Shower      07/02/2020

Lesson notes on the topic bread is the head of everything. Summary of a lesson on cognition in the senior group on the topic “Bread is the head of everything. III. Word formation of relative adjectives

Subject : « I’m glad to see the tablecloth with some bread, and he’s like the sun on it.”
Goal: Cto form in children an idea of ​​the value of bread.
Tasks: 1. Clarify children’s ideas about the long journey of bread from field to table.
2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of grain growers, that bread is our wealth
countries, in proverbs and sayings. Teach children to work with dough.
3. Cultivate respect for the work of grain growers and careful attitude towards bread.

Individual work with Yana, Vova, to activate children during games, with Dima, Artyom, Vika, to consolidate the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Preliminary work: Conversations about bread, guessing riddles, memorizing poems,
proverbs about bread, comparison of ears of rye and wheat, wheat and rye bread by color, shape, taste, observation of the unloading of bread into kindergarten, excursion to a bread store, drawing ears and grains of wheat, looking at paintings and illustrations.

Material: parcel with a loaf inside, projector, video pictures for the didactic game “Where did the bread come from?”, flour in plates, dough, aprons, napkins for hands, bowls of water for washing hands, 3 caps for playing with images of rolls, cheesecakes, pies.
Progress of the lesson. Children enter the hall to the music.
Guys, guests came to our lesson today, let's say hello to them ( to the music of valeology "Good morning" chant)
Good morning! Smile soon!
And today the whole day will be more fun.
We will stroke your forehead, nose and cheeks.
We will be beautiful, like flowers in the garden! Let's rub our palms harder, harder!
Now let’s clap bolder, bolder!
Now we’ll rub our ears and save our health,
Let's smile again, everyone be healthy!

There is a knock on the door, the postman Pechkin appears, with a package in his hands.

Pechkin: Hello guys! Is this kindergarten No. 65, group No. 10? I'm postman Pechkin, I brought you a parcel. Here, receive it and sign it.

Educator: Guys, look at this package from a fairyland! Who could have sent it, do you think? What could be in this package? How can you determine?
Children's answers(look, shake, smell).

Educator: In order to find out what is in the package, I suggest guessing the riddle: Lush, soft, baked,

Lightly browned

He has a gilded top

I came to you from afar... (bread).

Educator: Look at the loaf - fragrant, rosy, just begging to be put into your mouth. And Marya, an artist, sent the package, thanks to her. Guys, let's try the loaf! (The loaf is divided between the children and Pechkin). Pechkin doesn’t finish the piece and leaves the crust.
The teacher draws attention to this: Pechkin, why didn’t you eat the crust?
Pechkin: I’m already full and rushing to a fairyland where there is a miracle - a tree, with a lot of loaves, buns, and pretzels growing on it.
Educator: Pechkin, what kind of tree is this on which bread grows? Guys, have you heard of such a tree?
Pechkin: How do you not know? And Sharik told me that all bread grows on trees: there are pie trees, there are bakery trees, and there are plush trees. At first the buns and buns are small, then they grow and grow, and when they are completely ripe, they are taken from the tree and taken to bakery stores.
Educator: Pechkin, have you seen such trees yourself? Guys, how do you think bread got to our table? Maybe it grew on a tree? Maybe in the garden?
Children's answers.
Guys, let's tell Pechkin how bread gets to the table. Dear Pechkin, stay with us, sit down and listen to what we know about bread. Guys, tell me, what is bread made from? What is flour made from? From what grains, what kind of flour is obtained? Children's answers.
Right! Wheat flour is obtained from wheat grains, and rye flour is obtained from rye grains. To bring bread to our table, we need to spend a lot of labor and effort. This is what grain growers do.
You can’t get rye bread, long loaves, or rolls while walking.
People cherish their grain in the fields and spare no effort for their bread.

Pictures are shown through the projector, the children look at them and make up the story “Where did the bread come from?” : they sow grain, harvest the grown grain with a combine, take it to the mill, and the resulting flour is taken to the bakery, where baked goods are baked.
Educator: Strong machines help grow and harvest bread. In the spring, as soon as the ground thaws and dries out, tractors go out into the field. The tractor pulls a heavy plow that plows the ground deeply. Let us turn into tractor drivers and plow the land to the music.
Exercise "Tractor" : Tara - tara - ta - ra - ra.
Tractors are leaving the collective farm yard,
We will plow the land, we will sow rye,
We will thresh bread and feed the little children.
Educator: And now the earth became soft and loose. You can start sowing. The wheat grains are placed in the soil of the seeder in even, neat rows. The wheat has sprouted. The grains in the ears ripen all summer. The field is very beautiful at this time. Let us also turn into the seeds that we sowed.
Exercise to the music “A grain fell into the ground”:
A grain fell into the ground, began to grow in the sun,
The rain watered the ground, and the sprout grew,
He was drawn to the light and warmth and turned into a handsome man.
Educator: Well, the grains are ripe, it begins harvest (children repeat in chorus and individually). Previously, this was done by hand, mowers - men - went out into the field, from morning to night they cut ears of grain with sickles, and women knitted sheaves and put them in high stacks. Stacks are specially folded hay, mowed ears of corn for drying. When you look at such a field, you observe beautiful picture. For a long time, artists, poets, and composers have sung the beauty of such a field.

Let's listen to the work of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky "Harvest"

listening to music (show pictures of the harvest).
Did you like the work? What did you imagine when you listened to music?
Children's answers.
Nowadays, combine harvesters enter the field. So what does a combine do?
Cars transport grain from the fields to the elevator ( children repeat in chorus and individually) a special structure for storing grain. Where is grain transported from the elevator? What is a mill for? Where is the flour sent from the mill?
Children's answers.

Educator: At the bakery there are huge vats of sourdough. Add flour, salt, sugar, water, yeast and special machines mechanical “hands” knead bread dough. Let us turn into bakers and knead the dough for our loaf.
Finger gymnastics"Loaf" :

I knead, knead the dough, there is room in the oven.
I'm baking, I'm baking a loaf, move on, go ahead- 2 times.
Educator: And now the dough is mixed, it’s time to put it in the mold and put it in the oven. When the bread is baked, it is loaded onto cars and taken to stores. What can you bake from flour besides bread? How can flour products be called, in one word.
Children's answers.

Russian folk game “Bai kachi, kachi, kachi!” Look at the bagel rolls.”
Educator : It is difficult, simply impossible, to imagine our life without bread, without pancakes and delicious buns, pies and all kinds of pies, cakes, crackers, crackers. Bread is present on our table every day. This is the main food product of Russian people. It is very good for health as it is rich in
all kinds of vitamins. The Russian people always treat bread very carefully. Bread has always enjoyed honor and respect in Rus'. The guest was always greeted with bread and salt. Bread is the head of everything! Just 3 words, but how exactly does the proverb say about the importance of bread. Guys, what are you like? proverbs do you know about bread?
Without bread there is no lunch! If there is bread, there will be song. Without bread it is neither tasty nor satisfying. And lunch is not lunch if there is no bread. Without salt it is not tasty, without bread it is not satisfying. If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove. He who is glad to work will be rich in bread.

Song "Golden Seed" sl. P. Sinyavsky, music. Yu. Chichkova.

Educator: Guys, how many of you have seen how your mother makes dough at home?
Look at what components are needed, let's name them.
Children's answers.
Show the children the prepared dough.
Guys, this is real wheat bread dough, our cook Nina Yakovlevna gave it to me (with the children, determine what kind of dough it smells, feels, tastes). Do you want to play the role of bakers? It's possible. You can “bake” buns of any shape, whichever one you want. You will put love and kindness into every bun.

After washing your hands and putting on aprons, children make various baked goods from dough and place them on a baking sheet. Teacher : Guys, you are all great. What needs to be done next?
Children's answers.

Educator:That's right, guys, our buns need to go into the oven. But we only have an oven in the kitchen, so that’s where we’ll take our buns to bake. And by lunchtime you and I will have golden brown buns prepared by your own hands ( After working with the dough, children wipe their hands with wet wipes and paper towels).

« Dance with ears of corn" to the music "Song of Bread" music. O. Felman, lyrics. V. Dyukov.
Guys, how should you treat bread?
Children's answers.
Today we remembered that bread does not have an easy road to our table. To ensure that our table always has fresh, fragrant bread with a crispy crust, people of different professions work. Grain growers sow fields with grain, grow bread and thresh it. Drivers deliver grain from the fields to elevators and mills, flour millers grind it, and bakers bake bread. Your family can buy as much bread as they need. However, bread must be protected and not thrown away. When you eat bread, remember how much work has been put into each loaf of bread. This work is difficult and hard, so you need to treat bread with care.

Educator: Well, Pechkin, now you understand where bread comes from, that it does not grow on trees.
Pechkin: Yes, now I understand how bread comes to the table. I will definitely eat every last bit of bread. Guys, it’s time for me to return to Prostokvashino. I will tell Sharik where the bread on our table comes from. Goodbye.

Educator: Guys, I want to end our lesson with a poem.
Man will put grain in the ground,

If it rains, the grain is irrigated.
Steep furrow and soft snow
The grain will be hidden from everyone for the winter.
In spring the sun will rise to its zenith,
And the new spikelet will be gilded.
There are many ears of grain in a harvest year,
And the man will remove them from the field.
And the golden hands of the Bakers
The golden brown bread will be kneaded quickly.
And the woman is on the edge of the board
The finished bread will be cut into pieces.
To everyone who cherished the ear of bread,
In good conscience, you will get a piece.Ya. Akim.
In the group, we will read many more poems, stories, proverbs and sayings about bread, and look at paintings by artists. We will draw and create an exhibition of your drawings “Where the bread came from.” We will make baked goods from salt dough for the game “Shop”, “Cafe”. And for lunch we will have buns that you made with your own hands and put love and kindness into them.
The children leave the hall to the music.

Topic: “Bread is the head of everything!”

Target: Clarify and consolidate children’s understanding of growing bread (cereals); about the equipment that is necessary for preparing the soil and harvesting.
. expand children's knowledge about the history of bread as a food product;
. teach children to compose a story on a given topic using a basic scheme, develop the ability to select the most interesting and significant things for the story. Develop children's coherent speech; activate adjectives in children’s speech, teach them to form words with the same root, and enrich children’s vocabulary; exercise in the use of nouns, etc., in case and prepositional agreement, the formation of relative adjectives; .
. To cultivate respect and gratitude for the work of people involved in the cultivation and production of bread; careful attitude to bread, understanding of the inadmissibility of playing with food.

Prepared and carried out:teacher speech therapist -

Efremova N.A.,

Music head: Bogucharskaya A.E.

Goals, tasks:

Section 1 - sound pronunciation .

  • work on the differentiation of hissing, whistling, sonorant, back-lingual sounds in the process of automation in speech;
  • Section 2 - Development of coherent speech
  • improve skills in writing stories from photo presentations; improve skills in forming related words;
  • continue to develop dialogic and monologue forms of speech;
  • stimulate your own statements - remarks, questions, answers (rules for handling bread, bakery products);

Section 3 - General speech skills .

  • continue to develop intonation expressiveness of speech, improve the clarity of diction (“Loaf”, “Puff-Puff - Russian Samovar” - dance song; “Here is the fragrant bread” - poem)
  • strengthen the skill of correct voice production.
  • expand the subject vocabulary: elevator, cereals, harvesting, tractor, loaf, combine, harvester, tractor driver, baker, miller;
  • expand the vocabulary of signs: continue to learn how to coordinate nouns with adjectives (bread - aromatic, fresh, rye, rich, wheat, crispy, tasty, vitamin);
  • expand the verbal dictionary: agreement of nouns and verbs (grow bread, harvest, grind grain, knead dough, bake a loaf, sell bread)
  • in the process of enriching the vocabulary and clarifying the semantics of words, focus on full auditory perception and correct reproduction;
  • Section 4 - Five-minute speech therapy session
  • development of coordination of speech with movement - physical exercise - “Spikelet”;
  • Section 5 - Development of lexical and grammatical categories
  • Application of games: “Recognize cereals”, “What kind of bread does it taste like?”, “Summarizing word”;
  • Section 6 - Development of fine and gross motor skills - application of Testoplasty

Equipment: stove, (baked goods prepared by the hands of parents), cereals of various grain crops, photo presentation “Bread is the head of everything!”, ears of wheat, loaf, samovar, tablecloths, aprons, dough (salted), straw products, herbariums cereal crops, rye, wheat, rye, barley), straws, baking tins, wet wipes, caps for cooks (song-dance “Puff-Puff, Russian Samovar”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

(The hall is decorated according to the theme “Bread is the head of everything!”, to the music “Russian Field” the children enter the hall, the speech therapist meets them in a Russian girl costume).

1. Speech therapist: In Russia they baked bread with domes,

So that there is enough, like the sky, for everyone

At the wide tables in the house

It was considered a sin to abandon the baby.

And bread and salt is a Russian custom,

Like a symbol of human kindness.

Bread and salt to you, dear guests!

(A. Korshun)

2. (The girl comes out to the music and brings bread and salt to the guests on a beautiful towel, pronounces the words).

Here it is - fragrant bread,

Here it is - warm, golden,

As if filled with sunshine!

In it lies our health, strength,

There is a wonderful warmth in it;

It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it.

Grab both cheeks, -

Grow up to be a hero.

II. Main part.

The guys perform song "Loaf":

A loaf of earth and heaven on your table

There is nothing stronger than bread on earth!

Chorus: in every small piece there are fields of grain,

And on every spikelet,

And on every spikelet the Earth rests

Today on our table, in the place of honor, there is bread.

What kind of bread do you like? (loaves, pies, cakes, buns). How can you call all this in two words? (Bread products).

What kind of bread is there? (Tasty, soft, white, aromatic, hot, fresh, healthy, vitamin-rich).

That’s right, there are different types of bread, but all of them are healthy and tasty. Bread contains vitamin B, which strengthens nervous system, improves appetite, memory, digestion.

Guys, let’s remember, “How did bread come to our table?” (conversation based on photo presentation - “From grain to loaf”).

When do they plow the land in the field? What time of year?

What are the fields sown with? (cereals)

What is the profession of people who plant grain crops? (tractor drivers)

So I invite you to play the role of small grains.

Physical exercise: “Spikelet”

We are small grains, (sat down),

We sit in the ground for now (they touch the floor with their hands),

Here the sun is warming up (they show the sun overhead),

And we grow in warmth (we stretch our hands up).

We are afraid of bad weather: thunderstorms, rain and blizzards (slopes),

Ears grow from the grains here and there (we stretch our palms up and slowly stand up).

And now I invite you to come to the table and examine the spikelets and grains.

Tell me, what does the spikelet have?

What is the spikelet supported on? (on the stalk)

What is the stem of a spikelet called? (straw)

What is it inside? (empty)

How do you prove this? (we'll blow into it)

What comes out of it? (air, which means it is really empty).

There are many grains in the spikelet. What are the names of plants that have straw and grains? (cereals)

Game “Name the cereals? (there are different grains in the bags, the guys guess their names)

What type of transport is used when harvesting? (combines, dump trucks).

What are people who drive combines called? (combiners).

Where is grain taken from the fields? (to the elevator).

What kind of place is it? (storage and drying of grain).

And where the flour is obtained (at a mill, flour mill).

What do people do at the bakery? (baking bread and other products)

I suggest you try different breads (black, white)

Game "Guess the taste"

What is the name of bread made from wheat? (wheat), what color is it? (white)

And from rye flour? (rye, black bread)

And from oatmeal? (oat, gray)

Where does the bread go from the bakery? (to the store)

Look, here we are at the store. What do you see on the shelves? (pies, cookies, pasta, pies, bread, bagels, bagels, cakes)

How can we call all these products with one name? (bakery). You will all taste them after our walk.

III. Testoplasty.

In the old days there was such a custom: to give dear people products made from salted dough, and they were called “Khlebosol”. These products brought prosperity and wealth to the house.

We are already familiar with the technique of sculpting from salt dough, I suggest you sculpt each of your own products and at the end of our holiday present it to the guests. We have ready dough, get to work. (The guys put on all their aprons and prepare their “hospitable food.” Your work still requires drying and decorating, but we will give our guests the opportunity to dry it themselves and show their imagination in decorating the product.

IV. Final part.

In Rus', girls cooked food, and boys “started” a samovar.

So while our girls will set the table, the boys will perform the song and dance “Pykh, Pykh - Russian Samovar”

Well done, you all did a great job.

Guys, bread is a very important product that goes through a complex path from grain to loaf.

Is it easy to grow?

We need to value and respect bread and the people involved in its production and cultivation.

What rules for using bread do you know?

Take care of our bread!

Don't waste your bread!

Respect our bread!

Don't play with bread!

You can't throw away bread!

Take care of your bread, friends!

(The guys give the guests crafts made from salted dough and invite them to tea)

"Where did the bread come from"

Program content: Give children the idea that bread is a daily product. Tell where bread comes from, how it is made, who grows it and bakes it. Cultivate respect for the work of adults and respect for bread.

Equipment:pictures, plate with flour.

Vocabulary enrichment : stale, aromatic, appetizing, bakery

Progress of the lesson

What did you guys have for breakfast today?

(Milk porridge, bun, tea)

But yesterday?

(Omelet, bread with butter, coffee)

What was for lunch?

(Borsch, noodles with cutlet, juice, bread)

Guys, the menu changes all the time, but what product is always on the table both morning and evening?

That’s right, every day we have bread on the table in kindergarten and at home.

Guys, do you like bread? What kind of bread do you like?

(White, raisin rolls, soft).

Let's think about it and name a lot of words, what kind of bread is it?

(Delicious, soft, stale, white, hot, fresh, aromatic, appetizing)

Bread can be different, but it is always tasty and healthy.

Guys, who knows where the bread came to us from?

(Mom bought it at the store)

Would you like me to tell you how he got into the store?

First, a grain of bread is planted in the ground.

Special machines, seeders.

Then these spikelets grow

The grains are collected by cars and taken to the mill

There the grains will be ground into flour. Look, I have flour in my plate. Try it with your hands. What does it feel like?

(soft, crumbly).

From this flour, bread and rolls are baked at the bakery (factory where bread is baked).

Physical education minute:

The wind is blowing from above.

Herbs and flowers bend.

Right-left, left-right.

Flowers and grass are bowing. (Tilts to the sides).

Now let's get together.

Let's all jump in place (jumping)

Taller, more fun, that's it!

We move everything to a step (walking in place)

So the game is over.

It's time for us to get busy.

Guys, how many of you have seen how your mother makes dough at home?

(Flour, water)

See what components are needed

Let's name them. (Children's answers).

When the dough is kneaded, it is placed in a mold and placed in the oven. When the bread is ready, it is loaded into cars and taken to the store.

Guys, what else is baked from flour?

Children's answers (rolls, loaves, pies, cakes).

Well done!

There are pieces of bread on the plate. Take each one and try it.

Didactic game: "Fold it right"

Goal: arrange and explain the cards in correct sequence. "How Bread Gets to the Table"

Final lesson in senior group within theme week"Bread is the head of everything"

Goal: To summarize children’s understanding of the path grain takes to become bread;

introduce the profession of grain grower;

reflect acquired knowledge in a dramatization of the story "Spikelet"



Abstract open class in the senior group

“Bread is the head of everything!”


Clarify knowledge that bread is a daily product

Supplement children's ideas about the path grain takes to become bread. To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of stages of growing bread.

Introduce the profession of grain grower.

Exercise in correct use names of the main professions related to obtaining of bread (tractor driver, seeder, combine operator, baker, agricultural machinery(tractor, combine, seeder, harrow).

Strengthen the ability to form a diminutive form of a word, change a word, naming it with a numeral, highlight the first sound in a word.

Learn to take care of bread and treat the people who grow it with respect

Develop the ability to maintain a conversation, listen carefully to the questions and answers of comrades.

Reflect knowledge about workgrain growers in subsequent games.

Develop children's coherent speech.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales and stories “Spikelet”, “Soft Bread”, etc., didactic game “Where the bread came to the table”, “From grain to bun”; dramatization of the fairy tale “Spikelet”; examination of spikelets and grains of wheat, rye, oats. Examination of illustrations depicting the process of growing grain, harvesting, and storing grain crops. Role-playing games“We are bakers”: preparing dough, baking cookies. Learning poems, sayings, proverbs about bread;

Materials and equipment:Illustrations of bakery products, collective work “bread is the head of everything,” costumes of sellers, bakery products (bagels, bagels, loaf of bread, gingerbread), ears of wheat, rye, oats.

Attributes for the theatricalization of the fairy tale “Spikelet”: little mouse caps, chickens, grains, flour, broom, spikelet, dough, apron, firewood;

scenery: stove, mill, house,

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, today we are going to the wonderful store “Kolos”.

Look who greets us in the store: sellers in hats and aprons:

In the bakery we have bagels,

Rolls, bagels, loaves,

Pies, loaves, buns,

And braids and cheesecakes,

Kurabye, biscuit, cookies,

Sandwiches, tea with jam,

Lots of gingerbreads, sweets,

There is pastille and sherbet,

And a pie with a sweet filling,

And the log and the fudge...

Take a look, don't be shy

Choose and help yourself!

Look how many baked goods there are! Name them. (Bread, loaf, bun, bagels, pies, crackers, cookies, crackers, bagels, puff pastries, cheesecakes, cake, etc.)

How many baked goods are there in the store?

  1. Game “Name it kindly”


Spikelet - spikelet

Grain - grain


Cracker - cracker

Gingerbread - gingerbread

We brought a lot of bagels to our store, let’s help us count them:

  1. Game "Count the Bagels"

1 bagel, 2 bagels, 3 bagels, 4 bagels, 5 bagels.

In a store, it is very important to write down the name of a product correctly, help me correctly name the first sound in product names in the pictures.

  1. Game “Name the first sound in a word”

Loaf, bread, loaf, pita bread, cracker, cheesecake.

Guys, now you know how many products are in our store

  1. Game “What is a lot?”

Lots of bagels, cheesecakes, bagels, buns, crackers, gingerbread, cookies, pretzels, pies.

Rye bread, loaves, rolls

You won't get it while walking.

People cherish bread in the fields,

They spare no effort for bread.

Guys, do you know how bread came to our table?

People sow grain.

  1. Psycho-gymnastics:

Imagine that you are small grains thrown into the ground (sitting on your haunches, huddled into a ball, putting your head on your knees and covering it with your hands, the grain lies in the ground - dark, damp and soft. The sun warmed it, it rained. The grain swelled and burst ( We slowly turn around, get on our knees_ and the first sprout appears (we raise our hands up together). The sprout broke through the ground and the leaves began to open (arms up, wrists together, palms to the sides). It sways in the wind... the stem grows (the body stretches). Time passed , the stalk grew stronger and an ear appeared (arms to the sides). In the wind, the ears sway (the children sway). Under the warm sun, the ears grow and gain strength, the grain ripens.

Educator: And how the bread finally arrived on our table. After all, the grains did not immediately become the bread that is on the table. People worked long and hard on the land. Here are illustrations with which we will trace the entire path of bread from the grain to the table.

Game "Put it right"

Grain growers work from morning to night during the busy harvest season. If you miss time, the grain will fall off and the harvest will be lost. A line of trucks stretch from the combines, transporting grain to elevators. There it can be stored for many years. Our country's bins are full of golden bread.

The long journey of bread from the field to our table. Indeed, how many hands touched it so that it became bread.Whose hands touched the bread?(Hands of an agronomist, tractor driver, combine operator, driver, loader, miller, baker, confectioner, salesman, etc.)

Educator: Bread in Rus' enjoyed honor and respect, guests were always greeted with bread and salt, songs and poems were composed,Proverbs and sayings.

Name proverbs about bread

No bread, no lunch.

Bread is the head of everything.

Without a stove it’s cold, without bread you’re hungry.

Bread is father, earth is mother.

If you want to eat pies, don’t sit on the stove.

A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky.

A lot of snow means a lot of bread.

Bread has all the power!

Lots of snow, lots of bread.

Praise be to the hands that smell of bread.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child. The child answers and returns the ball to the teacher, forming a word related to the word “bread”:

Call the bread affectionately(bread).

What kind of bread crumbs?(bread).

What is kvass made from bread called?(bread).

Bread cutting device(bread slicer).

Bread dishes(bread box).

Who grows the bread?(grain grower).

Who bakes the bread? (bread baker).

Name the factory where bread is baked(bakery).

What are the dough products called?(bakery products).

Guys, the most delicious bread comes out when you bake it with your own hands. Have you already tried baking bread yourself, did you like it?

Guys, now look how Twist and Twirl from the fairy tale “Spikelet” helped the Chicken.

Dramatization of the Ukrainian fairy tale “Spikelet”

Dramatization for a fairy tale"Spikelet".

Leading : Once upon a time there were two mice, Twirl and Twirl, and the Pied Hen. Little mice only knew how : sing, play, twirl and dance.

(The mice run out from both sides)

They sing (to the music “I went up the hill.”)

Little mice : 1 I'm a mouse Cool

I'm a mouse Vert

Together : We are nice mice

Nice funny ones.

The hen comes out to the music and sweeps the path.

Song of the Chicken (to the music for the song"Chicks")

I get up early early

I wake everyone up with a song

I'm not afraid of work

I work all day.

(Raises the spikelet)

Spin Spin! Look, I found a spikelet.

Little mice : It's time to thresh it!

Hen : And who will thresh?

Cool: Not me!

Vert: Not me!

Hen : Okay, I'll thresh it,

I'm not afraid of work

I work all day

Leading : The Chicken went to the mill to grind grain.

(the little mice stay and play)

(Chicken comes out)

Hen : Cool! Believe! Look how much grain she threshed!

Little mice : Now we need to grind flour!

Hen : And who will grind?

Cool: Not me!

Vert: Not me!

Hen : Okay, I'll go grind.

I'm not afraid of work

I work all day.

Leading : The chicken took the grain to the mill.

Hen : Here, Cool! Here, Vert!

I brought flour!

Cool: Hey, Chicken!

Vert: Well done!

Cool : Now you need to knead the dough,

Vert: Yes, bake pies!

Hen : And who will do this?

Cool: Not me!

Vert: Not me!

Hen : Apparently I have to again

Get to work

I'm not afraid of work

I work all day

(The chicken leaves)

(The little mice sing their song again)

Little mice : I'm a mouse Cool

I'm a mouse Vert

We are nice little mice

Nice funny

(dance to the music)

Meanwhile the chicken: the dough was kneaded and the oven was heated,

baked pies.

(Takes out a tray of pies and places it on the table)

(mice run up)

Cool : Oh, we're hungry!

Turn : Oh, eat as much as you want!

(sit down at the table)

Hen : Wait. Wait!

Who found the spikelet?

Mice: You found it!

Hen : Who threshed the grain?

Mice: You threshed!

Hen : Who carried the grain to the mill?

Little mouse: You too.

Hen : Who kneaded the dough, who heated the oven, who baked the pies?

Little mice: All of you, all of you.

(get out from behind the table)

Hen : Same thing! There is no reason for such lazy people and quitters

treat you to pies!

Presenter : Aren't you guys lazy?

(At the end)

Little mice : Forgive us, Chicken, We won’t do this again!

(The chicken forgives and treats everyone to pies)

Here he is the fragrant bread,

Here it is warm and golden.

In every home, on every table,

He has arrived, he has come!

In it is health, our strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Preserved, protected.

Today, Guys, you learned how long the journey of bread to the table is. Bread is the most important wealth of our Motherland; it was created with great difficulty. Take care of your bread!

Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic: “Bread”


Educational: consolidate children's knowledge that bread is the most valuable food product; form nouns with diminutive suffixes, adjectives from nouns; select antonym words; consolidate vocabulary on this topic.

Corrective: develop thinking; develop memory, speech, attention.

Educational: to instill in children respect for bread and the work of the people who grow it;

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

At first he grew up in freedom in the field,

In the summer it bloomed and spiked,

And when they threshed,

He suddenly turned into grain.

From grain to flour and dough.

I took a place in the store.

He grew up under the blue sky,

And he came to our table with bread.

2. Conversation about bread

What do you think we will talk about today? (About bread.)

Bread products are not only healthy, but also nutritious. We eat bread several times a day, and it doesn’t get boring.

What proverbs do you know about bread?

Bread is the head of everything.

Work well - bread will be born.

What goes around comes around.

Wheat, rye, corn, barley, oats are all grain crops.

The teacher asks a riddle: He is golden and has a mustache. There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Spikes.) The teacher and children examine the ears of corn.

What does the ear consist of? (Stem, grain, tendrils.)

How are ears of rye and wheat similar? ( Cereal plants, grow in the field, they make bread.)

How are these ears different? (An ear of wheat is thicker than an ear of rye. Wheat grains are round, and rye grains are long. Dark flour is obtained from rye, black rye bread is baked, and wheat flour is used to bake White bread and buns.)

Where does bread grow? (In field.)

- Wheat can be winter or spring. Winter crops are sown in autumn, spring crops in spring.

What are the people who grow bread called? (Grain growers.)

- Now listen to how bread comes to our table.

Before reaching the table, bread goes a long way from the field to the store.

Wheat and rye are grown on the field. White bread is usually made from wheat, and black bread from rye. The plants themselves consist of a long stem, leaves and spikelets. It is in the spikelets that the product needed for bread is located - grain. The seeds are planted late autumn or in early spring. Closer to summer, wheat and rye sprout, and by the arrival of autumn they ripen. If they are well looked after, if they have enough sun and moisture, then the harvest will be good.

After ripening, special machines - combines - collect grain from the fields. Then it needs to be ground (crushed). This is done in flour mills. Afterwards, the resulting flour must be sifted and packaged in bags. Now is the time to take the flour to the bakery.

At the factory, a certain amount of yeast is added to the flour, mixed and allowed to stand - “rise” so that the bread turns out airy. Then knead the dough: add salt, sugar, and eggs to the risen mixture. Mix everything and let it sit for a while. Then they cut it, put it on baking sheets and into the oven.

The bread is taken out of the oven fragrant and golden brown, laid out in cars and taken to different ends cities. This is such an interesting and long path - from a spikelet to a loaf

3. Work on individual cards. "Put it in order"

4. Physical education minute

We're going to the field. Children stand up one after another and “drive” into the field in cars.

They hit a bump, they jump up and down,

They drove into a hole and squatted,

They drove around the hills and made turns to the right and left.

and arrived at the field.

5. “Which one? Which?"

- Do you think the same ears of corn grow in the field? No, they are all different: one is tall, and the other...

One is big, and the other... etc. (thick, long, full, straight).

This is a large field, and the small one is a pole.

This is a spikelet, and this is a small one... (spikelet)

This is wheat, and this is....(wheat)

This is corn, and this is....(corn)

This is a grain, and this is....(grain)

This is a stem, and this is....(stalk)

Bread is made from wheat, so what kind of bread is it? (Wheat.)

Flatbreads are made from rye, so what kind of flatbread is it? (Rye.)

Oil is made from corn, so what kind of oil is it? (Corn.)

Porridge is made from barley, so what kind of porridge is it? (Barley.)

6. Didactic game: “Choose the words”

What kind of bread: tasty, appetizing, tasty, sweet, salty, sour, fragrant, fragrant, fragrant, rye, wheat, nourishing, black, white, warm, cold, fresh, old, hard, soft, callous, kind, unprecedented, excellent, necessary, someone else's, our own, good, bad, magnificent, delicious, raw, burnt, capital, Borodino (and other names).

What kind of pies: delicious, fried, baked, burnt, rosy, wheat, lingonberry, hot, warm, stale, fresh, small, large, soft, flaky, etc.

7. “Guess what it is?”

I thought of one word, and you try to guess what it is.

Is rye flatbread or bread?

Is rye a field or bread?

Is wheat a spikelet or a field?

Is wheat flour or cake?

Is wheat flour or dough?

Are rye spikelets or spikelets?

Are wheat pies or flour?

Are the bread crumbs or utensils?

Bread – is it kvass or crumbs?

8. Grammar speech game “Come up with a word.”

Exercise 1 . The container for sugar is a sugar bowl, for sweets – a candy bowl, and for bread? What is the name of the bread utensil? (bread box).

Task 2. A device that cuts vegetables is called a “vegetable cutter,” but what is the name of a device that cuts bread? (“bread slicer”).

Task 3. The factory where they make bread is called - what do you think?

If the child finds it difficult to answer, tell him: “The plant where fish products are produced is called a “fish factory.” What can a factory where bread is made be called? Try to guess."

9. Game "Chain".

Where did the bread come to our home from? (From the shop.)

To the store, where did you get it from? (From the bakery.)

What do they do in the bakery? (They bake bread.)

What is bread made from? (Flour.)

What is flour made of? (From grain.)

Where does the grain come from? (From the ear.)

Where does the ear come from? (Grew up in a field.)

10. Summary of the lesson

- How do you think we should treat bread? Why? The teacher reads an excerpt from Ya. Dyagutyte’s poem “Human Hands”:

Rye bowed her heavy head:

“Thank you, sun and gentle rain!

Thanks to the earth

What was my home

And strong hands,

To my old friends.

I remember the hands working hard

To sow amber grains into the ground,

And now they will harvest the harvest.

Thank you, hands,

For your good work!”