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The concept of winter-hardy varieties of roses: where, when and what to buy. Varieties of frost-resistant roses for wintering without shelter in cold regions

Inexperienced owners country houses hesitant to breed roses, considering them very capricious and unable to withstand harsh winters.

For such insecure summer residents, frost-resistant varieties of roses have been bred that do not need shelter for the winter and can easily withstand frost. With all this, the "snowmen" created by the efforts of breeders are not deprived of the beauty of the bush, the grace of flowers and the aroma for which many grow these wonderful plants.

Types and classification of winter-hardy roses

Roses that can survive the winter without shelter are divided into three groups:

  • absolutely winter-hardy, wintering in an upright position and withstanding even harsh winters - they practically do not require any care and attention from the gardener;
  • winter-hardy, capable of surviving the winter in an upright position, but with severe frosts they can freeze slightly;
  • medium-winter-hardy varieties, can do without shelter in regions with mild winters, can freeze to the level of snow. In order to prevent death, such varieties need to be bent, covering with snow.

The highest frost resistance is present in park roses - they are bred from wild rose hips, but now it is difficult to recognize a quick great-grandfather in magnificent flowers. Canadian varieties, developed under a special program, can withstand up to 45 degrees below zero, they can be safely chosen even by residents of the northern regions.

Park frost-resistant roses are used for landscaping city gardens, but nothing prevents them from planting them on a personal plot, making their work easier and reducing the risk of losing garden pets.

Popular varieties of hardy roses

The most popular frost-resistant rose bears the symbolic name "Polar Star" (Polstjarnan), it was bred back in the thirties of the last century. This is a climbing plant that blooms with beautiful fragrant flowers that attract with a delicate tea aroma. The flowers are very beautiful creamy white color, flowering lasts from early summer to late autumn. The height of the bush reaches 120 cm.

Emily (Emelie) - another climber Canadian beauty, not requiring winter shelter. The plant blooms profusely big flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, and in addition to flowers, it is decorated with hard shiny leaves. Bush height - up to 110 cm.

Rose gallant (R. Eglanteria) is another "Snow Maiden" who is not afraid of winter cold. This representative of the gardens was also bred from wild rose hips and is very similar in appearance to its progenitor. Attracts with the original aroma of a green apple, grows quickly, tolerates partial shade and is resistant to diseases.

Romance (Romanze) - beautiful flowering shrub With large flowers, up to 12 cm in size, with a pleasant aroma. Blossoms twice a year, has lush foliage.

Gartentraume is a shrubby plant with double flowers of a very pleasant aroma. This variety looks spectacular in a group planting of 3-5 specimens or as a hedge covering an unattractive blind fence. Ideal for growing in pots.

Midsummer - a low shrub up to one meter high, blooms with pretty double two-color flowers with a mild aroma. Midsummer does not grow a little more than a meter in height and blooms in mid-summer.

Piccolo is a low-growing shrub 40-50 cm high, attracts with abundant flowering, fast growth and good branching. Delicate salmon-red terry flowers, 8-10 cm in diameter, beckon with the aroma of a tea rose.

Of course, frost-resistant open roses require less time and easier care, but they also need protection from diseases, pruning, top dressing and other actions that promote growth and flowering.

If you don't have suburban area, but I really want to have my own garden, make or break it. If this is not possible, get infected.

Unusually severe cold caused great damage to gardeners and flower lovers. Even now, some are counting the losses, realizing that many rose bushes were beaten by frost and died.

Moreover, even their careful shelter, carried out according to all the rules for preparing roses for winter, did not save the plants. What about now flower growers who grow on their own household plots, various varieties roses, because according to weather forecasts, the coming winters will be no less cold than the current one?

There is only one answer in this case. It is necessary to switch to the cultivation of such varieties of roses that demonstrate increased frost resistance and therefore, without great losses, are able to endure even the Russian winter with its frosts and cold prickly winds. Such winter-hardy roses do not need winter shelter, which significantly reduces the cost of their maintenance and labor costs when preparing the garden for winter. Here is the question - what are the most winter-hardy non-covering roses?

The list of winter-hardy varieties of roses includes mainly semi-double and double roses. At the same time, only those species were selected whose resistance to cold was confirmed by many years of practice, that is, the bushes of which survived at least 5 winters without damage. Representatives of non-double varieties are also present in the list of winter-hardy roses, but there are very few of them and mostly these are plants that give red, yellow and orange flowers when flowering.

So, the single-blooming varieties of the white rose, the so-called Albe, have the most numerous representation on this list. Of those that are more known to Russian flower growers, the following hybrids of white roses can be mentioned: Albe Maxima, Blubch Belgic, Blush Hip, Felicite Parmentier, Lemon Blush, Jeanne d'Arc, Morning Blush, Madame Hardy, Madame Plantier, White Rose of York , Queen of Denmark.

Also, very good indicators of winter hardiness are characteristic of some hybrids of the prickly rose - Hybrid Spinosissime. First of all, these are: re-blooming Aicha, Fruhlingsduft, Stanwell Perpetual, Karl Foerster, William's Double Yellow and Scottish rose. Plants of these species also tolerate winter well, without the need for shelter and additional warming.

Williams Double Yellow rose

Some specific winter-hardy roses are also included in the list of winter-hardy plants. These are Rose foetida persiana, also often referred to as Persian Yellow, and Rose cinnamomea Plena. The hybrid of the Persian and prickly roses, Harrison's rose, better known in Europe under the name Jeune Bicolor, tolerates winter frosts well without shelter.

Excellent frost tolerance is characteristic of rose species that are called shrabs in Europe, but they are better known to Russian flower growers as semi-climbing roses. Do not need shelter such species as Golden Wings, Robusta and Pink Robusta.

Note that although most climbing roses it is imperative to remove from the supports and cover for the winter, yet among them there are samples that do not need this. These are varieties of climbing roses, bred in Canada and Sweden, the climate of which is similar to that of Russia. These are varieties such as William Buffin, Henry Kelsey, Harrisons Yellow, Rumbling Red, John Davis.

Well, and complete the list of varieties, non-covering roses, wrinkled rose hybrids - Hybrid Pugosa: Alba Piena, Fbelzieds, Rubra Piena Agnes, Buffalo Gal, George Cain, Delicata, Hansa, Henry Hudson, Hansaland, Ritausma White Paverment, Pink Grotendorst, as well as the result work of domestic breeders - Queen of the North.

A rose is a beautiful flower with a delicate aroma and a spectacular appearance that can revive even the dullest flower garden. The variety of forms and palettes of this plant allows you to profitably design a different landscape of the site, carry out vertical gardening, grow hedge or reproduce the royal greenhouse at home. Winter-hardy roses can decorate the rose garden or front garden of site owners in cold areas.

Rosa is the Latin collective name in botany for representatives of the genus Rosehip, the Rosaceae family, or Rosaceae. It is impossible to call this flower unpretentious. For a seedling, it is necessary to carefully select a place, lighting, soil. Required permanent care follow them throughout the season. Mandatory procedures for such a pet to be healthy, actively develop and bloom regularly, are constant treatment from various microbial, balanced and timely feeding, pruning.

Most wild varieties exist quietly in the climate of the middle zone and endure frosty winters almost without damage. Cultivated species are not so immune to cold, so flower growers often suffer losses. To solve this problem, scientists and botanists resort to selection. The result of their labors was winter-hardy varieties of roses.

After carrying out the necessary preparatory work on the site the question arises of which winter-hardy roses should be purchased. A wide range in garden centers and specialized stores will not disappoint the consumer. Next, the most unpretentious and winter-hardy representatives of the family will be considered.

Video "How to lay a rose garden correctly

climbing roses

Hardy climbing roses can be represented by small-flowered specimens like wild roses and new large-flowered varieties that bloom several times a season and have striking colors.

Climbing rose variety "Rosarium Yutersen"

Rosarium Uetersen (Rosarium Uetersen)- a large-flowered representative obtained by flower growers in 1977. But popularity began to gain in the zero years. Buds reach 15 centimeters. The palette is limited to shades of pink. The lush and bushy crown bears fleshy foliage. Planted on the south side, taking from neighboring plants and supports (building, fence) half a meter.

Large blooming "Santana" ("Santana") forms single buds up to 12 centimeters in diameter, or brushes of several colors. A three-meter bush is completely covered with blood-red flowers and pleases the eye for a long time. The landing site should cover an area of ​​50 by 50 centimeters in the southern part of the territory. Planted in spring or autumn.

Big buds open rose "Polka" 15 centimeters in diameter. Delicate peach or cream color. Wave-like abundant flowering several times a season. The bush is low - no more than 2 meters.

Winter-hardy climbing rose variety "Super Excelsa"

Small-flowered "Super Excelsa" ("Super Excelsa") lets out buds no more than four centimeters of lilac color, almost purple. Terry flowers. It is desirable to determine the seedling in the shade, since the petals are very delicate and will quickly lose their appearance in the sun.

"Snow Goose" has miniature flowers that cover the bush continuously. Brushes can form up to 20 buds. The spikes are practically absent. The variety is used in vertical gardening and as an independent plant.

"Super Dorothy"- small-flowered with abundant flowering until the first frost, but the first flowers appear only by the beginning of summer. Reaches three meters in height. The palette has many shades, but the most popular color is raspberry.

Roses of Austin

Austin roses are often called "Austin roses", "Austins". The first samples were bred by the famous breeder David Austin at the end of the 20th century, who destroyed the stereotype of the usual goblet rose and began to display buds various forms, inspired by the flowers of vintage roses.

Austin roses grade "The Mayflower"

"The Mayflower"- the first disease and frost-resistant representative of this variety, awarded the royal award. Flowers pale and small pale pink with a strong rose scent. Flowering begins in spring and continues until the first frost.

Susan William Ellis»blooms at the end of May. flowers stay until frost. They have a strong smell. Shrubs are suitable for border plantings and hedges.

"Hide Hall" large pink bush. Blooms for a long time. Issues a large number of buds. Due to its size, it can act as a background or be grown as a hedge. Very hardy, therefore capable of abundant re-flowering.

"Wild Eric" often mistaken for rugosa. The racemes are oblong and tightly folded with semi-double flowers of rich pink with purple tints. By the end of flowering, the rosettes fade to a pale lilac. It has a light unobtrusive aroma with a hint of cucumber.

Roses Austin grade "Lady of Shalott"

Lady of Shalott has flowers of unusual color. Petals of a heterogeneous orange-pink-coral-apricot color with a pale yellow underside and a rich salmon-orange middle. Despite being so delicate appearance, is very resistant to diseases and frost-resistant sample. At favorable conditions grows rapidly and forms large branches. The smell corresponds to the color - warm, apple, tea-clove.

Graham Thomas- This is a variety that has become the most popular among many brethren. Few varieties, even among hybrid teas, have such a pure yellow color without shades. Cupped terry buds with a diameter of 7-10 centimeters exude a tea aroma. Forms a large bushy crown. Abundant flowering pleases the eye for a long time.

Austin roses variety "The Alexander Rose"

The Alexandra Rose- an uncharacteristic representative of Austin roses. The ancestor of this variety is the Alba rose. The flowers are similar to wild rosehip flowers. In the center are pronounced stamens. The color changes with age from salmon pink to almost white. The brush can be strewn with buds, up to 20 units. The non-thorny crown has spreading shoots.

"Benjamin Britten" is a very showy rose bush with an atypical English rose coloring. The petals are bright red with orange notes and form into a cup around a deep-set center. It contrasts well against the background of more gentle counterparts. The bush crown is formed by branched shoots intertwined with each other. It has a bright aroma reminiscent of pear wine and fruits.

Video "Roses of Austin - a story about the history of their appearance"

ground cover roses

Ground cover roses include many representatives of the genus in their group. Received their disease resistance and excellent frost resistance from wild rose hips. Does not need regular pruning. Easy to care for. A distinctive feature of this category of plants is the presence of long and winding shoots, falling and creeping with a carpet - hence the name.

Winter-hardy ground cover roses variety "Amber Sun"

"Amber Sun" ("Amber Sun") has a wide crumbling bush with shiny and fleshy greens up to half a meter high. Brushes are formed by buds, up to 8 in number. Shoots densely cover the area around the bush. The petals are a warm honey-yellow color.

"Eskimo" ("Eskimo")- not large. The bush is erect, reaching a height of 80 centimeters, which allows the variety to be used as a hedge. The brushes are formed by small white rosettes up to 8 units. Very unpretentious. Does not require pruning.

"Stadt Rom" ("Stadt Rum") impresses with its splendor. Fuchsia-colored buds, not terry, similar to rose hips. They say about this one: “It blooms like crazy!”. The crown is dense and compact with well-branched shoots.

Canadian roses

Canadian roses are sectioned by crossing rugosa roses with species and Cordes roses. By the name of the group it is clear that they were first bred in Canada for the corresponding climate. Differ in high endurance of low temperatures (to -40 °C).

Floribunda rose 'Queen Elizabet'

"Queen Elizabeth" has pale pink petals, tightly collected in a semi-double flower. They fade in the sun, losing color saturation. The buds form a large brush with up to 15 flowers. Every six years it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating pruning of the bush, which means the removal of shoots almost under the root. in early spring. It is the first representative of the "grandiflora" category, although this group is not recognized in all countries.

"Arthur Bell"- floribunda rose. Starts blooming early. Remontantnaya. Yellow petals fade under the rays, so it is worth shading, but not much. Smells like sweet fruit. Accustomed to the weather of Northern Europe.

J.P. Connell" is a yellow rose from the Explorer collection. Pastel lemon yellow petals. Does not form large brushes. Red stamens “sit” in the center of double flowers in the shape of a bowl. Without pruning, the crown becomes vigorous. Produces undulating blooms.

Winter-hardy roses grade "Leonardo da Vinci"

Shrub roses "Leonardo da Vinci" type floribunda. Abundantly flowering bush with very large flowers of juicy pink color. Inflorescences are numerous with densely double flat flowers. They exude a delicate pink scent. Despite the rich and aristocratic appearance, they act as very resistant specimens to diseases. powdery mildew and rust.

Many novice flower growers are sure that some special conditions are needed to grow roses on their own plot, and not everyone can succeed. This opinion has developed due to the unsuccessful attempts of many to grow and preserve these capricious beauties. In fact, at correct selection varieties to grow a queen of flowers in your own flower bed is no more difficult than any other flower. It is only important to know which roses are the most unpretentious and winter-hardy and choose a variety, depending on the climatic conditions of the region of residence.

Types of roses for growing in harsh climates with photos

For amateur flower growers living in a harsh climate with frosty and often snowless winters, it is quite difficult to keep roses during the cold season. Initially, the rose was intended for cultivation in warm regions. But there were more and more people all over the world who wanted to admire the beauty of this flower, and then the breeders set themselves the task of growing frost-resistant varieties that could survive quite severe frosts. As a result of their work, the arsenal of flower growers has been replenished with several types of roses that are able to get along in unpredictable weather conditions not only in the middle zone, but also during severe frosts in Siberia.

All types of winter-hardy roses are divided into three types:

  1. Absolutely frost-resistant. Able to winter in an upright position and even in severe frosts do not require attention.
  2. Medium winter hardy. They winter without shelter only in regions with a mild climate, but subject to sufficient snow cover. With a lack of snow, they can freeze slightly. It is recommended to bend down the stems of roses for a quality snow cover.
  3. Relatively winter hardy. They overwinter in an upright position, subject to mild frosts. In regions with a harsh climate, they require high-quality, air-dry shelter.

Roses of Canadian selection

This species was bred in northern Canada, therefore it is resistant to the most severe frosts. Bushes, with proper shelter, can withstand frosts down to -45. Canadian breeders began breeding winter-hardy roses in the second half of the 20th century. The work was funded by the state.

Roses of Canadian selection. Variety Alexander Mackenzie

The species range is represented by two series: Explorer and Parkland. In 2009, another series appeared on the world market - Canadian Artists. Roses are meant to be grown in 4 climate zone. Therefore, under earth shelter they can winter in the conditions of Penza and St. Petersburg , as well as in all nearby cities. In the third climatic zone, in the conditions of the Urals and Trans-Urals, for these roses it is necessary to build a frame shelter and cover them with spruce branches.

The most popular varieties of roses of this species:

  • Charles Austin. The variety is ideal for the climate of the Moscow region. The height of the bush is up to one and a half meters. The flowers are orange, on the petals the color is paler than in the center.
  • Morden Centennial. park rose with red-pink. Medium sized flowers. The bush is tall, sometimes growing up to two meters.
  • Wasagaming. Pink flowers with a pleasant persistent aroma. Unpretentious variety withstands severe frost. According to flower growers, this variety is suitable even for the harsh climate of Tyumen. .

Roses of Canadian selection. Variety Champlain

One of the clear advantages of this type of roses is their incredible resistance to temperature extremes. On summer cottages this type is often used to decorate unattractive areas, decorate arbors and fences. Shoots of climbing roses grow from two to 10-15 meters long and during flowering the bushes are completely covered with flowers. Frost-resistant are varieties of small-flowered climbing roses:

  • Super Excelsa. Blooms in large clusters of fuchsia. Bushes easily tolerate heat and frost.
  • snow goose. The flowers of this variety resemble white balls. Thanks to the abundance of petals. In each brush, from 5 to 25 flowers are formed. The variety blooms almost continuously for two months.
  • Super Dorothy. It has a particularly pleasant, strong aroma. Stems grow up to 3 meters. Flowers are semi-double, crimson.
  • Rambling Rector. Chameleon variety: at the beginning of flowering they are ivory. As they fade in the sun, they become snow-white. In each brush, from 20 to 50 small flowers are formed. The rose is able to winter without shelter.

Climbing roses. Variety Rosarium Uetersen

This type of roses is distinguished by its special unpretentiousness and amazing vitality. They grow rapidly, forming a low, profusely flowering shrub up to three meters in diameter. They hibernate under shelter with spruce branches and non-woven material, and in the conditions of the Volga region they are able to hibernate under a small layer of peat-soil mixture. The most popular varieties of roses:

  • Amber Sun. The flowers have an unusual color that changes during flowering at the beginning of blooming, the bud is copper-yellow, closer to withering, it brightens to pale cream.
  • Stadt Rohm. The height of the bush is not more than 50 centimeters. Blooms salmon. Does not fade or fade even in strong sun.
  • Solero. The variety has increased resistance to diseases and pests. The flowers are bright yellow or lemon, cupped.
  • Residence. Unique variety with increased rain resistance. Recommended for growing under conditions high humidity St. Petersburg. It blooms with semi-double flowers collected in racemes. The color of the petals is carmine, the middle of the flower is light pink.
  • golden showers. The most winter-hardy variety of climbing roses. Blooms bright yellow from June to late autumn. The variety is not picky about the composition of the soil and is resistant to diseases.

Ground cover roses. Sort Ferdy

Floribunda roses

The type of floribunda was obtained by crossing the tea-hybrid and polyanthus roses. From their ancestors, floribunda inherited abundant flowering, resistance to diseases and pests, and excellent winter hardiness. In the presence of an air-dry frame shelter, this species can tolerate frosts of minus 35-40 degrees. In regions with a milder climate, for example, in particular, in the gardens of Volgograd, floribunda can winter under light peat-soil cover. The most frost-resistant are the following varieties of roses:

  • Arthur Bell. A variety that is especially popular in Europe, but is quite suitable for growing in the expanses of Siberia and the middle zone. The height of the bush is 75-80 centimeters. The buds are semi-double, pale yellow in color with pink edging of the petals. Blooms in clusters of 3-5. Has a slight fruity aroma. The disadvantage of the variety is the burning out of the petals in the sun.
  • deja vu. The variety was bred in Siberia and is characterized by increased winter hardiness. The bush is upright. With branches. The flowers are bright yellow with coral edging petals, cone-shaped.
  • Jack Frost. The color of the buds is white with a light green tint. The bud is goblet. In loose form, the diameter of the flower is about 9 centimeters.
  • Luminion. It blooms in inflorescences of 6-7 pieces. Flowers cup-shaped, fiery scarlet.
  • Sunsprite (Freesia). It is considered the best representative of the floribunda species. Withstands frosts down to minus 30 degrees under light cover. Disease resistant. Flowers cup-shaped, golden. The disadvantage of the variety is the rapid shedding of the petals.
  • Evelyn Fishon. Spreading bush, up to 80 centimeters in height. The flowers are cup-shaped, bright red in the center, burgundy at the edges. The variety is resistant to sun and rain.

Floribunda roses. Variety Iceberg

shrub roses

Shrub roses or scrubs were bred in the middle of the last century. The word "shrab" in English means "bush". In principle, all genera are bushes. But scrubs are "bushes of bushes." Their height often reaches 2 meters, the stems are powerful, elastic.

Scarves are frost resistant. IN middle lane can winter without shelters, in regions with severe frosts they require only light shelters. It is customary to include many subgroups of scrubs. Basically, this group includes varieties that are not ideally suited to other species. The most resistant to frost varieties:

  • Crown Princess Margaret. The height of the bush is 2.5 meters. Blooms profusely from June to October. Apricot flowers, rich color. Has a strong fruity aroma.
  • Snow ballet. The flowers are white. Up to 7 centimeters in diameter, with a delicate aroma.
  • Gazebo. Resistant to drought, frost, disease, rain and fading. Flowers up to 12 centimeters in diameter, golden-pink. Flowering is long.
  • Munstead Wood. The color of the flowers is burgundy or red, raspberry at the beginning of flowering. The bush is dense, large in diameter, up to one and a half meters high.
  • Lilac rain. A variety with increased frost resistance, does not freeze even in the absence of snow. blooms lilac flowers. Flowers small size, densely double. Flowering is undulating, repeated. The height of the bush is 60-120 centimeters.
  • . Pink-apricot flowers, richer in tone in the center and lighter at the edges. The diameter of the flower is about 14-15 centimeters. On one stem 2-3 flowers are formed. Bush in height 130 -140 centimeters.
  • . The flowers are spherical in the bud stage and cup-shaped, densely double when open. Depending on the variety, the flowers range from pale cream to burgundy. The flower is about 12 cm in diameter. Flowering is undulating. The height of the bush is 120-130 centimeters, the width is not more than 60 centimeters. It tolerates frost well, but is not resistant to rain.
  • Toscanini. One of the most frost-resistant varieties, can winter without shelter even during severe frosts. It blooms in red, the diameter of the flower is about 10 centimeters. With heavy pruning, it can winter without shelter. The height of the bush is 130 centimeters. Stems of uneven length, which gives the bush a somewhat untidy appearance.

Shrub roses. Variety Summer Sunset

We invite you to get acquainted with the features of cultivation garden roses. Enjoy watching!

Most rose lovers, when choosing varieties for their garden, want roses to bloom constantly. Of course, one would like to hope for the continuity of flowering, but strictly speaking, it cannot be, just as there is no eternal youth. continuously blooming roses no, but some varieties give the impression of continuous flowering. In this case, we are not talking about the persistence of flowers that adorn the bushes for weeks, but the ability of the plant to form new flowers.
The impression of continuity of flowering is created by roses that are capable of active branching and the production of new shoots, biological feature which is the property to form new flowers in the current vegetative season. This is typical mainly for varieties from the floribunda and scrub groups. Pay attention to the nature of the growth of such varieties. While the main inflorescence is still neatly blooming, the underlying buds begin to actively germinate and form flowers or inflorescences of the next order. Sometimes they bloom before the upper inflorescence loses its decorative effect. Not all varieties branch so actively on their own, but they can be provoked to this. Stimulation for a new flowering is only pruning of fading inflorescences.
The rose blooms in order to eventually form seeds, and not to please us with flowers. This eternal desire for the reproduction of roses can be used for your own purposes. By cutting off faded flowers, we encourage roses to try again. Sometimes you can pinch off individual shoots and while the remaining flowers fade, the pinched shoots will form new flowers, giving the impression of continuous flowering. Experienced gardeners know how to regulate the flowering of individual varieties by pinching and pruning, so that it really looks continuous. There will be fewer flowers at times, but they will look more spectacular against a thick green background, and you can admire the shape and shades of color.
Of course, not all varieties are the same, some roses take a break between waves of flowering, while others, vigorously growing varieties, produce both new shoots and new flowers almost all the time. There are varieties that grow vigorously, branch well, but for some reason are stingy with flowers. A typical example is the floribunda rose with elegant variegated flowers "Tocade" (Meilland, 1999), for its bulky bushes there are always few flowers, however, it has another and unexpected dignity, its shoots are devoid of thorns.

Ten tirelessly flowering varieties roses

‘Bonica 82’ (Meilland, 1982; S, h=0.8-1.0)
‘Bad Birndach’ (W Kordes’ Sohne, 1999; ADR- 2000, h=0.5)
"Dominique Loiseau" (Delbard, 2003; S, h=0.6)
"Westzeit" (Noack, 2004; ADR- 2007, F, h= 0.6-0.7)
"Absolutely Fabolous' (Weeks, 2004; F, h=0.6-0.8)
"Ghislaine de Feligonde" (Turbat, 1916; Hmult, h=2.5)
‘Hansestadt Rostock’ (Rosen Tantau, 2010; F, h=0.7-0.9)
"Lovely Meilland" (Meilland, 2000; S, h=0.6-0.9)
"Jean Cocteau" (Meilland, 2009; F, h=0.8-0.9)
"Knock Out" (Radler, 1999; ADR, S, h=0.6)

Bonica 82"

Bonica 82"

"Bonica 82" blooms almost continuously.

"Bad Birnbach"

"Bad Birnbach" blooms and blooms

Dominique Loiseau"

If the faded flowers of "Dominique Loiseau" are cut in a timely manner, then there will be no pauses in flowering.




"Westzeit" from the beginning of flowering to late autumn does not happen without flowers.

Californian star "Absolutely Fabulous" will please both beginners and experienced fans.

"Absolutely Fabulous"

Attractive and unpretentious rambler rose "Ghislaine de Feligonde"

Ghislaine de Feligonde

The flowers of "Hansestadt Rostrock" can be admired all summer long.

"Hansestadt Rostrock"

"Hansestadt Rostrock"

Delicate flowers "Lovely Meilland" delight until late autumn.