Well      06/15/2019

Business plan for growing raspberries. A new technology for the Russian market - the cultivation of dessert berries in high tunnels Three seasons or Four seasons

The success of the raspberry crop is largely determined by the right choice site. Deep hollows, poorly planned flat areas with depressions are unsuitable for it.

The best place for raspberries is the middle part of a gentle slope (up to 5 °), protected from the prevailing winds. Protective plantings should ensure the accumulation of snow, but also not interfere with the flow of cold air and good lighting.

Cultivation on a large scale

For the cultivation of raspberries on an industrial scale, a crop rotation is introduced. The area is divided into two parts.

Raspberries are laid on one, alternation is introduced on the other:

  • 1 year - black steam;
  • 2 - winter + perennial grasses;
  • 3 - herbs;
  • 4 - herbs;
  • 5 - winter;
  • 6 - tilled (except nightshade) or busy fallow.

Thus, after six years of soil preparation, raspberries are planted in this area (6–8 years of fruiting).

After 2 years, the plantation is transferred to the fruit-bearing one, the old one is uprooted and the accepted alternation of crops is repeated again.

To improve the water-air regime, the plow sole of the soil is destroyed with a slotted cutter to a depth of 50–70 cm or plowed with a plow with a subsoiler up to 35–40 cm.

Raspberry plantation with a wide technological range.


Before planting, with an average supply of soils, organic fertilizers are applied at a rate of 150 t/ha, phosphorus - 200 and potash - 300 kg. Seedlings are planted in autumn or early spring.

Landing pattern 2.5–3 × 0.3–0.5 m. When landing, cars SSHN3, SLN1 are used.

Raspberries do not tolerate deep planting, so the deepening of the seedlings is done the same as it was when they grew in the nursery.

After planting, mulching with peat 15–20 t/ha is carried out.

Within two years after planting on the plantation, all the necessary agro-measures are carried out to help prepare the plants for full fruiting. At the end of the first year, a trellis is put up.

Growing scheme

When growing raspberries in tape, the width of the row strip is up to 40 cm. Wide strips thicken the raspberry tape, lead to a deterioration in the light regime for the stems, which contributes to a decrease in yield.

The normalization of shoots in the strip is carried out with inter-row processing and manual cutting of weak, diseased broken stems. At the same time, after harvesting, the fruiting stems are removed.

Finally set the number of shoots for fruiting in the spring. The optimal load is considered to be 15–20 stems per 1 m of the row.

In addition to the main pruning, annual stems are shortened in spring to well-developed buds (15–20 cm). To save the above-ground part of the raspberry from low winter temperatures, the shoots are bent to the ground and bundles are tied to the base of neighboring bushes. The height of the shoot arches formed should not be higher than 25–30 cm.

Shoots suitable for winter are preserved from freezing by a layer of snow, so this agricultural technique is effective only in areas with snowy winters. In areas with unstable snow cover during the winter months, the most productive middle part of the stem, located above the snow level, may freeze slightly.

The option of continuous cultivation (pictured) is allowed only for small plots of land.

Main works

Raspberry cultivation technology on plantations with an intermittent fruiting cycle.

When developing the technology, we proceeded from the following main provisions:

  1. The mechanization of cutting off fruit-bearing branches and their removal from the plantation is possible only with continuous mowing of all branches without a choice.
  2. The mechanization of berry picking requires the absence of young shoots in the area where the crop is located.
  3. Soil cultivation in rows is possible in the absence of shoots.
  4. For successful control of diseases and pests, it is necessary to systematically eliminate the sources of infection.

These conditions determined salient feature and the essence of technology - the fruiting of a raspberry plantation in a year, in the intervening years it is only prepared for fruiting.

So that there is no interruption in the flow of raspberries over the years, two equivalent plantations are created with the only difference being that in one year the crop ripens on the first of them, and shoots grow on the other.

For the entire rotation, which includes 11 years, each plantation is in the young category for 2 years, it is harvested for 5 years and shoots grow for 4 years.

Site selection and organization of the territory

Preference is given to areas that are safe in relation to late spring and early spring frosts, soil erosion (slopes up to 3–5 ° or flat areas with a lower valley - for cold air runoff).

The best soils are medium and light loams with a pH of 5.8–6.7, with high content humus and nitrogen supply of at least 10 mg per 100 g of soil, phosphorus - 20 mg, potassium 25 mg. Level ground water no closer than 1 m.

The allotted array is divided into quarters (with an area of ​​8–10 ha), and the latter into production cells 2–4 ha in size.

Garden protection strips are planted around the raspberry crop rotation area, and windbreak lines of a blown structure are planted along the boundaries of the quarters. Top Breeds for protective plantations - birch, larch, willow.

Preplant soil preparation

In the year of planting, the soil is kept under black fallow. Generally accepted recommendations include the destruction of wheatgrass and sow thistle with herbicides.

Organic fertilizers are applied in the spring at a dose of 100–200 t/ha and mixed well with the soil when plowing to a depth of 30 cm. In the middle of summer, double superphosphate 180–240 kg/ha and potassium sulphate up to 120 kg/ha are applied. Then the soil is disked and plowed 1–1.5 m before planting raspberries so that the soil is sufficiently compacted.

To improve the water-air regime, the plow sole of the soil is destroyed with a slot cutter in two directions with a distance between the slots of 1–1.2 m to a depth of 50–70 cm. This operation can be replaced by plowing with plows with subsoilers to a depth of 35–40 cm.

Immediately before planting, the surface of the site is carefully leveled by the planner.

Cultivation of yellow raspberries is especially profitable due to the high demand for them.

Landing Options

A tighter fit is preferred, eliminating the need for repairs. Seedlings obtained in a specialized nursery should have a well-branched root system and one or two shoots with one or two developed buds.

The plantation can also be established with rhizomes alone, which contributes to the maximum improvement of the planting material.

Raspberries can be planted both in autumn (October) and in early spring preventing the buds from sprouting on seedlings in the pit.

Planting is carried out by planters of the SSHN3 (SLN1, SSN1) type with a T54V tractor. The unit can plant 1.5–2 ha of raspberries per shift. For better contact of the root system with the ground, watering is carried out in any weather with ANZh3, RZhU3,6 or other machines.

After watering, the soil in the rows is mulched with peat, humus or straw cutting with a layer of 3 cm. In the aisles, the soil is cultivated using KPH 4.

During the winter, several snow retentions are carried out with a unit from a DT75 or T54V tractor with a snowy smell, saddling a row.

A snow bank protects plants from temperature fluctuations, promotes longer snowmelt and reduces the risk of soil erosion.

Plantation care before fruiting

Within two years after planting, agricultural activities are carried out to prepare plants for full fruiting in the third year. In early spring, on young plantings, the soil is harrowed across the rows to destroy the crust. A hitch of five zigzag harrows is used.

New plants are manually planted and watered instead of unattached ones. During the summer, inter-row cultivation is carried out with cultivators PRVM1.5–3.0, KPG25 OM, cutters or disc harrows with protective zone 15–20 cm each. If necessary, the soil in the rows is hoeed.

Spend chemical treatments against pests and diseases. IN good conditions by autumn, the shoots reach up to 120-150 cm and are already capable of yielding up to 30 kg / ha next year, so they bend down for the winter.

In the second year after planting, the offspring and replacement shoots grow intensively and evenly fill the rows.

During the summer, the soil is kept loose and weed-free. In the same second year after planting, rows of raspberries 30–40 cm wide begin to form. In the fall, the grown shoots are bent to the ground with a raspberry spreader.

Care in the year of fruiting

In the third year after planting, the raspberry plantation enters into industrial fruiting.

In the spring, after the soil dries up in the aisles, the stems covered for the winter are lifted with a raspberry lift. Following this, the trellis supports are installed using reinforced concrete pillars, or metal pipes 50–70 mm in diameter and 2.2–2.4 m high.

The supports are installed with a ZSV2 presser mounted on a T54V tractor.

Supports are placed at a distance of 10–20 m from each other. Then the trellis wire with a diameter of 2 mm is unwound using the UNP6 machine, pulling it with a winch LRN1 with a force of at least 80–85 kg. The stems are tied up by “braiding” to the wire with a twine wound into a ball or shuttle of the ChVOOO.

The stems can be fixed between two parallel wires, pulling them together with staples after 1–2 m. Before the garter, 12–15 maximum 20 of the most developed stems are left per 1 linear meter of the row.

Shoot removal

Their tops are shortened to a living kidney or a height of 1.8 m. For this, a PAV8 pneumatic unit is used.

When root suckers and replacement shoots reach 5–15 cm in height, they are removed at intervals of one week mechanically or with physiologically active substances or a solution of nitrate (100 kg/ha). As a result of spraying (2-3 times), young shoots are destroyed or delayed in growth without damaging the fruit-bearing ones.

This leads to the fact that almost all nutrients are sent to two-year-old stems and as a result it increases: the area of ​​the leaf apparatus of fruit-bearing branches is 1.5 times, the fruiting zone increases by 25–30% of the weight of the berry.

Berries ripen more amicably and 3-5 days earlier, labor productivity manual collection increases by 1.5 times, and during machine harvesting with a converted KG1 machine, the berries are easier to separate from the twigs and are caught with less loss.

After mowing the above-ground part, 1.5-2 times more shoots appear than with the usual cultivation of young and fruit-bearing shoots.

With a strong thickening, the shoots grow thin and short.

To thin them out, when they reach a height of 5–12 cm, harrowing is carried out across the rows of raspberries.

Further care is reduced to mechanized tillage between rows - up to five times per season. Regularly control pests and diseases.

When the bulk of the growing shoots (up to 25–30 pieces per 1 m of a row) reaches a height of 45–50 cm, all less developed shoots are destroyed by hoeing.

The second method of thinning shoots

Since spring, the soil between the rows is cultivated so that the width of the row is about 70 cm. At the same time, strong shoots in the center of the row obscure the shoots that appear late.

When the height of the shoots in the center of the row reaches 30–60 cm, the rows are narrowed to 30–40 cm using cutters FP2 or FPU4.2.


After harvesting is completed, the wire is removed and the trellis poles are dismantled. All stems on the plantation (fruited and grown young) are mowed.

The best time is immediately after harvest.

Mowing is carried out with a KS2.1 mower, and the removal of mowed plants is carried out with various shovels. It is more expedient to mow with a KIR1.5 mower. The crushed stems are immediately taken away from the field.

Raspberry fertilizer

Upon completion of this work, organic fertilizers of 40–60 t/ha are spread using 1PTU4 tractor carts with limiters.

The soil in the rows is treated with cutters FA0.76, FP2 or disc harrow BDN1,3, processing depth 3–7 cm.

At the end of the season, the soil in the row-spacings is cultivated with a cultivator, as a result of which the soil surface is leveled, the shafts formed during the processing of the row-spacings with the BDN1,3 harrow are eliminated. Care of the plantation in the year of preparation for the next fruiting.

If organic fertilizers were not applied in the fall, do it in the spring.

Mineral fertilizers are applied superficially with a RU410 machine or with a KRN4.2 cultivator and are covered with a FP2 cutter. Average fertilizer dose: N - 80 kg/ha, P2O5 - 80 kg/ha and K2O - 150 kg.

Work is completed in the year of preparing the plantation for fruiting by bending down the shoots for the winter with a raspberry stacker. Promising varieties for cultivation according to technology with an intermittent fruiting cycle in the European part of the country are: Barnaulskaya, Vislukha, Novosti Kuzmina, Latam, Molling Jewel, Nagrada, etc.

Raspberries are among the most popular crops in our country. Unpretentiousness to the soil, and high demand attracts the attention of entrepreneurs to its cultivation. Growing raspberries as a business is beneficial not only in terms of selling berries, but also in terms of additional income from the sale of raspberry seedlings.

How to start a raspberry business - choosing a site and variety

Raspberry is a plant that loves moisture and sun, and this must be taken into account when choosing a site for cultivation. The type of soil does not matter much, because raspberries grow even in the forest. But experts consider soil with sand, supplemented with a pH level of no more than 5.8-6.2, to be the best option. The size of the plot depends on the planned size of the raspberry business.

The second step is the choice of a variety from two types: biennial and. The first begins to bear fruit only in the second year, the second - already in the first, and the crop ripens 2 times - in summer and early autumn.

When calculating the starting capital, it should be taken into account that remontant raspberry seedlings are more expensive than two-year-old ones.

Plus, two-year-old raspberries are sweet and fragrant berries, but they often freeze in winter.

Remontant varieties are more resistant to low temperatures and pests. The disadvantages of the remontant type include lower taste qualities and the fact that under adverse weather conditions, the autumn harvest does not have time to ripen.

The most promising summer varieties for a raspberry business are:

  • Lashka;
  • Octavia;
  • Zyugan.

Lashkaearly variety from Poland. The berries are tasty, firm, cylindrical, up to 4 cm long and weighing 5-10 g, they tolerate transportation well. Plants are frost-resistant (up to 30 o C) and high-yielding (up to 20 tons per hectare).

Disadvantages: Buds are damaged at very low temperatures and disease protection is required during the growing season.

Octavia considered the most promising variety with large red round-conical fruits (weight 6-8 g). The berries are dense, so they are kept on the bushes even after prolonged rains. Productivity is high (up to 24 tons per hectare). Plants are disease resistant but difficult to propagate.

Zyugan- a variety brought from Switzerland. The berries have an excellent taste (sweet and sour), tolerate transportation well, are stored for up to 7 days at a temperature of -5 - +3 ° C. The weight of the berry is 4-12 g, the shoots almost do not need trellises, they tolerate the lack of moisture well, with good care bear fruit in the first year. The only downside is the sharp spikes.

3 remontant varieties are also suitable for business:

  • Shelf - ripens in autumn, berries weighing 4-8 g with a good aroma and taste, the yield reaches 10 tons per hectare, it reproduces well with the help of roots, trellises are not required;
  • Joan Ji - large (up to 6 g), hard, dark red berries, yield 16-19 tons per hectare;
  • Himbo Top - the berry reaches a weight of 10 g, dark in color, tasty, firm, the plant requires a garter, resistant to diseases, seedlings take root well.

Business plan for growing raspberries

The business plan should consist of the following sections:

  • the main goals of the enterprise;
  • organization of the production process;
  • conditions at the time of starting a business (area and other characteristics of the site, the need for employees);
  • analysis of demand and competitors;
  • financial indicators;
  • analysis of prospective sales markets;
  • sales promotion plan;
  • advertising.

Particular attention should be paid to the section "Financial indicators" and the section "Organization of the production process".

"Financial indicators":

  • volume of initial investments;
  • volume of current expenses;
  • pricing;
  • planned income from the sale of raspberries;
  • profitability of the raspberry business;
  • payback period of the initial investment.

The amount of initial investment depends on the planned scale and the selected raspberry variety - the larger the plot and the more expensive the seedlings, the greater the investment.

The operating costs depend on the level of wages for employees, the need for the selected variety in top dressing and protection from diseases. Prices should stimulate demand, therefore, they are set only after a thorough analysis of existing demand and competitors' prices.

Income from a raspberry business depends not only on demand and average price, but also on the quality of marketing activities, weather conditions in a particular season, and sales markets. After all, raspberries can be sold not only to individuals, but also manufacturing enterprises(for processing) and shops engaged in bulk purchases.

The answer to the question: how much you can earn on raspberries also depends on whether only berries will be sold. After all, in order to increase income, you can additionally grow seedlings for sale.

From the statistics, we can conclude that for summer varieties, growing raspberries as a business, the profitability reaches 35-36%, and the initial investment pays off in 4 years. As for remontant varieties, when growing them, the profitability is up to 65%, the initial investment pays off in 3.3 years. Profitability indicators increase if shoots and cuttings are sold.

Raspberry business - organization of the production process

Before planting purchased seedlings, you need to carefully examine their roots. They should not have thickenings similar to peas, which indicate a fairly serious disease - bacterial root cancer. "Peas" at the ends of the roots can be cut off, the cuts can be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

Raspberries in early spring or before the first autumn frosts. The distance between rows is 1.5 m, between seedlings - 50 cm, planting depth - 10 cm. After planting, the soil must be covered with a layer of mulch, and the shoots should be cut to ground level. If trellises are required for the selected variety, then every 5 m stakes 1.5-1.8 m long are driven into the soil and a wire is pulled, to which plants will be tied next year.

Next year's raspberry looks something like this:

The main task during this period is thinning and getting rid of the planting from weeds.

If the production is large enough, then it is not advisable to be limited to one raspberry variety. It is better to purchase several and plant them in separate areas to determine which one is best suited to specific conditions.

If you plan to sell seedlings, then they can be grown from roots or cuttings. In the first method, trenches up to 50 cm deep are dug, roots are laid out in them, watered and hilled.

In the second method, cuttings up to 12 cm long are needed. They are cut in autumn, covered with a layer of peat 5-7 cm thick and placed in a cellar or unheated greenhouse. In spring, cuttings can be planted in beds or in small containers.

On a large scale, hired workers will definitely be required for the harvest period: after all, raspberries are harvested only by hand.

Russians love raspberries, but not everyone has the opportunity to grow them, especially in big cities. In supermarkets, of course, you can buy frozen or processed berries, but not everyone likes them. Therefore, the cultivation of raspberries as a business is quite promising, especially if it is combined with the cultivation of other crops.

Raspberry Kingdom Farming Video

Raspberries are a fairly popular berry., which has attractive taste and health benefits.

The moment that the berry's in traditional medicine used as a remedy, determines the formed not its high demand.

Business for growing and selling raspberries has been widely developed so far only in Western Europe, which determines its high prospects.

Before drawing up a business plan that involves certain calculations, you should pay attention to the general advantages and disadvantages of the business in question.

The advantages include:

  • Big demand for a berry at a small offer. It is quite difficult to find raspberries on store shelves.
  • Almost any piece of land is suitable for cultivation. The composition of the earth may not be suitable for raspberries, but this can be corrected.
  • The cost of berries due to high demand and low supply is quite high, which makes it possible to make a profit even with insignificant yields.
  • If you follow the recommendations for planting a bush and caring for it, the harvest can be large. If the bush is located under the open sky, then a lot depends on the prevailing weather. IN Lately Increasingly, raspberries are grown in greenhouse conditions.
  • There are quite a few varieties of raspberries. At the same time, the ripening time of their berries differs significantly, which makes it possible to make the business more profitable by selling a fresh product for a long time.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Berries spoil quickly. At the same time, many people like to make their own jams and jams, which are prepared from raspberries.
  2. Only in greenhouse conditions can you significantly reduce the risk that the crop will be lost due to bad weather conditions.
  3. Caring for a piece of raspberry is a laborious process.
  4. The income from the business in question will be only for one half of the year.

Despite the presence of significant shortcomings, the business in question has high demand with little supply, which forms the price of berries, determines the attractiveness of this kind entrepreneurial activity.

In order to legally engage in the cultivation of raspberries and its sale, business registration should be carried out.

Business registration

An important issue is the choice of the form of doing business. When growing crops on your own or rented plot in order to establish sales for profit, you can draw up the following forms of doing business:

  1. SNT - horticultural non-profit partnership. This type of registration of entrepreneurial activity is used when individual sells the grown product on its site by delivering it to large wholesale bases. In this case, registration consists in obtaining a certificate of availability suburban area. Get required document can be in the district administration.
  2. Sole proprietorship or sole proprietorship- a form of activity registration, which implies the provision of an opportunity for self-sale of the grown product. In this case, the person who owns the plot and has established the cultivation of raspberries can act as a legal entity to conclude various contracts: for hiring workers, for marketing, and so on. The difficulties that arise when choosing such a capable business registration lie in the need for product certification.
  3. Limited Liability Company or LLC- a form of registration, which is selected if it is necessary to attract partners to your business. In this case, partners can act as co-founders or creditors.

If there is no entrepreneurial experience, and the volume of cultivation is insignificant, then it is recommended to issue an SNT.

A simplified design scheme will allow sell raspberries in small batches and set up production and business processes.

If the cultivation volumes increase significantly, then an IP is issued. Official registration as a legal entity allows you to attract creditors who can significantly accelerate business development.

At proper preparation business plan invested funds generate income in a short time.

When considering the issue of registration of entrepreneurial activity, take into account that the single agricultural tax, the rate of which is 6%, becomes the optimal method of taxation.

If the test determines that the proportion of the product Agriculture is less than 70%, then the generalized method of taxation is applied.

Where to start growing raspberries?

The reference points that are indicated when drawing up a business plan increase the chance of a good profit.

In the first year you should:

  1. Select a raspberry variety.
  2. Calculate required amount planting material.
  3. Conduct soil preparation.
  4. Prepare the material that will be used as supports: wooden support posts or reinforcement, wire.
  5. Purchase fertilizers and pest control products.

This preparation concerns the cultivation of raspberries in the open, that is, not in greenhouse conditions.

After completing all the work for the first year, the costs are calculated - to determine the profitability of the business, accurate calculations must be made.

In the second year you should:

  1. Make a landing.
  2. Carry out drip irrigation.
  3. Apply fertilizer.
  4. Prepare a container.
  5. If the cultivation volumes are large, then workers should be found.
  6. Install cooling units in case the growing volume is large. Berry is a perishable product that can be preserved with partial cooling.

Let's talk about some points in more detail. Creating a business begins with the selection of a site and its preparation. Recommendations regarding the site are as follows:

  1. It should be borne in mind that raspberries are a rare delicacy that many people love. Therefore, immediately you need to think about protection. Sites that are left unattended and will be visited from time to time are a big risk.
  2. Raspberry loves moisture and sun.
  3. The type of soil does not matter, but experts recommend giving preference to soil with sand, which is supplemented with mulch at a pH level of no more than 6.2.
  4. The size of the site depends on the expected production volume. About 2 thousand bushes are planted on one hectare, which, with proper care and favorable growing conditions, will give about 10 thousand kilograms of berries in one season.

The site is fertilized with manure, other mineral fertilizers are applied as desired.

A two-year-old raspberry produces sweet, large fruits, but often freezes in winter time. Therefore, when organizing a business, preference is given to remontant raspberries.

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This variety is less susceptible to the effects of low temperatures and pests, but the berries are less sweet, in rainy weather they may not have time to ripen by the end of autumn.

Choose a variety

Common summer varieties are:

  1. Lashka- an early variety of their Poland. The berries are large, elongated, the bush is productive, frost-resistant.
  2. Octavia- a promising variety for business, which produces large berries purple hue. The berries are dense, so even when it rains, they do not fall off.
  3. Zyugan- a variety from Switzerland. The berries are sweet, stored for about 7 days and endure transportation.
  4. Shelf- the berries ripen in autumn, have a pleasant taste. Bushes allow from one hectare, with proper fit, harvest up to 10 tons of crop.
  5. Zhdoan Ji- large, hard raspberries. A bush of this variety can produce 19 tons in one season.
  6. Himbo Top- the berries of this variety reach a weight of 10 grams, which necessitates tying to supports.

We purchase seedlings

Seedlings are purchased in specialized stores. The following points are taken into account when choosing them:

  • a seedling that has a well-developed dried root system, grown in greenhouse conditions for the purpose of sale - an attractive offer that will be very expensive;
  • the cut of the stem must be green, the diameter of the shoot is from 0.7 to 1 centimeter;
  • practice shows that a closed rhizome copes better with environmental influences.

We increase the yield by 1 weave and ha

Growing technology:

  • seedlings are planted at a distance of 80 centimeters. Between the rows the distance is 1.5-2 meters;
  • trellises every 4 meters are installed as a support;
  • can be planted in spring and autumn. You can plant in the fall even after October 1;
  • in order for the bush to develop quickly, it is necessary to remove the growth, which creates a shadow and attracts insects;
  • raspberry responds well to the introduced organic fertilizer. The recommended rate is 0.5 tons per hundred square meters. Nitrogen and potassium compounds are suitable for bait;
  • chemicals that protect the bush from pests and diseases can be used before flowering begins.

Varietal raspberries are disease resistant. The berries are eaten by beetles, which is taken into account after flowering.

How to pick berries?

Assembly is carried out exclusively by hand, therefore, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the ripening period: containers, workers with a large number of bushes, a place for temporary storage, and so on.

How to sell products?

Raspberries are stored for a week at a temperature of 3-5 0C. Selling ways:

  1. Markets.
  2. Grocery stores.
  3. Children's cafes, restaurants.
  4. Pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies.

The berry in question is tender, and need to sell it immediately.

Business plan:

  1. Enterprise goals.
  2. Organization of the production process.
  3. Initial conditions for business development.
  4. Analysis of demand and competition.
  5. Financial indicators.
  6. Analysis of sales markets.
  7. Sales promotion plan.
  8. Advertising.

Profitability with a plot:

  1. One hectare - 2-3 thousand bushes. The price of a seedling is $ 0.6-2. Initial investment - $ 2000.
  2. The cost of fertilizers, medicines - $ 1000.
  3. One bush gives an average of 4 kilograms. 12,000 kilograms are harvested from one hectare.
  4. Wholesale price - an average of 2%. Proceeds - $ 20,000.

Total $ 17,000 in income for two years when starting a business. If rented land plot or you need to purchase it, we deduct the costs.


The berry business, as can be seen from the calculations, is profitable. This is especially true for growing raspberries. It is readily bought fresh and frozen for jams and jams.

This product has many useful properties which determine its popularity.

In this material:

Growing raspberries as a business can be quite profitable. By choosing correct varieties and carefully caring for plantings, plantations can be recouped in 2 seasons.

In the presence of greenhouses, the business becomes year-round; for greater profitability, entrepreneurs combine cultivation in closed ground and on ordinary beds.

Raspberry business: pros and cons

Pros of a raspberry business:

  • good yield;
  • high demand for berries;
  • the ability to grow highly productive remontant varieties that yield crops in the first year after planting;
  • there are many varieties that differ in taste, color, aroma;
  • some varieties give 2 crops per season, significantly increasing the profitability of the business;
  • bushes are easy to care for and disease resistant;
  • seedlings for nursery renewal can be grown from seed, saving on the purchase of seedlings.

Despite the obvious advantages, the raspberry business has several disadvantages that must be taken into account even before the start of the project:

  • raspberries on an industrial scale are best grown by people with experience in crop production;
  • it is necessary to establish a marketing system;
  • ripe berries are easily damaged during transportation, part of the crop inevitably falls into marriage;
  • extensive plantations require the employment of auxiliary workers.

Which raspberry to choose: the best varieties for plantations

For industrial cultivation, remontant varieties are most often chosen, yielding a crop in the first year after planting. Many gardeners prefer to allocate part of the plantation for summer raspberries, which bear fruit in the second year after planting. Its plus is the bright aroma of berries, which is especially appreciated by consumers.

Buyers prefer fragrant, large raspberries of red or dark pink color. Varieties of Russian or Polish selection are popular, they are well adapted to the climatic conditions of the middle lane.

To minimize the percentage of marriage, you need to choose varieties that give juicy, but not too tender berries that retain their shape after picking. For industrial cultivation, the popular and well-established varieties of Lyachka, Gusar, Novosti Kuzmina, Glen Fine, Octavia, Polana, Tulamin are suitable.

Business organization: step by step diagram

Growing raspberries requires a large area. Even if on initial stage it will not be fully occupied, it is important to be able to expand. The ideal plot size is 10 acres. When grown in open field it can accommodate up to 500 raspberry bushes. With greenhouse content, the number of bushes decreases.

Raspberries prefer light nutritious soils based on sand or black soil.

On heavy loams, the yield is significantly reduced. Bushes are very moisture-loving. To simplify planting care, it is better to organize a system drip irrigation. The soil must be fertilized, complete mineral complexes or organics are preferred.

If you decide to grow raspberries all year round, it is recommended to install greenhouses. The best option— shelters from cellular polycarbonate on metal frame. The greenhouse is equipped with a solid foundation, a ventilation, lighting and irrigation system. For heating, it is possible to combine biofuel spread over the beds with water boilers or electric ovens.

It is better to purchase seedlings in nurseries, and not in the market. Nursery owners guarantee the purity of the variety and good survival. To begin with, at least 50 bushes will be required, in the future, part of the site can be taken under the mother liquor and seedlings can be grown from seeds. Worth buying shrubs different varieties, after receiving the harvest, it will be possible to stop at those that you especially like.

To work with large volumes of products, it is better to register entity. It is possible to design an individual entrepreneur or a farm. You will need a certificate for products, without which the sale of berries is impossible.

How to get a high yield: growing features

Landings are carried out in spring or autumn. The soil is carefully loosened, the remains of plants and other foreign inclusions are selected from it. Plants are planted in trenches, into which rotted manure and mineral fertilizers are introduced. Seedlings are soaked in an aqueous fungicide solution before planting. For 1 sq. m can accommodate 4 seedlings. Immediately after landing, they are tied to supports.

To facilitate planting care and maintain normal soil moisture, the soil is mulched with sawdust, peat or sunflower seed husks. Bushes are often watered, several times during the planting season they are fed with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Berries are harvested when they are fully ripe. It is better to do this in the morning, the day before the collection, watering stops. Raspberries do not like frequent shifting; they are immediately collected in containers intended for sale. These can be plastic containers, carton boxes or birch bark. The container should be small so that the berries do not deform under their own weight.

How to sell products

Harvested raspberries need to be sold as soon as possible. There are several channels for the implementation of the harvest:

  • independent sale on the market;
  • sales through retail chains;
  • sale to catering establishments;
  • trading through hired vendors or fruit stalls;
  • delivery of products to procurement points;
  • independent production of jam, jams, juices or compotes.

The shelf life of raspberries is short, so it should not be sold. Self-processing of berries will help minimize losses. Preserves, jams and juices are sold at a higher trade margin, the business becomes more profitable. Berries can be frozen, for this you need to purchase industrial freezers and a packaging production line.

At proper organization plantation business profitability reaches 65%, which is very good. The payback of the project is from 2 to 3 years.

Growing raspberries is an interesting and promising business. Starting with a small area planted with bushes of remontant varieties, you can gradually expand the plantations, experimenting with different tastes of berries. The use of greenhouses will make the business off-season, late autumn or in winter, the tender and tasty berry is especially in demand.

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Raspberries in industrial nurseries are propagated using root sprouts planted in specially formed mother liquors. In the fall they are laid, given necessary requirements for the selection of the area, the quality of the primary material for planting, soil preparation before planting, provided for by the main technology (Vasyuta V.M. et al., 1987, Maidebur V.I., Polikarpova F Ya. et al., 1986; Trushechkin V.G. ., Yaroslavtseva O.I.), planting is completed 20 days before frost. Plants are planted according to this scheme -1.5-2.0 by 0.3-0.5 m. The ideal planting depth is 20 cm. In the spring, after the seedlings take root, all of their above-ground part is completely removed, what stimulates the formation a large number root shoots. This procedure is performed when the replaced shoots grow up to 10-15 cm. On the mother plantation of one year, it is not advised to harvest material for planting, due to the fact that in the future this reduces the productivity of the mother plant.

The next year, in the spring (in the first year of using the mother liquor), before the start of growth, all shoots from the previous year are removed at the soil level. The first - it helps the formation of shoots in large quantities, the second - makes it possible to prevent flowering, which is not permissible according to phytosanitary standards. During the growing season create acceptable conditions for the rapid growth of sprouts. Before you dig planting material, mow the upper part of the shoots above the ground at a height of 30-35 cm above the soil level. The seedlings are dug up using a VPN-2 plow or VSN-1 bracket. The technology is repeated the next year. Raspberry mother liquor is used for a period of 2-3 years. Observing this technology, it is possible to obtain 100-120 thousand normal raspberry seedlings from 1 hectare each year. When growing raspberries of super-elite varieties, in most cases, reproduction is used with green microbaits. The cuttings are -3-6 cm long, the cutting period is the end of May-June (Merezhko I.M., Maidebura V.I. et al., 1987).

Ways to grow raspberries

For planting raspberries, the soil is prepared in a fallow field at the end of summer. It consists in digging to a depth of 22-30 cm (depending on the type of soil), adding manure 60-80 t/ha, as well as 90-120 kg/ha of potash and phosphate fertilizers. According to the usual (linear) method of cultivation, the bushes are planted in early October schematically 2.0-3.0 x 0.3-0.4 m. In the spring, during the first two years, raspberry stalks are cut at a height of 15-20 cm, thus , making conditions for the formation of a strip of plants 30-40 cm wide.

Caring for plantings that bear fruit consists in irrigating plants against pests and diseases, fighting weeds, maintaining soil moisture within 70-100% of HB, annual addition in the form mineral fertilizers in autumn 60-120 kg/ha of phosphorus and potassium, in spring 60-90 kg/ha of nitrogen.

Fruits ripe in the month of July are harvested 3-5 times in a plastic or wooden container not large sizes(for 1-2 kg). After harvesting, the stems that bear fruit are cut and harvested, then burned outside the site. Raspberry plantations are used for a period of 8 to 10 years. First of all, this technology is designed for large plantings, it can also be used on farms and household plots.

When growing raspberries on trellises in the first two years after planting, iron or metal posts are installed in a row after 8-10 m, and a wire is pulled at a height of 150-160 m. Observing the distance, from each other 5-7 cm in the spring they tie up the summer stems. Raspberries, which are grown on a trellis, get better illumination of the leaves and their assimilative activity increases, the plant is less affected by pests and diseases, the yield, marketability and quality of berries increase. Despite certain costs during the installation of trellises and garters of stems, they are fully compensated, bringing additional profit. This technology can be used, like the previous one, in all types of farms.

Fruiting varieties of raspberries due to their biological properties have the ability to create generative buds on the shoots in the year of growth and produce crops before frost. Its size can be determined by the part of the berries ripened for cold weather, and depends primarily on the time of the first frosts, the early and general ripeness of the variety.

Removal of the above-ground part in early spring or autumn, as diseases and pests hibernate in it, and the difference in the development phases of the rest with the phenological phases of raspberries allows obtaining clean environmentally friendly products without spraying with pesticides. Generative organs that are not ripe (ovaries, flowers, buds) can be dried and added to medicinal mixtures.

To obtain an exclusively autumn harvest, the method of growing fruit-bearing raspberries significantly reduces the number of agronomic care measures, namely, rationing shoots, installing trellis and tying up plants.

Cultivation method with discontinuous fruiting cycle

The method of growing with a discontinuous fruiting cycle has been used in Russia for more than 20 years. Thanks to this technology, raspberries give a high yield, while reducing human labor costs. This technology developed by the experimental Novosibirsk fruit and berry station of Russia, the Research Zonal Horticulture Institute of the Non-Chernozem Zone. In forest-steppe conditions, this technology can be applied, as evidenced by its preliminary studies.

The principle of this technology is that the plantation bears fruit in a year, and in between the plants are prepared for fruiting. In order to receive berries annually, plantings are made equivalent with such a difference that in the same year the harvest ripens on some, and shoots grow on others. This method does not differ from traditional planting technologies, site preparation, plant care until commercial fruiting.

Important condition new technology is use for landing healthy material High Quality the best varieties areas, as well as placement in rows of plants close. Plantations can be used in the following order: after planting, during the first two years, the plantations are considered unsuitable for use, and then they are harvested for 7-9 years, (a year later) they are prepared for fruiting.

In the spring, work on the plantation is carried out depending on the method of growing plantings: with or without a trellis. In both cases, shoots that have developed poorly are removed at the beginning of cultivation. Retaining only 12-15 pieces of shoots per 1 linear meter of the strip, which has a width of 30-50cm. Their upper parts are shortened, leaving a height of 1.6-1.8 m. For this purpose, you can use the machine.

In order to overcome diseases and pests, several sprays are made: 5-7% urea on dormant buds, before flowering - pesticides consisting of a mixture of 0.3% karbofos with 0.3% chloroxide for 1-2 sprays, as well as keltan or their deputies. Replacement shoots, which have a height of 5-15 cm and young root shoots, are irrigated with herbicides or physiologically active substances. The results are better if you use KANU 0.1%, 3-5 kg ​​of Reglon per 1 ha, spending per 1 sq. m 100 ml solution or 1 ha 1000 l. Spraying with such solutions inhibits the growth of young shoots and leads to their death, which further improves the growth of fruit-bearing ones. As a result, thanks to better lighting the amount of the crop becomes larger, the berries ripen at the same time and it is easier to collect them. When picking berries with a machine, the fruits easily fall off the branches and are easier to grab. When young shoots are destroyed, fewer plant nutrients are taken out of the soil.

Due to disking and light cultivation, the soil between rows is kept loose and not contaminated by weeds. Harvested using a harvester harvesting grapes. Following the harvest, the mower mows down the current shoots and those that bear fruit and take them away from the field. Mineral additives fertilize the plantation, loosen the soil in the rows, and if there is no trellis - across the rows.

In the early spring of the following year, mineral additives are scattered by a tractor, throwing them into the soil with a harrow, while closing the moisture. After the raspberry sprouts grow to 5 cm, they should be thinned out by re-harrowing the soil. IN further care behind the plantation involves the cultivation of the soil between the rows by mechanical means. If necessary, irrigate with pesticides against diseases and pests. All shoots that have not reached a height of 45-50 cm are destroyed by weeding, keeping no more than 25 pieces per 1 linear meter of a row.

When using raspberry plantations using trellis in the year when raspberries bear fruit, the beginning of work is carried out by tying the shoots to the wire manually. At the same time, a device is used with which the work is carried out faster and easier. In groups of 2-3 shoots, he attaches to the wire with a continuous thread of twine. Weak and damaged shoots are removed before tying, by 1 running meter, having a width of 30-40 cm, retain only 12-15 pieces.

Raspberry shoots can be thinned out in a different way. In the spring, cultivate the soil between the rows so that the width of the strip is approximately 70 cm. Over time, the stronger shoots in the middle overwhelm the less developed ones that appear later. After the shoots in the middle grow to 50-60 cm, the strips are already made up to 40-50 cm, adding 10-15 cm on each side, which are captured by processing the aisles. Part of the shoots is destroyed, the rows become narrow and not thickened.

Growing raspberries using the new technology is economically profitable. It makes it possible to receive up to 40 centners per hectare in terms of the annual harvest and perform most works with the help of mechanical devices, on large areas.