In a private house      06/17/2019

Vine disease and its treatment. Common grape diseases and their effective control. Oidium - powdery mildew on grapes

" Grape

Although grapes are an unpretentious culture, despite this, they require some care. One of these activities is the prevention and treatment of diseases. By breeding new grape varieties, breeders are working on this problem, however, large-fruited varieties with high content sugars are still susceptible different kind diseases. In order to receive a high yield every year, the grower needs to be aware of the danger and be able to deal with it correctly and know what to do.

The most common and common diseases of this crop are:

  • mildew;
  • alternariosis;
  • cercosporosis;
  • armillariasis;
  • oidium;
  • chlorosis;
  • rubella leaves;
  • septoria;
  • escoriosis.

Mildew and his treatment

The second and more common name for the disease is downy mildew. This disease is very dangerous not only for the vine bush, it can affect the entire vineyard in a short time. At the initial stage, it manifests itself in the form of light yellow-oil spots, the size of a penny coin on young foliage. On older leaves, the spots are angular and parallel to the veins.

With further development, a mycelium appears in the form of a white fluffy coating on the back of the leaf. If the weather is warm with high air humidity, the fungal infection rapidly spreads to the tops of young shoots, mustaches, affects inflorescences and recently set fruits.

This type of fungal disease is formed in the summer period in the leaf plates, where it survives the winter well.

Fungus spores are activated at a temperature of +10 degrees. The most favorable conditions for instantaneous spread are an increase in air temperature from +20 to +27 degrees and humidity for 3 to 5 hours. However, at a temperature of +8, and above + 30 degrees, the fungal infection does not spread, since the spores do not germinate.

Vine leaf affected by downy mildew or mildew

The most dangerous periods for the spread of infection are:

  • May 20-June 13;
  • June 23-30;
  • July 15-August 7.

In order to avoid infection, you must:

  • the right choice of site for growing grapes;
  • autumn mulching between rows;
  • correct formation of the vine to ensure good breathability;
  • timely pruning of excess shoots;
  • removal of weeds under bushes and between rows;
  • drainage or drip irrigation;
  • top dressing with mineral fertilizers;
  • starting from the spring period, preventive treatment Bordeaux mixture every 10 days.

Alternariosis disease

Alternariosis, or olive blotch, affects the leaves of grapes as a result of high humidity. It appears in the form of spots on the back and an olive-gray coating. With the active development of the fungus, the leaves dry out, curl.

This type of fungal disease also affects the fruits. When they are stored, the fungal infection spreads to healthy brushes, affecting them. On fruits, the fungus manifests itself in the form of cracking and changes in the taste of berries. The shoots affected by a fungal infection do not mature and do not tolerate wintering. The spores of the fungus overwinter on infected shoots, fruits and in upper layers soil.

Alternaria on vine leaves

The necessary preventive measures are:

  • timely pruning of infected processes;
  • removal and burning of weeds and dry leaves;
  • feeding;
  • treatment with copper sulphate and Bordeaux liquid.

The beginning of the defeat of Alternariosis of grape berries

Dates preventive measures Acceptance:

  1. During from March 21 to April 12 after tying the vines, spray with copper-containing preparations.
  2. April 24 to May 9 treat with a biofungicide. You can use the drug "Trichofit" for these purposes.
  3. May 16 to June 1 treat with the drug "Kvadris". Continue processing every 14 days until the initial stage of berry ripening.
  4. From August 15 to September, after harvesting, prune the vine and burn it.
  5. From October 20 to November 10 it is necessary to rake out the fallen leaves and treat the soil and the vine with copper-containing preparations.

It should be treated with sprayers from the bottom side. When processing the top surface of the sheet, there will be no results.

Cercosporosis and how to deal with it

Given fungal disease affects leaves, shoots, stalks and fruits. First of all, foliage that is close to the ground is affected, since the sun's rays do not penetrate well into this part of the bush, and increased humidity is observed under the bushes. The fastest development this disease occurs at an air temperature of +30 degrees. If the temperature rises to + 40 degrees, the fungus stops growing. In direct sunlight, the fungus dies.

With a strong defeat by the fungus, grape bushes bear fruit poorly, worsen taste qualities fruits, the vine does not reach maturity.

It appears as an olive coating on the lower part of the leaves. Over time, brown spots appear on the surface of the leaf, with a light touch, the leaves fall off.

Affected berries are covered with an easily washable olive coating, become hardened and fall off when touched.

Preventive measures necessary to prevent the disease:

  • mandatory pruning of grapes twice per season;
  • deep digging between rows in spring and autumn;
  • watering 4 times per season;
  • weed removal;
  • spraying bushes in autumn and spring with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture;
  • mandatory support.
  • spray infected bushes every two weeks with fungicides;
  • burn infected leaves.

Armillariasis affecting the roots

This disease is a fungal infection that develops on the roots of a plant. The infection infects the roots of grapes, penetrating the bark and releasing toxic substances, killing living tissues, after which it develops on infected cells. Spread by fungal spores. The spores are extremely toxic and can kill an infected plant. Typically, infection occurs in spring period, and in autumn yellow mushrooms grow on the bush.

For the development of this disease, there must be increased humidity and air temperature from +15 to 26 degrees. To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to uproot the infected bush, treat the soil with special fungicides and not plant new seedlings in this place for a year.

In order to prevent infection of the vineyard with armillariasis, it is necessary to separate the bushes growing along the forest belt with a ditch.

aspergillus rot

With this disease, grapes are affected. Distinctive feature of this disease is its rapid development with high temperature air - above +31 degrees.

The first symptoms of the appearance of Aspergillus rot on grapes. Remove diseased berries

At the initial stage, a berry affected by another fungal disease becomes a beneficial breeding ground for the Drosophila fly.

At first, a little noticeable appears on the berries white coating, then dark depressed spots. The skin in these places is pulled together and cracked. The pulp of the berry rots due to the presence of Drosophila fly larvae. On the surface of cracks, plaque initially has a white color, then darkens and turns into a dark powder mass.

Measures to combat this disease are:

  • destruction of residues with spores of the fungus;
  • timely harvest.

If the recommendations are not followed, Aspergillus rot instantly spreads throughout the bunch

oidium or powdery mildew

Fungal disease has a second name - powdery mildew. It affects the green mass of the bush, the shoots of the inflorescence. When affected, the inflorescences do not develop and do not ripen. This disease lives and progresses only on living cells. Winters in bark cracks and on buds.

Spores, falling on the leaves, multiply rapidly, carried by the wind. Exceptional conditions are high humidity (more than 80%). Depending on the temperature regime the incubation period lasts from a week to two weeks. A favorable temperature for the rapid development of the disease is a temperature of +20 degrees.

Signs of infection:

  • white bloom on both sides of the sheet;
  • the edge of the leaves is curved, yellow;
  • the plaque that appeared on the clusters and flowers resembles flour;
  • shoots are covered with dark spots;
  • dead areas appear on the processes.

Prevention measures are as follows:

  • digging the soil, cleaning foliage and weeds;
  • top dressing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • processing with Topaz;
  • timely pruning of bushes in order to prevent thickening of the vineyard;
  • tool processing after trimming;
  • accurate watering without hitting the bushes;
  • water-10 liters;
  • sulfur-100 grams.

With this solution, it is necessary to process the bushes in the evening.

Oidium on grapes. The disease does not allow clusters to develop.

Chlorosis and measures to combat it

Chlorosis occurs when there is a lack of iron. The plant does not produce photosynthesis, as a result of which the development of the bush stops and the yield decreases. It manifests itself in the form of spots on sheets of bright lemon color. The shoots stop developing, and the leaves dry up and fall off. The fruits become small and do not reach maturity. A weakened bush may not survive the winter.

Prevention of this disease is the treatment of bushes with the drug "Chelate".

Grape leaves affected by chlorosis acquire a rich lemon hue

rubella leaf

In late spring or early summer, grape bushes can become infected with this fungal disease. It affects grape leaves damaged by insects.

It is possible to determine the infection of a bush with rubella by the following signs:

  • sheets in the lesions have spots in the form maple leaf covered with a rusty coating;
  • before the beginning of the flowering period, infected leaves fall off;
  • in white grape varieties leaves are covered with light yellow spots, gradually darkening, outlined by a yellow border;
  • at dark varieties bright red spots.

To avoid infection you need:

  • process the leaves with a Bordeaux mixture;
  • carry out regular pruning of bushes;
  • rake and burn fallen leaves;
  • apply fertilizer to the soil;
  • dig aisles.


Typical for Muscat grape varieties. It appears as small brown spots on the sheets. If the humidity is high, mold will form on the underside of the leaves. When it dries, it falls off and spreads spores of the fungus.

To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves and damaged plants.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Leaves affected by septoria begin to grow moldy and dry out

Escoriosis disease

Escoriosis is a dangerous fungal disease that affects all parts of the plant. Represents black spots on the leaves and shoots of the bush. Spread most rapidly in cool weather with high humidity. Affected bushes become weak, while their frost resistance decreases.

To combat this disease, the drug DNOC is used. During the growing season of plants, treatment with Bordeaux mixture can be applied.

With severe damage to the bushes after autumn pruning dried sleeves are removed and the bushes are carefully treated with copper-containing preparations.

Preventive measures:

  • mandatory application of fertilizers containing zinc and boron;
  • timely formation of a bush;
  • removal and burning of affected parts;
  • using healthy seedlings for planting.

To protect the vineyard from diseases, it is necessary to observe the conditions for growing grapes and take timely preventive measures to prevent the spread of infections. It is recommended to plant those varieties that are most suitable for growing in this region.

Every gardener dreams of getting a rich harvest from his vineyard. But for this there is little knowledge about how to properly care for grapes. It is necessary to get acquainted with grape diseases and methods of their treatment.

Grapes are susceptible to a variety of diseases, including leaf rubella

Types of grape diseases

An important method of combating diseases is spraying the bushes. It is better to start doing it before the buds open. The bushes should be sprayed in the spring with a three percent solution of Bordeaux liquid. Cooking method: in 5 l warm water dilute 300 g of copper sulfate and mix, in another bowl for 5 liters, dilute 300 g of freshly slaked lime, then mix both solutions, pouring blue vitriol into milk of lime. After mixing and straining our mixture, pour it into the sprayer. Now you can process the entire vineyard, including young growth and perennial bushes. Such prevention protects grapes, but does not completely save from diseases. Therefore, let's take a closer look at grape diseases and arm ourselves with ways to deal with them.

Diseases of grapes are divided into two types:

  • Infectious - these are diseases that are transmitted from diseased bushes to healthy ones through viruses, fungi or bacteria. The danger lies in the fact that under certain favorable conditions, the infection can destroy the entire vineyard completely. The transmission of the disease is possible by wind, water, animals and even workers. garden tools. Everyone needs to fight accessible ways: disease prevention, high agricultural background and quarantine.
  • Non-infectious - these are diseases that occur due to adverse weather conditions, soil acidification or an increase in its alkaline balance. If there is a weak development of the vine, cracking and drying of the color of the ridges, shoots with short nodes, then you should immediately take measures to treat the diseased bush.

Below we consider the description and signs that characterize grape diseases.

Leaf discoloration may be a sign of non-communicable diseases in grapes

In other words, this disease is called ashtray or powdery mildew. It is caused by a fungal infection that affects not only foliage, berries, shoots, but also the inflorescences of a grape bush. This disease is easy to detect by the presence of an ash-gray coating on the leaves of the plant, which quickly wither and dry.

Oidium overwinters on the vine in the form of a dense mycelium, and in summer, with the onset of warm and humid weather, the mycelium germinates. Spores are formed - sidium, which are carried by the wind throughout the vineyard and cover the greens with a powdery coating. Affected shoots grow weakly, and the fruits generally rot or dry out. Oidium reproduces with its spore sidium throughout the entire warm season, therefore, it is necessary to constantly carry out all the common preventive procedures that we met earlier in this article.

Oidium - a fungal infection of grapes

In another way, downy mildew. This disease affects all parts of the grape bush and is a danger of death for the entire vineyard. The disease manifests itself in the fact that the leaves begin to lose their shape, and their green color seems to be smeared with dirty oil. When the temperature rises in summer, the disease progresses, covering the underside of the leaves with a gray cobweb-like bloom. Then the leaves change their color to dark brown, dry out and fall off. We observe the same picture with the ovary, inflorescences and fruits of grapes, which are the size of a pea. The fungus does not affect large fruits.

Mildew usually hibernates in fallen leaves (winter spores), and germinates in zoosparanga in summer at a temperature of 13 degrees and humid air. Incubation period for the spread of downy mildew is the beginning of May - the end of July.

The emerging spores easily move with water, affecting the organs of the vine and penetrating into the depths of the plant tissues. Growing, the mushroom thread covers the grapes with oily spots.

To prevent infection of the vineyard with mildew disease, the following conditions must be met:

  • Do not plant grape bushes in lowlands, where moisture often lingers after fog or dew.
  • Comply with the conditions of ventilation and penetration of sunlight.
  • Mandatory cleaning of foliage.
  • Timely treatment with Bordeaux liquid.

Mildew occurs in conditions of high humidity


This is a fungal disease. Widespread in vineyards located in areas with a warm and humid climate (Black Sea coast, Moldova, Ukraine).

Anthracnose fungus affects almost the entire bush. It is stored for a long time in the form of pycnidia, sclerotia and mycelium (up to 5 years). After overwintering on the affected parts of the bush, about 30 generations of spores mature during the season, which infect more and more new areas of the vineyard.

The disease is manifested by the appearance of brown spots with a white border on the leaves of grapes. In the middle of the spots, the green tissue dies and falls out. Brown, and then pink-gray circles with dark edging are also formed on the shoots. The fabric cracks, deep wounds appear. Shoots break, dry and die. The disease leads to the death of most of the crop, causing great damage to gardeners.

Anthracnose of grapes is manifested by brown spots on the leaves


This disease in the grape bush causes a metabolic disorder. The formation of chlorophyll occurs with disturbances, so the process of photosynthesis obviously slows down. If you notice that your vine is practically not growing, and the leaves are strangely yellowing, it's time to sound the alarm. Your vines are sick.

There is infectious and non-infectious chlorosis. If a focus appears, then chlorosis affects not only the grapes, but also all the plants that are around.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the soil of the vineyard. If there is an excess of lime, a glut or lack of minerals, then this often leads to this disease.

It is necessary to qualitatively change the condition of the soil, and at high humidity to carry out drainage work.

Unnatural yellowing of leaves - the first symptom of chlorosis

white rot

A fungal disease affecting grapes after hail, sunburn and mildew. At first, the fungus affects the stalks, gradually moving to the berries. This directly threatens the entire crop, because grapes affected by white rot are bland and tasteless.

The fungus overwinters on fallen berries and leaves. To successfully fight this disease, it is necessary to carefully remove diseased berries, because they are the main source of the disease.

Gray rot

A disease that can destroy the entire crop. Diseased grape fruits shrivel, after which they burst and acquire a rotting gray coating. Such bunches of grapes are not suitable for storage and transportation.

There are no effective measures to combat this disease, it is important to comply with all preventive measures for growing crops.

Gray rot destroys the berry crop

black rot

Fungal disease that affects shoots, leaves and berries. They call it so because the sporulation of the fungus is black. The fungus spends the winter in the soil or on a grape bush, and then infects the plant during rain.

The disease is manifested by the fact that depressed brown spots appear on the berries. Over time they acquire purple hue and increase in size. The berry turns black and crumbles.

Spraying with Bordeaux liquid is the most effective in the fight against black rot.

acid rot

Drosophila fly (fruit fly) damages the berries of a grape bush when ripe. This insect quickly decomposes and utilizes fruits with semi-liquid pulp.

Acid rot is the rotting of brownish berries in ripe bunches of grapes. Prevention will be the removal of spoiled berries, dusting the crop with garden sulfur.

If you do not remove the affected berries, acid rot will spoil the entire bunch.


In other words, black spotting. In the summer, at the beginning of June, signs of the disease can be observed. Dark spots appear on the shoots of grapes and leaves. They blur into oval spots and fade. Even grape buds are covered with these spots.

It's very hard to fight it chronic disease, but grape bushes need to be processed regularly.


This disease is also called dry arm, because it is manifested by the drying and extinction of the vine. The main problem is that this disease is not visible on the surface of the cortex, because the spots form inside, connecting into a ring. The main way to deal with necrosis is prevention. Do not cover the vine for the winter with an earthen layer; it is better to use cellophane or other insulation.

bacterial cancer

A plant disease caused by a rod-shaped bacterium. Small white growths form on the vine. Then they acquire dark color and become hard. Such tumors occur at the sites of vaccinations or other mechanical damage through which bacteria penetrate. A diseased plant develops poorly or dies quickly.

Measures to combat bacterial cancer are cutting tumors to healthy tissue and treating mechanical damage with a 5% solution of copper sulphate.

Growths of bacterial cancer must be cut off and treated with copper sulphate

rubella leaf

This is a common disease of dyed grape varieties.

In summer, at the end of June - in July, a red tint can be seen on some leaves. This is the first sign of rubella leaves. Then the leaves slowly thicken, become brittle - the necrosis of living tissues begins.

Leaf rubella often occurs if there is not enough potassium in the soil or after a long drought. To cure grapes you need:

  • enrich the soil with potash fertilizers;
  • spray grape bushes with potassium nitrate.

It can be concluded that the usual prevention saves the vine from most diseases. This includes checking each seedling for vine disease, regularly destroying diseased bushes, trimming off unwanted leftovers - these are all common preventive measures for the health of your vineyard.

How it would make life easier for gardeners the absence of all sorts of diseases that affect their favorite crops. Unfortunately, there is no getting away from them - you just have to fight staunchly and courageously. Today we will consider grape diseases - photo and how to treat. The advice of experienced gardeners in this matter is always especially appreciated by farmers.

Unfortunately, not all grape diseases can be cured. Some of them are not amenable to any of the known and safe for humans means. Almost all are well treated. fungal diseases, but it is almost impossible to rid grapes of bacterial and viral infections.

Learning to distinguish between fungal diseases of grapes


This disease is well known to gardeners and, as it occurs most often. Its second name is downy mildew. Affecting the plant, the fungus causes the appearance of yellow spots and gray plaque on the leaves. Without proper intervention, the culture quickly disappears.

In the photo, a fungal disease of mildew grapes


It occurs a little less often than downy mildew. The second name of the disease - powdery mildew. Manifestation - a gray coating on the leaves and berries. The disease develops in hot weather, and if left unchecked, will lead to cracking of the berries. In a few years, the vineyard will completely disappear.


On the picture dark spots anthracnose


The disease mainly develops in the spring. It affects all above-ground parts of the plant, only on the berries it appears as white spots, and on the other parts - brown or silver. Affected berries quickly deteriorate.



On all above-ground parts of the bush, the fungus causes the formation of black spots. The affected stalk often dries up and breaks off.

Pictured escoriosis grapes


This disease is caused by fungi, and the death of the plant occurs as a result of their release a large number toxins. Second name - eska. Most often appears in the height of summer. In the acute form, the bush disappears in a matter of days. Chronic form last for several years, and you can recognize it by the white spots on the bottom sheets.

Gray rot

A fungal disease that can affect any above-ground parts of the grape bush. The affected areas are covered with a fluffy coating of gray. Hands hanging down to the ground are most often infected.

white rot

Plaque white color covers the berries of the plant. Over time, they completely change color and fall to the ground. The onset of the disease is most often caused by mechanical damage bush.

In the photo, white rot of grapes

black rot

A fungal disease that manifests itself as purple spots on berries and leaves. As the disease progresses, the area covered with spots increases.


When affected by this fungal disease, the leaves turn yellow and the roots turn brown. With the onset of autumn, the affected plants are covered with yellow mushrooms.


In this case, the fungus leads to yellowing of the leaves and rapid death of the shoots. The fungus remains alive for up to 5 years.

Bacterial diseases of grapes

bacterial cancer

This is the name of a dangerous and untreatable disease caused by bacteria. Manifestation - outgrowths on the vine. In the first two years, the yield will drop sharply, and in the future, the affected plant will completely disappear. This is one of the incurable diseases of culture. It is better not to plant grapes in this place for the next two years.


Wrinkled dark pink areas appear on the berries. The impetus for their formation is the scorching sun.

In the photo, bacteriosis of grapes

Bacterial necrosis

Black spots with a clear brown outline form on the berries, the shoots dry out.

sour rot

Viral diseases

Experienced gardeners know how dangerous viral diseases are. Since they are not amenable to treatment, the affected vine bushes are advised to be completely removed. The only way to protect your vineyard from them is to acquire a resistant crop variety.

Common viral diseases include:

leaf marbling,
vein mosaic,
leaf vein necrosis,
chlorosis- discoloration,
short knot- dwarfism.

In the photo, chlorosis of grapes

Viral diseases are extremely difficult to diagnose. They have in common character traits: cracking of wood, deformation of leaves and change of their color, fall of inflorescences, slow development of the plant.

In addition, there are a number of non-communicable diseases that arise due to unsuitable conditions or lack of nutrients. They can manifest themselves in different ways: spots on the leaves, developmental delays, drying out of bushes and berries, shedding of berries, etc.

How to treat grape diseases?

Once you have learned to recognize grape diseases, it's time to learn effective ways deal with them. The best way to take preventive measures is to proper care. Some experienced gardeners carry out preventive spraying of bushes, but most prefer to grow grapes without the use of chemicals.

In cases of damage to the bushes, the question is put in a completely different way: either to lose the vineyard completely, or try to save it with the help of chemical industry products. In such situations, experienced gardeners usually choose the second option.

What fungicides (drugs against plant fungi and bacteria) have proven to be good?

Mildew. From this fungal infection, spraying with such preparations will help: Rodimol Gold, Strobi, Polyhom, Arceride, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid.

Oidium. Such fungicides will help in the fight: Topaz, Strobi, Acrobat MC, Horus, Thiovit, colloidal sulfur, Carbis Top.

Alternariosis. Bordeaux liquid helps to cope well.

Cercosporosis. It is best to use Bordeaux mixture in this case.

Escoriosis. Experienced gardeners use benzophosphate and Bordeaux liquid to fight.

If any of the listed insects has settled on a bush, it is worth immediately taking adequate measures and exterminating the pest, otherwise irreparable damage may be caused. You can lose up to 50 percent of the crop, or even the entire plantation.

Consider each pest separately and measures to combat them.

grape mite

Ticks, settling on the inner side of the leaf of the grape bush, spread along the branches and infect the buds and inflorescences, which, not ripening, fall off. If this happens, you should carefully examine the inside of the leaves. The presence of a tick will be indicated by small pimples, tubercles, cobwebs covered with villi. A strong defeat of the grape bush by a tick leads to the fact that all the leaves begin to dry, shrivel and fall off.

In the fight against this pest, it is better to give preference to preventive measures. To do this, it is worth in the spring, before the moment the vine begins to bloom, treat the entire shrub, each branch with a DNOC 2% solution. After that, you can apply a solution of nitrofen according to the instructions.
In summer, if a tick infestation occurs, it is worth treating the plant, especially leaves with inside, one of the solutions:
Fufanon solution,
Actellik solution,
neoron solution,
Tevit solution.

Important! It is worth choosing means of combating ticks from those that are not dangerous for bees that pollinate shrubs, and for humans. All of the drugs listed above are included.

With one of these drugs, you need to treat the plant according to the instructions, then take a break for two weeks and repeat the treatment. Already after two procedures, the effect of the treatment will be noticeable.

grape aphid

This insect settles on the leaves of a grape bush and is capable of damaging the plant so much that the roots begin to die off and the bush will have to be removed from the plantation or garden plot. If aphids settled on a grape bush, then with reverse side shrub leaves, you can see the so-called galls (capsules in which insect larvae are located).

mealy worms

Malicious wasps

Insects such as wasps can damage crops. They do not touch the shrub itself and do not pose a danger to it, but grapes should be protected from these pests. On the site, you can lay out wasp baits away from vine bushes and periodically change or clean them. When the berries begin to ripen, it is worth wrapping the bunches with a special nonwoven fabric. It is necessary to make such a shelter sufficiently free in order to ensure air circulation and sunlight, as well as protect it from rot.

grape moth

Butterfly butterflies can be quite dangerous to the vineyard. In spring, they lay their larvae on grape leaves. Many caterpillars hatch from these clutches and begin to devour the plant (leaves and buds). The moth lives for about a month, but under favorable weather conditions, the pest colony can reach a large number and cause severe damage to the vineyard.
Pestryanka is easy to deal with by spraying the plant with insecticides in several stages with a break of a week.

2. contagious diseases

Among the most dangerous diseases that can infect a grape bush, the following can be distinguished:
gray rot.
Below is a description and photo of each of these diseases, methods of control and prevention.


Mildew is a disease that occurs everywhere and more often than others. It is also called pernosporosis or downy mildew. This is a fungal disease of plants, very resistant to the manifestations of the external environment. Pernosporosis spores hibernate in the depths of the soil or the remains of last year's plants. In the spring they are carried by the wind over long distances (up to 100 meters). It affects the leaves and buds of plants. First, the spores fall into droplets of moisture (dew, drops from rain or watering) and begin to grow there and turn into small flagella, then they penetrate deep into the leaf and grow. At night, germinated spores come to the surface in large numbers. There are many of them, they are small, so that they appear to the human eye as a gray coating, which can be erased in the initial stage of the lesion.

Important! After the disease has grown inside the plant, treatment in the form of treating the plant with chemicals becomes ineffective.

To overcome the disease, it is necessary to carry out repeated treatment. by special means(fungicides).

The first treatment is carried out even before the onset of signs of downy mildew disease, as soon as the temperature environment reaches 10 degrees, and the shoots of the plant are 10 centimeters in height. Subsequent treatments are carried out depending on the weather (preferably once before flowering and once before fruits begin to set).


Powdery mildew - oidium, and mildew are mainly fungal diseases of grape leaves. The oidium looks as if the plant has been sprinkled with flour. It affects leaves, shoots, inflorescences and berries.
You can overcome diseases with the help of preventive measures:
tie plant shoots
remove weeds from under grape bushes,
pinch the plant.
For treatment, spraying with chemicals (Strobi, Topaz, Thiovit, etc.) can be carried out.


This grape disease occurs after heavy rains or hail. In another way, it is called the bird's eye, since the sores, spots in this disease resemble the eye of a bird, another name is hail disease, spots on leaves, twigs and fruits resemble dents from hail strikes.
How to treat such a disease? The answer is simple - copper preparations immediately after rain and hail. As soon as the next rain and / or hail occurs, the treatment must be carried out again.

Gray rot

This disease affects already almost ripe bunches of grapes. It occurs quite frequently in cool and/or rainy summers. Cracks and gray rot appear on the berries. This disease has no cure. You can only protect the plant by taking preventive measures, namely: harvest on time, thin out the leaves to increase ventilation inside the bush, if some brushes are affected, you should immediately cut them off and treat the rest with a soda solution.

3. Diseases of improper care

These diseases are not contagious, they consist in non-compliance necessary conditions and care of grapes during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting. Among them are:


Grape chlorosis occurs as a result of a lack of iron in the nutrition of grape bushes. It is manifested by a change in the color of the leaves to a light, cream or whitish color. For treatment, you need the usual top dressing with iron preparations, for example, iron sulfate.


The lack of moisture in the plant can be determined by such signs as:
slow shoot growth
drying of the tips of the leaves, yellowing and falling of the leaves,
falling ovaries in the spring.
Such a disease does not need to be treated with anything, it can be resumed by timely watering in sufficient quantities. It is possible to apply such an irrigation method as watering into the root zone through special tubes dug near the root.


Into the strong summer heat the sun can damage the grapes. Clusters of grapes affected by sunburn look like boiled berries, leaves - as if they were ironed. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out timely and in the right amount of watering. Affected clusters can be sheltered from the sun by turning them over to the non-sunny side or deep into the bush under the leaf. It is possible, when planting, to take into account the location of the rows of vine bushes in such a way that they shade each other.

Also find out.

White, pink. people use black grape varieties for various purposes. On summer cottages grapes are mainly grown for fresh consumption, making juices and fragrant homemade wine. To obtain good harvest, it is necessary to study not only the rules of planting and care, but also to find out the weak points of plants, their enemies and diseases. For the attention of site visitors, we offer a series of articles on pests and diseases of grapes to help them learn how to prevent diseases in a timely manner and help their garden pets. Each article details several diseases and ways to effectively fight them.

Non-communicable diseases

These are grape diseases caused by poor conditions growth, and not the vital activity of harmful living organisms.


There is an infectious one (more on this below, in another section). With chlorosis, the leaves lose green color due to a violation of the synthesis of chlorophyll - a green pigment. Other pigments are preserved in the chromoplasts, so the leaves acquire a light yellow, creamy, whitish color. It is caused by a lack of iron in the plant. At the same time, the plate itself turns yellow, the veins remain green for some time. To check the diagnosis, we apply a strip, sign or symbol on the sheet with a solution of iron chelate (citric acid iron). After a few hours, the leaf turns green at the place of application.

The most common causes of non-infectious chlorosis are as follows:

  • Soil salinization.
  • Excess moisture.
  • Excessive, compared with iron, content in the soil of copper, manganese, phosphorus, lime.

Under such conditions, the absorption of iron from the soil is disrupted, which leads to chlorosis. Chlorosis of grapes is treated with 3-4 foliar dressings with solutions of iron preparations, the cheapest - iron sulphate. It is convenient to combine top dressing with the introduction of other trace elements, stimulating and therapeutic drugs.


The viticulture area does not always have the right amount of moisture for the plants. The lack of water is outwardly expressed as follows.

Escapes - growth and development slow down sharply, the crowns fade, wither, dry out.

Antennae - stiffen, dry up, starting from the ends, fall off.

Leaves - massively turn yellow, starting from the edges of the lower leaves, they can thicken, curl, fall off.

Berries - in early spring, the ovary falls off. During drought in the pea phase, the bunches wither and dry out, starting from the bottom. Drought in the filling phase causes a characteristic lesion: darkening and acquiring a brown color of the part of the berry, as if pressed with a fingernail. When the skin is removed, the inside is healthy. As a result, the berries dry out like raisins, but alas, they become inedible.

Winter drought is accompanied by cracking of the soil, while small roots are torn.

Control measures
- watering and maintaining the moisture present in the soil: mulching; shelter for the winter with soil; shallow loosening in order to break the capillaries of the upper soil layer, which makes evaporation more difficult. into the root zone through specially dug-in tubes is preferable: more economical and efficient.


During the hottest months, grapes can overheat under sunbeams. In appearance, the berries are similar to scalded boiling water, in the future they wrinkle and dry out. They feel hot to the touch. The leaves, as if they had been under a heated iron: they dry out green, turn brown over time. Leaves with damaged petioles are the first to suffer: they have difficulty supplying water to reduce the temperature. All damage is only on the sunny side of the bush, while such a picture does not happen with infectious diseases. The bush tries to defend itself by intensively evaporating water to cool. Does not grow, does not accumulate nutrients.

Control measures. The main thing is the presence of a sufficient amount of water, therefore - watering, mulching, destruction of the soil crust fur. processing. In the heat, we transfer all freshly grown shoots with a “visor” to the sunny side. You can cover the affected bunches with everything that is available: newspapers, leaves, etc. We don’t mow the aisles, we’ll wait with beauty guidance until the weather is cooler. When laying - we choose such a row spacing so that the rows shade each other sufficiently.

Infectious diseases of grapes

Mildew, (downy mildew, pernosporosis)

Perhaps the most common disease. The pathogen overwinters in soil and plant debris, is resistant to any weather, lasts 2-5 years, and spores are carried by wind up to 100 km. In spring, oospores germinate, with the help of flagella in the smallest drops of moisture (dew, watering, rain) swim to the stomata and germinate in plants, where they invade living cells, destroying them. Treatment with contact fungicides after the germination of the fungus inside the plant is ineffective.

After introduction inside the plants develop thin threads fungus - hyphae, spore-bearing organs come out at night. There are so many of them that for a person it looks like an easily washable gray coating on the lower surface of the sheet. The upper part of the leaves acquires an oily hue, at first small, with a light center, the spots on the leaf increase, gradually merging.

Yellowish elongated spots appear on the shoots, gradually acquiring a brown color. Affected berries in dry weather dry out, in wet weather they rot and become moldy. With a late infection of the berries, bluish-gray depressed spots appear near the stalk; at the end, the berries warp, rot, and fall off. Potential loss of yield.

Control measures- repeated treatment with fungicides.

The first is carried out before the onset of signs of the disease!

We use the rule of 3 tens: temperature 10 ˚С, shoot length 10 cm, precipitation 10 mm. The conditions are met - it's time to process. Subsequent treatments - depending on the weather. In a year favorable for the disease, the number of treatments can reach 6-8 ...

Prevention. First of all - the selection of resistant varieties. But do not hope too much, this does not completely eliminate the problem: in bad years, the development of the disease on resistant and unstable varieties differs in the speed of spread, and a little more in severity and the percentage of crop destroyed. So it will most likely need to be processed.

Oidium, or grape powdery mildew.

With the beginning of the growth of grapes, stunted shoots and leaves appear. Such leaves curl. Leaves, berries, clusters look as if showered with flour, hence the name of the disease. This plaque is the thinnest threads of the fungus. It is attached to the plant with special suction cups called appressors. Of these, haustoria are injected into the berries, through which the fungus feeds. The growth of berries with the simultaneous destruction of the walls leads to breaks, the seeds are exposed. Constrictions appear at the edges of the hyphae, these pieces are easily torn off and carried by the wind. Once on other vines, they germinate and infect new bushes.

With partial damage, when part of the grapes are used for wine, sorting is needed with the selection of damaged berries. Otherwise, the wine will have a moldy taste, completely invaluable to connoisseurs ...

Measures to combat oidium grapes. Proper, well-ventilated vine formation, destruction of vegetation between rows helps to prevent or reduce the disease. Fungicides and copper preparations that help against mildew are not suitable for the treatment of powdery mildew in grapes. Sulfur preparations give an excellent effect. The finer the sulfur particles, the better. Powdered sulfur for pollination must be properly stored so that it does not stick together into breasts, always in a dry place. Processing temperature matters. The air must be warmed up to 20 ˚С, otherwise it will not work. At the same time, in extreme heat, burns are possible; in hot summers, we process plantings in the morning or evening hours. It is good to use special colloidal sulfur pastes when making tank mixtures from mildew and oidium. In this case, we save time and effort by reducing the number of treatments.

Anthracnose of grapes (bird's eye, hail disease).

The disease is activated after heavy rains with hail, hence one of the names. On the leaves, it manifests itself as the appearance of small dry brown spots surrounded by a darker border. Later, the middle of the spot dies off, acquires grey colour, is often broken. The leaves become perforated. Depressed spots with a dark border appear on the shoots, the shoots dry out, break. Similar spots, gray-brown, depressed, with a dark border appear on the berries. It looks a little like the image of a bird's eye, which leads to another name for it.

Control measures.
When grapes are infected with anthracnose, treatment is carried out with treatments with copper preparations or systemic fungicides. It is not for nothing that the disease is called the hail disease, after heavy rain with hail we immediately carry out the treatment. Without delay and regardless of the time after the previous one.

Grapes need our care, otherwise it is difficult to hope for a good harvest. Clearly, this includes only spraying with drugs. Correct fit, pruning, fertilizing, watering - everything matters. A strong, nutrient-dense plant is better able to resist any disease.

Grape disease control - video