Shower      06/23/2020

The highest quality heating radiators for multi-storey buildings. Which heating batteries are best for an apartment: types of radiators and selection criteria, rating of the best. Normal heating installers

An important link in any heating system is a radiator, which is installed in each of the heated rooms. This device is responsible for how comfortable conditions residence will be set up in your apartment or private house.

Unfortunately, not every sales assistant will provide you with adequate assistance in choosing, so let's understand it sequentially: how to choose the right heating battery so that it warms well, looks beautiful and does not “bite” at a price? So it is not easy to answer this question right away - it is necessary to take into account many nuances. We will tell you how to avoid common mistakes.

Comparative characteristics of heating radiators

In the heating equipment market, heating radiators are represented by products that differ from each other both structurally and in manufacturing materials. When choosing them, you can use the table of comparative characteristics of the most popular heaters. The manufacturer indicates the data for a specific model in the technical data sheet.

Comparative table of modern heating radiators

Very often, when choosing, the main criterion is the price and appearance. Undoubtedly, these moments are very important. And yet, they should not be decisive. First of all, you should pay attention to compatibility with the heating system in terms of such parameters as the type of coolant. Equally important is the corrosion resistance and durability of the radiator. In the end, making the right choice will save you money, time and nerves. Next, consider the features of each type.

Aluminum radiators stand out with their stylish, interesting design and do not require special maintenance during operation

High heat dissipation is combined with low weight, convenient sectional design and excellent performance. Given that these factors are complemented by ease of installation and elegant design, then it is not difficult to understand the reasons for the popularity of products made of aluminum alloys in the arrangement of individual heating systems.

comparison table aluminum radiators heating of the most popular brands

When choosing an aluminum radiator, one should not forget that such equipment puts forward higher requirements for the quality of the coolant (water). water with high content alkali causes corrosion of the metal, and flowing during this process chemical reactions lead to gas formation. As a result, the service life of radiators is reduced and the risk of intersections increases. For this reason, cheap Chinese-made products should be abandoned in favor of products from well-known European manufacturers.

The probability of intersectional leaks is actually reduced to zero in the design of aluminum radiators from the STOUT brand. The equipment is manufactured at the Italian plant GLOBAL, the heaters are adapted for the operating conditions in Russia. The working pressure of each radiator is 16 atmospheres, they are suitable for working with antifreeze and have a 10-year manufacturer's warranty. Modern design in the Italian tradition will fit into any interior, and the increased heat radiation area will increase comfort in the room.

According to statistics, aluminum radiators have almost the same service life as steel ones - no more than 25 years, while bimetallic batteries can be operated for 30-35 years, and cast iron products easily survive half a century.

The destruction of aluminum radiators most often occurs due to poor water quality and excess pressure in the system.

Steel radiators

Like other heating equipment with open welds, they require a stable coolant pressure. For this reason, they are most often used for installation in private houses and other buildings with autonomous heating. In this case, a closed heating circuit helps to slow down oxidative processes, moreover, it does not suffer from constant contamination of the coolant with alkali and other aggressive impurities. When using purified water and regularly monitoring the pressure, steel radiators do not require replacement for 20 years or more.

Technical characteristics of steel radiators of well-known European manufacturers

When installing steel radiators in buildings with central heating, one should be aware of the danger of water hammer and the low quality of the coolant. Sudden pressure drops and water with impurities of salts and alkalis reduce battery life by more than half. In this case, you should not count on the service life of the equipment for more than 10 years.

Similar deposits in the pipe central heating indicate severe contamination of the coolant with impurities - in this case it is better not to use steel radiators.

On sale you can find steel radiators of two types:

  • tubular,
  • panel.

The advantages of the former stem from a simple and reliable design, which resembles a ladder of parallel vertical tubes.

Tubular radiators are experiencing a second youth, being the object of attention of designers and amateurs current trends in the interior.

Tubular radiators are more resistant to water hammer than panel radiators. Their design allows you to implement any scheme of eyeliner and arbitrary placement in space. In the range of tubular batteries, there are both monolithic and sectional models, from which you can easily assemble a battery of the required power. simple technology manufacturing is reflected in the affordable cost, and the appearance of the radiator from a variety of vertical elements provides a wide field for design research. Unpretentious at first glance, tubular radiators are not so bad in practice, if you write your opinion about it in the comments, we will discuss it with pleasure?

Flat, even surfaces of panel radiators make maintenance much easier. That is why housewives love them so much.

For the manufacture of panel radiators, steel zigzag plates are used, which are welded to each other. spot welding. The cavities formed in this case serve as channels through which the coolant circulates. To increase heat transfer, manufacturers complicate the design by assembling a radiator from three panels. The reverse side of this improvement is the weight of the structure - the weight of multilayer steel heat exchangers is close to cast iron.

For the manufacture of a panel radiator, profiled steel plates are used, the space between which acts as a water circuit of the heat exchanger

As you can see for yourself, such advantages of panel radiators as low price and attractive appearance overshadow the disadvantages in the form of low performance. Most often, these heaters are chosen for undemanding heating systems of the budget category.

The appearance of copper radiators is only suitable for fans of industrial design, so manufacturers complete thermal appliances decorative screens from wood and other materials.

A pipe with a diameter of up to 28 mm is complemented by copper or aluminum fins and decorative protection made of solid wood, thermoplastics or composite materials. This option provides efficient heating of the room due to the unique heat transfer of non-ferrous metals. By the way, in terms of thermal conductivity, copper is more than 2 times ahead of aluminum, and steel and cast iron - 5-6 times. With a low inertia, a copper battery provides a quick warm-up of the room and allows the use of temperature control equipment.

In terms of its thermal conductivity, copper is second only to silver, with a significant margin ahead of other metals.

The plasticity inherent in copper, corrosion resistance and the ability to contact polluted coolant without harm make it possible to use copper batteries in apartments in high-rise buildings. It is noteworthy that after 90 hours of operation inner surface copper radiator is covered with an oxide film, which further protects the heater from interaction with aggressive substances. There is only one disadvantage of copper radiators - the cost is too high.

Comparative table of technical characteristics of copper and copper-aluminum radiators

Plastic radiators

At the moment, heating radiators are made entirely of plastic, a kind of know-how. Including Russian engineers in Skolkovo are also working on this type of heater. Contrary to popular belief, in terms of reliability, plastic radiators are close to metal products, and in terms of such an indicator as corrosion resistance, they are completely unmatched. Thermoplastic products have high mechanical strength, good thermal conductivity and wear resistance. Plastic radiators are not very heavy, so they are easy to transport and install.

For those who doubt the thermophysical properties of plastic, we recommend recalling the contours of water-heated floors made of cross-linked polypropylene. Its thermal conductivity is lower than that of rigid thermoplastics, and, nevertheless, this does not interfere with the use plastic pipes to build reliable and efficient underfloor heating systems.

Ease of manufacture and, as a result, low cost make thermoplastic batteries an excellent proposition for those who have set themselves the task of saving money. A significant disadvantage of plastic heat exchangers is that they can only be used in systems with a stable pressure of up to 3 atm and a coolant temperature not higher than 80 ° C. For this reason, the promotion of plastic batteries in our market is difficult.

Electric radiators

In addition to the heating devices discussed above, there are others - those that do not require connection to the heating system. You probably already guessed what we are talking about.

Modern electric radiators combine high efficiency, reliability and safety.

Depending on the design, several types of heat exchangers operating from the electrical network can be distinguished:

  • oil coolers;
  • convectors;
  • infrared devices.

The design of the oil cooler most of all resembles a traditional heating battery. Mineral oil is used as a heat carrier, and heating is carried out by a tubular electric heater (TEH). The closed design helps fire safety and mobility of the device, besides the oil heater does not burn oxygen and dust. The disadvantages include bulkiness, low efficiency and the possibility of getting burned when touching a metal surface.

Oil radiators differ from traditional radiators in mobility - if necessary, they can be easily moved from place to place

Electric convectors also use heating due to ohmic losses, only their design uses not liquid, but air heater. Due to the closed design, this type of heaters have the same advantages as oil coolers. As for the design, it is optimized in such a way that the device uses convection as efficiently as possible. The disadvantages of the convector include only low mobility - most often such devices are intended for stationary use.

Simple design and heat transfer by convection contribute to the reliability and efficiency of electric convectors

Infrared radiators are the most modern type heating equipment. Unlike any other equipment, their design is based on the principle of heat transfer by radiation.

The principle of operation of infrared radiators is borrowed from the Sun - it is not the air in the room that heats up, but reflecting objects

By heating not the air, but the surrounding objects, IR heaters are highly efficient and at the same time have the highest efficiency. Only relatively high cost can be attributed to the disadvantages of devices operating similarly to the Sun.

Unlike other radiators, infrared devices work most effectively on the ceiling - in this case, the radiation penetrates into the most remote corners of the room

How to determine the optimal size of the radiator

The dimensions of the radiator affect not only whether the heating device can heat the room up to comfortable temperature but also for economy heating system.

When determining the size of the radiator, among other factors, the width of the window opening and the height of the window sill should be taken into account

The dimensions of the battery are directly dependent on its thermal power, so the first step is to calculate the heat loss of the room. To do this, the volume in cubic meters is multiplied by 41 W - the amount of heat required to heat 1 cubic meter. m of a structure located in the middle latitudes. 20% should be added to the desired value - this reserve will not be superfluous when extremely low temperatures occur. Knowing the cost of heat that will be needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, you can choose a monolithic battery right size or count the number of modular radiator sections. In the latter case, the resulting figure should be divided by the power of one section.

When determining the number of sections of heating radiators, you can use a special table.

For rooms with non-standard ceilings, an oversized heating battery will be required. In this case, a table that takes into account the height of the ceilings will help determine the number of radiator sections.

The table is enlarged on click.

It must be remembered that the radiator installed under the window should cover ¾ of the length of the window opening. In this case, the glass will not accumulate cold air and they won't fog up.

For those who do not want to deal with the calculation of power, there is a convenient one on our website. All that is needed in this case is to enter the parameters of the room and the heat transfer of one section of the selected radiator. The program will do all the necessary calculations for you.

Summing up the comparative characteristic various kinds heating appliances, the following main points can be distinguished:

  1. For a centralized open heating network, present in high-rise buildings, as many years ago, a cast-iron radiator remains the best option. It is resistant to the poor quality water circulating through our pipelines and will last for many years. "Accordion" will withstand pressure drops and water hammer, while effectively heating the air in the room. The low price of this type of heater makes it quite affordable for everyone. However, the high inertness of cast iron will not allow such a radiator to be combined with a thermostat.
  2. A good alternative to a cast iron battery in conditions apartment buildings- bimetallic on the basis of steel with aluminum or copper. The steel has sufficient rigidity and corrosion resistance to resist water hammer and adverse chemical composition water in the central system, and aluminum or copper compensate for not the most outstanding heat transfer of steel. However, the high cost does not allow us to say that this will be the best option.
  3. For closed systems heating, present in private homes, it is usually easier to choose batteries - there is no overpressure in the heating system, and water is being prepared before it enters the pipeline. Therefore, the optimal type of heating device for the home is aluminum. Its price is affordable, the design is good, and the heat dissipation is high. The low inertness of this will allow it to be used in conjunction with a thermoregulation system.
  4. Not a bad alternative aluminum batteries in conditions of autonomous heat supply - steel radiators. Having a lower heat output than aluminum, steel heating appliances have many advantages - light weight, low inertia, nice design, attractive price.
  5. Steel and aluminum batteries are produced primed on the inner plane of the heating element to prevent corrosion from the aggressive environment of the coolant. Scale and rust particles present in the coolant of open heating systems lead to mechanical destruction of the primer layer inside the devices, so manufacturers recommend that they be used in closed heating systems of private houses. A good option for open centralized systems can be a copper radiator, but not everyone will be pleased with its cost.
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For right choice heating radiators, you need to know about their main technical parameters. Otherwise, the result may not meet expectations. There are not so many really important parameters for radiators, so even a non-professional can easily understand them.

Features of the choice of heating devices

Now people no longer need to hide or, because modern appliances I can be worthy decoration any interior. Radiators that are sold today may differ in color, size, material of manufacture and general style of execution, so it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Attention! Despite the fact that we are used to batteries light colors, the heat dissipation of black appliances is approximately ¼ higher due to color alone. Although when choosing a color it is better to focus on the design of the home and personal preferences.

With regards to the form, it must be streamlined. For security purposes, from sharp corners it is advisable to refuse altogether, especially if children live in the house. Please read the strong and weaknesses each of the existing types of radiators to determine which is more suitable for a particular room. The first thing you should pay attention to is the working pressure of the devices.

Depending on the material, radiators are divided into:

The pressure mentioned above, the heat transfer coefficient, heat capacity, resistance to mechanical and chemical damage, as well as the service life depend on the material.

Radiators in the interior

Also pay attention to the method of connection to the heating line. The connection can be side, bottom and universal. It is characteristic that in modern radiators all these connection methods are provided.

Attention! The environmental friendliness of the material used in the manufacture of heating devices is also very important. There should be no formaldehyde in the internal elements, and high-quality polymer spraying on the surface is also welcome.

Now in more detail about each material.

Characteristics of aluminum radiators

Heating appliances made of are considered one of the most popular types of radiators. Aluminum is a light and ductile metal, therefore, batteries made from it weigh a little and are characterized by increased heat dissipation.

The devices consist of sections, each of which is a set of interconnected plates. Thanks to this, heat saving is also at a fairly high level here.

Advantages such units are as follows:

At the same time, after turning off the heating, such radiators cool down quite quickly. Among the others shortcomings worth highlighting:

  • instability to chemical influences (the problem can be solved by polymer spraying on the inner surface);
  • low strength;
  • poor quality of the threaded connection in the upper valve to bleed air from the system.

In view of this, before buying, it is imperative to inquire about the operating pressure of the heating system. The maximum pressure of a particular product must be viewed in the data sheet, because for different models it is different.

But still, according to its characteristics, aluminum is excellent for the manufacture of radiators, and its fusibility has made it possible to significantly expand the model range. Today you can choose exactly the battery that fits perfectly into the interior of your home.

Table 1. Comparison of aluminum batteries from well-known brands

ManufacturerModelWeight, kgpower, kWtVolume, lPressure, bar.Dimensions, cmDistance between axles, cm
1. Rifar, RFAlum 5001,45 0,183 0,27 20 9x8x56.550
2 Fondital, ItalyCalidor Super-5001,32 0,193 0,3 16 9.7x8x55.750
2. Rovall, (Italy)Alux-5001,31 0,179 0,23 20 10x8x54.550
3. Radiatori 20000 S.p.A.500R1,6 0,199 0,58 16 9.5x8x57.750
4. FaralGreen HP-3501,12 0,136 0,26 16 8x8x4335
5. FaralTrioНР-5001,58 0,212 0,5 16 9.5x8x5850

Aluminum radiators from STOUT Bravo are ideal for installation in apartments and houses with individual heating. These heaters are manufactured at the facilities of the GLOBAL plant, Italy. Each stage of production is controlled by European specialists. Each section is made by injection molding and is a monolith of two headers and a connecting section of fins. Available center distance - 350 or 500 mm. Manufacturer's warranty - 10 years.

Prices for popular models of aluminum heating radiators

Aluminum heating radiators

Characteristics of bimetallic batteries

The main difference between bimetallic radiators is the use of two different metals in the manufacturing process - steel to create the core and aluminum to assemble the case. Thanks to this, the rod is very durable. Another advantage of such products is the high working pressure, which can reach 50 (!) Atmospheres. Moreover, steel perfectly "cooperates" even with the water in which there are various impurities, while aluminum heats up quickly and gives off maximum heat.

In a word, the use of two metals at once made it possible to obtain radiators that have the advantages of each of them. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the cost of these devices is the highest among all possible options.

Attention! are used mainly for heating industrial and public facilities. In residential buildings, they are rare due to the high cost.

The service life is 20-25 years, which is quite normal.

Table 2. Comparison of bimetallic radiators

Manufacturer/ModelWorking fluid temperature, ᵒСWeight, kgVolume, lpower, kWtOperating pressureSection dimensions, cm
1. Sira Group/Gladiator-500110 1,6 0,42 0,185 30 8x8x42.3
2. Gordi/Gordi-500100 1,7 0,3 0,181 30 8x8x57.2
. Rifar/Rifar Monolit-350135 1,5 0,18 0,136 100 8x10x41.5
4.Tenrad/Tenrad-500120 1,44 0,22 0,161 24 7.7x8x55
5.Global/Style-350110 1,56 0,16 0,125 35 8x8x42.5

All the advantages of using bimetallic radiators are clearly expressed in the design of STOUT Space heaters. These radiators are easy to install, they are suitable for rooms of any design and have a reliable design. The maximum pressure that the heater can withstand is 100 atmospheres. Production - the Russian plant "RIFAR", the largest in the country. Service life - 25 years, manufacturer's warranty - 10 years. available from 4 to 14 - you can complete any object and choose a radiator for a room of any size.

Prices for bimetallic batteries

Bimetallic batteries

Characteristics of cast iron radiators

Such batteries are the most common and well-known to each option, since they are installed in most of the typical apartments. Agree, old cast iron appliances can hardly be considered stylish and attractive. New models look better, but in terms of aesthetic indicators they are still significantly inferior to devices made of other materials.

As you know, cast iron is very heavy. Batteries made from it weigh a lot, which cannot but affect the complexity of transportation and installation.

Consider their main advantages.

But cast iron has flaws, among which:

  • significant weight;
  • slow heating;
  • unaesthetic.

Attention! Despite the abundance of more modern analogues, many people prefer to install cast-iron batteries, trusting what has been tested for decades.

Table 3. Comparison of cast iron batteries from the most famous manufacturers

Manufacturer/ModelWeight, kgVolume, lHeating area with one section, m²Power, WPressure, atm.Dimensions, mm
1. Konner, ModernUp to 4.75Up to 0.96- Up to 15012 80x60x565
2. World Cup-3Up to 71,38 0,25 156 9 120x90x570
2. World Cup-2Up to 6.30,8-0,95 0,2 100-142 9 100x80x570
2. World Cup-1Up to 4.80,9 0,1-0,16 110 9 70x80x570
5. MS-140Up to 7.11,45 0,24 160 9 140x93x588

Prices for popular models of cast iron radiators

Cast iron radiators

In the manufacture of these devices using low-carbon steel. In order to protect the surface is coated with a special enamel. If of good quality, then they have excellent operational parameters, including:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • durability;
  • resistance to various kinds of aggressive substances.

Such batteries can be tubular and panel.

Tubular appliances

For their assembly, high quality polymer-coated steel pipes are used. The maximum load that the devices can handle depends solely on the thickness of the pipe walls. It is desirable that the pipes are made of stainless steel.

The service life of tubular devices significantly exceeds that of panel devices and is about 30 years. It is possible to connect in all the ways described above. The working pressure is 10-16 atmospheres, more detailed data should be clarified in the product data sheet.

Prominent representatives of tubular radiators are models manufactured by Loten:

  • Loten Gray V;
  • horizontal LotenGrey Z.

These radiators are made of steel profile pipe having a rectangular cross section. In addition to providing comfortable heating, the presented radiators demonstrate the latest trends in the design of heating devices, perfectly fitting into the interior of any home.

When creating Loten tubular radiators, there were two main ideas:

  • to create high-quality heating equipment: for the manufacture of radiators, high-strength metal with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm is used, due to which these heaters have a working pressure of 16 atm. Radiators withstand a test pressure of 25 atm;
  • at the same time turn the battery into stylish element housing interior, office space, public locations, etc.

The presented models of heaters can have a different number of sections, from 4 to 12. The length of the sections varies from 750 to 2000 mm. The price of each heating element is directly dependent on the following parameters:

  • number and length of sections;
  • connection type (side/bottom).

Without extra charge, you can purchase radiator models painted in colors that are at the peak of popularity regarding interior design:

  • matte black;
  • classic white;
  • soft beige;
  • concrete grey.

However, lovers of a bright environment can order any other colors and shades.

The presented models of radiators are suitable for connection to a central as well as an autonomous system. The size range is really wide, you can equip the presented radiators as a cozy small one-room apartment, and a spacious country mansion.

Each model can be with side or bottom connection. Heating systems that are suitable for this battery can be:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

The high quality of the material and the laconic style of the products will allow them to take place for many years not only in the apartment, but also in the list of your preferred interior items. Their peculiarity is that they have a long service life (warranty - 5 years, service life - 30 years), so you will not have to think about changing batteries soon. So, you can confidently trust the manufacturer, and make a choice in favor of the considered devices.

Panel devices

As the name suggests, such radiators are made in the form of panels. To do this, a certain number of steel plates are connected to each other. Thanks to this assembly, a high heat capacity is achieved, while the thickness of each individual plate is negligible. In addition, they weigh a little and provide the ability to connect in all available ways.

Attention! Before buying new heaters, look at how your old ones are connected. It is advisable to have new batteries as well.

The cost of panel radiators is slightly higher than the average, the operating pressure is 10 atmospheres. According to experts, such units are best used in autonomous heating systems. As for city apartments, the use of such batteries is unacceptable here due to too high pressure in the central system.

Table 4. Comparison of steel radiators with dimensions of 50x50 cm from the most famous manufacturers

ManufacturerConnectionWeight, kgVolume, lPower, W (at +70ᵒС)Ultimately allowable temperature liquids, ᵒСPressure, atm.
1.DeLonghi RADEL (Italy)lower14,9 3,1 1079 110 8,7
2. Purmo (Finland)Side + bottom13,6 2,6 926 110 10
3. Korado Radik (Czech Republic)Side + bottom15,6 2 914 110 10
4. "Lidea" (Belarus)Side + bottom15,1 3,3 1080 110 8,6
5. Buderus (Germany)Side + bottom14,1 3,15 913 120 10
6. Kermi (Germany)Side + bottom17,7 2,7 965 110 10

Prices for steel radiators

Steel radiators

As a conclusion

It should be noted that any of the described types of batteries can be used for residential heating systems. Although the purchase of bimetallic devices is often impractical, because their advantages are almost the same as those of aluminum, and the cost is many times higher. Therefore, it is better that they continue to remain in industrial and public facilities.

It is undesirable to install aluminum appliances in apartments due to pressure drops in the system that negatively affect the metal. The optimal and proven option for apartments for years is cast-iron batteries. One way or another, you need to focus on financial capabilities and personal wishes.

For those who do not want to dive into independent calculations, we recommend using a special calculator for calculations, which takes into account almost all the nuances that affect the efficiency of space heating.

One of the important parts of any heating system is a radiator installed in a heated room. This device is responsible for comfortable living conditions in an apartment or a private house. Therefore, many consumers are wondering how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment. When solving this problem, it is necessary to take into account many nuances.

Compatibility of the radiator with the heating system

The modern market offers a huge range of radiators for sale, among them:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • bimetallic;
  • copper.

It is important to decide which battery will fit better into a particular heating system. Here it is important to consider technical specifications, among which:

  • heat transfer;
  • permissible coolant temperature;
  • inertia;
  • pressure.

For reference

When buying, consumers pay attention to the durability, cost and appearance of the heating device. It is important to consider in which system the battery will be installed. If we are talking about an apartment building, then the system is open, while individual houses are heated using closed systems. If the performance of the radiator does not correspond to the characteristics of the heating system, then the device may fail, as it will wear out quickly.

Battery selection according to technical parameters

If you are faced with the question of how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then remember: you should take into account the operational and technical characteristics of the device. Not every battery will be able to endure working conditions. If we are talking about a centralized heating system, then it will be characterized by:

  • poor quality of the coolant;
  • fluctuations in temperature and pressure.

Design temperature for an open one-pipe system in high-rise buildings is 105 °C, while the pressure is 10 atmospheres. These parameters sometimes turn out to be larger, which is especially true when the system is launched after the end of the summer period. Such conditions lead to which some heating devices are not designed. Before choosing heating radiators for an apartment, it is important to find out what pressure, as well as the temperature of the coolant, the device is designed for.

Heat dissipation selection

Another an important factor is heat transfer. This characteristic affects the efficiency of air heating and depends on the material of construction. Choosing a steel appliance, you can get less heat transfer compared to aluminum batteries. As for copper, it is superior to cast iron in this matter. However, you should not rely solely on this parameter.

What the reviews say

If you are at a crossroads and do not know which radiator to choose for an apartment with a central heating system, first of all pay attention to what others say in their reviews of these systems.

So, for example, many are sure that when purchasing steel radiators, they acquire devices that differ in insignificant thickness and weight. These batteries are efficient and economical, have good heat dissipation and a small amount of water. According to consumers, they are inexpensive, but they “let us down” in terms of pressure. Steel radiators will be able to withstand only 8 atmospheres, which means they are not suitable for apartments.

Aluminum batteries look attractive, they have a thermal power of 190 watts, which pleases consumers. As buyers point out, hot water with harmful impurities and high acidity, it can eat batteries from the inside, since aluminum is too active. In addition, with high pressure this stuff won't work. Its average indicator is 16 atmospheres, but if a water hammer occurs, then even a new aluminum radiator will fail.

If you have no idea how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then heed the advice of those property owners who say that you should pay attention to bimetallic models. This development is one of the latest in the field of heating devices. In the manufacture of used aluminum and steel or copper. Such devices are ready to serve 40 years or more. For a heating system that is installed in an apartment building, such devices are the best fit. They are able to withstand 130 ° C, and the working pressure is declared at the level of 50 atmospheres.

By installing such devices, you can no longer be afraid of water hammer. Internal and external anti-corrosion primer makes the units durable and resistant to destruction. If you still cannot decide which radiators to choose for heating an apartment, then you should buy bimetallic ones - they are light in weight, provide easy installation, transportation and carrying. However, not every consumer can afford, unfortunately, to buy such an expensive device. If you are offered something similar at an affordable cost, you should not trust it, because the market is flooded with fakes. If you purchase a bimetallic product, then you should pay attention to the models of trusted brands, including:

  • Rifar.
  • Sira.
  • Global.

Cast iron radiators for an apartment

Such heating radiators are ready to serve more than 50 years. Some manufacturers urge to forget about such batteries, but in vain. After all, such devices in contact with dirty water will behave properly. This metal is chemically passive, it is not afraid of high acidity and the presence of chemical additives in the coolant. In addition, the abrasive will not be able to damage thick walls. That is why cast iron is perfect for an apartment heating system.

Such products keep heat for quite a long time, the residual number of its preservation is 30%. If we compare cast iron batteries with other radiators according to this criterion, then the former win. If you are wondering which radiators to choose for heating an apartment, then perhaps you really should pay special attention to cast iron ones, because they work on the principle of the radiant heat distribution method. It is much more efficient than convection.

Cast iron does not rust when the batteries need to be drained in the summer. This feature is a significant plus. The heat transfer of such devices is quite large. With pressure drops that occur during the operation of central heating, cast iron behaves quite adequately. However, the material is not always able to withstand high power hydraulic shocks - in this case, the fragility of the walls can fail.

The determining factor for the choice is sometimes the cost, which is much lower in the case of the described models. However, when installing cast iron radiators heavy. It is worth mentioning that the weight is due to the impressive wall thickness, which provides the necessary strength to the products. If you install cast-iron radiators once, you can forget about replacing them for many years.

Conclusions regarding the choice of a radiator for an apartment

In conclusion, we can conclude on whether to choose for an apartment. As practice shows, aluminum and steel models are not able to withstand the tests that accompany operation in the conditions of domestic heating systems. Such batteries are not able to withstand pressure and temperature changes. There are only cast-iron and bimetallic devices to choose from.

What to buy - you can decide by evaluating the budget, as well as the characteristics of the models. However, there are a few tips you can use. If you still do not know which heating radiator is best for an apartment, then you should evaluate how old the house you live in is. If we are talking about "Khrushchev", then it is best to use cast iron products. For residents of high-rise buildings where the pressure is higher, it is recommended to purchase bimetal radiators. If earlier cast iron batteries were installed in the apartment, then the choice can be stopped on any of the two options. However, those who are going to replace the battery from another metal should purchase bimetallic models.

Choosing a battery for a private house

As one of important benefits the heating system of a private house favors low pressure, which is favorable for radiators. Water hammers are practically excluded here, and subject to specifications water balance, the battery selection list becomes quite extensive.

The cheapest radiators are sectional and They have fairly good heat transfer characteristics, fit perfectly into the interior and are compact. For the price, tubular radiators are more expensive than sectional and panel ones. According to the characteristics, they are approximately equal, and the extra charge is due to the sophisticated look.

Convenient for drying things, which is important for families with children. Now you know how to choose the right heating radiator for your apartment. But if you live in a house, then you should pay attention Special attention on steel radiators, which are characterized by low oxidization from low-quality water, as well as light weight and convenient dimensions. The service life of such devices is quite long. But steel radiators also have disadvantages. They are expressed in a not too attractive design, the need for flushing, as well as the requirements for constant fullness. The last recommendation is due to the fact that the inner walls will rust in the absence of water, and this can “kill” the radiator within just a few years.

Aluminum radiators for a private house

Aluminum radiators are quite common among consumers who live in private homes. The popularity of such devices is expressed in high thermal power and modern design. The price depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest models are products of Russian suppliers. But it should be remembered that aluminum radiators are sensitive to fluid parameters. In addition, the batteries have a rather impressive thermal power, which can cause temperature differences in the room. For heating a private house, such devices are well suited. They will last a long time and will provide good heat dissipation if the equipment is operated under special conditions.

Features of the choice of bimetallic radiators

Quite often, modern consumers are wondering how to choose the right bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment. Such devices are presented for sale in two varieties. The first is made on the basis of a steel frame, while the second has channels reinforced with steel.

Higher quality are radiators with a steel frame. They do not have hot water in contact with the aluminum alloy, which eliminates corrosion. These items will not leak. When choosing a specific model, it is important to pay attention to its cost and weight. The heavier the battery, the more expensive it will be. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment, then you should pay attention to the operating conditions. For an apartment in a multi-storey building with a central heating system better fit radiator based on a steel frame. Now you know which bimetallic heating radiators to choose in an apartment. As for the recommendation on the frame, it is especially relevant for a heating system with old pipes.

How to choose an aluminum radiator

A higher cost will have to be paid for a cast aluminum radiator. All connections in this case are made by welding in an inert gas environment. The advantages of such devices are tightness, reliability and the possibility of modification. If you are faced with the question of how to choose an aluminum heating radiator for an apartment, then you should also pay attention to extrusion models. They cost less. Among their advantages should be highlighted:

  • higher heat transfer;
  • smaller internal volume of one section;
  • low price;
  • less mass.

How to choose a cast iron radiator

Not all modern consumers know how to choose cast-iron heating radiators for an apartment. Imported models are more durable and practical compared to domestically produced options. However, the cost of the latter is much lower. You can also compare these in terms of the year of manufacture. On sale you can find used batteries. They are cheaper, but sometimes they require cleaning, which entails additional costs.

Instead of a conclusion: which firm to prefer

If you are concerned about the question of which company to choose heating radiators for an apartment, then you should pay attention, as already mentioned, to suppliers such as Rifar, Global, Sira.

One section Rifar will cost the consumer 400 rubles. As for Italian brands, their batteries will be more expensive - here you will have to pay 500 rubles. You can decide on the spot, because companies produce sections with different thermal power, design and design. Now you know which radiators to choose for heating an apartment. The reviews that we cited in the article were supposed to help you learn more about heating devices on the market.

Carrying out repair work, people often face the task of replacing old batteries with modern, highly efficient counterparts. Naturally, the question arises - how to choose the most efficient heating radiators which of them is best to install in the apartment. The answer will depend on many components, the main of which are the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture heating, the type of intended device, its operating conditions, etc. Nowadays, the building materials market offers a wide range of heaters made from different raw materials and for various needs.

Central heating system: main characteristics

For apartment radiators there are special requirements, as they will become part of the district heating, which has its own specifics of work. All such systems have similar operating conditions - the heat carrier flows through the heating mains from a CHP or boiler house to a multi-storey building, where, with the help of a pump and other equipment, it is distributed through internal pipelines that deliver it directly to the dwelling.

The district heating system has its own underwater rocks and major disadvantages:

  1. Fluctuations in temperature indicators (either rapid heating, then cooling);
  2. The possibility of sudden pressure drops - water hammer;
  3. Low coefficient of heat transfer to the batteries, as a result, insufficient heating of the premises and uneven temperature of the latter (some are hot, others are cooler);
  4. Seasonal draining of the coolant from the system;
  5. Poor water quality - the presence of aggressive components, oxygen, sludge, hardness, acidity, etc.

All of the above, over time, leads to increased wear of equipment. And in a situation where a water hammer occurs, the connections themselves batteries may start to leak or even burst, causing a lot of trouble. Also, due to a non-ideal coolant, which, when circulating, can carry plaque, particles of rust, lime and other debris, the channels and pipes of the radiators are clogged. The result of this will be shortage of paid heat resource, as well as increased corrosion reactions inside the heaters, which significantly reduces their shelf life.

Important! To minimize all these risks, you need to correctly select heating devices.

Selection Options

The main point for which worth paying attention, when selecting radiators is material from which they are made. Different alloys will behave differently under the same operating conditions. At the moment, the market is ready to offer four main types of heating equipment:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • bimetallic.

For each type of heater, the manufacturer prescribes its technical characteristics:

  • operating pressure;
  • maximum allowable pressure;
  • design feature (sectional, tubular or panel);
  • water volume;
  • recommended hardness and temperature of the coolant;
  • warranty period of the device.

Most of the products on the market made according to the requirements of the EU states, the quality of heating networks, which, at times, surpasses domestic ones. Therefore, be sure to consider this fact when buying. For example, the pressure indicator in our centralized heating systems is 11-16 atmospheres for high-rise buildings and 5-10 atmospheres in standard 5-storey Khrushchev houses. Working temperature of the supplied liquid fluctuates between 65-90 °C. Choosing heating equipment, based on these data, you protect yourself from possible emergencies.

Video. Which radiators to choose

The main products on the market can be divided into several of the most popular categories:


This type of battery is primarily has a beautiful aesthetic appearance, correct and ergonomic shape, as well as excellent technical characteristics. They are quite compact, can be sold in separate typesetting sections. This is very convenient, because by making the right calculations, you can choose the size that optimally heats your room. Aluminum radiators are available in different heights and can be placed in any convenient corner of the room. The standard operating pressure at which the heater is most dissipates heat efficiently, is 6-12 atmospheres, the maximum allowable, with sharp jumps up to 25 atmospheres.

The advantages of such equipment include:

  • Excellent modern design;
  • The increased heat transfer coefficient, depending on the wall thickness, can be up to 200 W per section of a standard size;
  • The low weight of the devices, which simplifies their installation, even with your own hands;
  • By a set of elements, you can choose the required size that meets your requirements;
  • Excellent powder coating that prevents damage.

The main disadvantage of such batteries, according to consumer reviews, is their ability to long-term operation only in closed cycle systems, with strict monitoring of the level of coolant hardness. Such networks must be made from the same material as the radiators, since aluminum, in contact with brass and copper parts, can start electrochemical reaction processes. Modern systems recommend implementing by plastic pipes, and the heaters themselves are securely grounded.

Important! Another phenomenon inherent in aluminum batteries ispossible unpleasant sounds . They can appear after the interaction of the metal with a liquid abundantly saturated with oxygen, as a result of which hydrogen is released. Because of this feature, eachequip the radiator with a Mayevsky crane.

Taking all of the above into account, we can say that heaters made aluminum, despite a number of positive properties, in city apartments better not to mount.

Video. What is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetallic ones?


This type of equipment is made from an alloy of two metals - soft aluminum and hard steel. The design of such batteries suggests that their inner part, which is in contact with the coolant, made of steel, and the outer aluminum. This one-stop solution allows the use of this type of heaters in systems with any (within reasonable) pressure and with different types of connections and main pipes.

The advantages of such products:

  • Increased wear resistance and resistance to corrosive reactions, with any composition of the coolant;
  • Permissible pressure up to 35 atm.;
  • Good external data;
  • Light weight and ease of attachment;
  • Weak inertia - increased heating capacity, have excellent heat transfer performance;
  • Equipped with taps for adjusting the intensity of supply of the heat carrier;
  • Type-setting type of a design allowing to choose the device of a necessary configuration.

Essential There are no flaws in these products., except perhaps a higher cost compared to competitors. But it is justified, first of all, by reliability and more long term operation. This type of radiators by popularity occupies leading positions in most ratings dedicated to heating appliances.

Important! When installing such products,instructions must be followed from the manufacturer, as well as adhere to the technical distances from the wall, window sill and floor - at least 4 cm.

Cast iron

The good old cast iron is known to almost every inhabitant of our country, due to its widespread use in the former USSR. Times are changing, and bulky, standard shape and painted with ordinary paint, batteries are gone. In their place come modern analogues, made from the same cast iron, but made with other technologies, according to the new aesthetic requirements.

Cast iron batteries

Advantages of heaters made of cast iron:

  • Are operated in any systems of heating, with all types of pipe production;
  • Can work for a long time in district heating networks, with low quality of the coolant, the pH of which is in the maximum allowable range of 7-9;
  • Working pressure of products 7-10 atmospheres, maximum 18 atm.;
  • They have a sectional type-setting design, which allows you to change the size to suit your needs.

Cast iron heaters have a number of undeniable advantages and unique qualities. The main one of which is that they practically do not undergo the process of corrosion. This is due to the fact that upon primary contact with water, a thin layer of insoluble black precipitate forms on the alloy, which serves as an obstacle to the active oxygen contained in water from entering the metal. The destruction of the structure of cast-iron elements from the inside, of course, occurs, but extremely slowly. From the outside, they are covered with modern powder paint, specially designed to withstand large temperature differences. In such batteries, the processes of gas formation are insignificant, due to which there is no seething and there is no need for constant bleeding of air masses.

Against the backdrop of all the positive aspects, there are also negative ones - these are huge weight leading to installation complexity, and high inertia. Due to the latter, the heating of cast iron is rather slow, as well as cooling, so it is impossible to quickly adjust the temperature of a room equipped with such heaters.

Steel or tubular

Batteries made from this material are universal and budget solution equip the heating system in a modern way. They are presented in the form of two plates, inside which a heat carrier passes in steel tubes of a welded contour. Radiators of this type have different sizes and a ribbed surface that provides excellent convection qualities And increased heat transfer. The metal has the same thermal conductivity as cast iron, however, with some difference - its thickness is several times less than that of cast iron products. Due to this, they warm up much faster. This type of radiators is designed for operation at operating pressure up to 10 atmospheres.

Advantages of steel products:

  • Variety of shapes and modern design, allow you to place such batteries in any interior;
  • Long period of operation, subject to proper water treatment;
  • Are applied in systems with any kind of pipes;
  • Relatively low cost and easy installation.

An important nuance before buying steel radiators is their correct and correct calculation, in view of the fact that they are implemented in certain sizes and build up as sectional ones, they will not work.

Also, it should be noted that in conditions of prohibitively high pressure surges, steel panels, may leak and leak. Therefore, their use in buildings with more than five floors is not recommended.

Tubular radiators are a type of steel batteries, they only differ from panel radiators in a special design. There are various shapes and designs. They have all the above characteristics of steel products.

How to calculate

There are certain rules by which calculate compensation for heat loss premises and, accordingly, find out the necessary thermal power of the devices in order to compensate for losses and create comfortable conditions for a person.

For the calculation itself, you can use the following formula:


where K is the number of sections, S is the estimated area of ​​heated square meters, Pc - heat transfer power of one section of the battery (this value is indicated by the manufacturer in the product data sheet). Such the calculation is applicable for aluminum, bimetallic and cast iron heating appliances.

For steel non-separable steel-type radiators, it is customary to take the power value from the passport. The heater is selected at the rate of 100W per 1 m2. That is, if the area of ​​the room, for example, is 20 m2, then you will need a 2 kW radiator, or two panels of 1 kW each.

Thermal power of 1 section of the battery according to the passport, W Room area, m2
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
140 8 9 10 12 13 15 16
150 7 8 10 11 12 14 15
160 7 8 9 10 12 13 14
180 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
190 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Counting the number of sections


Sometimes the use of centralized heating is impossible for a number of reasons - this may be a breakthrough in the heating main, economic unprofitability, etc. In such a situation, many consumers pay attention to electric batteries. And not without reason, they a lot of advantages- they are easy to operate, economical, perfectly adjustable, both mechanical and remote, and also have an acceptable cost. In many Western European countries, residents have long moved away from central heating systems, in favor of individual electrical networks heating. To date, the market is represented variety of heating devices using electricity, the most popular of which are fan heaters, oil and infrared radiators, as well as convectors.


Choosing new batteries for the apartment, don't save too much, as this in the future may result in big trouble, in the form of a flood. Therefore, the problem of selecting heating equipment of this type, come with full responsibility, collect all the necessary information, consult with experts. Buy products only from well-known and trusted brands that can reliably provide you and your loved ones with warmth.

Video. 10 mistakes when replacing radiators

When the question of which heating batteries is better to choose for a private house appears on the agenda, there are many who recall with nostalgia the Soviet cast-iron "accordions" - albeit bulky, but hot, warming the room well. Indeed, at one time such batteries worked "perfectly well", but now they are becoming unusable and are considered obsolete. They have already been replaced by new, more efficient, convenient and cost-effective models.

But the main problem is that there are many diametrically opposed opinions about the new radiators. Yes, and in practice the same thing: you go to the neighbors who have installed modern batteries at home - some are warm, while others are cold. At the same time, almost the same heating batteries are installed here and there - that is, which ones are better for a private house, does not always depend on the specific model. In our article we will try to figure out which heating radiators are best for a private house.

Heat in the house does not always depend on the quality of the selected radiators Source

Features of heating networks in a private house

Unlike multi-apartment buildings, an autonomous heating system is installed in a private house, that is, it does not depend on the central boiler house, which means that the pressure in the network and the temperature of the coolant will be completely different. Therefore, when choosing a radiator for a private house, the following points should be considered:

  • In private houses, the pressure on the coolant, and with it on the tanks, radiator pipes is much less than in multi-storey buildings. Thus, the batteries do not experience overloads, so you can choose any, including thin-walled models.

Among the residents of apartment buildings there is a horror story about pipe breaks due to water hammer due to sudden pressure surges in the water supply. In fact, there can be no water hammer even in apartment buildings, not to mention heating systems in cottages. But in private houses, especially those in which they do not live constantly, another problem may arise - freezing of water in pipes. Just in this case, the batteries can simply burst if you forget to drain the water from the system before leaving.

Even cast iron batteries cannot always withstand system freezing. Source

  • In a private house, the length of the pipeline from the heat source (boiler, furnace) to the radiator is quite small compared to multi-storey buildings. Therefore, heat loss is minimal, and the coolant is heated more strongly. Conclusion: in a private house there should be radiators that can withstand high-temperature coolant.
  • A little liquid is needed to fill the heating system, so antifreeze or ethyl alcohol can be added to it. This protects pipes and radiators so that they do not freeze if the boiler is turned off for a long time.

Adding antifreeze to the heating system Source

  • When choosing heating radiators, which of them are better for a private house should be determined based on the size of the heated area. In cottages, the spaces are large, respectively, and the energy consumption for heating too. It is advisable to install such batteries that will warm up the home with a minimum of costs.

Guided by these simple rules, you can buy the best suitable model.

Classes of heating radiators and their types and features

The principle of operation of the radiator is to transfer heat to the surrounding space from the coolant fluid circulating in this heating device.

Autonomous heating system (AHC) consists of:

  • boiler;
  • pipelines;
  • thermal elements.

Autonomous heating system Source

The table shows the main types of thermal appliances:

In addition, heating devices are divided into the following classes, consider a kind of rating of heating radiators from this side:


They consist of heating sections that are connected to each other. The more sections, the more heat they will transfer to the surrounding space. To prevent the room from overheating, special thermostats are installed on the radiators that regulate the temperature.

Thermostatic tap for temperature control Source

Standard cast-iron radiators also belong to sectional radiators: the heat from them is transferred in the form of infrared radiation, evenly distributed throughout the room - from above, below and in the middle. Such batteries have large dimensions and thick walls, which accumulate enough heat to radiate in the infrared spectrum. It is this method of heating that is considered optimal for human health, although it must be borne in mind that partial heating also occurs through convection.

Due to the thick walls, such batteries have a high thermal inertia - therefore, after the AOC is turned off, the radiators remain hot for a long time. Cast iron is not highly susceptible to corrosion and is not afraid of harmful impurities in the coolant - the service life of such devices reaches 50 years. Of the shortcomings called a lot of weight.

Aluminum radiators are distinguished by good heat dissipation (1/2 radiation + 1/2 convection) and quickly warm up the room. Compared to cast iron, they are lighter, and in general, the ability to give off heat to the room is several times higher than that of cast iron and steel.

Sectional radiator Source

An added advantage modern models is the ability to regulate the temperature with a valve with a thermal head. The surface of the metal is covered protective coating which increases the service life. The cost of aluminum radiators is low, respectively, and the prices are more affordable.

Aluminum radiators do not withstand high overloads, therefore they are not used in central heating systems (CHS). They break due to pressure surges, the presence of rust or sand particles in the coolant. Chemical additives are not allowed in the composition of the liquid.

Bimetallic heating radiators consist of external aluminum plates and steel pipes located inside the sections. They are valued for their reliability and durability, but are not cheap. Equally well suited for centralized and autonomous heating systems.


Radiators are also produced that have only steel-reinforced vertical pipes. These are not quite bimetallic devices anymore, they are less corrosion resistant. Among their advantages, it is worth noting the high thermal conductivity, which is higher than that of real bimetallic radiators.


Steel tubular heaters give off heat well, are economical in terms of energy consumption, and heat up quickly. Their disadvantage is that they are sensitive to oxidative processes. If the heat transfer fluid does not fill the tanks of the steel radiator, it will begin to corrode. One more weak side steel radiator is hypersensitive to water quality. Even if the water is considered to be quite good by conventional standards and it is drinkable, it is recommended to install filters to minimize the formation of scale.

Steel tubular radiator can be placed in a narrow niche Source

The sizes of steel tubular radiators are from 30 cm to 3 m. The number of rows of tubes is 1–9. They are considered very reliable - the permissible operating pressure for devices of a number of Russian manufacturers reaches 15 atm. The radiator reservoirs are designed with a small volume of liquid, so they quickly reach the required temperature when it is necessary to increase or decrease the power. The method of heat transfer is radiation and convection.

Also, steel radiators are used as heated towel rails, which, in addition to drying clothes, provide additional heating in bathrooms.

Steel tubular radiator-bench Source

Floor standing bench radiators are tubular steel heaters with a seat in the form of a wooden board at the top. Connect to the heating system in the same way as conventional radiators. They can also serve as the main heating device in areas such as kitchen, bathroom, hallway.


These steel radiators are a rectangular panel that acts as a heating device. The panel consists of 2 ribbed sheets welded to each other, plates with a U-shaped relief are placed inside.

Steel panel radiator Source

Working pressure 6–8 atm, high sensitivity to pressure drops, therefore they are used only in autonomous heating systems for residential and commercial premises. Such radiators can consist of 1, 2, 3 heating plates. Respond quickly to temperature changes. The main mode of heat transfer is convection. The choice of sizes of such devices is wide enough so that they can be selected for a room of any area.

Sectional panel radiator Source

Internal structure of panel radiators with 1, 2, 3 heating plates Source

Ceiling thermal panels consist of steel plates, to which pipes intended for the heat carrier are welded. Their use is advisable in rooms with high ceilings from 3 to 20 m. Heat transfer is carried out by radiation.

Ceiling panels Source


Lamellar heaters consist of horizontally arranged pipes to which metal plates are welded, due to which the surface area for heat transfer is increased. Heat transmitters can additionally be covered with protective covers. The advantage of such radiators is reliability - they can be used for centralized and autonomous heating. The main method of heat transfer is convective, so the space warms up unevenly: it is much warmer from above. They are mainly used for offices, corridors, garages and utility rooms, but there are also models for residential premises.

Modern plate batteries Source

Rules for the location of batteries in the house

In order for the system to work properly, it is necessary to strictly follow the installation rules. Although the installation technology is not complicated, it has its own nuances, so the work should be carried out by specialists.

Important! If the radiators are not properly installed, they will not be covered by the warranty.

In order to avoid heat loss and uneven heating of the room, when installing the devices, it is necessary to observe the indents and choose the right location:

  • The most suitable option for a battery is the place under the window, i.e. where the heat loss is the most significant. The width of the radiator must be at least 70% of the width of the window. Mounted right in the middle.

Correct Battery Location Source

  • From the battery to the window sill, as well as to the floor, leave at least 10 cm. The optimal distance between the floor and the radiator is 12 cm. It is not recommended to leave more than 15 cm.
  • The battery is fixed at a distance of 5 cm from the wall.
  • Behind the battery, you can stick a heat-reflecting material - then part of the heat will not go into the wall, but will return to the room.
  • If the radiator is planned to be placed not under the window sill, but on the wall, then the distance between them should be at least 20 mm.

Video description

For more information about installing batteries in a private house, see the video:

Calculation of the number of sections

It is not necessary to look for the most expensive heating devices to make the room comfortable. The main thing is to correctly calculate the number of sections. If the rooms are standard, then this greatly simplifies the calculations.

Often resort to calculations based on the volume of space, because they are simple, but at the same time they give fairly accurate results.

  1. 41 W of power is required per 1 m³. If good double-glazed windows are installed and the heat loss is minimal, then the indicator drops to 34 watts.
  2. Room volume (m³) = area (m²) × height (m).
  3. Required thermal power for the entire room (W) = volume of the room (m³) × 41 W (or 34 W).
  4. In the data sheet of the devices, manufacturers indicate the heat transfer of one section.
  5. The total power (the value calculated in point 3) must be divided by the heat transfer of one section. The resulting number is the number of sections.

For example, the required thermal power is 2890 W, and the heat transfer of one section is 170 W. Then for this room you need to purchase 17 sections.

In a non-standard room, calculations are made according to a more complex formula Source

If the room is non-standard, the calculations become more complicated. To calculate the total power, the features of double-glazed windows (double or triple), the thermal insulation parameters of the walls, the ratio of the size of windows and the floor, the height of the ceilings and other parameters are taken into account. All this is calculated by designers using specialized software.

Which radiators to choose for a wooden house

Heating wooden house(We are talking primarily about log cabins), indeed, it has its own characteristics, since the thermal conductivity of a tree is low and depends on its species. In addition, it is necessary to ensure maximum fire safety. But in general, the issue of providing heat, as well as safety, rests primarily on the correct installation of the heating system, the choice of the boiler and the number of radiators. There are no restrictions on the type of radiators here: steel, cast iron, bimetallic, aluminum - all of them can be used in a wooden frame.

All types of radiators are suitable for a wooden house Source

Which heating batteries to choose for a private house and cottage

It is not difficult to choose batteries for a private house, because the operation of an autonomous heating system occurs without significant overloads, which are experienced by a centralized system. Here you can connect any radiators, focusing on the required power, quality, efficiency, cost of the device.

Many owners of private houses prefer aluminum radiators. They are cheaper than cast iron ones, more economical in operation and have higher heat transfer rates, and the sensitivity of aluminum appliances to water hammer in an autonomous heating system can be neglected.

If you want to choose batteries based on the brand name, then you can take into account the unspoken rating of aluminum heating radiators for a private house. The top positions here belong to the trademarks Calidor, Global, Rifar, STI, which are well suited for operation in Russian climatic conditions.

Modern radiators, even in the coldest time, will provide a comfortable atmosphere in the room Source

Steel radiators are no less common, which is not surprising, because they are reliable, affordable, able to warm up quickly and have good heat dissipation. Here, in the ranking of steel heating radiators for a private house, the leading places are occupied by Kermi, Purmo, Zehnder, Sunerzha.

Among worthy brands producing bimetallic radiators, one can note the Russian Rifar and the Italian Global. Those who decide to purchase cast iron heaters should pay attention to Konner (Russia), Guratec (Germany), Retro Style (Russia).

As a result, all radiators are universal, which means that the question of which heating batteries are best for a private house with a gas boiler is not entirely correct, because when choosing, they are mainly guided by the required power, room features and budget possibilities.

Video description

Visually about the differences in radiators, see the video:

Prices for radiators

Price heating devices varies significantly depending on the following factors:

  • brand and country of origin;
  • material and production technology;
  • design.

Italian, German, Finnish, Czech batteries are more expensive than Russian ones, but in terms of their technical and operational characteristics, products of a domestic manufacturer are not much inferior and even surpass many foreign counterparts.

Buying heating radiators for a private house is a rather expensive article. But if you make the right calculations and choose economical devices, then costs can be significantly reduced.

The average cost of aluminum radiators per section is in the range of 1227–8200 rubles, bimetallic devices - 3000–11900 rubles. The cheapest of them can be purchased at a price of 1100 rubles. The price range for steel radiators is also quite wide: from 830 to 60,000 rubles. Models made of steel costing from 3,500 to 26,000 rubles are popular. Inexpensive cast-iron batteries can be purchased for 500–1000 rubles. Cast iron appliances are in demand for 3000–8000 rubles.

Batteries in retro style can be found from 8000 rubles.

Cast iron batteries in retro style Source

If batteries are needed for a whole house, then even inexpensive devices cost a pretty penny. In addition, the cost of related products will be added: valves, thermostatic heads, brackets and other parts.


The correct installation of the heating system in general and any of its components in particular requires specialized knowledge, without which it is difficult not only to install, but even to select all the components. As a result, it is necessary to address this issue to professionals - experienced craftsmen will produce accurate calculations and they will take into account not only the footage, but also other features of the room, they will tell you what kind of heating is better for a private house in your case. They dismantle old batteries, quickly and, most importantly, correctly, install new ones. They will check the operation of the heating system and provide technical and warranty documentation.