Shower      13.03.2019

Open heating system: what the developer needs to know. Open and closed systems

When planning the heating of their own home, almost every developer is faced with concepts that require clarification, one of which is an “open heating system”. ABOUT design features and signs, diagrams and main elements of this heating system (CO) and will be discussed in this publication.

Definition of an open heating system and its elements

According to statistics, about 70% of private house owners use various water heating schemes, which can be open and closed. The main sign of an open CO is the absence of forced pressure in the circuit due to the use of an atmospheric expansion tank. At the highest point of the circuit, the pressure will be equal to atmospheric, and at the bottom, equal to the pressure of the water column.

The composition of the equipment is as follows:

  1. A heat generator that heats the coolant.
  2. A riser, which at its upper point ends in an open expansion tank.
  3. Directly the container itself, connected with the atmosphere, which serves to compensate for the expansion of the coolant during heating and prevent the formation of air locks in the system.
  4. Drainage pipeline that removes excess coolant from the circuit.
  5. The main supply pipe through which heated water moves to radiators.
  6. Batteries (radiators, registers, etc.).
  7. Back main pipeline through which the coolant enters the boiler for further heating.
  8. Circulation pump. In principle, a properly calculated and installed CO can do without this element, but with a pump, some restrictions (loop length up to 30 m) are removed and water circulation around the loop is more efficient.
  9. Shut-off valve installed in the CO to replenish the volume of the coolant from the water supply (10). This element is optional, since the filling of the system with water can be carried out directly through expansion tank.

The last (11) element indicated in the diagram is a tap that is designed to drain water from CO.

Important! When the heating system is operating normally, shut-off valves 9 and 11 must be in the closed position.

Varieties of open heating systems

CO data differ in the way the coolant moves in the circuit. He can be:

  • Natural. This type of water CO is called gravitational or gravity.
  • Forced. In this method, the main driving force for the coolant is the pump.

Heating system open type works with natural motivation due to the difference in density and mass of hot and cooled coolant. More “heavy” chilled water squeezes out “light” heated water from the heat generator into the pipeline. Subject to the required diameter and slopes of the supply and return main pipe, a natural circulation of the coolant occurs in the circuit.

The main problem of this CO is the rather low speed of natural movement of water along the contour (0.1 - 0.3 m/s). At this speed, the water loses most of its heat energy before reaching the last radiator. A pump is used to increase the speed of water movement in the circuit.

In open COs with forced stimulation, the speed of movement of the coolant varies from 0.3 to 0.7 m/s, which significantly increases its heat transfer, and, accordingly, the efficiency of heating.

Advice! The problem with CO pumps is that they are volatile. So that during a power outage heating system continued to function, a bypass line is needed, on which the circulation pump is mounted.

Open COs differ in the piping layout. In a single-pipe heating system, all radiators are connected to the supply line in series. The return of chilled water is carried out through the same pipeline.

In two-pipe systems, the coolant is supplied to the radiators through one supply pipe, and the coolant is removed through the other.

Most often, open CO is used without a pump, with the movement of water through pipes by gravity. Low pressure makes it impossible to make multi-circuit options with sufficient heating efficiency, use the "warm floor" system or organize open way hot water connection. To increase the pressure in the circuit, it is necessary to use a diaphragm expansion tank closed type.

Advantages and disadvantages

Use for heating small summer cottages and country houses open CO is relevant in the 21st century. Its main advantage is the possibility of creating non-volatile heating, which for many homeowners is a decisive factor. In addition, this CO has other advantages:

  • Thanks to the design of the expansion tank, it is quite easy to organize make-up directly from the water supply.
  • This CO is practically devoid of such a problem as air locks, again due to the design of the tank to compensate for the thermal expansion of water.
  • The rather high cost of materials due to the use of large diameter pipes.
  • Possible problems during installation of the required slope of the main pipeline.
  • The need to control the liquid level.
  • High inertia due to the low speed of the coolant.

Many developers ask, what is the difference between an open and closed heating system, in addition to the design features of the expansion tank?

As mentioned above, the determining factor in a closed CO is a membrane expansion tank, which maintains an increased pressure in the circuit. Due to this, it is possible to use pipes of a smaller (than open) diameter, which drastically reduces the cost of creating a closed heating system, and the tightness of the expansion tank prevents the heat carrier from evaporating from the circuit and makes it possible to use not only water, but also Various types antifreeze.

CLOSED SYSTEM a system that does not exchange with the environment (for open system such an exchange is possible). 3. p. enclosed in a shell impenetrable for particles (atoms, molecules, ions) (real or imaginary), but this shell can be. permeable to heat and non-rigid, i.e. energy 3. s. and its volume can general case change if these parameters are not fixed add. isolation conditions (see isolated system). In the absence of chem. p-tions between the components of the system, the mass of each of the components in 3. s. constant. If chem. p-tion, the masses of the reacting in-in change in such a way that the number of atoms of each type remains constant. The conditions of material isolation should be taken into account when describing phase transformations in 3. s. and determining the number of its degrees of freedom (the number of independent state parameters, or variations). Total variation (number of independent variables, including, in addition to state parameters, phase masses) for 3. s. equals two [Duhem's (Duhem's) rule]. H. A. Smirnova.

Chemical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. I. L. Knunyants. 1988 .

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System - a set of interrelated active elements, organized for a specific purpose and in relation to the external environment. The features of the system are: - the totality of its constituent elements;

The unity of the main goal for all elements is a system-forming factor;

The presence of a connection between them is a condition for the formation of a system;

Integrity and unity of elements;

The presence of structure and hierarchy of elements;

Relative independence of elements - each of them has its own properties

systems; - the presence of inputs, outputs, control and management of elements.

The properties of the system are:

The property of the interconnectedness of the elements of the system - the system is formed only as a result of the connection between the elements of the population. The occurrence of a systemic effect depends on the presence of this connection - a change in the overall efficiency of interrelated elements. The quality of the connection determines the increase or decrease in the result. The efficiency of a simple sum of unrelated elements is low;

Emergence property: the potential of the system can be greater, equal or less than the sum of the potentials of its constituent elements, which is determined by the nature of the connection of the elements;

The property of self-preservation - the system strives to keep its structure unchanged in the presence of transforming influences;

The property of organizational integrity - the system as a differentiated whole has a need for structuring, coordination and management in order to maintain its integrity.

A closed system does not depend on the environment, is separated from it and does not interact with it - it is a self-sufficient whole.

An open system is in constant interaction and exchange with the external environment, on which its functioning depends. It is able to adapt to the changed external conditions of its existence, changing its structure.

However, the distinction between closed and open systems is more quantitative than qualitative. Any system is partly closed, partly open, and the question is how big is the role of the external environment in the functioning of a particular system. Open systems are capable of self-management, adaptation and development due to properties such as homeostasis and feedback control.

The traditional metaphor of an organization as a military/mechanical bureaucracy is a model of a closed system because environment it is treated as a given, its impact on the functioning of the organization was ignored. In contrast to this approach, metaphors of the organization as a biological or cognitive system emphasize its interaction with the environment. These models are based on the open systems approach. Careful consideration of these three metaphors will provide an understanding of organizations and how they function. Each point of view brings something of its own to this understanding. Additional Information A distinction is made between open and closed systems. The concept of a closed system is generated by the physical sciences. Here it is understood that the system is self-contained. Its main characteristic is that it essentially ignores the effect of external influences. A perfect closed system would be one that does not receive energy from external sources and does not give energy to its external environment.

A closed organizational system has little applicability.

Comprehensive analysis internal structure organization is provided through a systematic approach. Systemit is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts, arranged in such an order as to reproduce the whole. A unique characteristic when considering systems is the internal relationships of the parts. Each system is characterized by both differentiation and integration. The system uses a variety of specialized functions. Each part of the organization performs its specific functions. In order to maintain separate parts in one organism and form a complete whole, integration is carried out in each system. For this, such means are used as coordination of levels of the management hierarchy, direct observation, rules, procedures, course of action.

Although organizations break down into separate parts or constituent elements, they are themselves subsystems within a larger system. There are not only systems and subsystems, but also supersystems. The classification of these concepts depends on the characteristics of the subject of analysis. The whole is not simply the sum of the parts. since the system should be considered as their unity.

Distinguish between open and closed systems. concept closed system originated in physics. It is a system that is self-contained. Her main characteristic is that it essentially ignores the effect of external influences. A perfect system of a closed type would be one that does not receive energy from external sources and does not give energy to the external environment. A closed organizational system has little applicability.

open system involves dynamic interaction with the environment. Organizations obtain raw materials and human resources from the external environment. They depend on external customers and customers who consume their products. Banks that actively interact with the external environment open deposits, turn them into loans and investments, use the profits to support development, pay dividends and pay taxes. On fig. 3.1 shows an industrial organization as an open system. At the input of the system - the flow of materials, labor, capital. Technological process organized for the processing of raw materials into the final product The final product, in turn, is sold to the customer. Financial institutions, the workforce, suppliers and customers, the government are all part of the external environment.

The delimitation of systems into open or closed is not rigid, established once and for all. An open system can become closed if contact with the environment is reduced over time. In principle, the reverse situation is also possible. Open systems tend to complicate structure and differentiation. In other words, the growth of an open system is accompanied by an increase in the level of specialization of its elements and the complexity of the structure, the frequent expansion of the boundaries of the system or the creation of a new supersystem. If a business enterprise grows, then there is a significant differentiation and complication of its structure. New specialized departments are being created, new types of raw materials and materials are being acquired, the range of manufactured products is expanding, and new sales offices are being organized.

All systems have an input, a transformational process and an output.They receive raw materials, energy, information, other resources and transform them into goods and services, profit, waste, etc. Open systems have, however, some specific features. One of these features is the recognition of the interdependence between the system and the external environment. There is a border which separates the system from its environment. Changes in the external environment affect one or more attributes of the system, and vice versa, changes in the system affect the environment. The external environment of the organization is schematically presented in fig. 3.2. The organization must reflect the state of the external environment. Its construction is based on prerequisites of an economic, scientific and technical, political, social or ethical nature. The organization must be created in such a way that it functions normally. The contribution of each of its members must be ensured. common work and effective assistance to employees in achieving their goals. In this sense, an effective organization cannot be static. It must promptly monitor all changes in the external environment, evaluate them and choose the best response that contributes to the achievement of its goals. It must respond effectively to environmental influences.

Feedback is of fundamental importance for the functioning of organizations. Open systems constantly receive information from the external environment. This helps to adapt and allows corrective actions to be taken to correct unwanted deviations in system parameters. Here, feedback is understood as a process that allows you to receive an influx of information or money into the system to modify the production of manufactured products or to establish the production of new products.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that organizations are staffed with people. Obviously, when grouping activities and distributing powers within any organizational system, it is necessary to take into account the shortcomings and habits of people. This does not mean that the organization should be created in relation to people, and not on the basis of goals and activities that accompany their achievement. However, a very important, often constraining, factor for a leader is what kind of people will work in the organization, what roles they will perform (Table 3.2).

The behavior of the members of an organization can be seen as its internal environment. Organizations constantly encounter problems that can change its position. In order for all elements of the organization to operate and be intelligently coordinated, a continuous flow of resources is necessary. The production apparatus wears out, technology becomes obsolete, materials need to be replenished, workers quit. To ensure the viability of the organization, these resources must be replaced with elements of equal performance without interrupting the production process.

Other internal problems arise from deficiencies in the interaction and coordination of different parts of the organization. One of the reasons why workers leave and shareholders are unwilling to invest their savings is the dissatisfaction of these groups with the working conditions and rewards for participation in the organization, and this dissatisfaction can become so strong that the very existence of the organization is threatened. The internal environment of the organization is schematically shown in fig. 3.3.

The organization is characterized by a cyclical nature of functioning. The output of the system provides funds for new investment, allowing the production cycle to be repeated. The revenues generated by industrial organizations should be adequate enough to pay for loans, labor of workers and repayment of loans, if the cyclical activity is sustainable and ensures the viability of the organization.

Note that organizational systems are prone to contraction or fragmentation. Since a closed system does not receive resources from the external environment, it can shrink over time. In contrast, an open system is characterized by negative entropy, that is, it can reconstruct itself, maintain its structure, avoid liquidation, and even grow, because the influx of resources from outside exceeds their outflow from the system. The influx of resources to prevent entropy maintains some constancy in the exchange of resources, resulting in a relatively stable position. Even though there is a constant inflow of new resources into the system and their constant outflow, a certain balance of the system is ensured. When an open system actively converts resources into outputs, it is nevertheless capable of sustaining itself for a certain amount of time. Research shows that large and complex organizational systems tend to grow and expand further. They receive a certain margin of safety that goes beyond ensuring only survival. Many subsystems within a system have the ability to receive more resources than are required to produce output.

As an organization grows, its top leaders are increasingly forced to delegate decision-making authority to lower levels. However, since top-level managers are responsible for all decisions, their role in the organization is changing: from decision-making, managers top level move on to managing the decision-making processes. As a result, the increase in the size of organizations leads to the need for a division of labor in the field of management. One group, senior management, has the primary authority and responsibility for determining the nature of the organization's management system, i.e., the process by which the organization's problems are to be resolved. Another group of leaders reports to top management, its main responsibility is to make decisions.

Open systems seek reconciliation between two often conflicting strategies. The actions to keep the system in balance provide interaction with the external environment, which in turn prevents abrupt changes that could unbalance the system. On the contrary, actions to adapt the system to various changes allow it to adapt to the dynamics of domestic and external demand. One strategy, for example, focuses on ensuring the stability of the system through the purchase, maintenance and repair of equipment, the recruitment and training of workers, the use of rules and procedures. Another strategy focuses on changing the system through planning, market research, new product development, and so on. Both are necessary for the survival of the organization. Stable organizations that are not able to adapt to changing conditions will not be able to survive for a long time. The same can be said about adaptable to change, but unstable, that is, inefficient, organizations.

An organizational system can achieve its goals using various combinations of resources and strategies. That is why it is necessary to consider various forms and ways of solving emerging problems, and not to look for any one "optimal" solution that leads to quick results.


1. THE CONCEPT OF THE SYSTEM……………………..……………………………..4

2. ESSENCE OF A CLOSED SYSTEM…….……….………………………6

2.1. The concept of a closed system……………………………………...6

2.2. Properties of a closed system………..……………........................ 8

2.3.Structure of a closed system…………………………………...12


3.1. The essence of a closed system of organization……………………14

3.2. Comparison of closed and open organization systems…….....15




Systems theory was first applied in the exact sciences and in technology. Application of systems theory in management in the late 50s. was the most important contribution of the school of management science. A systems approach is not a set of any principles for managers, but a way of thinking in relation to organization and management. It is used as a way to streamline management problems: structuring them, establishing relationships and dependencies of problem elements, identifying factors and conditions that affect their solution. The central concept of this approach is the system.

A system is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in such an order that the whole can be reproduced. Any organization can be called a system.

There are many classifications of systems, but the most important for the analysis of the structure and activities of the organization is the division of systems into open and closed.


A comprehensive analysis of the internal structure of the organization is provided using a systematic approach. A system is an association of parts into a whole, the properties of which may differ from the properties of its constituent parts. Any organization can be called a system. A system is a kind of integrity, consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole. Cars, computers, televisions are all examples of systems. They are made up of many parts, each of which works in conjunction with the others to create a whole with its own specific properties. These parts are interdependent. If one of them is missing or does not function properly, then the whole system will function incorrectly. For example, the TV will not work if the setting is incorrect. All biological organisms are systems. Your life depends on the proper functioning of many interdependent organs, which together represent the unique being that you are.

A unique characteristic when considering systems is the internal relationships of the parts. Each system is characterized by both differentiation and integration. The system uses a variety of specialized functions. Each part of the organization performs its specific functions. In order to maintain separate parts in one organism and form a complete whole, integration is carried out in each system. For this, such means are used as coordination of levels of the management hierarchy, direct observation, rules, procedures, course of action.

The features of any system are: integrity (irreducibility of the properties of the system to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements, non-derivation from the last properties of the whole), structure (the ability to describe the system through the establishment of its structure), hierarchy (each part of the system acts as a kind of subsystem with its own qualities) and etc.

The signs of the system are the set of its constituent elements, the unity of the main goal for all elements, the presence of links between them, the integrity and unity of the elements, the presence of structure and hierarchy, relative independence and the presence of control over these elements. The term "organization" in one of his lexical meanings also means “system”, but not any system, but to a certain extent ordered, organized.


2.1. The concept of closed systems

Systems are open and closed. An open system is a system that is powered by some kind of energy or resources from the outside. A closed system has a source of energy (resources) within itself. Examples of closed systems: a running clock with an internal energy source, a running car, an airplane, automatic production with its own energy source, etc. Examples of open systems: a calculator or a radio receiver with solar battery(energy comes from outside) industrial enterprise, plant, firm, company, etc.

The concept of a closed system is generated by the physical sciences. Here it is understood that the system is self-contained. A closed system, as the name suggests, is delimited from the outside world. Interaction occurs only within the system between its structural components. Its main characteristic is that it essentially ignores the effect of external influences. A perfect closed system would be one that does not receive energy from external sources and does not give energy to its external environment. A closed organizational system has little applicability. The degree of distinction between open and closed systems varies within systems. An open system can become more closed if contact with the environment decreases over time. In principle, the reverse situation is also possible.

Closed systems in their purest form ignore any external effects and ideally should receive nothing and give nothing. For most organizations, such an existence is impossible. An open system depends on energy, information, materials that come from the external environment.

The main feature of operating systems is that change occurs. Both within the system and between systems, there is a redistribution of energy, information and resources. These exchange operations in systems theory are called Fluctuations (fluctuations). As water flows to where it is lower, so all exchanges occur on the basis of three principles:

· At ordinary conditions the redistribution of resources occurs from places of higher density to places of lower density.

· Produced changes depend not only on the amount of moved resources, but also on the difference in gradients between the places from where and where they move, and on the speed of movement.

· Movement in the opposite direction of a certain resource (from where there is less to where there is more) is possible if the gradients are aligned on a more global scale.

The result of all redistributions between the elements of a closed system after a certain period of time will be a uniform and homogeneous state. The system is dying.

Closed and open systems are of varying degrees of severity. Absolutely closed and absolutely open systems are quite abstract concepts. Even in the most complex scientific experiments and under special natural circumstances (deep in space, in the center of a star), it is impossible to achieve an absolutely open or closed state.

Intermediate states are possible, as it were: a supposedly open and a supposedly closed system. Imagination is manifested in the fact that having outward signs one type, in fact the system belongs to another type. An organization that professes the principles - we will do everything ourselves, interacts with the outside world. And the USSR, which told everyone how open it was, in reality was much more closed. And as expected, it fell apart.

Closed systems are characterized by determinism and linearity of development.

2.2 Properties of closed systems

· Sustainability. The stability of the system may be violated by unreasonable complication or simplification of the organizational structure. Management experience shows that in order to increase the stability of work, as a rule, it is necessary to eliminate unnecessary links or control subsystems and much less often to add new ones. Organizational sustainability is affected by external factors(for example, inflation, demand, relationships with partners and the state). To increase the sustainability of work, it is necessary to quickly restructure the organization's communications in accordance with new goals and objectives.

· Adaptability. Adaptability is understood as the ability of an organization to adapt to new external conditions, the possibility of self-regulation and the restoration of sustainable activities. Adaptive organizations often have an organic structure, when each subject of management (department, work group, employee) has the opportunity to interact with everyone.

· Centralization. We are talking about the property of the system to be managed from a single center, when all parts of the organization are guided by commands from the center and enjoy predetermined rights. Living organisms, for example, function under the direction of the central nervous system. In the team, centralization is carried out by the leader, leader, manager; at enterprises - administration, management apparatus; in the country - the state apparatus. With a high complexity of the system or the impossibility of a single leadership from the center, the latter transfers part of the power to the autonomies, decentralization of management occurs.

· Isolation. Isolation means the desire of the system for autonomy, isolation and is manifested in solving the issues of distribution of resources and powers of parts of a large organization, conglomerate associations, centralization and decentralization of management. Contribute to the isolation and contradictions of goals and interests, the process of distributing profits between parts of the whole. Often there are processes of separation of personnel into informal groups based on personal ties, sympathies, common views and character traits, similar levels of education, ethnicity, age, official position, etc. The processes of separation of parts of the system are poorly understood and are of interest to researchers.

· Compatibility. Compatibility refers to the mutual adaptability and mutual adaptability of parts of the system. At the level of the state as a large system, there are problems of compatibility of the national economy with the economies of regions and industries. In Russia, for example, donor regions that have at their disposal a larger volume of natural resources or highly efficient production are forced to give the center most of the profits (in the form of tax deductions), which are subsequently directed to the needs of subsidized regions of the North, Siberia, Far East, which leads to the emergence of centrifugal tendencies, disintegration, various contradictions and conflicts. At the enterprise level, conflicts often arise between the interests of the organization and the needs of its units. For example, the company's management may decide to direct most of the profits earned by one division to the development of another, in this moment unprofitable.

The property of "feedback". The fundamental property of large systems is the establishment of feedback, the essence of which is that information (resources, energy) from the output of the system (or its subsystems) enters the input of this system (or subsystems, its members). For production system The feedback principle works in the following way. Output information, such as business performance indicators, under the influence of various circumstances constantly vary over time, management constantly analyzes and compares them with the set goals (system input). Based on the results of the comparison, management decisions are made that correct the operation of the system (if necessary), which ensures the adaptability of the system (adapting it to new working conditions) and the efficiency (flexibility) of its management. Feedback often play negative systemic roles. For example, in the “personnel” subsystem, the amount of remuneration affects labor efforts and the results obtained by employees. If the remuneration for work is not commensurate with the efforts, the system begins to self-destruct, the incentives to perform work tasks decrease and the results of labor (volume of production, its quality) also decrease.

· Synergy - unidirectionality (or purposefulness) of the actions of the components enhances the efficiency of the system. The priority of the interests of the system at a broader (global) level over the interests of its components.

Integrity - the primacy of the whole in relation to the parts; the emergence of a new function in the system, a new quality, organically arising from its constituent elements, but not inherent in any of them, taken in isolation.

· Structurality - it is possible to decompose the system into components, establishing links between them.

· Hierarchy - each component of the system can be considered as a system (subsystem) of a wider global system.

2.3. Structure of a closed system

All systems have an input, a transformational process and an output. They receive raw materials, energy, information, other resources and transform them into goods and services, profit, waste, etc.

Large components complex systems, such as organizations, people or machines, are often systems themselves. These parts are called subsystems. The concept of a subsystem is an important concept in management. By dividing the organization into departments, management intentionally creates subsystems within the organization. Systems such as departments, directorates and different levels of management - each of these elements plays important role in the organization as a whole, just like the subsystems of your body such as circulation, digestion, nervous system and a skeleton. The social and technical components of an organization are considered subsystems. Subsystems can, in turn, consist of smaller subsystems. Since they are all interdependent, the malfunctioning of even the smallest subsystem can affect the system as a whole. The work of every department and every employee in an organization is essential to the success of the organization as a whole.

Although organizations break down into separate parts or constituent elements, they are themselves subsystems within a larger system. There are not only systems and subsystems, but also supersystems. The classification of these concepts depends on the characteristics of the subject of analysis. At the same time, the whole is not a simple sum of parts, since the system should be considered as their unity.

Without a boundary, there is no system, and the boundary (or boundaries) determines where systems or subsystems begin and end. Borders can be both physical and have a psychological content through symbols such as names, dress code, rituals. The concept of boundaries is required for a deeper understanding of systems. The boundaries for closed systems are rigid. Borders prevent the export and import of substances, but are open to energy (or information).


3.1. The essence of a closed system of organization

The organization is characterized by a cyclical nature of functioning. The output of the system provides funds for new investment, allowing the cycle to repeat. The revenues received by customers of industrial organizations should be adequate enough to pay for loans, labor of workers and repayment of loans, if the cyclicality is stable and ensures the viability of the organization.

It should also be emphasized that organizational systems are prone to contraction or fragmentation. Because a closed system does not receive energy and new input from its external environment, it can shrink over time. In contrast, an open system is characterized by negative entropy, i.e. it can reconstruct itself, maintain its structure, avoid liquidation and even grow, because it has the ability to receive energy from outside to a greater extent than it gives out.

Closed systems of the organization are traditionally solutions of individual manufacturers. Such solutions focus on the products of one specific manufacturer and often result in costly maintenance and services, as well as limited options when expanding the system. When using closed systems, compatibility with systems and devices from other manufacturers is limited. All this leads to the emergence of, so to speak, "islands of automation". Often, such systems have built-in gateways of the manufacturer, which translate or filter information and, thus, support the solutions implemented with the devices of this company. The client is associated with the equipment and products of one specific company for the entire life of the system.

3.1.Comparison of closed and open systems of the organization

The organization's open systems have a published industry standard and this standard has been adopted by leading manufacturers. In a closed system of organization, a standard is promoted by one particular firm and adopted by only a limited number of manufacturers.

An organization's open systems operate devices from different manufacturers, while closed systems can combine products from only one manufacturer or a limited number of manufacturers.

In an open systems organization, there is no need for an engineer to provide communication. Routing technology is usually used. In closed systems, complex engineering work is required to ensure communication. Typically proprietary gateways are used.

In an open systems organization, multiple integrators work on the same project and use multiple types of graphical user interfaces per system. In closed systems, only one integrator works on a project and one single graphical user interface is used per system.

In open systems, organizations have different sources for competing compatible products. In closed systems, one single source or a limited number of product sources.

System maintenance in closed systems of an organization is carried out by only one specific service department, and in open by various service departments.

Closed organization systems have at their disposal only one tool or a limited number of tools that are designed for devices from only one manufacturer, open network management systems for electrical installations from different manufacturers.

The network architecture of closed organization systems is logical multi-tiered, while open systems are logically flat.

In open systems of the organization, the possibility of expansion with the help of "transparent" routers. limited expansion options, no routing.

In closed systems of the organization, the volume use of gateways to both previously installed and new systems. In open systems, there is no need for gateways other than gateways to previously installed systems.

In an organization's closed systems, solutions from only one single vendor are allowed, while open systems allow solutions from independent system integrators.


Management activities company is impossible without a certain organizational system and structure. Although systems and structures often coincide in their characteristics, there is no complete identity between them, therefore, it adheres to the established tradition of highlighting both organizational models and structures.

A closed system, as the name suggests, is delimited from the outside world. Interaction occurs only within the system between its structural components. Its main characteristic is that it essentially ignores the effect of external influences. Closed and open systems are of varying degrees of severity. Absolutely closed and absolutely open systems are quite abstract concepts.

Closed systems are characterized mainly by internal communications and are created by people or companies to meet the needs and interests of their own staff, company or founders. For example, trade unions, political parties, Masonic societies.

A closed system is more stable, as it is not subject to change when interacting with the environment.

In the abstract, I revealed the concept of a system, a closed system, characterized the features of a closed system in general concept and at the organizational level, compared the closed and open system organizations.