Shower      04/09/2019

What is thermal energy for hot water supply? Calculation of water heating costs

Many people, when paying for utility services, are surprised to see the phrase “water heating” on the receipt. In fact, this innovation was adopted back in 2013. According to Government Decree No. 406, if available centralized system water supply must be paid according to a two-part tariff.

Thus, the tariff was divided into two components: use cold water and thermal energy. Now the calculation is made separately for two resources: water for hot water supply and thermal energy. That is why a column appeared on receipts indicating the amount of thermal energy spent on heating cold water. However, many believe that heating fees are charged illegally and write complaints to housing and communal services. To ensure the legality of this type of charge, you should learn more about this service.

The reason for this innovation was the additional use of energy. Risers and heated towel rails connected to the hot water supply system consume thermal energy, but this consumption was not previously taken into account in payment calculations for public utilities. Since heating fees can only be charged during the heating season, heating the air through the use of a heated towel rail was not paid for as a utility service. The government found a way out of this situation by dividing the tariff into two components.


If the water heater fails, the bill hot water will not increase. In this case, authorized employees of the management organization are required to repair the equipment urgently. But since repairs require payment, residents must still pay this amount. Although the heating bill will remain the same, the cost of repairs and maintenance of the property will increase. This is explained by the fact that water heating devices are part of the property of homeowners.

As for non-standard situations, when, for example, some apartments in a multi-storey building have access to hot water, and the second only to cold water, issues regarding payment for heating are resolved on an individual basis. As practice shows, residents are often required to pay for common property that they do not use.

Thermal energy component

If the calculation of payment for cold water is quite simple (it is carried out on the basis of the established tariff), then not everyone understands what is included in the cost of such a service as heating.

The amount to pay for a service such as water heating is calculated taking into account the following components:

  • established tariff for thermal energy;
  • expenses required to maintain a centralized hot water supply system (from central heating points where water is heated);
  • cost of thermal energy loss in pipelines;
  • costs necessary to transport hot water.

Payment for utility services for hot water supply is calculated taking into account the volume of water used, which is measured in m3.

As a rule, the amount of required thermal energy is determined on the basis of general house values, which are shown by hot water meters and consumed thermal energy. The amount of energy used in each room is calculated by multiplying the used volume of water (determined by the meter) by the specific heat energy consumption. The energy volume is multiplied by the tariff. The resulting value is the amount required to pay for what is written on the receipt as “water heating”.

How to calculate it yourself in 2018-2019

Water heating is one of the most expensive utilities. This is explained by the fact that when heating it is necessary to use special equipment operating from the mains. To make sure that the receipt shows the correct amount to be paid, you can do the calculations yourself and compare the resulting value with the amount indicated on the receipt. To do this, you need to find out the amount of payment for thermal energy established by the regional tariff commission. Further calculations depend on the presence or absence of metering devices:

  1. If you have a meter installed in your apartment, then you can calculate the consumption of thermal energy based on its indicator.
  2. If there is no meter, calculations should be made based on established standard indicators (set by an energy-saving organization).

If there is a general heat energy consumption meter in a residential building and individual meters installed in the apartments, the calculation of the amount for heating is calculated based on the readings of the general meter and further proportional distribution for each apartment. If such a device is not available, the amount required to pay for heating is calculated based on the standard energy consumption for heating 1 m 3 of water in the reporting month and the readings individual counter water.

Where to write a complaint

If the legality of the additional line “water heating” in receipts is in question, in order not to overpay for heating, it is recommended to first contact the Criminal Code with a request to explain what this item means. The appearance of a new line in the receipt is legal only on the basis of the decision of the owner of the apartment building premises. In the absence of such a decision, you should write a complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate. After filing a complaint with the Criminal Code, you must be provided with an answer with explanations within thirty days. If you refuse to justify why such a service is indicated in the receipt, you should file a complaint with the prosecutor's office with a claim in court. In this case, if you have already paid the amount indicated in the receipt, the basis for the claim will be Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If a refund is not required, but you must pay for services that are not provided to you, file a claim to exclude the “water heating” line. In this case, it is worth referring to Article 16 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Hello! please help me figure it out. Our HOA has replaced the management company. The new Criminal Code charges us for hot water, referring to the methodology from Resolution P No. 354.. The payment for hot water supply in our receipts is divided into two parts: individual consumption and single consumption and consists of 2 lines: cold water supply and heating. There are no problems with the first line in individual consumption... there is the volume (according to the meter in the apartment) and the tariff... but they calculate heating (i.e. the number of Kcal for heating) based on the general house water consumption (according to the house meter) and calculate the share of my calories based on the volume of chemical waste according to my counter. Calories turn out to be 0.74 (for my 6 cubic meters) and the fee in the individual consumption line in the new receipts has doubled. The previous company calculated it more simply; they simply took my CW consumption on the meter and multiplied it by the approved standard for heating 1 cubic meter of water, 0.0615. and the difference between the general house consumption and the amount according to the residents’ meters was distributed in the ODN part in proportion to the area. In the new receipts, the basement with ONE is reset to zero... that is, as I understand it, the new company calculates everything for us together without separating general house needs and intra-apartment needs.. or am I wrong?
I reviewed Resolution 354.. and did not find the formula by which hot water supply should be calculated in apartment buildings with centralized water supply ( open circuit).. help me figure it out.. are the actions of the new Criminal Code legal? Thank you!

Hello, Natalia!

To begin with, as our President Vladimir Putin likes to say, “let’s separate the flies from the cutlets: the flies are separate, the cutlets are separate!”
In our case, the “cutlets” will be the hot water supply (DHW) scheme for your home, and the “flies” will be what the new Criminal Code considers and how. We will deal with the “flies” second.
First, we will deal with the “cutlets”:

Please specify:
At the beginning of the letter you write: “... The payment for hot water supply in our receipts... consists of 2 lines: HWA and heating...”.
As far as I know and understand the heat and power industry of housing and communal services, such a division of payments for hot water supply is used in a CLOSED heat supply system - in which two heat supply (heating) pipelines (direct and return) go from your quarterly boiler house (or from the combined heat and power plant), and the water for hot water supply is heated partly heating water in water heaters (boilers) located in each house (or group of houses).
Do you have a hot water boiler in your home?
Regarding payment for hot water supply in a CLOSED heat supply system: regulatory and technical documents allow two methods of calculating and paying for hot water supply, depending on which method is more suitable for the specific conditions of the city, on the settlement system adopted in the city between house management companies, Teploenergo and Vodokanal, or which is more “liked” by the authorities and accountants.

the payment is taken under the item “hot water supply”, which includes the amount of payment for heat received from the boiler room and spent in the boiler to heat water, plus payment for cold water supplied by Vodokanal and then heated in the boiler and consumed by residents. Then this payment from all residents, received by the house management company, is divided by the accounting department between Teploenergo and Vodokanal according to the rules known to them.

The fee is taken on two counts:
- “hot water supply” is a payment for heat received from the boiler room and spent in the boiler to heat water. As a rule, this money goes directly to Teploenergo without any “shrinkage or waste” in the management company;
- “cold water for hot water supply” - payment for water supplied by Vodokanal and then heated in a boiler and consumed by residents. As a rule, this money goes directly to Vodokanal without any “shrinkage or waste” in the management company.

If a fee for “cold water for hot water supply” has appeared, then the fee for “hot water supply” should be reduced by the same amount.

However, at the end of the letter you write: “... I did not find in Resolution No. 354... a formula by which hot water supply should be calculated in apartment buildings with centralized hot water supply (open scheme)”
An OPEN DHW system is a system where water for DHW purposes is heated in a boiler room (CHP), flows through a separate pipeline and is then distributed to MKD water taps. In this case, the payment for hot water supply is determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 (for an apartment equipped with an individual meter) and 10, 13 (for one unit in a building with a common meter) of Appendix 2 “Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services” of Resolution No. 354.
What kind of hot water system is in your house - CLOSED or OPEN?

Natalia! Let's move on to the "flies".

Unfortunately, based on the figures and reasoning you presented, without having before your eyes (in your hands) the texts of your letter to the Criminal Code demanding to provide you with written explanations on the problem with calculating the payment for hot water supply and the corresponding responses from the Criminal Code, it is very difficult to give you an intelligible answer.
If you did not write such a letter, demand that the Criminal Code provide you with explanations on the basis of which documents the calculations were made, indicating their names, articles and items, including calculations using the forms of the corresponding items 1, 10, 13 (or others, according to who made the calculations?) Appendix 2 “Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services” of Resolution No. 354.

In your letter, refer to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, “Standard for the disclosure of information by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings” (approved by the Post. Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 731), as well as to paragraph 31 of the “Rules for the provision of utilities services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011):
“...31. The performer is obliged:
...e) carry out DIRECTLY UPON THE CONSUMER'S APPLICATION, check the correctness of the calculation of the amount of utility fees presented to the consumer for payment, the consumer's debt or overpayment for utilities, ... and immediately, based on the results of the check, issue the consumer documents containing correctly calculated payments. Documents issued to the consumer at his request must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the contractor.”

The course of our further considerations and actions will depend on your answers.
Good luck with paying for hot water!

answer from Kalnin Yuri

Uv. Yuri, hello! Thanks for your reply. There are no boilers in our house. Here in the entire Avtozavodsky district open system hot water supply. And in many companies, hot water supply is divided into two lines: cold water supply and heating. (my mother lives in the next block, 9th floor. MKD they have hot water supply in one line.. tariff 109./83 r\m3)
I found a site with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2012 No. 1149, which introduces tariffs for open and closed systems water supply. .. and it is explained that with an open system, the tariff consists of two items HOV (coolant) and heating (heat energy)..
In addition, on the website of our heat and power company "Tevis" they posted tariffs for the 13th year -44-47/-2013 they refer
to the order of the Ministry of the Samara Region No. 418 paragraph 43 there talks about setting a tariff for Togliatti (open system) and there is an application with tariffs for coolant and heat energy . so it seems like you can’t dig in here...
What I am more outraged by in our receipts is the method of calculating the heating line (number of Kcal) in the individual part.
Yesterday I visited the chairman of the HOA. She explained to me that she herself refused the standard for heating 1 cubic meter of water, and agreed with the management company to calculate it based on actual consumption. that is, in our receipt for February
CW water consumption according to the general meter is 1081 m3...
total kcal 127
according to the individual meter in our apartment HOV - 6.3 m3
standard for chemical toxicants - 27.27 rub/m3
Calculation of Kcal (individual) is as follows:
127 / 1081 x 6.3 = 0.74 cal
respectively 0.74 x 1058.46 = 783.4..
plus 6.3 x 27.27 = 171.8
TOTAL for 6.3 m3 payment for the city. water 955 rub.
cube of water 151 rub.
I must say that we rent this apartment. No one is registered in it. Therefore, as the chairman of the HOA explained to me... in our ODN, if there is an overrun according to an item, then it is distributed proportionally to the area... and if the savings are proportional to the registered people... that is, we have zeros.
I told her about Resolution 354 that it was necessary to separately calculate an individual’s consumption and ODN.. I asked her to explain where such a calculation method was found.. She answered me that our house does not fit any method because we have communal meters for HOV and for heat energy... :-)
Today I want to ask her for a copy of the agreement with this management company and will write a letter to the management company (as you recommended to me).
I have a question: can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and am not registered there. Thank you.
Best regards, Natalia.

reply from Natalia

Hello, Natalia!

I understood this: Avtozavodskoy district is a district of Tolyatti?, since from the cities you mentioned. Samara and Togliatti The Avtozavodskoy district exists only in Togliatti.
Then we are fellow countrymen - in my youth I lived in Togliatti for about 15 years (in the 60s and 70s of the last century) and worked at the Togliatti Thermal Power Plant. My wife still goes to Togliatti twice a year to visit her sister and numerous relatives - just tomorrow she is going by bus to your city.

Let's move on from pleasant memories of youth to business.
To your last question: “...can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and am not registered there?” I will answer this way: if “they” do not want to get involved with the “annoying truth-seeker,” then they may well “fuck” you on a legal basis. But you do this - write letters on behalf of the owner of the apartment - of course, warning him about it.

I'm still looking into your numbers. For some reason I just can’t “get into” the “methodology” of the chairman of the board of your HOA. She's kind of clever. It would be nice to have before your eyes payment document(invoice receipt).

Please use in letters only generally accepted wording and abbreviations of technical values ​​used in laws and regulations on housing and communal services.
For example, CW in the energy sector is “chemically desalted water.” What do you mean? Cold water? If we are forced to use our own abbreviations to shorten the text, it is advisable to make an appropriate decoding (don’t be offended by the old grouch for “moralizing”!)

I will also get acquainted with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2012 No. 1149, mentioned by you, the tariffs of the Tevis heat and power company, the order of the Ministry of the Samara Region No. 418 and other documents of the housing and communal services of the city of Togliatti.

I know this document: " Guidelines(MR) for the calculation and collection of payments from the population for housing and communal services" Gosstroy, LLC "Scientific Consulting Center for Housing and Communal Services" ("NCC Housing and Communal Services") Moscow 2003, and in it clause 3.3 "Heating and hot water supply".
The content of the above-mentioned MR, as well as your answer, confirms my opinion that the procedure for calculating standards and tariffs in the regions, including (possibly) in the Samara region, is determined by professional competence, understanding (or stupidity), decency (or meanness ), the honesty (or greed) of the developers and approvers of these standards and tariffs, and often the degree of corruption and “merger in financial ecstasy” of the authorities, resource supply organizations and management companies. We hear and see a lot about this in the media.

Natalia! Do you consider it appropriate and convenient to continue the exchange of information and consultations on hot water supply (and on other housing and communal services issues) by email? addresses? If you kindly ask the administration of this site (E-mail [email protected]) give me your email. address, I will answer you and you will have my address - it will be more convenient than asking and answering questions about housing and communal services in Russia.
It will be possible to transfer files - for example, with housing and communal services receipts (to assess the correctness of the accrual), letters to housing and communal services and responses to them, texts of documents on housing and communal services, etc. I have a decent archive in the form of files - it’s more convenient to send them, there’s no need to “type” the text in the response on the site. If you need something, I’ll send you in the form of files - you’ll be tortured to open, save and read (or delete as unnecessary).

And I repeat my opinion once again - if you want to succeed, conduct all business communications with housing and communal services and the authorities in writing (or by e-mail).
Good luck to you!

answer from Kalnin Yuri

One of the largest utility bills is the heating fee, or it is also called hot water supply, that is, hot water supply. Until 2012, heating fees were calculated based on cubic meter hot water supplied to residential premises. But after 2012, new regulations were adopted that established new system DHW calculations.

Legislation on payment for hot water services. Photo No. 1

The main regulatory act that regulates the calculation of the cost of hot water is Government Resolution No. 1149 of 2012. Based on it, all calculations use two components:

  • calculation of the amount of cold water that is used for heating;
  • calculation of the amount of energy required to heat cold water.

You also need to take into account the energy indicator. In different settlements, gas, coal can be used for this, or, as an alternative, hot water can be supplied to residential apartments from thermal power plants (where water is turned into steam to turn turbines that produce electrical energy, and after the steam condenses into hot water it is supplied to residential buildings).

You need to know that modern heat meters record the amount of water passing through them, as well as its temperature.

How to take meter readings correctly?

The calculation of the amount of heat received by the living space, as well as the charges for paying for it, depends on the correctness of meter readings. In most cases, utilities providing such services try to collect as much as possible Money from residents, and sometimes they account for more than was actually consumed.

On this moment There are two types of meters that record heat.

  1. Common houses. They show the total amount of hot water that entered the house, taking into account the two indicators discussed above. Based on this, residents apartment buildings can knock down the total amount of heat received for the entire house.
  2. Individual. These metering devices can be installed in residents’ apartments, and they will also record the amount of water received, as well as its temperature.

Based on this, in order to take readings correctly, you need to record data on the amount of water entering and its temperature at the entry point.

It is important to remember that you need to take readings from heat meters together with the employees of the utility companies who provide these services.

Now let's consider the question of how to generate value for the heat received. In this case, you need to operate with the indicators of common house and individual metering devices.

Calculation of general house costs

General house heat costs mean losses of coolant from various leaks engineering systems, poor insulation of pipes and risers (when the temperature at the entrance is 80 degrees, and the temperature reaches 50 degrees in the apartments).

Thanks to these losses, the calculation of general house costs occurs. That is, the temperature difference is taken when hot water enters the house, as well as when it enters the living quarters. Total heat loss should not exceed 10 degrees. This is included in the tariff. If this figure is higher, then it is considered that the house is poorly insulated.

This indicator is also a limit for apartment building. Exceeding it leads to an increase in the cost of hot water, so management companies are obliged to carry out modernization utility networks, through which heat is supplied to the apartments.

Formula for calculating the cost of heat for an apartment

Now you can derive a formula for calculating the cost of heat for.

First, you need to calculate the incoming heat using a common house meter. This happens according to the following formula - C = A/B, where C is the number of gigocalories, A is the amount of coolant received, B is the amount of water received.

After deducing this indicator, you need to take the readings of the apartment heat meter (the amount of water received) and multiply it by C. The value M is obtained. Next, M must be multiplied by the established tariff, and added to the resulting amount the component used to heat the water (for example, gas, coal).

Thus, the cost of heat for a specific apartment will be calculated.

Payment of the cost of thermal energy should be made only for the period when residential premises were heated. If the living space is not equipped gas water heater, then payment for hot water supplied for domestic needs will be made every month at the established rates.

If the house is not equipped with metering devices, then all calculations will be carried out by a company that provides heat supply services to residents of apartment buildings.

You need to understand that the tariff for each region is different, since it is formed by municipal authorities and depends on the total costs that go towards heating water.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How to resolve disputes regarding payment for hot water consumption? Photo No. 3

Speaking about heating, citizens are interested in the following questions.

What to do if the apartment is supplied with a low temperature that is insufficient for heating. In this case, you need to invite representatives management company, an enterprise that supplies heat, and draw up a claim report, in which you indicate the actual temperature and demand a recalculation for the service not provided.

The second question is what to do if, according to consumers’ calculations, they should pay less, but payments for heat are inflated. A complaint to the provider of such services will also help here, in which you need to provide examples of calculations, as well as demand a recalculation of all charges.

The growth of cities leads, first of all, to an increase in multi-apartment housing construction and, accordingly, to an increase in the population of the metropolis. Providing citizens with water, electricity and gas is done centrally, but even in one area of ​​the city they can differ. When paying bills from housing and communal services, consumers are gnawed by a worm of doubt about how accurately the tariffs are set and the costs are calculated.

Water meter calculator, from the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation

Some time ago, a separate tariff service operated in Russia. Since 2015, it has been abolished as an independent division and included in the Antimonopoly Service, Department of Prices and Tariffs. Any citizen of Russia can find out the tariffs for the supply of cold or hot water for own home. All data on regions flows to the website:, in the section “Housing and communal services calculator”.

Water meter payment calculator, operating procedure:

  • Log in to the site and go to the “Housing and communal services calculator” tab, it is located at the bottom right under the heading “Important information”;
  • on the page that opens, click the “Go to calculation” button, select your region on the map, and go to calculation again;

  • enter the municipal area of ​​residence of the consumer in the appropriate line;
  • enter the month whose tariffs you are interested in;
  • fill in the lines for living conditions and mark the service of interest: sewerage, water supply, heating, etc.;
  • Having chosen water from the meter, you must mark the service provider at your place of residence and indicate the water consumption for the calculation period;

  • in the opened spread of the service of interest, for example “Cold water supply”, indicate which calculation is required - for a residential premises or one service;
  • choose the calculation method according to the meter or standards;

  • Calculations can be continued by selecting another service in the list below, for example “Hot water supply”, and obtain the necessary data.

If the payment for water according to the meter, the tariff must correspond to that indicated on the website, is higher than calculated on the Internet resource, you will have to contact the executive branch. Data on prices and tariffs are regularly updated; if there is a delay in information, we advise you to report this to the FAS RF website. The appeal is sent through the “Write to FAS Russia” tab.

Calculation of payment for water by meter through the website of the Moscow State Administration for Information Systems

The all-Russian portal does not reflect information about the costs of maintaining, repairing and renting a residential building. Residents of Moscow can enter data on utility costs on the website. individual devices accounting and perform preliminary calculation of services.

How to use the portal:

  • enter the page and find the “Services” tab;
  • select the line “Transfer IPU data”;
  • in the window that opens, click on the picture “Housing and communal services calculator”;
  • enter the required data in the proposed table, the main information is reflected in the Unified Payment Document;
  • when you click the tab with the service that is supposed to be calculated, you go to the next table;

  • Having completed the calculation of one service, you can move on to the next, etc.;
  • as a result, the bottom line will reflect the full amount needed to pay for housing and communal services.

How are general building needs calculated in apartment buildings equipped with IPU and OPU

Most of the complaints come from residents about inflated amounts of payment for needs. It seems so complicated, we subtract from the meter readings at the entrance to the building what the residents consumed, and distribute the rest according to the area of ​​the apartment. But even here there are many loopholes for fraud. Moreover, not only from the management companies.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, paragraph 44, defines the maximum volume of services for one-room service for living space, based on the standard consumption for the needs of the house. Management organizations or DEZs independently enter into contracts with contractors for the supply of utility resources. Accordingly, they take responsibility for full payment for the supplied water or electricity. If, after settlements with residents, the housing office is left with unaccounted amounts of resources, this will force them to look for gaps in pipelines or identify negligent payers.

When supplying resources directly from the contractor, all unaccounted for IPU volumes fall on the shoulders of the residents of the house. These are both unregistered tenants and old water supply networks, and meter fraud. Despite this, reducing your own costs for utility bills is already a significant help for citizens. Our company will help apartment owners multi-storey buildings, install and put into operation modern water meters with the ability to read readings remotely.

A water meter installed in an apartment or house will help residents pay for the volume they consume. For example, you went on vacation or no one lives in the apartment temporarily, so why overpay according to the tariffs set by the utility company?! A water meter will significantly help reduce water supply costs. The owner only needs to regularly note the meter readings and pay for the consumed cubic meters of water. How to take water meter readings?

The water meter has 5 black numbers and 3 red numbers. Liters on the meter are shown in red numbers (in this case 79 liters), but you will not need them to make a payment, because it is produced per cubic meter. Therefore, for calculations we look only at the “black” numbers that are responsible for the cubes. After you have just installed the meter, write down its readings. In our case, it is 00000079. After a month, note the water meter readings again. For example, they will be 00011879. This means that in a month you consumed 11 cubic meters and 800 liters of water. To pay, you can round this figure and pay for 12 cubes.

The next month, the water meter readings became 00021650. To calculate the monthly consumption, the previous ones should be subtracted from the current meter readings. For simplicity of calculations, liters can not be taken into account at all, then we have: 00021 – 00011 = 10 m3. In the following months, we make calculations in the same way, taking into account only the numbers.

To avoid having to overpay for water, make sure that all plumbing fixtures are in good working order. Are the faucets leaking? cistern and are there any other leaks somewhere? To do this, close all the taps and see if the metal gear on the water meter display is spinning. If not, then everything is working correctly and the water meter will really help you save.