Mixer      09/10/2021

A girl with red hair and blue eyes. What hair color suits pale skin and blue eyes? What makeup suits blue-eyed girls

The owners of blue eyes are charming. But to further emphasize their beauty, stylists recommend choosing the right hair color for blue eyes. Considering the skin tone and the natural color of the curls, as well as the special shade of the iris, due to correct staining you can make the image as harmonious as possible, feminine or extravagant. Reveal the divine beauty of blue eyes, emphasizing it with the correct color of the hair.

Color Features

Heavenly eyes are charming. They intrigue, fascinate and attract the views of men. A feature of the blue iris is that its color can change depending on the environment.

Many girls believe that different shades of blond will suit blue-eyed beauties. Although this is far from true. Actresses such as Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie and Liv Tylor prove otherwise. The light skin color of Hollywood beauties comes into contrast with the dark color of curls, as if highlighting the iris. The eyes of these women are deep and penetrating. And what can we say about men - a guy with blue eyes and black hair looks super sexy and attractive. The next photo shows how dark hair suits blue-eyed beauties and modern machos.

It is advisable for light-eyed girls to choose a coloring pigment that echoes their natural color of curls. The ideal option coloring will be highlighting or painting in two tones. Due to these techniques, the hair gets additional volume, and you - a face rejuvenated for several years.

Remember it is modern staining techniques that are a sign that you are keeping up with the times.

Hair color depending on the shade of the eyes

Correctly selected color of the hair color contributes to focusing on the eyes, as well as shifting the focus to the face in order to improve the appearance. Therefore, the depth and brilliance of the eyes, the concentration of the attention of others on the skin or, conversely, on the curls, as well as masking the irregular oval of the face, will depend on your choice.

For gray-blue

Gray-blue eyes delight their owners with an unusual pigment. In daylight, they acquire a pronounced blue tint, and by evening they turn into grey colour. This color of the iris of the eye belongs to the "chameleons", because when you change the color of the wardrobe, the pigment itself changes. If you wear light colors, your eyes will radiate blue, and if you wear dark clothes, they will fade.

Owners of gray-blue eyes, as a rule, are naturally brown-haired or light-blond beauties. Therefore, dyeing in these color options to give your everyday look more depth will not spoil your appearance at all.

  • light blond;
  • light pearl;
  • arctic blond;
  • linen;

Hairdressing experts unanimously declare that it is required to refrain from using red or chestnut-colored curls for light gray eyes. Although it is quite possible to experiment by trying light caramel or milk chocolate.

Take a close look at your pupil: if blue color predominates in it, feel free to opt for dark colors - dark chocolate, eggplant, rich black, which are so relevant this season.

To create a harmonious image, it is important to do makeup correctly. You can even Everyday life bring the lower and upper eyelids with a dark gray or black pencil, without fear of looking vulgar. So you only emphasize the depth of your beautiful eyes. In terms of shadows, green, copper, ocher, hot pink and turquoise colors, preferably with mother-of-pearl.

For blue

Saturated Blue colour mostly dominated by Europeans. Oddly enough, almost any shade is suitable for this color: fiery red, and light blond, and natural blond and burning brunette. Even the most inexpressive color of curls is advantageously combined with blue.

The only thing to pay attention to is your skin tone and your inner mood. For radiant women who radiate warmth and affection, it is definitely advisable to paint curls in fresh golden tones. And real snow queens should be given preference to ash, gray and platinum shades.

For light blue

In this case, you need to be guided by the tone of your skin. If it belongs to the "cold" type, choose the colors of the ash group:

  • mocha;
  • graphite.

Coloring the hair in chestnut will also look advantageous, but red undertones should not be present in it. This option will be able to bring contrast to the appearance, because the blueness of the eyes with a dark pupil and the same hair color is perfectly shaded by fair skin.

Do you want your eyes to reflect nature and blue sky, then give preference to platinum or ash. The ideal option is coloring in a natural brown-haired woman with ashy notes.

Owners of a warm skin tone are preferable to choose the same color shades. Suitable gold, honey, wheat, beige and even dark red. If you want to try something extravagant, color your curls in rich hibiscus, emerald, strawberry or pastel blue.

The trend of this season is coloring in such unusual colors as mint, blue, pink. To achieve a spectacular look, owners of dark and blond hair must first lighten the curls, and then apply a color corrector.

Hair color depending on the color appearance

To correctly choose the color of the hair color, determine which color type you belong to. Autumn and Spring belong to warm options appearance, so any fresh shades with gold will suit them, but girls like Summer and Winter are Nordic beauties, so they need to pick up faded colors.

Council of stylists. At home at the mirror, bare your shoulders and try on first silver and then gold jewelry. If gold suits you more, then you most likely belong to the “warm” color type. Silver jewelry refreshes you, then “cold” color pigments will suit you the most.

Winter Woman

The winter woman has naturally dark hair that does not have a golden tint. Their skin is light or dark with pink or pale blue overflow. The eyes of the beauties are mostly brown, but sometimes there are also blue ones. The contrast is created by combining a pale face and dark hair.

  • vanilla;
  • wet asphalt;
  • cognac;
  • black beech;
  • black Tulip;
  • blue-black;
  • nutmeg.

For those who want to shock and stand out from the crowd you can try to dye your hair in blue, blue, turquoise and purple. Red and red shades should be avoided. Pastel strands (1-2 all over the hair) look very fresh and unusual on dark curls - they give the image a touch of mystery, reminding you that you are a femme fatale.

Spring Woman

The spring girl has light blond or blond curls with golden plating. The skin of this color type is golden, cream or olive. Small freckles may be present.

The appearance of spring beauties is the most capricious, since the selection of colors with a slight deviation from the base tone can ruin the beauty of the face. Best for blue eyes:

  • golden blond or brown;
  • golden walnut;
  • cinnamon;

Ivory, pearl, ash, purple and other "cold" shades will visually make the skin color duller, and add a few years to your age.

It would seem that there is practically no difference between the Spring and Summer color types. In fact, it is present: Summer is considered a cold color type, and Spring is warm.

Summer Woman

Most blue-eyed beauties belong to this color type. The curls of the "summer" girls have a light blond or blond color, in which ash undertones predominate. Their skin is porcelain or with a somewhat pinkish sheen, and their eyes are heavenly, icy or blue with gray patches. As a rule, in the appearance of such beauties, the contrast is barely noticeable, but if you use dark color hair, then you can artificially create it.

For a woman-Summer will suit:

  • wet asphalt;
  • mocha;
  • creamy blond;

No need to choose too light colors, because the pale skin in symbiosis with white or gray curls will deprive you of zest, make your appearance faded. Women with this color type are very bright red shades - cinnamon, copper, orange and some others. They help to refresh the image, make it positive and dynamic. But the shade of mahogany and rust is categorically contraindicated.

It is recommended to choose ombre hairstyles. They will help create a play on the contrast between natural curls at the roots and the selected color at the tips. When staining in ashy color, it is desirable to do highlighting. It is this version of the hairstyle that will focus on your beautiful eyes.

Advice. Very dark colors should not be dyed. If you choose black or chocolate, you will make fair skin gray and look a couple of years older. Although it is quite possible for very young girls to experiment.

Coloring in pale colors is contraindicated. For example, an ash blonde will bring an imbalance into the image, making the face dull and devoid of beautiful natural shimmer.

General principles

When choosing a pigment coloring composition, be guided by the following parameters:

  • color should not age you;
  • base your choice on skin color (try not to look pale);
  • it is best to vary the tones of the dye within your natural pigment, because this way you will be sure of the harmony of the new image;
  • try to make the dye highlight the color of your eyes;
  • consider the length of the curls - the shorter the hair, the richer the coloring pigment should be;
  • the color of the hair should correspond to the style, character and image;
  • consider age - only young beauties are not forbidden to experiment with any color.

Important point! Many girls, in order to determine their color type, cannot determine whether they have light or dark skin. Indeed, in summer, the skin of the face lends itself to tanning, and in winter it becomes white. There is one simple way to determine whether your dermis belongs to the "warm" or "cold" color type - take a look at the veins of the wrist in the sun. If they have a greenish tint, then you are a warm beauty, the presence of blue indicates that you have a "cold" skin.

Among the factors that influence a stylist's choice of color may also be the configuration of your face. For example, girls with a round face should paint their curls in a dark color or stretch the shape using highlighting or coloring. In the presence of problematic skin (redness, wrinkles, acne), platinum and hibiscus are taboo. If you want to emphasize freckles, then gold and red are your color.

Taking into account the peculiarities of our climate in summertime the skin tans and becomes pale in winter. Stylists advise blue-eyed beauties to paint curls in warm colors in spring, and in winter to give preference to cold tones. If you do not want to spoil your curls much, use a tinting agent - shampoo, mousse, tonic.

Thus, when coloring the hair of the owners of heavenly eyes, it is best to be guided by color, that is, choose a shade depending on the color of the skin, hair and the saturation of the pigment itself.

For owners of fair skin, experts in the beauty industry recommend choosing either ashy and platinum colors, or rich dark ones. But for girls with olive, bronze and peach skin, it is best to dye them in “warm” shades - honey, wheat, caramel, copper, creamy blond, etc.

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How to choose a hair color that will make you look younger.

How to choose hair color. Stylist tips.

What is the best hair color for blue eyes? This question interests the owners of a light iris. After all, the image as a whole sometimes depends on ideal combinations. But not only the shade of the eyes plays a role in the choice suitable color hair. This is the type of face, and appearance, and even character. It seems to many that blond is ideal for blue-eyed people. That's right, but try to abandon this stereotype.

Features of blue eyes

This color is typical for residents of the northern regions of our country. As a rule, if a girl has blue eyes, then her hair is blond. The peculiarity of this color of the iris is that it changes depending on the mood and external factors. Some believe that blue-eyed people are characterized by impulsive behavior.

But among others, they stand out for their logical thinking, the ability to find solutions in the most complex and confusing situations. Blue-eyed people are creative people. They are intellectually developed, always find ways to develop themselves. By nature, they are calm and sincere, but if something annoys them, they can crush everything in their path. Personality is also worth considering when choosing your hair color. Any details play a role in creating the image: the shade of the eyes, the clothes, the accessories, and the hairstyle.

Color type - what is it

Hair color suitable for blue eyes should be chosen based on your color type. What it is? It means the color of appearance. It is determined by the totality of external data: the color of the eyes, natural hair, eyebrows, skin, lips. A woman develops a harmonious image only when she knows what shades of curls and clothes suit her. Looking for the perfect makeover? Then it is important to know your color type.

Cold color types include "Summer" and "Winter", and warm "Spring" and "Autumn". "Spring" girls and women have thin and transparent light skin, natural hair color is light blond, warm shades predominate. The eyes are light blue, light green, gray, pale brown.

"Summer" girls - the owners of skin that quickly tans in the sun, acquiring a bronze hue. The hair is light blond, cold eyes predominate; it can be gray, gray-blue, gray-green, brown, dark brown. Lips are pale pink.

In the "autumn" girls, the skin has a golden undertone, the hair is red, copper, the eyes are amber, hazel. "Winter" representatives have a bright, contrasting appearance. Hair color is dark, cold (dark chestnut, black), porcelain skin, very light, eyes - blue, brown, green.

How to choose hair color

For blue eyes, not only blond is ideal, but also contrasting shades of strands. Before choosing a hair color, decide on the shade of the eyes. There are gray-blue, pale blue and deep. Skin tones can be warm or cool. The color of the strands is selected based on these characteristics. So, curls with peach, golden, red tints are referred to the warm type. The light shade of hair without redness and black belongs to the cold type.

When you choose hair dye, remember that the main criteria are not only eye color, but also the shape of the face, the presence or absence of skin problems. So, coloring, highlighting, dark colors are suitable for chubby. All this visually stretches the face, making it proportionately harmonious. An oval face does not need to be corrected. If you have problem skin, pronounced redness, do not choose shades of platinum, black and red. Would you like to emphasize freckles on your face? Then give preference to paints.

When choosing paint, pay attention to the shade of blue eyes. If the color is light blue, then you should not repaint in bright and defiant, dark colors. A good option- light blond color with an ashy tint. It makes sense to experiment with an ash blonde. Grey-blue eye color is a chameleon. It changes depending on the lighting, makeup, clothing color. Ashy color, light shades and muted red are perfect for such girls.

Is your skin tanned in the sun? Then give preference to caramel and red hair color. If white, then ash blond and pearly blond shades will do. Do you want to radically change your hair color? Use tinted shampoos. They give the curls a different shade, but are washed off easily. Highlighting is ideal for blue-eyed beauties. This method emphasizes the beauty of the eyes, gives the hair volume and saturation. It is better for light-eyed women to choose paint that resonates with natural color hair.

Blue eyes and fair skin

What hair color goes with blue eyes? The combination of fair skin and eyes is rare. But this is just the perfect duet when you can choose any hair color. If a woman has naturally blond hair, then warm chestnut and honey shades will ideally combine with her skin and eye color. Ash, blond, light ash, wheaten, dark, including black shades of hair are suitable for owners of blue eyes and fair skin.

Olive skin

What hair color suits blue eyes? For girls who have this eye color and olive-colored skin, a cold palette is ideal. If you are naturally blonde, opt for beige and ashy hair dye. Suitable and sand shades, as well as black. If the skin is matte olive, then the golden color of the curls will look perfect, but monophonic.

dark skin

What hair color for blue eyes and dark skin fit better Total? Exquisitely looks with dark skin color and light eyes copper, black, chocolate brown. Owners of dark skin and short haircuts are advised by stylists to dye their hair in White color. This will emphasize their courage, unique style, perseverance in achieving the goal.

Dark hair and blue eyes

If you have fair skin and blue eyes, what hair color would suit? In this case, you can play on the contrast. Try dyeing your hair dark (dark blond, dark brown, black). A striking example is Megan Fox, who has naturally blue eyes and fair skin. See how it looks to win. In addition, do not stray far from the natural shade of hair that nature has given you. Brunettes with gray-blue eyes will suit shades of chestnut and coffee.


This is perhaps the most effective and natural combination. Light hair color for blue eyes - what could be better? Indeed, natural blondes are outwardly fragile and sunny. As a rule, this combination emphasizes the Slavic type of appearance. Many people think that hair color determines the character and abilities of a woman, but this, of course, is not true. Therefore, if you naturally got a straw hair color, do not rush to change it, although you can experiment with shades of blond.

Red hair

Not always naturally red-haired girls decide to change their sunny hair color. Red has a lot of shades. Some can be saturated and bright, others muted. Red color contrasts beautifully with porcelain skin. For example, fair-skinned brunettes with blue eyes are ideally suited for copper-brown shades. Fragile, feminine and sexy are women who decide to dye their hair red. This color goes very well with blue-eyed people, as well as with green-eyed ones.


What hair color is ideal for skin and blue eyes? Almost a win-win option is light brown. Often this hair color is found at fashion shows, it is natural, therefore it decorates and refreshes many. A great combination is obtained if the owner of blue eyes has olive skin. The woman looks mysterious, endowed with a certain attractive force. However, when buying light brown paint, make sure that there is no yellow undertone in the shade. Otherwise, the hair will look lifeless.

colored strands

In fact, there is a large selection of hair colors for blue eyes. For creative girls and creative people, stylists recommend paying attention to colored strands. It's blue, green, purple. But you need to paint in such shades only from a professional. Fair-haired girls with blue eyes will suit and pink color. A bright pink shade requires pre-lightening the strands. The trend of the season is blue curls.

If you have blue eyes and fair skin, which hair color should you choose? Focus on the natural shade of curls. For blue-eyed women, fortunately, there are practically no restrictions regarding hair color. Each contains shades that are ideal for owners of a light iris.

  1. The skin is swarthy. Ash brown curls, golden blond, dark chocolate, cinnamon, milk, blue-black, chestnut.
  2. Skin with a yellow tint. Light brown paint and honey-blond.
  3. Pale. Dark blond hair color, ash blond, caramel, gray.
  4. Light. Red, wheat shade, blond, blond, light blond, black, dark chocolate.

If the skin is too light, almost white, then white hair color will do. It also has several variations. These include ash white, ash, linen, classic blond, golden white, a shade of platinum. Decided to dye your hair blonde? Experts advise doing this in the cabin, and not on your own. In this case, the length of the hair, their structure and volume are taken into account.

Soft blond strands are the easiest to lighten, but dark and bright red ones turn into a blond much more difficult. The master performs several lightening procedures using strong substances. The breaks between staining are from two to three weeks. If you decide to dye your hair blonde at home, there are high chances of yellowness. The blond will not look noble, and you run the risk of damaging your hair.

Blondes, brown-haired, brunettes - people with fiery red hair, milky-white skin and freckles stand out sharply against this background. At all times, such a bright and unusual appearance caused a lot of curiosity and doubt. But only one thing is clear: red-haired people are unique and carry a solar charge, a special temperament and disposition.


Before talking about features and talents, it is necessary to understand where red-haired people came from. There are two versions of their origin. The first is due to a historical factor and suggests that people with red hair are descendants of Neanderthals. Their gene is several tens of thousands of years older than the “homo sapiens” gene, that is, modern humanity. According to scientists at Oxford University, the hypothetical ancestors of the redheads were dexterous and cruel hunters, stockier and stronger than "a reasonable person." Over time, both subspecies intermingled, but retained information about the unusual appearance (hair pigmentation) and "explosive" and rebellious disposition. Traces of Neanderthals have been found in Western Europe, just where today you can find red-haired Irish, Scots and Gauls (Germans).

The second version of the origin is ufological. She assumes that these unique creations flew to Earth from a parallel world or another star system. As evidence for this hypothesis, a number of historical cases are cited. These include medieval records of interrogations of sorcerers and witches. All of them, according to the description, had red hair and possessed supernatural abilities (they predicted the future, treated people from complex ailments, influenced the weather and communicated with other worlds). And today this trend has not yet outlived its usefulness. Many fire-haired are credited with extraordinary talents and abilities. For example, there is an opinion that red-haired nurses and doctors patients recover faster.

Another proof of the UFO hypothesis is the sensitivity of red-haired people to solar radiation. Researchers from Newcastle University in the UK found that two types of melanin are secreted in the skin of an ordinary person when exposed to ultraviolet radiation to protect themselves. In red-haired people, this process occurs partially, so they hardly tan, are more prone to sunburn and skin cancer.

Types of redheads

Red-haired people, the features of their appearance at all times worried those around them, giving rise to an incredible amount of controversy, legends and prejudices. However, not all redheads are the same. Unlike the "stamped" blondes with light eyes and brown-haired with brown, they are divided into several types.

  • The classic (or common) type is a combination of red hair with green eyes and freckles. As a rule, such natures are rather eccentric, gentle and vulnerable. They do not immediately get close to new acquaintances, but if friendship nevertheless began, then it will last forever. Because the classic "saffron milk caps" are very loyal and stable.
  • A rarer combination of fiery hair with brown eyes and swarthy skin. Usually passionate, a little cunning people have such a set. They love to dominate and be the center of attention. They know their worth and are always ready to favorably present their talents and dignity to others. Become soft and obedient from praise.
  • The ideal of beauty among redheads is people with fiery hair and rich blue eyes. Such "lights" are very capricious and sentimental. If something cannot be obtained with tears and complaints, they will find another way, but they will achieve their goal. Red-haired people with blue eyes are not vengeful, they quickly cool down after quarrels, but they remember insults for a long time. This is a very complex cocktail of contradictions, desires and excitement.

Character features

Many psychologists draw a relationship between hair color and the characteristics of his temperament. Despite the external differences that red-haired people possess, their characteristic is conditionally reduced to general parameters.


Red-haired people are very sensitive to all sorts of external stimuli. Their soul resembles a tense nerve, which is always ready to suffer, to suffer from pain. And even if outwardly they smile and dance, hurricanes rage inside them. Hot temperament often pushes fiery owners on dangerous adventures and makes them vulnerable to allergies and nervous diseases. But otherwise the life of the "saffron mushrooms" will become insipid and mundane, which will certainly cause depression. Such extremes are the norm of life for almost every red-haired person.


Ever since childhood, "saffron mushrooms" have been hyperactive. As a rule, sunny kids are restless, overly curious and mysterious. Their mood can change quickly, and it is very difficult to guess what to expect in the next minute from such a child: a smile or another whim.

Growing up, they seem to be immersed in their unreal world, they like to play alone and imagine themselves as heroes of their own invented stories. Over time, this quality can develop into a musical or literary talent. Red-haired children, if you do not miss the moment, almost always show unusual abilities early that need to be developed.


Red-haired men always stand out against the background of brutal brunettes and cute blondes. They are bright, charismatic and individual, which gives them great confidence and determination. Psychologists note that their non-standard perky appearance helps them win over others, causing more curiosity. They are prone to creativity, selfishness is alien to them. A great sense of humor and sexiness are the perfect complement to such a perfect cocktail.

In addition, it has been historically proven that they are very courageous and courageous. A vivid example of these qualities are desperate Vikings and Celtic warriors.

The disadvantages include inconstancy in the love of "fiery" men. Sexologists claim that they inherited this quality from distant Neanderthal ancestors. At the biological level, they are trying to make up for the "deficit" of redheads on the planet, and therefore often walk to the left.


Psychologists have recently discovered a relationship between male character and beard color. So, men with have a calm and friendly character. The golden color speaks of some prudence and secrecy of the owner.

The grooming of the beard matters. A clearly edged and "combed" beard speaks of a neat, reasonable and attentive character. Red, sloppy facial hair usually characterizes a creative man or a hard worker.

And finally, the so-called skipper's beard is inherent in creative and self-confident people. The Spanish type is chosen by red-haired people with a stubborn and fickle disposition. In addition, they tend to be adventurous. People with a red beard and sideburns, on the contrary, are a sign of reliability and constancy.


If the cartoon song "Red-red, freckled" is usually addressed to "sunny" men, then women with fiery hair are called red furies. And this is not surprising! As a rule, these natures are very emotional, exalted, proud and independent. They have a complex and stubborn nature, but at the same time they are very energetic, optimistic and sexy. Red-haired girls are always in the spotlight, they are able to seduce any man and settle in his heart for a long time.

Red-haired women are often impetuous and too straightforward, they do not recognize compromises and danger. For which they often find themselves in unpleasant situations. But their perseverance and flexible, cunning mind help to get out of them with dignity.

Psychologists distinguish two types of red-haired women: sophisticated, prone to creativity (poetry and music) and strong women with a masculine character. The first type includes classic red-haired ladies with pale skin, light eyes and freckles. They are dreamy and fickle in their decisions, prone to solitude. The second type is more determined and tends to have darker skin and darker eyes. Both types do not strive for a quiet, family haven. Rather, on the contrary, career and self-realization are always in the foreground.

famous redheads

External originality always carries extraordinary qualities, talents, abilities. From ancient times to the present, history has many famous people with a "sunny appearance". These include people of art (Leonardo da Vinci, Vivaldi, Van Gogh), scientists (Galileo Galilei), rulers (Emperor Nero, William the Conqueror, George Washington), etc. All of them left a bright mark and confirmed their supernatural originality.

Famous red-haired people of our time are also seen in Hollywood cinema (Mila Jovovich, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Juliana Moore). On the Russian stage, this is the Brothers Grim group, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov. All these red-haired celebrities are united by creativity, independent disposition and huge charisma.

  • Redheads make up only 2% of the world. This is about 20 thousand people. Of course, this number includes people born with red hair, and not subjected to chemical coloring of their hair.
  • A larger percentage of redheads live in Scotland and Ireland. In Russia the largest number they are concentrated in the Udmurt Republic.
  • Red-haired girls, because of their complex and unbridled nature, are often called vampires. Perhaps these are echoes of medieval prejudices.
  • In the same connection, two phenomena arose in psychology: gingerism and gingerophobia. The first is prejudiced attitude towards “sunny” people, their intimidation and discrimination. The second phenomenon is back side moment, fear of redheads.
  • Scientists suggest that in a century and a half, the red-haired gene will disappear. Although this idea is quite controversial, and only time can confirm it.

If you decide to become a red-haired beast, you definitely need to find out: who suits the red hair color.

After all, there are many shades of this color. And in order for the coloring result to meet all your expectations, you need to choose a shade that suits you. Here you should take into account factors such as: skin tone, eye color, figure constitution, age.

To understand whether cold or warm tones suit you, you need to determine the skin tone. And for this you need to look at the complexion in daylight. Is your skin pinkish? Then you are the one who suits the red color of a cold shade, which has a blue color at the base. Your skin is golden either peach shade? Warm tones are suitable for you, based on yellow. Girls with pale skin are suitable for light red pure shades that have a natural tone. Dark-skinned people need to choose darker tones. For example, terracotta, copper or dirty red. Dark red is well suited for people who have contrasting and bright facial features: a large mouth, dark eyebrows, expressive eyes. But for those who have inexpressive facial features, opt for lighter and calmer shades of red.

Eye color should also be taken into account. Dark red curls, green eyes are traditionally considered the most seductive and attractive combination. However, red hair looks great with eyes of other shades. Red hair, warm skin tone and blue eyes create a sophisticated and romantic look. Brown eyes combined with copper-colored hair look deeper and richer.

Red hair and brown eyes:

Red hair and green eyes:

Red hair and blue eyes:

Red hair and gray eyes:

When choosing a red color, you need to consider age and figure. A woman who is over 40 years old needs to choose a shade very carefully. After all, red-red hair can look completely out of place. Therefore, at this age, you need to pay attention to the colors of natural tones. And if you choose light colors, they should not be based on a lilac hue. It is good to dye gray hair with henna, just keep the powder for no more than 30 minutes. Light copper color is an ideal solution for fair-haired ladies, with a large percentage of gray hair in their hair. For brunettes, henna is also suitable for painting over gray hair, but the copper color will already be more intense. Experiments with a flashy red color are appropriate at a younger age.

Now for the figure. Classic redhead suits girls who have a slim figure. For girls and women with magnificent forms, redhead can both suit and look ridiculous. It all depends on the shade and haircut. For example, bright red hair will look pretty ridiculous if you have fat woman too short haircut.

But at the same time, the same bright color looks great on plump girls with elongated haircuts, such as a bob.

Those who are red-haired should take into account that changing the color of the hair, you will also have to change the make-up. The color of the eyebrows must be combined with the color of the hair. It is not necessary to paint eyebrows in very dark or very light colors. They should look natural.

Lipstick should be chosen in a color that is as close as possible to the shade of the hair. Shadows of peach and bronze shades are in perfect harmony with red curls. Copper shades will also work. But do not forget that you need to choose shadows so that they fit the color of your eyes.

Achieving red hair is very easy. Now there is a large selection of hair colors: from light red to dark copper. You can also use regular henna. It does not contain any impurities and gives a rich red color. And in combination with some additives, it allows you to get various beautiful shades. But be sure to remember that using henna, then it will be difficult for you to dye your hair in some other shade, since it is rather troublesome to “etch” henna.

It is worth noting that the red hair color fades quickly enough. Therefore, after staining, you should regularly maintain the brightness and saturation of the color by tinting and using tinting shampoos, balms or mousses.

There are not many types of hair. Among them, the red color is one of the rarest. Due to this uniqueness, many superstitions and myths have been associated with this color for many centuries. Some of them modern science has already debunked, some have remained remnants of obscurantism. Some Interesting Facts related to the red hair color we give below.

A small study in the Journal of Anesthesiology found that red-haired women needed 19 percent more anesthesia than women with dark hair. Some scientists believe that a mutation in the protein that provides the red color makes them more sensitive to pain and.

According to a 2010 article in the International Journal of Cancer, the chance of developing dangerous cancer about two and a half more skin than people with other hair colors.

Scientists used birds and wild boars to study the pigment pheomelanin, which makes hair red. Scientists have studied chestnut feathers and fur in a similar way. Red boars were found to be at higher risk of cell damage from free radicals; and a study of more than 1,400 bird species has shown that the pigment may be associated with smaller brain size.

Redheads won't die. As science journalist Maggie Court Baker writes, “In fact, redheads are stealthily sneaking into the rest of humanity. Here's her proof: only 2 percent of people have red hair, 4 percent have the gene that makes people red-haired. (If you have freckles, then you probably carry this gene.) Thus, a pair of two redhead parents is unlikely to have brunette children, but two brunettes can have a redhead child.

Natural red hair is harder to color than other shades. If the redhead wishes to dye his hair any other color, then he will only have a noticeable difference after bleaching the hair beforehand, otherwise the operation will fail. Bleach is also a bad idea for hair. Red hair is much more fragile than other shades.

Redheads have less hair on their heads. In terms of the total number of hairs, there are fewer of them. On average, redheads - 90,000, blondes - 110,000, brunettes - 140,000. However, outwardly it seems that there are more of them. This happens because of the greater thickness of each individual hair.

Redheads don't go gray. Red hair retains its natural pigment much longer than other shades.

Red hair and blue eyes are the rarest combination in the world. Most natural redheads have brown eyes, less often they can be green. People with this combination are a unique minority in the world.

The Romans bought red-haired slaves at a higher price. Flaming red hair was held in high esteem in Roman art and culture. It was believed that such people were stronger and more determined, and this automatically increased the status of their owner.

In the Kazan region of Russia, the number of redheads is more than 10 percent, the same percentage as in Scotland and Ireland.

Extensive BritainsDNA research has found that 40 percent of Britons carry the MC1R gene, which is responsible for red hair.