Mixer      04/19/2019

The best varieties and hybrids of eggplants - features, characteristics. Eggplant "diamond": reviews. Eggplant varieties for open ground. Eggplants for the greenhouse (varieties)

By choosing the best for your garden, you automatically choose not only the quality of vegetables, excellent characteristics and taste, but also give yourself the opportunity to use a minimum of labor costs. Eggplant is a vegetable among the varieties of which any gourmet can find something to his liking, and no matter what size, color, or yield you prefer, there is plenty to choose from. Let's look at the best of them.

Early eggplants are good not only for the rapid ripening of long-awaited vegetables, but also for the opportunity to get a full harvest in the northern regions. If you don’t have the opportunity to plant eggplants in the ground in May, and night frosts are possible in June, you should choose this one for your garden. early varieties. Choose hybrids for your garden that have proven themselves among farmers and gardeners.

King of the North

A hybrid with high resistance to frost, provided young shoots are hardened. Ripeness occurs at 90–100 days, but many note that in 70–80 days, the fruits may already be fully formed.

From one plant it is possible to remove from 3 to 4 kg of even purple cylinders.

The taste is quite delicate, not a large number of voids even at maximum ripening. Stored at a temperature of 12 - 15 degrees for up to two months, ideal for preparing preparations.

King of the North Eggplant Bibo Black Handsome


This is a white-skinned eggplant with super early ripening. In 60 - 70 days you will remove from one bush up to 15 even and smooth snow-white vegetables weighing up to 500g. It is unpretentious, and pollinates well and ripens both in the greenhouse and in the ground.

Black handsome

The variety is distinguished by its ideal dark shade, the fruits are small, up to 200g, but up to 3 kg can be harvested from one root. After 70 - 80 days it gives a healthy harvest, but it should be protected from the first frosts, it requires additional shelter.

These eggplants are best used for regions where there are no unexpected frosts, or grown in a greenhouse. Due to more long term ripening than early ripening ones, it is worth carefully monitoring the temperature in the greenhouse. The more stable the temperature and humidity, the richer the harvest will be.


If you like teardrop-shaped eggplants, round, fleshy, without voids, then this is your option. A variety for fresh consumption, canning and long-term storage. Easy to transport, has high shelf life, it has become main reason choice among farmers.

Eggplant Almaz Variety Albatross Eggplant Marzipan


One of the most beloved gardeners in the middle zone. It is considered a dwarf bush, but it is very branchy and forms in the form of a ball. Decorative. The ripening period is up to 80 days. From one bush you can get up to 8 kg. Fruit weight up to 180g. Flower formation occurs from June to August, and fruiting is therefore long-lasting.


Connoisseurs of the tender and tasty pulp of this eggplant prefer it not only for this reason. Ripens in 110 – 120 days, has a beautiful pear-shaped shape, deep purple hue.

High-yielding plants grow well in greenhouses; they require care, but respond to it with friendly and good fruiting. Stable temperature and humidity allow you to choose tall plants - from each such bush you can remove from 5 to 12 kg of vegetables.

Robin Hood

A mid-season hybrid, it requires the formation of a bush, but has a short height of up to 60 cm. The plant has thorns. Pear-shaped, rounded fruits with low bitterness, ripening in 90 days. Medium shelf life, for all types of canning and cooking.

Description of the variety Robin Hood


Tall, up to 240 – 260 cm, matures up to 120 days from the time of planting. The fruits are from 20 to 35 cm in size, the yield is up to 9 kg. Requires the formation of a bush; it is enough to leave 2 stems, on which up to 15 fruits ripen at the same time.
Excellent taste for both fresh consumption and pickling.

When fresh, it can be stored for up to 2.5 months, somewhat loses its presentation, dries out, but taste qualities remain.


Late-ripening variety, distinguished by large fruits. Ripe fruits reach 30 cm and weigh up to 900g. The bush is up to 150 cm high, forms itself, but requires pinching. You can remove up to 17 kg from one plant. very dense purple fruits. It is perfectly stored and transported, the shelf life is the highest among all varieties with such productivity - up to 3 months.

Eggplant Sophia

Varieties for open ground

If you plan to grow eggplants outside, you need suitable frost-resistant varieties. IN middle lane, even the most patient vegetable to temperature changes requires shelter during the period of night frosts. Only zoned hybrids are ideal for the greenhouse.


If you are patient enough with temperature changes, you can plant seedlings at the end of May. Height up to 120 cm, has a strong and dense stem. No pinching is required, the bush forms itself. You can remove up to 8 kg of eggplants from one bush.

Bull's heart

It does not tolerate spring frosts, therefore, plant it in open ground after they are over. Round fruits weighing up to 300g, bush up to 80cm, yield approximately 8 - 12 kg. It is unpretentious in agricultural technology, but does not tolerate overwatering.

Variety Alekseevsky Bull's heart Eggplant Vakula


One of the best for the street. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm, very branched, the fruits weigh up to 150 g, but in one season it is possible to collect up to 9 - 10 kg. A garter is required, as the bush is very fragile.

White-skinned varieties were bred to get rid of the bitterness that is contained in the coloring enzyme. Eggplants of other colors were obtained by crossing.


One of the best white eggplants. It not only has white skin, but also pulp. Can be grown both in the ground and in a greenhouse. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm, the weight of the fruit is up to 250 g. The yield of one plant is up to 6 kg.


Unusual due to its shape, which makes it attractive. Bush up to 80cm. Fruits up to 300g. You can remove up to 5 kg from one bush.


The name speaks for itself - beautiful pink, curved fruits weighing up to 40xg. They ripen at 130 days. Bush up to 180cm, spreading and high-yielding. From one plant you can collect up to 16 kg.

Variety Flamingo Eggplant Icicle Swan

Purple Haze

Dark pink fruits weighing up to 180 g, ripen on average in 120 - 130 days. Bush up to 150cm, branched. It is afraid of frost; in a greenhouse you can remove up to 5 kg from one plant.


Unusual - green fruits, reminiscent of bent corn. Each weighing up to 250g, length up to 20cm. Bush up to 80 cm, semi-spreading, does not require shaping. The pulp and peel have no bitterness.


Bright green fruits weighing up to 300g, ripen on average up to 100 days. The plant tolerates temperature changes and mild drought. From one root you can get up to 5 kg of vegetables in 120 days.

Chinese lantern

80 - 110 days after sowing, at 70 cm, the bush begins to turn red with unusual eggplants. Unusual bright color, and the shape makes them look like jewelry. Weight up to 180g, yield – up to 3 kg per plant.

Eggplant Chinese Lantern Variety Yoga Lilac Fog Eggplant Emerald

Even the fact that new bright colors of the vegetable with low bitterness appeared did not distract from the standard purple favorites. Among them the leading varieties are:

King of the North

Resistant to frost, technical ripeness at 90–100 days, but can be harvested at 70–80 days. Up to 4 kg of smooth purple, very beautiful fruits are removed from the bush.

Purple miracle

Hybrid. Tolerates drought patiently, but requires a lot of water at a time. Bush up to 90 cm high. Beautiful elongated fruits, weighing up to 250g. Ripening at 90 – 115 days. From one plant you can get up to 8 kg of eggplant.

Purple miracle


Dwarf variety. Height up to 50 cm, but the bush is very branched. Looks very decorative, in the form of a ball, does not require shaping. Ripeness at 80 days. Fruits up to 180 – 200g.

During the season you can get up to 8 kg of beautiful bright purple fruits.

The best varieties for the Moscow region

The middle zone is a fairly mild climate zone, but late summer and early autumn do not allow late-ripening varieties to fully ripen. Greenhouses help with this, but it is still worth choosing early and mid-ripening varieties.

These varieties will give excellent harvest, and will bring a minimum of hassle:

  • King of the North. Will give an excellent harvest in the absence of frosts in early summer. Showed itself excellently both in greenhouses and in the ground;
  • Black Prince. It is worth choosing not only because of its decorative effect. The rich purple color hides the tender pulp without bitterness, and from one bush you can get up to 8 kg of fruit;
  • Sophia. Even when planted in the ground and covered in the first week, you will get up to 15 - 17 kg of large ones, up to 900g, per season. Eggplant.
  • Albatross. Mid-season, but ripening quite early. On day 90 you can harvest the first fruits. Beautiful cylindrical shape and delicate taste. Tolerant of drought;

If you dream of a healthy and high harvest, minimal labor costs and vegetables pleasing to the eye, you should choose seeds zoned for your area, ensure proper care, and do what you love with pleasure.

This page contains varieties and hybrids of eggplants for greenhouses and open ground, tall and short, early and mid-ripening, various colors, shapes and sizes. The selection is based on reviews from gardeners about the best varieties based on the results of 2018.

Eggplant Diamond

Mid-season eggplant variety for cultivation in open ground. The period from full germination to harvest is 110 - 150 days (depending on the growing region). In the middle zone, it is recommended to plant seedlings in greenhouses and film shelters. The variety is resistant to drought and other adverse weather conditions. Suitable for mechanized cleaning.

The Almaz eggplant variety was included in the State Register and approved for use in the Ural, Far Eastern, Middle Volga, Lower Volga, Central Black Earth, Western Siberian and North Caucasus regions.

The bush is compact, 50–55 cm high. The leaves are green, medium in size, broadly oval in shape. The corolla is light purple. The calyx is greenish-purple, without thorns, which makes harvesting easier.

The fruits are glossy, cylindrical, 14.5-17.5 cm long, 3 to 6 cm wide. At biological maturity, eggplants are brownish-brown in color. The average weight of the fruit is 100-165 g. The pulp is greenish, dense in consistency, and not bitter.

Productivity eggplant Diamond: up to 7.5 kg/sq. meters of plantings (subject to agricultural technology).

Advantages of the variety: high and stable yield, unpretentiousness, good taste of fruits, excellent transportability.

Flaws: A large number of seeds in eggplants, the lower fruits are in contact with the soil.

Eggplant King of the North, characteristics

An early ripening hybrid, stable with stable yield and excellent fruit set. The period from full germination to the first harvest ( technical ripeness) 95–100 days. This hybrid was bred specifically for the harsh climatic conditions of the northern regions of our country, which is why it received such a name.

This variety is recommended to be grown in open ground. Even in Siberian conditions it is possible to obtain good harvests in open ground. When grown in greenhouses and greenhouses, the plant is too hot, and there is also a risk of spider mite damage.

Bush over 1 meter high. Stems are bright purple. The fruits are elongated-cylindrical, glossy, black purple, 25-30 cm long (sometimes 40 cm). Pulp white, excellent taste, without bitterness. The peduncle has no thorns.

This is a long-bearing hybrid. Each plant bears up to 10 fruits.

Eggplant yield King of the North: 12 – 15 kg/sq. m.

Planting scheme: 60 x 40 cm.

Advantages eggplant King of the North: cold resistance, ease of care, lack of barren flowers, resistance to fungal diseases and temperature changes.

Flaws: due to their large size, eggplants touch the ground, so it is advisable to mulch the soil under them with sawdust or straw.

Your reviews of the King of the North eggplant will help many gardeners evaluate it objectively and decide whether to plant this hybrid or not.

Eggplant Marzipan

Mid-season, medium-ripening from the company Russian Vegetable Garden. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 120–125 days. This variety tolerates the heat and drought of the south well, but is also perfect for growing in northern regions.

A bush of this variety requires support, since under the weight of the fruit it can fall to the ground.

The fruits are very fleshy, without bitterness and practically without seeds, and have a sweetish aftertaste. The peel is glossy, dark purple in color. The average weight of the fruit is 300-400 grams, length - up to 15 cm.

Advantages Marzipan varieties: excellent fruit taste, resistance to unfavorable growing conditions.

Productivity eggplant Marzipan: 1.5-2.5 kg per plant.

Eggplant Epic

Early maturing classic Dutch hybrid eggplant. Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2008. Recommended for cultivation in the southern regions. The period from planting seedlings in the ground to technical ripeness is 65 days.

The bush is powerful, tall (90–100 cm), erect, semi-spreading, with high growth energy. The stem is medium pubescent, with anthocyanin coloring from weak to medium intensity. The leaves are green, medium size.

The fruits are glossy, cylindrical, uniform in shape and size (average length - 22 cm, diameter - 10 cm), dark purple in color, weighing 220 - 230 grams. Eggplant pulp is dense, white, without bitterness and practically without seeds. The calyx is covered with sparsely spaced spines.

Productivity eggplant Epic: up to 5.8 kg per sq.m.

Advantages: high yield, resistance to temperature changes and tobacco mosaic virus, excellent taste of the fruit.

Eggplant Black handsome

Mid-season eggplant variety for open ground and greenhouses. The period from germination to harvest is 110 – 145 days. The originator of the variety is the Poisk company. The variety is included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth and North Caucasus regions of the Russian Federation.

The bush is semi-spreading, 60-80 cm high, with short internodes. The stems are pubescent, with anthocyanin coloring. The leaves are green, medium-sized, slightly toothed, with thorns.

The fruits are elongated pear-shaped, glossy, smooth, weighing 110–200 g, 18–20 cm long, purple-black at full maturity. The pulp is yellowish, tender, without bitterness, practically without seeds. The skin is thin.

Eggplant yield Black handsome: up to 6.5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Advantages of the variety: high yield, disease resistance, unpretentiousness, smooth ripening and high taste of fruits.

Eggplant Clorinda

Mid-early, super-yielding Dutch eggplant hybrid of high commercial quality for fresh consumption and processing. It can be grown in open ground, under film covers, or in a greenhouse.

The bush is erect with short internodes, 90-100 cm high. The leaves are medium sized, green.

The fruits are oval, up to 25 cm long and up to 12 cm wide, at the ripe stage they are diamond-black, glossy, with dense whitish pulp and almost without seeds. No bitterness. The weight of an eggplant can reach 1.5 kg.

It is recommended to sow eggplant seeds for seedlings in mid-February, to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Hybrid eggplant seeds germinate in 7 to 14 days, depending on temperature, humidity, and seed freshness. When planting seedlings on permanent place It is advisable to maintain a distance in the row of 25-30 cm and between rows of 50-60 cm.

Productivity eggplant Clorinda F1 high.

Eggplant Bourgeois

Early ripening (period from germination to ripening 105-110 days), high-yielding, large-fruited eggplant hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

The bush is powerful, semi-spreading, of medium height. The leaves are medium sized, green, with notched edges.

The fruits are spherical, smooth, shiny, black-violet in color, weighing 400-500 g, of high taste. The eggplant flesh is greenish-white and tender. These eggplants are recommended for all types of culinary processing.

This eggplant is sown for seedlings at the end of February, and then planted in open ground when the threat of return frosts has passed. Planting scheme in the ground: 40 x 60 cm.

The value of the hybrid: a combination of early ripeness and large fruit, lack of bitterness in the fruits, long fruiting period.

Eggplant yield Bourgeois 1.5-2 kg per 1 plant.

Video about eggplant marzipan

They are baked, tasty and appetizing caviar is made from them, stewed, stews and other dishes are prepared. Moreover, these vegetables can be used to make preparations for the winter. They are popularly called blue. This article will also present eggplant varieties for open ground, which are cultivated by many summer residents and farmers. Rating best views compiled according to numerous reviews from vegetable growers.

Eggplants: varieties, photos, description

Early ripening, high-yielding, resistant to fungal and viral diseases, pests, tasty - these are the aspects that interest gardeners who want to get a rich harvest of eggplants on their plot. In this article you can see photos and descriptions of the best and most popular crops. Here are just a few of them, namely:

  1. Epic F1successfully cultivated in Ukraine and Russia. The first fruits can be collected within 2 months after planting. The variety is early ripening and stands out for its rich purple hue, excellent taste characteristics, good yield and disease resistance.
  2. GlobularThe eggplant variety is ideal for growing in the garden. From the moment the seedlings are planted until the gardener harvests the harvest, it takes about 115 days. The average weight of one blue is 250-300 g. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm, it is highly branched. Excellent productivity, transportability and good taste are the main advantages of the variety.
  3. Albatross- a high-yielding and mid-season type of blue, which is so popular in many regions of the country. Its bush is quite compact, and the weight of the fruit is approximately 400 grams. An average of 120 days pass from germination to harvesting. The main advantages of Albatross are keeping quality, versatility and impeccable taste without bitterness.

The photo shows the best varieties of eggplants for open ground

However, there are other varieties of eggplant that are in great demand among vegetable growers living in the south, central Russia, Ukraine and other regions. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the varieties, their descriptions and photos.

This variety is relatively new, but already popular. The first blue ones can be collected approximately 140 days after planting the material. To a greater extent, it is planted on their lands and gardens by summer residents and small farmers. As you can see in the photo, the bush is small, but semi-spreading. The fruits are rather elongated, smooth and small (the weight of one vegetable is 200 g).

According to reviews, the peel of the blue ones is thin, and the flesh contains no bitterness at all. However, it also has other features. Thus, Black Beauty is used for a wide variety of dishes and homemade preparations. The plant is disease-resistant, productive and unpretentious, and the excellent taste of the fruit will delight true gourmets. From one square meter It is often possible to collect up to 7 kg of fruits from this vegetable, thanks to which it can compete with others

Pictured is the eggplant Black Handsome

The plant received a characteristic name, since in fact it is low-growing, but very productive. The spreading bush reaches no more than 40-45 cm in height, and the weight of one pear-shaped vegetable is about 300 grams. The color of the fruit is rich purple with a glossy tint. The pulp has a pleasant white shade, dense, and the taste is excellent. The recommended planting pattern is 50x50 cm. About 6 bushes can be placed on 1 square meter, but you should not thicken the planting, as this will adversely affect the yield. The variety is very popular among gardeners, as it is frost-resistant and quite early ripening. Recommended for planting in central Russia and in regions with cool climates. Japanese dwarf eggplant can be grown successfully even in summer or winter greenhouses, and the plant begins to bear fruit within 2 months after planting seedlings in open ground.

Pictured is a Japanese dwarf eggplant

Eggplant of the Almaz variety is a medium-ripening plant and is intended for cultivation in open ground conditions in the south of the country, and in greenhouses in areas with predominant cool weather. The farmer will be able to collect the first fruits no earlier than after 100-110 days. In cold regions it may take 10-15 days longer. When grown in northern regions, it is recommended to plant them in open ground using seedlings to speed up fruiting. The Almaz variety tolerates unfavorable climatic conditions and drought well. The bush grows low and quite compact. The fruits are shaped like a cylinder, average weight- about 150 grams. The pulp has a greenish tint, is dense, and lacks a bitter aftertaste. According to vegetable growers, the plant is unpretentious and resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits have excellent shelf life and retain excellent presentation during long-term transportation.

Pictured is eggplant Diamond

Early ripening hybrid variety, producing round-shaped fruits, the weight of which often reaches a mass of 600 grams. The color of the peel is black-violet. The pulp is dense, does not taste bitter and is white. The bush grows up to 160 cm in height, so growing it in a greenhouse is problematic and the plant needs to be tied using a trellis method. It is not recommended to thicken the planting. Considering the significant spreading nature of the Bourgeois bush, you should not plant more than 3 plants per 1 square meter of soil. Gardeners recommend growing the variety using the seedling method. For this purpose, at the end of March, after preliminary soaking, the seeds are sown at home. The sprouted seeds are planted one at a time in a separate plastic cup and transferred to open ground along with a lump of earth. After 2 months, the seedlings can be transferred to open ground. This is worth doing when the weather is warm. The soil must be fertilized with organic matter before planting.

Pictured is the eggplant Bourgeois

Eggplant Alekseevsky: photo and description

A high-yielding variety that is in demand among gardeners. The bush has medium spreading, reaches a height of 50-60 cm. The fruits are dark purple in color, cylindrical in shape, have good taste, including in canned form. The dense pulp is white, without bitterness. The weight of each eggplant reaches 200 grams. It takes about 110-130 days before harvest. The Alekseevsky variety is resistant to tobacco and cucumber mosaic. Sowing seeds for seedlings begins in the last ten days of March, and the plant should be planted in open ground no earlier than the 20th of May.

Video about productive eggplant varieties for open ground:

This page contains the best early varieties of eggplants for open ground and greenhouses, in various colors, shapes and shades. Here we describe low-growing and tall varieties suitable for growing in different climatic zones and regions. You can select varieties for the Moscow region, northwest, Siberia, the Urals, and northern regions based on reviews in the comments left by gardeners from different parts of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, etc. Enjoy watching.

Eggplant Early

Ultra early ripening, unpretentious variety eggplant selection of the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station for open ground and film shelters. The bush is low, compact, standard, 50-60 cm high.

The fruits are elongated with a slight thickening towards the bottom, dark purple in color at maturity, weighing up to 200 g, excellent taste. These eggplants are recommended for culinary processing and canning.

The early ripening eggplant variety gives guaranteed harvest in any summer, even in Siberian conditions.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in late February-early March. When planting seedlings in the ground for 1 sq. Up to 6 plants are placed per meter of plot.

Eggplant Siberian early ripening 148

A very early, productive variety of eggplant for growing in open ground and film shelters. The plant is low-growing, standard, up to 50 cm high.

The fruits are elongated pear-shaped, weighing 150-200 grams, dark purple in color, good taste without bitterness. These eggplants are good for home cooking and canning.

The variety is very unpretentious, adapted to the conditions of the Urals and Siberia. Shows stable yield in any weather.

Eggplants are grown through seedlings. Sowing of seeds is carried out in late February-early March. Eggplant seedlings are planted in the ground after the night frosts have stopped. It is advisable to place plants in the ground according to the following scheme: 60-70 x 25-30 cm.

Eggplant Vera

An early ripening variety of eggplant for growing in open ground and in film shelters. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 100-118 days.

The bush is compact, 70-90 cm high. The leaves are medium-sized, violet-green, notched.

The fruits are pear-shaped, bright purple at maturity with a characteristic light stripe under the calyx, 15-20 cm long, weighing 125-200 grams. The eggplant skin is thin, the flesh is white, without voids. These eggplants can be used in home cooking and canning.

Advantages of the Vera variety: early ripeness, stable yield, high marketability of fruits.

Eggplant Long purple

Early ripening (95-110 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), productive eggplant variety for open ground and film shelters. The bush is erect, compact, 40-55 cm high.

The fruits are elongated-cylindrical, dark purple in technical ripeness, yellow or brown in biological ripeness, glossy, weighing 150-300 grams, 12-24 cm long. The pulp is greenish-white, dense, juicy, tender, tasty, without bitterness. These eggplants are good for canning, pickling, and culinary processing.

Variety value: resistance to a complex of diseases, high marketability and transportability of fruits.

Eggplant Nutcracker

An early-ripening, high-yielding, unpretentious eggplant hybrid. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

The bush is up to 1.5 meters high, but not spreading.

The fruits are round-pear-shaped (pot-bellied), glossy, rich purple in color at maturity, weighing 200-250 grams (in favorable conditions up to 350), 12-14 cm long. The pulp is medium density, without bitterness, excellent taste. These eggplants are suitable for long-term storage and transportation.

Productivity in extended rotation - 13-15 kg/sq.m., in spring-summer 7-8 kg per 1 sq.m. of plantings. It is advisable to plant plants according to the scheme: 60 x 40 cm.

The value of eggplant Nutcracker F1: early ripening, high yield and marketability of fruits, excellent taste of the product.

Eggplant Valentine

The earliest (90-95 days from germination to ripening) of all eggplant hybrids, it has very high disease resistance and sets fruit well even with a lack of light and heat.

The bush is semi-spreading, 70-90 cm high, depending on growing conditions. The leaves are medium sized, green, with a notched edge.

The fruits are elongated, cylindrical, leveled, dark purple at maturity, weighing 200-220 grams, up to 26 cm long, about 5 cm in diameter. The pulp is white, without bitterness and practically without seeds. These eggplants are used for home cooking and canning.

The hybrid is resistant to TMV.

Grown through seedlings, sowing in late February-early March. Eggplant seedlings are planted in the ground after the night frosts have stopped. It is advisable to place plants in the ground according to the following scheme: 60-70 x 25-30 cm.

Eggplant Bibo

Mid-season, high-yielding and disease-resistant Dutch eggplant hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. The main advantage of this eggplant is that the picked fruits retain their taste for a long time.

A bush with short internodes, which ensures an abundance of ovaries on it. Bush height 80-90 cm.

The fruits are oval-conical, smooth, glossy, leveled, white at maturity, weighing 300-400 grams, up to 18 cm long, up to 8 cm in diameter. The pulp is dense, white, of excellent quality and taste. These eggplants are good for home cooking.

It is preferable to grow Bibo F1 eggplant seedlings without picking, which ensures an earlier harvest.

The hybrid is characterized by rapid growth and the ability to set fruit in extreme conditions.

Eggplant Giselle

Early ripening (107 - 117 from germination to the beginning of ripening), cold-resistant, high-yielding eggplant hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. The bush is compact, up to 120 cm high. The leaves are large, green, the edge of the leaf is smooth, without thorns

Fruit cylindrical shapes, at the maturity stage, dark purple, glossy, up to 25 cm long, up to 7 cm in diameter, weighing 300-500 grams. The pulp is white, excellent taste. Suitable for long-term storage.

Productivity depending on growing conditions: in extended rotation - 14-16 kg/sq.m, in spring-summer - 7-9 kg/sq.m.

Variety value: early ripeness, high yield, compactness of plants, weak thorniness, high taste of fruits.

When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to plant no more than 4-6 plants, since dense plantings lead to a decrease in yield.

Eggplant Taste of mushrooms

Early ripening (95-105 days from germination to ripening) variety of eggplant for greenhouses and open ground. The bush is compact, closed, 50-70 cm high. The leaves are medium-sized, green, slightly wavy edges.

The fruits are cylindrical, white at maturity, weighing 150-200 grams, with thin skin. The pulp is milky white, without bitterness, with a delicate mushroom aroma. Recommended for use in home cooking and canning.

Variety value: high marketability of fruits, excellent technological and taste qualities. The variety easily tolerates temperature fluctuations.

Productivity eggplant Mushroom flavor - 4.8 - 6.4 kg/sq. m (subject to agricultural technology).

Eggplant Galina

Early ripening (105-110 days from germination to ripening) eggplant hybrid for growing in open ground, greenhouses and under temporary film covers. The bush is semi-spreading, 60-80 cm high, the stem has a strong anthocyanin color. The leaves are large, green, with a smooth edge.

The fruits are cylindrical (slightly pear-shaped), glossy, dark purple at maturity, of medium length and diameter, weighing 200-220 grams. The spines on the calyx are absent or very sparse. The pulp is whitish, without bitterness, excellent taste.

Productivity commercial fruits: 6.1-6.5 kg/sq.m.

Eggplant Galina F1 sets fruit well under temperature changes and is tolerant of adverse weather conditions.

The eggplant hybrid Galina F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground and under film covers on private farms.

Eggplant Fabina

An early eggplant hybrid from French breeders. Recommended for growing in open ground and film shelters. Bush open type, 45-60 cm high. The leaves are large, green, with jagged edges. 6-8 fruits are formed on the plant at a time.

The fruits are elongated-cylindrical, at the ripe stage of rich dark purple color, 20-23 cm long, 5-6 cm in diameter. The eggplant skin is thin, the flesh is whitish-green, dense, without bitterness. These eggplants are good for cooking and processing.

The hybrid is resistant to verticillium wilt and spider mites.

Scheme of planting seedlings: 100 x 40-35 cm. Productivity: up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m.

Eggplant Prince

Early ripening (95-104 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), highly productive eggplant variety for open ground and film shelters. The bush is compact, 65-70 cm high. The leaves are medium-sized, green, with a notched edge.

The fruits are cylindrical, glossy, dark purple at maturity, 20-30 cm long, 5-7 cm in diameter, weighing 150-200 g. The pulp is whitish, without bitterness, excellent taste. These eggplants are recommended for culinary processing and canning.

Productivity: up to 7 kg/sq.m (with watering and fertilizing).

The value of the variety: complex resistance to diseases and changes in air temperature, unpretentiousness, stable high yield, high taste and marketable quality of the fruit.

The Prince eggplant variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground and under film covers in private household plots.