Well      06/29/2020

What was the most memorable moment with me. Memorable moments of life. American teenager with a "dirty mouth" and a gold medal

The victorious dance of the weightlifter Rakhimov, the stern look of the swimmer Phelps, the protruding tongue of the cyclist Wiggins - we have collected the 10 most memorable photos and videos from the Rio Olympics.

What happened: The head coach of the Russian fencing team, Ilgar Mammadov, promised to shave his head if his wards win two gold medals at the Olympics. Russian fencers won a total of seven medals: four gold, one silver and two bronze. As a result, Olympic champions Yana Yegoryan and Timur Safin helped the coach keep his word - they shaved their heads.

What happened: Kazakhstani 23-year-old weightlifter Nijat Rakhimov, performing in the category up to 77 kg, set a world record in the clean and jerk. In total, the athlete showed a result of 379 kg, of which 165 snatches and 214 pushes and performed the winner's dance.

What happened: Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui after her performance was confident that she had covered the 100-meter distance in 59 seconds. When the athlete found out that she swam the distance in 58.95 seconds, she reacted very brightly and admitted that she had revealed her full potential.

What happened: weightlifter from Kiribati David Katoatau after his performance performed an incendiary dance, although he took only sixth place. As it turned out later, in this way the athlete wanted to draw attention to the problem of his small state. Kiribati is located in the Pacific Ocean, and due to frequent floods, the islands gradually go under water. Katoatau said he wants to tell people more about Kiribati through dance.

What happened: Japanese freestyle wrestler Risako Kawai won gold. After the end of the competition, the athlete, to celebrate, demonstrated her skills to her coach: she knocked him down twice on the mat.

What happened: track cyclists from the UK won gold in the team pursuit. During the performance of the British anthem at the awards ceremony, athlete Bradley Wiggins stuck out his tongue to defuse the situation. The cyclist did it - teammates saw his face and laughed.

What happened: American swimmer Michael Phelps won two gold medals and became 21 times Olympic champion. Before the swim, the camera caught Phelps' stern expression. As Phelps himself later explained, before the start of the competition, he simply listened to music, tuned in and did not even notice anything.

What happened: Usain Bolt, a Jamaican runner, set a record: he became the first athlete to win the 100m and 200m sprints at three consecutive Olympics. Bolt wins beautifully: in the course of the competition he even manages to smile at the camera.

Photo: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

Our life is full of happy and sometimes bitter memories. But there are moments that are so engraved in memory that you will never forget them. The most memorable and bright moments in life that changed you dramatically.

“Most of our life is a series of pictures. They fly by like cities on a highway, but sometimes a moment overwhelms us and we realize that this moment is not just a passing picture. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live forever.” One Tree Hill

What is the most important thing in life? Walk through it in a way that makes you happy. But what will we remember along the way? It will be difficult, but we will remember everything with a smile.

Moments of joy and sadness follow each other, forming our memories. Some moments of life make us smile, others weep. But these memories are our life. What moments will be remembered the most? The most memorable moments in your life. These are the most important points. Moments of twists of fate, the formation of character and personality.

1. The first victory of fear

The important one of us has fears that we have conquered. We learned to ride a bike, jumped with a parachute, fought back the hooligans, approached the girl we liked. This is the first fear that we stepped over and won. This tempering of character will be remembered by us forever as one of the most important victories.

2. First love

“There are many great romantic moments in life. And they are worth living for. But there is one problem: moments pass. And from around the corner of these moments, a cruel, unshaven asshole, whose name is reality, is already peeking out. How I Met Your Mother

This is the most powerful impression and the happiest moment in my life. You will fall in love a few more or dozens of times, but it is the first love that will be remembered forever. First love will always be with you. It will fade, but it will invisibly go with you all your life. You will always compare all relationships with the first love experience. See the differences and the power of love. The first love will be the standard of all love.

3. First sex

The first sexual experience is not always pleasant, but it is remembered forever. Heightened emotions, awkward giggles, pleasure and even pain. This is the first sex that will affect all subsequent sexual life.

4. First salary

The first cash that you earned yourself will be remembered forever. Hard work will give an understanding of the value of money. You will then spend money knowing that your work is invested in every ruble. There is still a lot of work to be done in the future, and this was the first experience.

5. Graduation

At one point in your life you will finish school, and then university. These graduations will be remembered for a long time. The moment you graduate from school, see the joy of your parents, say goodbye to your friends and move on with your life. A short moment of graduation means farewell to old life and opening up new horizons. There will be nostalgia for the old days and friends, but we must move on. There are so many discoveries ahead.

6. First driving

The first independent driving will be remembered forever. But not when you are with a teacher, but when you yourself got out into the city. A bunch of nerves and another notch on the memory. This first trip will make you smile in a year. How inept and nervous you were.

7. First loss

The loss of a loved one in a relationship or a personal tragedy will change us forever. This dark page of memory will hurt and cause tears, but it will strengthen us. We will often take losses, it hurts, but that's life.

8. First independent life

Living away from home can be driven by school, work, relationships, or the desire to be independent. To live not in the family in which he grew up is a serious test. You will remember this moment. This one is like the first flight of a little chick that got out of its parent's nest.

9. First purchase of an asset

You've been saving and saving money that you've invested in a big purchase. Investing in a car, apartment or other worthwhile thing will be a memorable asset.

10. Starting a family

When you settle down and choose a person for life, this is the first step towards a family. remember forever. Ahead of you is waiting for a family, children and grandchildren. You will remember the moment when you decided to walk with someone close together on the road of life.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths taken, but by the number of those moments when happiness takes your breath away”

Sometimes the moment you've been waiting for comes at the most inopportune time. But no one promised that it would be easy. Memorable moments in life are different for everyone, but they are similar for everyone. In life, you will not have 10 memorable moments, but much more. But these are some of the brightest flashes that will forever remain in the memory.

“The gods envy us because we are mortal. Any moment of our life can be the last. After all, life is brighter and more beautiful when it is finite. You will never be more beautiful than now. And we will never be here again" Troy

What is the most memorable moment in your life? What stage of life are you at?

I sincerely believe that our whole life consists of moments - bad, good, funny, frightening, memorable, dangerous, incredible and happy.

IN Lately I began to notice that I “digest” more and more often alone with myself and remember such small joys or something that I would definitely not do now.

At the same time, I constantly try to find a reliable and distant shelf in the brain so that this memory does not disappear and remains as long as possible. Apparently, this is due to the illness of my grandfather, who suddenly developed Alzheimer's disease, and he began to forget everything ... his home address, names, appearance of his relatives, he could not write something, because he simply did not remember how to write letters. But the paradox is something good or vice versa something bad (and there is such a thing in our life), he sometimes completely inexplicably recalled, started talking about it with his grandmother, whom he also didn’t recognize, but in the end after 5 minutes he didn’t remember again, what he is talking about.

I'm probably somewhere in the depths of my soul afraid of such a repetition. Especially considering that my work is associated with a constant load on the brain, which is in a state of continuous engineering of its own life processes.

So here I want to pick up those little pieces Everyday life which are really pleasing and which I hope never to forget.

For example:

1. I remember how my beloved bought me a watermelon. I have always been calm about this berry, and then in two days I ate it in one, sorry, face and didn’t even notice it! I have never eaten such a delicious watermelon in my life!

2. I am also very pleased with my dog, which, lying at the door, always pretends as if she is at the president's reception and medals are about to be hung around his neck.

3. I was also incredibly happy when we rode an iron friend into the snowy distances, striving for the tops of the mountains. I could not even imagine what it would be! That it will be a real serpentine all covered in snow, Christmas trees shrouded in a snow blanket, so much so that you could crawl up to the branches only by hitting the tree hard with your foot or fist, that it will be a real high mountain along which we rushed to the top almost in a vertical state , and if they stopped even for a second, most likely they would have flown down.

4. How happy I was, throwing my legs on the front panel of the car, sitting in the passenger seat, when the sun was shining, music was playing. We were driving to a warm, but relatively close region, and with us there was still a satellite in the form of a huge hairy, but terrible beautiful bloodworm, which came from, do not understand where.

5. I remember when my mother and I came to the Park of Culture for the official award for all kinds of merit. Mom is so happy and beautiful on stage!

6. Proud dad after repairs in his apartment, as always, walks hunched over in funny slippers and offers to eat a cake. And especially colorful dad always described his favorite chair, which stands in the kitchen and occupies 45% of its space. And when I offered to throw it away, dad was outraged from the bottom of his heart and said that "Yes, for the sake of this chair, the rest of the kitchen design was thought out!"

7. When I, being in the 9th grade, came to my grandparents at the dacha, but could not leave, because I forgot to take money for the return trip, but I knew that my grandparents had no money. I had to skip school and spend a week in the country, waiting for my aunt to come over the weekend and take me to Moscow. Then it was spring, it was already warm. The sun was shining, I was sitting on a bench, nibbling a carrot, and my grandfather was sitting next to me and talking about how he worked on truck and built houses. Grandpa's stories were always very entertaining, but, for some reason, I didn't attach any importance to it then, I just sat and listened, not going into too much detail, I regret this a little.

8. When my beloved and I are on a boat at 5 o'clock in the morning. There was not a soul on the water, my head was spinning a little, my beloved spoke so enthusiastically about his feelings about the water surface that you can drive calmly, accelerate, and it is so nice to be glad that he is happy!

9. One day my company and I went fishing for a few weeks, quite far away. I lived with a girl, with whom, at the end of the holiday, we cleaned the house and washed the dishes. After (really!) 5-hour cleaning, we got a little bit sick and sat down to rest, and then we caught sight of a pilaf cauldron standing alone in the corner, which we had already forgotten about for two days ... everything stuck, it should have been at least a day to at least slightly increase the chance of washing it. At the women's council, it was decided to leave this vessel under the house, where they collected other utensils belonging to the house, since all the soap products had run out, and the sponges were already with holes ...
2 hours before departure, from the shore on a boat from a neighboring island, an alarmed friend of a loved one came (sailed) in search of his a cauldron for pilaf ..... asked ... if we had seen him ... We, without saying a word, said that we had not seen it, apparently immediately at the same time and telepathically in our heads decided that it was better to just please, bringing the boiler already clean form.
In general, for the next two hours we boiled water on fire and washed the unfortunate cauldron with sand and shampoo ...

10. I remember how in 2009 there was an incredibly snowy winter, the snowdrifts were taller than human height! I had a dog, then he was already 15 years old, he had bad teeth and arthritis, but how happy he was with this snow and even wallowed in it, which he had not done for a year! Unfortunately, I took the sin upon myself and put him to sleep last winter in December ... at home when he had heart attack, in January 2013 he would have turned 19 years old.

There are a lot of similar moments and it is impossible to fit them into one part, so I will write in parts.

I hope that you have similar stories in your life, the most important thing is to remember them and believe that everything will be fine!

The theme song:

Banderas-This Is Your Life (Easy Life Mix)

Where is the purpose in your life?
Where is the truth?
Do you remember your hopes? your dreams?
They are no longer your own!
This day is for loving your own life
Don't let this world capture your heart
Your passion lost to a thousand themes
Surrendered to the screen!

This is not a story!
This is not a book! This is your life!
And this is not a play some
TV show you've seen
This is reallife
you know that

This is your this is your life

You act like a child playing games now
Play and pretend the art of disguise
Alone and lost in all your lies
This is not a story!
This is not a book this is your life!
And this is not a play some
TV show you've seen
This is reallife!
You know that!
This is your this is your life
This is real this is real life

There is no rehearsal
No second chance
no false start no
better circumstances

This is not a story!
This is not a book, this is your life!
And this is not a play some
TV show you've seen
This is reallife!

you know that
This is your this is your life
This is real this is your life
This is your this is your life
This is your life (repeat)

This year will be the most significant and large-scale, as the ceremony will be held for 3 days in 3 countries - Vietnam, Japan and Hong Kong.

With this amazing event approaching, we invite you to refresh your memory a bit and take a look at the 9 most spectacular and memorable moments MAMA:

#8 . In the past, the event was also known as the Mnet KM Music Festival (MKMF), and one of the memorable moments took place in Last year MKMF before the festival officially became MAMA. DBSK literally and figuratively set the ceremony on fire with their amazing performance.

#7 . Rain's Unforgettable Performance (2008)

#6 . SHINee and EXO team up for epic performance with "Lucifer" (2012)

#5 . EXO's performance at MAMA 2013
The ambitious plot of their performance is one of the most amazing things we have ever seen!

#4 . Block B meets BTS (2014)

Zico and Rap Monster showed off their performance as leaders for the rap battle. It was one of the most exciting performances ever to grace the MAMA stage!

#3. 2NE1's last performance (2015)

In 2014, 2NE1 had a pretty quiet 2015 after the drug scandal, so their surprise performance at the 2015 MAMA was something of a triumphant comeback for the group. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the girls' final live act as they were later disbanded in 2016. Oh memes...

#2 . SEVENTEEN and GFRIEND Collaboration (2016)
A lot of people were expecting some amazing collabs for 2016 MAMA, but no one expected it to be SEVENTEEN GFRIEND.

#2. T.O.P and Lee Hyori kiss at MKMF 2008
Just no comment!

And since the topic of kissing has been touched upon ...

#1 . Trouble Maker (2011, 2013)

2011 was the pinnacle of popularity for BEAST and Trouble Maker, so it made sense to put on an epic show featuring both groups. While Trouble Maker is known for their couple performances, no one expected HyunA and Hyunseung to actually kiss in the middle of the performance.

What moments do you remember? What year do you still remember? Share with us in the comments

If you, like some of the editors, have Mycroft as one of your favorite Sherlock characters, then we invite you to compare your impressions of the last season.

The fourth season of the series showed us in a new light each character. So we managed to learn a lot of new and interesting things about Mycroft Holmes. We tried to select the 11 most memorable moments involving Sherlock's older brother.


1. Young Mycroft

In the third episode of the new season, the creators of the series decided to pay attention to the childhood of the Holmes. Short excerpts from the family archive bring a nostalgic smile to the adult Mycroft.

And the viewer sees a well-fed tall boy happily playing with his younger brother. Now Mycroft's treadmill addiction and his appearance in The Ugly Bride find a logical explanation - as a child, he was not at all slim.

2. Lady Bracknell

The same episode reveals Mycroft's acting skills - he mentions that he had a chance to play Lady Bracknell in a school production of Oscar Wilde's comedy The Importance of Being Earnest. And Sherlock admits that his brother was good in this role.

3. Master of Disguise

Acting skills were useful to the eldest of the Holmes brothers during a visit to Sherrinford. In makeup and with a beard, Mycroft is not recognizable at first glance, so the prison manager was misled. How this fact pleased the "fisherman" - just look at his smug face!

4. "Delighted" with children

The first episode of the new season began with a joyful event - John and Mary had a daughter. Sherlock became a godfather and could not help boasting to his brother of photographs of a charming girl. But Mycroft was clearly not happy and could not find a better compliment than "looks quite viable." Although, given the presence of a crazy little sister, Mycroft's dislike for little girls is understandable to some extent.

5. Microsoftpedia

Oh, something, and the conceit of the elder Holmes is clearly excessive! Otherwise, why would he respond in the affirmative to Sherlock's sarcastic remark: "Are you Wikipedia?" And what a smile Mycroft had at that moment - well, just the happiest person on Earth!

6. Reptile

And, if after the first episode of the fourth season the Internet exploded with jokes about Mycroft-Wikipedia, then the second episode gave him a new definition - "reptile". Or rather, it was given to Mrs. Hudson, who clearly does not like Sherlock's older brother.

Well, that's understandable given Mycroft's traditionally arrogant demeanor. Such types in Mrs. Hudson's house are entitled to tea only through self-service.

7. Universal umbrella

Once Mark Gatiss admitted that the umbrella was added to the series only as an element of the image, so that Mycroft's silhouette looked beautiful when he first appeared. But by the fourth season, the aesthetic function has changed to combat: at the beginning of the third series, Mycroft's umbrella is transformed into a sword, and then into a pistol. What a handy little thing!

8. Not a killer

The final series was rich in dramatic moments. In one of the scenes, Evre proposed to kill the prison manager, and either Mycroft Holmes or John Watson had to do it. The first immediately refused to even just touch the gun - apparently, Mycroft uses the weapon only as a means of protection, but he is not capable of using it against an innocent person. Some would call it cowardice, but over the course of the series, Sherlock's older brother has repeatedly proven otherwise.

9. Best Santa

Mycroft Holmes faithfully serves his country, so he did not fail to take advantage of his sister's extraordinary abilities for the good of the motherland. Evra received Christmas gifts from her brother for her help. For example, the Stradivarius violin. And if this is already a generous gift, then Moriarty himself- just a dream of any girl!

10. Caring brother

Throughout the last season, relations between the Holmes brothers were ambiguous - there was distrust, discontent, and raised voices. Nevertheless, Mycroft and Sherlock are an unconditional example of brotherly love.

Mycroft can roll his eyes at his younger brother's antics as much as he wants, but he will still raise the ears of the entire London police to make sure he is safe. Whatever reaction it caused.

11. He has a heart

Admit it, which of you believed Mycroft when he told Sherlock to shoot John in plain text? Personally, I initially took everything at face value and sincerely resented this behavior! But at some point during Mycroft’s fiery monologue “why should I live and Watson die”, it suddenly became clear that all this was empty words. And then it was difficult to hold back the tears ...

He could behave provocatively as much as he wanted, be arrogant with people, condescendingly communicate with others, but this mask of unsociableness still cracked. Mycroft Holmes also has a heart - Big Heart!