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How is chlamydia treated in men? Chronic chlamydia in men: what will happen if chlamydia is not treated. What are the consequences after infection with chlamydia?

Chronic chlamydia in a man it is a consequence of a change in the form of the disease. In other words, a chronic type of chlamydia develops during the transition from the acute phase, in the absence of adequate treatment.

Due to the fact that the symptoms of chlamydia often practically do not appear, the disease is easily not diagnosed on time and simply becomes a sluggish chronicle.

First of all, chlamydia affects the male genitourinary system, or rather the urethra. That is why the first signs may be in the form of urethritis. Moreover, the pattern of development of the disease may have different paths.

Why is chronic chlamydia dangerous?

However, the main thing you need to know is that the danger of the chronic form of the disease in men is that during its course it affects:

  • Urethra.
  • Testes,
  • Epididymis.
  • Prostate.

Among the complications that can be diagnosed with chlamydial infection are Vesiculitis and.

In addition, advanced chlamydia in chronic form can cause inflammation in the kidneys.

In rare cases, Reiter's syndrome may develop against the background of a chronic course of the disease.

This is a systemic disease in which arthritis, conjunctivitis and urethritis occur simultaneously.

Without appropriate treatment, scarring of the urethra may develop, causing it to narrow.

Symptoms of chronic chlamydia

The first signs of the disease begin to appear in a man approximately 7-20 days after infection.

The most common route of infection is through unprotected sexual contact; other routes of infection are extremely rare.

Symptoms appear in the form of nonspecific acute urethritis. The following symptoms can be noted here:

  • Burning when urinating.
  • Itching at the entrance to the urethra.
  • Pain and discomfort may occur in the scrotum.
  • Feeling of discomfort in the testicles.

It should be noted that all the symptoms simply disappear after a while and no longer bother the man.

However, in some cases, the above signs of chlamydia may include fever, a feeling of chronic fatigue and malaise, and other similar symptoms.

The disappearance of all signs does not mean that the disease has gone away, it’s just that the immune system was able to muffle all the symptoms for a while, and chlamydia successfully passed from acute to chronic form.

Before choosing a treatment, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis; the fact is that the chronic type of chlamydia in a man is very similar to the manifestation:

  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Mycoplasmosis.
  • Some diseases of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of chlamydia in men, drugs

Therapy for both acute and chronic diseases is carried out using antibiotics.

The basis here is tetracycline drugs for men. This:

  • fluoroquinolones
  • macrolides

Acute and chronic chlamydia can be cured with such remedies.

If there is a need for other treatment, then the regimen can be adjusted, and several drugs of combined action will be used in it, which should cure the disease once and for all.

For example, it can be used.

This treatment regimen is calculated over a course of 10-14 days. If the case of chlamydia is no longer just in a chronic form, but in an advanced state, then the course will be extended for a month.

In order to improve immunity, the treatment regimen may involve the use of:

  • Multivitamin complexes.
  • Natural adaptogens.
  • Immunostimulating drugs.

Along with taking antibiotics that should cure the disease, it will be necessary to take medications with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The need for such complex treatment is due to the fact that the antibiotic destroys the beneficial intestinal microflora, and it needs to be restored.

You can use:

  • Bifidobacterin,
  • Lactobacterin,
  • Linux

In case of an imbalance in the intestines, which leads to digestive problems, enzyme preparations may be prescribed:

  • Mezim,
  • Creon,
  • Pancreatin,
  • Essentiale forte,
  • Heptral,
  • Rezalut

Naturally, during the course of treatment it will be necessary to follow a certain diet and exclude alcohol.

A prerequisite for cure is that both sexual partners take medications, otherwise there is no talk of a positive prognosis.

Consequences of chlamydia for men

Chronic chlamydia is dangerous for men due to its complications, which can have extremely negative consequences.

We have already said that in men, due to untreated chlamydia, urethritis can occur, in which the urethra narrows, and this is a direct referral for surgery.

The second unpleasant complication is chronic prostatitis. It is against this background that a man can become infertile, and if the chronicle of prostatitis is not cured, then there is a chance to become impotent.

Orchiepididymitis is an inflammatory process in the epididymis. With this disease there is also a risk of developing infertility.

Chlamydia in men occupies a leading position among sexually transmitted diseases. The annual number of people infected with chlamydia is three times higher than with gonorrhea.

Such indicators are determined by a long incubation period and mild symptoms or their absence. Therefore, the invasion often develops into a chronic form.


The most common route of infection with chlamydia is vaginal or anal sex. Extremely low chances of infection are possible:

  • during oral sex;
  • use of one dish, towels;
  • through the toilet seat;
  • swimming pool, public baths;
  • in case of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.

The negative characteristics of chlamydia outside the human body can persist on household objects and fabrics for two days. However, they must be favorable conditions, moderate temperature. Due to this feature, the whole family can be infected with the disease.

The likelihood of infection during sexual intercourse without the use of barrier contraception with infected woman is 50%. The incubation period ranges from two days to four weeks.

Quite often, chlamydia is diagnosed in couples undergoing infertility treatment or planning pregnancy, while neither partner experiences manifestations of the disease.

Important! Female body more susceptible to infection with chlamydia than men.

Symptoms and early signs of chlamydia in men

The appearance and severity of symptoms is influenced by the state of the immune system, as well as the ability of the pathogen to provoke inflammatory processes. In most cases, chlamydia is asymptomatic.

The absence of pronounced symptoms is the most dangerous characteristic of chlamydia. The carrier of the infection is unaware of its presence, which is why the disease becomes chronic with various complications.

Almost all symptoms of the disease are not brightly colored. Most of the symptoms of the disease are similar to the course of nonspecific urethritis, namely:

  • scanty, transparent discharge from the urethra;
  • mild painful sensations during urination;
  • periodic pain in the urethra, lower back, scrotum, testicles;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased performance, weakness due to intoxication;
  • the urine becomes cloudy, with particles of blood and pus.

In most cases, men do not pay attention to such symptoms, especially if they appear and disappear. However, this is not a sign of recovery; on the contrary, the disease has acquired a chronic form, which is much more difficult to cure.

Incubation period

The incubation period can vary from 2 days to a month. This is influenced by the length of time during which chlamydia managed to colonize mucous cells, as well as general state health.

If there are other infections in the body, the immune system will not be able to cope with all pathogens. Therefore, symptoms appear as soon as possible after infection.

Also for duration incubation period influence:

  • hormone replacement therapy;
  • long-term use of cytostatics, which are prescribed for cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • anemia;
  • chronic overwork.

Which doctor treats chlamydia in men?

Diagnosis of chlamydia is carried out by specialists of a narrow profile. Most often, when visiting a clinic, a man is sent to a urologist. Therapy can also be carried out under the supervision of a venereologist. First, the patient needs to undergo tests, then the doctor determines the diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Important! Chlamydia can be asymptomatic, so to find out about the disease, you can take a special test. It is a safe and painless examination.

IN extreme cases To detect the disease, the doctor takes a smear from the intestine, throat, and in the presence of conjunctivitis, a smear is taken from the eyelid.

Chlamydia tests can be done in the following ways:

  • by insurance or doctor’s prescription at the nearest city clinic;
  • purchase a rapid test at a pharmacy and take it at home;
  • for a fee in specialized laboratories.

Scheme of treatment

Treatment of this infection in men is a long and complex process. Therapy is limited to antibiotics that can penetrate cells and destroy pathogens. The main drugs for the treatment of chlamydia are:

  • tetracyclines;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • macrolides.

The life process of chlamydia is special; they easily develop immunity to antibiotics, so the start of treatment may not show good results.

To achieve maximum efficiency treatment regimen includes various groups antibiotics, which are often supplemented with antifungal agents.

To improve the protective functions of the body, the patient is prescribed immunomodulators, a diet, a multivitamin complex. If the disease is accompanied by specific secretions, the doctor prescribes local antiseptics.

To protect the liver, while taking a large group of drugs, hepatoprotectors are prescribed.

The choice of antibiotics for each patient is individual, since treatment may be affected by:

  • affected organs;
  • severity and stage of the disease;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

Incorrectly selected treatment or its absence causes the development of a chronic form. Chlamydia develops immunity to incorrectly selected drugs.

The course of treatment is accompanied by a refusal to have sexual intercourse, alcohol consumption, and fermented milk products are also limited. The average course of treatment is 25 days. Sometimes repeated therapy is required for complete recovery.

In the treatment of chlamydia, self-medication with folk recipes is completely excluded. They can only be used as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy and only with the permission of a doctor to improve well-being. Otherwise, the disease will become chronic.

The following factors have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of therapy:

  • prostate massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • urethral instillation, baths, enemas.

Important! All the girls the patient has been with intimacy, must also undergo examination. If necessary, individual therapy is selected for them.

What tests need to be done

Analysis Description
Polymerase chain reaction - PCR It is considered the most popular test for detecting chlamydia. Its popularity is due to its high sensitivity, which ensures 100% reliability of the analysis.
Fluorescence reaction - RIF The material taken from the patient is examined under a fluorescent microscope. The main disadvantage of the analysis is its accuracy, approximately 50%. In most cases, the reliability of the analysis is influenced by the qualifications of the doctor who took the sample and examined the material. Also, the disadvantages of the analysis include the following factors: the disease must be in the active phase; required a large number of material for research; high probability of a false positive result, for example, if staphylococcus is mistaken for chlamydia.
Enzyme immunoassay - ELISA For analysis you need to donate blood and scraping. The principle of the study is based on the detection of antibodies that the body produces to fight infection. The technique also allows you to find out the stage of the disease. The disadvantage of the test is its low accuracy (60%). The results are influenced by: antibodies to the pathogen can be detected in a healthy patient; the production of antibodies may be associated with manifestations of other diseases.
Culture with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics It is considered the most expensive and time-consuming analysis. The method helps determine the type of antibiotics that most effectively affects the chlamydia of the patient being examined. The accuracy of the analysis is 70-90%.

Treatment of chlamydia in men: main drugs

The course of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of various kinds of diseases that are sexually transmitted. Therefore, during the treatment of chlamydia, the doctor individually, based on concomitant diseases, chooses drugs for their treatment.

There are no exact medications for treatment. When choosing drugs, the doctor is based on individual characteristics patient, symptoms, stage of the disease and the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular antibiotic.

Important! Chlamydia quickly develops resistance to drug treatment. Therefore, improperly selected funds can show poor results.

How and what to treat at home

Everyone's favorite folk recipes not only will not help in the treatment of chlamydia, but can significantly exacerbate the problem. There are only preventive measures to prevent infection:

  • avoid casual sex;
  • sex should be protected, especially if there is no confidence in the health of the partner;
  • sexual partners must undergo preventive examinations;
  • If the slightest symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor immediately.

If intimacy has occurred without the use of a condom, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • wash the external genitalia with soap;
  • inject an antiseptic solution into the urethra;

After anal sex, be sure to wash the intestines with water with the addition of antiseptics.

How to treat chlamydia in men? Today, the answer contains a lot of details and nuances, but do not forget - all drugs, dosages, the sequence of administration and the duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor, after passing necessary analyzes and correct interpretation of the results. The information is given to familiarize and understand what kind of problem an untreated venereal infection can become.

Some reliable facts about chlamydia

  • Firstly, they can simultaneously damage both the internal and external genitalia;
  • Secondly, they penetrate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in the body;
  • Thirdly, they can affect joints and teeth;
  • Fourthly, they damage vision and hearing, as well as blood vessels and the heart muscle.

All these pathologies are caused by subtle chlamydia, which was identified as a separate group and genus quite recently. The reproductive system is most often infected; you can get infected in different ways:

  • On genital contact;
  • During oral sex;
  • During anal intercourse;
  • When using intimate hygiene products with an infected person.

But there is one caveat - chlamydia very quickly develops immunity to drugs, and therefore the course of treatment is always individual and prescribed by a doctor.

Basic treatment regimen

Treatment of chlamydia in men takes place in three stages:

  • Preparing the immune system for medications;
  • Destruction of chlamydia;
  • Restoration of microflora.

Be sure to use antibiotics for chlamydia, as well as immunomodulators in symbiosis with local antifungal and antimicrobial drugs. It is better to learn how to treat chlamydia in men from specialists who prescribe individual dosages and, based on laboratory tests, determine the most effective medicine for chlamydia. General recommendations for the duration of treatment (usually a two-week course):

  • Do not have sexual intercourse, or protect yourself with a condom;
  • It is advisable to undergo treatment together with a regular sexual partner, or to warn about chlamydial infection of a casual sexual partner;
  • You can not drink alcohol;
  • It is advisable to reduce the consumption of dairy products or completely abandon them.

Tablets for chlamydia, and specifically antibiotics, are divided into three main groups:

  1. Macrolides are new generation antibiotics;
  2. Fluoroquinolones are outdated antibiotics, to some of them, chlamydia has developed immunity;
  3. Broad-spectrum antibiotic (now they are also available in injection form).

Having found out how to treat chlamydia in the male population, let's move on to the list of commonly prescribed drugs. Let's give brief description the effectiveness of each, but we recall that only the doctor determines the dosage and the name of the drug.

Clinical picture


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Medical practice: more than 30 years.

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How to treat chlamydia in adult men

The list of drugs is quite large, each of them performs its function and helps to achieve quick results in the treatment of chlamydia.

Azithromycin for chlamydia

These tablets for chlamydia are taken once, and are effective macroliths. Best result they will give at the beginning of the disease, the drug accumulates in the affected cells, killing chlamydia. True, it does not combine well with other drugs, the intake of which is necessary to restore the microflora. Azithromycin for chlamydia is prescribed with caution if:

  • The functioning of the kidneys and liver is impaired;
  • There is an allergic reaction to macrolides.

Azithromycin tablets for chlamydia can be given with antimicrobials and probiotics.


It is from the group of tetracycline antibiotics. Penetrating into the microorganism, in this case chlamydia, the drug inhibits its development, but does not affect the fungal or viral infection that usually accompanies chlamydia. Therefore, doxycycline in chlamydia is always prescribed in combination with other antibiotics (for example, with the same azithromycin). Dosage form– capsules or powder for intravenous injection.


Chlamydia often develops into other concomitant infections, such as and. Medicine quickly absorbed into the blood and accumulates in it. The concentration required to kill Trichomonas is achieved quickly.



This is both a new generation antifungal and antimicrobial agent, to which chlamydia has not developed immunity. The tablets are only suitable for women, since they do not need to be drunk, but should be slightly soaked with water and inserted into the vagina. The instructions for the drug do not indicate its healing ability to destroy chlamydia. But it destroys concomitant infections quite quickly. Terzhinan is a multicomponent drug:

  1. Ternidazole in its composition fights gardnerella;
  2. Neomycin sulfate – fights pyogenic bacteria;
  3. Prednisolone is a corticosteroid antiseptic;
  4. Additional components maintain balance within the reproductive system.


This drug is prescribed for the complex treatment of urogenital infections that develop against the background of chlamydial infection. The third generation of ceftriaxone simply destroys the protein compounds inside chlamydia and completely destroys this infectious agent. There are no side effects or they are insignificant, and the course of administration is usually no more than 7 days.


Broad-spectrum macrolide. In addition to chlamydia, it destroys both mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Taking it eliminates the complication of infertility. Quickly concentrating in the affected cells, it suppresses the vital activity of chlamydia and gives an almost 97 percent positive result in healing.


The drug in the form of injections or tablets belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. Produces a bactericidal effect and is the most effective of its group.


An immunobiological drug developed in Russia. Dosage form - suppositories that can be inserted into the vagina or rectum (in men). Kipferon is characterized by:

  1. Immunomodulatory effect;
  2. Antichlamydial effect;
  3. Antimicrobial and antiviral mode of action;
  4. Anti-inflammatory work.

The same commonly prescribed fluoroquinolone is ofloxocin, with all the highly effective antibacterial properties.

Chlamydia can become infected by a child from a sick mother, when passing through the birth canal. The probability of contracting chlamydia in baths or saunas is low, but women, due to the structural features of the body, need to be extremely careful.

Symptoms of chlamydia appear differently for women and men. The disease in women is veiled, but minimal symptoms still exist. In women, vaginal discharge becomes yellowish and bad smell. Burning and itching may occur, accompanied by mild pain.

Pain may be observed when urinating and in the pubic area. During the intermenstrual period, blood discharge from the vagina is possible. In general, the woman experiences a general malaise, similar to intoxication of the body. The temperature may rise to 37 ºC. A gynecological examination reveals cervical erosion.

Male symptoms

They appear this way. Men experience a burning sensation when urinating. The inflammatory process can last up to several months. Minor discharge may appear from the urethra, causing discomfort.

Pain occurs in the scrotum and lower back. The temperature may rise to 37 ºC and performance may decrease. The color of the urine changes to cloudy, with the appearance of purulent impurities. In some cases, bloody discharge may appear after ejaculation or urination.

To clarify the diagnosis, they take scrapings rather than secretions for analysis: in men from the urethra, and in women from the cervix. The main tests confirming the disease are ELISA and bacterial culture.

Classification of drugs

In the 90s. This disease had to be treated for a very long time, over several months. Various antibiotics and topical antimicrobial agents were used. A similar course of treatment had a number of side effects and did not always completely get rid of the infection.

Since 2000, the situation has changed radically. This is due to the emergence of a new generation of antibiotics that do not harm health. Modern tablets chlamydia relieves the body of infection within 3 weeks. The treatment has become much more effective.

Macrolides and tetracyclines

The choice of drug depends on the patient’s individual tolerance and severity of the disease. However, macrolides still remain the highest priority in the fight against chlamydia. According to international standards, the antibiotic Azithromycin (trade name Sumamed or Azitrox) was chosen for the treatment of chlamydia. This drug penetrates cells perfectly, which is why it is more preferable for treatment of this disease. Since it does not harm the body, it is also prescribed to pregnant women. The treatment regimen consists of a single dose of the drug.

Macrolides also include:

The selection of antibiotics is carried out only by the attending physician. If complex treatment is selected, then Roxithromycin (trade name Rulid) along with tetracyclines is prescribed from macrolides.

The antibiotic Doxycycline (a medicine with the trade name) is prescribed from the tetracycline series. Taking this drug lasts 1 week. The doctor may prescribe a combination treatment of Rulid with Unidox Solutab, or sequential treatment (first one antibiotic is taken, and then another).


If the patient cannot tolerate tetracycline antibiotics and their use becomes impossible, then fluoroquinolones can be used in complex treatment. Since their permeability into the cell is minimal, they are combined with macrolides.

The dosage and combination of drugs is selected by the attending physician.

To be effective, the treatment regimen for chlamydia includes antifungal drugs and immunomodulators. Fluconazole, Diflucan or Nystatin can be used as an antifungal agent, and Cycloferon can be used to support the immune system. Intramuscular injections of Cycloferon promote the production of interferon, which increases antiviral activity and reduces inflammation.

Typically, the first injection of Cycloferon is started 2-3 days before the start of a course of antibiotics. Stimulation of immunity is carried out for 3 weeks. For the first 10 days, the drug is administered every 2 days, and in the next 10 days - once every 3 days.

Antifungal drugs are taken simultaneously with antibiotics, and the last tablet should be taken after completing the full course of treatment.

Auxiliary medications

When treating chlamydial infections in women, auxiliary drugs are used in the form of antibacterials and ointments. For 2 weeks, Betadine suppositories are inserted into the vagina at night, and tampons from Tetracycline ointment (14 days) and Erythromycin ointment (the next 14 days) are placed in the morning and evening.

Features of treatment:

  1. Both partners must undergo treatment to completely get rid of the infection.
  2. During the period of therapy, it is impossible to live a sexual life.
  3. It is forbidden to take any alcoholic beverages.
  4. It is necessary to limit or eliminate the use of dairy products.
  5. The course of treatment cannot be interrupted and it is advisable to use 2 antibiotics. The fact is that chlamydia develops from 48 to 72 hours, and in order to completely eliminate the infection, it is necessary to block all cycles of their development.

Why are antifungals used in the treatment of chlamydia?

With a decrease in immunity and against the background of the development infectious disease A fungal infection almost always develops, so antifungal agents are prescribed.

Complications in men:

  1. Potency problems.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Constant pain in the pelvis.
  4. Arthritis of the joints.

Complications in women:

Compliance with the rules for the antibiotic regimen

Since this disease is treated with antibiotics, you should remember the features of their administration.

Rules for taking antibiotics:

Along with antibiotics, you need to take probiotics, since along with pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics destroy beneficial ones. For example, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can drink a course of Linex, Primadophilus, Bifiform, Narine, etc.

You should follow a special diet, which involves the rejection of fatty, smoked, spicy foods and alcohol. Antibiotics greatly overload the work of the liver, so the additional load in the form of heavy food should be excluded. To support the liver, it is useful to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Chlamydia is included in the list of diseases that are sexually transmitted. The causative agent of the infection is chlamydia. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult due to hidden symptoms, as well as the fact that other microorganisms (gonococci, Trichomonas, herpes virus, etc.) are often found in the diagnosis along with chlamydia.

Treatment of chlamydia in men follows standard regimens. However, this process is often difficult due to mild symptoms. The disease can camouflage itself for a long time without showing itself. An infection that occurs unnoticed weakens the body from the inside. By the time the clinical picture becomes apparent, the disease is diagnosed as advanced.

Because of these features, the fight against chlamydia takes a fair amount of time. Often the actions of the doctor have to be adjusted several times, focusing on the reaction of the pathogen.

Chlamydia can be contracted through unprotected intercourse. Also known is the household route of infection and the transmission of infection to the child from the mother.

The symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain when urinating (both pulling and sharp);
  • discharge from the urethra with a pungent odor (clear, rarely yellow);
  • itching at the base of the head of the penis;
  • swelling of the testicles;
  • opaque urine with impurities of pus.

Can chlamydia be cured on its own?

It is impossible to get rid of an infection caused by chlamydia on your own. The intervention of a person ignorant of medicine leads to many complications, since chlamydia in men cannot be cured with a single or short course of antibiotics. The reason is the principles of the structure and functioning of the microorganism and the fact that not all antibiotics are effective for therapy. Chlamydia is practically insensitive to sulfonamides, cephalosporins and penicillins.

Even if the drug is chosen correctly, incorrect regimens (reduction of the course, parallel use of tablets that reduce the effect of active substances, etc.) lead to the development of a chronic infection. Within 7-10 days of using an antibiotic, microorganisms develop immunity against it. And then it becomes more difficult to select new groups of drugs to which sensitivity has not yet been lost. That is why only a doctor has the right to prescribe medicines.

Laboratory diagnosis of chlamydia

Several laboratory tests have proven themselves well in diagnosing the disease. The materials for analysis are urine, blood and semen. Often, only a complete study allows one to identify the pathogen and prescribe appropriate treatment for chlamydia in men.

The most reliable diagnostic methods today include:

  • PCR - has the highest sensitivity and reliability. The study requires little material, the results can be assessed in just a couple of days. The technique allows you to determine with up to 98% probability whether there is chlamydia in the body.
  • ELISA - detection of antibody titers (IgG, IgM) against chlamydia in the blood. The analysis allows you to detect bacteria and find out at what stage the disease is.
  • Culture of scrapings is less effective than the two previous methods and is used as an auxiliary technique.

The scheme of treatment of chlamydia in men

With an active inflammatory process, a whole range of drugs is needed. In this case, medications are selected individually, based on the clinical symptoms of the disease, the patient’s immune status and test results.

Treatment regimens for chlamydia in men and women are basically identical and include:

  • Antibacterial therapy (broad-spectrum drugs are taken orally and administered intramuscularly; local medicines produced in the form of ointments and sprays.).
  • Increased immune status - a patient's recovery can be accelerated if his body is able to fight infection. Immunomodulators and multivitamins help accumulate protective forces. With their help, you can prevent the disease from entering the chronic stage, and if this has already happened, reduce the number of relapses.
  • Recovery. An effective treatment regimen for chlamydia in men includes probiotics and hepatoprotectors. The purpose of their use is to restore the natural intestinal microflora and activate liver functions. In parallel, during the recovery period, doctors prescribe courses of physical therapy. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants help well.

Antibiotics for chlamydia

On this moment more effective means, which can treat chlamydia in the acute and chronic stages in men than antibiotics, has not been invented. Most often, doctors prescribe two different types of antimicrobial drugs to patients at once.

The duration of the course and other features of therapy are determined based on the diagnostic results and the dynamics of the inflammatory process. It is especially important to take into account, when making a prescription, the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics. In this case, it is advisable to compare the results of cultural inoculation with the antibiogram.

  • Tetracyclines are the main drugs used to combat chlamydia. They are highly active against bacteria that cause infections of the urogenital tract.
  • Macrolides are used on a par with tetracyclines, are well tolerated and are used in small dosages.
  • Fluoroquinolones show a pronounced effect against chlamydia. Most often they are prescribed for mixed forms of complicated gonorrheal-chlamydial infections. The disadvantage of fluoroquinolone antibiotics is the high percentage of relapses upon completion of the course.

Duration of treatment for chlamydia

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of how and how long chlamydia is treated. In each case, treatment procedures require different time. For some, it will take 14 days to recover. In other cases, if the disease has become protracted, up to several months (including the recovery period).

The timing of treatment for chlamydia in men is determined taking into account all additional procedures (including taking probiotics, immunomodulators and vitamins).

Upon completion of the course, the patient must undergo a cure test. If chlamydia is not detected within a month after the end of all treatment measures, the patient is considered to have recovered.


Folk remedies can only be used as another link to complete the course of treatment for chlamydia in men. They become indispensable at the stage of the disease’s transition to a chronic form, when the body’s strength is already seriously weakened and it is necessary to fight not only the infection, but also its consequences. Folk remedies help restore health and enhance the effect of prescribed medications.

In drug regimens traditional medicine hogweed, yarrow, garlic, licorice root, hawthorn, chamomile, and string are mentioned. Infusions based on these medicinal herbs reduce inflammation, increase the outflow of urine and prostate secretion.

Consequences of chlamydia

Chlamydia primarily affects the urethra, causing the development of urethritis. If the disease is not noticed in time, the inflammatory process spreads to the epididymis, prostate and testes. Complications lead to the development of prostatitis, pyelonephritis, vesiculitis, etc. If not carried out effective treatment chlamydia in men, there is a risk of getting kidney inflammation.

Among the complications is Reiter's disease, which affects several body systems and simultaneously leads to conjunctivitis, arthritis and urethritis. Also, advanced infection can lead to damage to the structure of the urethra, scarring on the surface of its walls and narrowing of the urethra. The complication can only be treated surgically.

Prevention of chlamydia

The risk of infection can be reduced by:

  • restrained sexual behavior;
  • engaging in sexual activity with one partner;
  • use of barrier contraceptives;
  • regular examinations by a doctor and testing for opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria.

To summarize: the basis of any treatment is based on the use of antibacterial drugs. At the same time, immunomodulators, multivitamins, and local remedies are prescribed. Laboratory tests are used to prescribe medications and monitor cure rates. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Don't self-medicate!