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When to go to the UAE for a beach holiday. Weather in the UAE by months and water temperature. When is the best time to rest? Holidays in the UAE in winter

Covered with deserts, this country is especially popular with tourists, as the rest of its territory is ideal for a beach holiday. In this country you will find not only beautiful beaches and developed infrastructure, but also profitable shopping, historical sights and many other interesting places. Knowing the information about when it is better to relax in the UAE, you can always plan best option your vacation.

Types of tourist seasons

Traditionally, there are several seasons in the UAE, which do not differ much from each other. Weather conditions allow you to travel around the country all year round, however, there is still a slight difference between rest periods.

beach season

Of course, tourists go to the Emirates in order to enjoy beach treatments. The most suitable time for this is autumn and spring. Starting in October, the beaches of the UAE are filled with vacationers who want to swim in warm waters Red Sea. At the same time, the water temperature rarely drops below +20 degrees throughout the year. This fact explains the significant number of people who want to come to the country. In October and November, as well as in March and April, the flow of tourists increases sharply, however, the cost of vouchers also increases significantly.

It is worth noting that the so-called velvet season does not exist in the country due to the fact that the temperature regime remains at approximately the same level all year round.

As for the winter months, there are also quite a few vacationers at this time. The only disadvantage of traveling to the UAE in winter is the periodic occurrence of winds that often blow in the coastal area. In the summer, resting in the Emirates is very problematic due to the intense heat.

low season

The first month of summer marks the beginning of the season of decreasing tourist activity. Few people can spend several hours under the scorching sun, warming the air up to +40-44 degrees. Such a holiday is categorically not recommended for those who can hardly endure prolonged exposure to the open sun.

Tourists who decide to go to the Emirates in the summer, as a rule, choose, which is located in close proximity to the ocean and the Gulf of Oman. In such conditions, hot weather is not as noticeable as in other regions of the country. If you are comfortable with high temperatures air, it is better to purchase a tour to hotels equipped with powerful air conditioners and having a beach area that is as protected from the sun as possible. Also, do not forget that in the daytime you should not appear on the streets without a protective cream.

On the other hand, purchasing a ticket in the summer, you will have a great chance to save on its cost. Already at the beginning of June most of companies reduce prices for tours.

Excursion season

Excursion tourism is not developed in the country at the highest level, but in large cities there are a lot of attractions that you can see. Among the most visited are:

  • artificial islands of Palms;
  • musical fountain;
  • aquarium in a mall in Dubai;
  • Sheikh Zayed Mosque;
  • Jumeirah Mosque;
  • Fort Al Jahili.

The best time for excursions is autumn or spring. During these seasons, you will have a great opportunity to combine a beach holiday with the study of the architecture and cultural heritage of the UAE. In addition, for an additional fee, any travel agency will organize an exciting program for you, including jeep riding on the dunes, dinner in the desert, night fishing or hunting.

Sale season

In January and February, tourists from all over the world tend to get to the UAE, since it is during these months that a grandiose festival of sales is held. The center of this action is, however, in other cities, posters are posted in all stores, on which the percentage of the discount is indicated. Most often, the cost is reduced by 50-70 percent, which allows you to save a good amount of money on purchases. Moreover, discounts apply to all types of goods and even to real estate.

Shopping lovers go to the UAE in order to purchase the following types of goods:

  • jewelry made of precious metals;
  • fur;
  • high-quality textiles for home use;
  • perfumery;
  • electronic technology;
  • ethnic style clothes.

In exhibition halls with an area of ​​several hundred square meters you will meet polite sellers, some of whom speak Russian. Do not forget to buy a ticket and book a hotel in advance, as during the sales season the number of people who want to buy discounted goods increases dramatically.

Climate UAE

The entire territory of the Emirates is dominated by a tropical climate, which is characterized by dry and hot weather. Temperature regime changes periodically throughout the year, depending on the time of year. The highest air temperature is observed in July and August, and the lowest in January and February. Humidity levels can also change.

Spring in the Emirates

March is considered a great month, both for the beach and for other types of recreation. The air warms up to +23-25 ​​degrees and the water temperature reaches +25 degrees. Such conditions are very favorable for swimming and taking air baths.

In April, the air temperature gradually increases by 3-5 degrees. In, Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah, the air warms up to + 30-32 degrees. In the northern regions of the country, hot weather is also set, which is characterized by a temperature of + 29-30 degrees.

In May, the sea warms up to +29 degrees, and the locals call this water “fresh milk”. Swimming and sunbathing in the last month of spring is quite comfortable, given the fact that there is no sweltering heat yet, and a light breeze blows from the shore.

Summer in the Emirates

Summer is not the best best time for a trip to the UAE. Firstly, there is a long and exhausting heat, secondly, the temperature indicators reach their maximum of +40-48 degrees and, thirdly, the water temperature is about +33 degrees. Under such weather conditions, a normal beach holiday becomes unlikely.

In June, the thermometer rises to + 38-40 degrees. In July, the hot weather intensifies and in August, a dry summer begins throughout the country. If you arrived in the Emirates during this period, it is better not to go out at noon, and transfer beach procedures to the evening.

Holidays on the sea coast can be replaced by trips to a water park or to a famous ski resort With artificial snow. In this case, you can fully experience the flavor of this amazing country.

Autumn in the Emirates

September weather is very similar to August. The air temperature drops only a couple of degrees, which many tourists know about. Therefore, it is not advisable to purchase a tour in September, since the water in the sea is still hot and it is hot during the day.

October and November are cooler than September, but the weather is very different from the usual Russian autumn. The air temperature is still kept at around +35-30 degrees, and in November short rains begin to fall. The last months of autumn are characterized by high humidity.

The amount of precipitation in November is not so high, but for the locals it is a kind of relief from the intense heat. The sea remains as warm as in summer throughout the autumn.

Winter in the Emirates

The average temperature in the winter months ranges from +20 to +26 degrees. Sometimes the weather can change and be accompanied by gusty winds. Not everyone dares to swim in the UAE in January or February due to the fact that the water cools down to +20-24 degrees. At the same time, at night the air temperature drops to +15 degrees, which entails a rapid decrease in water temperature.

If you prefer a very warm sea, then you should refuse to travel to the Emirates in winter. On the other hand, in January and February, the heat subsides, and is in the afternoon on outdoors becomes more comfortable than in summer or autumn.

Do not forget that the holy month of Ramadan falls on the winter period, during which any entertainment events are prohibited and it is customary to lead a modest lifestyle. These rules also apply to tourists to some extent, but not to the same extent as to local residents. The maximum that you can expect is the temporary closure of restaurants, shopping centers and other places of mass leisure.

As a result, we note that a holiday in the Emirates at any time of the year will bring you many new experiences and positive emotions. The country is truly a great place for a beach holiday and educational tourism.

Reading 4 min. Views 8.9k. Posted Sep 22, 2016

Dubai is a very interesting and modern city. You can go here in any season and never be disappointed. But this post is not about that. We will tell you about the best time to go to Dubai. You will find out what time of the year is the most good weather for a beach holiday and about when it is better to go to Dubai with children. Let's burn the topic when the cheapest flights to Dubai are sold. Indeed, for many, the factor of the cost of a flight is sometimes decisive.

High season in Dubai

The best and concurrently high season in Dubai is from October to April. It is then that the heat becomes not so strong, and being outside becomes more comfortable. At the same time, as many tourists note, even this best season in Dubai can be divided into two more: from October 15 to December 10 And from March 15 to April 30. Why so, I will explain below. Where about children)

When is the best time to visit Dubai with kids?

But when: from mid-October to mid-December or from mid-March to the end of April. The fact is that between these two mini-seasons in Dubai it is “enough” cool. At night, the temperature drops to +15 and the locals start to feel sad. And yes, in the sea with children in January, you don’t particularly melt either, and the sand for the little ones can be cold.

When is the best time to book flights to Dubai?

The most favorable months for buying air tickets to Dubai are the summer months.

To buy cheapest flights to dubai It's better to buy them in advance. 3-4 months before the trip. Aviasales service gives excellent prices for tickets to Dubai for both early and late bookings.

By the way, with the help of a calendar of low ticket prices, you yourself can find and choose the month when it is cheapest to fly to Dubai. Try it! It is very comfortable!

When is the best time to go to Dubai - an overview of the seasons

Dubai in winter

Winter in Dubai is pretty good. By the weather - straight Indian summer in middle lane Russia) But we must remember that the temperature at night can drop to +10 +12 degrees

Dubai in December

Air +22 +23, water +23. Average number of rainy days - 4

Infa for lovers of luxury cars. Dubai Motor Show takes place here in December

Dubai in January

Air +19, water +20. Average number of rainy days - 6

January, Desert Classic golf and championship time

Dubai in February

Air +21, water +21. Average number of rainy days - 4

February in Dubai is very an important event in the world of tennis - the Dubai Open tournament

Also, New Year's sales begin in Dubai in winter. Discounts reach up to 80%. The grand Dubai Shopping Festival takes place in January and February.

Dubai in spring

As you already know, Dubai is simply beautiful in spring. The weather is very comfortable, both for adults and children.

Here are the average temperatures here in the spring:

Dubai in March

Air +22 +24, water +23. Average number of rainy days - 6

In March, a grandiose wedding exhibition is held here - Bride Show

Dubai in April

Air +26 +29, water +27. Average number of rainy days - 2

Dubai in May

Air +32 +34, water +28. Average number of rainy days - 0

By the way, Dubai in the spring is also a great time for diving and surfing enthusiasts.

Dubai in summer

It's hot here in summer! Very hot!!! High humidity and sometimes sandstorms cover the city. Therefore, summer in Dubai is considered the low season. However, in Lately this trend is passing. Dubai attracts tourists with Dubai Summer Surprises shopping festival and other equally interesting events

Dubai in June

Air +32 +36, water +30. Average number of rainy days - 0

Dubai in July

Air +36 +38, water +32. Average number of rainy days - 0

Dubai in August

Air +38 +41, water +33. Average number of rainy days - 0

By the way, another plus of visiting Dubai in the summer is low prices for hotels and air tickets.

Dubai in autumn

The heat is gradually subsiding, and there are more and more tourists. By the way, a very comfortable time for a vacation.

Dubai in September

Air +32 +35, water +29. Average number of rainy days - 0

Dubai in October

Air +29 +32, water +28. Average number of rainy days - 0

In October, the high tourist season begins here.

Dubai in November

Air +25 +31, water +27. Average number of rainy days - 1

Attention all jewelry lovers! Dubai International Jewelery Week takes place here in November

When is the cheapest time to book a hotel in Dubai?

The cost of living in hotels in Dubai is very dependent on seasonality. Therefore, if you want to save on a hotel, you should look at offers from May to September. Here is a very convenient hotel search where you can find the most delicious prices for hotels in Dubai.

In the current year? Let's figure it out. Over the past decades, the Emirates (there are seven in total) have become very popular with Russian tourists due to high level service, clean sandy beaches and multi-storey shopping malls. Significant oil reserves have made this country one of the richest in the world.

UAE in winter

During the winter months it is set comfortable temperature: +24-26oC. Bathing water is cool: +18-20 oC. Sometimes there is a strong wind and sandstorms. The annual maximum precipitation falls on February. Fujairah, located in the eastern part of the country, has a milder climate and slightly more rain.

It can be called average: a trip will cost more than to Egypt or Tunisia, but at the same time cheaper than to the Dominican Republic or Thailand. Tours for St. It is better to buy Valentine in advance due to high demand.

Surprisingly, fans of skiing and snowboarding will also find entertainment in the hot Emirates. With 5 slopes, all the necessary equipment and even live spruces, Ski Dubai offers year-round skiing. According to travelers, winter is a good time for sightseeing programs, walks along the Dubai Creek and trips to the desert.

Deserves special attention. Here you will find the tallest skyscraper Burj Khalifa, a free show of singing fountains and winter sales in shopping malls. Variety of flight program in United Arab Emirates and a not very long flight (about 5 hours), makes weekend tours popular, so those who wish can safely go here to celebrate February 23rd.

In December and January, there are huge sales with discounts up to 80% and lotteries where there is an opportunity to win a sports car.

UAE in spring

March and early April are the right time for the beach season in the Emirates: the average temperature is +30 oC, but there is no heat yet. On March 8 and the May holidays, the demand for the Emirates is traditionally increased. It is better to take sightseeing tours in March, as exhausting heat sets in closer to May, especially for desert safari. The advantage is that the water warms up to +28 oC, and it is very comfortable to swim.

UAE in summer

If you decide to go to the Emirates in 2020, you should postpone your trip until autumn, especially if you are traveling with children, as it is very stuffy on the coast from June to September. And even taking into account the dry climate, the time for excursions and swimming is not entirely suitable.

Also, the holiday seasons in the UAE and the peculiarities of the climate should be taken into account by older people who do not tolerate stuffiness. The thermometers in the summer sometimes rise to record highs of 50 degrees. And even the waters of the Persian Gulf do not save from the heat.

If you still find yourself in the Emirates in the summer, you can go to Dreamland or Wild Wadi water parks, Wonderland amusement park or Lost Chambers Aquarium.

UAE in autumn

The period from October to the end of November is the best time to travel to the UAE in 2020. You will escape from the dank autumn rains and have a great time, especially on the November holidays. This is also a good time for scuba diving, especially in the eastern part. In autumn, the air temperature reaches +30-33 oC, and water - +25 oC.

Many families with small children choose for: here are fine sandy beaches with gentle slopes, crystal pure water, and prices are significantly lower than in Dubai or. At the end of November, the water gets chilly, but many hotels have heated pools.

A country of extreme temperatures and incredible records. The United Arab Emirates is a Muslim power that is famous for its urban attractions and incomprehensible engineering projects. Nature has deprived the UAE of natural beauties and a comfortable climate, but rewarded with countless oil reserves. Thanks to the latter, people here are accustomed to creating man-made miracles: changing the topography of the seabed, creating amazing artificial islands, and competing with the desert for a comfortable climate. A ski complex and its own tropical forest - to create such facilities in a dry and hot desert climate on bare sands - isn't it a miracle? Talent, fantasy, diligence and money are still playing into the hands of the country from the fairy tale "A Thousand and One Nights", where it is believed that nothing is impossible.

Description of the weather in the UAE for each month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

UAE: climatic zones of the country of the golden sun

Dry subtropical desert climate determines the whole life of the emirates: from the economy to tourism.

The seven Arab emirates that make up a single state are located on the shores of two gulfs: the Persian and Oman.

Distinctive features of the breath of the desert:

  • high humidity
  • lower oxygen content in the air
  • hot dry weather - the invariable attributes of the summer period (second half of May-mid-September)
  • in winter there are fogs and rains with sandstorms

Fact! Only a few times in the history of meteorological observations, snow was recorded in the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah.

But in general, 360 days a year, the "country of sheikhs" offers good conditions for tourism: warmth, minimum rainfall, lack of “London weather”, and the sea is “fresh milk”.

Best time to visit the UAE- October, November, March and April.

The weather in the regions of the United Arab Emirates is practically the same. The climate here is formed by desert and bays. The only difference is in the easternmost emirate, Fujairah, because it is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean - near the Gulf of Oman.

Seasons: air and water temperature, number of rainy/sunny days

The high season lasts in the UAE from late September to early May.

The number of sunny days is 360 per year.

It rains in January-February, a total of 5 rainy days a year, which bring about 100 mm of precipitation. Frosts and snow are phenomena from the category of "apocalyptic", and they happen extremely rarely in the emirates. The period of extremely high temperatures is June-August.

January in the UAE

In January afternoon in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ajman, the temperature is +23..+24 ˚C, water +18+19 ˚C.


In February, in the main tourist emirates during the day +24..+26 ˚C, the water temperature remains January.


In March +26..+28 ˚C during the day, water temperature in the bays +21..+23 ˚C.


In April, there is a jump in temperatures up to +30..+33 ˚C. The formation of cooler weather in Fujairah by the Gulf of Oman is beginning to be noticeable. Water in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman is already warming up to +26..+27 ˚C, in Fujairah it remains +21 ˚C. Afternoon on the beach is already very hot, it is worth moving into the cool atmosphere of the hotel, or go shopping or sightseeing.


In May, the daytime air temperature is +36..+38 ˚C, water temperature is plus 27 ˚C (+23 ˚C in Fujairah).


In June, a hot period begins - the thermometers show up to +40 ˚C (in Fujairah +37 ˚C), the water temperature in the Persian Gulf is +27 ˚C, in Oman +26 ˚C. Fact!


July brings unbearably hot weather: +40..+42 ˚C in the shade, +37 ˚C in Fujairah. The hottest month. There are few tourists - even the prices for tours that are pleasing to the eye are not enticing a large number of vacationers on such an extreme weather tour. It is hottest at this time in Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Due to high humidity (80%) and air temperature (up to 48 degrees), at this time it is not recommended to visit the UAE with small children, pregnant women and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Shopping at this time is profitable - summer discounts start. The water temperature is above 33-35 degrees. The absolute temperature record was recorded in Dubai at +49˚C.


August is stable: +40..+41 ˚C, on the coast of the Gulf of Oman +36 ˚C. Water - above 35 ˚C. At this time, most hotels provide cooling of water in outdoor pools to 26 degrees, otherwise, under the scorching rays of the sun, it heats up to a hot state.


In September, temperatures begin to gradually decrease to +38..+39 ˚C, in Fujairah - to plus 36 ˚C. The water temperature is +24 ˚C in the Gulf of Oman, and +27 ˚C in the Persian. High temperatures are replaced by Sharki winds and Shamen sandstorms.


In October, in most emirates, the air temperature drops by another couple of degrees, to 33-35 degrees Celsius, the water temperature remains at 24 degrees Celsius in Fujairah, and + 26 + 27 ˚C in the rest of the emirates.


November brings the long-awaited Emirati "coolness" - the thermometers no longer rise above +30 ˚C, the water remains warm - plus 25 ˚C.


Winter comes to the UAE in December - "only" +25 + 26 ˚C throughout the country, only the water temperature differs - in the Gulf of Oman it is 4 degrees cooler than in the Persian Gulf - plus 20 degrees. The heating of water in the pools in winter is carried out up to 27-28 degrees.


Going to the United Arab Emirates in the off season (June-August, when the air temperature is above +41 ˚C), you should take care of your health and take into account the recommendations of doctors: clothes made of cotton fabrics, a hat is required, Sunglasses. In the season - the recommendations are the same, but there are nuances. If you are flying to the UAE winter, take note: the evenings are quite chilly a warm long-sleeved sweater and closed boots will make walking around the city comfortable at night.

Important! Beach holidays are best planned from February to May or from September to November. It is better to sunbathe before 10 am, then the sun is merciless. Sun creams - with maximum protection! In the suitcase - a large headdress and clothes made from natural fabrics. Bikinis should be forgotten at home.

Visiting the UAE and not visiting the Ski Dubai indoor ski resort is a real tourist crime. Therefore, there are recommendations for this case. All the necessary equipment will be given to you at the entrance, but the temperature in the complex is maintained around zero (and it doesn’t matter if it’s winter or summer outside the resort), so the same warm jacket will serve you well.

On a note! Air conditioners are a mandatory life hack in any room - hotel / restaurant / supermarket, in public transport and at bus stops. In summer, you should not go in a wet swimsuit from the street, where it is +48, ​​into an air-conditioned hotel room - the temperature difference will be very sharp, it is easy to catch a cold.

Considering that the United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country with its own canons, foundations and traditions, one should not neglect the local rules. Women are required to wear loose and non-provocative clothing, preferably covering the décolleté, shoulders and knees.

Tourists: how many and who can be seen on the streets of the UAE

Every year, one of the most popular emirates of the UAE, Dubai, is visited by about 12-15 million tourists. Among them: Russians, residents of Saudi Arabia, China, Great Britain, Germany and India. An interesting fact is that about 70% of the total flow of tourists in the UAE are from post-Soviet countries who love to bask in the rays of the golden Emirati sun.

Fact! It is worth knowing that the queues at the airport for men and women are different.

The maximum influx of tourists in the UAE is traditionally in December. Russian-speaking tourists mainly choose Dubai during the New Year, and go on excursions to the rest of the emirates. Europeans, on the other hand, are used to going to “warm places” for Christmas, the United Arab Emirates with their level of service, the ratio of the price of services and their quality, satisfy the exacting inhabitants of the “old lady of Europe” by 100%.

This is interesting! Decency and observance of laws, as well as the absence of crime, are one of the main advantages of the UAE. Buying yoghurt with a fresh label, you can be sure that this is the way it is. The same goes for big purchases - a lover of shopping in this regard (except for low prices for fur coats), there is still something to be glad about: you can not connect the local seller to a lie detector - he will always tell the truth about the product.


The most expensive hotels and luxurious architecture are in Dubai, Abu Dhabi is a business center, you should go there only for a tour. Beach holidays are best represented in Jumeirah, which is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Sharjah is the most conservative emirate, but it is good for an active beach holiday - here you can go water skiing and jet skiing.

When choosing between the Persian and the Gulf of Oman, you should give preference to the latter only in case of an off-season holiday - in the emirate of Fujairah, the water is cooler, and the climate on the coast is more comfortable. But going there for a beach holiday, you should stock up on special slippers, as in Egypt. But not because of the corals. Because of the oil. And it's not a joke. The entire seabed here is covered with an oil film., even near the coast there are oil pellets.

This is interesting! In 2018, one incredible hotel opened in Dubai - Rosemon Five Star Hotel & Residences. This majestic futuristic building with its own rainforest, which became the first and so far the only one in the entire Middle East! In the midst of the scorching heat. In summer, in Dubai, you can enjoy the forest coolness, relax in the shade of sprawling jungle trees, admire the waterfalls. The microclimate will be created through the use of recycled condensate. The cool mist will roll down from the trees, creating a comfortable coolness. Not only hotel guests, but everyone who wants to buy an entrance ticket, will be able to visit the Emirati rainforest.

Weather in cities and resorts by months

Abu Dhabi

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 24 26 30 35 39 41 42 43 40 37 31 26
Average minimum, °C 13 15 18 21 24 26 29 30 27 23 19 16

During the holiday season, the flow of tourists from Russia rushes to warm countries. The United Arab Emirates is just such a country, but even here there are periods that are not too comfortable for rest.

General climate characteristics in the UAE

  • winter is warm, short;
  • summer is hot, long;
  • low air humidity in winter and high in summer;
  • rainfall is minimal.

The weather in the UAE is stable, there are no sudden temperature changes, and the transition from season to season is slow and smooth.

For most of the year, the weather in the resorts is quite suitable for swimming, sunbathing, and active entertainment. High season begins in the second half of September, when the sweltering heat subsides, and lasts almost the entire year, making small breaks for January-February and July-August. During the winter months, the water temperature in the sea drops to 17 degrees, and in order to walk in the evening, you will have to dress warmly. In July and August, the thermometer inexorably creeps to around 45-50 and even for local residents this is a test. In addition, sandstorms are not uncommon in the summer months, a rather unpleasant natural phenomenon for humans.

Which month is the best to go on vacation?

The best months for a beach holiday are March, April, May and October, November, December. In the case of a trip with a child, these months are also suitable - at this time the sun is moderate and the sea is warm, like fresh milk.

If the main purpose of your holiday is sightseeing and successful shopping it is better to fly in January or February. Discounts in shops during these winter months reach 80%, and the need for a swim can be satisfied in heated pools, which are available in almost every hotel.


December the weather in the UAE is one of the most pleasant for any kind of holiday. Winter is coming, and the air temperature is set within + 25-26 degrees, just right for a person from our latitudes. In early December, the water in the Persian Gulf is +23-24 degrees, and only by the end of the month begins to lose ground. Reviews of tourists say that December is best for traveling with children.

In January the northern winds are already blowing in full force, cooling the air to +23 degrees. It seems to be warm, but taking into account the cool breaths, it feels like + 15-17. The water temperature in the sea is completely cold +17, suitable only for extreme people. In the evening you can freeze, going outside is better to warm up. The influx of tourists is noted on New Year and Christmas, these days you can make the most profitable purchases - the season of discounts!

In February The air temperature is kept at the January values, but by the end of the month it begins to grow steadily. The sea is also getting warmer, +17 at the beginning of the month and +22 at the end. There are more swimmers, but in general there are few tourists - it’s a bit cold for a beach holiday, and discounts in stores have already ended.

In winter, it is better to choose resorts, located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, since the water here is much warmer than in Oman - all the emirates except Fujairah and Sharjah. The latter has hotels on the shores of both bays. For shopping it is better to go to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, it is here that the largest shopping centers, whole streets of boutiques and shops and the famous gold markets.


In March real warmth is established and starts high season . The thermometer shows +27 degrees, and the water warms up to +24. March, along with December, is considered the most suitable time to relax with a child - there is no exhausting heat, and the streets are not yet so crowded.

In April the tourist season is at its peak. Sea temperature + 25-27 degrees. Combined with a warm but still refreshing breeze, the numerous beaches are almost ideal for relaxation. Daily air temperatures stop at around +33, evening +25 is also good for walking.

In May the real sunshine begins. The daytime heat of 35 degrees only slightly subsides at night. The sea is warmest +29 and this attracts vacationers, who are not getting smaller.

Reviews indicate that spring in the Emirates is the most favorite time of the year for travelers. Whatever resort you choose, everywhere you will be met by the cleanest beaches, gentle sea and hospitable Arabs. If you are traveling with small children, it is better to choose quieter resorts - Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah or Ajman. At the peak of the tourist season, the prices here are moderate, and not so noisy. And the center of children's entertainment in Dubai can be reached in half an hour or an hour.

A week before your intended travel date, check the weather forecasts to know exactly what temperature the UAE will meet you with. In April-May and in summer, you should be careful on the beaches - this jellyfish season. Singly or in groups, they swim up to the shore, and can sting. The consequences, although not fatal, are rather unpleasant, so look around more often while splashing in the sea.


In June the thermometer continues to stubbornly crawl up the scale, although it seems to be enough. The beginning of June is close to May in terms of temperature, so it’s still quite suitable for a beach holiday. Further, the air temperature becomes + 39, water +32. The night brings no relief. On top of that, at the end of June, winds from the desert begin to blow, bringing sand with them.

In July even for local residents accustomed to the heat, nature creates almost unbearable conditions. The thermometer is scary to look at - often it shows the number 50, located above the zero mark. The water in the sea is almost hot +34, and there is absolutely no place to refresh yourself, except under the air conditioner. Adding sandstorms to this, it becomes clear why even the locals try to leave the country at this time of the year.

In August the weather is very similar to July, the day starts at 43 degrees, and ends with the same. high humidity creates a feeling of a sticky film on the body. Air conditioners work everywhere to their fullest, but this is something dangerous - a sweaty tourist does not have to catch a sore throat! Vacationers in their reviews are united - it is not worth going to the UAE in the summer!

But if you still decide to go to the Emirates in the summer months, then choose Fujairah. This resort is located on the shores of the Gulf of Oman, the waters of which are always several degrees colder than the Persian, which means that the air temperature will be lower. In addition, a cool wind blows from the Indian Ocean, which is especially valuable on hot days.


In September the heat decides to take pity on people and slowly recedes. But the temperature of air and water, which can be called comfortable, is established only from the second half of the month. Monthly averages are +38 degrees for air and +32 for water. At the end of September, hotels are gradually filled with guests, bathers appear on the beaches.

In October coolness wins a few more degrees in its favor - +33 during the day, +29 at night. Water is already able to bring pleasure with its warm 27 degrees. Returns lost rights high season. October, especially in the first half, is good for families.

It rains occasionally in November. The thermometer stops at +30, and at night it drops by another 5 degrees. The sea cools down to + 24-25 - for swimming, that's it!