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Love horoscope for January 15 Pisces. Weekly horoscope: Sagittarius needs to double-check, Pisces needs to act. Horoscope life zodiac sign Pisces

Many problems that previously could not be solved can now be solved, and surprisingly quickly. You find unexpected, original methods to achieve what you want, experiment with pleasure, and are not afraid to do what others do not approve of. Determination makes you attractive, many will be interested in you.
Initiative can be shown both in business and in personal relationships. Your ideas quickly receive support, and those around you are happy to help you realize your plans.

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Love horoscope - Pisces

If you see a person on the street with whom Pisces suddenly wants to talk, take a risk and get to know him. What if this is your “other half”?


It seems that during this period you will show increased practicality in your personal life - and this trait will help you make noticeable progress in it. You will make every effort to make your deepest romantic dreams come true - and your persistent pursuit of this goal will certainly ensure your success.
IN Lately You have enjoyed truly incredible popularity on the social front of your life. You and your lover hardly had enough time to rest and recuperate. However, if you like such a busy and active lifestyle, then don’t stop and continue in the same spirit!

Today is extremely favorable for love affairs and dates, as well as long-distance romantic trips. Try to get maximum pleasure and unforgettable impressions. A call from your ex can make your loved one jealous.


Family horoscope - Pisces

The influence of Saturn indicates changes in family life. You will have more responsibilities, but it will only be a joy. Is this also about the birth of a child? Everything is possible. Challenges await you, but do not be afraid - you will meet them with honor.

Business horoscope - Pisces


The influence of Neptune will give you strength and energy, you can literally move mountains. The day promises a huge breakthrough in important areas.

Health Horoscope - Pisces

Get yours in order nervous system and stock up on positive emotions. This will be facilitated by visiting a sauna with a swimming pool, going to a hairdresser, and communicating with people close to Pisces - choose what Pisces likes best. The main thing is that you maintain an elevated state of mind and a great mood throughout the day.


The stars advise you to do relaxation exercises, watch your diet, and cleanse your body. Now is the time to focus on staying in good shape and maintaining good health. The best cure for fatigue and stress is, of course, healthy sleep. The stars also advise you not to be afraid to express yourself. Go forward, expand your horizons, open new doors.

Mobile horoscope - Pisces

Despite any difficulties, continue to persistently pursue your goal! Thanks to your skill in communicating with people, today you can easily get the help you need from others, so your productivity will be at its best. However, your goals may be too ambitious, and at times this will scare you. But you must remember that proper organization workflow can fulfill even the most cherished dream. Don't give up, even if at first your goals seem unattainable. Sooner or later you will achieve success!

Beauty Horoscope - Pisces

Of course, your reputation is very important to you, but it should not determine your self-esteem. Believe in yourself and your capabilities, no matter what other people may say or think about you. In the end, among them there may be many envious people who deliberately slander you and weave intrigues against you.

Famous Georgian astrologer Mikhail Tsagareli told us what to expect in the coming week, from January 15 to 21, different signs zodiac


Aries will be optimistic this week, which will give them the opportunity to work well and show positive business and creative qualities and capabilities. However, Aries are advised to plan their actions in advance. It will be effective and correct. Also be careful in areas related to real estate. If you have any business in this matter, there is a risk of making mistakes. Be vigilant and attentive.

Your spouses and parents will play a significant role this week, so listen to their opinions and advice. Be careful with travel: don’t take risks. If you can stay at home, stay at home. And tune in to the positive, which will make it possible to regulate and make personal relationships harmonious.


Taurus may experience some changes in the area of ​​mentality: some new ideas, new ideological positions and, naturally, new goals will appear. But when creating a new goal and implementing a new idea, be prepared for the fact that difficulties and problems may arise. We must be as patient and vigilant as possible. If you act modern method, including computer technology, then your actions will be more effective. Your health remains stable, so you can be active. The period is not bad for personal relationships and romantic dates. But here too, be more delicate. Act on the principle “Measure twice, cut once” before you say anything, so as not to create a problem with thoughtless words. Hold off on travelling.


Gemini may have to take the reins this week. You can prove yourself to be a good leader, and this will all be very unexpected for you. If you receive an offer that quickly promises financial dividends, try not to rush to conclusions.

Act according to the principle “Measure twice, cut once” so as not to take risks and not create for yourself unnecessary problems. Stay at home more: the more good relationships you have with family members, the better your business will go. New contacts will help you start new things, or you will successfully complete some old things. The main thing is not to overload the nervous system and body. You will have an increased desire for independent action, as well as a little selfishness. Be attentive to these character traits so as not to create problems between you and your loved one. The period is not bad for trips and trips abroad.


Cancers, despite the fact that they feel good in a family environment, will develop a craving for career growth. In addition, you can make a good analysis of the events that are happening around you at this time, as well as create interesting plans for the future, which will then make it possible to concretely realize these goals. During this period, new relationships may arise. And these relationships will not be bad, because they will help you further adjust your life and give a certain assessment to certain events. The more romantic you are in your personal relationships, the greater your success in this area. If it's the other way around, be prepared to listen to criticism from your other half.

a lion

Leo is going through a good period for business. With your business partners, you can create some kind of organization, enterprise or something like that, and you can also get involved in some kind of production process that will give you good dividends in the future. Be careful about secret affairs - they can create problems for you.

Be prepared for the fact that you will receive the main material dividends from your work not this week, but a little later. And with those people with whom you do not have good contact, your paths may completely diverge. Problems and misunderstandings can arise in personal relationships. Therefore, do not switch to forceful methods of action. You won’t be able to control everything anyway, so show more patience and delicacy.


Virgos are entering a good period for financial transactions, which not now, but a little later will bring you good financial dividends. A good period for success in research activities. Corporate business can develop quite successfully. If you conduct any experiments, then act on the principle “Measure a hundred times, cut once.” This is where the rush will cause disruptions and problems. And your intuition increases, so try to rely on it and act like that. With the help of this intuition, you will avoid crisis situations. Pay more attention and time to your health, as well as to your family members and loved ones. Then you will feel good and calm internally, and this will have a beneficial effect on your work.


Libra will feel like their mood is changing from time to time. Vital energy your emotionality is very low or high, so control your own emotions and words as much as possible so as not to mess things up.

In addition, your parents will play a big role. Their actions and advice will help maintain stability in personal and family relationships. This period is difficult for studying and for new things. But this time is good for planning your future actions and preparing yourself for them. Also this week a person may appear in your life who will be very important to you. And you may have a positive and stable feeling towards this person, which will give you the opportunity to communicate well with him in the future.


For Scorpios, this is a very intense and creative period, which will be full of new activities, new interests and even entertainment. This is a great time for relationships with foreign partners: you can sign a contract with them, which will give you the opportunity to financially provide for yourself, your family, and your business. When transmitting information, including via email, try to be careful. Because it is possible to make some mistake here. In personal relationships, be less demanding because jealousy increases and this can strain the relationship. Keep yourself and your emotions under control. My health is stable, but this is not a bad time to heal.


Sagittarius should direct their energy to those material problems that create certain difficulties for you. In addition, legal matters and contacts with foreigners will create problems, so stay away from such connections this week. Remember that such moments can arise in relationships with loved ones and relatives.

Keep a certain distance and control your words. Also, don't pay attention to the words coming from them. This will irritate you, but it is better not to get involved in conflicts. Be sure to double-check the information received, no matter from whom. It is not advisable for Sagittarius to travel; it is advisable to stabilize personal relationships. Good personal relationships will help you become calmer and more balanced.


A good period is coming for Capricorns. The energy is quite high: you can be active and demonstrate organizational skills. You will be interested in new information. You may need help from loved ones. Intuition strengthens, relying on it, you can act perfectly and avoid mistakes. It would be good to make plans for the future in advance. Be careful when it comes to buying and selling houses and other real estate. In such cases, certain mistakes may be made. At this time, new contacts are promising and new information. Pay more attention to this. The more positive you are, the more positive charge you will bring to your personal relationships.


Aquarians need to be careful, because their energy tone is low, they can easily get sick, catch a cold, and become more irritated emotionally. Therefore, be as careful as possible in your contacts and avoid masses of people.

Do not start any new important things or events. It's better to go about your daily activities. Secret enemies and certain controversial situations can greatly irritate you. A period of internal transformation is coming. At this time, you will be interested in some political and economic issues. Joint stock or some kind of creative activity will help you improve your financial situation. This is a good time to gain knowledge. In addition, you can slowly, especially after the new moon, improve your relationship with your beloved partner. Beware of traveling to distant countries.


Pisces are advised to fantasize less and act more actively and pragmatically. Then you will be more successful. During this period, your intuition strengthens, which will help you act correctly. Through intuition, try as much as possible to avoid conflicts that may arise in family ties. It's a good time for creative activities and personal relationships. But at the same time, you will, of course, have to hide some details for yourself and not blurt out information relating to your life. As for travel, it is better not to travel anywhere this week and refrain from travel. Get involved in everyday activities, make contacts, rely on intuition and you will be more successful.

Today it is better to watch what you say - a carelessly thrown word can spoil the mood. Maybe to those around you, and maybe to yourself. It is useful to put things in order in your thoughts, at your workplace, at home. Still, it’s easier to start a new week when you’re everywhere and everything is under control.

Aries will easily achieve what they have been striving for for a long time. Colleagues and envious people will not be able to interfere with you, which is already good point. Otherwise they always interfere where they shouldn’t!

The horoscope predicts a favorable day for Taurus when everything will go well. Don't panic if your loved one tells you the whole truth. It is quite possible that you yourself pushed him to this!

For Geminis, there is no chance for laziness and rest, because there will be a lot of new and large-scale work. If you noticeably get ahead, the boss will appreciate it.

The horoscope promises Cancer a wonderful day when the soul will be calm and comfortable. You've been dreaming about this for so long that you'll be smiling like crazy all day. Hooray!

a lion
Leo's work will be successful, which already provides opportunities for career growth. Don’t step over those who have helped you in many ways. These people will continue to support you.

The horoscope predicts for Virgo changes in family life, as well as a new round in work. If all this somehow intersects, then be more judicious, otherwise it will turn out like two birds with one stone, which are difficult to catch...

Libra will feel uncomfortable when they hear criticism from their boss. You so wanted to prove your professionalism, but here you have such harsh remarks. Hang in there, life is not easy at all.

Today, Scorpio needs to be more confident in himself so as not to be among the weaklings and lazy people. Please note that only the most outstanding will be awarded the prize. Are you among them?..

Circumstances in the life of Sagittarius will develop in such a way that it is impossible to change them even with great effort. Fight laziness and be worthy of what you deserve.

The horoscope predicts mental anguish for Capricorn, which even close people will not help get rid of. It’s all because of your recklessness in love, which you so abruptly pursued. In fact, you need to keep your head on your shoulders!..

Aquarius will make some non-standard decision, on which the outcome of the work will depend. In case of illness, it is better for Aquarius to take sick leave - and you can rest at the same time.

The horoscope promises Pisces an easy day in all respects, when you can simply relax and enjoy life. Pisces will receive finances towards the evening, and even then not in the required quantity.

Photos from open sources

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The horoscope for January 15, 2018 for Pisces says: Today Pisces are extremely emotional and will themselves feel what they need. In a moment of doubt, do not turn to the flat tips of so-called worldly wisdom, do not trust the replicated advice of the glamorous media. One of the best indicators now is your general psychophysiological well-being. The slightest doubt, an unpleasant feeling and an awkward feeling will let you know that you are on the wrong path and it is better to look for another solution. Today it is recommended to choose people older than you as interlocutors.


Any physical activity will irritate you today - woe to anyone who expresses an insistent desire that you take out a bucket, water the flowers or cook dinner. The day is suitable exclusively for dreams of a handsome prince on a white horse or a royal heiress with golden braids and a dowry.

Lonely Pisces

Try to find useful application overflowing with creative energy and inspiration. Use it to work on your creative endeavors or organize some unforgettable date for a person you are interested in.

You have finally found a person who can be both romantic and windy and cheerful. If someone asked you to describe the ideal partner in your opinion, then you could not imagine a more suitable person than the one you are going on a date with.


The less you worry, the better your day will be. Therefore, from the very morning, stock up on confidence in success and do not part with it for a minute. You can go on trips, change your surroundings, but only if this does not distract you from solving routine tasks - you cannot forget about them. Cash receipts are possible, including very significant ones. The day is suitable for shopping and investing.

You are gullible, you can easily be fooled - this can be taken advantage of by a person who passes off his financial or other interest as selfless love for you. Try not to take risks; taking initiative in personal relationships is undesirable.


Monitor your health. At the slightest suspicion of cold symptoms, take action immediately. If you don’t hurry, you can get sick “seriously and for a long time.” And with such a busy schedule, you don't have the luxury of spending a few days in bed.

The things you plan for this day should be successful. You can afford even a certain amount of risk without fear of serious consequences. Important and pleasant events are expected, and you should prepare for them by going to a cosmetologist or a spa.


By eliminating all omissions and grievances from your family life, you have a chance to start a brighter and happy life in the company of their household. But if you really strive for this, you should hurry up - there is not as much time as you think to solve all the problems and pressing issues.

Don't take everything too personally. On the contrary, try not to pay attention to the details of your communication with your loved one - let only the most general moments and aspects concern you. Extra details will only hinder your enjoyment of communication.

Business sphere

Put aside issues that you could not solve immediately - perhaps, after time, they will resolve themselves

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, sometimes it is difficult to concentrate and choose the right path to solve a problem. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt.


Today, the most exciting element of your erotic outfit will be holes, slits or openings. If you find the appropriate suit or underwear, you can be heartily applauded. If not, you have all day to make the holes yourself. Breaking is not building, as they say.