcast over the radio that the rangers need to use the entrance on Red Square. Our road also leads there.

Dead city

Black shows many "shadows" inside high-rise buildings. Who is this? Ghosts? Climbing the stairs of the first house, you can find a note in the apartment, and during a flash of lightning you can also notice a silhouette on the wall that is not visible during normal times. Jumping out of the window, Artem saw the distant past for a few seconds: the sun was shining, the foliage was turning green, children were playing and having fun in the yard. In the present time, leaden clouds covered the sky, the trees have not put on their green clothes for many years, and children... children here exist in the form of phantoms, or shadows, memories of bygone times. To go forward, you will have to jump into a dug hole in which you can see a pipe. The hole leads to the basements. Climbing the stairs, you can find a stalker's stash, see a pack of mutated dogs through the window, and hear the cry of a baby. You can't relax. Play of shadows, ghosts, flashes of lightning, unexpected attacks... Perhaps this is the scariest place in the entire game, in which you actually flinch a couple of times. We go to the surface through another hole and pass under the arch. A flock of hungry mutants attacks in the yard. Black continues to bring supplies to Artem, much like Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite.

We need to go through one more house. A flock of “non-red” mutants runs through the yard. You don't have to touch them. By this time the rain had already stopped and the sun came out. You need to climb the ladder to the roof of the house. Demons appear here, so it is better to run to the entrance to the stairs leading inside the house. Having gone down to the very bottom, you will need to jump through the hole into the basement. To the entrance to the catacombs.

Red Square

The catacombs led Artyom to the Kremlin. Flocks of small flying mutants hover above the towers, while others have occupied the towers. If you don’t approach and shoot, they won’t touch Artyom, they’re just guarding their little mansion. Unexpectedly clear weather in a matter of seconds gives way to a strong wind, which knocked down one tree and drove up clouds. Black suggests a place where you can hide. Soon it will be possible to continue the path, but only to the next shelter. The elements, interspersed with radiation, force us to wait out strong gusts in the shelters that Cherny finds. There is no need to kill mutants, you need to go around the green water on top. There will be an entrance to a tunnel with phantom hands reaching out from the walls. Soon they become real to Artyom and grab him. Black helps out, as usual. At the exit you will be able to find your way to the mausoleum, where only bones remain of Vladimir Ilyich. To do this, you need to overcome the upper part of the mausoleum and go down into the lower passages. There you need to go against the compass.

At the exit, St. Basil's Cathedral is discovered, in which the communists, led by Pavel, have settled. You need to kill the snipers in the windows. It is best to choose a shelter and shoot all the snipers with a sniper rifle. Black will help with thermal vision. A small detachment with machine guns will also pass below. When they are all over, the gate leading inside will open. Naturally, there is a new ambush behind them. All that remains is to shoot at Pavel, who moves further and further inside, onto the balcony. Black says that Pavel is not angry, but sad. From his memory one can extract the last, rather obvious part of Korbut’s plan - to seize D6 while Melnik is stuck in the negotiations, take all the poison and destroy all the metro residents, with the exception of the red line, in order to then repopulate all the stations with communists. Unlike Lesnitsky, here the choice will be between help and inaction. Morozov can be saved. All that remains is to go out through the window into the garden.

Alexander Garden has changed beyond recognition. Just beyond the fence there is a wetland area. And somewhere ahead, one beast is simply knocking down trees. Black went on reconnaissance, and Artyom needs to overcome a swamp, a long passage dug by something, from the earthen walls of which tree roots can be seen. And then what was once an alley with monuments to hero cities. After a narrow and low hole between the roots of trees, a giant bear is encountered. First, she rushes at Artyom, and he stabs her in the eye. After this, the she-bear becomes less fast, which smaller mutants take advantage of. The weak point is on her back. Karma is improved by killing monsters after the wounded mother bear breaks through the roots, which will allow her to survive and return to the cubs. Khan and Melnik are already waiting for Artyom at the entrance to the metro. Black shows a new vision for Artyom and Khan: behind the door at the D6 base there are other Blacks who are still in hibernation. This is a drug addict's opportunity to return the new kind intelligent life. Melnik agrees to let the trio go to D6 if Cherny helps with the negotiations in Polis.


The black one disguised himself as a little boy in a raincoat. Khan argues with Melnik about negotiations. After all, it’s one thing that Artem told the truth about the plans and actions of the communists to the Order, and quite another thing to try to convince the other groups of this, without having clear evidence. Before entrance doors The orderly ranks of the Reich and the Red Line have already gathered, and their leaders at this moment are pushing a speech from the stands.

So our four heroes entered the council hall, where Moskvin is now performing on stage. It’s funny to watch how the Secretary General backs away from the child, but he fails to get away from Cherny. Moskvin's memory looks like a red corridor, covered with communist posters and slogans, full of doors leading to different memories. According to Korbut’s instructions, Maxim Petrovich poisoned his brother, Anton, thinking that he wanted to kill him. Maxim Moskvin was elected general secretary, and Korbut received excellent leverage over him in order to implement his terrible plan. After being exposed, Moskvin confessed everything to the council and said that General Korbut was currently preparing to storm D6.

The Order's rangers return to D6 to take on the communists led by General Korbut. At the same time, Artyom is dressed in one of those heavy armored suits that are made specifically for skirmishes with people, and not with animals, like a regular ranger kit. That is why now he will move very slowly. Little Black set off on his own to free his relatives.

The miller makes a speech before the battle. He says that every Spartan is worth five enemies. Approximately this ratio will be in this last battle. Directly “300 Spartans”, but you yourself probably noticed the similarities. So, on the left you can find a box with ammunition for all weapons. And on the right is the last opportunity to exchange, or tune your arsenal, completely free of charge. I recommend taking the Paragraph machine gun, a very cool toy. Also, make sure that the weapon uses different cartridges - they may not last long. Having completed all preparations, you need to approach the barricade in front of the gate.

The Reds rammed the gate with a train, which then exploded, taking away Sparta's first line of defense and opening a passage for infantry. After a minute of defense, a second explosion is heard, concussing Artyom. But he manages to get up and continue the battle behind the third line. In shelters, by the way, it is very useful to squat. Then a new break opens to the left. A “tank” appears - a rail modification. Note the steel rod that connects the two wheels, highlighted in red. You need to shoot at it, preferably from a weapon with optics; pay attention to the sniper rifle lying on the floor. Then both wheels are highlighted, then the machine gunner's armor plate, after which the tank explodes. The Reds are retreating! But only for more to pass along the first path. more people. You need to regroup by jumping over the fence to the rest of your comrades. The enemies will be very well armed and armored. Then reinforcements with a flamethrower will arrive, but that's not the most interesting thing: they lined up in a "turtle" battle formation, using shields that completely cover them even while moving. The main goal is to hit the flamethrower in the tank on his back, after emptying the clip into his head.

The Communists' last resort would be an armored train that would ram the entire Spartan defense. Xerxes, aka Korbut, comes on stage to look at the last surviving rangers. And how lucky it is that Artem is one of them, who is just a stone’s throw away from the self-destruct switch D6...

There are only two endings. One is good, the other is not so good. Which one you come to depends solely on your desire to search all the corners, listen to all the dialogues, and not kill more than necessary. If there is no such desire, you will get a worse ending. A list of 103 actions that affect karma can be found.

Bad ending:

Good ending:

Metro: Last Light is the second game in the Metro series, serving as a continuation of the previous part. The developers and publishers have remained unchanged - 4A Games And Deep Silver. This time the game was released on 7 platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PS3 - May 17, 2013, Mac OS X - September 10, 2013, Linux - November 5, 2013 and Xbox One, PlayStation 4 - August 26, 2014. The developers took into account the wishes of gamers and critics, promising to correct some of the shortcomings of its predecessor, and at the same time improve the stealth passage.
More than a year has passed since the last part, when Artyom destroyed all the “Blacks,” and the time of love has come in Moscow - spring. Sparta moved to D6. There, Khan informs the main character that he was able to track down one surviving Black, but still just a child, and hoping that the last decision about the destruction of the hive was wrong, asks Artyom to save his life. Only Melnik and his gang have their own opinion - he arrests Khan, and sends his daughter Anna on a mission with Artyom to eliminate “Black”. But unforeseen circumstances arise...

Unlike the first part, in this game you will not encounter such difficulties as the previous game could boast of, such as getting into the library or how to bypass the librarian, which weapon is lethal, etc. And there is also no point in writing where certain chests with goodies are located... Having carefully studied the area, you will be able to find everything: from cartridges to gas masks.


The stealth passage has been improved and worked out in detail. The fastest and most effective weapons in the game are the helsing and throwing knives. They are good at killing all enemies... Be it human or monster. If you don't miss, they will wipe out the enemy from the face of the earth quickly and quietly.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Ray of Hope, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Last Light. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Last Light Walkthrough read on our website.

IN Metro: Last Light two endings: good and bad. Which one you get depends on the number of murders you have committed.


Journal Entry: Prologue

Watch the video, when the corridor gets dark, move back from the squad. Prepare for your allies to become black creatures, kill them.

Exit your room, turn left and continue through the door to the end. Turn right, then straight and left. Go a little straight, to the left and only forward. A dialogue with the guard awaits you; take the three items he gives. To the right of the guard there is a stand with weapons, take the guns. And further to the right is a shooting range, test your killing skills. Follow the right from the last stand and just forward to the elevator, go into it with Khan. Go after the elevator and just follow it into the meeting room. After your partner's dialogue with the authorities, go with Anna on a mission.


Journal Entry: Train to the Past

Get off the train upon arrival at the station. Follow Anna, turn on the electricity. Follow her further, open another door. In the sewer, go right, along the way you will come across stairs on the left side. Put on your gas mask and go upstairs.

Run straight through the rubble of the city and destroyed cars. Go down, go to the crater. Kill the monsters. Head around to the left. Now your partner will tell you where the target is. Follow her when you find yourself at a dead end, shoot at the mutant and then grab her.


Journal Entry: The Enemy of My Enemy

Watch the video, and then follow Pavel, when you find yourself in the hall, walk in the shadow of the fan plates. Get your partner to help you, he will lower the ladder and climb up it. Quietly go to the sitting position to the right, kill the guard with a knife. Turn on the panel and then go up the path that appears. Unscrew the light bulb on your right. Wait until Pavel turns off the light. Go along the path, kill another guard. Go up the stairs. Turn right, go through the pipe. Take the knife from the corpse and throw it at the guard in front. Talk to Pavel, call the elevator, kill two more enemies. Continue through the elevator. You will find yourself in a corridor, go to the end, eliminating the Nazis along the way. Open the door using the lever.


Diary Entry: Reich

Go straight behind Pavel. When he shoots, run after him to the left, then to the right and only forward. After a short cutscene, shoot the enemies until the end of the mission.


Journal Entry: Escape

Leave the trolley. Go with Pavel to the end of the tunnel, put him on the pipe. After your friend is grabbed, hide behind the barrel and wait until you open the door to the right of the tunnel. Quietly kill the guards who come from there. Go to the room where the ill-wishers came from, kill all the enemies there (take cover more often, shoot more accurately, because there will be very little ammunition). Enter the right building. Go up the stairs and continue along the balcony outside. A guard will appear on the stairs, kill them too, and continue on your way. Once you find yourself in a room with a Nazi without a weapon, go left and crawl into the hole.


Journal Entry: Friend

Go straight, then go into silent mode. Turn right, go straight ahead and right again. Go up the stairs and turn off the light. Go further along the path from above, go down and just forward into the refrigerator. Get to the end of the room, crawl through the hole on the left. Quietly pass the room with flowers.

Go down the stairs, then follow the passage along it. Kill the guard there quietly and climb out. On the left side of the location, move quietly through the shelters and climb into another opening in the floor. Go further and you will come out at the end of the path. There is a switch on the left wall, click on it. Climb up the stairs, kill the guard in the control room, open the door and move on through it. Go right down, straight and up the stairs. Crawl into the left opening, kill the enemies. At the end, run after Pavel.


Journal Entry: Through the Darkness

Follow Pavel along the tunnel, help him open the hatch, then go down. Go with your partner into the elevator and go up. Follow Pavel, then help him pull out a stick from the cliff and jump over him one by one. If monsters attack you, shine a flashlight on them, and then when they turn over, shoot in the belly. Follow further with Pavel, wait until he burns the web, go forward. Finding yourself at a dead end, your partner will ask you to go to the right to find the switch. Just go through the rooms in order, turn on the lights and return to Pavel. In this task, we can advise you to do everything faster. because monsters do not sleep, and there is not much ammunition.


Journal Entry: Path Through the Light

Put on a gas mask and go outside with Pavel. Kill the monsters as quickly as possible, there is not much air, and there is nowhere to replenish it. First, get to the plane in Pavel, enter it through the door, which you will have to break. Watch the video in the cockpit, and then follow Pavel further to the base.


Diary entry: Theater

Go walk around the base, when you find yourself in front of the guards, Pavel will appear. Go further with him, then explore the location (go to bars, buy weapons). Pavel will come to you himself, follow him through the brothel to the cafe. Sit on the left chair.


Journal Entry: Betrayal

Watch a very long video. Then the son of the chief secretary will free you, he will also show you the exit through the pipe. Crawl through it to the end.


Journal Entry: Red Line

Leave the room and go right, kill the guards with a sniper rifle. Go further, now in front of you is the first large location. Turn off the switch to your right. Move very quietly from one shelter to another and so on until the end of the room. Pass the corridor and now the second large location. Immediately go all the way to the right, turn off the light. Also quietly get to the end of the room, climb up the ladder and crawl through the fan on the left side. Go down the stairs. Press yourself against the left side of the wall, go to the exit. Go through several corridors to a large door, when it starts to open, enter the room and hide immediately to the right. Go to the end, turn right and go through the vent with the cobwebs.


Diary entry: Hot on the trail

Follow Andrey, get into the car. Ride it until you hit a closed gate. Exit Regina, go right through the door. Get through the corridors to the switch, restore the light supply. Go back and open the gate using the lever to the left of it. Get into Regina and continue on your way, when you start pushing the car, be on your guard, a crowd of mutants will attack you. After eliminating them, you will find yourself at a dead end. Get out of the car, switch the rails using the arrow to the right of the rails. Get in Regina and move on.


Diary Entry: Bandits

Get back into the car and drive further to the human settlement. Listen to their leader very carefully. Continue your way to the first enemy ambush, kill everyone and free the hostage, who will be located a little ahead in the right opening, who will also clear the way for you. Next, another ambush awaits you, kill everyone and open the passage using the switch, which is located on the right side of the enemy camp. Then accelerate to the maximum and drive as fast as possible. After the accident, go forward in the center and ring the bell. Wait for the boatman, kill the mutants.

Dark Waters

Journal Entry: Dark Waters

Dodge the boards and kill the worms.


Diary Entry: Venice

Using the compass, go to the place where Pavel is. Follow him to the warehouse, then you need to kill all the guards of your target there. Then Semyon will appear, he will show you a secret door to the street. Put on the gas mask that lies on the right in the closet and go outside


Journal Entry: Swamps

Using the compass, find the passage to the wreckage of the building and the plane, there you must search the canisters. After you find gasoline, go to a new point. Fill the mechanism with fuel, wait until the platform appears. Kill the enemies, when the platform arrives, get on it and continue on.


Journal Entry: Church

Keep moving, looking at the compass, find your way to the church. As you approach a friendly squad, you will be attacked by a beetle. Shoot at him at long distances, and when you kill him, Anna will give you a beam to cross the river.


Journal Entry: Through Hell

Follow Anna, buy a weapon, improve it, and finally buy ammunition and supplies in general. Continue your path behind the lady, watch a long video. Head into the dungeon, the compass will show you the way. After you kill a lot of monsters, you will have to kill the boss at the end: let him destroy the pillars and everything around him, because this will damage him. After several columns and walls are destroyed, simply finish off the enemy.


Journal Entry: Through the Fire

Listen to Lesnitsky's conversation. Now your goal is to save Anya. Go through the corridors, kill enemies. The only advice on this mission is to try to do everything quietly. There will be a lot of enemies, so the quieter you kill, the faster you complete the task


Diary Entry: Infection

Get a compass and go to the right place. Listen to the conversation between the doctor and the commander-in-chief, and then follow Khan and then follow only him. Along the way you can buy weapons and stuff.


Journal Entry: River of Fate

Continue your path behind Khan. Kill the enemies, then burn the cobwebs. Help Khan open the grate, follow him further, and at the end of the mission, run away altogether.


Journal Entry: Train to the Future

Throughout the mission you need to kill the reds.


Diary Entry: Child

Go out into the street with the black one, he will point out targets that need to be destroyed. Then get to the building across the river, unlock the grate, find objects. Move further through the carriages, go around the building and follow the stairs up.


Journal Entry: Bridge

Pass the bridge. Go upstairs and kill all the enemies. Cling to the rope and move on. At the end of the mission you need to follow the black one through the room on the right.


Diary entry: A journey together

Go to the black one, you will come across enemies on the way (kill them quietly, because the alarm will increase their number at least 3 times). Deal with Lesnitsky, move on.

Dead city

Journal Entry: City of Ghosts

Use a compass throughout the mission to figure out where to go. You won't meet many enemies, but be on your guard.

Red Square

Diary entry: Red Square

Follow the black one quietly and carefully, because there will be many traps on the way. Kill all enemies, wound Pavel, and then decide whether to kill him or not.


Journal Entry: Garden

Kill the enemies and go to Khan. On the way you will come across a monster: first just hide from it, then shoot at the red dot on it, and then kill the small creatures that are trying to kill it. Then get to Khan.


Journal Entry: Forcing Peace

Go to the desired point. Open the doors.


Diary Entry: Last Fight

Kill the enemies. Now a battle with a huge tank awaits you: shoot at the mount on wheels, then at them themselves, and finally destroy the cannon. Kill the last enemies. Watch the video. The game is over.