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When the angels rejoice. How to clean your home. Request for vital energy and strength to achieve the Goal

How to call an angel? The question worries people, since a lot is known about these entities, their abilities and ability to help people. Angel - human protector, and if you need help, you can contact him.

In the article:

How to call an angel of wishes

To summon an angel, you need a strong desire. Entities do not like to communicate with people; it is quite difficult to summon them. To properly summon a creature, you need to prepare.

Features of the ritual

It must be remembered that although an angel appears as a kind human helper, this is not always the case.

Angels are messengers of God. If you anger them, the response can be heavy damage. This is especially true for the angel of death or dark angels.

It all depends on what magical creature a person wants to turn to. There is no point in disturbing the angel by asking him to fulfill an ordinary wish. A simple request is made for, or.

Before turning to an angel for help, you should prepare your wishes. It is better to write the list on a piece of paper in simple sentences, otherwise the angel will interpret the request incorrectly.

An attack of fear is possible, but do not despair. You need to gather all your strength and not show that you are afraid of an otherworldly entity. There are several types of angels. You can contact everyone in a standard way or select a special ritual for each.

Carrying out the ritual

There is a universal method that allows you to contact any angel and ask for your cherished desire to be fulfilled.

To perform the ceremony you need:

  • white linen;
  • three candles;
  • bell.

bell white canvas three candles

The ritual is carried out both at home and on the street. If you decide to perform the ritual at home, you need to curtain the windows and close the doors. Before carrying out the ritual, a prayer is read to the guardian angel, protecting yourself from the possibility of the appearance of not an angel of desires, but another evil spirits from the other world. It often happens that instead of calling on the desired entity, a person opens a portal to another world through which they make their way.

To carry out the ceremony on the street, you need to choose a quiet place where there are no other people: a river bank or a forest thicket will do.

You need to place yourself on the ground, lay out a white cloth - this will be the place where the angel will come. Three are placed around a white canvas church candles in a circle and take turns lighting right hand clockwise. Then they turn to the guardian angel with a prayer, asking him to protect him from the evil eye and from the forces of evil. You can make your wish come true. When the first prayer is read, they say:

Angela! I urge you! Heed the prayers, hear the servant of God (name). For I trust in you. And I have no other protectors and helpers except you.

If an angel decides to come to the rescue, his presence is felt in the room. A clot of golden energy will appear at the ceremony site. A sufficiently experienced magician will immediately see the energy ball. If you have little experience in summoning different entities, you simply feel the warmth that comes from a certain point in front of the magician.

How to call an angel of love at home

To call upon the angel of love to solve problems in your personal life, you need to perform a simple ritual. The ritual is carried out on Fridays on the 15th–16th lunar day.

It is necessary to purchase 7 pink conical candles, preferably consecrated in the church. You will need a personal image, taken no more than 7 days ago, and a large red heart cut out of paper or cardboard.

Take the heart in your hands and write on it back side a desire associated with a specific person. You cannot write the name of your beloved man or woman on the back of your heart.

The photo is placed in the center of the room and covered with a heart. It is necessary to place 7 prepared candles around the structure, lighting them clockwise one after another. The candle in the east is lit first.


Angel of love, I call on you!
Bring love into my life!
Bring love and happiness!
Give me a happy family!
Help me find what I want!
Help God's servant (name) escape from loneliness!

We have to wait a little. If an angel agrees to come to the rescue and bring love into life, his presence will soon be felt. A golden-colored figure will appear in the center of the magic circle, which can be easily felt on an energetic level.

If the energy ball is not visible, do not worry. The main thing is that the angel responded, the person feels it. If you want to ask for the love of a certain person, you turn to the essence in your own words. Having asked for everything planned, they say goodbye to the angel: they bow deeply, thank you for the response and note that fulfilling the request will make the person happy.

The ritual is carried out every day for a whole week. It is necessary to call an angel in the evening and ask him to bring love into life. On day 7, the angel must give a sign: a meeting with a new person, an old friend, a school crush. This is a sign that destinies are intertwined and the person will be happy.

When your loved one is found, you must definitely thank the angel for the appearance of your betrothed in life. It is not necessary to carry out a calling ceremony; it is enough to stand at the window early in the morning and thank them for the service rendered.

A simple ritual of summoning at home

To carry out a simple ritual of calling the angel of wishes at home, take a large church candle and a white sheet of paper. A wish is written on a piece of paper in legible handwriting, describing the request in detail.

You should wait until midnight, light a large candle on the table and bring a sheet of paper to the flame of the candle. It is necessary to hold the piece of paper with the wish written on it over the candle three times, repeating each time:

Angelic host, please hear my call. I extend a luminous blessing over everyone. East and south, west and north, I turn around and call to you. Invisible friend, messenger of heaven, send me your help. Amen.

When the words are spoken, the piece of paper with the wish is put aside as far as possible so that no one finds it. The candle must burn out completely: when a cinder remains, it is buried away from the house.

You should not hope that the angel will appear in person: the person will not even feel his presence. Usually after the ceremony the wish comes true within a week. If more time has passed and there is no result, the desire was incorrect or the angel decided not to be distracted by the request.

One should not be sad if the entity is not ready to fulfill the request and respond to prayers. You can contact or.

How to Summon the Angel of Death

Angel of Death- a strong magical essence. Before the call, they figure out whether his help is really needed or not. The angel of death is called upon for various purposes:

  • as a witness;
  • to ask for a wish to be fulfilled;
  • wish harm upon another person;
  • Ask a Question.

Angels of death do not resurrect people at the request of sorcerers. These are guards who watch to ensure that the soul goes to another world.

When calling on the angel of death, you should remember the precautionary rules. You cannot anger him with speeches, demand the return of people who have passed away, or ask for universal domination.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to arm yourself with 5 black candles, preferably church ones. You will need a mirror, black dense fabric and some incense.

Candles are placed around the mirror in a circle, at an equal distance from each other. The incense is set on fire. You need to close your eyes and tune in to the right energy. Pronounce:

Angel of death, come to me!
In the midst of light and darkness, show yourself quickly.
I conjure you, angel of death, come to me!
Hear my prayer, hear my call.
Respond to the call of God's servant (name). Amen.

© 2017 Grant Virtue and Melissa Virtue Originally published by Hay House Inc.

© Varzatskaya L., translation into Russian, 2018

© Design by Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2018

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God and the Angels give you pure love - your hearts yearn for it so much! In the depths of your soul, you all remember the sweetness of unconditional Heavenly love, you experienced it even before birth. This love lives in you. In Heaven you were enveloped in true love, understanding and respect, and now you seek the same in your earthly relationships.

Be careful when choosing a life partner. Remember: the desire for love and intimacy can blind you. Loneliness often pushes into ill-considered relationships - people simply try to fill their inner emptiness with them. Higher powers protect you from an alliance with an unsuitable person, because in such a relationship you will remain lonely and unhappy.

In the book Angels of Love, Grant and Melissa Virtue give practical advice about how to build relationships filled with divine love. They inspire the creation of harmonious romantic relationships where both partners are whole and true to themselves.

Grant and Melissa share their own example of a happy relationship. In their life, everything happens as they describe in the book. I have watched more than once how they together look for a way out of difficult situations without blaming or pushing each other away. They show that relationships can truly bring joy, passion and meaning.

I hope this book strengthens your faith in future happiness. You'll learn a lot about respect, honesty, and the importance of genuine communication, and you'll be able to apply this knowledge in your interactions with friends and family.

May your life always be filled with divine love, and your relationships with harmony, delight and respect.

With love,


Introduction. Collaboration with Angels of Love

This book is written for those who are looking for the perfect relationship. However, finding the perfect life partner is only half the battle. When you have already achieved mutual harmony, it is important to make efforts to maintain it.

The spiritual basis is the most important thing in communication between people; this is the divine purpose of man. Only spiritual intimacy brings joy to a relationship. This joy can take many forms. For example, in business it is financial success, to which people come together. IN public organizations people feel like they are part of the whole. They know that they are doing something important together, like helping the poor. Even street gangs pursue a good goal in their own way - they patronize their members and provide protection.

As you can see, people can be united by different things, but the goal of any interaction is the same - a feeling of happiness and unity.

In romantic relationships, the spiritual basis is no less important, but there is one significant difference: two people unite their destinies primarily out of love for each other.

In other relationships, love may also be present in some form, but it is unlikely to be the main motive of the relationship.

It is very difficult to define what love is, because it cannot be measured in any way. There is no such device that could calculate how much we love a person and at what exact moment. Love is personal and intimate. It has long been noted that it arises not only between people, because we are capable of loving animals no less strongly.

In this book we will talk about why love is so important in our lives and how to come to true love. Don't think that we will advise you to get involved with a person just because he is easy to be with, or because he is the first one who met you. We will not look for easy ways, but will try to look deeper and understand what true love is, how to find it and preserve it forever.

We are all equally worthy of true love by birthright. It is within each of us and gives us the strength to connect with our true soulmate. You've probably heard the expression that some people are lucky in life, and others are lucky in love. So, we believe that this is one and the same thing. If a person is perceptive enough to understand who is in front of him - his soulmate or just a temporary travel companion, then it is quite natural that he will be lucky in life. Such a person is the architect of his own happiness.

Perhaps it seems to you that you have already found your soulmate, and you are reading a book to help a loved one or friend. This is a noble goal and we applaud your intention. Still, as you read, think about what you can improve in your own personal life. Trust that we are not trying to persuade you to leave your current partner. We are not trying to destroy your relationship. It will be wonderful if, thanks to this book, your love will blossom and deepen even more, and respect, devotion and happiness will appear in your relationship.

Our spiritual views

Melissa: Communication with the Divine source and Angels is very important in my life.

I've been talking to Angels since childhood. My family and I went to church on Sundays, but we never discussed the topic of Angels. However, in my dreams I felt their presence. This is where my passion for dream interpretation began.

Less than a week after graduating from college, I moved to New York and devoted myself full-time to my dance career. There was almost no time left for anything, but I continued to keep in touch with the Angels and Mentors. Thanks to their support, I began to study various types healing and continued to interpret dreams.

Dance for me is a sacred, spiritual form of art, because in movement there is a connection with the Divine. I wanted to teach this to others and show them that it’s not about the technique of performing the elements, and there is no need to compete with each other. I wanted everyone to find spirituality in the movement. Therefore, after finishing her career as a dancer, she decided to create a special type of dance - spiritual. I began conducting healing sessions, dream interpretation and intuitive reading, and clients began to flock to me. I've been traveling all over the world for twenty years now. I am grateful to the Lord and Angels for their support and mentoring.

Grant: It was customary in my family to turn to the Angels for help. From an early age I was taught to ask them for advice and help when I was having a hard time or when I wanted something. As I grew up, communicating with Angels became quite natural to me.

As a youth and adult, I traveled with my mother, Doreen Virtue, on tours throughout our country and abroad. I have been fortunate to meet and interact with hundreds of people and listen to incredibly talented and knowledgeable spiritual teachers. These meetings and lectures helped to realize what profound opportunities Angels provide for healing.

Since then, I have studied many disciplines - from medicine and psychology to law. In all these areas, I used knowledge from the Angels to help myself and those around me. I learned that if you turn to the Lord and Angels for help and guidance, you can improve any area of ​​your life.

Who are the Angels of Love?

Angels of Love is an angelic council that helps people find their soul mate. They assist not only in finding, but also in maintaining harmonious relationships: their advice, techniques and support make it possible to resolve pressing issues and maintain relationships.

In this book we have collected everything that we have learned over the years of communicating with Angels. We practically applied everything described here. And we also found each other thanks to this knowledge.

How Melissa met the Angels of Love

Angels appeared in my life when I was studying nonverbal communication through dance techniques in New York. Body language helped to understand the psychology of men and women. The angels of love told me what real trust should be like in a relationship, how to remain honest and not be afraid to be vulnerable. They taught me through loving relationships and through friends and family. Only many years later did I fully understand why Angels appeared in my life.

Angels appeared to me in my dreams and told me what to do in ambiguous situations. At that time, I was looking for a way out of a relationship in which I was completely confused. In one of my dreams they revealed to me that there was a person destined for me - my soul mate. I just had to take a different path to meet him. I didn’t remember in detail what he looked like, but I definitely saw him in a dream and felt awe in his presence.

When I woke up, I realized: The Angels are preparing me for this meeting. The dream made me feel how much I want to meet true love and build harmonious relationships. Fortunately, the Angels gave me hope, and I believed that all was not lost. I still had a chance to meet that wonderful man and love him.

I began to recognize signs from the Angels of Love in dreams and in reality. I trusted their love and support. The angels seemed to be leading me in search of my beloved, hinting at what to do and what techniques to use so that he would appear in my life.

A year later I met Grant - my true love.

The story of Grant's acquaintance with the Angels of Love

As with Melissa, Angels have been coming to me in my dreams for years. My previous relationships were meaningful but absurdly one-sided. All my novels were equally unsuccessful. This went on for a very long time, and I decided that this was how it should be. I assumed that something was wrong with me, and even suspected some kind of flaw in myself.

But caring Angels began to send me clear signs that not all relationships are like this. I began to pay attention to happy couples, realizing that the Angels point to them as an example of possible happiness.

When I met Melissa, I suddenly understood the meaning of the messages I had been receiving for years. If it were not for the Angels, I would probably feel that I was not worthy of such happiness. But by that time, I had already learned some important lessons and understood what soulmate relationships should be like.

Melissa and I have been studying the topic of harmonious relationships and communication in couples for a long time with the help of various methods. We relied on our own observations, information from official science, and also listened to the Angels of Love.

Communication with Angels of Love

Angels of Love are somewhat different from the Angels of Romance that you may have heard about before. They have similar goals, but the scale of their activities is different. Angels of love do not help us in satisfying momentary desires. Their task is to lead us to relationships that will be for our benefit in the future.

This, of course, does not mean that there should be no romance in a relationship! On the contrary, Angels of Love know that romance is very important to maintain harmony and fire in a couple. But people often start an affair with a person who is completely unsuitable for them. Many famous love stories began beautifully and ended tragically. Therefore, the Angels of Love want your relationship to be passionate and satisfying at the same time. They help you see that romantic courtship is just the tip of the iceberg, and true love is hidden deeper - in a sincere, sincere relationship with a real soul mate.

You will easily receive help from the Angels by reading this book. These Divine beings have endless love and patience and always support us. They always hear requests and respond to them with love. Rest assured that they are there for you every time you contact them. The angels wish you the best. You can completely trust these Divine creatures. They will take care of you and you have nothing to fear.

Messages from Angels come through thoughts, visions and emotions. As you work, you will notice that these powerful beings are sending you signs in different ways. One of the main methods we used was meditation. When we wanted an answer to a certain question, we meditated and then followed the answers that the Angels sent.

While creating the book, we often felt as if Angels were guiding our hands, and the most necessary and understandable words for people appeared on paper.

How to use this book

This book should become your reference book. You can re-read Steps 3 and 4 as needed. We tried to include everything necessary information and write it in accessible language, understandable even to beginners in spiritual practice.

When writing the book, we asked people and collected their stories about the help of God and the Angels of love in family relationships. We provide these examples in different chapters. We hope they inspire you and show you how the Angels of Love can positively impact your life.

If you follow the rules described here, then, regardless of previous experience, you will significantly increase your chances of finding your soul mate. But it will still require effort and faith on your part. Believe that God and the Angels are next to you and are working for your good. Keep the faith and complete the tasks as you are ready. If something makes you uncomfortable, don't do it.

– The main task that you have to complete is to understand exactly what kind of life partner you want (Step 1). Perhaps you have someone in mind who you consider ideal. That's fine, just don't settle on this person and put other candidates off. Sometimes desires blind us, and we become attached for a long time to a person who is completely unsuitable for us.

– Angels of love will help you find your ideal partner, but only if you don’t get in your own way. Therefore, you need to heal from past grievances and forget about betrayals (Step 2). If you don't, you may unintentionally hurt your new partner. Answer yourself honestly: you don’t want to be associated with a person who is trailing a tangle of unresolved problems? The other person also wants a partner who doesn't have sudden tears or outbursts of anger. You both want nothing to stop you from enjoying a happy relationship.

– Once you understand what qualities you want to see in your companion, the Angels will help you attract him (Step 3). Of course, we're not just talking about physical attraction. Attracting a partner will happen on a physical, energetic and spiritual level. Angels of love will remove all barriers that prevent love from entering your life. There will be no obstacles to the relationship you want and deserve.

Trust the Angels. With their help, you will build spiritual connections that will exceed all your expectations. Don’t be afraid that this new person will be inferior in some way to someone you already know. If the man or woman you already know is really meant for you, then rest assured that the Angels will help you be together. In any case, just relax and trust the Angels.

– In addition, you will have to work on some tasks yourself (Step 4). You will have to work hard and meet your destiny: it will take wisdom to understand whether this person really matches your ideas about him. Perhaps you are infatuated or even in love under the influence of his attentions.

– For those who are currently in a relationship: as we noted earlier, this book will also be useful to you. Your relationships may improve and you will feel completely satisfied with your choices. (Step 5). But if, after much thought, you decide that it’s time for you to move on, then the book will help you find new love and heal old wounds.

– You should also keep a notebook for the notes, notes and meditation exercises that you will find in this book. The meditations at the end of the book (Appendix) will help you drive away unnecessary thoughts and focus on your desired partner.

Thank you for coming on the journey with us. Now let's get to work!

Step 1. Ideal relationship: what is it like for you?
What qualities should your partner have?

God and the Angels of Love really want to fulfill our desires. They constantly lead us to love and fulfilling relationships. Be sure that the Angels will be happy to help you, but they will also need your participation. Agree, it’s hard to find something if we don’t know what we’re looking for? So it is here - for the Angels to help you, you must clearly know what kind of relationship you want.

When talking about ideal relationships, it is important to remember that it is the relationship that we want to see as such, but not the person. We all have innate flaws and characteristics that make us special. We must forgive the weaknesses and mistakes of other people, because we want others to forgive and understand us. We need to get rid of pride and pickiness and be patient with the petty whims of others. An ideal relationship means something different to everyone. For some, this means waking up and falling asleep next to a madly loved one. For some, it is to be with a person who respects personal space and allows you to remain yourself. For others, loyalty and the presence of joint activities and common interests are important.

For the next steps in this book to be effective, you need to define your own ideal relationship. Consider every detail. Know that you will not be alone. You can always turn to the Angels of Love for help.

Let's pray together before we begin this important process:













The above prayer is not necessary to begin the journey, but it will definitely help you. It is extremely important to remember that the Higher powers are protecting you, you are not alone on this journey and you have protection. If you constantly communicate with the Almighty through prayer, you will be much happier during your search, and it will go much easier.

Start taking notes

Now that you have called on a Higher Power for help, it's time to decide What you want to attract into your life. For this exercise you will need paper and pen.

Write down 11 qualities you want in a partner. 11 is a very important angel number. It is considered powerful because it contains the same potential of male and female energy. If you write down exactly 11 qualities, it will give additional energy to your intention. It is not necessary to list the qualities in a particular order. Just jot down the first thoughts that come to your mind. For example, do you want a partner to be kind, handsome, rich, sociable, or generous? Write down any characteristics you want to impart to your current or future partner.

Once you've listed these qualities, take a new piece of paper and write down how you want to spend your time together. Imagine the scenario of your relationship. Are you married or in a civil partnership? Do you have children, a dog and a house with a garden? Or maybe you both love Harley-Davidson motorcycles or tennis? This exercise will help you think through every aspect of your relationship. You don't want to attract the perfect partner and then discover that he needs something completely different in his life?

From the very beginning, you should be clear about what kind of relationship you are interested in. Of course, there is a possibility that you will change your mind in the future. Suppose that you initially did not strive for marriage, and then decided that starting a family was not a bad idea. If your partner has other goals, problems may arise. However, you will avoid disagreements if you indicate in advance that your potential life partner agrees to legitimize the relationship. Forethought never hurts.

Now you have two pieces of paper in front of you: one contains the personal qualities of your partner, and the other contains the type of relationship you are striving for. As you can see, a start has been made, and everything turned out to be very simple. Mostly, people break up because they “don’t get along,” or because they have different goals in life. Thanks to this practice, you can proactively avoid such an ending. Take Blank sheet and write down the qualities that you NOT want to see in a new partner. Of course, we will mainly pay attention to its advantages, but the disadvantages also need to be thought through. Think about the negative qualities of your future life partner that you are willing to put up with.

It is very important to save positive attitude during this task, and in life in general. This main secret success. Trust the Higher Powers, and all your wishes will definitely come true, be it attracting money, material assets or a life partner.

Negative words, thoughts and emotions have a small supply of energy, unlike positive ones, so most often they do neither good nor harm. When you think about something unpleasant, you cannot charge your message with enough energy to make it materialize.

On the other hand, positive words, thoughts and feelings carry a huge charge of energy, which makes your wildest dreams come true. This is explained by the fact that God and the Angels do not want you to carry negativity within you. They actively prevent it from manifesting itself. However, with a positive attitude, you can easily receive Heavenly help. (More information on this topic can be found in Grant's first book, Angel's Words).

There are two types of rituals: the act of honoring the divine and the act of creating change in the universe (often called a work ritual). Worship of the divine usually occurs on religious holidays.

Any ritual consists of a familiar set of movements, thoughts and rituals designed to glorify the divine in our lives, as well as to attune us to universal energies. A work ritual is usually shorter and performed for a specific purpose, such as helping a friend recover from surgery or finding something for yourself. new job. Angels love rituals of both kinds and are eager to help you.

Some ritual magicians do not perform magical actions until they come into contact with their guardian angel. They work as a team - a man and an angel. You can also do this regardless of your religious affiliation or magical practice. I have structured this chapter to help you work in this way. The spirit that interacts with you in magick may be your guardian angel, a special angel that you call upon by name to assist you in a particular kind of work, or it may be a positive energetic entity that you do not call by name (eg. essence of healing, prosperity, etc.)

Basic form of angelic ritual

The form of the ritual has several variations; in our work we will adhere to those procedures that work well with angelic magic.

You can change the form of the ritual in any way you wish. I put an Angel Ritual Plan in the book to show you how I do it. Please understand that this is not a required form, just a rough outline.

Angel Ritual Plan

I. Beginning

A. Grounding and Centering

B. Consecration of the altar

B. Cleaning the premises

G. Calling a Guardian Angel

II. Outlining a circle

A. Draw a circle

1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual

2. Draw a free-form angel circle

B. Call the cardinal directions

B. Raise Your Frequency

D. Invoke divine/angelic energies

D. Name the type of work

1. Healing

2. Talismans

3. Physical work

4. Other works

E. Do the work.

G. Merge with the angelic energy

3. Visual presentation

4. Monotonous pronunciation of the text

5. Drum roll

6. Roar/bells

III. Completion

A. Let go of the cardinal directions

B. Thank the angels and deity

B. Say the closing prayer

D. Pull the circle (counterclockwise)

D. Get grounded and centered.

Ritual Overview

One of the most sacred acts is a ritual intended to worship or work with a deity. There are special moments between you and the Creator/Creator when you give yourself to the movement along with the universal energies.

All parts of the ritual are important. Before starting any ritual, you must determine what you want to achieve. Is your ritual aimed at honoring a deity and connecting with the universe, or do you want to help someone in need? The purpose of the ritual determines what words you will say, what items you will need, and how long it will last.

I have put together an angelic ritual form to help you plan your rituals. You can copy it and reuse it, or make a notebook just for angelic rituals.

Beginning of the ritual

Most rituals begin with grounding and centering. This means that you are coming out of your busy life and getting ready to let the divine into your heart.

Some people prefer to start with prayer or monotonous reading. Others enjoy light music, the beat of drums, or their own singing. You can start by reciting a poem or simply close your eyes and visualize the perfect peace and harmony in the Universe. It doesn't matter how you start the ritual. No one is going to approve or judge you. Here's a poem I like:

At the sacred hour I touch the altar,
I know that the love of my Goddess will not waver,
And God magnifies Her:
Positive energies merge, uniting
In my sacred temple of shining light.
Air and earth, water and fire,
I watch the holy fire rise up:
And here around the sparkling light
The symphony of magic grows.
Angels soar, shaking the candle flame with mighty wings,
Igniting the magic that my Goddess will bring.

Altar prayer and prayer hours

Use altar prayer both during ritual and during prayer hours. Many religions prescribe prayer at specific times, which are usually morning, noon, sunset and midnight. Some people simply take a break from their busy workday, close their eyes, ground and center themselves, and lose themselves in the divine essence. I realize that we all lead busy lives and sometimes it is simply impossible to stop everything, turn in the right direction and get on your knees for the next twenty minutes. I also understand that you are not always near your altar during prayer hours.

I will show you an altar prayer that you can use both for ritual and during prayer hours, you are free to change as you like.

Altar Prayer to Angels

Take three deep breaths. Get grounded and centered. Light candles or lamps.
Place your hands on the altar and say:

As above, so below
The energies form a circle, the Goddess glows.

Touch each of the four corners of your altar four times in a clockwise direction.
Holding your hands above the center of the altar, say:

Angelic powers on the wings of doves
I bring about harmony
Intuition, will and love.

Feel your hands creating power over the altar. When you are ready, remove your hands and seal the altar first with the sign of the cross in the center of the altar, then knock the altar four times with your knuckles.

Starting from here, you must cleanse the room, or add the actions of any type of opening ritual you want, such as cleansing salt and water, cleansing and consecrating tools or utensils, or simply continue the ritual and cleanse the room.

Calling Your Guardian Angel

The next stage of the ritual is calling your guardian angel. You can use the spell given here or you can create your own.

Intimate circle of universal light,
Bring me my guardian angel.
Silver wings will protect me
And they will reflect all negative energy.
Among this dancing universe I'm flying,
My life is peaceful and safe.
I came out of the holy enchanted grove
And I wander among earthly horrors again,
Forever haunted by the legends of Summerland
And the magic that I know was here.

I raise my hands in solemn oath to promote the spiritual growth of mankind. Together we work, angel and I, To use magic to stop the cry of pain, We move together, both above and below, We will merge into one, and our power will increase. The Goddess rejoices in the work we have done, When she looks down at me, she sees two, not one.

If you imagine a deity to be masculine in nature, you can replace "Goddess" with "God" and the pronoun "she" with "he." Here's another spell you can try:

Guardian angel, I call you here to suppress fear or hatred. I work with you and I will work, so be it.

Angelic ritual form

Ritual date: ___________________
Day: ___________________
Moon phase ___________________
Hour ___________________
Reason for the ritual ___________________
Beginning: poetry, music, recitative, visual visualization, drumming, others ___________________
I'll start with ___________________
Altar prayer: standard, other ___________________
I will call my guardian angel with the help of ___________________
To draw a circle I will use ___________________
I will call the cardinal directions: (list the names you will use or how you will do it)___________________
I will invoke deity or angelic energies: (list which and how)___________________
Actions that I will perform: (list what and for whom)_________________________________
I will use minor magical actions ___________________
Supplies I will need ___________________
I will merge with the deity with the help of ___________________
I will give up the cardinal directions
by using ___________________
I will thank the angels and deity ___________________
My closing prayer: ___________________

Outlining the magic circle.

Outlining magic circle, you create for yourself working space, cleared of negative energy. This will help you gather your energy and the energy of the Universe and focus it on one point to increase your vibrational frequency to merge with the divine and angelic forces. There are many types of magic circles, but here we will only talk about the angel circle. If you prefer another way to draw the magic circle, use that. But remember that the elements of the ritual must correspond to each other.

Draw a free-form angelic circle with your dominant hand. You can start from the north or from the east - it's your choice.
You can walk around the circle one or three times (at your discretion), pointing your dominant hand outward with index finger, slightly directed towards the floor.

Here is a standard spell for drawing a circle:

I conjure you, O circle of angelic art, That you may be the boundary between the world of men and the kingdom of angels,
A meeting place of perfect peace and joy, love and trust,
The focus of the power that I will create in you.
I call upon the angels of the East, South, West and North
Help me consecrate this circle.
In the name of deity and universal energies
I conjure you, O great circle of power.
Legions of light await my call.
Let it be so.

Stomp your foot and say:

As above, so below, that circle is sealed.

The main difference between the angel circle and other magic circles is that you draw it with your guardian angel. This means that you are working as a team: visualize your guardian angel working next to you. Determine the details yourself. You may imagine that you are holding hands or that a guardian angel is extending his hand over yours as you trace the circle. You must determine what works best and is most convenient for you.

It would be a good idea to memorize the spells for consecrating the altar, outlining a magic circle, and calling the cardinal directions.

Endless reference to the book during the ritual deprives him of something important. In addition, reading can get you so engrossed that you won't be able to concentrate. As you work on consecrating the altar, you should imagine pure white light enveloping you and the altar. When drawing a magic circle, you should visualize a ball of blue or white fire, a blazing light around you. When invoking the cardinal directions, you must lift the veil and allow the angelic energies of that cardinal direction to come through to work with you.

When drawing a circle, several rules must be followed. The main thing is never leave the outlined circle without first cutting out an exit. In the angel circle, simply stand on the circle and open your arms, visualizing the curtain opening. Step out, turn around and close the curtain the same way you opened it. When you want to return, repeat the procedure.

You must turn the circle in the opposite direction to how you drew it. This means that you should do this by going counter-clockwise, drawing in the angel circle with your hand. Once you have mastered this (this takes practice), you can simply stand in the middle and clap your hands together, visualizing the energy of the circle seeping back into the earth.
Here is another spell for drawing a circle:

Angels of the North, give stability to the circle,
Angels of the East, bestow an abundance of wisdom,
Angels of the South, surround with passion;
Angels of the West, bring about the transformation.
I trace the circle three times, the shape of this plan,
Bring light to where I stand.

Calling the angels of the cardinal directions

The angelic energies of the cardinal directions carry protective and harmonizing energy, and also strengthen the boundaries of the circle. Exist different ways calling the angels of the cardinal directions, depending on the goal. But since we are working with angelic forces, we will stick to standard calls. If you want, you can develop your own calling methods.

When working with the cardinal points, you are dealing with passages to other worlds. In this case, it is the angelic world. Think of it as a passage in a curtain or a door - so that it can be “opened”. Close the cardinal directions in the same way at the end of the ritual.

When you call upon the angels of the cardinal directions, you may feel hot, cold, calm, excited, etc. Remember these sensations to understand what these energies mean to you, and when you feel them again, you will know what is happening.

Always slowly pronounce the words associated with the dedication of the altar, the outlining of the magic circle and the invocation of the angels of the cardinal directions. Remember that spells are not a rap song and should not be cast too quickly. Enjoy the words, thoughts and feelings you are trying to convey, and the energies you are manifesting and attracting to you.

At the end of the ritual, release all angelic energies in exactly the same way you summoned them. Since you have called upon the angelic energies, welcome them and bid them farewell, thanking them for their time and effort.
Below you will find invocations of the angels of the cardinal directions for use in angelic ritual. Standing on each side of the compass, spread your arms wide to allow the angelic energies to enter the circle.

Greetings, Guardian Angel of the East, Your name is Raphael.
Healer, protector, provider of the children of Gaia. Angel of love, joy and laughter.
I call upon you to protect this circle and guard this sacred place.
Greetings, Guardian Angel of the South,
Michael is your name.
The one who brings balance to our world.
Angel of justice, strength and protection.
I call upon you to protect this circle and this sacred place.
Greetings, Guardian Angel of the West,
Gabriel is your name.
She who gives secrets to children.
Angel of resurrection, mercy and peace.

Greetings, angelic guardian of the North,
Ariel is your name.
The one who sends dreams and prophecies.
Angel of nature, psychic powers and learning.
I call upon you to protect this circle and this sacred place.

To release angelic forces, go around the circle counterclockwise and start with the angelic force that you invoked last. In this case it is Ariel.

Angelic essence of the North, Ariel is your name.
I thank you for your gifts of nature, psychism and teaching.
Go if you must, stay if you want

Angelic essence of the West, Gabriel is your name.
I thank you for your gifts of resurrection, mercy and peace.
Go if you must, stay if you want
I thank you and bid you farewell.

Angelic essence of the South, Michael is your name. I thank you for your gifts of justice, strength and protection.
Go if you must, stay if you want, I thank you and bid you farewell.

Angelic essence of the East, your name is Raphael. I thank you for your gifts of love, joy and laughter. Go if you must, stay if you want, I thank you and walk with you.

Summoning the angelic powers, you opened your hands as if you were opening a gate. As you release these forces, you should try to close your hands and bow your head to indicate completion and honor.

Remember, if you are performing the Lesser Ritual of Banishing, you do not have to draw a magic circle because you have already done this in the previous procedure. However, some of my friends do this twice, which does not harm the ritual.

Increasing your vibrational frequency

The electrical power of the angelic presence in your circle can strengthen your energy field, allowing it to vibrate at a higher frequency. You can help these energies enter your body. Since we are beings of free will, we must first notify the angels that we want to do this. We must also be grounded and centered before beginning the procedure so that we do not feel sick or anxious after the ritual is over.

You can work first with your guardian angel or with the energies of the cardinal directions that you have called upon, or with both. You may feel tension or rush of blood, fluctuations in body temperature (hot or cold), as if your nerves are exposed wires. Visualize your vibrations turning into pure white light. Some people imagine each cardinal angel lightly touching their shoulder, helping them increase their energy. Others imagine their guardian angel giving them a friendly nudge.

Conjuring the deity of angelic energies and naming magical actions

Now you need to show what you have completed homework according to ritual. What energies do you want to evoke for your actions? First, you need to invoke the deity—your visual representation of the God or Goddess. You must then call forth the specific energies needed for the work planned. We talked about summoning in Chapter 2, but let me remind you briefly: to conjure is to summon something into your circle. This means that you want to evoke only good things, meaning the divine and positive angelic energies. Calling light entities is always safe. If you are going to do healing, you must focus on these energies. You can call the angelic force by name or simply by indicating its essence. You can start with a Goddess spell like the one below:

I salute you, O Goddess,
Aeva, mother and foremother,
Jewel of the Universe,
Deity of Eternal Flame,
Crown of the Enlightened
The scepter of my faith
Indestructible temple.
I accept you
Into your body
To do magic tonight.

To bring healing energies into this magical action
I conjure you, Holy Mother,
Surround me with the essence of angelic beings
So that I can (name the purpose of your ritual).

This part of the ritual is very important, so you must know in advance what you are going to say and why. Here again you have a choice when casting the spell. You can bring the entity into your body or it can be near you. Any way is good.

It is important that you feel comfortable. Remember, angels will not interfere with your free will. They observe universal laws to a much greater extent than we do.

As you can see, I combined the spell and the naming of the action, but you can do this separately, especially if you plan to summon a very powerful deity or angelic force. For example, you love working with Isis. You want to first summon her, let her essence into your body, and then declare the intended action:

Divine host, gather around
While I call forth the Mother's energy.
Now it's time for the angels:
Earth and sky, water and fire,
I attract angelic power to me.

Here is another way to conjure angelic powers:

I command you (name of angel), angel of light, serving the God and Goddess who are above all and above all, to descend into this magic circle.

You may find it unpleasant to summon and conjure. I can understand that. After a while, this will stop bothering you, but let's say that now you are terrified that you are doing something bad, muttering some kind of tongue twisters (this is not true, but I want to cheer you up). In this case, simply call for light.

Execution of work

Whether you are making a talisman so that your friend's brooch along with her guardian angel will protect and heal her, or you are planning to meditate to increase your magical abilities, this is where you should do the work. It's a smart idea to have all your supplies ready for the job so you don't go out of circle. Every time you open the door to the ring of your energy, you weaken it.

Merging with Angelic Energy

Merging with angelic energy is a form of increased power. We call this the cone of power: you focus all the energies at one point, and then send the energy out to create the changes you want. If you increase only your power and do not merge with the deity or angelic forces, you will probably feel tired. You have powers at your disposal, use them. For centuries, people practicing magic have been "raising energy" through singing, dancing, performing, reciting, ringing bells, drumming, etc. There is even an ancient folkloric practice of using white stone and black stone, which they hit each other with. This sound puts a person into the alpha (and sometimes theta) state, where a connection with the divine and angelic essence occurs. You can choose the method that suits you best.

The simplest recitative might be the following:

This night
At this hour
I call upon the angels
Raise power.

It's best if this monotonous chant has a rhyme, but if you're comfortable doing it another way, then use that.

Some people simply repeat the name of the angel or deity. It helps them, and it can help you too.

When using any of these methods, start slowly and calmly and gradually increase the tempo and volume. Once you reach the peak, release the energy you have raised by focusing it directly on the change you want to make. That's how simple it is.

Once you've raised your energy, you may want to relax. People who practice magic often eat in a circle. This is communion, communion with the divine. You can drink a glass of juice and eat cookies or sweet bread. Carbohydrates are very beneficial for grounding your energy. If you have excess energy, you can place your hands on the altar and feel the energy going into it or into the ground and the same thing will happen.

During this time, you may want to meditate. Just sit back and relax, allowing the angels to assist you and bring peace and tranquility into your life.


We have already finished liberating the cardinal points. Please remember to stand in the middle of your circle and give thanks to both the deity and the angelic forces that have assisted you.

Don't forget your guardian angel too. I'm sure your gratitude will be appreciated. Some people like to say a closing prayer or blessing at this time. Tighten your circle, then ground and center.

Angelic Communion

When you take communion, you honor the divine. This is the idea of ​​this ceremony. With angelic communion, you will honor the deity and thank the angels for their help. You can insert communion into the ritual, or you can perform the communion ritual separately. For example, if you do magic frequently, I doubt you should use communion every time.

Doing it takes time. I perform this ceremony once a week and not always* on the same day, it depends on the family routine.

You will need bread or something baked and some alcoholic drink(for example wine) or juice. Many people prefer juice these days. The bread and juice must be covered before the ceremony. Prepare everything you need for the ritual in advance so that you are not distracted from it at the wrong time.

Uncover the bread. Carefully fold what was covered with it and place it to the left of the altar. Consecrate and bless the bread by making the pentagram of banishment over it and saying:

I stir the energies counterclockwise and expel all negativity from this bread.

I invoke the blessing of the Lord and the Mother of God by dedicating this bread to divine communion.

Place your hands on the bread and feel the essence of the divine flowing through the top of your head, through your hands into the bread. Break off a piece of bread (do not cut it). Before you eat it, say:

I place this bread into my body as a sacrament of (say the name of the deity).
May I be blessed this day and forever with peace, harmony and love. Let it be so.

Open the juice. Pour into a dedicated and blessed cup. Close the container and place it to the left of the altar. Dedicate and bless the cup by making the pentagram of banishment over it and saying:

From the heavens above and the earth below I call upon the angelic host.
I stir the energies counterclockwise and expel all negativity from this liquid.
I stir energies clockwise to bring peace, harmony and love.
I invoke the blessing of the Lord and the Virgin Mary by dedicating this liquid to the divine sacrament.

Place your hands on the bowl and feel the essence of the divine flowing through the top of your head, through your hands into the bowl. Tell:

I place this liquid into my body as a sacrament of (say the name of the deity).
May I be blessed this day and forever with peace, harmony and love.
Let it be so.

Drink the contents.
Spend a few moments in meditation, pondering the divine gifts.

Brief conclusions

In this chapter we have looked at the basic ritual forms and intricate details of angelic rituals. Now it's time for practical training. The more rituals you perform, the better you get at them. This does not mean that your first magical actions will be unsuccessful, but as you acquire practical skills, you will become more and more confident, and everything will work out for you.

Guardian Angels are our kind Heavenly helpers who are happy to help in any matter. But in order for your request to be heard by the Angels, you need to be able to get in touch with them and ask correctly. In this article you will find detailed instructions how to contact the Guardian Angel, How to ask the Guardian Angel to fulfill a wish.

Below are ways to get in touch with your Guardian Angel and a prayer for each specific desire: to find love, solve material problems, gain insight, for a stable income, strength to achieve a goal, relief from illness, career success, peace in the family.

These appeals to the Guardian Angel involve working with his image. Therefore, each appeal comes with a special image of an Angel. You can print it and use it.

How to ask your Guardian Angel to fulfill a wish?

Request for mutual Love

How to ask your Guardian Angel to fulfill your desire for love?

The Guardian Angel blesses for mutual love. It helps you find your soulmate, get married successfully. People turn to him with a request to survive a love separation, resolve matters of the heart, find family happiness.

1) In order to contact your Guardian Angel, take a white cloth and cover a chair or sofa with it. Place it next to it small table or a stool, place an image of an Angel on it.

2) Sit comfortably in a chair and relax. Take several deep breaths into your belly (diaphragm breathing) and exhale slowly. Feel how your internal energy is concentrated in the heart area.

3) Close your eyes and imagine yourself sailing on a white ship. Over you blue sky, it fills with coolness. The rays of the sun penetrate and give joy. A glow breaks through the clouds, it comes closer and closer to you. A figure emerges from it with a white glow above its head and light translucent wings behind its back. This Guardian Angel is coming to you. He holds flowers in his hands and is ready to bestow his grace on you.

4) Contact your Guardian Angel with prayer. It must be sincere, from the heart. You should feel like you are giving away your inner energy.

5) Slow down your breathing as you inhale, as if filling chest fresh air. Then breathe out and listen. The first thought that comes to your mind should show whether the guardian angel approves of your choice, whether he agrees to fulfill your desire right now or asks you to wait. Most often, he responds to people's requests by nodding his head. Only in exceptional cases, when a person acts rashly, without understanding his feelings, does the angel ask to wait to meet true love.

6) Whatever the answer of the guardian angel, thank him for everything and open your eyes.


“Holy heavenly patron, my guardian angel! Send me, the servant of God (name), a bride) groom) so that I can build (a) a happy family, and make my love mutual. All the powers of heaven are in your hands, and may they help me, as you help me in everything. Amen!".

Request for Money to successfully resolve material issues

How to ask your Guardian Angel to fulfill your wish for money? The Guardian Angel protects well-being in financial matters and the increase of wealth. It protects against unnecessary waste and gives good luck in financial transactions. You can contact him to complete happy shopping, purchasing housing, resolving financial issues.

1) Find the brightest place in the room. Face North. Cross your legs and lower your arms at will. Relax your entire body so that you feel comfortable. Close your eyes and throw away all problems and worries about material difficulties. The soul must be absolutely pure and ready to accept the help of an angel. Place the image next to it.

2) Feel how you become weightless and slowly rise above the ground. You'll be suspended in the air. Feel complete calm and tranquility. Now imagine a beam of white light directed towards you. This is a Guardian Angel approaching you. Open your soul to him. Imagine what you need most now for well-being: money, an apartment, travel, etc.

3) Contact your Guardian Angel with prayer.

4) After prayer, sit for a few seconds in complete silence, do not allow extraneous thoughts. Imagine a white cloud appearing above your head, and the light from it fills your body with hope.

5) Now thank the Guardian Angel by bowing slightly in his direction. You should feel an incredible sense of relief, as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

6) At the end, sharply lower your head down and mentally drive away all the evil spirits that are trying to get closer to a person when it comes to money.


“Holy guardian, my protector, guide God’s servant (say his name) on the true path, help him successfully resolve material matters (say his request, for example, buy a home), protect him from deprivation. Accept my gratitude for everything you do for me and stay with me always. With everything I can, I thank you. Amen!".

Request for peace and tranquility in the family

How to ask the Guardian Angel to fulfill a wish for peace in the family?

Guardian angel patronizes family well-being, helps resolve disagreements between husband and wife and strengthen relationships. People turn to him to forgive betrayal, eliminate scandals in the house, conceive a child, and achieve mutual understanding with children.

1) Find a secluded place in the apartment and turn your face to the North. Take the image of an angel in your hands, take a comfortable position and close your eyes.

2) Mentally turn your gaze to your guardian angel, feel how he stretches out his hands to you, a stream of white light rushes towards your body. You feel warmth and love filling your heart.

3) Take a deep breath and say the prayer 3 times.

4) Wait for the Guardian Angel to answer you. You should feel a surge of strength and insight into how to proceed.

5) Thank your Guardian Angel for your wisdom and care.

6) Open your eyes and remain silent for a few more minutes. Listen to your inner voice and do what your heart tells you.


“My holy guardian angel, savior and comforter, send family happiness to the servants of God (name names). May your grace be with me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Request for vital energy and strength to achieve the Goal

How to ask your Guardian Angel to fulfill your desire to achieve your goal?

A guardian angel helps in achieving your goal, guides you on the right path, gives you self-confidence, determination and courage, and protects you from troubles. People turn to him to achieve success in any business, complete a mission, overcome difficulties, gain patience and strength to complete what they started.

1) Find a comfortable position. Relax completely. Let go of all negative thoughts. Be positive. Feel how easy and comfortable you become.

2) Place an image of an Angel next to you. You don't have to look at him, but you can feel him nearby.

3) imagine how you are climbing a high mountain. With every step you rise higher and higher. And now you are at the top. You see a white cloud. Feel how it envelops you with its warmth. You feel an incredible surge of strength, determination, endurance and patience. Gradually the cloud dissipates and the figure of a guardian angel appears in front of you. He holds a spear in his hands and is ready to protect you from all troubles.

4) Contact your Guardian Angel with prayer.

5) Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Thank your Guardian Angel for your care and guardianship.

6) Listen to your inner voice. He will tell you what to do next.