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HPV type 58 in men treatment. Methods of influencing neoplasms

Infection with papillomavirus of any strain always occurs due to a deterioration of the body's immune defense. Infection with HPV 58 (Human papillomavirus) leads to changes in epithelial tissue at the cellular level. Infection is accompanied by the appearance of neoplasms, such as moles, papillomas, and condylomas. The main danger of the 58 strain of the virus is its oncogenicity - the ability to provoke the transformation of epithelial cells into a malignant neoplasm. This process in medicine is called malignancy.

But there is no need to panic. Timely seeking medical help and prescribing effective therapy can slow down the spread of HPV type 58. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of human papillomavirus.

The main problem in diagnosing and carrying out timely therapy is the long incubation period papillomavirus infection. For example, strain 58 of HPV may not manifest itself in any way for several decades after infection, but if HPV 58 DNA is attached, the viral infection instantly appears on the genitals.

The virus spreads throughout the body along with biological fluids (blood, lymph). In the presence of microtraumas of the skin or mucous membranes, HPV is fixed, penetrates deep into the epithelial tissues, gradually increasing the territory of its localization.

HPV 58 cells invade epithelial tissues, changing their DNA to cellular level. As a result, uncontrolled tissue growth begins. The main danger of strain 58 is that it provokes the process of malignancy.

Women may develop dysplasia and cervical cancer. At risk are older representatives of the fairer sex. During the menopausal and post-menopausal periods, metabolic processes in female body, which becomes the impetus for the development of pathology leading to an oncological tumor and metastases.

The most dangerous thing is the appearance of condylomas on internal organs, which are difficult to diagnose during a routine examination. With absence external signs human papillomavirus infection, you should pay attention to symptoms that indicate the transition of the disease to the acute phase:

  • Impaired bowel movements, presence of blood in the stool;
  • Lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • Slight increase in temperature (subfertile);
  • Depressed state, fatigue, depression;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse (women may experience bleeding);
  • Detection of small formations in the genital area or in skin folds.

Causes of the disease

Infection with the 58 strain of papillomavirus occurs through household contact or sexual contact. A prerequisite for transmission of the virus is contact with the skin or mucous membrane of an infected person.

However, such contact does not always lead to the development of the disease. Strong immune defense is able to cope with the emerging threat.

The main reason for HPV 58 infection is frequent change of sexual partners, neglect of personal hygiene and deterioration of the body's defenses.

Additional factors that increase the risk of contracting human papillomavirus infection include:

  • Lack of proper sleep;
  • Unhealthy diet;
  • Presence of bad habits (extensive smoking history, abuse of strong alcohol, use of drugs or psychotropic drugs, overeating);
  • Acute viral infections;
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules when visiting the pool, shower, or cosmetology season;
  • Uncontrolled use of oral hormonal contraceptives.


The first main symptom indicating infection with HPV 58 is the detection of tumors on the body and in the genital area. Such growths are similar in appearance to vulgar warts. Usually it is a spherical formation on a stalk with a rough surface.

The favorite places for dislocation of growths are:

  • Face;
  • Mucous.

Neoplasms located on the mucous membranes of the esophagus, intestines, and inside the bladder are considered dangerous, where it is almost impossible to detect them independently.

Features of the manifestation of HPV in women

HPV 58 is diagnosed more often in women than in men. The oncogenic genotype of human papillomavirus infection can appear ten to fifteen years later - during menopause - and become the cause of adenocarcinoma (cervical cancer).

Women of childbearing age are infected with papillomavirus. The disease is diagnosed during the period of exacerbation, when specific growths appear in the vaginal and anal areas. If the formations are located inside the vagina, they can only be detected during a gynecological examination. If HPV infection is suspected, the gynecologist issues referrals for clinical trials.

Symptoms in men

Growths in males appear at the sites of initial infection. With the spread of human papillomavirus infection, the area of ​​the rash increases and can occur throughout the groin area:

  • Pubic part;
  • Penis;
  • The area around the anus;
  • Scrotum.

It is also possible for growths to appear in the mouth and larynx.

Diagnostics and its stages

In most cases, HPV type 58 in men is asymptomatic. The only sign of the spread of a viral infection is growths on and around the penis.

After the initial examination, the urologist prescribes the following tests:

  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) of a smear from the urogenital canal;
  • Blood test for HPV.

When making a diagnosis, women will need to go through a number of stages:

  1. Gynecological examination on a chair with a mirror;
  2. PCR analysis of a smear from the cervical canal;
  3. Purpose of the Digene test. This study will require a scraping of the vaginal mucosa and a cytological analysis for the presence of oncogenic cells;
  4. Colposcopy is an in-depth gynecological examination using a colcoscope (a special device that allows you to study in detail the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervical canal, thanks to multiple magnification);
  5. Histological analysis of epithelial tissues.

Treatment of HPV strain 58

HPV type 58 is not a death sentence. Timely diagnosis and complex therapy minimize the risk of malignancy of tumors. Treatment for papillomavirus includes:

  • Getting rid of growths;
  • Taking immunomodulatory drugs;
  • Prescription of multivitamin complexes;
  • Vaccination.

If condylomas are found in the rectum or on the body, be sure to consult with an oncologist.

The attending physician may suggest several methods for removing genital warts caused by HPV 58:

Self-medication will not give a positive result. Be sure to consult your doctor.

  • Cryodestruction - freezing the condyloma with liquid nitrogen;
  • Electrocoagulation – exposure of the growth to high-frequency electric current;
  • Radio wave therapy is a targeted technique for removing tumors;
  • Surgery is an outdated traumatic method. It is used exclusively for suspected malignancy of condyloma.

Many patients, faced with a diagnosis of HPV 58, wonder: how to continue to live and what to do? Of course, it is impossible to completely cure human papillomavirus infection, but timely, complete examination and complex therapy will help relieve the acute phase of the disease. In addition, according to medical statistics, the oncogenicity of HPV type 58 is only 5%.

Compliance with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, compliance preventive measures allow to minimize the risk of relapse of viral infection and its malignancy. In order to reduce the likelihood of missing the initial stage of the disease, you should maintain your immunity and prevent exacerbation chronic diseases, undergo an annual preventive examination with a gynecologist (for women) and a urologist (for men).

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Human papillomavirus infection is a common disease that is predominantly sexually transmitted and affects both women and men. HPV type 58 in women can lead to the development of cervical cancer. Oncological diseases in males occur in the rectal area, and therefore this strain is considered the most dangerous.

The danger of developing HPV type 58

Some papillomaviruses are capable of affecting epithelial cells, transforming them into malignant ones. Virus genotypes are usually classified according to the likelihood of developing cancer. There are low and low viruses. The danger of strain 58 is its ability to cause precancerous conditions, which can later develop into malignant tumors. HPV of this type belongs to the group of high oncogenic risk.

Not all people infected with HPV are capable of developing cancer. Such an outcome is possible only under the complex influence of several unfavorable factors. When studying a group of people with malignant neoplasms, it turned out that most of patients were carriers of HPV. This fact made it possible to establish the relationship between cancer and the human papillomavirus.

The danger of HPV is that skin manifestations cannot always be seen even during a medical examination. HPV appears on the skin in the form of genital or flat condylomas. Condylomas acuminata have the appearance of papillary growths, while flat formations do not rise above the surface of the skin and can merge with the surrounding tissues. If flat condylomas are located on the walls of the vagina, their detection may become difficult. Accordingly, HPV has a risk of being detected at later stages.

Reasons for appearance

HPV can enter the body in several ways:

The incubation period of infection lasts for years. Weakening the body's defenses can cause illness, since the virus in this case enters the active phase. This condition is most often provoked by the following factors:

  • spicy infectious diseases, for example, ARVI;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • presence of bad habits: smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • avitaminosis;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • conditions accompanied by immunodeficiency;
  • chronic stress.


A gynecologist diagnoses pathology in women, and a urologist in men.

Human papillomavirus infection can be diagnosed by visual examination. HPV is characterized by the appearance of tumors on the body: around the anus, in the oral area, on the genitals. In women, the labia, vaginal mucosa, cervix, etc. are affected. In men, condylomas occur on the penis and pubis. The first neoplasms appear at the site of entry of the virus, then they further distribution to neighboring areas.

The main laboratory method for diagnosing HPV is the PCR test. To carry it out, you need the patient’s blood or a smear taken from the urethra in men and from the vagina in women. The method is based on the detection of viral DNA. In addition, the test allows you to determine the type of HPV.

The Digene test is becoming increasingly widespread. The value of this study for women is that it can reliably determine the presence of a predisposition to cervical cancer, since it is used to identify oncogenic types of HPV.

No preparation is required for the test; standard hygiene procedures are sufficient. For examination, a fragment of the affected tissue or epithelium is taken from the surface of the vagina or urethra.

To diagnose HPV in women, colposcopy is indicated. This technique is an examination of the mucous membrane of the vulva and cervix using a special device - a colposcope. The study allows you to visualize foci of damage or degeneration of the epithelium.

Treatment options

When an oncogenic type of HPV is detected, treatment consists of two stages: removal of condylomas and increasing immunity. It is impossible to get rid of this infection once and for all - the patient will carry the DNA of the virus for life.

Methods of influencing neoplasms

Laser removal of papillomas is a low-traumatic and harmless method for the body. During the procedure, tumor cells are burned. A crust forms at the site of exposure, which lasts for 1–2 weeks to fall off.

Radio wave therapy is also common, in which the tumor is cut out at the base. The procedure is completely safe. Recovery after it occurs within 1–2 weeks.

To remove condylomas, you can use liquid nitrogen cooled to low temperatures. This manipulation is called cryotherapy. This procedure involves freezing the tumors, after which they spontaneously fall off. Healing skin after cryotherapy - from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

Surgical removal of condylomas is extremely rarely used. This is a traumatic procedure, which is advisable for large areas of damage and large sizes neoplasms.

You should not try to remove condylomas on your own, as this can lead to infection, bleeding and many other dangerous conditions. Only a doctor can perform the manipulation painlessly and without harm to health.

Methods to increase immunity

To strengthen the immune system, a group of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs is used. Data medicines have different release forms and affect general and local immunity:

  1. Pills. They are convenient to take at any time and anywhere, including outside the home. The most commonly used are Isoprinosine, Anaferon, Amiksin.
  2. - Genferon, Viferon. They are administered rectally or intravaginally as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Gels, creams, ointments, sprays are applied directly to the affected areas. They can also treat operated areas. The most popular drugs: Viferon ointment, Panavir gel, Epigen Intim spray.

In addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to eliminate factors that weaken the immune system. To do this, it is important to follow simple recommendations:

  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • prevent respiratory diseases;
  • use vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • provide adequate nutrition;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • treat chronic diseases without exacerbating them.


There are several preventive measures that can reduce the risk of contracting this infection:

  1. . This technique is used in people before sexual activity begins. The vaccine is administered 3 times over six months.
  2. Absence of promiscuity and use of barrier contraception methods.
  3. Regular visits by women to a gynecologist and men to a urologist.
  4. Compliance with personal hygiene rules. The towel, washcloth, comb and toothbrush must be individual.

Doctors have in their arsenal effective methods diagnostics to detect HPV 58 DNA and effective treatments of this disease, which significantly reduces the risk of developing undesirable consequences of this infection.

The main thing is not to put off visiting a doctor if signs of illness appear.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 58 is included in the group of highly carcinogenic viruses. After entering the active stage, this genotype can provoke the development of cancerous tumors of the genital organs in both men and women.

When characteristic signs of papillomavirus appear on a person’s body - warts, condylomas - he is recommended to get tested and determine the type of HPV. Timely treatment prevents cell degeneration and saves a person’s life.

How does infection occur?

The main method of transmission of any type of papillomavirus is through an infected sexual partner. As a rule, protected sexual contacts can partially prevent infection, but there is no complete guarantee in this case either.

After the virus enters the body, it falls into a “dormant state.” A strong human immune system keeps HPV at bay. The latent (hidden period) can last several months, years, and even decades. HPV elimination occurs quite often, i.e. The human immune system completely suppresses the virus.

As a rule, this happens within the first year after infection. But if self-healing does not occur, then when the immune system is weakened, viral cells are activated. Reasons for decreased immune defense may include:

  • presence of bad habits;
  • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness;
  • transferred infectious pathologies.

The risk group includes women who have been practicing oral contraception for a long time. A vertical mode of transmission is not excluded - from mother to child during natural childbirth. HPV type 58 is much more common in women than in men.

Symptoms of the disease

Infection with HPV genotype 58 manifests itself in the form of genital or flat condylomas. The main localization is the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the anal area and the mucous surfaces of the mouth.

Genital warts (genital warts) are pink or flesh-colored skin growths. Appearance These warts resemble heads of cauliflower. They tend to merge and in this case look like a cockscomb.

Flat condylomas can form on the vaginal mucosa and the surface of the cervix. They only rise slightly above the surface of the shells and are detected completely by accident. Most often this happens during a routine gynecological examination.

The development of flat condylomas occurs unnoticed by a woman, but it is they who pose the greatest danger. Human papillomavirus type 58 in women causes the formation of genital warts on certain parts of the body. Most often affected:

  • mucous surface of the labia majora and minora;
  • vulva;
  • inner surface of the vagina;
  • cervical canal (its vaginal segment);
  • perianal and perineal zone;
  • oral cavity;
  • pubis.

In the absence of adequate treatment, genital warts are prone to rapid growth. They can develop on the mucous membrane of the urethra, causing difficulty emptying the bladder, and also form on the mucous membrane of the rectum.

In men, warts caused by HPV genotype 58 most often form in the area:

  • the head and body of the penis;
  • scrotum;
  • pubis.

Damage to the oral mucosa and anal area is possible. As a rule, primary condylomas are formed precisely at the site of virus introduction. As the human papillomavirus infection intensifies, the growth of neoplasms is recorded. If left untreated, they invade the entire groin area and can rise higher.

Danger of HPV genotype 58 for women

Genital condylomas belong to the group of highly cancerogenic neoplasms, i.e. they are prone to degeneration. Under certain conditions, they can provoke the development of precancerous conditions and even cause the formation of cancer pathology.

Not all genital warts are prone to malignancy. But in many cases of diagnosis of penile cancer in men and cervical cancer in women, papillomavirus type 58 was previously detected in patients.

HPV genotype 58 is especially dangerous for women, since the female immune system is initially weaker than the male one. And if in men HPV 58 passes in a latent form without the formation of warts - the immune system suppresses viral activity - then in women the picture of the course of the disease is somewhat different.

According to statistics, the “culprit” of cervical cancer in 70% of all diagnosed cases is HPV genotype 58. The greatest danger is caused by flat condylomas, since they often form on the internal genital organs - the walls of the vagina and uterus.

There is no way to identify warts of such localization on your own. Even a gynecologist can prescribe several specific tests to confirm his suspicions. Genital warts caused by HPV type 58 are more likely than other strains to cause the development of cervical carcinoma and dysplasia.

Diagnosis of pathology

When symptoms typical of human papillomavirus infection develop, the patient needs to receive qualified advice. The attending physician for women is a gynecologist, for men – a urologist.

The open form of the pathology does not cause difficulties in diagnosis. An examination of the patient is sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. Additional studies are prescribed to identify the current activity of the virus and prescribe drug therapy adequate to the patient’s condition.

In the case when the infection is in a latent form at the time of contacting a specialist, but the person is bothered by any secondary symptoms, .

First of all, during the examination, a smear is taken: from the vagina and cervix in women, from the urethra in men. In addition, scraping of the epithelial layer can be performed to perform a cytological examination, as well as obtaining a biopsy (living tissue) if a condyloma is detected.

PCR diagnostics is becoming the most informative method. The material being tested is blood. The analysis allows you to obtain more accurate results than a smear examination. The method is based on the study of cell DNA, which allows doctors not only to determine the quantitative presence of the virus, but also its genotype.

Treatment methods

How to treat HPV? When the 58th strain of human papillomavirus infection is isolated, therapy is carried out in two directions:

  • strengthening immune defense;
  • removal of tumors.

Drug therapy

It is worth noting that it is impossible to destroy the virus in the human body with the help of medications. He forever remains a carrier of the infection with the risk of periodic exacerbation. In order to increase one's own immune defense, a person is prescribed drugs from the category of antiviral agents and various immunomodulators.

  • Medicines such as Arbidol, Groprinosin, Isoprinosin and others can be prescribed in tablet form.
  • Medicines in the form of suppositories are prescribed for men and women when flat papillomas are detected: in the first group of patients with damage to the intestines, cervix and vagina - in women. The most commonly recommended candles are Kipferon, Genferon and Viferon.
  • Ointments are used to speed up the healing of wounds after removal of genital warts. These can be Viferon, oxolinic ointment, Panavir-gel.

Vitamin and mineral complexes are mandatory. Based on current tests, the doctor will select the optimal drug.

In addition to taking medications, the patient will be given additional recommendations. This:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle - quitting smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • normalization of wakefulness and sleep patterns - a person during the period of activation of the virus needs a full night’s rest;
  • playing sports;
  • diet – it is advisable to introduce as many fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet as possible.

In addition to artificial immunostimulants and antiviral drugs, it is allowed to practice methods traditional medicine. Decoctions of mint, lemon balm and other medicinal herbs have proven themselves to be effective.

Removal of tumors

Very rarely, genital warts disappear on their own with the help of medication. This is possible only at the very early stage of infection, when the virus is just becoming active.

Most often, condylomas need to be removed. To do this, people with visible manifestations of pathology need to contact a dermatovenerologist. After everyone has passed necessary tests The specialist will offer the patient the most appropriate technique in his particular case.

To remove tumors in the genital area, laser therapy is most often prescribed. During the procedure, the wart is “evaporated.” The technique is bloodless: simultaneously with burning out the condyloma, the damaged vessels are sealed. The laser treatment method completely eliminates infection of the wound.

A crust forms at the site of the wart, which falls off on its own, leaving no scars. The laser is also used to remove flat condylomas located on the surface of the internal genital organs in women.

The second most common treatment method is radio wave surgery. In this case, the operation is performed using a radio knife. The wart is carefully excised, and in its place a crust forms, which falls off after a couple of weeks. As with laser, scar formation is almost completely eliminated.

Removal of genital warts is also possible by cryodestruction - freezing with liquid nitrogen. After treating the surface of the condyloma, it disappears. It takes two to six weeks for the wound to heal completely. Traditional surgery is practiced in exceptional cases. In particular, these include the strong growth of warts.

If specific symptoms appear, it is recommended to obtain qualified advice from a specialized specialist. Self-treatment can only worsen the infection.

The strain, once in the body, manifests itself as skin tumors, which are small growths with a dense or soft texture. The color range of the neoplasm varies from soft pink color until dark brown. If multiple rashes are observed on the body, the disease is characterized as papillomatosis. Human papillomavirus type 58 selects special places.

The danger of HPV type 58 is quite high and manifests itself in the development of cancer of the following organs:

  • cervix;
  • anal passage;
  • vagina;
  • penis;
  • rectum.

In addition, these varieties of strains provoke the appearance on the body of such benign neoplasms as:

  • moles;
  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • condylomas.

These skin growths often do not have pronounced symptoms and do not cause discomfort to the wearer. However, in combination with the oncogenic nature of the virus, the following types of warts have a high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor:

  • genital warts;
  • laryngeal growths.

With reduced immunity and other accompanying factors, the virus is activated, causing random cell division. In such cases, the symptoms become pronounced, the warts grow or bleed. Thus, papilloma can develop into malignant melanoma, and the patient will need urgent medical examination and antitumor therapy.

Viruses 51 and 58 in women begin to actively progress in the body, causing various pathological changes. Most often among them are:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • malignant formations in the vaginal and anal areas;
  • cancerous tumors in the tissues of the uterus.

The main factor in the degeneration of cell DNA into a malignant genotype can be called frequent damage to the mucous system during promiscuity. Pathologies can also be triggered by the presence of genital herpes in a woman, abortion, or long-term use of oral contraceptives.

In men, papillomavirus 51 causes the risk of genital warts, characterized by the following features:

  • have a bushy shape of a flesh or burgundy shade;
  • localized in the areas of the foreskin, urethra, on the head of the penis, less often in the corners of the mouth;
  • may manifest themselves by forming a fusion of several condylomas in the anal area or the area adjacent to the penis.

In addition, in men, infection with the papilloma virus can result in malignant neoplasms of the penis and anal intraepithelial neoplasia. The latter pathology is characteristic of unprotected homosexual contacts.

How dangerous is HPV for women?

Symptoms of HPV 58

HPV type 58 in women provokes the appearance of genital warts, most often in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, less often on their outer part, in the anal area. Most often, the papillomavirus develops without any noticeable external symptoms at all, and is noticed after an accidental injury to an epithelial neoplasm or during an examination by a doctor (for example, when registering a girl).

Late symptoms include the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina, a slight increase in temperature, and exacerbation of other diseases of the reproductive system.

However, it should be taken into account that these symptoms fit the descriptions of other diseases of the reproductive system, so only the attending physician can make a final diagnosis and only after undergoing a comprehensive examination and tests.

But it is worth noting that this virus (meaning type 58) is much less common than others. On average, it is diagnosed in 0.01% of all women. This is the rarest indicator among alpha group papillomaviruses (which are considered the most dangerous due to the high risk of developing cancer).

What tests are performed to establish a diagnosis? First of all, the patient is referred for examination to a gynecologist. He subsequently prescribes a blood donation to detect antibodies to HPV, and after this a histological examination is carried out.

That is, they pinch off part of the neoplasm and send it for laboratory analysis. There they will determine what exactly the tumor is, how to treat it, and whether there is a need to see an oncologist.

How does infection occur?

Papillomavirus type 58 (HPV) is most often transmitted through sexual contact. There may be microscopic damage on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and on human skin that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Through them the virus enters the body. People who practice unprotected sex and frequently change partners are at risk.

There are other routes of transmission. You can become infected through household means, for example, by using other people's personal hygiene items (washcloths, towels). Sometimes the virus is passed from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.

When it enters the body, the virus invades cells, replacing healthy tissue with HPV type 58 DNA. But symptoms of infection do not appear immediately. Often a person does not even suspect that he is infected with papillomavirus.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of HPV is carried out using both medical and surgical methods. After treatment, a repeat test for the presence of the virus is required.

  1. Antiviral drugs are prescribed: Groprinosin, Arbidol, Isoprinosin, Ergoferon.
  2. To strengthen the body's defenses it is used immunomodulators: Polyoxidonium, Derinat, Transfer Factor.
  3. For local treatment of condylomas, suppositories are used: Viferon, Genferon, Kipferon, as well as ointments: Oxolinic, Panavir.

Treatment of condylomas with medications does not always lead to their complete disappearance. This is only possible on early stages diseases. Therefore, it is often necessary to resort to surgical removal of warts. This procedure is carried out using the following methods:

  • freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction);
  • laser removal;
  • excision by radio waves;
  • cauterization (thermocoagulation);
  • removal with cauterizing chemicals.

However, if there is a virus in the body, condylomas can grow again. Therefore, before surgical methods To remove warts, the infection must be cured completely. You should not remove condylomas with HPV type 58 using home remedies. This can be dangerous, as these formations are prone to malignant degeneration.

To avoid infection with this dangerous oncogenic type of virus, following following rules:

  • refusal of casual sex;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • undergoing regular medical examinations and testing for HPV.

IN Lately The Gardasil vaccine has been developed to protect against HPV infection. It is recommended to be administered to boys and girls before sexual activity begins. However, vaccination of adult men and women is also possible if they have not previously been diagnosed with HPV type 58. Over the course of 6 months, 3 vaccinations are given in the shoulder area. Side effects from vaccination was not observed.

In women, treatment of papillomavirus alpha group (that is, with a high probability of transformation into a cancerous tumor) is performed exclusively by surgery. That is, the neoplasm is cut out or can be destroyed (by exposing it to special reagents, liquid nitrogen, an electric or thermal pulse, or a laser).

As a result, the papilloma atrophies and is rejected by the body. But with a high degree of probability, new ones will soon appear in its place or nearby.

Prevent this with:

  • taking complex antiviral drugs;
  • immunotherapy (taking immunomodulators);
  • general restoration of body tone;
  • searching for and removing all other neoplasms (meaning papillomas).

The same therapy is also used if HPV type 58 was detected in men. By the way, as practice shows, it is from them that girls most often become infected with papillomavirus. Only in men it occurs in only 0.0001% of cases, but in women it occurs much more often.

And it should be taken into account that HPV DNA will still remain forever in the body and will definitely make itself felt during immunodeficiency. Therefore, the rules of prevention should be followed for life after initial treatment.

Carrying out therapy

After collecting the necessary tests and diagnosing the disease, a qualified specialist prescribes treatment on an individual basis, taking into account the nature and degree of development of tumors on the mucous membranes.

Diagnostics includes the following methods:

  1. Histological examination of the growth (if necessary).
  2. Colposcopy.
  3. Blood test for antibodies.
  4. Digene test.
  5. Observation by a doctor and systematic examination, which allows you to determine the activity of the tumor.
  6. In women, tests must include cervical cytology in order to examine the concentration of oncogenic strains.

If treatment is not carried out on time, the disease can develop into a chronic relapsing form. Therapy usually takes quite a long time long time and must be carried out comprehensively:

  1. Removal of external papillomas.
  2. Taking antiviral drugs.
  3. Taking immunomodulatory drugs.

Removal of papillomas can be carried out in the following ways:

  • laser removal;
  • cryodestruction (cauterization with liquid nitrogen);
  • surgical cut with a scalpel;
  • chemical removal and the use of acids (salicylic, trichloroacetic), solutions of Solcoderm, Cantharidin;
  • radio irradiation (in the presence of malignant cells).

However, even correct removal does not eliminate the risk of relapse, therefore, if papilloma appears again, you should contact a specialist and continue treatment aimed at strengthening the body’s defenses and suppressing the activity of the human papilloma virus.

In addition, on an individual basis, the doctor may prescribe the drug Podophyllin for the local treatment of genital warts. In the presence of malignant tumors, Bleomycin is prescribed to restore the DNA of healthy cells.

You should know that a virus of this type that has entered the body is quite difficult to completely cure. A complete state of regression can only occur if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage of development, as well as if the patient has a strong immune system.

A repeated examination should be carried out within a year, and if normal indicators are present, the diagnosis should be repeated every 5 years.

In conclusion, it should be noted once again that human papillomavirus classes 51 and 58 can provoke serious consequences for the functioning of the body. For many people, these strains remain latent for a long time and reveal themselves when there are abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system.

If there is discomfort in the intimate area and there are visible tumors, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Prevention of exacerbation

Since infection with this type of papillomavirus occurs most often through sexual contact, the basis of prevention is protected sex and abstinence from unnatural sexual contact (during anal sex the risk of infection is significantly higher). After all, not every woman will ask men about the presence of such diseases, so they will have to protect themselves in any case.

Very common. According to WHO, about 90% of the world's population are carriers of this infection. Moreover, a decent portion of them are infected with an oncogenic type of HPV, that is, one that can cause the development of a cancerous tumor. One of them is type 58. It develops slowly, exhibits weak symptoms, is poorly diagnosed and difficult to treat. But methods to weaken the microorganism exist. What are these methods and how effective are they?

For a long time, this virus lives inside the cells of the human body, without interfering with a full life. But as soon as a provoking factor arises, for example, a decrease in immunity, HPV begins its harmful activity. It affects almost all systems of the body, paying special attention to the genitals. The virus is dangerous because it can change the DNA of healthy cells. This leads to their uncontrolled division and degeneration into malignant ones. The result is cancer. It is worth noting that the risk of developing cancer is much higher in women than in men.

The human papillomavirus has more than a hundred strains. Some varieties carry a significant risk of developing cancer. Can you find out if they can be recognized in the early stages of development and how easy they are to treat?

HPV 58 spreads rapidly among healthy people. The main reason is promiscuity. If you suddenly have unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner, then the risk of contracting this disease is close to 70%. Human papillomavirus is also transmitted:

  1. from mother to child during childbirth;
  2. through dirty dishes;
  3. due to the use of someone else's bedding and underwear.

Self-infection is possible. This happens when a person with dirty hands touches his genitals. Thus, those patients who neglect basic hygiene standards are at risk.

If a common cold is not treated, sooner or later the immune system will suffer. HPV 58 in such a situation will begin to multiply rapidly, infecting more and more new cells.


The clinical manifestations of this disease are very mild. The fact is that the virus hides deep in cells; it is practically never found in free form in patients’ bodies. But in about 10% of cases, symptoms are still present. Moreover, it differs significantly between men and women. Representatives of the fairer sex face:

  • purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain when urinating;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • condylomas, which are scattered throughout the body, but most often found in the vagina and anus.

The subtlety is that these signs are characteristic not only of HPV, but also of other diseases, for example, chlamydia.

In men, the symptoms of HPV 59 are as follows:

  • the head of the penis becomes covered with condylomas, which cause a burning sensation when urinating and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • warts all over the body (there are especially many of them near the anus);
  • discharge from the penis containing pus.

These symptoms can tell even less about the developing disease. Fortunately, representatives of the stronger sex are not as likely to get cancer as women.

As the disease worsens, the patient may experience dizziness, nausea, and abdominal pain. These are signs of intoxication of the body.


Since taking an anamnesis is practically useless, doctors prefer to immediately prescribe tests. Moreover, a general blood test is of little use - it is not able to determine the exact type of virus, which will not allow choosing the right medications, as well as assessing the degree of risk. Most often, women are referred for a gynecological examination. The doctor takes a swab from the vagina and cervix, and then sends it to the laboratory. Based on the results of such a study, it is possible to determine the presence of the virus in the body, and, a little less often, its type.

If the smear does not provide comprehensive information, and it most likely will not provide it, other, more complex tests are prescribed:

  1. Bacterial culture. From biomaterial taken from the patient, specialists grow a sample of the strain of the virus being studied. The method allows you to find out absolutely everything about the causative agent of the disease, and this is the key to the correct therapeutic strategy.
  2. PCR. A very accurate method that allows you to determine the type of HPV. But the number of microorganisms in the patient’s cells cannot be detected, so although the technique is good, it has a significant drawback.
  3. Daijin test. A very accurate way. The analysis is carried out quickly and provides comprehensive information.

Sometimes doctors order a biopsy. This is relevant only in cases where there is a suspicion of the onset of degeneration of neoplasms. The method is not recommended for widespread use, as it seriously damages the body.


The basis of the entire therapeutic strategy in the fight against this type of virus is antibiotics. Moreover, not all drugs approved for use by the Ministry of Health help. Each person’s body is individual, some medications may have no effect, while others can lead to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, remember the rule - no amateur performances.

Means that effectively fight HPV type 58 fit into a short list:

  • Groprinosin (costs approximately 600 rubles);
  • Arbidol (costs about 150 rubles);
  • Isoprinosine (you will have to shell out about 600 rubles).

Other drugs are rarely used in the treatment of this type of HPV, since their effect on the virus is still poorly understood. As a rule, doctors prescribe alternative medications if the patient is intolerant of basic medications.

But drug treatment in the case of HPV 58 is not enough, you still need to remove the condylomas. This is done to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Classical surgical intervention is now rarely used; doctors mainly prescribe:

  • cryotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrocoagulation.

The cost of these procedures depends on the number of condylomas and their size. Most a budget option - about 500 rubles. In difficult cases, you can fork out for 3000 and more. However, you should not skimp on your health.

Without strengthening the immune system, all these therapeutic measures will not be effective. For complete treatment of HPV, you need to take vitamin complexes (group B drugs are especially valuable), as well as immunomodulators prescribed by your doctor.

Consequences and danger

If non-oncogenic types of HPV can occur without a trace in the body, variety 58 is not something to joke about. The main complication is cervical cancer. Men can suffer from prostate tumors. However, this happens very rarely; for a representative of the stronger half of humanity, the main danger lies in infertility and impotence. It is interesting that the inability to bear children in men is relatively easy to treat, but women will have to run to the doctors.

Since HPV affects not only the genitals, there is a high risk of encountering:

  1. kidney and liver diseases;
  2. gastrointestinal disorder;
  3. defeat nervous system(rarely);
  4. problems with hearing and vision.

As you can see, HPV 58 is a dangerous disease that can completely destroy a person’s life. It is much easier to prevent it than to cure it. For prevention, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene, avoid casual sex, and also improve your health.

You can also watch this video, which talks about the HPV virus and cervical cancer and how they are interconnected.