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Aloe rots what to do. Why do aloe leaf tips dry: common plant diseases and pests. External signs of the disease

What diseases of aloe do flower growers most often encounter? This root rot, nematodes, thrips and spider mites. Often, aloe leaves turn yellow, become soft, or curl. Why do aloe leaves turn yellow, dry, curl? What to do? Experts solve a number of problems with the cultivation of aloe, they will also tell you how to professionally deal with pests and plant diseases. With the signs will help to understand the photo of aloe.

Aloe diseases due to improper care

Because of improper care most often, aloe dries and turns yellow. The plant also curls and turns red leaves. One stop solution there is no problem, and therefore experts consider each case separately. So, what to do if the aloe leaves curl and turn yellow, the plant itself dries or rots? Consultation with photos from professional flower growers.

Why does aloe have thin leaves, and the plant itself is stretched? In this case, the plant lacks sunlight. From a lack of lighting, aloe begins to grow intensively upwards, as if making its way to the rays of the sun, while spending a tremendous amount of energy on growth. At the same time, the plant does not have enough nutrients to build up a full-fledged green mass, and therefore aloe leaves become thin. You can solve the problem by moving the flower closer to the window or putting it under artificial lighting (in winter time). If there is no artificial lighting, then it is recommended to reduce the temperature of the aloe content and reduce the number of waterings. Thus, the plant slows down all physiological processes and it will not stretch. With the onset of spring, aloe provides desired level illumination. These should be windows on the east or west side of the house. If the windows of the house face south, then the plant must be shaded. It is also recommended to take the plant outside in spring and summer, but always with shading.

In aloe, the lower leaves became stained at the base and fell off. Reason: regular waterlogging of the soil, as a result, the aloe root rotted, the rot began to rise up the stem of the plant. What to do? The plant must be removed from the pot, remove all the rotten part to a clean cloth. A neat cut is made on the stem until the tissue at the cut site is completely clean. Next, the place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed, activated carbon, the cut is allowed to dry in 1-2 hours, then the base of the plant is powdered with root, and the aloe itself is planted in a small pot (volume 100-200 ml). The soil should have the following composition: 1:1 peat and sand (sand can be replaced with perlite). Watering is very scarce, watered through the pan, moisten only the lower part of the pot, where they planted aloe. Only the bottom layer of soil in the pot should be wetted, followed by complete drying of the soil and again poor watering. Do this until roots are formed.

Why do aloe leaves turn red?? Red or brown spots on aloe leaves are a protective reaction of plant tissues to bright, sunlight, that is, it is a sunburn. Red spots on aloe leaves may appear in the spring when, after short winter days the level of illumination increases. The plant has become unaccustomed to the sun during the winter and throws out the red pigment on the leaves for protection. Often, red spots on aloe leaves appear if the plant is moved from partial shade to a windowsill under unshaded sun. The plant should be accustomed to bright light gradually. From overabundance sun rays aloe leaves will not only blush, but also wither or turn yellow tips.

Why do the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow? Massive yellowing of the lower leaves of aloe indicates errors in care. So, warm wintering in conditions of abundant watering and lack of light leads to the depletion of the flower. As a result, the lower leaves of aloe turn yellow, when the crown is strongly extended, and the leaves become thin and not so fleshy. What to do? If in winter the plant does not have the opportunity to organize artificial lighting for 12 hours, then reduce the temperature of its content, up to +10 degrees (you need to gradually accustom the plant to a low temperature). At the same time, watering is reduced and aloe winters in almost dry soil.

Why does aloe turn yellow in summer? In summer, even in conditions of a sufficient amount of light, the lower leaves of aloe often turn yellow. This indicates violations of the root system, that is, the roots can rot from excessive waterlogging. Either the plant is watered too often, or it is growing in a very large pot. If the aloe has stretched out, and its lower leaves have turned yellow, you can re-root the top. Thus, the plant is rejuvenated. The top is cut off, the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, dried in the shade for 1-2 days, then the cut is sprinkled with root and planted in a small pot. A 1:1 mixture of peat and sand is suitable here. Watering is very poor through the pan. Only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. The next watering only after the complete drying of the earth from the previous watering.

Why do aloe leaves turn yellow? Aloe leaves turn yellow if the plant is satisfied cold wintering without reducing watering. Or they sharply lowered the temperature of the plant. In the first case, the roots of the flower begin to rot, in the second case, the roots are supercooled and stressed. In both cases, it is necessary to reduce watering. The next watering should be carried out only after the soil has completely dried. You need to accustom the plant to the cold gradually.

Aloe leaves are soft if the plant is in direct sunlight.. In this case, much more moisture evaporates from the surface of the leaf plate than the root system can absorb. However, excessive watering will not help here, but will only aggravate the situation. Indeed, from an excess of moisture, the aloe root can rot. Solving the problem is simple - move the flower under a bright but diffused light. This may be a place near the window, on which a light curtain weighs.

Aloe leaves are soft if the root system rots. There can be several reasons for root rot. This is a regular waterlogging of the soil, or a low temperature of the plant in combination with normal watering, or a large volume of the pot for little flower. In any case, aloe is taken out of the old soil. reduce the volume of the pot, plant it in a mixture of peat and sand, carry out poor watering through the pan.

Aloe leaves curl for two reasons.. The first reason is poor watering, heat maintenance and dry air in the apartment. In summer, when it is hot outside and in the apartment, you need to water the plant abundantly, but only after the soil has completely dried out, spray it regularly, but after the sun sets. Otherwise, burns in the form of red spots will appear on the aloe leaves. The second reason is the hot winter. Aloe in winter is often placed on a window near heating appliances. Near the batteries, the air is hot and dry, from which the aloe leaves curl. In such cases, aloe organize artificial lighting away from heating devices, or arrange a cold wintering.

Aloe leaves can curl if the root system rots.. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and, without violating the integrity of the earthy coma, inspect the roots. They should be elastic and light. If the aloe roots are brown and flabby, they rot and must be removed. How to proceed with aloe - written above.

Aloe diseases, photo

In addition to improper care, aloe can be affected by diseases such as root or dry rot, and pests such as thrips, spider mites, scale insects. So, how and how to treat aloe diseases? Photo and detailed instructions from experts.

Aloe stopped growing even during the growing season, its leaves turn yellow, in some cases the aloe leaves fall off the stem, the plant itself collapses on its side. Aloe Disease: Root Rot. Causes of the disease: excess moisture. The root system suffers (rots) from excessive watering. How to treat aloe? the plant must be removed from the ground and the roots carefully examined. Rotten and flabby roots must be cut off. The soil is thrown out of the pot, the container is disinfected. Pour a mixture of peat and sand into the pot. Aloe is planted there for rooting. Watering is carried out very sparsely and through the pan. When watering, only the bottom layer of soil should be wetted. Before the next watering, it should dry completely. The lower the temperature of the plant and the less amount of sunlight (artificial lighting), the less watering.

In especially severe cases, root rot affects the aloe stem. The leaves and stem of aloe are covered with large, soft-touch spots. Brown. The aloe root is completely rotted. Here you need to completely cut off the entire lower part of the flower down to healthy tissue. Powder the cut point with crushed, activated charcoal. Let the cut dry for 1-2 days, then it is sprinkled with root and planted in a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). Plant care is described in the previous paragraph.

On the leaves of aloe appeared white spots, similar to strokes. They increase in size over time, the disease spreads to other leaves of the flower and other plants. Affected aloe leaves turn yellow and dry. On the leaves of aloe you can find small black dots. Aloe disease: thrips. Black, small dots are excrement. How to treat? Isolate the affected plant. It is necessary to process aloe with actara, according to the instructions. Processing is carried out 4 times with breaks of 7-10 days. The higher the temperature in the house, the more frequent the treatment. For prevention, you need to spray the entire collection of flowers with actara.

Why does aloe dry out? From an excess of moisture, when the root system is completely rotted. Aloe leaves dry if the plant is planted in too heavy soil (clay-based). Air does not enter the roots and there is a constant excess of moisture. But sometimes aloe leaves dry very quickly, without changing their previous color, that is, green aloe leaves dry. Reason: root rot. How to treat the disease? Dry rot is not treated, and the plant affected by it must be thrown away immediately, the pot must be disinfected. To prevent the appearance of dry rot, the entire collection is recommended to be sprayed with systemic fungicides once every half a year.

Root rot is often found with improper care. This is a dangerous disease, often leading to the death of the agave. Since the plant is in a pot, it is not always possible to understand that the root system is suffering. Therefore, a regular examination of aloe is necessary in order to identify alarming symptoms by external signs.

Often flower growers, until the very last moment, delay the removal of the plant from the pot, for fear of harming it. They try to change the situation by feeding or other measures, but this only aggravates the situation. There are no external signs of improvement, and the "home doctor" continues to deteriorate.

Signs of decay of the root system of the plant

Causes of the disease

Recall that aloe belongs to succulents. In its natural environment, the agave grows in a dry, hot climate on sandy, well-ventilated, light soils. Violation of agricultural technology when growing succulents leads to big problems.

Frequent watering

With constant moistening of the earthen coma, the soil spreads. If the earth is heavy, clayey, a dense crust forms on the surface after drying. Since the plant breathes not only with its ground, but also with its underground part, carbon dioxide is constantly released into the soil. Souring of the earth during waterlogging is a frequent consequence of this. Many nutrients are converted into forms that are not absorbed by the plant.

Strong dampness and increased acidity of the soil lead to the onset of the development of root disease.

cramped pot

The roots of an adult plant in a tight pot are woven into a tight ring. With excessive waterlogging, the dampness inside the coma is constant, and there is almost no oxygen. At the same time, the earth may look dried up from above. This difference leads to the fact that the plant experiences additional stress and begins to rot inside.


If hypothermia is added to excess moisture, the situation is aggravated. According to statistics, the roots of succulents rot more often in autumn and winter, when it blows strongly from the side of the windows, and the earth in the pots cools. But even in the warm season, watering cold water harms the plant.

Infection with pathogenic microorganisms

Sometimes, even with moderate watering, a disease can develop due to a fungal infection. This happens if aloe is planted in a container in which a diseased plant lived before it. Some bacteria can live on the walls of an old pot for years, and as soon as a favorable situation arises for them, they will easily master the new space.

Top dressing with organic fertilizers

Often flower growers, trying to revive a diseased plant with top dressing, exacerbate the situation, causing a surge in the development of bacteria that provoke rot. Manure or bird droppings are especially harmful to aloe.

How to save the agave if its root system is damaged?

What if the aloe roots are already partially rotted? An urgent transplant is required.

The transplant process consists of several steps:

Care of the "house doctor" after transplantation

When the agave has taken root, proceed to the mode of moderate moistening of the earth with water at room temperature.

It is recommended to water the agave twice a month in the warm season. In autumn and winter, water the aloe once a month, or even leave the plant without water until spring. Be careful that the plant does not stand in the cold or in a draft.

Observing Golden Rule for aloe, that dry content is better than waterlogging, you can enjoy the healthy appearance of the “home doctor” for a long time.

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Common medicinal folk remedy- aloe. Few people at home did not have a pot with this houseplant. Meanwhile, aloe is not only an ornamental houseplant, but a genus of succulents from the asphodel family. It sounds complicated, but it has at least five hundred species.

As a houseplant, people mainly breed either agave or aloe vera. Their growth does not exceed 30 cm in height, while their wild relatives can grow into huge bushes. Wild aloe, moreover, pleases with flowering, which a domesticated flower cannot please.

The origin of the genus name is also interesting, in most languages ​​it means "bitter". Medicinal and cosmetic properties of aloe have long been known, it is widely used not only in traditional medicine but also grown commercially.

Effectiveness as a medicine does not save the plant from its own diseases. Aloe diseases are not a frequent occurrence, but if it gets sick, you need to take immediate action. An agave with an advanced disease can die very quickly.

Why does aloe wither? The ailments that afflict it useful plant, not much. Often they arise due to improper care for aloe at home. Aloe enough unpretentious plant, therefore, many owners neglect to comply with all the rules, recollecting only when it is already starting to die. How to save an already diseased plant? First you need to correctly identify the disease.

A diseased plant has enough external signs to notice them immediately. The salvation of the plant also depends on the correct recognition of the disease.

There are three common causes of the disease:

  • pests (spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs);
  • dry rot;
  • root rot.

Due to the fact that aloe rarely gets sick and pathogens have been identified, methods for dealing with them have already been developed. The most important thing is to quickly notice and recognize the trouble that has arisen, otherwise the agave dies.

Pests on aloe

A diseased plant is immediately visible - aloe leaves become stunted, lose color, the plant simply looks weakened. In addition, all types of pests, except spider mite, are quite obvious.

spider mite

Considered one of dangerous pests of those that can affect homemade aloe. The size of adults is not more than 1 mm, it is very difficult and almost impossible to notice it. You can recognize the appearance of a tick by some signs - a barely noticeable cobweb appears on aloe, the color of the leaves changes. discover small insect may with wrong side leaves, if the disease is running, there will be enough ticks to see them.

The main symptom of the disease, based on the name of the pest, is the web. But the color of the leaves is much more dangerous. At the very beginning of the disease, they acquire a yellow color. In other words, the leaves turn pale and dry out. All these signs can be easily attributed to the lack of watering and minerals in the soil for aloe. The late stage of the spider mite manifests itself very clearly - the leaves and stems of aloe turn scarlet.

Pest control should be started as soon as the first signs appear. Especially if aloe is surrounded by others indoor plants because it spreads instantly. Even though it is an insect simple means they won't help.

  • For treatment, you need to use specialized drugs - acaricides.
  • It does not hurt to prevent the disease. You should often wipe the plant with a solution of water and alcohol or spray with a tincture of garlic. The lower leaves need special attention, since it is there that insects cluster.
  • Do not allow the plant to dry out. Ideal conditions for the appearance of a tick are created by dry soil and not humidified air.

Shield or false shield

The pest is very easy to see, despite its small size. Insects are brown in color and look like plaques on the stems and leaves of the plant. Shchitovka has a depressing effect on the plant, actually affecting its ability to photosynthesize. The leaves will begin to dry out, red-brown spots appear on them.

False shield is doubly dangerous. Forming a vacuum, the pest sucks there useful material and part of the pulp of the plant, and injects into the resulting hole poisonous substance. The poison of the pest prevents the active photosynthesis of the plant, it quickly disappears.

The plant affected by this pest must be immediately removed from the room until complete recovery, and the place where it stood should be wiped. It will not be superfluous to transplant aloe into another pot, and disinfect the old one. There are enough specialized pest control products, just follow the instructions and the plant will be saved.

There are a lot of folk remedies for pest control.

  • In this case, garlic tincture will also help, it will not be superfluous to wipe the leaves with alcohol wipes.
  • Suitable soap solution with the addition of machine oil - you need to mix the oil and soap in equal proportions, process the aloe and wrap it in a film for several hours. The procedure is very effective, it will be possible to repeat if necessary only after a week.


The simplest pest that will only harm when neglected is the mealybug. It is quite simple to determine it - aloe is covered with a coating similar to wax. The plant can quickly rot if the ailment that has appeared is not noticed in time.

Destroying this pest is easy.

  • The insect does not like moisture, just rinse each leaf well with an alcohol or vinegar solution. After the procedure, hide the pot in a place where there is always a shadow. Remember, do not put the pot in the dark - the plant will die from lack of light.
  • As a prevention of the occurrence mealybug do not allow the dryness of the soil, the surrounding air.
  • Wipe aloe leaves often with a damp cloth. Such care, which does not require special costs, can help prevent pests.

Dangerous diseases of aloe

The most dangerous disease of aloe is dry rot. The development of the disease is very fast, it is very difficult to prevent or save the plant, even partially. It is impossible to recognize the disease - external changes No, the root simply dries out and, as a result, dies.

Aloe affected by dry rot

Save the plant from drying out can only be permanent preventive measures. Proper care and regular spraying will save the agave. It is necessary to prevent the aloe from freezing, to maintain even illumination. The soil in the pot must contain minerals, the plant must have access to the sun. The plant is able to independently resist pests and diseases if properly cared for.

The next annoyance worth noting is root rot. It occurs when excessive watering of the soil, the roots simply begin to rot. Aloe is not recommended to be watered more than twice a month, and sometimes you even need to wait for the soil to dry completely.

It is possible to save a plant in case of damage to root rot only with early detection of the disease. The rot manifests itself clearly: growth is stunted with regular watering, the stem begins to rot from the bottom, it is not uncommon for aloe to dry the tips of the leaves.

The disease can be cured only if the root system is partially affected. Aloe must be dug up, shaken off the ground and the rotten root removed. The entire root system must be sprinkled with coal powder or ash, or these additives should be mixed into the soil with sand. This measure will not allow healthy roots to rot. For transplanting, it is recommended to choose a new pot. Watering can be done no earlier than a month after the actions taken.

In the event that the roots have rotted completely and the disease has begun to devour the stem, it is no longer possible to save the plant. Perhaps if the stem is cut off and transplanted into a clean pot with new soil, the plant will survive. To prepare soil for aloe, use rotted earth mixed with river sand 2: 1 or ready-made soil mixture for cacti. Good drainage is required.

The fungus remains on the walls of the container for many years, so even if you managed to save the plant, the pot must be thrown away.

How to save a dead plant

There are no signs of pests or rot, but the aloe is still weak - why? A sign that aloe does not have enough light will be a faded color of the leaves. They become weak, often fall off for no apparent reason. To solve the problem is simple - move the pot to a more lit place.

Photo of frozen aloe

The plant may freeze, a sign of which will also be weakly holding on to the stem or falling leaves. It is likely that cool air is coming from the window or too much water is being used for watering. cold water. Try to change the temperature of the water for irrigation and check the windows.

Careful and attentive care of the plant can prevent most of the diseases described. Don't worry about what to do - there are enough tips for saving aloe. Be careful in the future and you won't have to put them into practice.