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Kurut: properties and recipes. In Central Asia Contraindications and harm to Korot

For a large army of Nirvana fans, he became a symbol of the era during his lifetime. His tragic death was a spectacular finishing touch.


Cobain was born in a town that happened to raise the US lumber industry. Dignified and deadly boring Aberdeen, located in the state of Washington - "outback", where Kurt, in his own words, "vegetated" until he was twenty years old. The first conflicts with classmates, the divorce of parents, voluntary seclusion, runaways from home and spending the night under the bridge ... Now everyone entering Aberdeen is welcomed by a commemorative plaque that says: Come As You Are - come as you are. A cruel irony: Cobain himself had the hardest time coming to terms with his own "I", introspection was the source of his creativity. Ultimately, it killed him.


Paradoxically, the rock hero who easily drew stadiums of spectators was an inveterate misanthrope. It's all about the sensitivity of nature and intolerance to lies and pretense. One of Kurt's memories of his youth: "I wore a flannel shirt, chewed tobacco and for many years was a recluse in my little room." Cobain conditionally divided all the frontmen into gloomy dreamers and crazy merry fellows - and not without pride, he considered himself a member of the first group, openly despising musical parties.
“How I would like to take a pill that would allow me to get sick of the transfers on the box and not make too big claims to life” ... Kurt was sincere in his complaints. However, very soon next to him was a man who was distinguished by a much greater love of life than himself.

Kurt and Courtney

They met at a rock concert in Portland. And although a serious relationship began only a couple of years after they met, there is every reason to believe that Kurt immediately paid special attention to the energetic Courtney.
By that time, Courtney Love, the lead singer of the alternative rock band Hole, was already quite famous - largely due to her "fighting" character. Kurt was drawn to her like a magnet. According to Courtney herself, before becoming an eccentric unbalanced girl, she also sat sullenly in the corner for several years, refusing to communicate with her peers. Together, they told the press in a fascinating way about complete mutual understanding and respect for each other's work. In fact, Courtney was often jealous of Kurt for the fame that fell upon him and Nirvana. Kurt, for the rest of his life, continued to intuitively reach for Courtney's simple love of life, which he himself lacked so much. It was an addiction.

Colleagues on stage

Among other musicians, Kurt had both like-minded people and those whom he could not stand. For a long time, Axl Rose from the rock band Guns N'Roses was listed as the main enemy. Self-confident, always walking with his head held high, Rose, according to Kurt, was a typical representative of "rock macho". After several skirmishes, the relationship between the two musicians deteriorated completely: they did not want to perform at the same festivals and could not be together in the same room.
Kurt was often critical of bands that were aimed at the same audience as Nirvana. Grunge band Pearl Jam did not escape this fate - although its frontman Eddie Vedder had the wisdom not to get involved in childish showdowns. In an interesting interview given after Kurt's death in May 1994, Vedder talked about following Cobain's life, learning about everything from newspaper headlines. Then he confessed to a journalist: “You know, I always thought that I would leave first.”

Kurt and drugs

The divorce of his parents became a serious test for young Cobain, which left an imprint on his future life. From a hyperactive, bright child beyond his years, he turned into a neurotic teenager. Since childhood, Kurt suffered from severe stomach pains, which were replaced by bouts of nausea. No doctor could find the cause of these sudden attacks. In order to somehow improve his condition, Cobain had to constantly sit on painkillers. Thus began his dependence on strong drugs.
In part, it was the morbid condition that eventually made the Nirvana frontman irritable and incredulous. Chris Novoselic, unlike the others, learned quite early on the true reason for Cobain's perpetually sullen expression. He also became his close friend for life and often pulled Kurt out of conflict situations. Dave Grohl remembers Kurt as a child who could be a tough dictator, or who could suddenly take offense at the whole world and hide in a corner. Over time, they just learned to accept him for who he is.

Kurt and art

Cobain named Jerome D. Selinger and Leo Tolstoy as his favorite writers. But he was really inspired by the novel by the German playwright and prose writer Patrick Suskind “Perfumer. The Story of a Murderer, first published in 1985 when Cobain was 18.
Kurt was so imbued with the story of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille that he even composed the song Scentless Apprentice ("The Apprentice Without Smell"), published on Nirvana's third studio album "In Utero". Most likely, he sympathized with the protagonist of the drama Syuskind, even though he was a serial killer. Grenouille had a phenomenal sense of smell, Cobain had a phenomenal sensitivity to the world around him, even though he was forced to play the role of a youth punk idol. One of the amazing qualities of Cobain was the willingness to sympathize with all the outcast and oppressed. Another of his idols, sung in the song, was the actress Frances Farmer from Seattle, whose career peaked in the 30s of the XX century. As part of her world tour, the actress visited the USSR, after which rumors spread about her sympathies for communism - and Farmer's career went downhill suspiciously quickly. After several egregious antics at the time, the actress was diagnosed with "manic-depressive psychosis", placed in a psychiatric clinic and forcibly performed a lobotomy. The actress was never able to return to normal life and suddenly died of cancer, literally forgotten by everyone. During years of grueling opposition to the press, which opened a real persecution of him, Kurt wrote the manifesto song Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle, drawing a parallel between Frances's story and his own.


According to Kurt himself, the music played by Nirvana was a natural response to the era. Cobain's group sounded in unison with other representatives of the heavy metal that was popular in those years; perhaps, except that some kind of spirituality unusual for heavy music was present in Nirvana. Cobain stubbornly refused to write "stadium" music and continued to search for his ideal listener. Therefore, when in 1992 the group's popularity (largely due to its popularity on MTV) skyrocketed, Kurt suddenly began to get annoyed by the "omnivorous" public. “Why are they yelling? What do they see in us? After all, these are the same people who kicked us in the ass at school.” The frenzy of the crowd at concerts seemed insincere to him, and then he began to oppose him with his personal aggression, destroying equipment and instruments at the end of each show.
Nominally related to grunge, Nirvana stood apart. In interviews, Cobain, Novoselic and Grohl could talk for hours about their predecessor idols, who in one way or another influenced their work. Sonic Youth, The Pixies, Black Flag, R.E.M. These were musicians from all walks of life. And at the same time, Kurt was at a loss when asked about the creative process within the band. Uncompromising, harsh, sometimes unexpected "like a brick on a cop's face" Nirvana's music was created by improvisation, without regard to fashion and already existing musical genres, without trying to imitate anyone else. Maybe that's why the seemingly primitive guitar riff in Smells Like Teen Spirit captivated millions of listeners and became a real manifesto of the 90s generation?

It doesn’t matter how old an Asian is, whether he is a baby or a century old man, a bai or a simple shepherd, but he always has something in his pocket kurt. In any case, this was the case in past centuries and practically has not changed today - kurt is still a favorite salty treat V Central Asia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

Kurt(he is also kurut, short, khurut, gurt, court; from the Turkic "koro" means "dry", "dried") - this is a high-calorie fermented milk product nomads of Central Asia, dried in natural conditions, something in between salted dried cottage cheese And hard young cheese in the form of balls of different sizes. kurt recipe was invented many centuries ago for the purpose of preserving dairy products, when trading caravans set off on a long journey, and cattle breeders from green spring until late autumn went far from home with their living creatures. It was then that the ingenuity of their wives was required, how to supply their defenders on the road, and such culinary products appeared that did not spoil for a long time and remained tasty (baursaki, kozinaki, kurt, etc.).

IN Uzbekistan kurt make out suzma(sour-milk curd product, strained curdled milk) and salt. The concentration of salt in a kurt can be completely different - from slightly salty to "vigorous". Kurt can also be with various additives- with basil (raikhon), red pepper, mint and other spices.

Why do people love Kurt?

. Kurt easy to prepare, retains its nutritional and taste qualities for a very long time. For hundreds of years, nomads, travelers and pilgrims have taken it with them on a hike, since the kurt is completely does not deteriorate on the road, he is not afraid of temperature changes and does not need a refrigerator, he easy And takes up little space. When fresh, kurt is softer, more crumbly, it hardens over time, but does not lose its qualities. Kurt can be stored up to 7-8 years. When stored for a long time, the moisture from the kurt evaporates, the surface of the ball is covered with dried salt, but the beneficial properties remain.
. Kurt lets easier to bear the heat, Wonderful satisfies not only hunger, but also thirsty, keeping moisture in the body, which is especially important when traveling through the endless hot steppes, deserts, as well as during long climbing in the mountains.
. Kurt is versatile. With it you can cook thick nutritious soup, it can be eaten with bread as a sandwich, you can add in a salad instead of cheese and salt, dissolve in mineral water and get refreshing drink(practically tan). And kurt is just magical snack for beer! And quite economical - you can’t eat a lot of it, it’s better to bite off in small pieces, savoring each one for a long time. With one ball of kurt in your cheek, you can watch a good half of the movie in the cinema!
. Kurt is taken with them to the car by women and children as motion sickness remedies because he's fine relieves nausea.
. Kurt easily digestible, because it is a concentrate of natural milk with a natural preservative - salt. In terms of calories and composition, kurt is almost equivalent to meat, but meat is not stored so long and is not digested so easily! One ball of kurt with a diameter of 1 cm is equivalent to 100 g of milk. Kurt contains complete milk proteins, biologically active substances, carbohydrates, enzymes, trace elements (calcium) and vitamins (A, E, D). Kurt calories- 260 kcal / 100 g.

How to store kurt? By no means in a plastic bag, in which you probably bought it! The ideal option is in a canvas bag suspended for better ventilation, the extreme option is in a paper bag.

Kurt Recipe:
If there is no ready-made suzma(which is available in abundance in any oriental bazaar), you will have to cook kurt from the very beginning - from milk(better from cow, goat or sheep). After the milk turns sour, it is filtered through cheesecloth for a long time (sometimes 1-2 days), whey is completely removed, and the resulting mass is salted and spices are added to taste. Then, from the prepared mass (salty syuzma), they begin to roll kurt of various shapes and sizes, but the classic version is a ball. Ready-made salted figurines are laid out on a large dish, covered with gauze so that they do not become weathered and cracked, and the sun is left to dry for several days, and if there is no sun, then in dry warm air. The longer the kurt dries, the harder it becomes.

If you visit Chorsu ancient bazaar in Tashkent, where there is a separate dairy department under the main dome, you will be surprised by the variety of shapes and tastes of the kurta - very small and large, round and rhombic in shape, "fingers", cubes and simply shapeless. It can be bought individually or by weight. In cities and towns, from private merchants who sell all sorts of small things (seeds, piece sweets, chewing gum and other children's joy), you can also buy kurt. For a long time, kurt was made only at home, but now you can find it on store shelves factory packaged kurt- for more squeamish and aesthetic lovers of kurt. Kurt sellers can always be found on busy intercity highways, mountain roads (on the way to Chimgan, along Pamir Highway etc.) - in remote settlements, kurt can be very original, for example, like a huge piece of stone that can be gnawed for more than one month.


In Kazakh, kurt is “spools” or “kolobok”. Presumably, it comes from the Turkic "koro", which means "dry" or "dried". Hard cheese made from pressed and heat-dried curdled sour milk with salt.

Place of manufacture

There are Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar and Mongolian kurt. Kurt is also made in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. Kurt is very popular in Central Asia, especially where the steppe peoples have preserved their original way of life. Kurt helps to endure heat more easily, it is added to soups or fatty meat dishes. You can take it with you on a long journey without fear for safety - kurt tolerates storage very well.


Kurt is made from various types of milk. Most often from cow, sheep or goat. To prepare it, you need to make a katyk, then prepare a suzma by pouring the katyk into a linen bag and leaving the whey to drain for 1-3 days. Salt is added to the resulting thick mass and balls with a diameter of 3-5 cm are rolled by hand. In Bashkiria and Tatarstan, it is customary to make kurt a little larger - the balls resemble small oranges in size. Then the balls rolled from the suzma are laid on a wooden surface, covered with cloth and dried in the sun for several days. At a very high temperature, the kurt is dried in the shade, extending the drying time to 5-7 days.

Regional differences

Each people of Central Asia has a different kurt than its neighbors. It's all about the unique starter for katyk and the raw material, that is, milk. There are regions where rather exotic buffalo (Armenia), camel (Kyrgyzstan) or mare's milk (southern Kyrgyzstan, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Mongolia) is used for katyk. Kurt from these types of milk is especially nutritious, with a unique composition of microelements. We can say that this is a concentrate of natural milk with a natural preservative - salt.


Traditionally, travelers, pilgrims, shepherds and travelers took kurt with them. Kurt does not deteriorate on the road, tolerates temperature fluctuations well, is unpretentious and easy to prepare. Kurt saturates well, it is very nutritious and helps to endure thirst more easily in the sultry steppes. Kurt can be diluted in hot water and boiled into a thick soup, it can be eaten as cheese with bread, used as a seasoning for vegetable salad, replacing salt with salted cheese, kurt goes well with beer.

Interesting fact

Kurt is cooked not only in Central Asia. In Transcarpathia, a similar cheese is made from sheep's milk. It is also very salty and rolled into small flattened balls or cakes.

Kurt calories

Kurt calories - 260 kcal.

National dishes not only demonstrate the generosity and breadth of the soul of the people, but also have a very tangible practical meaning. They were created in accordance with the characteristics of the climate, habitat and ensured the survival of people in certain periods. This is what happened with the kurut.

What it is?

Kurut (kurt) is a sour-milk dish, which is dried balls. To taste, they simultaneously resemble both cottage cheese and cheese, have a salty taste and sour-milk aroma. It is more correct to call kurut dry young cheese. The dish appeared in Central Asia and was originally the food of nomads. White balls are very nutritious, but at the same time they can be stored for a long time and are easily transported without taking up much space.

Kurut is based on goat, cow or sheep milk. In the southern territories of Kazakhstan, the dish was prepared from mare's milk, in the western territories - from camel's milk. The size of the balls is small - about the size of an apricot, although the Bashkirs preferred kurut the size of an orange. Various spices can be added to them, which affects the taste and shade of the balls.

They are consumed dry, used as a seasoning, added to fatty soups and broths, or diluted with milk or kefir for a satisfying drink. Under certain temperature conditions and humidity levels, the product is stored for up to 7-8 years.

To prepare a dish, milk must first be turned into katyk, removing moisture from it. A condensed milk mass will be obtained, which is distributed in gauze bags and suspended for several days. During this period, the liquid completely flows out of the mass, the syuzme remains in the sac. It can be used as a standalone product. But if you salt it and form balls that are dried in the sun for several days, you get kurut.

It should dry out enough to be hard as a stone. The harder it is, the longer the product is stored.

In ancient times, kurt was highly valued. Due to its nutritional value and versatility, it was considered a satisfying meal and could turn into a full lunch, dinner, or just a quick refresher. It was very valuable for nomadic warriors - a bag with a kurut was tied to a saddle, thanks to which it was possible to abandon the use of a field kitchen and speed up the movement of troops, improve their maneuverability.

In addition, the kurt was stored for a long time and allowed the use of a large amount of milk, avoiding its sourness. In Asia, it was often dried for future use and used as bread. Since the dish contains vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals, and also has a high nutritional value, it was included in the menu of the wounded and weakened people. Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, the product was used to treat the umbilical cord of newborns.

Today, kurut can have several varieties:

  • dried salty product, which is obtained by abundant salting of the sour-milk mass and drying it for a long time in the sun, has the form of balls or cylinders and is the most salty in taste;
  • boiled and dried kurut is prepared by pre-boiling the milk mass, after which balls are formed from it, which are dried in the sun, the dish has a more delicate creamy taste and aroma;
  • pasty - the raw materials are also boiled, but not dried, but cleaned in storage containers, used to add to soups and liquids.

Benefit and harm

Kurut contains a large amount of vitamin D and calcium, therefore it is useful for bones and teeth. Its consumption during pregnancy will help prevent the development of rickets in the child. It is useful for the elderly, whose calcium content in the body decreases, which increases the risk of fractures. If you use this type of cheese after injuries and bone fractures, then the restoration of the skeletal system will be faster.

Kurut not only helps to get enough, but also perfectly quenches thirst. The nutritional value, as well as other healing properties, is largely due to the presence of sour-milk streptococci and nutrients in kurut. Kurut in the process of cooking is enriched with special microorganisms that improve the digestibility of the product.

Despite the fact that it turns out to be very concentrated, the body completely absorbs it.

Asian cheese is good for the digestive organs. Possessing an antibacterial property, it suppresses the pathogenic intestinal microflora, contributing to the development of beneficial ones. As a result, a person not only gets rid of poor digestion and its consequences, but also increases his defense against intestinal infections.

The product has the ability to relieve nausea, which can be useful for certain diseases, while traveling, during pregnancy. Oriental healers recommended cheese for exhaustion, anemia. It will be useful for increased physical, including sports, loads, intellectual overwork.

It is rich in proteins, so it will help build muscle mass, have a positive effect on the condition of the skeletal system, teeth, and hair.

The vitamin composition is represented by vitamin A, which is involved in the production of sex hormones, which improves the condition of the organs of vision. Together with vitamin E, it is involved in the renewal of cellular structures, is responsible for saturating them with oxygen, and reduces the rate of age-related cell changes. Ascorbic acid has an immunostimulating effect, increases the body's resistance to environmental factors, colds, and infections. This is very important, since a lack of vitamin C entails apathy, increased fatigue, and problems with blood vessels.

The content of B vitamins is high, which makes kurt useful for the nervous system and skin. It helps to strengthen the nerves, relieves anxiety, relieves insomnia. The mineral composition, in addition to calcium, includes iron, copper, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. The product is useful for arthritis and other joint diseases that cause stiffness. The presence of proteins, zinc and B vitamins makes the product valuable for men's health. The content of testosterone in the blood increases, the quality of sperm improves, which affects reproduction.

When consuming, remember that Kazakh, like any kurut, is quite high-calorie. The energy value is 260 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, the product is rich in fats - 100 g covers up to 50-70% of the body's daily need for fats. The dish should be consumed with caution, especially for obesity, diabetes. Excessive consumption can cause problems with the digestive tract - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

The product should be discarded in case of lactose intolerance. Fat saturation leads to an increase in cholesterol, so kurut is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to taking cheese, but it should be eaten with caution, reducing the dosage.

Preference should be given to varieties that have undergone heat treatment. Raw kurut can harbor dangerous Listeria bacteria. They provoke diseases that can lead to miscarriage and death of the fetus.

During lactation, it is better to refuse the product - there is a high probability of developing allergic reactions in infants. The high salt content makes this cheese dangerous for problems with the liver and kidneys, hypertension. But even a healthy person should not abuse sodium-rich kurut. This provokes swelling, deterioration of the functioning of all body systems.

cooking recipes

At the enterprises, kurt is prepared by clarification and pasteurization of milk. Then the mixture is cooled to 50 C, lactic acid bacteria are introduced into it, acting as a leaven. After fermentation, a dense clot is formed, which is decanted and then pressed under high temperature. Next, salt is added, the composition is distributed over the forms, where it solidifies. Finished balls are ready for sale.

As a rule, the fat content of the product is 7%. You can get a fat-free analogue by removing cream from milk, turning it into fat-free.

To make cheese at home, you first need to cook katyk. A ready-made drink purchased in a store will not work, it does not have the necessary fat content, it may contain preservatives and other additives. Then, from 3 liters of goat's or sheep's milk and 500 ml of katyk, you need to make a starter by mixing these ingredients.

The mixture should ferment for 3-4 days, after which the fermented mass must be put on fire. Thick-walled dishes should be used so that when the liquid is evaporated, the raw material does not burn. Wide dishes with high walls are optimal.

Evaporation time depends on the desired consistency of kurut. If it is added to soups and used as a paste, then it is enough that the volume of the mass is halved.

If you plan to roll the balls, then you need to simmer the milk until it begins to resemble milk in its consistency. Now you should salt kurut to taste (usually 1 tablespoon of water is taken for 1 liter of liquid). Roll up balls from a dense mass and dry them in a well-ventilated place, laying them out in one row for several days. Pasty kurut can be put into jars, closed and stored in the refrigerator.

How to use correctly?

Kurt can be consumed as an independent dish or added to salads, main courses. It goes well with vegetables, but when consumed with meat, the food can be overly heavy. If you add cheese to broths, they acquire saturation, a creamy taste, and in addition, level its excessive fat content. If you dissolve the product in koumiss, katyk, kefir or even water, you get a nutritious fermented milk product.

You can serve salted balls with alcoholic drinks; traditionally, such dishes are in harmony with beer, kvass. You can also serve it with kefir. Due to the high calorie content, it is better to consume kurt before 16-18 hours. It is not recommended immediately before bedtime - due to excessive fat content, heartburn and nausea are possible.

Watch the video recipe for making kurut below.

😉 Greetings to everyone who wandered into this site in search of information - Kurt Cobain: biography ... Gentlemen, you have come to the right place.

Late fall. Peter. One of the many one-color streets. Gray sky, drizzling light rain, "Something In the Way" playing in the headphones. We stop and see a torn red inscription on the wall of a five-story building: "I hate myself and want to die." My friend quietly asks: “Don’t you think that, no matter what, he is still alive?”

Kurt Cobain is not just a musician, he is a cult figure, an idol of generations. While some have already “got sick” with Nirvana, others are just starting to listen to it, replenishing the large army of Cobain fans.

Unforgettable MTV does not get tired of twisting the clip "Smells Like Teen Spirit", teenagers buy cheap guitars and diligently memorize the loss from "Come As You Are".

Biography of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 (USA, Washington State, Aberdeen). Zodiac sign - His name is quite famous in the world of rock music. Legendary vocalist and guitarist of the rock band Nirvana, American singer, songwriter, musician, artist. He passed away at the age of 27...

Millions of girls fall in love with a long-dead man they've only seen in photographs. But Kurt Cobain was burdened by fame. He tried to live in his own separate world, but, alas, he could not hide anything from the ubiquitous press and annoying admirers.

What happened in April 1994? No one knows. In the last month of his life, Kurt felt extremely bad. He was tormented by stomach pains, which he tried to eliminate with the help of heroin, as if not realizing that this was not an option.

Due to drug addiction and a complete loss of interest in everything around, Kurt canceled the scheduled concerts and left for Seattle. There he spent his days alone, depressed, he was suppressed by the behavior of his wife, who absolutely did not appreciate him.

He missed his daughter Frances. Kurt's daughter was Kurt's greatest joy, and his life was ruined when, after returning from rehab, he entered his house, extended his arms to her, and she, frightened, recoiled and murmured, looking at her mother: “Who is this? Where is my dad?

With Courtney Love and daughter Frances

dark history

On April 8, 1994, Kurt's body was found by an electrician who came to fix a wiring problem. Kurt lay in the greenhouse of his house with a 12-gauge shotgun on his chest for three days. (House address: 171 Lake Washington Blvd.E.). Why did he kill himself, who knows?

The detective who investigated the death of Kurt Cobain suggested that it was not, but a murder. Perhaps Kurt's wife, Courtney Love, is involved. However, the police denied this version and tried to quickly hush up all the details of what happened.

The idol of millions of people is gone. Grunge is dead. I understand this, looking at the crowds of guys in black and red T-shirts, with bleached hair. They all light up menthol cigarettes from matches as one and try not to focus on one point. But… maybe this is one of those details that reminds us of Kurt Cobain?