Well      06/23/2020

The pump flowing for water is booster. Pump to increase water pressure - how to increase the pressure in the water supply? Installation and connection of the booster station

By the blessings of any apartment buildings are efficient communication systems, which include plumbing. The quality of its functioning depends on the work household appliances, for example, a boiler, washing machine or dishwasher. Helps in some situations installed pump to increase water pressure. It pumps the required level in the system, providing a continuous powerful flow.

A booster pump will be the best solution for the local level. It is mounted within the apartment and is designed to serve one household. The installation of such equipment will become effective if the problem lies solely in the lack of pressure, but at the same time all the pipes are not clogged and the rest of the supply system is fully operational.

The need for arrangement

Pumps to increase water pressure are introduced into the home hydraulic system, often on the upper floors. There, the established norm often reaches the planned values. The optimum is an indicator reaching 5 bar. However, in reality, the value in the pipeline sometimes drops to the level of 1 bar.

Such parameters are invalid, since in this situation automatic washing machines, which require at least 2 atm. It will be possible to take a shower in the shower cabin only at 3 atm. Approximately 2-2.5 atm is needed to start the boiler. The jacuzzi will be in working condition at 3-4 atm.

Operating parameters of connected equipment

Before connecting, you need to figure out which booster pumps for water have characteristics. The difference in them happens in the way they start:

  • User launch option. The hydraulic apparatus is stably turned on / off by the owner. It is enough for owners to control the presence of liquid in the system, since operation without water leads to a quick failure from overheating. Often a feature of the operation of such schemes is one-time operations with subsequent shutdown.

  • Models for pumping water with automation installed in the system, thanks to special sensors, are connected independently as needed.

When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to the ability to transport a stream of a certain temperature. Design features manifest themselves in the possibility of passing water in a limited temperature regime. In specialized outlets or on the websites of online stores, you can find the following types of devices:

  • units capable of working exclusively with cold systems;
  • models designed to be included in hot flow wiring;
  • universal equipment designed to interface with any liquid temperature.

A well-functioning pump, which should not overheat significantly during operation, helps to maintain the stability of the pressure level.

Cooling systems help to get rid of overheating.

According to this type, productive models are divided into the following groups:

  • The temperature is lowered by the flow passing through the housing. This technique is called the "wet rotor" method. It has minimal noise parameters, but is capable of overheating when operating without water.

  • For cooling, rotating blades fixed on the shaft are used. The method is called "dry rotor". The disadvantage is the increased noise during operation. The disadvantages are offset by a fairly high degree of performance, which the pump for water pressure has.

Introduction of boost stations

For owners of apartments, from the upper levels, it is advisable to install a pumping station. Self-priming equipment includes the following elements in the circuit:

  • hydraulic pump;
  • manometer;
  • relay;
  • hydraulic accumulator.

The principle of operation of the unit is to pre-fill the accumulator, set the desired output pressure on your own using a relay and start the pump, which ensures the distribution of fluid to consumers.

In some schemes, it is proposed to exclude the accumulator, however, this approach will adversely affect the duration of operation of the entire pressure unit. It is advisable to choose a tank bigger size, which will fit into the interior of an apartment or house, as this will allow you to turn on the boost system less often.

After the volume is pumped into the tank cavity, a shutdown occurs. In this case, the consumer receives a jet from the accumulator even in the situation when there is no water supply in the system at the moment. If the liquid is completely out of the tank, the relay will automatically turn on the pumping.

Before purchasing a station, it is recommended to clarify its maximum pressure. You can use the popular model Grundfos JP Booster 6-24L, which will provide a pressure of 48 m and has a considerable tank with a capacity of 24 liters. Its cost is approximately 24 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right pump to increase water pressure

When choosing the right booster pump, there are important factors to consider:

  • Power characteristics. The more productive the unit is, the wider the number of points that it can effectively serve. In the calculations, it is necessary to monitor the number of consumers, washing machines and sanitary technical devices.
  • Noise. Of course, less noisy devices are preferable, but they may have a higher cost.
  • Patency. It is important to pay attention to what diameter of water pipes the pump can be combined with. Working sections are specified in the user manual. non-compliance given parameter can lead to work with overloads, the appearance of breakdowns and a decrease in pressure below the calculated value.

Appliance device

  • lift height. When buying a pumping station with a lower load, it may not reach the required level.
  • Equipment dimensions. The hydraulic assembly must fit neatly into the allotted space.
  • Reliability. It is preferable to choose proven well-known brands that have long term guarantees.

VIDEO: What is the difference between a vortex pump and a centrifugal pump

The main selection criterion is the outlet pressure indicator, which should not be less than 4 barrels. Further, they are already determined directly with the characteristics of the electrical appliance - dimensions, noise level when turned on, wet or dry, etc. As far as the pump is concerned high pressure, for many it will be a fundamental moment - manual or automatic control.

Pumping equipment for hot water supply differs from that which is installed in the system with cold water.

In most cases, when choosing, preference is given to well-known brands. Having overpaid, relatively speaking, just for the brand, the user receives high-quality working equipment and warranty obligations, which the seller or the manufacturer will definitely fulfill.

Among the priority companies:

WILO- the leader in consumer demand according to reviews and store statistics. It is considered elementary in operation, has been operating for more than 7 years in extreme conditions and is very reliable in operation.

Grundfos- in some regions, even Vilo bypassed. The obvious pluses are silent operation and low weight. The factory warranty is 12 months.

OASIS- easy to manage, quality equipment, which so far only aspires to the TOP-10, but has not yet approached.

The leader of domestic production, although it does not enter the European market. All without exception are compact and low-noise. Branch pipes for installation are unified for Russian water utility systems.

Wiring diagram - right and wrong

Water low-pressure pumps on collectors work non-stop. In order for the pressure to increase gradually (in steps), a multi-wheel system is used. During operation, the device is able to create a pressure in the system up to 10 bar.

The best models of pumps for increasing water pressure

In order not to be mistaken with the desired result, choose well-known brands: Wilo, Grundfos or Jemix. They are widely represented both in online online stores and in traditional construction supermarkets.

Wilo PB-088EA

Small in size model, capable of working with water of different temperatures. Heat is removed by means of a jet passing inside. Equipped with a built-in flow sensor that helps start when liquid appears in the system. The hydraulic apparatus has the ability to work both in manual mode and on the machine.

The noise level is minimal. The outside is protected against corrosion. Dry running blocking. The power is 90 watts. The price is about 4 thousand rubles.

  • Installation and operating instructions Wilo PB-088 EA

Grundfos UPA 15-90

Grundfos UPA 15-90

Compact dimensions allow you to mount such a pump to increase water pressure in almost any convenient place. Used for any temperature conditions. It has protection against overheating and dry operation. Cooling type - water.

The device has three modes in which it can be turned off, started by hand or started in automatic mode when the flow rate drops below 100 l/h. Power - 120 W. Price - 2634 rubles.

  • Grundfos UPA 15-90 installation and operating instructions

Jemix W15GR-15A

The booster pump maintains the discharge at the set level. downgrade operating temperature created by a fan or a dry rotor. The advantages are versatility and an affordable price tag, and the disadvantages are noise during operation. Power - 120 W. Price 3 thousand rubles.

  • Installation and operating instructions Jemix W15GR-15 A

VIDEO: Why is it needed and how to assemble a storage tank


Poor water pressure in the water supply is a common occurrence, especially for residents of multi-storey buildings. This causes not only the inconvenience of waiting for a long time until a sufficient amount of water is collected, but also can cause damage to household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. And an insufficient flow of water in the gas column can lead to burnout of the case. You can improve the water pressure directly at home, for this, a booster pump is installed in the plumbing system, which builds up pressure.

Pump types

There are two types of booster units, depending on the control mode:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

Automatic units have sensors in their design that determine the presence of flow in the system. When the tap is opened, the water starts to move and the sensor, reacting to this change, connects the forced pumping system. Such a pump will be able to independently provide the necessary water pressure to the washing machine and dishwasher, which themselves open the intake tap. Some automatic models have a switch from flow sensor operation to continuous pumping mode to maintain a constant pressure regardless of whether there is water consumption or not.

Models with manual control are activated only when the button is pressed, and continue their work until they are turned off. This type is much cheaper, but its domestic use is rather inconvenient. Indeed, in addition to opening and closing the tap, you must additionally turn the pump on and off. A connected manual model will continue to operate even when there is no water in the system. As a result of a dry run, it will quickly fail. In this case, automatic units will stop the operation of the blower motor, thereby saving themselves from damage.

Depending on the type of cooling, there are dry and wet rotor models. In units with a dry rotor, the electric motor is separated from the housing of the direct pump, where the liquid is pumped. Therefore, an impeller is used for cooling, which blows the motor housing with an air stream. Such models are noisier, and they cannot be installed in small technical niches, since there is limited air exchange, which will lead to overheating.

Models with a wet rotor use a liquid that is pumped for cooling. This is a much more efficient cooling system, and less noisy. The disadvantage of such models is the more complex requirements for the repair of the electric motor, since it becomes necessary to remove the entire unit from the pipeline.

Selection criteria

When buying a booster pump, you need to pay attention to its capabilities in order to choose the best model for your needs. The main criteria are:

  • temperature mode of operation;
  • power;
  • way to connect to the water supply.
  • noise level;
  • maximum pressure;
  • throughput.

For maximum run time, it is essential that the unit does not operate at its thermal limit. So if the characteristics of the model indicate Maximum temperature 60 degrees, it will be better for it to work up to a maximum of 40, which will extend its life several times. If a booster pump is required hot water, then you can choose a model with a range of up to 100 degrees, which has a high margin.

Engine power is a direct indicator of its energy consumption. Of course, a powerful model will easily maintain the necessary pressure, but at the same time consuming quite a large number of energy. Therefore, if it is necessary to slightly increase the pressure over a short distance, then there is no need for an overly powerful unit.

The method of connecting to the water supply also plays an important role in the choice, because in most cases the supercharger must be connected discreetly so that it does not spoil the interior. The inlet and outlet pipes should be located in such a way as to fit as closely as possible to the place of the line that you have prepared for installation. In addition, the section of the pipe that can be connected to the supercharger is important, especially if it is not possible to use adapters.

The noise level is especially important for use in small apartment. If the pump is installed on the water supply in the basement, pantry or other technical room, then this criterion can be omitted, since the noise during its operation does not play a special role.

The maximum pressure is one of the most important selection criteria. It should be noted that power is not always an indicator of high pressure, since there are quite economical models in terms of energy consumption that have high pressure ratings.

Throughput is a direct indicator of how fast the pump is able to fill the capacity you need. This value is measured in cubic meters per hour.

Installation rules

For effective work pump must be properly connected. If it is installed in the pipeline on a common highway, then it will increase the pressure on all the branches of the water supply system that diverge throughout the house. As a result, the created pressure at a distance from the supercharger decreases, since it is spent on a large area of ​​pipes.

As a result, the pump works to the limit of its capabilities and at the same time the effect on the final outlet of the pipes is insignificant, especially if several consumers are open at once. The solution would be to install more powerful unit, but it will be quite disadvantageous in terms of noise and power consumption.

Possible more suitable a budget option installation, namely installation on the pipeline directly in front of the consumer, for which it is important to maintain the required pressure level. So, by placing the pump on a pipe that directly leads to household appliances or a heating device, you can provide them necessary conditions work, but at the same time on other highways the pressure will remain unchanged.

In terms of economy and noise reduction, it is sometimes more profitable to install several low-power units on key consumers than one large one on a common highway. But in order to accurately confirm the effectiveness of such a technique for each individual case, it is necessary to measure the length of the pipes, their cross section and the usual level of pressure that is constantly present in them. This will allow you to determine the optimal parameters as accurately as possible.

Perhaps you have ever encountered a situation where water from a tap flows in a very weak stream. At the same time, it is inconvenient to wash the dishes, and there is no need to even talk about taking a shower. But the inconvenience, unfortunately, does not end there. With low water pressure in the tap, it is impossible to start gas water heater, washing machines and dishwashers may also "refuse" to work in such conditions. As unfortunate as it may be, this situation is quite common. Very often, due to insufficient water pressure, residents of the upper floors of high apartment buildings suffer during peak hours. Owners of private houses also often face such a problem, which is explained by the shortcomings of the work of public utilities. If you are familiar with the described problem, then know that it has a fairly simple solution: you will be rescued in a private house.

What you need to do before choosing a pump to increase water pressure in a private house

The pressure can be specified in different units measurements. That is, for example, in the technical documentation of the pump, the pressure can be indicated in MPa, in the articles - in kPa, and on the instrument panels - in mm of water. Art.

You are unlikely to need to know the exact pressure in the water supply, so you can use the following ratio, with which it will be easier for you to evaluate the performance of the water supply in your private home:

1 bar ≈ 1 atm ≈ 10 m of water Art. ≈ 100 kPa ≈ 0.1 MPa.

The standards set the pressure requirement tap water residents of a private house or apartment - 4 bar. With this value, all household appliances in a private or apartment building will be able to work well.

Unfortunately, few of the residents of private houses have tap pressure at this level. Most often, the deviations are significant. Any deviation from the norm is harmful to the water supply system. So, a pressure of more than 6-7 bar can lead to depressurization at the pipe joints. A jump to 10 bar is fraught with an emergency.

The solution to the problem of insufficient or increased water pressure in a private house is to install a reducer that equalizes the pressure in the internal plumbing, which eliminates the possibility of water hammer. If you do not make mistakes at the stage of selecting and installing the gearbox, then the pressure in the system will always be optimal.

More a difficult situation- This is a systematic lack of pressure in the water supply of a private house. It is necessary to identify the cause of this problem. They conduct a simple study in order to find out what pressure in the water supply of your private house is normal and how it changes during the day. After research, the situation will become clearer.

Pressure can be measured with a manometer. It is inexpensive, so we recommend that you purchase it and install it on the introductory highway of your private house. It will be even better if you buy a coarse water strainer with a built-in pressure gauge. It is enough 3-4 times a day at certain hours (including peak hours) to record the readings of the device. Then it will be possible to analyze the water pressure indicators in your private house and draw preliminary conclusions.

You can ask someone you know or purchase your own portable pressure gauge. Connecting it is not difficult: you can do this with a flexible connection to the water outlets of the mixers or to the spouts, if the threaded connection is suitable. In fact, you can even assemble a simple, but fairly accurate pressure gauge with your own hands.

In order to assemble the pressure gauge, you will need a plastic tube approximately 2000 mm long. The diameter of the tube should be such that a tight connection is obtained with a fitting screwed onto the spout of the faucet, replacing the splitter nozzle.

You can accurately determine the water pressure in a private house in the following simple way:

First of all, you need to connect the tube (vertically) to the faucet (or other water outlet). Then turn on the water and level the liquid level: there should be one horizontal line with the connection point (without an air gap at the tap - see the left figure). Now you can measure the height of the air section of the tube ( h o).

The next step is to close the top hole of the tube with a cork (so that air does not escape) and open the tap completely. The water will rise. After stabilization of the position, it is necessary to measure the experimental value of the air column ( h e).

Now we can calculate the pressure:

R in = R o × (h o / h e)

Where R in- pressure in the water supply at a given point; R o is the initial pressure in the tube. It is permissible to take it for atmospheric, that is - 1.0332 at; h o And h e - experimentally obtained value of the height of the air column.

It may be that the pressure at several different points in the pipeline of a private house is different. This is evidence of the formation of rust or limescale on the pipes. In this case, it is necessary to replace the piping.

It is possible that the filters used in the water supply of your private house are very dirty or too old. To troubleshoot, you must perform appropriate preventive maintenance.

Classification of pumps for increasing water pressure in a private house

On sale you will find different variants designs of pumps to increase water pressure in a private house:

    pressure boosting circulation pumps;

    self-priming pumping stations for pressure increase.

They are standard devices for increasing water pressure in a private house. They got this name because they accelerate the movement of water in pipes. Circulating most often have small size, they are very compact. They are mounted in sections of pipelines with insufficient pressure.

The developers of pumps for increasing water pressure in a private house pursued a specific goal - they wanted to come up with a device to improve the operation of systems with a hot coolant. This is understandable, since heating circuits have an impressive length, and there is resistance at the nodal connections. Without the use of pumps, such systems will function inefficiently.

If we talk about plumbing, then here the essence is the same, with the only difference that the pump accelerates the movement of water, and does not pump up the hot coolant.

The circulation pump for increasing water pressure in a private house consists of an engine that drives the rotor part with an impeller. Thanks to these elements, the pump accelerates the movement of water in the chamber and significantly improves the performance of the pipeline as a whole.

The installation consists of a surface pump and a hydraulic accumulator. The surface pump pumps water into the accumulator, which has an air membrane and check valves, which regulate and maintain the pressure in the water supply system of a private house at the required level.

The pressure switch allows you to set the value of this indicator and automates processes.

Pumps to increase water pressure in a private house work in systems:

    with cold water;

    with hot water.

To increase the pressure cold water in a private house, simple plastic pumps are used. They work with liquid, the temperature of which does not exceed +40 °C, they do not tolerate prolonged contact with hot water.

Pumps for increasing the pressure of hot water in a private house are more expensive, but can be used in heating and hot water systems. They are made from expensive polymers, of stainless steel and quality tires.

The circulation pump for increasing water pressure is not very powerful, but it also consumes very little energy.

It increases the water pressure in a private house by 2-3 atmospheres. There are more powerful counterparts that pump up to 2-3 m 3 of water per hour.

Significantly more powerful are water stations for increasing water pressure, self-priming pumps which consume during operation from 2 kW of electricity. They "attract" water from a great distance (up to 12 meters).

So, when planning to buy a pump to increase water pressure in a private house, it is important to determine why it is needed: just to improve the pressure or to raise water to the upper floors. To increase the pressure, a small, low-capacity in-line pump, embedded in the pipeline, is suitable. But if you need to raise the water level, you need a high pressure centrifugal water pump with a hydraulic accumulator. The mode of operation of such pumps is:

    manual- at which the equipment can work continuously. It will be necessary to monitor the temperature of the pump itself in order to avoid overheating and failure.

    automatic- in which the pump is controlled by a flow sensor. The pump will start when water flows from the faucet. This is the ideal scheme of operation, as it eliminates the need to start the pump to increase pressure in dry mode. Such a pump is more profitable because its service life is longer.

Pumps for increasing water pressure in a private house can be cooled by the motor impeller or the pumped liquid. Here is a classification of pumps depending on the method of their cooling, namely:

    Blades mounted on a shaft(dry rotor design). Such engines have a low efficiency value, they create little noise during operation.

    Liquid(wet rotor). The operation of such pumps is almost silent.

For the homeowner, the size of the pump for increasing water pressure is important, since it is necessary to allocate space for its installation.

The advantage of a pump with a dry rotor is high efficiency, and with a wet one - noiselessness.

As a rule, pumps are installed at the inlet to a private house. Note that there are models that can be installed on both cold and hot water supply systems (universal pumps) or for a specific water temperature.

Pumping stations

After you check if the pipes of the water supply system are clogged, you can think about purchasing a powerful self-priming pumping station. Pumps for increasing water pressure in a private house can be equipped with a hydraulic accumulator. More often homeowners prefer without it. However, experts advise choosing pumping stations with hydraulic accumulators.

Station- it's superficial centrifugal pump to increase the water pressure in a private house. It is connected to a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch that controls the entire system. With the help of the station, water from the system is supplied to the tank. Thanks to the tank, the consumer always has a supply of water, even if it is turned off, which is very convenient. Gradually, the pressure drops, and at a certain moment the relay will automatically turn on the pump.

It is more profitable for the tank to be large, since the water in it will last for a longer time and, accordingly, the mechanism will be started and turned off less often, the equipment will wear out more slowly. A standard connection diagram for a pressure boosting pump and a diagram for installing a pumping station in a private house with a nearby well are shown below. Note that connection is possible to any available water source.

What to consider when choosing a pump to increase water pressure in a private house

Consider the following when choosing a pump:

    what task should a pump for increasing water pressure in a private house solve;

    throughput of pumps and the pressure that it creates;

    How reliable is the manufacturer?

    the dimensions of the room where the pump will be installed to increase the water pressure in a private house;

    how much money are you willing to spend to buy such a pump.

If you do not know the required performance and pressure, then it will be very difficult to choose the most suitable pump for your water supply system. It will be right if you entrust the calculations to a specialist, all the more so it is not difficult to find him: many companies involved in the sale of such devices offer this service completely free of charge.

If you need to slightly increase the pressure (by 1.5 atm.), Then choose a compact pump to increase the water pressure in a private house. It is very easy to mount it.

It can be cut directly into the pipe. Scheme:

    Circulation pump.

  1. Stopcock.

    Temperature controller.

    Safety valve.

It is necessary to choose such a pump to increase the water pressure in a private house so that its power meets the needs of the system. When the pressure is not enough, this is bad, but excess cannot be allowed, since the elements of the system will function under conditions of unreasonably high load, which is fraught with rapid wear.

The very minimum pressure in the system is 2 atm. In such conditions, you can safely wash the dishes and start the washing machine without any problems (note that some models can be “capricious” and refuse to work in such conditions).

However, if you are used to using hydromassage in the bathroom and lying in a jacuzzi, then the pressure in the system should be higher - 5-6 atm. Some techniques only work at even higher values. Thus, when thinking about buying a pump to increase water pressure in a private house, re-read the instructions for the household appliances you have (and for the one you plan to purchase in the future).

To get the exact numbers, you will need the help of a specialist. Most likely, it will be enough for him to carry out calculations of preliminary estimated data.

Now it is important to understand what problem you want to solve by installing a pump in a private house. If you can’t take a normal shower when someone is washing dishes in the kitchen, then an ordinary pump will be enough for you to increase the water pressure in a private house (provide an increase of 2 atm.). You probably have some kind of household appliances (the work of which is associated with the pressure of water), so study the instructions for it.

Devices normally work at a certain pressure of water in a private house. If the plumbing cannot provide your expensive equipment with the right amount of water, then it will have to run idle, which will most likely lead to a breakdown of the device that cannot be repaired under warranty.

When choosing a pump, take as a basis the maximum allowable pressure indicators for equipment (data from passports). If you have too many such household appliances, then consult an engineer.

There is an opinion that you should not buy an expensive and powerful pump to increase water pressure in a private house. Proponents of this judgment argue that a less powerful device should be chosen, connected directly in front of the analysis points and household appliances, the operation of which must be optimized.

It is easy to buy a pump today, as their range is presented quite widely. We recommend purchasing the device not in the market, but in a company store, where there is plenty to choose from, and, which is important when buying expensive models, there is a warranty service.

How to install a pump to increase water pressure in a private house

How to install a self-priming pump

Installation of this type of pump is quite simple. You do not need to purchase any complex tools to install equipment. You should do the following:

    determine the place for the accumulator and pump;

    install a hydraulic accumulator;

    install pipes for connecting equipment to the water supply;

    hang the pump to increase the water pressure to the wall;

    tie the pump and accumulator;

    check the operation of the pump in automatic mode.

A pump and a hydraulic accumulator with a pressure switch are a variation of a pumping station for increasing pressure in a private house. In order to install it, you will have to think about where exactly you can put the tank. Some owners of private houses, instead of a hydraulic accumulator with a membrane, mount ordinary large plastic tanks(volume 200 l).

The pressure switch in such cases replaces the float sensor, due to which the tank is filled with water if necessary. Such a tank should be as high as possible (attic, top floor). It is necessary to think about the most appropriate configuration in a timely manner.

To save space, you should choose a narrow flat tank, its shape can be arbitrary. Installation should be carried out so that access to it or to the accumulator is maintained (as an option, it can be made so that it can be easily removed if necessary). This is important, as otherwise it will be difficult to maintain, repair or replace the device.

A hydraulic accumulator bought in a store does not require any preparation for installation, but in the tank you will have to create holes through which water will flow in and out. It will not be superfluous to install an additional shut-off valve, with which you can quickly drain the water in the event of an accident. Branch pipes that take and supply liquid to the water supply system are mounted to one water pipe.

Now it is most convenient to use plastic pipes for assembling a water supply system: they are easy to install and, very importantly, they are reliable. It makes sense to install on nozzles check valves: they will prevent air from the pump and water from entering the tank when the equipment is turned off.

Now you can start assembling and installing a suction pump to increase pressure in a private house, which, for sure, was bought disassembled.

If you decide to mount the pump to the wall, then do not forget about the markings for fasteners. After the device is installed, it is connected to the water supply. This is not difficult, but it is important to carefully monitor the direction of water movement in the device (there must be special marks on the body).

The liquid in the pump for raising water in a private house must move from the tank to the water points. In other words, the installation must be connected according to the following scheme: accumulator - pump - consumer. The next step is piping the pump.

Below is a diagram of connecting a pump to increase water pressure in a private house to the plumbing system.

Installation is usually carried out as follows: the pipes at the beginning of the system are disconnected and a pump is connected to them (fittings are used for this).

It is important that the connections are tight. If a pump to increase water pressure in a private house is “screwed”, then in threaded connection there must be a seal required quantity(FUM tape, linen thread). Fittings are required to connect the instrument to plastic pipes.

It is important to check the operation of the system; for this, the float tank is filled with water. It is necessary to make sure that the container does not leak, and also check the operation of the sensor. In the absence of these problems, you can test the work yourself.

To do this, the device is connected to the network (the mode is automatic), the tap is opened and its operation is observed. If everything is correct, then the pump for increasing the water pressure in a private house should automatically turn on, and the liquid pressure should increase significantly.

Installing a circulation pump to increase water pressure

Installation is carried out in the same way circulation pumps increasing pressure in a private house. They are cut into the water supply in a certain place. It is important to consider the direction of fluid movement. If the device is not positioned correctly, water will pass through the pump.

But you will not notice an increase in pressure, since the device will not perform its task. Therefore, carefully read the instructions, it describes in detail correct position pump to increase water pressure in a private house. If the pump connected to the network affected the water pressure, then it means that no errors were made during installation.

Installation of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator

Installing a system equipped with a hydraulic accumulator is somewhat more difficult. Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to carefully study the design pumping unit to increase pressure in a private house. The connection of the pump with the accumulator is carried out by special hoses. The pressure switch is responsible for turning the device on and off, which is also connected to it.

The figure below shows in detail the principle of operation of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator and the sequence of its connection. The pump stops when the tank is full.

It is quite difficult to set up the relay. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. If you have never done anything like this, we recommend that you consult with a specialist or entrust him with all the work.

Whichever pump you choose to increase the water pressure in a private house, you will have to additionally purchase pipes, fittings, connections, etc. Give preference only to high-quality products from reliable suppliers.

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The water supply system is a rather complex system of pipes, valves and taps, which must uninterruptedly supply water to consumers. The quality of these systems is evaluated by such a technical parameter as " water pressure".

According to the current standard water pressure in water supply network must be within 3…6 atmospheres. It is known that at water pressure in pipes less than 2 atmospheres operation of household appliances (dishwashers and washing machines, water heaters…) n impossible. If the water pressure in the pipes is 7 atmospheres or more, That failing plumbing and pipe joints are destroyed.

Therefore, the constant availability of the necessary water pressure within the specified limits is one of the most important tasks in the development and further use water supply systems. The solution of this problem is especially important at the stage of designing water supply systems. . Indeed, during their design, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors, ranging from the number of consumers and ending with the average hourly water consumption of each object, whether apartment house, enterprise or any other consumer.

In practice, it is extremely difficult to balance the influence of all existing factors, so in reality we have unbalanced water supply networks. Hence the constant problems with the supply of water to the population.

Why do you need a pump to increase water pressure

The minimum water pressure that must be present in the pipes is 2-3 atmospheres. This level of water pressure provides normal operation of household appliances, fire hydrants, etc. If the water pressure does not meet this requirement, it is necessary to use special devices, which provide a given level of pressure. These devices are:

  • Water pressure booster pump .
  • .

boost pump water pressure in the house is used when there is water in the system, but the pressure is so low that its use is impossible. If the pressure is normal on the first floors of the house, and there is no water at all on the last floors, then the problem can be solved by using a self-priming pumping station.

When choosing a device that will help solve an existing problem, first you need to determine the cause of low pressure . Low pressure levels often occur when corrosion water pipes or if they clogged with organic deposits. In this case, there is no need to use additional equipment - pipes need to be replaced. If the problem is still weak pressure, then a pump for water pressure in the house will help get rid of it.

Self-priming pumping station is assembled on the basis of the same pump to increase water pressure, which is connected to a hydraulic accumulator and uses a water pressure switch for the pump to control the entire system. In this case, water is pumped into the storage tank.

Classification of pump models for water pressure

There are several options for classifying pumps for water pressure:

  • by appointment;
  • according to the method of cooling;
  • by mode of operation.

According to their purpose, pumps are divided into:

  • applicable to only one type of water (cold or hot);
  • universal used for any kind of water.

According to the method of cooling, pumps are:

  • air cooling (dry rotor). The pump motor does not come into contact with water, and cooling is carried out by the fan blades mounted on the shaft;
  • water cooling (wet rotor). The rotor with the impeller is placed in water and isolated from the stator by a special glass. The motor is cooled by the pumped water.

Operating modes of pumps for water pressure:

  • auto . The pump is controlled by a flow sensor. The pump is activated when any tap is opened and turns off when it is closed;
  • manual . The pump is running continuously. The pump is turned on and off manually, but it is important to avoid overheating the motor.

Advantages and disadvantages of conventional types of pumps and pumping stations

IN general case equipment for increasing water pressure has advantages and disadvantages characteristic of this type of equipment:

  1. High pressure pumps for water.


  • small sizes;
  • light weight;
  • noiselessness in work;
  • installation directly on the water pipe;
  • low cost.

The disadvantage is the impossibility of raising the water pressure by more than 1 atmosphere.

  1. Pump stations.

The main advantage is the provision of the required level of water pressure. Provides the ability to fully meet the needs of water supply apartment building, a private country cottage or cottage in automatic mode (if there is a water pressure switch for the pump).


  • technically complex installation;
  • large dimensions;
  • relatively loud noise;
  • the presence of a separate room for installation;
  • high price.

Models and characteristics. Which pressure pump is better

The domestic market for water pressure pumps is vast and diverse. It presents a large number of products from manufacturers from around the world. The most popular models are:

Sprut 15WBX-8 .

Sprut 15WBX-8 — Photo 08

It is a vortex pump for increasing water pressure, designed for installation in an apartment. Has technical data:

  • minimum inlet pressure: 0.3 bar;
  • working pressure, no more than: 6 bar;
  • power: no more than 0.09 kW;
  • productivity: not less than 8 l/min;
  • maximum weight: 2.24 kg.

Aquatica 774715 .

Aquatica 774715 — Photo 09

It is intended for use as a water pressure booster pump in a private house. Recommended to maintain the pressure required to ensure performance geysers, washing machines and dishwashers. Technical parameters of the pump:
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power, not more than: 0.09 kW;
  • productivity, not less: 10 l/min;
  • maximum weight, : 2.8 kg.

Euroaqua 15WB-10 - Photo 10

Euroaqua 15WB-10 .

The recirculation pump for increasing the water pressure in the house is used if it is necessary to create a sufficient pressure of water for the operation of household appliances (water heaters, etc.). Its technical data:

  • cooling method: dry rotor;
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power: not less than 0.12 kW;
  • productivity: 14 l/min;
  • maximum weight: 3.3 kg.

Katran 774713 — Photo 11

Katran 774713 .

The circulation pump is used to increase the water pressure in the house and is characterized by technical parameters:

  • cooling method: wet rotor;
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power, minimum: 0.1 kW;
  • weight: 2.7 kg.

How to choose a pump to increase water pressure

You can buy a quality pump to increase water pressure in supermarkets building materials, specialized outlets for the sale of plumbing, as well as through online stores. Wherever they sell pumps to increase water pressure, a potential buyer will be able to get acquainted with the operational parameters in detail and get expert advice on all issues of interest to him.

When choosing a pump to increase the water pressure in the house, you need to pay attention to such technical specifications , How:

  1. Maximum power and pressure.
  2. Maximum performance.
  3. The level of noise generated during operation.
  4. Operating temperature range.

The cost of water pressure pumps has a large price range and depends on:

  • manufacturer's brand;
  • productivity;
  • production technology and materials used.

ATTENTION! Solving the problem: "How to choose a pump to increase water pressure?" we must not forget that water pressure pumps increase the pressure by no more than 25-40%. Therefore, their use is justified if the water pressure in the pipeline is at least 1.55 atmospheres.

The water pressure booster pump is a very important part of the water supply system. They are mounted in individual and centralized systems, since the increase in pressure increases productivity. Also very often used in everyday life, because this problem can cause numerous problems with the full functioning of technical devices in the house, such as washing machines, dishwashers, speakers, etc. In our article, we will discuss the features of its work, varieties and advantages.

To denote such a concept as pressure, two such quantities are used:

  1. bars;
  2. Atmospheres.

Important! The ratio of these two quantities is displayed in such a scheme: 1 bar \u003d 1.197 atmospheres \u003d 10.19.

There are norms for pressure in city water pipes, according to which it should be 4 atmospheres. Today, pressure drops can be frequent and high and can ruin your device, because 6-7 atmospheres have a devastating effect on the system. Especially in this situation, imported modern technology is sensitive. If the pressure, on the contrary, is low enough, then this may affect the operation of the washing machine and dishwasher.

Important! The lowest indicator for the work of elementary equipment should be at least 1.5 atmospheres, and for the work of firefighters - 3 atmospheres.

If you are going to buy a pump to control water pressure, then you need to decide on the problem. The most popular complaints about the operation of water supply systems are:

  • Weak water pressure in the tap;
  • Lack of water on the upper floors of the building.

The first problem can be solved by installing a pump, but for the second it will be useless. In such a situation, it is necessary to install a pumping station.

The concept of a pressure booster pump

Normalization of work autonomous system water supply takes a very long time. Although many people think that it is enough to make a well and install a pump in it, it is important to know that the water temperature is very low, so it has to be stored in a container, and because of this, the head pressure may drop. To get out of this situation, a flow mechanism was invented to increase pressure.

Their direct purpose is to fully optimize the pressure level in the water supply system in a house or apartment. They have the highest demand on individual plots. Sometimes these pumps are installed to maintain technical requirements appliances.

Design features

Design features are manifested in the hardware complex, which consists of several units - an electric motor and a pump. The specifics of the application require the use of optimal materials such as:

  • Ceramics;
  • Brass;
  • Steel that does not rust;
  • Cast iron.

Attention! It should be noted that all of the above materials combine common feature is corrosion resistance.

The pump housing is almost completely immersed in water, therefore it has two sockets in its structure:

  • Front type for suction;
  • Radial feed type.

It is also worth noting that a wet-type rotor is installed here, which accompanies a decrease in the temperature of the installation elements. This part gives the device two such advantages:

  • Almost silent operation;
  • Extending the life of the device.

Attention! To date, there are equipment with vane coolers, which are much more efficient, but also have more noise during operation.

Advantages of the pressure booster

This type of device has a large number of advantages in its performance, which reflect the ease and comfort of their operation:

  • They have the ability to increase and maintain the stability of the pressure level;
  • small parameters;
  • Optimum noise level;
  • High resistance to corrosion;
  • Installation variations on the pipeline;
  • Ease of installation and removal of the structure;
  • Automatic work;
  • Low energy consumption;
  • Ability to work with different temperature conditions of the liquid.

Areas and effectiveness of application

The following factors can influence the pressure drop:

  • Filter clogging;
  • Overgrowth of pipes;
  • Plenty of water intake, etc.

For multi-apartment buildings, such situations are easily resolved, but for individual systems, a pressure booster will be the most optimal solution to the issue.

If the pump works in conjunction with the drive, then they can easily cope with water intake problems. Such a scheme has a huge number of advantages in operation, especially for a surface or submersible apparatus.

When installing a booster pump, not everyone produces correct calculations its performance, which is very important detail. Indeed, if the indicators of the device and the line do not match, then the effect may not appear. First of all, this is due to the fact that the installation of the device does not increase the pressure of the line, because it combines several points of water intake. The final result will be a decrease in fluid supply.

Attention! If your neighbors already have such a pump, then they reduce the level of your flow of cold and hot water. It is necessary to pay attention to this. Indeed, in this situation, the pressure booster starts to work as much as possible, which reduces its life cycle.

For best result efficiency of the device, it is necessary to mount it together with a special tank.

In the event that the room does not have the parameters for placing this installation, then you can install submersible pump which is placed in a container. Its main advantage is its compact size and silent system performance. In addition, it has a membrane storage area, which can be included in the central or main system.

It is also worth highlighting the disadvantages of functionality - this is a more complex installation. In addition to connecting to the highway, you also need to configure the automation of work.

Advice. To avoid mistakes, you need to use standard connection mechanisms or use the services of professionals. But, do not forget that if your pump fails due to improper installation, then the warranty ceases to apply and you will have to carry out repairs at your own expense.

Types of models

The problem of unstable pressure covers a large number of areas of human activity, so the market segment contains a large number of models for different purposes and a distinctive volume. As for the size, there are devices that are compact for domestic installation and overall for industrial areas.

Now we will get acquainted with these types in more detail.

Household pumps

These types have a number of such advantages:

  1. Compact, handy size;
  2. Low energy costs;
  3. Low price;
  4. Ease of operation.

Attention! Household devices function optimally in the temperature range from -15 to +100 degrees.

  • steel;
  • cast iron;
  • metal-plastic;
  • Polypropylene.

Pumps are also divided according to such a criterion as the type of control:

  1. manual;
  2. Automatic.

Manual pumps

What is this mechanism? This is the connection and shutdown of the system on its own, which provides some inconvenience for operation.

It is also worth highlighting the advantages of this type of equipment:

  • Very high resistance to overheating of the device;
  • Small cost;
  • Durability. Very rarely there are system failures.

With automatic control

pump with automatic control starts working as soon as the fence opens, and its volume instantly collects data on the flow sensor. When closed, the faucet automatically shuts off. This mode prevents dry operation of the device, which increases its life cycle. It is worth highlighting the disadvantage of the system - this is its high price.

But this is not a huge minus for the performance of the device, as it has a huge number of significant advantages:

  • Convenient operation of the device;
  • Small installation dimensions:
  • Low noise level during operation, which almost does not stand out from the general background;
  • They have a hydraulic accumulator that can operate at zero pressure;
  • High engine power.

Other types of pressure control pumps

There is also a classification according to such a criterion as the method of cooling the body, which can occur during the operation of the impeller or pumped water. There are such types:

  • Cooling occurs during the operation of the blades, which are mounted on the shaft. The design is called a dry rotor. Characteristic features for them are: high efficiency, low noise level.
  • Liquid cooling, or the so-called wet rotor. Signs of difference of this type is the silent operation of the device.

Attention! There are also universal models that are suitable for working with any water temperature.

The most famous brands of pumps

To date, there are a number of leaders in the production of water system pressure boosters. All of them have a common structure scheme, but are made of various materials. Let's take a look at them:

  • WILO is a manufacturer of high quality pumps, reliable, easy to operate and with a long-term guarantee;
  • Cl15grs 15 is a pressure booster pump, which is characterized by the presence of a flow sensor, which is included in the power supply circuit;
  • Grundfos - the second in terms of demand in the country, differs from WILO in its lower price and silent operation;
  • OASIS pumps - their biggest plus, which distinguishes them from other manufacturers - is the ease of installation and dismantling, the durability of the device;
  • Aquaphor is a pressure booster that is characterized by ease of installation and high reliability.

Choosing the best pump

  • Power and performance indicators;
  • Noise level during operation;
  • Authority and accreditation of the manufacturer;
  • The maximum number of pressure that the device can produce.

Individual characteristics of models that you should pay attention to when buying a pump:

  • Dimensions . It is worth choosing the dimensions that are suitable for installation in the place you have planned.
  • Temperature range. This indicator depends on the nuances of your plumbing system.
  • Connection options. For each pipe, you need to select the appropriate modification.

When choosing a pump, you must know the system pressure and performance. You can find out these values ​​\u200b\u200bin your own or hire a specialist. We will give you a small diagram so that you understand the deduction system. If the pressure in the system is 1.5 atmospheres, then a compact device that can be installed in the pipeline is also suitable for its maintenance.

Advice! Purchase pumps from licensed retailers.

We connect to a common highway

If your house consists of a highway system, then this must be taken into account when installing the pump. It’s just that not only you, but also all neighbors can have such equipment - this will lead to the fact that the mechanism will work at full strength, and the pressure will not increase. In addition, this situation can lead to a breakdown.

Advice! To avoid this situation, you need to install a storage tank in which reserve water will be stored. This liquid is very useful when reducing pressure.