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Halloween tricks and their secrets. How to Make Halloween Tricks for Kids: Bats and Ghosts. A bat flies over a candlestick

Everyone loves holidays. But, unfortunately, in most cases, family celebrations are banal feasts with watching TV and listening to music. And while adults can somehow entertain themselves, kids get very bored at such events. Great option will become home tricks. You can create a whole performance for children at home.

Water trick

In front of the audience are four plastic glasses, half filled with water. You have a fifth container in your hands, from which you pour liquid into the existing ones. Before the eyes of amazed spectators, the water in the glasses changes color.

The secret of the trick is simple and is as follows:

  • Place four glue dots on the top of the glass you will be working with;
  • sprinkle 4 different food colors on them;
  • Shake off excess powder well and carefully fill the glass with water;
  • Every time you pour out water, the liquid will turn a certain color.

Coin trick

If you want to organize fun party or just a fun way to spend a family evening, great solution will become magic tricks for children. At home you can show original and simple tricks. So, having wrapped a coin in a sheet of paper, you need to shake the package, saying magic words. Opening it, you will find that there is nothing inside. By repeating the manipulation again, you will present that same coin to the surprised spectators.

The secret of the trick is that you should actually have 2 identical pieces of paper. They should be equally rolled into small envelopes and glued together. When showing the audience a piece of paper, turn it so that they do not notice the “hidden place”. When you shake the package, turn it over with the empty envelope facing up. Repeating the manipulation, change the position again.

Banana trick

You can demonstrate different magic tricks for children at home. And not only interesting, but also delicious. So, give the kids bananas, and when they start peeling them, they will be surprised to notice that the fruits have already been cut into pieces.

This trick is not difficult to do. Take a pin or long thin needle. Gently pierce the peel so that the point is completely inserted into the banana pulp. Move the needle up and down and then remove it from the banana. This manipulation must be done with the entire length of the fruit.

Ball trick

Interesting tricks for children at home can be shown to any adult; they will help add something new to a family holiday or boring evening. For the next trick you will need a balloon. Also a plate filled oatmeal, small pieces of paper or some other light objects. Take the ball in your hands and start rubbing it on your hair or wool fabric. Bring the item to the plate without putting it in it. The contents will begin to be attracted to the surface of the ball, like a magnet. These are ordinary laws of physics, which, with the help of imagination, turn into easy tricks for children. At home they will be great entertainment.

Paper trick

Bet the audience that you can fit through a hole cut in a piece of paper. This is, rather, not a trick, but a test of intelligence. Hand out paper and scissors to everyone in the audience. While they are thinking, do the following with your set:

  • fold a sheet of paper lengthwise;
  • make a cut perpendicular to the fold so that it does not reach the edge of the sheet;
  • now cut the sheet from edge to fold in the same way;
  • perform such manipulations until the entire sheet is cut with such a fringe;
  • with the exception of the extreme strips, all the rest must be cut along the fold;
  • unfolding the sheet, you will see that a person can easily pass through the resulting hole.

Cup trick

Show simple magic tricks for children at home. They can really delight them! So, everyone will be extremely surprised when a cup of tea or coffee begins to soar under your control.

The trick is very easy to implement. Glue a piece of double-sided tape to the cup of such a size that it firmly fixes thumb. Grab the cup tightly and go to the guests. Lift the vessel with your thumb facing you and open your palm. To make the impression even stronger, move your hands as if you have telekinesis.

Coca-Cola can trick

If you want to perform simple magic tricks for children at home, try refilling an empty and crumpled tin can. This trick requires preparation and includes the following steps:

  • take a sheet of black construction paper and cut a piece into a shape that resembles the hole of an open can;
  • slightly lift the tongue and tuck the cut-out shape under it (this will create the appearance that the jar is open and empty);
  • Make a barely noticeable hole in the top of the jar (on the side), through which pour half of the contents;
  • go out to the guests and show them the jar;
  • to prove that it is empty, turn it over and shake it, and then crush it (but not too much);
  • now pinch the previously made hole with your finger and start shaking the jar (slowly at first, and then faster);
  • continue to do this until the jar is leveled (this will be achieved due to the gas contained in the drink);
  • Continuing to surprise your guests, move your palm over the top of the jar, quietly removing the black piece of paper;
  • Now all you have to do is show your guests the result, open the container and pour cola into the glass.

Thread trick

This trick can be performed by both adults and children. The main thing is thorough preparation. Take a jacket and sew a secret pocket inside. Wrap several meters of thread around a small pencil or pen, the color of which will contrast with the clothing, and place it in it. Using a needle, pull the thread outward so that its small tip is visible. When speaking in front of an audience, you will need to feign sincere surprise when you see a thread on your jacket. Try brushing it off several times. Once you are sure that your attempts are unsuccessful, pull the tip. Viewers will be surprised that the thread does not end.

Fruit trick

The best entertainment for the holidays (including New Year's) is magic tricks. For children, you can prepare a trick at home in which an orange will turn into an apple. To do this trick, you need to do the following:

  • carefully peel the orange so as to preserve the integrity of the peel as much as possible;
  • now take an apple, which is approximately the same size as an orange, and wrap it in skin;
  • now you need to tightly squeeze the fruit in your hand so that all the cuts are in the palm of your hand, and demonstrate it to the public;
  • now put a thick scarf over your hand, and when removing it, try to remove the orange peel;
  • surprised spectators will see an apple in your hand.

Rice trick

If you want to amaze your young guests, you're probably wondering how to learn magic tricks. At home, it is enough for children to show tricks with ordinary objects, showing a little imagination, cunning and artistry. So, the most common rice can be made magical. To do this you need to do the following:

  • prepare 2 identical plastic boxes for mayonnaise, margarine, cream cheese or other products (they should be opaque and also have a lid);
  • Fill one of the containers almost to the top with rice;
  • Glue the cut-out fragment of the lid to the bottom of the second box so that its volume is halved;
  • place the filled box on a wide dish, cover it with a “converted” container on top and turn the structure upside down;
  • walk around the room with this design, casting magic spells;
  • Now remove the top box - the rice will begin to spill out, as if there was more of it.

Demonstrating chemistry tricks for children at home

Chemical experiments can be carried out not only in a scientific laboratory, but also at home. At the same time, this spectacle can be imagined as something magical. So, tricks for children at home can be as follows.

  • In the evening, prepare a decoction of red cabbage to steep overnight. Now you will need 3 glasses, each of which should be filled by a third with water, a powder solution and diluted vinegar. By adding the resulting decoction to each of these vessels, you will obtain a liquid of purple, green and red colors, respectively.
  • Place a layer of paper napkins at the bottom of an opaque glass or mug. Place a few pieces of ice on top. Now you need to pour enough water into the container so that the napkins absorb it. After casting a magic spell, you should turn the glass over and demonstrate how you turned the liquid into ice.
  • There is a more spectacular way to turn water into ice. To do this, you need to take the liquid into a bottle and put it in the freezer. After 2 hours, the water will reach its freezing point, but will still be liquid. To perform the trick, place an ice cube in the middle of a large dish. Start pouring water from the freezer onto it in a thin stream. It will freeze before your eyes.
  • Mix milk with lemon juice. You will use this liquid as ink. Using a brush dipped in the lemon-milk mixture, apply text or designs to white sheets of paper and let them dry. Now invite the children to read the message. When you realize that they have no idea about anything, start heating the sheet with a hairdryer or ironing it. After a minute, the text or drawing you applied earlier will begin to appear on it.

Tricks that children perform at home

Of course, kids love watching magic tricks, but showing them on their own will be even more interesting for them. So, young wizards can demonstrate the following tricks:

  • In front of the public, the child places 5 coins between the pages of the book, closes it and casts a spell over the tome using a wand. After that, he shakes out not 5, but already 10 coins. The secret is simple. You need to hide extra coins in the spine in advance, which will fall out later.
  • The magician goes on stage and discovers that he forgot to put on his bow tie. After that, he says the magic word, turns around himself, and finds himself wearing a tie. To do this trick, you need to sew a thin but strong elastic band to the butterfly in advance. The tie is hidden under the armpit. During the turn, the child slightly raises his hand, and the butterfly is in its place.


If you want to make your holiday unforgettable, magic tricks will certainly help you. For young children, you can arrange a real magic show at home. The main thing is to show your imagination and practice well.

There is not much time left before Halloween - it is celebrated on October 31st - and it’s time to think about how to spend Halloween evening with your children (if such a holiday takes place in your life, of course). Like any other holiday, it can be used not only as an occasion to fool around and try on carnival costumes, but also for conducting games and activities with children. For example, this evening you can conduct experiments in physics - with ghosts and bats. The author of the blog “It’s Interesting” tells us what DIY tricks to entertain children on Halloween.

When you light a candle in a homemade candlestick, the hot air from it rises and creates a powerful flow. In this stream, a paper figurine, suspended above a candlestick jar on a thread, begins to fly above the flame and flutter from its vibrations. The experience is simple, but it fascinates children - the figure seems alive!

You will need:

  • candle tablet
  • glass half-liter jar
  • paints (it’s better to use acrylic, but gouache is also suitable)
  • wire
  • thread
  • paper

  1. First we make a candlestick. We designed it as a Jack pumpkin. To do this, paint the jar and wait for it to dry completely.
  2. We wrap the neck of the jar with wire, leaving one end long (10-15 centimeters). We bend the long end as shown in the photo. At the very tip we make a hook - we will tie a thread to it.
  3. Cut out a small paper figurine of a bat.
  4. Cut a thread about 10 cm long. Tie a knot at one end and thread it through the center of the paper figurine. We tie the second end of the thread to the end of the wire. The total length of the thread from which the figurine hangs, after all the tying and tying, we have about 5 cm left - this is quite enough for the figurine to fly in the convective currents of hot air from the candle.
  5. All that remains is to put a candle in the jar and light it - and you can conduct the experiment!

The meaning of experience. The air, heated by the candle flame, expands, its density decreases, and according to Archimedes' law, it begins to rise upward. A cold air, who is nearby, rushes to his place. There it also heats up and everything repeats again. This is how convective currents are formed, in which the paper figurine floats.

Tell the children that now you will make real ghosts out of paper who can dance. And children will be able to see this with their own eyes!

You will need:

If you are using an open fire source, the experiment should only be carried out by an adult - the paper can easily catch fire if handled carelessly.

  1. Draw a circle of maximum diameter on paper. And inside it, draw a spiral (it doesn’t have to be even, it’s enough to draw it by hand). At the end of the spiral, draw the head of a ghost, decorate it - draw eyes, a mouth.
  2. The head can be made either in the center of the spiral or outside - let the children try both options and choose the one that is most effective. After this, the circle must be cut out and cut in a spiral. And finally, all that remains is to make a small hole in the ghost’s head and attach a thread to it.
  3. Now you need to hang the resulting figurine by a thread over a heat source - and it will begin to rotate on its own. Please pay attention to the children that if you simply untwisted the spiral, after a while it would stop spinning. But our ghost dances without stopping all day long!
  4. Experiment with different heat sources and distances. We have the most spectacular option happened when we held the ghost over gas stove. (Just don't forget about safety precautions!)

The meaning of experience- the phenomenon of convection, as in the previous experiment. It consists in the fact that the lower, more heated layers of the substance spontaneously (that is, without outside help) rise upward, and the cold substance sinks down. Below it heats up again and flies upward again - this is how the cycle of matter occurs.

In our case, the air from the battery or flame heats up and rises. Its jets, flowing around the spiral, make it rotate. And then this air near the ceiling cools down, falls down, and the process repeats again and again. Therefore, our ghost never stops, but always spins in its dance.

Where else can we observe convection? For example, the fact that smoke rises upward from a chimney is also convection. It is because of it that the draft arises, which ensures any combustion. And also the formation of clouds. Night-day winds (breezes) near the sea.

There are so many phenomena - and they all happen because of the same thing that makes our little paper ghost dance.

Everyone knows that by folk signs the shadow is not cast by all sorts of vampires, werewolves, and so on. How can it be that something doesn’t have a shadow? Let's do a very simple experiment with the children.

In a dark room, take a candle, light it and look at its shadow on the wall (for this you need a second light source: desk lamp or flashlight). There is a shadow from the hand, there is a shadow from the candle, there is a shadow from the wick - but there is no shadow from the flame! Like a vampire!

Scary? Not at all! After all, shadows are created when rays of light cannot pass through an obstacle. Solids are such an obstacle to light. But fire is not. After all, the light of a lamp, the light of a fire, and the light of the sun are radiation. And all these types of radiation from different sources only add up, without at all interfering with each other to go their own way.

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In fact, in a child’s understanding, all scientific experiments carried out by adults in front of a child’s eyes are already magic, and if they are presented vividly, the result is unexpected and memorable, then all this is very reminiscent of magic tricks. Today I offer you 13 scientific “tricks” that you can perform together with a child or a group of children on Halloween.
1. Wax crayon pictures

Paper plate, wax crayons, toothpick.
Paint a paper plate with different colors. Shade everything on top with black wax chalk and scratch any designs on the plate: pumpkin, spider, skeleton, depending on the child’s capabilities.
2. Erupting Pumpkins

Pumpkin, soda, vinegar, food coloring.
Pour into pumpkins with eyes, nose and mouth cut out baking soda(about 4 tablespoons) and any color of food coloring, add vinegar. The eruption has begun!
3.Ghost Rockets

Plastic cans for camera film or medicine, cornstarch, water, black marker, alko-seltzer, stirring stick.
Draw ghost faces on the jars with a marker, then fill 1/3 of the jar with cornstarch and fill 2/3 with water. Stir well. Crush the alko-seltzer tablet in a spoon and add to the jar. Place the lid on the jar and turn it upside down. Take a few steps back. The ghost rocket shoots very high.
4. Halloween Gak

Sodium tetraborate (borax in glycerin) – 1 teaspoon, 2 bottles of PVA glue, 1/2 cup warm water, orange food coloring.
Pour glue from two bottles into a bowl, add food coloring (1 bottle). Separately, dissolve 1 teaspoon of sodium tetraborate in 1/2 cup of warm water, pour the contents into a bowl of glue and stir everything thoroughly. The material for modeling is ready! Now you can make this cute Jack-o-Lantern from this :)

5. Scented Shaving Cream Pumpkin Pie

Shaving foam, pie dishes, any sweet spice, food coloring red, blue and orange flowers, sand.
Fill the bowl about 1/2 full with shaving foam. Add orange coloring and stir. Then add some blue and red coloring and stir again. To make it all smell like “pie,” add lots and lots of sweet spice. Then place a layer of sand evenly on the bottom of the dish. Spread the “pumpkin filling” on top. The pie is ready!
6. Halloween Slime

1/2 cup PVA glue, 4 tablespoons liquid starch, 1 teaspoon watercolor paint (any color).
Shake the liquid starch and mix it with the glue. You will have to stir for about 3 minutes, first with a spoon, then with your hands. You can add googly eyes or any other Halloween artifacts to the resulting mass. Let the child try to pick them out.
7. Ghost writing

White tempera paint, black polystyrene foam tray or black cardboard, cotton swabs.
By moving sticks across a tray of paint, you can get fancy patterns, having blotted them with black cardboard, we will see on the sheet an imprint of the ghost’s drawing.
8. Spooky Fog Drinks

A glass, any colored children's drink (any color, we're not going to drink this cocktail anyway), gummy worms, dry ice (this is for steam, but if you have problems with dry ice, I think the same aspirin tablet will do. Oops, there won't be steam, but will seethe).
Mix all the liquid ingredients in a glass, hang two worms crawling out of the drink on the walls of the glass. The cocktail is ready!
9. Halloween Sensory Bag

A transparent bag that closes at the top (can be closed with tape), 1 bottle of hair gel, 2 googly eyes (can be made from cotton balls and a marker), pieces of black wool thread (for the mouth and hair), a cap from a felt-tip pen (for the nose), a piece of black triangular felt (for a hat), green dye.
Fill the bag with hair gel, add a few drops of dye, and mix thoroughly through the bag with your fingers. Now add a witch portrait inside. Children will have great fun displacing parts of the witch's face and rebuilding them again.
10. Goblin Guts Sensory Bag

A transparent bag that closes at the top (again, you can also use tape), boiled pasta, green dye, all sorts of Halloween little things (eyes, spiders, snakes), hair gel.
Mix the pasta with a few drops of coloring in a bowl, let the pasta dry for about three minutes, but no longer, so that the paste does not dry out at all. Then combine the pasta with the other ingredients in the bag. So squishy, ​​so gooey!
11. Glowing Sensory Bag

A transparent bag with a resealable top (or + tape), a fluorescent marker, water, all sorts of Halloween trifles.
Open the florescent marker and pour the contents into a bowl of water, you have shiny water. Mix this water (a few spoons) with hair gel and pour into a bag. Then add all sorts of “bad things” to the bag. It would be great if it was also luminescent. Turn off the lights and... start being afraid.
12. Boo Bombs

Whole (without tops) egg shells, black market, baby powder, white paper napkins, glue stick.
Carefully draw ghost faces on the shells with a black marker. Fill the eggs with sprinkles, some halfway, some completely (for contrast). Then carefully glue the tissue pieces onto the glue stick to cover the holes in the eggs. And then the child throws the egg and breaks it (it is better, of course, to conduct such experiments on the street or at least in the bathroom). If you are in the room, cover the floor thoroughly. When such a “bomb” explodes, there are clouds of “smoke”.
13. Boo Bath

Water, shaving foam, black thick paper, scissors.
Fill a large tray, basin, sink or bathtub, depending on where you are playing, with warm water and add a few drops of black dye. Then make some ghosts on the water using shaving foam. Make eyes and a mouth out of black cardboard paper.

Thank you https://www.growingajeweledrose.com for fresh ideas and inspiration!
Try to carry out at least one of the described experiments; children's joy and laughter will be your reward for your efforts. And then you will no longer be stopped. Shall we fuck?

Don't miss the last article in the “Getting Ready for Halloween” series about thirteen magical crafts!

At home, then a win-win option would be simple tricks that will surprise everyone.

For most of these tricks no special preparation required. You just have to learn a few rules and tricks.

Here are a few interesting tricks, which can be done at home and entertain your loved ones:

Home tricks for children

1. How to peel a banana so that it is already sliced?

Here's how to do it:

The banana can be sliced ​​without removing the peel. This is done using a pin or needle - insert it through the peel and turn it back and forth.

Video instruction:

2. How can you make a hole in a regular piece of paper large enough for you to fit through?

Here's how to do it:

Take a regular sheet of A4 paper, fold it in half lengthwise and start cutting the fringe.

After this, cut the folded parts, except for the first and last strip. When you straighten the sheet, it will “stretch” and you will be able to fit through the resulting hole.

3. How to turn water into ice when you pour it?

Here's how to do it:

Place the water bottle in the freezer and check every few minutes to make sure the water does not freeze, but reaches freezing point (this takes about 2 hours).

Remove the bottle from the freezer and take out a piece of ice. Place ice and start pouring water on it - the water will begin to turn into ice right before your eyes.

Video instruction:

4. How to make the ring fly?

Here's how to do it:

The ring is placed on an elastic band, and when you pull it, it creates the illusion that the ring is flying up.


5. How to make a ketchup packet rise and fall in a water bottle?

Here's how to do it:

If you focus children's attention on right hand If you are supposedly holding a packet of ketchup, you can quietly squeeze and unclench the bottle with your left hand. As you do this, the bag inside the bottle will float up and down.


Tricks and their secrets for children at home

6. How to make a cup of coffee fly?

Here's how to do it:

Take a plastic, cardboard or Styrofoam cup and glue your thumb to it. When you raise your hand, it will seem as if you have telekinesis.

7. How to pierce a bag of water so that the water does not spill?

Here's how to do it:

There is no magic here, just science. When you put a pencil through plastic bag, the molecular structure of the bag creates a kind of seal that prevents water from leaking through the bag.

8. How to fly a few centimeters above the ground?

Here's how to do it:

Stand so that children cannot see the toe of your left foot. Then slowly rise up onto your toes, while lifting the leg that is closest to the audience (in this case right leg). You may need to practice in front of a mirror to make the trick more convincing.

Halloween, despite its controversial origins, is a positive and bright holiday.
Its roots should be sought in man’s constant struggle with unknown dangers - “dark forces”, the desire to know and appease them.
According to legend, it is on this day, October 31, that the line between the light and dark world - the world of people and spirits - becomes especially thin and vulnerable, so we must try to be like the inhabitants of the “dark world” so that they make friends with us.
And we, children and adults, will try on new roles and learn our capabilities better.
Modern Halloween is fun and cool holiday children and youth.

In order for the Halloween party to be joyful and enjoyable for both children and adults, you should start preparing for the holiday in advance.
Buy or make Halloween costumes with your own hands, send out invitations, stock up on a large pumpkin and tea candles, buy and have sweets on hand (Halloween treats for “beggars”), think about special food for Halloween, prepare branches and firewood for the fire, if you have you have your own plot, and also organize frightening decorations and “special effects” at the entrance to the house.

Halloween Costumes

Carnival costumes do not have to be bought in a store. Here are some ideas.

Bunch of grapes

Dress your child in clothes of the same color as those you bought. Balloons. Inflate the balloons and attach them to your clothing with small safety pins so that they do not interfere with your vision or movement.


Use the recipe of the unforgettable Carlson, who lives on the roof. All you need is a white sheet with slits for the eyes, mouth and hands. Place a sheet over the child's head, mark the required areas, cover them with adhesive tape, and make slits. Using a permanent marker, draw a scarier face. Tie a loose (we emphasize loose!) bow around your neck to keep the suit in place. Make sure that the edge of the sheet does not get tangled under the ghost's feet. This suit is perfectly visible in the dark. By the way, it may turn out to be much better than the “store-bought version” made from cheap synthetic fabric, which risks falling apart into threads in a few minutes.


List of required items:

* Jeans or dark trousers rolled up to the knees.
* Tights or knee socks.
* Shoes or boots equipped with homemade buckles made from gold foil glued to cardboard.
* Large loose blouse with long sleeves, white or bright colors.
* A sash or belt (a bright tie or scarf will do, or best of all, a belt with a large metal buckle, if you have one in the household).
* An eye patch that can be made from black or black-painted cardboard.
* Headscarf – the brighter the better. It is tied in a knot at the back of the head a la “Komsomol member of the twenties”.
* Vest of any type and color.
* Earring. A decent pirate should have one huge round earring (or clip). If this decoration pulls the lobe too much, it can be supported with a string stretched behind the ear.
* Makeup. A real pirate would look good with wide, furrowed eyebrows, a curled mustache, battle scars and tattoos in the form of a skull and crossbones.
* A cardboard or wooden dagger tucked smartly into a belt.
* And finally, the most important thing: the child you will put all this on!

Rubbish bag

Cut holes in the bottom of a plastic trash bag for your feet and holes in the sides for your hands. Place the bag over your child and fill the remaining “space” with crumpled newspapers. Tie the neck of the bag around the child’s neck with a bright ribbon (do not tighten it!!!)


Mom’s old dress, tied at the waist with a wide ribbon or a bright belt. Temporarily shorten the hem and sleeves using duct tape. A large hat with flowers that does not slide down over the eyes. A huge amount of bright jewelry and “adult” makeup. To all this you can add long gloves or bright nail polish, a shawl and a handbag. The light scent of perfume completes the picture.

Halloween Decorations and Crafts:

Real ghost

Preparation method:
Here, the most important thing is to make a stable structure that would stand quietly and not fall apart. As a frame, we used badminton rackets twisted with wire on a ghost belt and carefully wrapped in rags, stuffed into pants and boots at the bottom. It is precisely due to the strong connection of the frame with the boots that the ghost can stand.
We tied a large teddy bear to the frame on top.
We cover the ghost with a white cloth and draw eyes, having previously placed a bag so as not to stain the toy. When covering the structure with fabric, leave your pants and boots visible.

Haunted Tree

Find interesting branches, place them in a vase or other container, secure them and start decorating.
This will be a real haunted tree with which we will create a festive atmosphere.
White napkins, one for each ghost.
Cotton pads or just cotton wool.
Black felt-tip pen, black paper, hole punch, glue, white thread.

Method for making ghosts:
Roll a cotton pad into a round ball and place it in the center of the napkin (unfolded).
Wrap the napkin around the cotton wool and tie it tightly with white thread.
Trim the uneven edges at the bottom a little in a circle, as in the photo.
Thread a white thread into a needle and pierce the head of the ghost from below, bringing the thread to the top, make a loop and in the same way, stitching the head, return to the starting position and fasten the thread. It may not be very easy to make a loop like this, but if you just hang a ghost by the neck, you won’t get quite the same effect - the loop should come out from the center of the head, so to speak, from the top of the head.
Using a hole punch, cut out round black eyes and glue them to the head with PVA glue.
Using a thin marker or black felt-tip pen, we use dots to indicate a smile.

You can use cobwebs, bats, black fabric, garlands and the Halloween tree to decorate the interior.
Take care of the lighting. It should be dim, it is better to use candles and colored lamps.
The ghost is ready. For greater effect, make more ghosts. Such ghosts look very beautiful in the light ultraviolet lamp. Glowing, light, moving from any vibration in the air, they will decorate your family holiday dinner in the spirit of Halloween.

Halloween tree


1.The traditional Halloween game is catching apples teeth from a bucket of water.
To do this, fill a large, clean utility container almost completely with water (it's best to use wide, rectangular utility containers rather than actual buckets).
Children take turns putting their heads into the container and trying to catch the apple with their teeth. You can't help yourself with your hands. You can set the condition that the first one to catch the apple is the winner, or that the Halloween game will have no winners, just that each participant must catch his own apple from the water.
This game must be played in the presence of adults.

2."Pumpkin Bowling" is another active children's game in the spirit of Halloween. In order to play it, you need to buy a plastic children's bowling set and take a small pumpkin instead of a ball. The winner is the one who knocks down the most pins with a pumpkin.

3.Game "Running with eyeballs in spoons".

We are all very familiar with running with chicken eggs in spoons, but this is her Halloween version. Just take hard-boiled and shelled egg or a ping pong ball and use a marker to draw on the iris and pupil to create a fake “eyeball.” The winner of the game is the one who crosses the finish line first without dropping his load. To increase the fun, you can first have each child make an “eyeball” by giving the children boiled, peeled eggs and markers. The game can also use balloons and disposable plastic plates. Balloons can again be colored by children to look like “eyeballs”.

4."Pin the Witch's Nose" is a classic Halloween twist on Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Instead of a witch, any creature that symbolizes Halloween can be used. To play the game you will need a piece of Whatman paper with a witch drawn on it, attached to, say, fiberboard sheet. And of course, a large cardboard witch’s nose with a pushpin. Participants are blindfolded and must pin their nose to the part of the drawing they deem appropriate. After which the bandage is removed and the player can evaluate whether he got where he needed to or not.

5."Russian roulette"
Which Russian does not know about this terrible pastime of Russian officers? And we are preparing eggs for the competition - 6 pieces.

6 eggs + box
6 players to whom you announce that one egg is raw and the rest are boiled;
each of the 6 participants takes turns pulling an egg out of the box and breaking it on their forehead;
at the end it turns out that 5 players were defeated boiled eggs. The line reaches the sixth and bam! The egg turns out to be boiled!
Like this scary competition with a catch!