Well      06/16/2019

Climbing rose Crown Princess Margareta. Crown Princess Margaret. David Austin. Rose Princess Margaret: cultivation, photo and description Roses of crowns Princess Margaret and description

Rose Princess Margaret was bred in the UK at David Austin's nursery in 1999. Named after Princess Margaret of Sweden, who was a professional gardener. In this article we will look at the characteristics and description of the Princess Margaret rose variety.

Description of the rose Crown Princess Margareta

Rose Crown Princess Margareta belongs to the group of Leander hybrids. It is resistant to fungal diseases and rain, very beautiful (in shape, it really resembles a princess’s crown), and tolerates cold well.

The bush is tall, spreading, with long flexible branches, the foliage is small, but lush, bright green. The height of the shrub can reach up to 180 cm with a width of one meter, which should be taken into account when planting, since the side branches tend to quickly grow in width.

The flowers of the Princess Margaret rose are double, large, from ten to twelve centimeters in diameter. One bud can contain from forty to one hundred and twenty densely packed petals, twisted into a densely filled bowl. The aroma is persistent, strong, pink, with pronounced notes of ripe summer fruits.

Flowering in Princess Margaret is abundant, continuous, several times throughout the summer, racemose. The buds are resistant to rain, but are susceptible to fading in the sun - they become pale yellow, but this in no way spoils the overall beautiful picture.

Growing Crown Princess Margareta

The English rose Princess Margaret prefers to grow in fertile, nutritious soil with a slightly acidic reaction. If there is a lack of acidity, it can be corrected by adding manure and peat, and if an alkaline environment predominates in the soil, it can easily be “quenched” with lime or wood ash.

Before disembarking at open ground It is recommended to keep the seedlings in a root growth stimulator for 3-4 hours. The depth of the planting hole is 60 cm, the bottom of the hole is lined with a 10 cm layer of drainage made of expanded clay and fine river sand. A nutritious earthen composition (peat, rotted manure and humus-rich soil) should also be added to the hole. The bush is placed straight, the roots are straightened. The depth of the grafting site should be hidden 3 cm underground. Then the material is gradually covered with earth, after which it is well compacted, watered and mulched.

In the future, the Crown Margarita rose should be watered after the top layer of soil has dried three to four centimeters. The water should be settled, warm, preferably warmed by the rays of the sun. Water should only be poured under the roots, not on the above-ground part of the plant. Watering is best done in the evening or early in the morning so that the water does not evaporate and the bush has time to drink properly. In hot weather water procedures spraying of the upper part of the bush is added under the roots, and watering is increased to three times a week.

Fertilizers are applied immediately after removing the winter shelter, then once every 14 days. Use organic and mineral compounds, which should be alternated with each other. At the same time, one application of fertilizing can be combined with watering. In the spring, the rose is fed with nitrogen, in the summer and closer to autumn, potassium and phosphates are added. When the buds begin to set, it is best to feed the bush with mullein. Then the flowering will be especially abundant and beautiful.

You should also regularly loosen the soil, ensuring optimal air exchange between the plant’s root system and the external environment. Weeds are removed and pruning is carried out. It is mandatory: thanks to it, the bush not only looks beautiful and neat, but also becomes healthier, and fungal diseases will avoid him.

In spring, frozen and dried branches are removed, leaving the strongest ones, in the amount of five to seven. They are shortened by two thirds: this pruning is called medium and promotes the rapid growth of lateral branches, giving the rose maximum decorativeness. In the summer, those branches that stand out from the overall picture or thicken the bush too much are pruned. Faded buds are removed in a timely manner. In the fall, pruning is also of a sanitary nature: those shoots that turn out to be diseased or very thin are cut off, since they will not survive the winter cold, and they will still have to be removed in the spring.

A shelter for the winter is constructed from spruce branches and a wire frame, on which non-woven material And plastic film. With the onset of spring, the bushes begin to gradually ventilate, and when consistently warm weather sets in, the shelter is finally removed.

With proper care, the luxurious Margarita will always delight the owner with abundant and continuous flowering and a classic floral aroma, and the frost resistance of the “ostok” will always help them to adequately survive the cold in the most severe Russian regions.

Rosary Rose Crown Princess Margareta:

The rose is the brainchild of David Austin, whose varieties are easily recognizable at first sight. The source of inspiration for the breeder was ancient English roses, which became the main source material for all its varieties. As a result of mother plants tried to obtain a bush that is not inferior in appearance to them in beauty, but with a more elegant bush shape, resistant to favorable conditions growing, and also more flavorful.

Advantages and disadvantages

The full name of the variety is Grown Princess Margareta. It was introduced in 1999, so it is considered one of the modern, more resistant plants.

First, I would like to note the advantages of the variety itself:

  • resistant to diseases;
  • flowering in several waves;
  • not demanding on illumination, 4-5 hours of contact with direct light is enough for them sun rays;
  • winters well under cover, with rare spring losses;
  • can be used both as a bush and a climbing rose;
  • easily propagated by cuttings.

Separately, it is worth noting the advantages of the rose flower:

  • densely double, cup-shaped, quartered;
  • bright orange color, reminiscent of a ripe apricot in color;
  • delicate fruity-floral aroma;
  • not sensitive to rain.

Like all varieties, there are also certain disadvantages:

  • in the first years, while it is growing green mass, it does not bloom very profusely or with small flowers;
  • over time, the shoots become quite rigid, so difficulties arise when removing them from the support for shelter for the winter;
  • In terms of aroma strength, it is inferior to other Austin varieties.

Characteristics and description

Rose is a scrub. It can grow as a shrub with drooping shoots like a fountain. It also manifests itself as a climbing rose if the shoots are formed along a support. In the first years, the lashes are quite elastic and pliable to form, but over the years they become more powerful and rigid. If grown without support, then during flowering the flexible branches bend almost to the ground. Therefore, for this purpose, it is recommended to tie the variety or plant it on a hill (earthen borders along walls, fences). It has practically no thorns.

Color Bright orange
Number of flowers per stem 3-5
Aroma ❀❀
Flower size 10-12 cm
Height 150-200 cm
Width 100 cm
Growing area (USDA) VI (Rostov region, part of Crimea, some northwestern regions of Russia)
Winter hardiness ❄❄
Resistance to powdery mildew ★★★
Black spot resistance ★★★
Rain resistance ☂☂
Flowering period ☀☀
When to plant Autumn - a month before the onset of frost, spring - after the soil warms up to 10°.

Tip #1: David Austin rose varieties inherited a moderate dependence on daylight from their mother plants. Therefore, to prevent the flower from fading quickly, you should not plant it in the sun. The most suitable place will be where direct sunlight reaches only in the morning and evening, bypassing their midday activity.

More details about Grown Princess Margareta can be obtained from reviews experienced gardeners- lovers of this variety:

"Princess Margaret lives on my personal plot for about 8 years now. I planted it back in the days when I had very little experience. At first, she was surrounded by other varieties of ostina at a distance of 50 cm. But life showed that all neighbors needed to be moved away in order to give the Princess the freedom to reveal herself in all her glory. I want to say that this is the tallest bush in our climate. I want to say that the declared 2 m in height is not the limit for her. There was a year when the shoots reached 3 m, now I try to keep them at 2.5 m. At first the branches were flexible, the bush fell apart. Over time, having gained green mass, the shoots also became stronger. As a result, it became a little problematic to lay them down for shelter for the winter; we had to dig under them. Blooms profusely, with at least 5 flowers in the cluster. Absolutely insensitive to rain and disease. I believe that the variety needs time to prove itself.”(Alexey, Moscow).

"MyGrown Princess MargaretaTurned three years old last year. At first there were doubts about its compliance with the description in the catalog. But season after season, the rose gained strength: the bush grew well, the flowers became larger, the clusters became more abundant. I don’t cut it at all and now I have it 2.5 m.”(Lyudmila, Moscow).

“The rose is already in its third year, but there is no bush as such yet. From the very first season, I noticed her tendency to weave. Despite the small green mass, I was lucky enough to see it bloom and it made me very happy. The flower is very beautiful with a pleasant aroma, lasted about 10 days.”. (Lyudmila, Samara).

“A beautiful flower with good immunity. The scourges really fall apart without support. True, the flowers are a little paler than in the catalog pictures. Regarding English roses, I want to say that it is better to plant them on a hill and, without tying them up, give the bush the opportunity to fall in any shape, then it will look like a fountain of flowers. Moreover, flowers facing down suggest this form of arrangement of branches.”. (Natalia, Korolev).

Features of planting and care

The recommendations are the same as for other types of roses. When choosing a planting site, you don’t have to focus on lighting. As follows from the description, 4-5 hours of full contact with the sun's rays is enough. And for the southern regions, these recommendations are mandatory, since the plant can get burned from the active sun during the midday hours.

Before planting, it is necessary to determine the location as accurately as possible. Due to the powerful roots of the rootstock, which go very deep, replanting can be quite problematic and harm the bush. It is generally not recommended to move a plant older than six years anywhere, unless there is a desire to remove it completely from your site.

Tip #2: when planting groups of roses of this variety, leave a distance of at least a meter between them. This also applies to other tall plants that may be in the neighborhood.

In the first season after planting, they try to prevent the earliest flowering by cutting off the buds. You can leave one to identify the variety, if necessary. On the second wave they leave no a large number of ovaries for further fruit formation. This procedure will strengthen the plant and give strength for abundant flowering for next season.

Pruning is carried out depending on the form in which the bush is planned to be kept. If you need to get climbing rose, then only sanitary pruning is carried out:

  • autumn - immature or damaged shoots;
  • spring - poorly overwintered, as well as lateral lashes that disturb the school.

When grown in the classic form, in the form of a bush with flowing shoots, in the spring they are shortened by about 1/5.


Current questions on the topic of growing the Grown Princess Margareta variety.

Question No. 1. Who is better to take as a companion for this variety when decorating a flower garden?

If you plan to decorate a flower garden with roses of approximately the same tone and height, then William Morris from the same company or Barock from the Tantau company are good choices. From other types of plants, you can choose both tall (delphinium, sage, hesperis dwarf conifers) and low-growing (hosta, bells, cornflowers, forget-me-nots).

The rose is rightfully recognized as the queen of flowers - it combines incredible beauty and an intoxicatingly delicate aroma. The variety of its types, varieties and colors is endless. Among this wonderful variety, one of the real pearls is the Princess Margaret rose, created by the famous English breeder David Austin. We started cultivating this rose in 1999.

Crown Princess Margarehta (Crown Princess Margaret), or Princess Margaret, received its name in honor of the granddaughter of Queen Margaret of Sweden. This shrub belongs to the English Leander hybrids.

The unusual orange-apricot color and delicate tea-fruit aroma, combined with resistance to cold, rain and disease, have made this rose a real favorite of gardeners and landscape designers. In this article we will look at the specifics of planting and caring for the Princess Margarita rose.

The Princess Margaret bush grows quite spreading, up to 1.8 m in height and 1 m in width. The branches are long, beautifully arched, with dark green semi-glossy foliage. Thorns are almost completely absent. When flowering, the flexible branches bend to the ground, so it is recommended to tie the rose to a support.

The flower of this variety of rose is densely double, as if filled with many petals in the middle, there are up to 120 of them. The diameter of the flowers is about 11 cm. The flowers collected in brushes bloom one at a time, and each blooms for 7 days. The color of the petals is orange-apricot, darker towards the center and lighter at the edges of the bud.

In strong sunlight, flowers may fade and turn pale. yellow color. The tea aroma with distinct fruity notes is good on warm sunny days and slightly weakened in the rain. The aroma of roses intensifies in the morning and decreases in the evening.

During the summer, Princess Margaret blooms 4 times, the last time in mid-September. The bush is able to withstand frost of -28 degrees when covered without loss. The variety is highly resistant to powdery mildew and black spot.

Currently, this rose is successfully grown in Crimea, the Rostov region and the northwestern regions of Russia.

Application in landscape design

Princess Margarita looks good both when planted alone and in a variety of woody and floral compositions. This rose goes especially well with violet-blue flowers such as delphinium, lavender, salvia, mantle, geranium and sage.

With minimal pruning, the rose turns into a climbing rose, and when planted in a container, it will take the form of a standard tree.

These roses are used to create hedges and decorate mixed borders.

Choosing a landing site and conditions of detention

It is advisable for Princess Margaret to find a place in the garden where she would be protected from the scorching midday sun. In areas that are too sunny, the rose will fade faster, and its color will fade and become pale; in addition, the petals may get sunburned.

The plant should not be planted in low-lying areas where it stagnates. cold air and water. There is a danger of root rotting and the appearance of various fungal diseases. In a place with good air circulation, the rose will be protected from diseases and pests.

The soil for Princess Margaret is slightly acidic with a pH of 5.6-6.5. To increase acidity, you can add peat or manure, and to lower it, add ash or lime. The soil must be fertile, air- and water-permeable. If the soil is clayey and heavy, then humus, compost and sand are added to it. If the soil is sandy and allows water to pass through like a sieve, then clay soil, humus, peat, manure and turf soil are added to it.

Groundwater should not rise above 1 m from the surface of the earth, since the root system of the rose grows in depth, and too much moisture can lead to rotting of the roots.

Features of planting and care


You can plant roses in open ground in spring and autumn. Spring planting preferably, it is produced in April-May according to the following scheme:

  1. Dig holes measuring 60*60*60. Lay drainage (small pebbles, crushed stone) at the bottom in a layer of 10 cm.
  2. Fertilize the excavated soil with rotted manure or compost, lay drainage in a 10 cm layer. Sprinkle garden soil on top with a 10 cm layer.
  3. The seedling is placed with its roots in a solution of a growth stimulator, such as Heteroauxin, for a day. This way the rose will take root faster. Damaged and long roots are removed with pruning shears.
  4. Place the seedling in the center of the prepared hole and carefully cover it with earth so that the root collar is 3 cm below ground level.
  5. The planted plant is watered at the root. If the ground has subsided, add more.
  6. Mulch the root circle with peat.


In hot and dry summers, the rose must be watered 3-4 times a week, 20 liters per day. cold water for one bush. Water should be poured directly under the bush and preferably in the evening. Also, on particularly hot days, the rose can be sprayed in the evenings. At the end of summer, watering should be reduced, and in September it should be stopped altogether.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is carried out seasonally - nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied in the summer. These activities begin immediately after filming winter shelter. And then feed once every 2 weeks in calm weather. You can combine fertilizing with a fertilizer solution and watering. The last fertilizing without nitrogen is applied in early September.


This important stage rose care. Spring pruning It is more of a sanitary nature - branches that are damaged and frostbitten after winter are removed. Autumn pruning carried out for the correct formation of the bush and for abundant flowering in the next season.

Usually leave 5-7 strong branches, which are cut to 2/3 of the length. Pruning is carried out with a clean, sharp tool. It is also necessary to promptly remove faded flowers, this promotes the rapid appearance and blooming of new ones.

Loosening and mulching

The soil around the bush must be promptly removed from weeds and loosened after each watering. Mulch the root circle after planting and then after watering using peat. Mulching allows you to retain moisture in the soil for a long time, this is especially important in hot weather.

Shelter for the winter

Despite the fact that the Princess Margaret rose has high frost resistance and can safely tolerate -28 degrees, it must be covered with the onset of persistent cold weather. Before sheltering, the bushes are pruned and hilled with the addition of compost, humus and garden soil. Cover the bushes with spruce branches (see photo).

A frame is built over the bushes and a special covering material is pulled over it. In spring, the structure is periodically ventilated, opening the film on the sides. With the onset of persistent heat, the shelter is dismantled.


Advantages of the rose Princess Margarita

  1. High resistance to diseases.
  2. Beautiful appearance bush.
  3. Beautiful and rare color of flowers.
  4. Wonderful tea and fruit aroma.
  5. Thorns are almost completely absent.
  6. Long flowering in 4 stages.
  7. It grows well in the shade; 4-5 hours of diffused sunlight is enough for it.
  8. Excellent propagation by cuttings with good survival rate.
  9. High frost resistance, can withstand frost of -28 degrees when covered.
  10. Can be used in landscape design both like a bush and like a climbing rose.

Disadvantages of the variety

  1. In the first year of life, the bush does not bloom very profusely, and the flowers may be small.
  2. In adult bushes, the shoots become so rigid that it can be quite difficult to remove them from the support for shelter for the winter.
  3. Flowers fade in the sun and their aroma decreases in rainy weather.

The Vyatka roses we sell can grow without problems in any zone of the country under different climatic conditions. Our task is to grow seedlings that will delight you with pleasant flowering and excellent growth, while requiring you to spend a minimum of time and effort when growing them.

When you contact us, you will always receive professional care assistance and proper cultivation all our seedlings from a garden specialist (16 years of experience in growing roses). All planting material You can buy roses in an online store and receive it in your locality at any post office. The rose seedlings you purchased will be sent to you by mail.

We have been growing and propagating seedlings of roses and other plants for a long time. During this time we have grown a large number different varieties roses, each unique and beautiful in its own way. In the harsh northern winters it is very difficult to preserve rose seedlings, so only those rose seedlings that can withstand such unfavorable natural conditions grow and reproduce in our country.

Each of our plants survived at least one winter in such conditions, despite the fact that not every small seedling remains alive when spring arrives. Therefore, our next advantage is the very high survival rate and hardiness of roses. You get Vyatka roses that can survive in natural habitats. Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness.

Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness. Today, with joy and love, we grow over 100 types of roses different types- hybrid tea, park, ground cover, climbing (climbing), English, sprays.

Interval time lapse video. Accelerated opening of a rose bud Crown Princess Margaret. https://youtu.be/8NB0TakP-BE

Watch a video review of the Crown Princess Margaret variety on our channel. Subscribe to our channel, constant addition of videos and photo reviews. Comments and tips on growing and caring not only for roses, but also for other plants!


The rose is named after Queen Victoria's granddaughter, Crown Princess Margaret of Connaught of Sweden, who was an accomplished gardener and decorator. The flowers are of charming colors - a mixture of apricot tones, which change their saturation depending on weather conditions and as they bloom, the lower petals become lighter. The buds are single, large, 10-12 cm in diameter, densely double (more than 40 petals), spherical, hold their shape for a long time and do not fall off. Flowering is abundant and continuous throughout the season. The flowers are fragrant with a fruity aroma. An erect bush with drooping branches, covered with light green foliage. On a support it can exceed 250cm. High winter hardiness and disease resistance. Belongs to the Leander group (the hardiest and healthiest group of English rose varieties)

Reviews from Rosebook.

A beautiful healthy rose, but, indeed, much paler than in the catalog (although this does not spoil it), and, indeed, the bush literally falls apart in all directions without a garter. But after looking at the album of one of the rose growers, I realized that we are simply planting English roses incorrectly. They need to be planted in a raised area, such as a raised area along a wall, like a tall, wide border with soil. If you plant English roses there, they FALL so wonderfully in cascades of flowers onto the ground under the elevation that it looks like a fountain. I realized that English roses are designed for this purpose, to fall down, and we artificially tie them up, forcing them to grow upward, for which they are not adapted, so it doesn’t look very good. If you don’t fight their nature, but let them grow the way they were intended, it’s a complete delight!

It grew for the first year and the flowers amazed me with their smell, of course. But most of all I was surprised by the attractiveness of the bush, I couldn’t pass by, I always stopped and looked, looked... The gaze goes deep into the flowers and dissolves... I can’t say “rose, flower” about it, it’s so majestic

This year (third summer) there are a lot of buds. Don't whip yet. The shoots are thin and droop under the weight of the flowers. The flowers are very nice. Half-opened - the color of pink mother-of-pearl. Opened - very densely packed compact dark yellow rosettes, the petals are laid evenly and neatly. In combination it is perceived as very unusual and intriguing. The smell in my opinion is simply amazing, it is complex, rich and strong.

My Princess is 5 years old. Height -2 meters, width -2 meters. It blooms along the entire length of the shoots all summer almost without interruption, a stunning sight. I never have it yellow, orange inside, apricot around the edges. Grows in full sun, grafted onto Laxa. It takes cuttings very well and grows well on its own roots. I consider her the most the best variety Austin. Even in an unfavorable rainy summer there is not a single spot on it.

Amazing variety! I love, love, love... It grows quickly, the bush is powerful, the flowers are beautifully shaped and have a wonderful aroma, evenly distributed throughout the bush. It is the first to bloom even among the ostinos. Overwinters well up to the tips of the branches. It grows on the east side of the house, receiving sun only before lunch. Happy in any weather.

The rose is indestructible, the bushes grow huge, the smell is felt only close to the bush, it takes cuttings well and grows on its own roots. A garter is required because the flowers look down. It fades very quickly in the sun. Fans of bright flowers will not like it, the rose is pale.