Mixer      04/21/2019

How to properly plant seedlings before winter. Planting onions before winter: the best varieties, growing conditions and care

Bulb sets are usually planted in the spring, but sets up to 1 cm in size are poorly stored at home and dry out almost completely until spring. Therefore, it is better to plant such sets before winter, where they will overwinter and produce a good harvest of onions in the summer

Bulb sets are usually planted in the spring, but sets up to 1 cm in size are poorly stored at home and dry out almost completely until spring. Therefore, it is better to plant such sets before winter, where they will overwinter and produce a good harvest of onions in the summer. Sevok larger diameter It’s better not to plant it before winter; when planted before winter, it shoots a lot.

It is best to plant onions where there were previously potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers. It is not advisable to plant onions after onions and cabbage.

A bed for planting onions for the winter should be made in a well-lit place, and in a place where water does not stagnate during rains and in the spring after the snow melts. The soil must be disinfected with a solution copper sulfate(add 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), you need to water at the rate of 2 liters per 1 m2. Still need to be added for each square meter beds 3-4 kg of humus, approximately 5 kg of peat, 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and dig well.

Then you need to level and compact the beds, then make grooves 5 cm deep with a distance of 15 cm between the rows. The dried small seedlings then need to be laid out in a furrow 3-4cm apart and covered with peat humus mixture.

The approximate timing of planting onions before winter is October 5-20, but the timing depends on the region, and you also need to focus on the weather. Before frost, the bed with planted onion sets must be mulched with peat with a layer of up to 2-3 cm to protect the onions from freezing. In the spring, the mulch must be removed to allow the soil to warm up. If in winter the air temperature is below minus 10-12°C, the bed must be additionally covered with snow. It is also good to add spruce branches or any branches to the onion plantings for better snow retention.

If onions are planted correctly before winter, then friendly shoots appear in the spring. If the onions are planted densely, then the plants need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 5-6cm between them. Excess plants pulled out can be used as green onions, so it’s worth hurrying with thinning. You can pull it out as needed.

From mid-July, watering onions should be stopped. After lodging the leaves, the onions can be harvested. Be sure to dry the bulbs under a canopy until the leaves and roots become dry. In well-dried bulbs, the leaves and roots can be easily separated.

If some bulbs are poorly ripe and have a thick neck, they should not be left for storage; it is better to eat them immediately.

If you plant small sets before winter, you can get well-ripened bulbs in late July - early August. This onion is very well preserved in winter at home.

Since the plants have to survive many cold days, this planting has its own characteristics.

What onions can be planted for the winter?

Only frost-resistant ones are suitable for winter planting. They easily endure winter and grow quickly with the arrival of spring.

To popular winter varieties include:

  1. "Ellan" (sweet, seedlings can withstand short frosts down to -2°C).
  2. “Strigunovsky” (if grown from sets, it can form two bulbs in a nest; tastes sharp).

  3. “Ruby” (red variety, ripens in 110-115 days, grown in the southern regions, has a well-developed root system).

  4. "Stuttgarten Riesen" (German variety yellow shades, flattened shape, ripens from seeds in 3.5 months, from sets - 65-70 days).

  5. "Chalcedony" (very large variety, matures in 110 days).

  6. "Buran" ( universal variety, bred by Ukrainian breeders, matures in 68-83 days, is resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases, spicy in taste, sits well).
  7. “Danilovsky-301” (red variety, ripens in 100-110 days, tastes semi-sharp).

  8. "Myachkovsky-300" (early ripening, ripens in 65-75 days, high-yielding).

  9. "Muzona" (ripens 90-110 days, tastes semi-sharp, round, white variety, stored for 2 months).

  10. “Lugansk” (annual, ripens in 130 days, bulb weighs 71-146 g, has a golden color).

  11. “Tamara F1” (medium early, ripens in 105-108 days, high-yielding, suitable for growth in a sharply continental climate, golden color).

  12. “Black Prince” (ripens in 100-105 days, semi-sharp, universal variety, red).

  13. “Panther F1” (ripens in 130-135 days, is stored for a long time, gives a good harvest, round in shape and bronze-brown color, Japanese variety).

  14. “Radar” (ripens in 250-260 days, tolerates frosts without snow down to -15°C, and with snow up to -23°C, golden color).

  15. “Siberian” (ripens in 90-100 days, grows well on feathers, is stored for about a year, rarely shoots arrows).

Important! Typically, golden onions are spicy, while red onions are sweet.

When to plant onions in the fall

In order for a crop to survive frost, it must be planted under certain weather conditions. For each region, these conditions correspond to a certain time of year. Described in more detail below.

Calendar dates

Winter planting of onions is divided into three periods:

  1. Early. Produced in August-September. Produced after harvest. During this period of time, only the most frost-resistant varieties, since the plant manages to sprout several feathers and they must survive the winter.
  2. Average: end of September - October. The most common. Most winter varieties are sown during this period.
  3. Late: the first days of November, before the ground freezes. A small seedling is planted. Seeds can be planted in frozen ground.


Acceptable air temperature for planting: during the day 0-5°C, at night - up to -3°C. Soil temperature 3-4°C.

Features of the region

Onions are grown everywhere, so you need to consider the local climate and take appropriate measures before planting.


The country is dominated by a temperate continental climate. It is characterized by the onset of the temperature described above in late October - early November, with slight adjustments for regions.

It is not recommended to plant onions early, as they will have time to take root and will actively grow in warm weather. Then the probability of successful wintering of the crop is very low.

With the arrival of constant frosts, the beds are covered with branches. When snow falls, it is advisable to sprinkle the crops well with it. The most suitable varieties:

  • "Buran";

Belarus and Moscow region

These regions also lie in a temperate continental climate. Therefore, the period of onion planting approximately coincides with the planting period in Ukraine. The only thing that distinguishes the regions is more severe frosts in the northeastern part of Belarus and in the Moscow region. This requires more careful covering of the crop. And with a large thickness of snow, frost is not terrible.


A sharply continental climate with very cold winters already dominates here. The landing is shifted to September-October. It is recommended to choose local varieties for planting, bred specifically for harsh climates. The insulation of the bed for the winter should be good.


The region also falls into a sharply continental climate, but with even lower temperatures and a short warm period. It is extremely unprofitable to plant onions here for the winter. It's very difficult to predict the weather. However, if you still want to plant onions, you must strictly follow the rule: the daytime temperature remains at 5°C for several days - you can plant them. It is also necessary to plant the seedling at the optimal depth so that the crop does not freeze and does not germinate prematurely.

Did you know? The Latin name for the plant genus Allium (onion) was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from a similar Latin word for garlic. Supposedly related to the Celtic "all", meaning "burning".

Selecting a site for planting

For winter onions, it is necessary to properly arrange the bed so that the plant can overwinter.

Placement of beds

We choose a plot of land in a sunny and dry place. Moisture should not stagnate here. If this happens, then it is necessary to form an elevation. Place the bed on the southern or southwestern part of the site, preferably on a slope so that it protects the seedlings from the wind.

The best is drained humus-sandy or humus-loamy. Onions will grow well on silty river sediments.

Crop rotation

Good predecessors:

  • cereals, except oats;

It is not advisable to plant after:

It is possible to plant a second harvest after: rapeseed, winter barley, beans, peas, and table beets, but only if these crops were harvested before the third decade of July.

Pre-planting soil preparation

Dig up the soil with humus in advance. Fertilizer is added at the rate of 5-6 kg per square meter. Add to it (10-15 g and 20-25 g per square meter). With absence mineral fertilizers Ecofoska will do with the same calculation. Before putting seeds and seedlings into the ground, it is necessary to scatter ash over the bed at a rate of 10 g per square meter.

Preparation of planting material

Seedlings should be prepared 10 days before planting.

First stage - onion sorting. There are wild oats (very small bulbs, less than a centimeter in diameter), the first category (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), the second category (up to 3 cm in diameter), the third category (more than 3 cm in diameter). Oatmeal is not suitable for winter sowing. It is too small and during frosts it will simply dry out in the ground. It is better to leave it for spring sowing or throw it away. The third category is also planted in the spring. The first and second are ideal for winter sowing. They are called


Planting onion sets before winter allows you to avoid many of the inconveniences characteristic of spring planting. In order not to make a mistake in the fall, let’s figure out what steps need to be taken?

Varieties and advantages of planting seedlings before winter

Onions are an extremely popular plant that can be found in literally every garden. But this root vegetable is quite capricious. For example, in dry weather it can throw out arrows, but in damp weather it begins to rot. These problems can be solved if you switch to planting onion sets for the winter. If certain simple rules you can get bountiful harvest before everyone else - in the month of July.

The method of planting onion sets in autumn has a number of advantages over traditional spring planting. In this case, you will be able to harvest almost a month earlier than usual. Moreover, onions planted before winter are not afraid of a dry spring. After all, the seedlings will be able to feed on melting snow. Before the summer heat sets in, you won’t have to waste time watering the root crops.

Also, onion sets planted before winter are characterized by increased vitality and strong, well-developed rhizomes. This method provides the gardener with the opportunity to divide planting work into autumn and spring period, which makes his work much easier. Onion sets, planted before winter, produce friendly and uniform shoots. And the collected root vegetables turn out to be larger, juicier, and more aromatic.

The presented planting method allows you to protect the plant from such dangerous pest like an onion fly. After all, during the germination of seedlings, the insect is still in hibernation. Onions planted before winter are not prone to bolting, fungal infections or rotting. Autumn way planting provides higher yields. And bulbs grown from sets planted in the fall are perfectly preserved until spring. Moreover, you can store them not only in the cellar, but also at home.

But not every onion is suitable for planting in the fall; first of all, you will need to decide on the varieties. The most suitable for this will be specially developed onion subspecies, which are characterized by a high degree of cold resistance. The following are considered to be the most famous and unpretentious: Bessonovsky, Arctic, Ellan, Stuttgarter, Uralsky, Danilovsky, Radar, Strigunovsky and Sibiryak. Heat-loving southern onion varieties are not suitable for planting under snow, because as soon as the first cold weather arrives, the seedlings will simply die in the frozen ground.

Preparing a bed for onion sets

Of course, you should start by choosing a landing site. The beds must be well lit and also ventilated. It is not recommended to plant sets in the ground where garlic, beets or carrots previously grew. And one more little secret: this plant simply does not tolerate excess moisture, so choose a place for its location that is not subject to stagnation of melt or rain water.

Now it’s time to prepare the soil. First, the area must be thoroughly weeded, clearing it of weeds. And then the soil needs to be thoroughly dug up and saturated with a mixture of ash and humus. Superphosphate is also perfect for these purposes. organic fertilizers or compost. And the third step preparatory stage will be pre-planting treatment of bulbs.

If you want to achieve high yield, set before autumn planting also needs to be properly prepared. There are two popular processing methods. In the first case, the tubers are wiped with a solution of copper sulfate. Second option: the bulbs should be placed in boiling water for just a few moments. These manipulations will protect the plant from possible fungal diseases, as well as summer bolting.

For more active growth tubers, immediately before planting in the ground, it is recommended to wrap the bulbs in cloth and place them in glassware and place in the microwave for one and a half minutes.

When should all these preparatory activities be carried out? The ideal time for onion sets is considered to be between the 5th and 20th of October. It is very important to do this without waiting for a serious frost to give the onions a chance to properly take root and gain a foothold in the soil. So by October you should already buy planting material, decide on a location and prepare yourself for work.

Planting seedlings before winter - simple rules

So, when the time has come to the target date, the first preparatory measures have been carried out, and the bed has been dug up, you can start planting. First, rake the site of the future onion plantation to level it out. upper layer soil. Form a base for the beds and thoroughly loosen the area. According to experienced gardeners, the ideal height onion bed The level is considered to be 20 cm, and the width is 100 cm.

At the next stage, you will need to make special grooves about 4 cm deep. Please note that they should be at a distance of approximately 25–30 cm from each other. Carefully place the pre-treated and dried onion sets into the resulting grooves. Please note that the distance between tubers should be no less than 10 cm.

Next, the planted bulbs must be covered a few centimeters with humus and peat mixture. When completing the process, carefully level the surface of the landing site using reverse side rake. If severe, frosty winters are expected, then onion sets should be additionally insulated. To do this, cover the beds with a layer of fallen leaves and sprinkle loose snow on top. At this point, the landing can be considered complete!

How to care for such onions in the spring?

Further care for onion sets planted before winter is quite simple. As soon as spring comes, remove from the beds protective covering from leaves and clear the snow to avoid water accumulation during melting. After this, fertilize the soil with urea. Then the place of the onion plantation should be loosened. Do this carefully so as not to injure the sprouts. When all the seedlings have sprouted, the bed will need to be thinned out. The distance between the bulbs should be about 5–7 cm.

When the process of tuber formation begins, feed the crop with fertilizers that include sodium and phosphorus. Summer residents with experience advise using for these purposes liquid fertilizer, since it is believed that it is absorbed better and faster. Another recharge option is fermented infusions from medicinal herbs with the addition of ash and humus.

In order to protect young onion sets from all kinds of pests, it is recommended to lay out layers of herbs such as tansy, wormwood or yarrow on the site. The garden bed should be watered from May to mid-June. Further moisture may cause tubers to rot.

Harvesting, sorting and storage

To ensure that the resulting onion harvest is well preserved, it is also recommended to follow a few simple rules. It usually ripens by the beginning of July. After the foliage of the plant has fallen, it will be necessary to pull the tubers out of the ground and dry thoroughly. Experienced gardeners consider the main sign of perfectly dried onions to be the easy separation of their leaves and roots.

Harvesting is best planned on warm, dry days. Unripe bulbs are not subject to long-term storage, so they should be set aside separately and added to food as quickly as possible. Harvest It is recommended to sort according to the size of the tubers. It is believed that large onions are best suited for long-term storage. Medium-sized tubers (approximately 4-5 cm) are ideal for planting in boxes to produce green onions. It is recommended to leave small sets for subsequent plantings.

Despite the fact that onions are considered one of the traditional crops grown in summer cottages, he is very demanding and sensitive to climate change. If the summer is damp and rainy, then part of the crop is lost, rotting. If it’s hot and dry, you should wait for bolting. To avoid these unpleasant consequences and reap a good harvest of onions, more and more often when growing it, it is used that is not yet widespread, but very effective method- planting before winter.

The increasing popularity of this planting method every year is due to a number of advantages:

  • Economic benefit is an important factor, since in the spring, when prices for planting material (including onion sets) soar to prohibitive heights, it will not be possible to save money. IN autumn period You can buy onions for planting much cheaper.
  • Early harvest - winter onions ripen in July. After harvesting, the freed areas can be used for growing green crops and early ripening vegetables.
  • Ease of weeding - thanks to the onion’s resistance to cold, its shoots appear very early, and by the time the weeds begin to “take over the territory”, it will have become stronger, which greatly facilitates the work of weeding.
  • Saving time - if you plant onions in the fall, you will no longer have to waste time planting them in the spring, a hot time for summer residents.
  • Keeping quality - ripening strong and healthy, bulbs from winter plantings are perfectly stored for a long period.

However, not everyone succeeds in planting onions for the winter the first time. To avoid failures, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on the main points of this productive technique.

Features of choosing planting material

The first step to a good harvest is choosing the right onions for winter planting. There are four categories of onion sets:

  • Category 1 – the diameter of each bulb does not exceed 1–1.5 cm.
  • Category 2 – diameter from 1.5 cm to 3 cm.
  • Samples - bulb diameter of 3 cm or more.
  • Oatmeal, or wild oatmeal, are bulbs of non-standard shape, not exceeding 1 cm in diameter.

To grow strong, high-quality onions, small planting material (first category and wild oat) is used. For planting on feathers, large sets (second category and selections) are considered most suitable.


For the plot for winter planting of onions, you should choose an open, sunny place, and the possibility of stagnant water, which can lead to rotting of the bulbs, should be completely excluded. It is worth paying attention to those areas where the snow melts earlier in the spring, and the soil is loose, breathable with a neutral reaction.

The best precursor crops for onions are carrots, potatoes, cucumbers and legumes. It is not recommended to plant sets in a place where cabbage was previously grown. You should not plant onions in the same area for the second year in a row.

Determination of planting dates

Since there are no specific dates for planting onions before winter, in this matter you should focus on the climatic characteristics of a particular region and the weather patterns of the current season. The most important condition for successful wintering of onions and their good germination in the spring is that the rooting process of the onions must be completed before the soil freezes. If during the day the temperature ranges from 0° C to +4° C, and at night does not fall below -3° C, the planting time has come. In some areas, suitable temperatures are observed in mid-October, and in others - closer to the end of November, so the personal observations of the gardener play an important role in determining planting dates.

Work order

Having determined the timing and chosen the landing site, the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The plot for the onion is dug up and a ridge is made, the width of which is about 1 m, length – 2 m, height – approximately 18–20 cm.
  • To increase the looseness and nutritional value of the soil, add 1/5 of a bucket of humus and 1/3 of a bucket of sand, after which the planting site is thoroughly loosened and leveled using a rake.
  • On the surface of the bed, every 20 cm, make several furrows with a depth of no more than 2–4 (deeper planting can cause rotting of the bulbs).
  • The bulbs are planted at intervals of 8–10 cm, slightly compacting the soil around them.
  • The planting site is mulched with any natural material(dry grass, straw, fallen leaves). It is worth noting that you should not choose sawdust or peat as mulching materials. The best decision. Due to their small size, removing them from the garden without damaging the seedlings will be very difficult. Place mulch on top natural insulation(spruce branches or brushwood). Important! Use to cover winter onion plantings plastic film it is forbidden.
  • In winter, when the thermometer drops below -10° C, it is recommended to further protect the onion beds from frost by covering them with snow.

In the spring, as soon as warm weather sets in, the onion beds are freed from mulch, since it does not allow the soil to warm up, which leads to a slowdown in the development of the crop. Bulbs that did not survive the winter are replaced with new ones.

Water the onions as needed. In dry weather, this procedure should be carried out at least twice a week, pouring on each square. m, 7–10 buckets of water. In bad weather, when large quantities precipitation, onions do not need watering. The signal to completely stop watering is the first signs of crop maturation (yellow feathers, lodging).

Popular varieties of winter onions

It’s worth mentioning right away that almost all varieties of onion sets are suitable for planting before winter. The main condition is that they must be adapted to the climate of the planting region. With proper agricultural technology, there are no problems with zoned crop varieties. However, some hybrids have proven themselves so well that many experienced gardeners give preference to them.

  • Stuttgarter Riesen. High-yielding variety for universal use. The bulbs are large (up to 200 g), dense, flat-round in shape. Differs in early ripening.
  • Keep well. Great frost-resistant variety. The bulbs are large (70–80 mm), with a dark bronze tint of dense scales. Thanks to its powerful root system, it is successfully cultivated in areas with arid climates. Excellent storage.
  • Hi-keeper. Is different early dates maturation. Large golden-bronze bulbs (60–70 mm in diameter) have a round shape. Resistant to cold weather.
  • Tough ball. Large (60–70 mm) bronze bulbs of a round shape have tightly fitting scales. The hybrid is characterized by high winter hardiness and resistance to bolting.
  • Arzamas. Popular medium-sized variety of folk selection. The bulbs are medium-sized and have a round-cuboid shape. Has good keeping quality.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the method of planting onions before winter is not only effective, but also quite simple. By following simple rules, you can easily get an excellent harvest of strong, large onions, while saving money and time.

Will give onions before winter good result in case of a dry spring. Planted in advance, it will collect all the winter moisture, which means it will give vigorous early shoots, and before the onset of dry weather it will form a developed root system - a guarantee good harvest.

If you are afraid that the seeds may freeze, then conduct an experiment. Select only the smallest bulbs for winter planting and look at the result. In any case, then it will be possible to plant an additional bed in May, so as not to be left without a harvest altogether.

There are no specific recommendations when choosing an onion variety for planting before winter, since any local, zoned varieties are suitable. It’s just not worth taking risks with heat-loving southern varieties - they may well not withstand winter frosts.

Although it should be noted that there are a number of special winter onion varieties, such as: Arctic, Bessonovsky, Kip-Well, Radar, Strigunovsky, Sunshine, Ellan, Shakespeare.

Onions before planting - preparation

Planting material onions are divided into oatmeal (onions with a diameter of less than 1 cm), sets (onion diameter from 1 to 3 cm) or onion selection - onions larger than 3 cm. If you plant onions for greens, it is better to use a selection, since a large onion often goes into arrow, and small sets are planted to produce turnip bulbs.

Therefore, sort the seed before planting in the ground, separating small sets from larger samples; do not cut off the necks of the bulbs. Professionals recommend sevok and wild oatmeal specifically for winter planting, since they winter storage indoors they can dry out, and if they are planted in the ground, then next year they will produce large bulbs.

Onions for winter: how to choose a place to plant

The second most important point that must be taken into account when planting onions before winter is the choice of location. The soil should be sufficiently loose (dense clay soils are not suitable) and have a neutral reaction.

The selected area should be well lit and ventilated. And water, after the snow melts in the spring, should not stagnate, because spring excess moisture is the worst enemy of any bulbous crop.

The best predecessors for onions are all grains (except oats), mustard, peas, corn, beets, cucumbers, rapeseed, tomatoes, phacelia, beans, lettuce, cabbage.

To prevent onions from becoming infected with nematodes, do not plant them after beans, potatoes, red clover, alfalfa, parsley and celery.

Before planting, the soil must be dug up along with humus (norm: 5 kg per m²) and mineral fertilizers (10 to 15 grams of potassium salt and 20 to 25 grams of superphosphate per m²). Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with ecophosphate in the same quantity. Before planting, it is recommended to scatter ash on the site (10 grams per m²).

When to plant onions in the fall - planting dates

It has long been known that onions can be planted in both spring and autumn, but for some reason planting onions in winter was not widespread until recently. Planting onions for the winter in cold regions - in Siberia, the Urals, and even in the Moscow region - was especially wary, but today there are many varieties of winter onions that winter well in the ground, but give an early harvest the next year.

How to plant onions in the fall, when to plant winter onions, how to protect them from winter frosts - we will answer all these questions in this article.

When to plant onions before winter in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

The most favorable days for planting onions are presented in the table.

Month Dates
August 4–5, 12–13, 31 August
September September 1, 8, 27–28
October 6–7, 25 October
November November 2–3, 21–22, 29–30

The best time to plant onions in areas with not very cold winters is from late October to early November - 30-35 days before the onset of persistent cold weather. Keep an eye on the outside thermometer: if the temperature drops to 5 ºC and lasts for several days, then it’s time to plant onions.

When is it better not to plant onions?

In general, you should be guided by the weather: the onion should have time to grow roots before the onset of cold weather, but sprouts should not be allowed to appear. If you plant an onion ahead of time, it will bolt and die from frost; if planted late, there is a risk that the roots will not have time to develop and the seedling will freeze in the ground.

Some gardeners believe that planting onions in the ground at the end of November is the best solution, but in this case the result depends only on luck.

After what crop should onions be planted?

Often, not knowing how to plant onions, gardeners make mistakes that lead to low yields. All grains except oats, corn, beets, mustard, rapeseed, phacelia, peas, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and any cabbage are considered good predecessors for onions.

To avoid nematode infection on onions, do not plant them after beans, potatoes, parsley, celery, alfalfa and red clover. You can grow winter onions as a second harvest after harvesting rapeseed, winter barley, beans, peas, radishes, carrots and table beets, if you managed to harvest the first harvest before the third decade of July.

The question is often asked whether it is possible to plant onions after onions. Onions can be grown in one place for no more than two years; the next time onions in this area, as well as in the area where garlic grew, can be planted no earlier than four years later.

Caring for onions after planting in the fall

Planting and caring for onions in open ground simple and easy. As soon as the soil begins to warm up in the spring, remove the film from the winter onions, and after a week, remove the mulch, sprinkle the area with ash at the rate of 10 g per m², and loosen the soil.

If you remove the cover too late, the onions may get wet under the film, and the mulch will delay the passage of sprouts through the soil. It is advisable to loosen the soil after each rain or watering, while simultaneously freeing the area from weeds.

The formation of four leaves at the seedlings indicates that the bulb has begun to form, which means that it is time to apply a second feeding, but before that, thin out the onion if it is growing too densely. The plucked plants can be eaten.

As a second feeding, 15-20 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium fertilizer are added per 1 m² of planting, and it is better to first dissolve the superphosphate granules and ash in a solution of fermented herbs. Instead of mineral fertilizers, you can add liquid chicken manure.

If the spring is wet, the onions are watered infrequently, but if it is hot and dry, you will have to water them twice a week. To prevent your harvest from being destroyed by the onion fly, plant marigolds or calendula around the perimeter of the onion plot - this is guaranteed to save you from trouble. Winter onions ripen about a month earlier than those planted in the spring.

When to plant winter onions in the Moscow region

Planting onions in the Moscow region is almost no different from cultivating them in Ukraine or other warm regions. The only problem can be a too cold winter, but if the temperature does not drop below -15 ºC, and you cover the onions for the winter, then they will not be in danger of freezing.

If the frosts are stronger, but there is a lot of snow, then we can only hope that in this case everything will go well.

Planting onions before winter in the Urals

Planting and caring for winter onions in the Urals is somewhat different from growing this crop in areas with a temperate climate. For example, planting dates shift closer to the beginning of autumn - from late September to mid-October.

Shelter for the winter in the Urals is mandatory, in addition, not every variety can be planted before winter in the Ural climate, but only those that have high winter hardiness.

Video: Planting onions before winter - a simple and reliable way