Well      06/14/2019

Additional hydraulic accumulator to the pumping station. Do-it-yourself installation of a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems: applications, schemes, capacity calculation

Hydraulic accumulator- a device that has received the greatest distribution in everyday life and industry.

In particular, it is used as offline source water for cottages, summer cottages, country houses. Inside the hydraulic tank, the accumulator is also called, there is a liquid under pressure.

Moreover, the pressure has a constant value, and this is important condition for the normal operation of household appliances: shower, bathroom, washbasin, etc.

In places high humidity it is best to install a stainless steel accumulator.

Let us dwell in more detail on the device of a modern hydraulic accumulator, why it is needed, what are the basic principles of its operation.

  1. depending on volume there are hydraulic accumulators for 2, 5, 24, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500 liters. For a large house, devices with a volume of 80 or 100 liters are suitable. The 50 l device is ideal for stabilizing the pressure in the water supply system of typical apartments. The price of a 50l hydroaccumulator may be different. The cost depends on the manufacturer. You can buy a hydraulic accumulator of this volume in a specialized store;
  2. depending on destination hydraulic accumulators are distinguished:
    • for cold water;
    • hydroaccumulators for hot water;
    • expansion tank for heating, the main function of which is to regulate the pressure in the pipeline.

Note! No heating system is installed without an expansion tank. Right choice a hydraulic accumulator and its adjustment is the key to a trouble-free and comfortable existence in the country.

Expansion tank manufacturers

The main manufacturers of hydraulic accumulators are brands: Gileks, Wester, Reflex, Aquasystem, Zilmet, Belamos, Poplar, Unipres, Grundfos, Varem, Unijibi and STOUT.

Consider the pros and cons of each of them:

Choosing and buying a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems is not a problem today.

The devices are sold in many specialized stores, supermarkets of the construction and technical equipment as well as online stores.

Experts will always help to carry out a competent selection of equipment for your home.

Prices for hydraulic accumulators for water supply depend on the volume of the tank and the manufacturer. On sale you can always find automation for a pump without a hydraulic accumulator.

The average price for an expansion tank brand Gileks - 6000r, Unipres: 4000 - 6000r.

There are also more expensive models. For example, a Unipress 300 hydraulic accumulator will cost the buyer 20 000 r.

Prices for brand devices reflex vary depending on the volume of the expansion tank: for example, an 8 liter tank will cost an average 2000-3000r.

Buck Zilmet minimum volume in online stores can be purchased for 1500-2000r.

Hydraulic accumulator device

Hydraulic accumulator for pumping station it looks simple: it is a completely sealed container, inside of which there is a rubber membrane.

The membrane divides the internal space of the expansion tank into two compartments: one for water, the other for air. Between the walls of the membrane tank for water supply is an inert gas.

An important element of the device of any accumulator is the flange. With its help, the expansion tank is installed in the system, as well as the replacement of the membrane, in case of loss of its elastic properties.

Allow me to introduce

hydraulic accumulator (aka membrane tank) is a steel tank divided into two compartments by an elastic membrane. One of the compartments is filled with air or nitrogen (an oxygen-free atmosphere protects the walls of the tank from corrosion), the second is connected to the water supply.

The air compartment is usually supplied with a nipple, which allows it to be pumped up, if necessary, with a conventional bicycle or automobile pump.

Connecting the accumulator to the water supply system performs two functions:

  1. Creates a reserve of water with its periodic supply;
  2. Protects plumbing from water hammer. With a short-term pressure surge, the membrane tank acts as a damper: unlike practically incompressible water, the air in one of its compartments is perfectly compressed.

If you want to know more about how to connect a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, the video in this article will help you.


Now let's find out where and how to install a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, depending on your goals.

Water reserve

Where to install a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, which creates a supply of water in case it is turned off?

At any point of the HVS distribution. performed with a rigid eyeliner or a flexible hose.

A couple of subtleties:

  1. It is undesirable to mount a membrane tank in the basement of a private house. In this case, you will lose several meters of water pressure (the loss of pressure will be equal to the vertical distance between the accumulator and the draw-off point);
  2. The installation of a water supply hydraulic accumulator must be accompanied by the installation of a check valve at the cold water inlet to the house. The valve will prevent water from the tank and the internal water supply from draining into the water supply line when it is discharged.

Expansion tank

Membrane tanks are used as expansion tanks - in water supply systems with capacious boilers (electric or indirect heating).

Why are they needed there?

You see, when heated, water behaves like all other media - it expands. Meanwhile, at the boiler inlet, there is usually check valve. It does not allow heated water to be discharged when the water supply is turned off and at the same time it will not allow water expanding when heated to be forced into the cold water supply.

The result is obvious - when the boiler heats the water, the pressure in it and in the water supply is growing rapidly. Connecting a hydraulic accumulator to the water supply system completely solves this problem: with it, the pressure increase slows down many times.

Water hammer protection

As already mentioned, the presence of a membrane tank can protect the water supply circuit from water hammer.

Here typical causes its occurrence:

  • Excessively fast filling of the discharged circuit with an open tap. A pressure jump occurs at the moment when all the air is forced out of the water supply;
  • Instant stop of circulation in the hot water supply system (due to fallen valve cheeks or a quickly closed ball valve);
  • Faucet faucet instantly switched from fully open to fully closed.

Captain Evidence suggests: in all the cases described, the inertia of the water flow in the pipes becomes the cause of the water hammer.

How to properly install a hydraulic accumulator in a water supply system to protect it from water hammer:

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In a water supply system with a tee wiring, a small volume tank is mounted between the inlet and the first plumbing fixture.

In the water supply system with collector wiring membrane tank is placed on the collector and protects the devices connected to it.

Well water supply

Installing a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems powered by a well or well allows you to solve two problems at once:

  1. Eliminate pressure surges when turning on and off the water supply pump;
  2. Create a supply of water and thereby make the pump turn on more rare (and therefore increase its resource).

Such a scheme includes, in addition to the membrane tank, a number of other elements:

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The pump responsible for lifting the water. With a well or well depth of up to 7-8 meters, this can be a surface pumping station, with a greater depth - only a submersible pump.

Check valve. It stands on the suction pipe of the pumping station or immediately after submersible pump. The valve keeps pressurized water in the water supply after the pump is turned off.

Pump control automation with pressure sensor. Its task is to turn on and off the power of the device when the pressure in the water supply system reaches threshold values.

Water supply from a tank

Often, the source of water in case of long shutdowns is not a membrane tank, but a reserve tank without excess pressure. Its advantage is cheapness: a tank of 1000 liters will cost the buyer 7-9 thousand rubles.

The obvious solution for supplying water from such a container to the water supply is to place it in the attic or under the ceiling of a residential floor.

However, this solution has three major drawbacks:

  1. The strength of floors (primarily wooden) limits the weight and usable volume storage tank. A capacity of 3-4 cubic meters, when filled with water, has very real chances to break the beams;

  1. For work household appliances necessary overpressure. Here is the most illustrative example: instantaneous water heater simply does not turn on the heating until a pressure sensor set to 0.3 kgf / cm2 (which corresponds to a water column of 3 meters) works in its chamber;

  1. To install the tank in the attic, the latter must be heated. Heating an unused attic means significantly increasing your expenses during the cold season.

That is why the correct implementation of such a water supply system looks like this:

  • The container is installed in the underground, basement or basement;

Hint: Ground temperatures below the freezing level are stable throughout the year and are always above freezing. The water in the tank located in the basement will never freeze and will remain cool in the most intense heat.

  • A surface pump with a membrane tank is connected to the tank. A relay with a simple float level sensor is responsible for turning it on and off;

  • The scheme for installing a water supply hydraulic accumulator is completely identical to the scheme used for water supply from a well.

Usable volume of the membrane tank

The amount of water that a membrane tank can hold differs markedly from its nominal volume. The useful capacity is absolutely not affected by the installation scheme of the accumulator in the water supply system. It depends only on the pressure in the water supply and in the air compartment.


We hope that we were able to answer the questions that the reader has accumulated. Good luck!

Hydraulic accumulator is a special and highly desirable element in household and industrial systems water supply (and heating too, but this is of secondary interest to us today), set in order to take on a certain volume of liquid, and an excess share of pressure.

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What makes us install a hydraulic accumulator for a water supply system? So, let's take a look in detail:

  • Firstly, it is the need to accumulate (accumulate, save) the volume of liquid;
  • Secondly, it is a necessity, while accumulating liquid, to take away excess pressure as well;
  • Thirdly, it is the need to dampen water hammers in the water supply system;
  • Fourth, the accumulator allows you to maintain water pressure even when the pump is off;
  • Fifthly, the presence of a hydraulic accumulator gives the pump a “forehead”, it turns on less often;
  • And sixthly, at peak water consumption, the accumulator “smoothes” them ...

Hydraulic accumulator has synonyms to refer to the same product and structural element water supply systems: "Expansion tank" and "Expanzomat" are among them, and are used quite often, especially the first one. They designate exactly the same as the accumulator.

historical retreat: For a more conscious perception of the function and location of the accumulator in our water supply system, it is good to recall the design and purpose of water towers known to many. They accumulated water and also provided water pressure in the system (colloquial pressure).

But due to their design and location in the water supply, they could not and should not smooth out excess pressure and dampen water hammer. But both the water tower and the hydraulic accumulator improve the operation of the system: the first due to the potential energy of the water raised above the ground, the second due to the potential energy of the air compressed in it.

Digression about color: Hydroaccumulators are also installed in heat supply systems. And here it is worth remembering that accumulators for water supply systems and for heat supply systems are usually (by most manufacturers) made with a difference in coloring. Blue are for water supply systems. Red - heat supply. There are also colorless ones.

In any case, you should read the technical documentation to be sure of the purpose of the device. Among the differences between these devices from each other: in blue, only food grade rubber is used. They, blue, are designed so that you can change the membrane yourself. In the red ones, the rubber is technical, and not all can change the membrane on their own. Therefore, the accumulator for the water supply system is the blue accumulator.

The appearance of the accumulator- a container that actually accumulates water, a membrane or a pear inside, a filter is also usually inside, inputs and outputs for water and air, and various pipes, valves, devices and structures to ensure the functioning of the water supply system from the outside.

Hydraulic accumulators have two typical design options. Membrane accumulators and accumulators with a rubber pear.

Both the bulb and the membrane are hidden inside the device.

The membrane repeats the shape of the tank as we see it from the outside. At the same time, water enters from below. Its place is inside the membrane. Outside, the membrane is surrounded by air.

The water inlet is at the bottom, the air inlet is at the top. At the input at the bottom - a filter, at the input at the top - a spool.

Note: sometimes they make an entrance for water from above.

Hydraulic accumulators with a pear are arranged in approximately the same way, but there are modifications when the water inlet is located on the side, the whole device is, as it were, horizontal. The pear can be attached both on one side and on both ends, to opposite walls.

Ecological retreat: Opinions about which is better, pear or membrane, and what material for the pear or membrane gives you better water output, are very diverse. Many believe that a pear, and even made of rubber based on natural rubber, gives the best water in an ecological sense. There are other opinions that different types membranes and pears have a sufficiently high-quality material, and the composition of the water is not affected.

Selection of a hydraulic accumulator for a water supply system. How to choose?

lovers simple solutions we can confidently suggest: buy a 24-liter hydraulic accumulator, and take the place as close as possible to the pump - and your water supply system will work normally.

If the building is larger, or the family is large, and the activity in using water is high, it is worth doing some calculations.

We are coming in terms of pump on-off. It is better not to turn on the pump more than 30 times per hour. Find out the performance of your pump, most likely it is about 40 liters per minute. In a hydraulic accumulator, water and air divide the space in half ... so, from this point of view, you need a hydraulic accumulator volume of up to 100 liters.

The issue of peak consumption: 8 liters of water for the kitchen, 10 liters of water for the shower, and 6 liters for the toilet. It's in a minute!

If there are two toilets, then you need to take this into account too.

We get a figure of 30 liters per minute. We have only half in the hydroaccumulator tank - this is water, remember this. A hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems up to 100 liters is also suitable from this point of view!

Note for the diligent: If you want to approach the issue even more carefully, take an interest in a fairly well-known international calculation method. It is also denoted by the abbreviation of the Latin letters UNI. The technique will require effort from you - you need to fill out the tables and figure out the calculation formula.

In terms of reserving water in case of a power outage, make your decision subjectively, based on your understanding of what a reserve is and how much water you need “just in case”.

How to choose a hydraulic accumulator for water supply in terms of pressure. The pressure should in no case be less than the pressure in the water supply system at home. A pipe height of 10 meters gives you a pressure of 1 bar. The faucet works normally at 0.5 bar.

You want the pressure to be at least the sum of these two values, that is, 1.5 bar. Usually manufacturers provide exactly this figure. However, the accumulator pressure should be checked once or twice a year!

Installation of a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems

It will always be useful to remind that the installation of the accumulator must be carried out in full accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

It would be ideal if it is carried out by experienced professionals. Having the ability, experience and desire of a non-specialist, the owner of the house, for example, often prefers to do everything himself. In this case, again, the manufacturer's instructions must not be violated, and prudence and caution should be exercised:

  • Accumulators with external damage should not be installed;
  • The conditions at the place of installation and operation must be those specified by the manufacturer;
  • Tank weight! The weight of the accumulator should be taken into account, not forgetting the amount of water that will be in it after installation!
  • Sometimes it is necessary to drain the water from the accumulator. Think ahead and do whatever is necessary for this occasion!
  • Freezing of water in the accumulator is unacceptable. The room must be heated!
  • The hydraulic accumulator and its elements, and the inlet parts of the water supply system should not be subjected to any static loads;
  • Protect your hydraulic accumulator from moisture and mechanical damage outside;
  • If you are lucky and you need a hydraulic accumulator with a volume of, for example, 750 liters, evaluate in advance how you will drag a large tank into the house (doorways and so on)

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems: connection diagram.

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems: malfunctions

The vast majority of hydraulic accumulator malfunctions are fixable - it is ideal to invite a specialist for this, but you can do a lot on your own.

Does the pump turn on too often? This is a signal of several possible faults your accumulator:

  • There may be no compressed air in the tank. You can fix the problem by simply pumping air with a car pump;
  • Membrane may be damaged.. You should replace it by contacting specialists or on your own. Be sure to read about membrane replacement. Be sure to use only the original membrane (or, as we say, native);
  • Hull damaged. This breakdown speaks for itself. It is necessary to repair the case by contacting professionals;
  • Too little pressure difference, at which the pump turns on, and the pressure at which the pump turns off. It is necessary to change the pressure on and off the pump (on the pressure switch).
  • Is water leaking from the air valve? The membrane is clearly damaged. It is necessary to change, again in the service center it is preferable, and if on your own, then only to the original one!
  • The air pressure has fallen below the calculated value? The nipple is to blame, it should be blown out, restoring the pressure inside.

Has the water pressure dropped below normal (no "pressure")?

There can be two reasons for this:

  1. Lack of compressed air in the accumulator. Then we upload it there!
  2. Or the pump does not provide the required pressure. We need to check the pump, maybe there's a problem with it. Or he can not cope with the load according to his technical data

Hydraulic accumulators for water supply systems: prices

The price of the hydraulic accumulator is different. Volume affects the price trademark, tank manufacturer's country. Also, prices vary depending on the region of Russia in which the accumulators are sold. It is believed that a Chinese-made hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 24 liters can be purchased for 1200 rubles at retail.

On the Internet, the cost of accumulators for water supply systems is from 1100 rubles to 7500.

Summing up

When dealing with a water supply system, we usually consider the pump to be the most important thing in it. If the pump is working, then there is water.

But after all, the pump, taking water from a well, a well or the same water supply, pumps it into a hydraulic accumulator, let's say more precisely, into a rubber membrane or a pear inside it.

Water is pumped into the accumulator. Having reached a certain point, the pressure set during the setting gives a signal to the pump to stop pumping water.

And only when the shower is running or washing machine, or another water flow occurs, pressure sensors signal the pump to resume operation.

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems saves and our plumbing, and the pump itself, and energy, and even more so our nerves.

Its size and pumping power can be calculated, it is inexpensive, maintenance is not difficult, and repairs are not burdensome.

It is the hydraulic accumulator that belongs to those things that can make your Vacation home really modern and comfortable!

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To normalize the pressure in the heating system, a number of devices are used. But the most important of them is either a hydraulic accumulator. Its design makes it possible to automatically stabilize the pressure indicators of the coolant when the temperature regime changes.


The accumulator is installed only for heating systems closed type. They are characterized high pressure water, which occurs due to its heating. Therefore, when the permissible indicator is exceeded, a compensation system is necessary. This is what the accumulator is for.

He is steel structure, which is divided into two chambers inside. One of them is designed to be filled with water from the heating system, and the second serves as an air compensator. To set the optimal pressure indicator in the air chamber, a valve is provided in the accumulator. With its help, the degree of air injection is changed, thereby adapting the device to the parameters of a particular heating system.

The chambers are separated by an elastic membrane or rubber balloon. When the temperature of the water in the pipes rises above the critical one, a pressure jump occurs. The liquid, expanding, begins to put pressure on the walls of the separating membrane. She, in turn, under the influence of this force increases the volume of filling the water chamber. This leads to normalization of pressure within the entire system.

Connection rules, diagram

When installing a hydraulic accumulator, certain rules should be followed. First of all, it is necessary to select a site in the heat main where it will be installed. Experts recommend mounting the expansion tank in the return pipe with chilled water. But at the same time, it must be installed before the pumping equipment. The general installation scheme is as follows.

As you can see, as a protection of the line from the pressure drop of the liquid at the outlet of the heating equipment, safety valve. It performs the same functions as a hydraulic accumulator, but is designed for higher pressure surges. An expansion tank is necessary to normalize the operation of heating with small pressure drops.

Before starting installation, consider the following features:

  • Choice of installation location. The main requirement for it is free access to the device. This applies in particular to the air chamber control valve.
  • In the area between and the expansion tank there should not be other shut-off or control valves. It can make significant changes in hydraulic resistance.
  • The temperature in the room where the accumulator is installed must not be below 0°C.
  • Its surface should not experience mechanical stress or external influences.
  • The operation of the pressure reducer to release air from the chambers must be set according to the parameters of the heating system.

Guided by these rules, you can independently install an expansion tank. But at the same time, you should follow the connection rules, use products from quality material and calculate the optimal volume of the tank.

For the calculation, it is necessary to know the total volume of the heating system, the optimal and maximum pressure in it, as well as the expansion coefficient of water. The formula for calculating the size of a membrane type hydraulic accumulator:

  • e - coefficient of expansion of water - 0.04318;
  • C is the total volume of the heating system;
  • Pi is the initial pressure;
  • Pf is the maximum pressure.

Consider an example calculation for heating with a total volume of 500 l, best indicator pressure of 1.5 bar, and the maximum - 3 bar.

In this case, it is optimal to choose a hydraulic accumulator with a total volume of 50 liters.

This technique will allow you to correctly select and connect an expansion tank for a closed-type heating system.