Shower      07.03.2020

What insulation is best for a bath. Overview of the best heaters for a sauna What heater to use for a bath in a steam room

The quality of a steam room depends on many factors. One of the main ones is the ability to retain heat. This must be taken care of even at the stage of construction and installation of the furnace. But this does not always work out, and over time different reasons the sauna room may lose its heat-saving properties. However, fixing the situation is easy. To do this, there are heat-insulating materials specially designed for saunas and baths.

most popular sauna stoves traditional wood-burning stoves still remain. But today it's not the only one possible variant. Many owners choose electric ovens because of their ease of use and the ability to control temperature and humidity. Another modern solutiongas ovens: kindling does not require special skills, and the result does not depend on the quality of firewood. But for safety reasons, only specialists should install such an oven.

Unlike the sauna, the stones in the sauna lie outside, not inside the oven. The climate that is created in the steam room depends on the number of stones in the furnace: the fewer stones, the faster the stove warms up and the drier the sauna. But no matter which oven you choose, the main requirements for it are safety and reliability. This is especially true for electric furnaces: too powerful appliances will require special additional electrical equipment, and low-quality ones can be potentially fire hazardous.

Tip number 2: consider the requirements for thermal insulation materials

If the thermal insulation technology is broken or unsuitable materials are used, the steam room will warm up much longer, and then quickly lose heat. Eliminating errors in the thermal insulation device can result in an almost complete restructuring of the room. There are a number of requirements for thermal insulation materials for saunas and steam rooms:

  • Effective thermal insulation properties: the stronger the heated sauna, the higher the temperature difference between the steam room and other rooms. This means that heat loss will be very fast and significant, and high-quality insulating material must stand in the way of the air flow.
  • Non-combustible insulation: high temperatures in the steam room are a serious fire hazard, which can be reduced by fire-resistant heat-insulating materials.
  • Moisture resistance: high humidity in a bath or sauna can quickly damage the structure of low-quality insulation and reduce its properties.
  • Biostability: that is, the resistance of the insulation to damage by fungi and bacteria that can form in a humid environment.
  • Environmental friendliness: all materials for the construction of the sauna, including the insulation during operation, should not emit harmful substances.

Tip number 3: choose heaters that match the conditions of the sauna

According to the chemical composition, heaters can be divided into two groups: organic and inorganic. The former are used less and less in the construction of saunas and baths: they do not withstand high temperatures and undergo thermal destruction, change their properties at high temperatures and ignite easily. There are a number of materials that are better not to use for warming baths and saunas:

  • Styrofoam: products made from it have an application temperature of only -50°C to +75°C.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam: always combustible and changes the combustibility group from G1 (low combustible) to G4 (highly combustible).
  • Glass wool: has a short service life in a humid environment.
  • Polystyrene, polystyrene and polyurethane foam and others foam materials: when heated, they can release harmful substances, and their combustibility characteristics do not correspond to steam room conditions.

Stone wool can be a good alternative as a heater. Its fibrous structure determines excellent thermal insulation properties. Unlike polystyrene, it is not just non-combustible, but fire-resistant and can withstand temperatures up to + 1000ºС. In addition, stone wool is an environmentally friendly and safe material made from natural stone. It is resistant to moisture, does not rot and is not a breeding ground for rodents and insects. Types on the market today stone wool specially designed for warming saunas and baths.

Another advantage of stone wool insulation is that their installation is simple and does not require special skills. Here are a few tips to follow for maximum effect:

  • Start warming the room from the ceiling. Wooden guides are nailed to it with a pitch of 590 mm "in the light", into which stone wool slabs are laid, fixed by surprise. No mechanical fastening is required. It is important to consider that the insulation boards are located with a foil layer inside the steam room.
  • Install the frame. For thermal insulation of the outdoor walls of the sauna, a double frame is needed, and for the internal walls - a single frame. When warming inner wall room, it is enough to install plates with a thickness of 50 mm. For a wall facing the street, a minimum thickness of 100mm or a combination of 50mm and 50mm must be used.
  • Seal the seams between the tiles. The plates are mounted end-to-end, while the seams of the foil coating are glued with a metallized self-adhesive tape. You can simplify your task with the help of aluminum adhesive tape, designed specifically for use in baths and saunas. Reliably sealing the joints between the plates, it significantly increases the vapor barrier properties of the insulation.
  • Install the crate. It is needed to protect the stone wool from contact with drops that collect on the moisture foil. It is installed between the thermal insulation and exterior trim to provide an air gap of 10–15 mm.
  • Insulate the chimney. Thermal insulation material is subjected to severe stress in conditions of long-term high-temperature exposure. The price of a mistake can be a fire. Stone wool allows you to completely eliminate the risk of fire. In addition, there are special types of it, created for thermal insulation of fireplaces and chimneys.

The floor in the sauna can be made in two ways: wooden on logs with a crate or concrete with tiles on the ground. In the first case, stone wool slabs are laid in the frame between the lags, and then waterproofing is performed. Rolls of waterproofing are mounted with an overlap at the junction of the plates, and the seams themselves are additionally glued. Next, a wooden flooring is laid, on top of which a finishing floor is arranged.

A different technology is used for the concrete floor. First of all, rigid stone wool slabs are mounted and provided with waterproofing. Then a concrete screed is laid on it, on which the tile is glued. In both cases, it must be remembered that ensuring a rapid outflow of water from the sauna is one of the most important requirements for the flooring of such a room, so the floor should be slightly inclined towards the drain hole.

A Russian bath with a steam room is a guarantee of health and longevity, but in order for the healing procedures to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to choose the right insulation for different designs baths, given the different functionality, humidity conditions of the premises material individual elements. In addition, it is necessary to know the technology of the insulation process, the observance of which will not only keep the heat in the bath, but also significantly reduce the consumption of energy fuel. To determine which insulation is best for a bath, you need to know the positive and negative sides each type of thermal insulation material.

Types of modern heaters

What heaters can be used in the bath

Manufacturers offer a wide range of thermal insulation materials, but do not forget the traditional methods of insulation that have been used for centuries, which can still be used in the bath today. Among modern heaters of artificial origin, the following are popular:

  • sheets of extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex);
  • the simplest foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool products;
  • ecowool;
  • expanded clay gravel and expanded clay concrete slabs;
  • combined insulation in the form of basalt mats or polystyrene material with a foil coating.

Despite the high thermal insulation qualities of all these materials, for different rooms bath structure, it is necessary to choose the insulation that meets the requirements of safety, environmental friendliness and durability.


Styrofoam for insulation of the ceiling of the locker room, rest room

Expanded polystyrene (colloquially polystyrene) is used to insulate the walls of the bath from the outside, the attic floor or the floor in the steam room. The advantages of this material include:

  • high degree of resistance to the effects of a humid environment;
  • immunity to microorganisms and mold;
  • does not support open fire;
  • low specific gravity;
  • low cost;
  • simple processing.

The negative characteristics include the "love" of mice for foam, as well as the release toxic substances plastic material in the event of a fire in the bathroom. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for warming the steam room. Gnawing material, mice and rats thereby reduce its thermal insulation characteristics. With regard to the release of toxic fumes, we can say that people do not stay in the steam room for too long, and the use of such a heater is quite acceptable. In addition, modern industry produces special types foam plastic, which are approved by SanPiN for use inside residential and public buildings. For example, various decorative elements interior - moldings, fillets, skirting boards and more.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This material has all the properties that are inherent in the foam, but with a smaller thickness of the product, it is able to maintain the same thermal insulation characteristics. Extruded polystyrene foam is more durable than polystyrene due to its dense structure, as a result of which the duration of its operation increases significantly. The material is a non-combustible insulation. When sparks of fire fall on it, it does not support further combustion. The negative factor is its increased cost compared to the price of its counterpart. However, it is still not recommended to use it to insulate the steam room from the inside, as well as polystyrene, since these materials can withstand temperatures no higher than +75 degrees without losing their properties, and as you know, in the steam room the temperature can sometimes reach significantly higher degrees.

polyurethane foam

Wall insulation with polyurethane foam by spraying

Polyurethane foam in the form liquid insulation appeared on the market building materials not so long ago. The essence of its application is the spraying of a two-component polyurethane liquid, which, when interacting with air, turns into a foam consisting of 90% air bubbles. After a few minutes, the foam hardens, almost tenfold increasing in volume.

Foamed polyurethane has a whole bunch of positive properties:

  • high heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • strength, flexibility and elasticity;
  • resistance to deformation processes;
  • environmental safety, since the material is made from pure products, no harmful substances and unpleasant odors are emitted from it when heated;
  • ability to easily withstand sudden changes temperature regime from +100 degrees to -90, which allows using the material as thermal insulation for a Russian bath or a Finnish sauna.

Foamed polyurethane used as a heater, in addition to all of the above, is a completely fireproof material, covering everything with a dense layer wooden elements letting the fire spread. It also protects the wood of buildings from the penetration of harmful insects, which naturally extends the life of the bath.

Compared to other types of insulation, polyurethane foam can be easily and quickly applied to any surface, regardless of their configuration. With skillful action, the thickness of the insulating layer can be different.

The negative factors in the use of this type of insulation include the fact that it can only be used if there is special device spraying liquid. And its acquisition or lease requires certain financial costs and skills in handling it.

Mineral wool products

Attic floor insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wools differ in the source material, which can be:

  • fiberglass;
  • smelt material natural stone rocks - basalt, dolomite, diabase and others;
  • waste from the metallurgical industry in the form of slag.

Almost all of these types of mineral wool can be used as a heater for a steam room, washing room and others structural elements bath building. However, compared with polystyrene materials, the thickness of the mineral wool insulation layer increases. Basalt wool is more popular, given its technical characteristics.

Basalt insulation

Floor insulation with basalt wool

The advantage of this material is:

  • high thermal insulation ability;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • the material is not exposed to fire;
  • has good mechanical strength, low specific gravity;
  • basalt wool is easily laid on structures of any configuration, excluding the formation of cold bridges at the joints;
  • duration of the operating period.

But this material also has its drawbacks, which are the fear of water and the fact that rodents are not at all afraid to make their minks in it. Wet basalt wool loses its thermal insulation qualities, and when wet material comes into contact with wooden structures in the latter, the process of decay begins. Therefore, it is not recommended to use basalt insulation for a bath, and specifically in a steam room.

glass wool

Glass wool is used outside the bathhouse

Glass wool, having the same technical characteristics as basalt material, differs from it in that it is not so susceptible to moisture. It tolerates the process of laying and transporting well, crumpled fibers are completely restored.

Mice and rats do not touch it, it fits well, but its use entails the difficulty of installation due to the release of small fibers that irritate skin humans and are dangerous if inhaled. In addition to the disadvantages this material applies to:

  • short service life;
  • lower degree of thermal insulation compared to other types of insulation;
  • the presence of formaldehyde resins in some brands.

slag wool

The insulation is made from blast-furnace slag, which is not distinguished by its environmental friendliness and safety for human health. Of the advantages of slag, it should be noted:

  • relatively high ability to retain heat and dampen sounds, but to a lesser extent than that of;
  • low cost;
  • does not lend itself to rodents, the development of mold and other microorganisms;
  • simple and easy installation, comparable to the installation of other types of mineral wool.

Of the shortcomings:

Large coefficient of moisture absorption. When wet, it can release acid, which is destructive to metal constructions and fasteners, causing them to corrode.

Low resistance to sudden changes in temperature, which is typical for such premises as baths.

The difficulty of laying, given the excessive fragility of the fibers, which have the same sharp and prickly edges as glass wool.

The presence in the composition of the heater such hazardous substances, as - phenol, formaldehyde.


Thermal insulation with ecowool by mechanized method

The material is made from recycled materials, which is waste paper fluffed and treated with flame retardants and antiseptics. Has a gray or light gray color, loose fibrous structure. The advantages of this rather new type of insulation include:

  • good heat and sound insulation properties;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • does not support open fire for a long time;
  • well resists the processes of decay; environmentally friendly, if you do not take into account its impregnation with flame retardants and antiseptics. But these substances are low-toxic and non-volatile.

The material can absorb moisture, but also easily releases it into the surrounding space when a certain level of air dryness is reached. After drying thermal insulation properties ecowools remain at the same level. Before applying ecowool to the surface of the insulated structure, the material must be slightly moistened. The lignin present in its composition under the influence of water holds the fibers together and adheres well to any surface. Can be used for insulation attic floors dry method. Inside bath rooms use is not recommended, since the material will not have time to dry after each use of the bath.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay as a floor insulation

For insulation of attic floors, floors, filling cavities when brickwork with "wells", expanded clay gravel of various fractions is used. In terms of thermal conductivity, this material is inferior to many types of insulation, but its main advantage lies in its low price and versatility. In addition to the bulk insulation method, expanded clay granules can be used as a filler for lightweight concrete.

Foil insulation

Foil insulation based on mineral wool

Whatever type of insulation is chosen, when installing it, it is imperative to lay a vapor barrier film. Foil insulation combines both vapor barrier and thermal insulation. But besides this, it also works as a reflector of thermal radiation, preventing heat from escaping through various cracks, loose junction of structures. The material is produced in various versions:

  • from basalt fiber;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • mineral material;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

Polyethylene foam insulation

Each material is glued on top of the thinnest aluminium foil. The shiny side of the heat-insulating material should face the inside of the room. It can be used for all structures and bath rooms.

The main essence of the article

When insulating a bath, you must use different kinds thermal insulation materials, which are most effective for rooms of various functionality and meet certain requirements - durability, low cost, the ability to retain heat inside the bath building, and be safe for people's health.

The Russian banya does not lose its popularity, and at the same time it must be built in compliance with the relevant norms and rules. Therefore, the question of how to insulate a bath remains very relevant.

Some features of bath insulation

Competent thermal insulation of the bath will help to significantly reduce fuel costs, improve the quality of the procedure, keep the building itself in good condition for a long time, especially if the bath is used all year round.

Since ancient times, Russian baths were insulated using natural materials- moss, tow, bast, etc. At present, it is better to use artificial insulation. They are durable, easy to install, environmentally friendly.

When choosing a heater, it is necessary to take into account the features of the use of bath rooms - high level moisture, high temperatures, often live fire. All these moments impose certain requirements on heaters for a bath, especially if they are used for internal insulation.

Before purchasing a material, it is necessary to carefully consider a number of important factors, taking into account cost, biological inertness, specifications proposed heat insulators. 1 more important point- regional climate. The amount of materials required is determined by the size of the bath building and the required thickness of the thermal insulation layer.

Whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to insulate the bath from the outside depends on the material from which it is built, the regional climate and the time of use - seasonal or year-round.

Necessary tools and materials

In order to carry out the thermal insulation of the bath yourself, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • chisel;
  • saw or hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • wire cutters or pliers;
  • sharp technical knife;
  • electric drill or hammer drill.

In addition to the actual insulation, for work you will need:

  • vapor barrier film;
  • wooden beam;
  • metal rail;
  • screws and nails;
  • adhesive tape.

How to choose a heater

In the bath usually there are: a dressing room, rooms for washing, a steam room, a dressing room, a relaxation room. In these rooms, different levels of humidity and temperature are set during washing. Therefore, how you can insulate the bath inside is determined for each room separately.

According to mechanical characteristics, heaters are divided into loose, block and tile, mother and fibrous materials.

Chemical composition allows you to separate heat insulators into organic, inorganic, technical and plastic materials.

Plastic-based heat insulators are best used for warming rooms with low level moisture and temperatures. They are not used in the steam room because of the easy flammability and deformation when heated. Cheap and safe organic heat insulators can be used in the steam room only after fire treatment.

The most practical are inorganic heat insulators. These materials are fire-resistant, non-hygroscopic. They do not rot and can serve for a long time without losing their main technical properties.

More about vapor barriers

Most good option vapor barriers for all bath rooms - aluminum foil. It is fire resistant, durable, non-hygroscopic. The main advantage of aluminum foil is the ability to reflect heat. Using such a vapor barrier in the bath, you can significantly reduce consumption fuel material.

Glassine, as well as roofing material, cannot be used in the steam room, since these materials, when heated, emit volatile toxic substances. In some embodiments, glassine can be used as a heater. Ruberoid for this purpose is better not to use at all.

The choice of insulation and the method of its installation depend on the material from which the bath is built. If the bath is built of timber, on bearing walls first, a cellular crate of bars is mounted. The cross section of the beam should be 0.2-0.3 cm more than the thickness of the heat insulator. This will ensure the safety of the insulation and its useful properties.

Between the bars of the crate, the selected heat insulator is laid. It is covered with vapor barrier material. The vapor barrier is laid with a shift. A thin metal rail is mounted over the joints. A gap of no more than 3 cm must be left between the insulation and the vapor barrier.

The corners of the room, pipes, window and door openings are sealed with a special vapor barrier tape. This will protect problem areas from moisture penetration.

For finishing in this case, it is easier to use a lining board. It is stuffed over a vertical crate.

Bath buildings of panel or frame type are insulated only with heat insulators having a low specific gravity. Before use, they are treated with lime milk to protect against corrosion and improve fire resistance. After processing, the material must be thoroughly dried.

We warm the steam room

Steam room in the bath requires special attention. After all, it is here during operation that the highest level of moisture and elevated temperature are observed. Therefore, insulation, waterproofing and finishing of this room must be made with special materials.

The maximum heating during operation is exposed to the ceiling of the steam room (up to 150 ° C). Therefore, the question of how to insulate the bath ceiling is solved by using materials with high heat resistance.

In the absence of an attic or attic, insulation is installed in the following order:

  • wooden lattice from a bar on the ceiling boards;
  • trim elements;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier.

If there is an upper room - an attic, an attic - the insulation scheme looks a little different. A layer of clay is applied to the ceiling boards, at least 2 cm thick. This will ensure moisture retention. All small holes, joints between boards, etc. are filled with bulk material. Usually expanded clay or chips are used for this. The thickness of this layer is at least 20 cm.

Around chimney a box-shaped base of rafter supports is mounted on the ceiling. This will provide a gap between the pipe and the heat insulator of 20 cm, required by fire safety. A non-combustible heat insulator such as glass wool or mineral wool is placed inside the box. The main surface of the ceiling is covered with a layer of mineral heat insulator.

The walls and ceiling of the bath building must be insulated according to the following principles:

  1. Thermal insulators should be in close contact with the wall surface to reduce the risk of internal ingress of moisture and cold air.
  2. A ventilation gap is needed on top of the insulation to dry it.
  3. All floors and other wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic compound to prevent premature destruction of the material.
  4. Materials with a low level of heat and moisture resistance cannot be used in the steam room.
  5. Insulation should be chosen from among those that do not deform under the influence of moisture and high temperatures and do not emit hazardous chemicals.

Necessary properties of heaters for a bath:

  • heat resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Fire safety.

Natural heaters require special processing before use. Otherwise, mold, fungus and harmful insects may soon appear. Artificial insulation in this case, it is more appropriate to use.

Foam application

Many home craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to insulate the bath with foam. After all, it is a relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use material. However, it should be said that the bath can be insulated with foam from the outside or along the foundation.

To the question of whether it is possible to insulate the bath with foam plastic from the inside, most experts will answer in the negative. This is due to the fact that the foam is easily destroyed under the influence of high temperatures. The low moisture resistance of this material causes it to rot under the influence of high humidity. Therefore, for interior spaces foam baths can only be used in rooms where moisture almost does not get.

Use of mineral wool

The question of whether it is possible to insulate a bath with mineral wool is, as a rule, resolved positively.

After all, mineral wool is an almost universal modern insulation that has many positive technical characteristics. Among them should be mentioned:

  • reliability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to decay;
  • simple installation.

Therefore, mineral wool can be used as a bath insulation both outside and in the interior, including the steam room.

Foam insulation

Is it possible to insulate the bath from the inside with foam plastic? This is quite acceptable, given some of the technical characteristics of the material. In the presence of many useful properties, foam plastic is a hygroscopic material, with low heat resistance.

Therefore, in the steam room, it is better to use it only on the walls and be sure to cover it with foil. In other branches of the bath, it is quite suitable.

Floor insulation in the bath

Usually made from wooden board or concrete. The board is used in relatively dry rooms. Concrete - in the washing room and in the steam room. The technology of floor insulation depends on the base material.

Expanded clay (3-5 mm), extruded polystyrene or boiler slag is most often used to insulate a concrete floor. The upper level of the floor at the end of the insulation work is understood to be 15-20 cm. The work is carried out in the following order.

concrete base must be leveled and cleaned of construction debris and dust. Next, an adhesive composition is applied to the surface in 2-3 layers. Most often, special mastics are used for this, for example, rubber concrete. A waterproofing agent is laid on the adhesive composition - high-strength polyethylene or roofing felt.

After the waterproofing has set, the laying of the insulation begins. An adhesive composition is again applied on top of it, on which a waterproofing agent is laid. The last layer is reinforced concrete screed, not less than 30 mm thick. Concrete must be leveled and properly dried. Finishing such a floor is usually done using ceramic tiles. Under it, you can place a system of underfloor heating.

To insulate a wooden floor, you must first remove the old boards. A cranial bar is planted on the remaining beams from below. It must be wrapped with roofing material or heavy-duty polyethylene. A draft is laid on top of the waterproofing flooring. For this, bulk materials or mineral wool are mainly used. Is it possible to insulate the floor in the bath with isopink? It is possible if the floor is wooden and arranged in a room with a low level of moisture.

superimposed on top of the insulation waterproofing material. Then the board for the finishing floor is laid. A plinth is attached around the perimeter of the room. The final paintwork is not used in this case, since these materials release toxins under the influence of temperature and moisture. If desired, the wooden floor can be covered with special rubberized mats. They will make the room cozy and will not cause much trouble when cleaning. The floor in the bath is insulated mainly for greater user comfort. Floor insulation has little effect on the overall temperature inside the bath rooms.

Roof insulation

How can you insulate the roof of the bath - this problem is solved depending on the use of the room. If the bath building is intended only for hygienic procedures and relaxation, it will be enough to insulate the roof by laying roofing material on the crate before mounting the roofing pie. In the case when brooms are dried inside the bath, linen and other equipment are stored, the roof must be thoroughly insulated.

The steam room is the main element of the bath, its very essence. For the steam room to be really hot, it is important to think carefully about its process.

Incorrect actions or erroneously selected materials can cause the steam room to heat up for a long time, or give off heat too quickly.

In addition, all materials must meet safety and environmental requirements.

We’ll make a reservation right away that it is necessary to insulate the steam room in different types of baths in different ways, therefore, an overview of the materials is given here, and see the relevant site materials for details on insulation and baths. Technologies and are also presented in individual materials. More information on different types see heaters for a bath.

How to reduce heating costs

You can avoid additional expenses for warming the bath if you take care at the construction stage:

Insulation for the sauna steam room: 4 layers of insulation

Hydroprotection It is aimed at isolating the interior from moisture from the outside. Needed at frame construction and for aerated concrete walls.

IMPORTANT! You should choose different solutions for waterproofing the steam room and other rooms. Steam room waterproofing should be made from materials that can withstand the highest temperatures (for example, based on kraft paper).

Warming steam rooms should be aimed at reducing heat loss and creating the effect of a "thermos". Then all the heat will remain inside the steam room, and not warm environment. Therefore, when choosing a heater for a bath, the steam room requires the closest attention.

Finishing (finishing) materials allow you to hide flaws during construction, in addition, they provide a beautiful visual view of the steam room.

REFERENCE. The market is mainly represented Decoration Materials from tree species such as: pine, linden or aspen. This wood has a low density, so we recommend using narrow boards and laying them horizontally to eliminate the risk of warping. In addition, it is imperative to treat them with oils or other specialized compounds to extend their service life.

Insulation for a steam room: types

The heaters used for installation on: walls, ceiling and floor differ. Separate articles are devoted to materials used for and.

for walls

Everything can be divided into two categories:

  1. - natural;
  2. - artificial.


Natural materials are made on the basis of natural raw materials:

  • sphagnum(scope of application: );
  • tow(scope of application: elimination of gaps);
  • building moss(warming of the walls of the steam room).


To popular artificial materials relate:

  • extruded expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam.

These heaters are characterized by high resistance to damage, have long term operation and a high degree of thermal insulation.

  • basalt wool.

Differs in high quality, simplicity of laying and low cost.

For ceiling


For . For example, it is still used for the steam room, it is coated with the ceiling of the steam room from the side of the attic

common application bulk materials such as: expanded clay, sawdust, slag, etc. It is imperative to pour a layer of earth on the sawdust to ensure fire safety. And the expanded clay layer should be at least 30 cm.


For insulation of the ceiling is better suited:

  • basalite (slabs of low-density basalt fiber);
  • isospan (there are 2 types):
  • - isospan A (barrier type from wind and condensate, laid outside the insulation);
  • - isospan B (barrier type from steam, placed indoors, protects the insulation).

The ceiling can also be insulated with ordinary foil, the layers of which must be overlapped.

For floor

In a steam room, you can use:

  • expanded clay synthetic slabs(easy to install)
  • loose expanded clay(also easy to install, but hygroscopic);
  • - foam ( IMPORTANT! The brand you choose should have a high compression load).

Useful video

Watch the video with the explanations of professionals, perhaps it will greatly change your plans for choosing a heater:

Conclusions: what kind of insulation to use for a bath in a steam room

Artificial materials are more resistant to high temperatures and humidity, but may eventually lose their thermal insulation properties due to constant heat and moisture.

Despite the variety of materials from manufacturers, first of all, it is worth focusing on the safety of materials, and not on cost, because. a steam room is a place where the materials used are constantly exposed to high temperatures.

Find out more:

Where to order

It is possible to get acquainted with the range of high-quality and safe products on the official websites of companies.

In contact with

Is it possible to use Isover insulation in the bath?

If we talk about the above product, then this option is a completely acceptable solution for warming a bath. The foil layer gives the isover its vapor barrier properties. The material itself is characterized as suitable for rooms with a high humidity regime. Such qualities are fully consistent with the requirements due to the characteristics of the bath room.

As for the use of a conventional (non-foiled) isover, in this case you will have to lay a layer of foil on top of the material yourself.


The properties of the product, which allow it to be positively characterized as a thermal insulator for a bath, include:

  1. low thermal conductivity. This indicator is achieved due to the special structure of the penoplex;
  2. vapor permeability. According to this parameter, the product is similar to roofing material, which allows it to be used in conditions of high humidity.

Lack of penoplex- this is combustibility and the release of toxic smoke during combustion. Therefore, before installation, it must be treated with special fire-fighting agents. Also on sale you can find products impregnated with flame retardants.


Insulation for the bath "TechnoNIKOL". Mineral wool from Russian manufacturer"TechnoNIKOL" goes on sale in a wide range. In private construction, three lines are used: Rocklight, Technoblock, Technoacoustic. All three types are suitable for both, performed by specialists or, (using vapor barrier), and for outdoor work under siding.