Well      04/12/2019

What are your hands talking about? What do men's hands say: types of character

The very first thing to pay attention to is general form hands:
the ratio of size to height and figure of a person;
width and fullness;
color of the skin;
the length of the fingers and their shape;
joint flexibility and mobility.

Hand size

small hand occurs in people who are ambitious and morbidly proud, but unable to put their ideas into practice. If, in addition, the hand is smooth, then this indicates a quick reaction.

Big hand belongs, as a rule, to a person who is thorough, reasonable and unhurried. Before making any decision, he thinks over all the options, possibilities and ways of execution for a long time and scrupulously.


If the hand has an oval-shaped brush, then this indicates impressionability, passion and sensual impulses.

If the hand is thin and bony, then this indicates cowardice and indecision. The owner of such a brush is not made for wrestling.

The average value, and besides strictly proportional to the size of the body, indicates a balanced character.

A long and wide brush testifies to the dexterity, cunning and predatory disposition of its owner.

A short brush is a sign of a bad character, and a long and thin brush indicates a tendency to various manias and pettiness.

A thin and ugly hand indicates a short life.

Long, skinny, bony tells about selfishness, despotism, quarrelsomeness and quarrelsomeness of its owner.

People with short thin hands are stingy, envious and talkative.

Short and wide hands are usually found in people who are industrious, loyal and resourceful.


A lot about a person can tell his gestures at rest and when he is excited.

If a person constantly pulls something, then this indicates nervous tension. If he waves his arms and makes broad gestures, then this is a sign of sociability, talkativeness and an open generous soul.

A handshake immediately characterizes a person. If he shakes the partner's hand with all his might, then he clearly wants to give the impression of a strong and self-confident person, although he is not.

A sluggish and weak handshake indicates an insecure character. Very often this indicates spoiledness, capriciousness and effeminacy.

A quick and sharp handshake is inherent in people who are always in a hurry, indifferent to other people's problems.

Vicious and deceitful people hide their palms from prying eyes, as evil thoughts live in their souls.

An open and honest person who "does not hold a stone in his bosom" always holds out his hand, palm up. If the palm is turned down, then it immediately becomes clear that you are shaking the hand of a stupid, narrow-minded and arrogant person.

Equally important is the position of the hands when walking. If the arms hang freely along the body, and the fingers are slightly clenched, then it means that a prudent and trustworthy person with a calm and peaceful temperament is walking.

Hands dangling on the sides of the body mean gullibility and slowness in thoughts and actions.

If the palms are clenched into fists, then there is a bully and a brawler.

The habit of keeping hands relaxed and moving them back and forth is inherent in people with uncontrolled emotionality.

Hand shape

There are seven types of hands, differing in shape and appearance. It should not be assumed that the distinctions here are clear and definite. On the contrary, the boundaries are rather blurred. Here we must understand that the hand of each individual person is a fusion of two, three or more forms. However, with careful analysis, certain traits can be identified that carry information about the temperament, character and behavioral reactions of a particular individual.

Elementary hand (Fig. 1)

Wide, heavy and strong. She has short, inactive and, as it were, blunt fingers. Thumb irregular shape. It is so short that it ends at the base of the index finger. Palm with rough skin, fleshy and square.

Such a hand belongs to a person with low intelligence. He has a poor imagination, he is not interested in anything except natural physical needs. These include sex and hunger. There is a tendency to bad habits (alcohol, drugs).

In a rage, the owner of the elemental hand shows unjustified cruelty. In difficult situations, he is prone to bouts of melancholy and depression. Can commit serious misconduct with a tragic ending.

Square or practical hand (Fig. 2)

This hand is characterized by a square-shaped palm, rigid and arched. Knotted fingers and knuckles. The thumb is highly developed. The owner of such a hand is persistent, stubborn, prudent, truthful, disciplined and patient. He looks realistically and soberly at life and never rushes to extremes. Emotionally restrained, unable to dream and devoid of fantasies. The imagination is underdeveloped, but it is ready to help at the first call, therefore it has many friends. This is the usual psychological type of a doctor, lawyer, engineer, financial worker.

Spade hand (Fig. 3)

A wide hand similar to a shovel: the palm is wide at the base and tapering towards the fingers, or vice versa. The fingers are short and almost equal in length. Their ends are blunt, as if chopped off. Strong and short thumb. Such a hand can be soft and sluggish or hard and hard.

The owner of such a hand is active, brave, light and easy to communicate. He is energetic, active, original, persistent and succeeds in everything. Has a practical mind and strives for big and serious goals. If the fingers are smooth, then the person strives for everyday amenities and comfortable delights. In business, such a person is unreliable as a partner. But in matters of the heart, he is faithful and constant.

Philosophical hand (Fig. 4)

Long, angular, fingers with knotty joints. The upper phalanges of the fingers are half square, half conical. In the thumb, both phalanges are the same in length. This indicates that logic and will are inherent in the owner similar hand to the same extent.

A person with a philosophical hand is very attentive to trifles, has an increased ability to analyze, has an analytical mind and a restless character, is very critical of himself and is somewhat closed in communication. This is the hand of writers, sages, poets, preachers, philosophers.

Artistic or conical hand (Fig. 5)

It resembles a cone in its shape. The palm is not wide, the fingers are smooth, flexible and graceful. Nails are oblong. The thumb is poorly developed. The owner of such a hand is an impractical person and endowed with great talent. This is an enthusiastic nature, capable of giving herself completely to some kind of art.

If a person has a conical hand, but with thick, devoid of grace fingers, then he, despite sensuality and sentimentality, is prone to lies and extravagance. Such an individual lives only to satisfy his needs.

When the thumb is well developed, then a person is not devoid of prudence and the desire for wealth. He is able to find his benefit everywhere and always.

The owner of the conical hand has a chaotic nature. He easily makes a choice and very often does not think about the consequences. As a companion, he is ideal, but he lacks caution and foresight. Also, such an individual is prone to sudden mood swings and impulsive actions.

Spiritual hand (Fig. 6)

She is long and narrow. The fingers are delicate, smooth, conical in shape. Nail joints are long and thin. The thumb is well developed. It is graceful and narrow.

The owner of such a hand is predisposed to the idealization of the surrounding reality. He is indifferent to material wealth. He lacks logical thinking. Self-discipline and punctuality are not up to par. Such a person is not able to defend his opinion. He strives to see love and beauty in everything and is distinguished by his dreamy, gentle nature. True. Such individuals have a craving for the occult, mysticism and religion.

Mixed hand (Fig. 7)

This form is quite common. It testifies to the versatility of interests and abilities. Here there is a mixture of different types of characters. The mixed hand does not match any of the listed types and is a mixture of two or more varieties.

A man with a mixed hand misses the stars from the sky. He has average abilities and broad interests. But being interested in many things, he does not achieve mastery in anything, remaining an amateur in all areas.

Fingers can be conical or pointed, square and spatulate.

Tapered fingers (Fig. 8)

People with conical fingers have kindness, peacefulness, independence. They boast good mental faculties, and their spiritual development is at a very high level. This type includes artists, thinkers, artists.

Square fingers (Fig. 9)

If you meet a person who has square (angular) fingers, then keep in mind: he is serious, able to think deeply, loves order, has a sharp and critical mind, is self-confident and strives for power over people. Such fingers predominate among successful businessmen and those who are engaged in applied sciences.

Spatulate fingers (Fig. 10)

This form is inherent in active natures. Along with the mental, they also like physical labor. These people value independence and freedom. They are prudent, selfish and incapable of lofty feelings. Such fingers belong to highly skilled workers, farmers, managers industrial enterprises, engineers.

The length of the fingers relative to the palm

The length of the fingers relative to the palm is of the utmost importance. The thickness of the fingers, gestures characteristic of a particular person, as well as the location of the fingers on the palm and the distance between them are also taken into account.

Short and thick fingers with a long palm indicate frivolity, laziness, indifference and dishonesty.

Proportionality and placement of fingers

Proportional fingers speak of kindness.

Small and thin fingers are a sign of a weak character and insecurity.

Fingers sitting tightly one next to the other indicate a good disposition, modesty and secrecy. These people have common sense in everything. They are thrifty, in old age they become stingy.

The hallmark of a successful person is the habit of holding the middle and index fingers together.

If the middle finger is pressed against the ring finger, then this indicates emotional instability and the need for psychological support.

A protruding little finger clearly indicates an independent character. Such a person shows amazing stubbornness and always tries to insist on his own.

If there is a small space between the middle and index fingers, then this indicates the ability to think in an original and independent way.

If the little finger does not fit tightly to the ring finger, then this is a characteristic sign of complete indifference to the opinions of others. Such a person is spiritually free and uninhibited in everything, including in relation to the sexes. Non-traditional sexual orientation is in the order of things for him.

Fingers that can easily bend back indicate dexterity and cunning.

If the distance between the fingers is greater at the base and less at the ends, then such a person has a craving for vagrancy. He is also prone to financial ruin.

The habit of bending the thumb under the index finger speaks of the weakness and insignificance of nature, of impotence and complete lack of will. Such a gesture is inherent in infants and the dying.

When the middle finger is very strongly developed, then you should know: in front of you is a person who is powerful, energetic and inclined to subjugate others, regardless of their desires.

If the ring finger is larger than the index finger, then a person needs, like air, tenderness and affection. Moreover, he should receive them constantly, and not from case to case.

When the little finger has big sizes, then this indicates ambition and a predisposition to set great goals for yourself.


It must be said right away that among all fingers, it is the thumb that carries the basic information about the energy, vitality and endurance of a person. It is the most important and is able to compete with all the other fingers put together.

The norm of the thumb is the length at which its top, if you press the finger to the side of the palm, reaches the middle of the joint of the index finger.

If the thumb reaches the articulation of the lower and middle joints or crosses it, then this is a sign of strong will.

A short thumb indicates weak will and spinelessness.

A wide thumb speaks of courage, intelligence, cunning and strong character.

The nail joint of the thumb is called the joint of the will. The middle joint characterizes logic. The lower joint is part of the palm.

A good sign is the equal length of the nail and middle joints. It indicates the balance of mind and will.

If the nail joint is much larger than average, then this is a bad sign. In this case, a person's volitional qualities develop to blind uncontrollable stubbornness.

When the middle joint is considerably longer, the person will be eternally subject to indecision.

Thickening on the nail joint speaks of the mind and love of order. Thickening of the middle joint indicates an active nature.

The third joint of the thumb, which fuses with the palm, is easy to feel. It starts at the wrist, but its size is not of great importance. Much more important is the hill of Venus, which lies on this joint at the base of the thumb.

Nails are very important. Their length, color, shape and width are considered. When measuring the length of the nails, only the part that cannot be cut is taken into account.

According to the length of the nails can be divided into three types: normal, short and long (Fig. 11).

Determining the type of nails is very easy. A normal nail occupies exactly half of the top joint of the finger. The long one is more than half, and the short one is less.

Owners of long nails are quite calm and reasonable. They tend to show restraint even in extreme situations. These people never enter into an argument in vain and do not seek to insist on their own at all costs.

Pinkish, even, long nails speak of good health and emotional balance.

If a person has very long nails, then this is a sign of slow-wittedness, secrecy, distrust, as well as an inferiority complex.

Short nails indicate discipline, love of order, a desire to lead and command people.

Curved, uneven, twisted nails characterize their owner as a masterful person with a predatory character.

If thin hands have bent and pointed nails, then they speak of an embittered and restless character. In addition, the owner of such nails has weak lungs.

A quarrelsome and quarrelsome person has short, thick and hard nails. It also indicates good health and long life.

White dots covering the nails indicate nervousness, cowardice and hysteria.

Shell-shaped, short and flat nails are a very dangerous sign. They directly indicate a disease of the nervous system, which can lead to paralysis. This is also indicated by triangular nails sunk into the skin.

Long, wide and rounded nails immediately indicate a practical and sober person.

Thick, long and curved nails are found in treacherous and immoral people.

Heart disease is indicated by wide nails, bordered by a bluish tint at the edges.

The combination of short nails and a soft palm speaks of a natural craving for criticism. If, in addition, the nails are pale, then the character of their owner is deceitful and weak.

A reddish tint on the nails indicates a hard character.

Wide short nails have inveterate debaters and restless natures.

Square wide nails indicate innocence, sincerity and optimism.

Thin and brittle nails are the first sign of poor health.

Owners of short, narrow and curved nails need to pay attention to the spine, as serious problems can arise with it.

Square small nails indicate an aggressive, but at the same time sociable character.

If you have a person with narrow and soft nails in front of you, then there is no doubt that this is a subtle, painful nature, prone to unmotivated stubbornness and nervousness.

Hand color

By the color of the hands, one can judge the health and character of a person.

Red hands indicate bad health. They also serve as a sign of irritability.

Hands of a dark red color, turning almost into purple, are not only a sign of poor health, but also invincible laziness.

Thin and soft natures have transparent white hands. At the same time, this indicates a weak internal energy. If, in addition, the fingers are pointed, then the person has an unpleasant, embittered character. It is better to stay away from such people.

Moderate hairiness on the outside of the knuckles is a very good sign. This is a sign of health and complaisant disposition.

The hairiness of the inner side of the palm speaks of longevity and great intelligence.

A hairless hand is inherent in fickle people, and a disorderly hairline speaks of spiritual poverty.

The pinkish color of the skin with veins showing through it indicates innate kindness and intelligence.

Best Hand: Slightly brownish with a slight pinkish tint. It is the color of excellent health and good character.

Palmistry originated in the east, and its history goes back to ancient times. Thousands of years ago, people already knew how to read fate in the palm of their hand and predict the future.

After all, a person's hands can carry a lot of information about the life, fate and character of their owner. The lines on the palms of the embryo appear long before the ability to move the arms appears. Palmistry has become so entrenched in life that it has become considered a science.

It was studied in educational institutions, scientific works on palmistry were written, books were published.

Today, palmistry is available to everyone.

So, the characteristic of the hand as a whole is the first thing with which the reading of the hand begins. Just by shaking a person's hand, you can learn a lot about character.

general characteristics hands

A little hair on a man’s arm is a sign of kindness, cordiality and love for comfort.

A lot of hair on a woman's arm is a sign of a cruel character.

A small hand is characteristic of a proud and irritable person, the owner of good intuition. It can also be a sign that a person is always full of ideas and capable of doing great and significant things.

Hand of harmonious medium size- this is a sure sign of an intelligent and balanced person.

A large hand characterizes its owner as a person inclined to analyze everything. Such people easily cope with painstaking and scrupulous work. They can become good jewelers or watchmakers. In addition, they are very kind, sympathetic and gentle people.

A wide hand is evidence of developed mental abilities.

narrow hand is a sign of a rich imagination and developed fantasy. Sometimes this is a sign of selfishness and a tendency to tyranny.

A firm hand is a sign of good performance and a low mind. This is the hand of an excellent worker-performer.

soft hand found in people who are tender and sensual. Which, by the way, are prone to laziness.

warm hand speaks of the cheerfulness of a person. He is cheerful, optimistic, and sometimes a little short-tempered.

cold hand usually found in people with an indifferent attitude to the whole world around them.

A dry hand is a sign of a restrained character.

A wet hand is commonly found in shy people. Also, sweaty hands can indicate heart disease.

There are seven basic types of hands, each of which can give a lot enough detailed information. To determine what type the hand belongs to, you need to show maximum attention and patience.

primitive hand

Primitive (elementary) hand, sometimes also called the main hand. Outwardly, it is quite easily determined, standing out from other types of hands. The elementary hand is wide, short-fingered and thick. Width is its main feature. The fingers on such a hand are thick, inactive with square tips and rough, ugly nails. The thumb is either not fully attached to the palm, or turned up. The skin on the hand is rough, and the hand itself is quite strong and firm.

Already at first glance, such a hand evokes associations with physical labor and rudeness. That's what usually happens. Such a hand is an unflattering evidence of the mental development of a person, in which one can suspect the predominance of animal instincts, a weak, lazy imagination, for all in printability and even sensitivity of nature. The owner of this type of hand usually differs physical strength and not high mental abilities. Therefore, earning a living hard work. As for the character of a person with such a hand, this person is lazy and indifferent, he is not demanding at all. It has been noticed that people with an elementary hand, although they do not make special demands on life, as soon as they lose support, fall into depression. At such moments they need comfort.

Perfect hand

The ideal (spiritual) hand has a narrow shape, it is very elegant and neat. This is a small, thin, delicate hand with smooth graceful fingers, rather long and pointed nail phalanges, with a well-formed, but narrow thumb. Graceful and delicate, she stands out for her beauty and grace, among the rest of the hands. The palm of this type of hand is smooth and tender. The fingers are long, and their tips are pointed rather than rounded. The thumb is formed neatly and proportionately. Usually, the spiritual hand is very pale, with translucent veins. With all her appearance, she reflects the word "refinement". The thinner and neater it is, the more original and creative person is its owner. The owners of this type of hand are characterized by phenomenal impracticality, inexperience, inability to stand up for themselves, neglect of the material side and idealization reality.

People who are characterized by this type of hand are dreamers, aesthetes or mystics. They constantly hover in the clouds, live in their dreams and fantasies. Guided by the highest spiritual ideals, they are truthful, faithful, trusting, they have a deep need for love and freedom. In beauty, such people are sensitive, soft in manner, often remain misunderstood even by those close to them, sometimes they are hopelessly entangled in life. The narrower the palm at the base of the fingers, the more original the nature of its owner. They are practically not adapted to the real world. Spirituality for hosts perfect hand much higher and more valuable than materiality. The only salvation in the ocean of a cruel and harsh world is a well-developed intuition for them.

Tapered arm

The conical (artistic) hand is sometimes also called the "aristocratic hand". General form resembles a cone, because the hand narrows towards the fingers. There is almost complete symmetry. The fingers are also conical. This hand looks very beautiful and graceful. The fingers are quite long and thin, with rounded tips and beautiful nails.

A person who is characterized by this type of hand is a very creative and original nature. This is by no means the hand of a famous artist. However, the owner of a purely artistic hand is characterized by inspiration. These people are often referred to as "man of art". He has a highly developed sensuality, he perceives the world rather emotionally. Common sense and practicality will never prevail in his features. It is difficult for such a person to fit his life into the set framework, which is why he rarely becomes a good family man. At the same time, he is quite vulnerable, impressionable and romantic person. The owners of conical hands make decisions intuitively and instinctively. Sometimes they tend to lie.

Feelings in him usually prevail over the disposition, it is primarily the form, appearance that acts on him. Not accustomed to pondering over phenomena, he is content with the outer side of life, in dreams of creative freedom he is constantly looking for new acquaintances, striving for a change of place t, does not know the measure in pleasures. The latter is especially expressed in the so-called pleasure hand, which is coarser than a purely artistic hand (her fingers are thicker, her nails are rougher and devoid of elegance of outline). She characterizes a natypy eccentric, wasteful, prone to lies, tinsel brilliance, living only for the sake of satisfying her own needs.

Mixed hand type

The mixed hand type is quite common. Outwardly, it is difficult to attribute it to any particular type; it combines a variety of features. Therefore, it is easy to take, for example, conic-elementary, for an aptistic ryk, and a philosophical one for a very developed practical one. Or, for example, artistic - for the psychic. When interpreting it, it is necessary to evaluate the prevailing features. As a rule, you have to analyze two types of hands.

If the types of hands that a mixed hand combines contradict each other, you should choose averages. The owner of a mixed hand gradually possesses all the qualities that are inherent in the original main types. If people with typical hands have rather strong than versatile character traits, then a mixed type of hand indicates more diverse interests and abilities.

In general, we can say that the owners of the mixed type have a fairly adaptable character and are quite versatile. Sometimes this quality leads to the fact that a person begins to take on many different things at the same time and does not achieve success in any of them. Although sometimes the opposite happens. This can be a very versatile developed person who can succeed in several things at the same time.

Determining the character of a person with a mixed type of hand is an indicator of the qualifications of a palmist. He must subtly feel what traits are present in the character.

Ideal from a chironomic point of view, a rigid and flexible hand, testifying to an active mind, the ability to harmonize theory with practice. No matter how much such hands work, they never grow rough.

spade hand

The spade-shaped hand has fairly wide, blunt fingertips. The whole hand gives the impression of a spade. The ends of the fingers are as if crushed, and therefore wider than the rest. The hands are usually large, as is the thumb. The Last Testimony of Determination and Self-Awareness

This hand is quite similar to elementary hand. It is broad, with straight thick fingers. The main difference from the elemental (primitive) hand is a slightly less rough appearance. But it cannot be called beautiful and graceful.

People with this type of hands are quite versatile. They do well with any physical labor, but at the same time they are very prone to ingenuity. These are people of action, not reflection. They are independent and original, they can successfully find themselves as an engineer, athlete, and sometimes even a musician. With the owner of such a hand, the artisan prevails over the artist, he is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. He has a practical mind, diligence, love for activity.

Such hands are characteristic of a smart and savvy performer, but not a leader. The owners of spade-shaped hands are demanding to life. Hardworking, calm and tidy, they value constancy, like to be sure of everything.

Smooth fingers indicate a love of comfort and brilliance when they are rational enough.

Administrative arm

The administrative (useful) hand is square in shape. Angled fingers and hand. The hand is firm and strong. Because of what it is sometimes called "square hand". It is characterized by a strong palm of medium size. The fingers are usually of medium size with rectangular gnarled fingers and strongly developed phalanges and thumb, the palm is somewhat concave, rather hard. This type is very common.

Quite often, such a hand is found among leaders and officials. These are very stubborn and persistent people who respect and maintain order in business. They are conservative, do not like changes and innovations. Often, very strict self-discipline helps them to achieve success and reach unprecedented heights. People with such hands are prone to organizing and regulating activities, distinguished by endurance, patience and perseverance, love of order.

Owners of the administrative type of hand are very calm and consistent. But they are completely devoid of imagination and originality.

Such people make a good calm family man. They are quite undemanding, they take everything for granted. And sometimes they completely forget about signs of attention, surprises and romance. Their strong energetic spirit lacks free swing, they do not understand what it means to act under the influence of feeling.

Thin, thick or crooked fingers on the hands - this is all subsectionby which it is easy to calculate the character traits of any person. Find out what the most diverse types of shape, thickness, length, and even finger placement mean.

In the article:

What do crooked fingers tell about the character

Crooked fingers on the hands are not so common. Like the shape, length and placement of the fingers, curvature also has its own meaning. It should not be underestimated, because a person with crooked fingers can be in the social circle of any person. If you want to know what to expect from this, read the meaning.

Before interpreting the meaning of crooked fingers, you should look at the general. A beginner's knowledge of palmistry is quite enough to understand what it is like in general. If for the most part positive, then the curvature of the fingers indicates irritability. With a negative prognosis along the lines on the hand, it is a sign of anger, hatred, perhaps even a tendency to crime.

If the fingers are curved towards the outer part of the palm, this indicates the curiosity, sociability and kindness of the person. If they curve towards the inside of the palm, this is an extremely cautious person in front of you.

What do thin and thick fingers say

Not only the thickness, but also the length of the fingers matters. If you have a short thumb on your hand, and the rest of the fingers are long and possibly even of a different shape, you have all the character traits that correspond to all the signs found on the hand.

A person whose fingers are long and thin knows how to pay attention to little things. He is attentive, you can even call him meticulous. This is a good employee if high intelligence is required for the position he occupies. However, he is completely devoid of intuition, he makes decisions using only logical thinking. Despite the logic, there is a penchant for creativity and a love of art. Such a person may well become journalist, artist, musician. Meticulousness allows him to become an excellent editor or construction manager, project developer.

Long and thick fingers are a sign of high intelligence and a bright creative component. This feature of the hands makes it possible to reach the top of the chosen profession, as well as the ability to skillfully manage people. A person with such a sign has a chance to become major political figure, religious leader, great soothsayer, inventor, or world-class celebrity.

Thin and short fingers on the hands indicate a person who quickly masters new skills. He is often visited by inspiration, and he directs his energy to creation. Such a person is a good leader who is satisfied with both subordinates and superiors. However, he does not know how to pay attention to trifles and pitfalls. Most of the time, these people do commerce, politics, management and finance, in time they can open their own enterprise and work for yourself.

Thick and short fingers are a sign of a person who appreciates the most. He is unreliable, because he is looking for benefits in the first place, and only in the second he thinks about those who have to be let down. Usually he has low qualifications, but he has enough determination, patience and funds for training. Works most often in sales.

Finger length and human character

The simplest test about the character on the fingers is by the length of the fingers relative to each other. You need to compare the length of the index and ring fingers. It will take only a few minutes, but at the same time it will give a complete understanding of the main character traits of a person.

Type A. If the index is shorter than the ring finger, this indicates the attractiveness and charisma of its owner. He is pleasant in communication and knows how to impress. He has many friends, because almost everyone appreciates his excellent character, the ability to empathize and listen. Most likely, the person in question is distinguished by determination and the ability to take risks. He easily solves all problems and quickly achieves financial success. A developed mind allows such people to become skilled engineers and scientists. They love intellectual entertainment and never stop learning with a diploma.

Type B. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, this is a sign of self-sufficiency and self-confidence. Before you is a loner, he is unlikely to be happy if someone disturbs him, preventing him from enjoying solitude. Such people are not one of those who take the first steps towards in relationships and even in business and affairs. If you need cooperation with one of them, you will have to take the initiative. Such people appreciate attention and praise.

Type C. If the length of the fingers is the same, in front of you is a good-natured and peaceful person. Such people do not like to enter into conflicts and try to avoid quarrels. They prefer to maintain friendly relations with everyone. Such a person is distinguished by organization, loyalty and devotion. These are reliable husbands and employees who work stably for several years in a row at the same enterprise. Despite the friendliness, it is dangerous to harm such a person - he rarely gets angry, but if he releases emotions, many will suffer.

What will tell the shape of the fingertips on the hands

It is not difficult to determine the character on the fingers if you look at the shape of the fingers.

  1. Square fingers are most often found in hardened materialists. Before you is a mundane person who values ​​only material goods. She is conservative and is unlikely to be happy with surprises. Such people are often considered boring, but good qualities they also have - this is practicality and a focus on success.
  2. Conical fingers indicate the sensuality and emotionality of a person. There is some idealism. If the desire to obtain material wealth is enough for the owner of square fingers, then it is more difficult with a person who has a conical shape. In order for him to work productively, he needs a pleasant atmosphere and a friendly team. This person loves to improve himself, intellectual pleasures are not alien to him. He loves to read, visit museums and exhibitions, and travel.
  3. The pointed shape of the fingers indicates that in front of you is an emotional, sensitive and even nervous person. He is easy to impress. This person is often visited by inspiration, but it is quickly replaced by disappointment in the business in which she worked. There is a tendency to selfishness and power, leadership abilities. If such a person becomes a boss, he will have a reputation for being a harsh but fair boss. He loves to be the center of attention and has many friends.
  4. Drop-like fingertips indicate the kindness, sensuality and emotionality of their owner. He is a true altruist who wants to help all of humanity. If you do not know who to ask for help, contact a person with such fingers, he will never refuse, even if you are not his close friends. This person has a heightened intuition, so scammers do not use his kindness. He loves animals, nature and tries to make the world around him a better place.
  5. The spatulate shape is a sign of an increased level of vital energy. Such a person needs new ideas and vivid impressions. Boredom and monotony make him depressed. Without a constant change of scenery and new activities, this person will not be able to live long. It is distinguished by increased efficiency, but the office routine will quickly get bored. Such a person is skeptical, self-willed and eccentric. Most of all, creative professions or positions associated with constant business trips are suitable for him.

Character on the fingers on the hand - their location

Not only the shape of the fingers on the hand, but also their location relative to the palm can tell about the character of a person. Pay attention to the border between the palm and fingers, their bases. If they form a straight line, this indicates incredulity and selfishness. The owner of such a hand is accustomed to act only in their own interests. He does not like to listen to other people's opinions and is unlikely to help disinterestedly. Those who ventured into a relationship with such a person will have to constantly sacrifice their interests.

The value of manhood is extremely important for both the strong and the beautiful half of humanity. Guys with a big dick feel more confident, stronger and more attractive. In conversations with the opposite sex, men with an impressive penis are more likely to show self-confidence than those who are not satisfied with their dignity.

Girls also pay attention to the length of the penis. Every lady wants a pleasant person to provide the same emotions in bed. Moreover, a woman would rather agree to a man with a big dick than choose a guy who is pleasant and easy to spend time with.

Perhaps it was the beautiful ladies who first became interested in the question of how to determine the size of a penis by hand. This pattern has been studied for a very long time, and today specialized and not very specialists have measured, perhaps, absolutely everything that was on the male hand.

As a result, several formulas were compiled at once, with which you can use the palm, fingers, the difference and the amount of the distance between them, and even, imagine, the nails! So that you do not get confused in all this abundance of information, you just need to read this article, which presents the most trustworthy methods for checking penis size by hand.

Specialists from South Korea showed the most attention to this issue. They published a whole article on how to determine the size of a member on the fingers in the pages of a very authoritative Asian publication. Almost 150 people of different ages took part in the study of Korean scientists.

To obtain the maximum reliable result, the experimenters measured the length of the penis both in an excited and in a calm state, and then relied on the average indicator.

To determine the size of the penis on the fingers, the researchers took the length of the index and ring fingers, and then the first indicator was divided by the second. Then the resulting number was studied and compared with the average length of the penis.

The result in all cases turned out to be identical: those men who had the smallest length of the fingers indicated above had the greatest dignity. The same representatives of the strong half of humanity who possessed big difference between the length of the ring and index fingers could not boast of a large penis.

Scientists were struck by how the length of the fingers and the penis are related, so they decided to pay attention to the genetic subtleties in this match. To do this, we took into account the observations noted even at the time of the birth of the field of genetic medicine. At that time, researchers drew attention to one curious fact: usually in men, the index fingers were significantly shorter than the ring fingers, which was not observed among girls.

Moreover, this difference was noticeable even during the early prenatal development fetus. From this we can conclude that the length of the marked fingers of a person, as well as his growth or the formation of the genital organs, are completely dependent on genes!

After the publication of the described results, scientists from other countries decided not to stand aside. So Australian researchers decided to check whether it is possible to find out the size of the penis by the hand using the image described by the Koreans.

Initially, there were quite a few reasons for doubting this method, ranging from a small sample to race. Perhaps, few people have not heard that the average penis length of Asians is lower than in many other countries. This could significantly affect the results obtained.

However, in Australia, measurements were taken among a larger number of participants from different countries. The original theory was confirmed, and, in addition, the experimenters were able to name three leading countries in terms of penis size:

Alternative way to check

In each case, there was a slight difference between the distance between the ring and index fingers. Moreover, the researchers were also able to prove that this difference is directly related to business ability. This can be explained more by the confidence of those representatives of the strong half of humanity who have a more impressive dignity.

You can also use another method to find out the length of the penis from the arm. To do this, take the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger. This assessment method was proposed by a famous sexologist many years ago.

Its essence is the following simple algorithm:

  • Spread the thumb and index finger at a right angle relative to each other (letter "L");
  • Measure the distance between the tips of both fingers;
  • The resulting number will roughly correspond to the length of the penis.

There are several nuances in this method. Firstly, a man is unlikely to walk with his fingers apart in this way, so it will be difficult for a girl to estimate the distance (nevertheless, you can always go for a trick).

Secondly, the resulting figure, as noted by many experts, almost always more or less corresponds to the average length of the penis. Perhaps this is the reason why this method of measurement so often shows a result close to the truth.

Assessing the thumb

It is not difficult to determine the size of a penis by the thumb without the participation of others in the measurements. To many people, it seems more accurate, because in this case you do not need to think about whether the fingers are correctly spaced. The essence of the method is that the length of the thumb is multiplied by three, resulting in the size of the penis. Thus, it will definitely be easier for a woman to estimate the length than in the previous method.

By the way, the thumb allows you to evaluate not only the length of the penis. With the help of this part of the body, you can fully appreciate the shape of the penis. You need to look at its curvature and the severity of the joint. If the finger is even and the joint is almost invisible, then the penis will also have an equally even outline.

There is also a theory about how to find out the size of a penis by hand. To do this, take the distance from the wrist (base of the palm) to the end of the middle finger. This method is definitely the most attractive, because it becomes much easier to determine the length of the penis “by eye”.

At the same time, as fans of this option note, the resulting figure is approximately equal to three times the length of the thumb. But whether it corresponds to the length of the penis, you can check yourself in practice.

Pay attention to nails and brushes!

So we figured out how to determine the length of the penis with your fingers. But why not choose a more extravagant way? These also exist. New theories, for example, suggest that you can tell penis size from your fingernails.

To do this, you need to measure the width from edge to edge of the nail plate on thumb. As a result, you will get a radius, multiplying by 2 it will be possible to calculate the diameter of the penis in the thickest place during an erection.

It is not known whether such a statement is true, but the measurement of the nail will definitely cause bewilderment and even questions in the guy. If you like this method, then you can make an approximate opinion: large nails are a thick penis, and if the nail is small, then vice versa.

By the way, the definition of the same parameter is possible on the fingers. There is an opinion that the diameter of the penis can also be determined from the thickness of the latter (like a long penis by outstretched fingers).

Large fingers, large nail size and so on - this is not all that you can focus on. Powerful hands clearly indicate that the man has impressive dignity in his pants.

Important point!

It is better, of course, not to use only one or two of the features described, but to know several at once. This will help you gradually select the most correct of them and more accurately determine the size of the penis.

Can the length of the fingers and the size of the penis really be compared?

It is not yet possible to answer this question precisely (in addition, various factors, such as excess weight, may correct the actual figures). Probably, it is for this reason that scientists still continue to find out how the size of the penis depends on the size of the fingers.

Now we can definitely say only one thing - for intimate pleasures that will bring pleasure to you and your partner, you do not need to have a giant penis.

The average penis length of 13-15 centimeters (an indicator in an erect state) is quite enough for sex, because usually the female vagina has the same length.

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You met an interesting young man ... Here is one date, and after him the second! But I really want to know more information about my partner!

According to psychologists, the appearance and character of a person are interconnected.

Today, we will try to unravel the "secret" of male hands and learn how to "read" the information we need. What are they talking about man's hands?

Hand shape

Spatulate or active hand speaks of determination, fidelity, vigor, practicality.

Artistic hand(with long thin fingers) betrays a talented nature, prone to aesthetics, art, sophisticated entertainment.

Flexible and resilient arm speaks of the mind, impressionability. Soft, gentle- about the inability to serious work, laziness, lethargy, love of order, success in business.

Finger shape

Pointed (pointed) fingers have natures that are fond of, prone to idealism, impressionable, religious.

Quadrangular (rectangular) fingers testify to material inclinations, accuracy, decency.

Spatulate indicate an active, self-confident and arrogant nature.

Nail shape

Oval nails talk about kindness flat- about nervousness, narrow- about hypocrisy, wide and flat- about timidity.

Very narrow nails of a refined, aristocratic shape talking about sophistication squashed (flattened)- about sensitivity.

Wrinkled (with roughness on the nail plates)- about weakness.

gnawed- about weak will, nervousness, hidden vices.

grooved nails- about aggressiveness, heartlessness, greed, deceit.

Finger length

The length of the fingers can tell how a man relates to women in life. It is not necessary to be a guru of palmistry to recognize the character, I will tell you in detail what parameters determine the type of the stronger sex.

If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, the man is self-confident and self-sufficient. Such people love loneliness and get annoyed when they are disturbed for trifling reasons. They do not mind starting a relationship, but they prefer the other party to take the initiative. Appreciate attention to themselves and love to be praised.

If the index finger is shorter than the ring finger, such a man is charming, charismatic, it is pleasant to communicate with him. Such people are very decisive and tend to mutual understanding, compassion and empathy. There are many scientists and engineers among them, and they are also good at solving crossword puzzles.

If the index and ring fingers have the same length, then such a man is peaceful, good-natured and tries to avoid conflict situations. Such people are organized and disciplined. In a relationship, they are faithful to their partner. To anger such a man, you need to work hard.

The more the size of the index and ring fingers differ, the more aggressively men behave.

Psychologists say that it's all about testosterone levels - the higher it is, the smaller the difference in the length of the index and ring fingers.

It is the lack of testosterone that makes men grouchy and aggressive towards defenseless women.