In a private house      06/16/2019

Description of the English shrub rose Princess Alexandra. Description of the rose “Princess Alexandra” with reviews, care and photos Rose Princess Alexandra of Kent

The English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent was named after Queen Elizabeth II's cousin Princess Alexandra, a practicing gardener and rose lover. The rose can also boast awards for fragrance from Glasgow (Glasgo 29) and California from the Desert Rose Society Show.

Group – English roses

Subgroup – English hybrids of Antique roses

Flower color – warm pink

Number of petals – 130 (dense terry)

Type of flowering – repeating

The aroma is strong

The main form is a bush

Height – from 1 m

Diameter – 70 cm

Resistance to powdery mildew- good

Resistance to black spot – good

Winter hardiness - USDA zones 5 - 10

Breeder – D. Austin

Catalog name – Ausmerchant

Year of introduction into culture – 2007

U roses Princess Alexandra of Kent unusually large flowers, warm Pink colour, with a pearlescent sheen. They are densely terry and formed into a cup-shaped rosette. At first they smell like tea rose. With age, this aroma completely changes to lemon with notes of black currant.

The bush of the English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent is round and low. The foliage is dense and disease resistant.

How to care for the English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent?Water the English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent as needed. Usually this should be done when the soil layer 3 cm deep has dried out. For 1 bush you will need 15 liters of water, which should be poured over the area of ​​the root system, and not over the bush. During drought, watering becomes more frequent and, if possible, evening spraying is used.

It is necessary to fertilize roses at least 2 times a season. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for this.

Be sure to loosen and weed the soil around the plant to keep the plant clean.

It is better to prune the Princess Alexandra of Kent rose during the dormant period. The main branches are shortened by a third, and old and diseased branches are cut out completely.

Where to plant the Princess Alexandra of Kent rose?Choose a sunny or partial shade location for planting roses. It is important that in winter time it was not blown by northern or northwestern winds, which contribute to freezing, especially in those regions where winter can present a surprise in the form of an unexpected thaw. Rose Princess Alexandra of Kent is ideal for a mixborder, hedge or tapeworm. Its partners can be, for example, catnip, salvia or lavender...

The rose "Princess Alexandra of Kent" came from David Austin's nursery, which means that this variety, as befits such a name, combines the charm of old English forms and bright modern coloring. Our summer residents fell in love with it not only for its beauty, but its cold resistance and resistance to many diseases make caring for the plant easier.

The variety, named after the cousin of the British Queen, was created only in 2007, but it has already won the hearts of rose lovers on both sides of the ocean. It belongs to the re-blooming scrubs; the bush grows up to 90 cm high and 60 cm wide. Against the background of dark green foliage, large (12 cm in diameter) double cup-shaped flowers of pink pearlescent color stand out clearly; they are single or collected in small inflorescences, under the weight of which the branches bend slightly. The color is unusually pleasant, warm, more saturated towards the center, and the outer petals are slightly lighter. These flowers have an equally amazing smell: the traditional tea aroma as the bud blooms acquires distinct lemon notes, and then blackcurrant notes.

In summer, a fairly compact bush is simply strewn with flowers. Large bright flowers consisting of large quantity petals (about 100) never look sloppy, classic shape antique English roses make themselves felt. The bush looks great from all sides, a small group of 3 plants looks good; roses of this variety are often planted in the foreground of complex multi-tiered flower beds.

Video “Roses of Austin”

From the video you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about these roses.

Landing place

English roses prefer a temperate climate, they like the sun, but not when it strongly burns the delicate petals.

The place for “Princess Alexandra” needs to be chosen open, perhaps slightly elevated, to eliminate the possibility of stagnation of water and cold air. It’s good if the sun illuminates the rose from the very morning and evening, but at the hottest time of the day it would be better if it fell into light shade.

The place should be well ventilated, but the bush should not be in a draft. This rose, like all David Austin varieties, does not like transplants, so it is advisable to choose the right place.

The soil

The soil needs to be nutritious, slightly acidified, breathable, and not retaining excess water; black soil or loam is perfect if it is improved with fertilizers and peat is added.
It is important that groundwater did not rise closer to the surface than 1 - 1.5 m. It is advisable to regulate the acidity - add peat to alkaline soil, and lime or at least wood ash to too acidic soil.


A hole for the rose is prepared deep, at least 70 cm, a drainage layer is placed at the bottom to avoid stagnation of water, then compost or humus is placed, and a pile of loose garden soil is poured on top. The bush is placed so that the straightened roots are placed on the slopes of the earthen hill, and the root collar goes 3 cm underground.
This ensures that there are no shoots growing below the grafting point (although varieties from David Austin are famous for not producing wild shoots), and saves the vulnerable grafting site from cold and heat. The roots are carefully covered with loose soil, compacted around the bush and watered. Experts advise dipping the roots into a clay mash before planting.

Roses from this nursery are always grafted onto a branded rootstock, they form a strong root system, the length of the main root can reach one and a half meters, so the bushes do not like transplanting.

After planting, young bushes take a long time to get used to a new place, they do not need to be allowed to bloom for the first year, only in August you can leave one bud at a time and let the seeds ripen, this will make the plant stronger and prepare it for the dormant period.


In the summer, sanitary pruning is carried out, damaged leaves and shoots are removed, and fading flowers are cut off. In the fall, excess shoots are removed, and the main formative pruning is carried out in the spring, when living buds are already visible.
Remove frozen shoots or tops of branches, shorten all others by a third to form a beautiful bush.

With the arrival of cold weather, the bush is covered.
The shoots are covered with earth to a height of 10 cm, spruce branches are placed under the bush and on the laid shoots, and a frame is arranged on top, covered with lutrasil and film, so as to leave the possibility of ventilation. In spring, the cover is removed gradually.


"Princess" reproduces well by cuttings. Branches for cuttings are cut after the first wave of flowering and rooted in the ground. Own-rooted plants retain all the characteristics of the variety.

Video “Care and reproduction”

From the video you will learn how to properly care for and propagate roses.

My new rose (Rosa Princess Alexandra of Kent, rose Princess Alexandra of Kent) blossomed! A huge flower with many petals is more similar in size and shape. A very pleasant pink color: neither dark nor light, but the most beautiful pink. Rose Princess Alexandra of Kent- remains, i.e. . Rose scent Princess Alexandra of Kent- very rich, lemony. The plant itself is quite compact. It stands great as a cut, in a bouquet it looks like a peony, but from the outside it can be confused!

I purchased rose Princess Alexandra of Kent last autumn. To be honest, I have nowhere to go anymore roses, I have a lot of them. But I still can’t stop and moderate my greed when it comes to Austin. In my opinion, with English roses no other roses compare. According to all characteristics David Austin roses superior to others, including famous ones tea and floribundas.

Rose Princess Alexandra of Kent I was amazed at the garden center by the size of the flower, shape, color, many petals and aroma. And so it finally bloomed (late due to late spring), at the very end of May, in my garden.

Rose of England "Princess Alexandra of Kent". Rosa "Princess Alexandra of Kent"

Rose of England "Princess Alexandra of Kent". Rosa "Princess Alexandra of Kent"

Rose of England "Princess Alexandra of Kent". Rosa "Princess Alexandra of Kent"

From the petals of roses like Princess Alexandra of Kent , it turns out the best (see recipe at the link). Firstly, because there are a huge number of them on each flower, and secondly, because of their stunning aroma.

And finally rose named after Princess Alexandra of Kent. Princess Alexandra, The Honorable Duchess Ogilvy is the sister of Prince Michael of Kent, whom some call one of the direct heirs of the Russian royal dynasty. Princess Alexandra is very popular among the population and fulfills whole line representative functions at the court of Queen Elizabeth II

Interval time lapse video. Accelerated opening of a rosebud

Watch a video review of the Princess Alexandra of Kent variety on our channel. Subscribe to our channel, constant addition of videos and photo reviews. Comments and tips on growing and caring not only for roses, but also for other plants!

This rose is named after Princess Alexandra, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, a gardener and a great lover of roses. The variety has an unusual large flowers warm, glowing pink color. They are densely double, deeply cupped, surrounded by a circle of lighter outer petals, which looks very beautiful. Despite their size, the flowers are never sloppy. They cover a rounded bush about 90 cm high and 60 cm wide. Due to its size, it is better to plant the variety in groups of 3 or more bushes, creating a balance in the number of flowers and branches. The aroma is pleasant, fresh, tea-like, interestingly, as the flower ages it becomes lemony and acquires notes of black currant. Very disease resistant.

Reviews from Rosebook.

The rose is growing for the second year. Overwintered well under air cover. For real began to bloom this year and amazed me with the size of the flower and the beauty of the structure of the bud. It tolerates rain well, the flower lasts for more than a week.

Charming rose. Mine is two years old. The flowers are luxurious and fragrant. The bush is growing well. Didn't give her enough space. (Wishlist, wishlist :)). It has to be restrained by pruning and “collected in a heap” with a bush holder.

This is an aristocrat in everything! Shape, become, color, every petal is in its place. Any epithets will not be enough, because this is David Austin's masterpiece. You will never stop admiring her. I can answer ksenper’s question: I planted it in partial shade and, probably, slightly squeezed it with other rose bushes. She, like everything else, bore her difficulties aristocratically, but the bush lost its color and became blighted, but the rose still bloomed magnificently. In the fall I transplanted it to the very the best place, that I just found it, but I’m worried how she will cope with it, after all, the bush was already quite large. I would say that Princess Alexandra deserves a place of honor in your garden.

aroma, aroma, aroma! I am delighted with the scent of this beautiful Englishwoman. the flowers last a relatively long time. The bush is healthy, although it does not grow very powerfully, the branches are thin. usually blooms in clusters. The size and shape of the flower are beautiful, but I don’t see anything unusual in the color. pure, glowing pink. Basically, this is a beautiful rose. I'm happy to add it to my favorites.

My princess is in her third summer. In the fall I cut it to the height of the shelter, about 50 cm. Now both the height and width have exceeded a meter. A round, even flowering ball. Even the smallest branches are blooming. They came out of winter with leaves, they fell off in the spring. It seems like winter there weren’t any on my site. I wintered under a layer of Lutrasil 60 and a layer of isospan in arcs in the company of another 15 roses (We also didn’t notice winter). North-west of the Moscow region.

How beautiful this rose is! The bush is in its second year, it overwintered without shelter, came out of winter at 5+, began to bloom on May 20, the flower is not 10-12 cm. The bush is not high yet - 50 cm, it grows slowly, as it is in the sun, but nothing, we’ll wait. The smell is delicate.

There are only excellent epithets about this rose! The bush is beautiful, harmonious, the flower is abundant, almost continuous, the flower is large, beautifully composed, fragrant, lasts a long time (for saplings). Does not get sick, winters well. Not a rose, but a rose grower's dream!

Roses change color and scent depending on the time of day. My beauty keeps the flower for a very long time, 14 days, the size is also impressive 10-14 cm, the color of the flower changes as it ages. The bush is not uniform, not yet neat, but this does not spoil the rose, since neighbors grow nearby. It's almost worthless without flowers.

I bought two roses with ZKS in different nurseries, after I brought them home I found rust on several leaves, the same thing happened with Shakespeare 2000. I treated it twice and there was no more hint of rust, unlike the same Shakespeare, so good health and endurance are good in my opinion. They were sick in the same way, but Shakespeare had to be cut, but after removing the infected sheets and treating Alexandra, there was nothing. Unfortunately mine don't smell very bright. But the flower is of amazing beauty, it is falling, I have planted bushes, there is a break in flowering for about two weeks. Now it is producing new buds. Beautiful, very beautiful rose.

One was planted in 2015, the second this year. Winters well under Lutrasil 60!!! Resistant to emergency situations (no rust observed). For example, Jubilee Celebration, despite constant prevention, was still seriously affected by the emergency and from it the fungus spread to its neighbors, albeit to a small extent.
This year, Princess Alexandra of Kent began to show herself in all her glory. Abundant flowering It's been over a month now with new buds growing. The flower is beautiful! When dissolving, there is a play of pink and yellow colors. As it fades, it acquires a uniform cool pink color.
The flower is large. Lasts 6 days, but already on the 5th day it becomes covered with small spots. Notes of rose oil and black currant break through the tea aroma, the latter being felt precisely on the periphery of the flower.
Difference from Jubilee Celebration: its outer petals seem to be sprinkled with golden powder and the pink hue is warmer even after flowering. The aroma of lemon can be felt a couple of meters away. Jubilee Celebration is incomparable in bloom, but capricious, IMHO.

Centaur is beyond competition, huge pink-salmon flowers, good winter hardiness, fast growth, what else do you need, and yes, a pleasant aroma, queen of the garden!

Great winter for both Princess Alexandra of Kent! Minimal pruning. The rose, which has been growing for three years, is now 90cm wide, while the same year is 60cm.

Which David Austin rose has the largest flowers? It seems to me that this title may well bear him Princess Alexandra. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

It is clear who the variety is named after - Princess Alexandra of Kent, a noble gardener, a passionate lover of roses and cousin of the Queen of Great Britain. Rosa Princess Alexandra of Kent really has huge flowers - it seems to me that they can reach 15 cm in diameter. The shade of pink is also unusual - warm and somehow glowing...

The flower is densely double, cup-shaped. At the same time, small petals of a more saturated shade are collected in the center, they are framed by larger and lighter petals. Maybe this gives the impression that the rose is glowing?

Due to the fact that the flowers are large and the flowering is abundant, I have to tie this rose up. By the way, repeated flowering is also abundant.

The bush is not tall; Austin advises planting this rose in groups of three. My onna sits alone in the middle of other islands.

And it looks great together with pink diascias.

Austin describes the smell as follows: the exquisite aroma of a tea rose, surprisingly, with the age of the flower completely changes to lemon; Sometimes you can catch notes of black currant. There is no adding or subtracting here. And even a furry bumblebee - on a fragrant rose)))

I have always been interested in looking at a single flower roses Princess Alexandra of Kent in development. Here is a neatly folded bud, similar to the bud of a hybrid tea rose.

It begins to open up. Look how the petals are arranged - what geometry!

The half-open cup-shaped flower resembles a water lily.

Here it is fully revealed. Still the same geometry)))