Shower      06/12/2019

Useful tips on how to save garlic until spring. Storage in vegetable oil. Storage of garlic in vegetable oil

It just so happened in Rus' that garlic is not only a seasoning, but also a medicine, and there is a special attitude towards it. Of course, it is easier to buy it in a store or on the market. But there is one. Firstly, you are confident in the quality of garlic grown by yourself. Secondly, the price of garlic is not so small. Thirdly, growing garlic is not such a difficult process. And it just so happened that most gardeners successfully grow it themselves. Garlic is one of the most common crops in our household plots. But grown garlic must be stored until the next harvest. How to store garlic -

The ideal option is the cultivation of both spring (spring) garlic and winter garlic. Winter is easily stored without any tricks in a dry, cold room until about the New Year. Spring has a longer shelf life. It is easily stored until spring and beyond. But in our area, most gardeners prefer the cultivation of winter garlic.

It would not be superfluous to recall that garlic is stored longer, which was removed in time, dried in the shade, cut correctly and healthy heads were selected. In our region, they are cut as follows: the roots are removed with a knife, scissors or secateurs, and the stem is cut at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from the head.

Storing winter garlic until spring

When we choose garlic from the ground, I hang it in the country to dry, cut off both the leaves and the roots. Then I take an enameled pan and start laying the garlic in layers. Sprinkle each layer with regular wheat flour. Last upper layer dust well with flour. I close the pan with a lid and put it on the cabinet in the kitchen, where it is dry. Garlic is stored until spring, as if it had been removed from the garden yesterday. If my experience is useful to someone, I will only be glad. Now for many years I have not had any problems storing garlic.

What other storage options for winter (winter) garlic

There are different ways to store winter garlic, some of which will be discussed in more detail now.

  • late autumn the heads need to be packed in polyethylene bags, tied and wrapped in several newspapers to make two or three layers. This bundle needs to be buried on the site. When it is late autumn, the place where the garlic is buried should be covered with tomato tops. With this method of storage, garlic can only be used in the spring.
  • The second method that is used to store garlic is to put the garlic in a wooden box with holes in the walls, but first you need to pour salt into this box, a small layer. Arrange the garlic cloves in a row and sprinkle with salt. Then again put a row of heads of garlic and again cover with salt, so do to the top of the box. In such a box, garlic will remain juicy and fresh until spring.
  • There is another way to store garlic is to store garlic in oil (sunflower). Garlic cloves must be peeled off and poured into a three-liter jar, pour oil over it and close the jar with a plastic lid with holes, this is necessary so that the garlic does not “suffocate”. In such a jar of oil, and in the refrigerator, garlic will not deteriorate for a long time and will always be ready for use. And the oil acquires a pleasant smell of garlic, and it can be used for cooking.
  • If you store garlic in the kitchen, at a temperature of eighteen to twenty-five degrees, then it should not be stored in plastic bags, as the garlic "suffocates", rots, rots in them. It is best to store garlic in fabric bags, the fabric should be dense and natural. They should also have onion skins. It is good to store the garlic in the transplanted dry sawdust or ash.

How to store spring garlic

Spring garlic is stored longer than winter garlic, so it is advisable to store it for long-term storage.

Store garlic in a dark ventilated area. Temperature - the lower, the better, but not minus. However, spring garlic tolerates short-term slight frosts easily.

I will bring the old folk way garlic storage. So, she keeps garlic and onions very simply: she scatters the heads in a not too thick layer on the mountain (ie, in the attic) of her house. If the temperature drops below -10 degrees, she covers the garlic and onions with old blankets. That's all. So she keeps onions and spring garlic until spring.

Choose the way you like to store garlic.

Good luck!

Taken here-/

This healthy vegetable can replace many expensive medicines in our home first aid kit, and we so want it to be preserved until the first green sprouts of the new crop. But often, either from the variety, or from adverse environmental factors, it either rots, or dries up, or germinates, and we part with this unique vegetable earlier than we would like. Therefore, you need to figure out and figure out how to store garlic at home.

Garlic can spoil for several reasons, and this is not always directly related to the conditions of its storage.

If the heads are infected with fungi, nematode larvae, then their shelf life will be short. In this case, it is better to carefully sort out the garlic, disassemble it into slices, discard the damaged ones and all the doubtful ones - with spots, dents, cuts, empty ones. Only then can it be stored.

Video about storing garlic in winter

Storage conditions are also important. But let's look at them in more detail.

What is the evidence of spoiled garlic?

  1. You can determine that your crop has begun to deteriorate, first of all, by smell. Such garlic, which has begun to rot, has bad smell, reminiscent of the one we get if the garlic is overcooked.
  2. Visually, you can see slices or whole bulbs wrinkled from dry or wet rot.
  3. To the touch, if you press with your finger, the slice falls as if into a void.

Such garlic is subject to urgent rejection.

You can determine that your crop has begun to deteriorate, first of all, by smell

How garlic will be stored depends largely on the time and conditions of its collection. If it was dug out in dry weather, on the waning moon, and before that it was not watered for 2 weeks, then the shelf life, subject to all conditions, will increase significantly.

Before storing, the dug bulbs are dried for 2 weeks under a canopy, then the remnants of the earth are shaken off, the stems and roots are cut, and the remains of the roots are burned over the flame of a candle or lighter.

You should know that garlic is winter and spring. Spring is stored much better, but it is smaller. But winter begins to deteriorate and germinate by the New Year. You can distinguish spring garlic from winter garlic by the core. In winter, in the middle of the bulb, there is a false stem; in spring, it is absent.

Air, light, moisture and heat - that's what can ruin it. Therefore the choice optimal mode storage will directly affect its duration.

A dark storage location is not difficult to provide. It can be a cellar, a refrigerator, a box on the balcony. But the rest of the conditions you need to take care of.

In winter, in the middle of the bulb, there is a false stem; in spring, it is absent.

Humidity. At high humidity, the garlic will rot, at high humidity it will begin to grow, at low humidity it will dry out. Optimal Humidity for storage - 70-80% will allow it not only to be well preserved, but also not to lose juiciness.

Air access. If you store the bulbs without containers, excessive air access will contribute to the drying out and development of pathogenic microflora. It is good to store garlic in portions, approximately 0.3-0.5 kg each, in cardboard boxes, plastic containers, wooden boxes, wicker baskets and boxes, and even in plastic bags, clean glass jars under nylon covers and in canvas bags.

Temperature. Everything seems to be clear here. The lower it is, the better. The only thing garlic will not tolerate is freezing. The freezer won't work! A temperature of 2° to 5°C is optimal. Perfect place- the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for storing vegetables.

If you store the bulbs without containers, excessive air access will contribute to the drying out and development of pathogenic microflora

How did our grandfathers store garlic? old way storage of garlic - in braids and wreaths. Our ancestors did not cut the garlic stalks after drying, but used them to weave the so-called bundles. The weaving itself is performed as a braid or wreath. Such bundles were kept hanging in a cool room until winter, and in the winter in the cellar.

How to store garlic in oil?

What you will need:

  • sterile glass jars;
  • capron covers;
  • peeled garlic cloves;
  • vegetable oil, both refined and unrefined.


  1. We clean the garlic cloves, discard the damaged ones.
  2. We put it in pre-sterilized jars.
  3. Fill with vegetable oil.
  4. Close with lids.
  5. We put in the refrigerator or take it to the cellar.

The shelf life of garlic in this way is up to 3 months. At the same time, it does not lose its properties, and the oil acquires a pleasant aroma, thanks to garlic phytoncides, and can be used for dressing various dishes- soups, sauces and salads.

How to prepare garlic powder? Certainly garlic powder will not deteriorate and will wait for a new harvest. It is easy to prepare it at home. To do this, garlic cloves are peeled and thinly cut into plates. These plates are dried in electric dryers or ovens, but minimum temperature, not higher than 60°С.

After that, you can grind dry plates to a powder state in a blender or mortar, adding a little salt, and store in a tightly closed glass jar.

Pros of this method:

  • do not need a lot of space;
  • saving time when cooking (no need to clean, chop);
  • long shelf life - up to a year.

Minus one, and it is significant: the loss of a part useful substances.

The shelf life of garlic in this way is up to 3 months.

Garlic tincture is the best way to save garlic for healing

  1. We take 350 grams of peeled garlic cloves and chop with any accessible way. Let stand for a couple of hours in a jar under the lid.
  2. We select the most liquid part, it should turn out 200 ml, and pour it into a sterile jar.
  3. Pour 200 ml of medical alcohol.
  4. Close with a tight lid.
  5. We insist 10 days in a dark place at room temperature, shaking occasionally.
  6. Carefully separate from the sediment and store in glassware that does not let in the sun's rays. Pharmaceutical vials made of brown glass are suitable. You can just wrap the jar thick paper and put in a dark place.

This garlic tincture is used in traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases of various organs and systems, especially in atherosclerosis and vascular disorders.

If you have mastered agricultural technology and received good harvest garlic, try different ways to store it

How to store garlic in the apartment?

  1. Dry salting. Another fairly effective and little-known way to preserve garlic. Its essence is that unpeeled whole garlic heads are placed in a container (for example, jars) and sprinkled with coarse salt. Banks are closed with lids and taken out to a cool place. Salt is an excellent antiseptic, besides, it will provide a constant level of humidity and limit the access of oxygen. So you can store garlic in the apartment, away from heaters, or on the balcony.
  2. Waxing. If you have few heads, and you don’t know how to store garlic in an apartment, another one will help. interesting way- waxing. Melt the paraffin in a water bath to a liquid state and dip the heads of garlic into it one by one. Let the paraffin layer harden and place the garlic for further storage in carton boxes. Such garlic is stored in an apartment until spring.

If you have a good harvest of garlic, try different ways to store it. Only then will you determine which one is best for you. And now you know how to store garlic at home.

Video about storing garlic

What to do with sprouted teeth

Garlic loses its properties and juiciness when sprouts begin to develop in the cloves. This happens if the bottom is not fired before storing. Having made their way out, feeling the light, the sprouts will gain strength, drawing nourishment from the mother's lobule. Pruning green sprouts, a dark and cool place will help slow down the process. But you will not be able to completely stop growth.

If you do not want to lose such garlic, it is best to wait for the first thaw and plant it in the ground, covering it with agrofiber or film.

The topic is relevant among beginner gardeners and those who have never grown garlic for long-term storage. Suitable given material and those who fail to keep the harvest until the summer. White and fragrant cloves are known to have healing properties all year round without losing its healing power.

But how to store garlic so that it does not dry out and deteriorate, and also does not germinate ahead of time? Actually there are many ways. In addition, the options for storage in an apartment and in a private house are still different. Therefore, various nuances will be considered below. It is very important to know how to distinguish bad garlic from good.

First of all, the type of plant is important

There are two types of garlic (do not confuse with a variety): winter and spring. The first ripens from mid-July to a maximum until mid-August. It all depends on the landing time, weather conditions. Spring ripens by mid-August, and it can be harvested until the second or third decade of the month. Be sure to remember these two types, because many are wondering: how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter before the new harvest? The fact is that some housewives unknowingly collect winter food for storage in the hope that it will lie until spring, but with surprise and disappointment they discover an unsuitable product for food.

It turns out that until spring and even until the beginning of summer, only that is, collected at the end of summer can be well preserved. As it matures sufficiently, it pours and becomes capable of long-term storage. On the contrary, winter garlic is young, without many white and smooth scales. It can be stored for no more than 2-3 months, so it is advisable to eat it immediately, without prior drying.

How and when to collect?

The harvesting period strongly influences the further preservation of garlic. You can not dig beds on rainy days. Better to wait until the weather is clear. The ground must be absolutely dry! To verify this, it is better to dig up the soil on an unsown segment of the bed to the depth at which the heads of garlic are supposedly located. If the soil is completely dry, then you can start. In addition, if you have already planned a day for harvesting garlic, then you should not water it and neighboring fruit crops already in 2-3 days.

Winter garlic begins to dig when the bottom leaf begins to turn yellow, and spring garlic - if all the leaves turn yellow and begin to roll towards the ground.

Before proceeding to the topic of how to store garlic so that it does not dry out, we will analyze one more important point: selection. Before drying, you need to sort out all the heads. They should be:

  • hard;
  • strong;
  • without stains and dents;
  • with white scales;
  • without any flight.

If defects are found, such garlic should be eliminated, as it may contain pathogens. It is no longer fit for food.

Where to dry?

When the heads are dug out, they should be placed in a dry and dark place, such as a shaded porch or an open shed. But so that there is always an influx of fresh air. Then the garlic is cleaned of the remnants of the earth. It's okay if the top scales fall off. The tops are not cut yet. But even here you need to know where and how to store garlic so that it does not dry out.

Make sure there is no dampness. If rains are expected, you need to move the crop to a warm and dry place. After about 3-4 days, slightly dried garlic is processed again: the roots and leaves are cut with secateurs. The latter require leaving small tails (5 cm or more, depending on storage methods).

Storage conditions

When the dried garlic is ready to move to permanent place storage, you need to prepare the room in advance. There are several rules that will help the crop last until next summer:

  • air humidity is about 40-50%;
  • optimal storage temperature - from +5 to +17 degrees;
  • the room should be dry, clean;
  • you can not keep garlic where various insects are found, molds may appear;
  • Harvest containers should not interfere with those living in the house / apartment.

Here's how to store garlic so it doesn't dry out until the next harvest. If you comply with such conditions, then you can be sure that the cloves of the healing product will remain safe and sound.

Storage methods

There are several methods for storing garlic. But you need to know that the container must be "breathable", that is, let air through and not retain moisture. And now let's take a closer look at how to store garlic so that it does not dry out, methods and objects / utensils:

  • a glass jar with a nylon sock or gauze instead of a lid;
  • wicker basket or dish;
  • cardboard box;
  • plywood box with holes on the sides;
  • string bags (mesh bags);
  • in conjunction.

The latter method implies that even at the pruning stage after digging, tails about 20-25 cm long should be left.

In this case, garlic can be braided into a braid and made into bundles using thick threads or ribbons. This method is suitable for hanging storage.

Where to store living in a private house?

Those who live in a private house with a plot have much more options where and how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter. You can easily accommodate a large supply of crops. And you can also find several different places at once:

  • cellar,
  • underground,
  • canopy,
  • barn,
  • barn,
  • terrace,
  • cool place in the living room,
  • on glazed balcony(if available).

You just need to make sure that there is no dampness, mold, a large number dust.

Cellar or canopy

Since ancient times, when there were more villages than cities in the country, our ancestors kept garlic in cellars or hallways. It is considered the most the best option taking into account the fact that the winter is snowy, cold and with rare thaws. The peasants knew how to store garlic so that it did not dry out: they hung the bundles in a safe place or placed the heads in baskets, tubs.

It is worth noting that it is permissible to store both onions and garlic together if it is not possible to place them in separate containers.

In the ground in the garden

There is a more complex, but no less effective way where and how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter until a new harvest. And it means burying the crop in the ground. Only pre-dried and prepared garlic should be wrapped in polyethylene, wrapped with unnecessary insulated material, such as an old coat. Then, on the site, you need to dig up the ground to such a depth that you can cover the top of the crop by 20-40 cm with earth. Do not forget to clearly and accurately mark the boundaries of the garlic burial so that you can easily find and not accidentally hit good heads with a shovel.

But this method is more suitable if there is no more simple options. In addition, in our time it is impossible to predict what kind of winter will be: warm and damp, or dry and cold.

Where to store in the apartment?

You can also find a cool place to store garlic in the apartment. It should only be taken into account that heating appliances (or central heating) were far from where the garlic would be stored. In addition, if there are pets in the house, insects can be found, then the crop will need to be provided with more reliable storage.

Sometimes people wonder if it makes sense to store garlic in the refrigerator or freezer. Answer: you can. But in the refrigerator, whole cloves can lie no more than 3 months. If there is a desire to place the crop in freezer, then it is recommended to pre-peel the garlic, pass the cloves through a press or meat grinder, then place them in bags or containers for freezing.

Fresh and whole garlic should not be placed in plastic utensils with a lid, as it may suffocate and begin to deteriorate.


If the balcony or loggia is glazed, there is no heating in the room, then you can safely store garlic either in boxes (boxes), or hang bundles. You just need to avoid direct sun rays, warming. Windows should not face south.


If there is also a prepared place for garlic, you can place the crop in a cramped room. But provided that all optimal conditions. If desired, you can hang an electronic weather station on the wall, which shows both humidity and temperature in a cramped pantry space. So you will understand how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter. It is especially useful to have this device if there is no experience of storing garlic in this place yet.

If the garlic has gone bad

It is advisable to control the storage process: from time to time (about every three to five weeks) check the condition of the crop. If the first signs of defects or disease appear on at least one clove, then the head should be removed and consumed as soon as possible (but only healthy parts of the plant).

Dear friends, you have learned how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter, what to do so that it does not deteriorate until the next summer. If you follow the above recommendations, then you can ensure that almost the entire stock will delight you and your family for three seasons in a row: autumn, winter and spring.

And when it comes time to harvest, the question arises about its storage. In our article we will tell you how to store garlic for the winter at home so that it does not dry out, consider various ways his .


Harvesting for harvesting it for the winter must be carried out at a certain period. a clear sign what is ready for harvest is the appearance of yellowness on the leaves and the lodging of the tops. Approximately the collection period falls on the second half of August.

After thorough drying, it is necessary to cut off the roots, leaving 2-3 mm, just remove the stem. After that, it is worth sorting the bulbs and decomposing them in selected storage facilities.

Better storage conditions

Before telling where to store, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with necessary conditions for its placement.

Choose a dark place for storage. You can leave the plant in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

It is important to ensure the following conditions:

  • Humidity. Storage areas not suitable for high humidity- this will lead to decay. Low humidity is also not suitable - the bulb will simply dry out. The ideal indicator should be 70-80%.
  • Air access. When storing a plant without a container, excess air will contribute to its drying out, harmful microflora will develop. It is recommended to divide into portions of 300-500 g, put in cardboard boxes, plastic containers, wooden boxes, boxes.
  • Temperature. It is better to choose rooms with a low temperature. However, it does not tolerate cold, so you should not freeze it. The optimum temperature is 2-5°C.
Having provided simple conditions to store a vegetable, you can eat it until the next season.

How to store garlic

In this section, we will explain how different ways keep until spring at home.

In pigtails

This is a fairly popular method, as it does not require additional packaging. Also, "garlic braids" can become original decoration any kitchen. To weave a braid, you need to take an ordinary twine and weave the stems of the plant into it. When you cut it, leave about 15 cm.

in banks

To do this, dry thoroughly. The roots should be set on fire a little, and then disassemble the heads into cloves. This must be done very carefully so as not to leave damage on the shell, and also not to miss the diseased or unsuitable for storage garlic.

After that, the teeth must be dried for 7 days, put in a three-liter jar. Do not cover it with a lid - leave the container in a dry, warm place.

In a refrigerator

Using this method, it is better to store winter, as in a dark room it will not tolerate wintering well. There are several storage methods:

Refrigerator storage is very convenient, but unfortunately not suitable for a bountiful harvest.


Our grandmothers always used this method - they put the vegetable in nylon stockings and hung it on the walls. Due to its simplicity, this method is still relevant today.

in salt

The principle of storage in salt is to "wrap" it as much as possible. You can put the heads in a box with holes, and sprinkle the layers with salt, you can mix with salt and put it all in sterilized jars. It is important to follow the rule - there must be a thick layer of salt on top of the plant, about 3 cm.

Most suitable way storage of garlic will depend on its type and variety, storage location and your capabilities. Garlic will be fresh and healthy all winter, even in the apartment, even in the cellar, if you follow the basic recommendations for storing it in accordance with the conditions. winter garlic it is stored much worse than summer, so it is mainly used for planting in late autumn, and is eaten first. Cellars, basements, vegetable stores the best places to store garlic. But even at home, garlic can lie undamaged all winter.

storage conditions for garlic

With any storage method, it is important to observe the basic storage conditions for garlic:

  • garlic should be stored separately from other vegetables, because. storage conditions they may not match;
  • in food, first of all, use damaged, dried or frozen heads, it is impossible to store frozen garlic;
  • be sure to periodically revise in order to detect shrunken, diseased or damaged heads in time.
  • follow all recommendations and storage rules.

How to properly store garlic

Garlic can be stored cold and in a warm way. If you store garlic in a cool room - cellar, basement, vegetable store - it is important to observe the temperature and humidity conditions. When storing in an apartment, you need to find the coolest and most humid place.

The main reason for poor storage of garlic is drying due to loss of moisture.

Maintaining indoor air humidity up to 50-70% is a top priority. If the humidity is above these limits, then the bulbs can either be affected by infections or germinate.

Winter garlic, as more capricious and demanding on storage conditions, will be poorly stored in your apartment. But summer varieties winter well and at home.

How to store garlic in the cellar

The method of storing garlic in a cellar, basement or in a special storage is called cold storage. In the cellar, garlic is well stored in any form: in bulk, and in any container, you can hang it in braids and wreaths.

Garlic is laid in cool rooms with a temperature not higher than 3-4 ° C and air humidity of 70-80%. These are the optimal conditions under which even winter garlic can be well preserved.

How to store garlic in the apartment

If you have to store garlic in an apartment - this method is called warm - you will have to find the most such option in order to save the vegetable and not take up much space.

For storage at home, it is better to choose the coolest places protected from light: near the balcony, in the corridor, in the pantry. The temperature must not exceed 20 °C. It is also important to take care of hydration.

Storing garlic at home

Each diligent hostess can tell her own secret on how to properly store garlic in an apartment so that it lies all winter as if it had just been from the garden. I offer 10 proven methods that are somehow found in the arsenal of most gardeners, and allow you to keep garlic fresh and healthy until the new harvest.

Storing garlic in braids

Heads of spring garlic, woven into braids and hung in the kitchen, will not only be a convenient storage method, but also a wonderful decoration for your interior. It is advisable not to make the braids too long and dense, because. head quality may be reduced. It is enough to weave no more than 15 large or 15-20 medium-sized heads. In this form, garlic is perfectly stored until next year. For strength, twine can be woven together with a false stem or leaves.

Storage of garlic in baskets

A good way to store garlic can be wicker baskets or string nets like "Avoska", if anyone has, of course.

Storage of garlic in jars

A fairly practical way is to store garlic in pre-sterilized glass jars. There is no need to clean the heads strongly, you just need to sort them out well and dry them. For reliability, you can mix the onions with flour. Tightness is not required, it is enough to close the jars with nylon lids.

Storing garlic in salt

Sometimes this method is called dry salting. For such storage, low boxes or boxes with small holes for air access are used. This is followed by alternating layers of garlic in one row and layers of salt until the container is completely filled. Salt is poured at the bottom with a layer of about 3 cm, the top should also be a layer of salt. Due to its high antiseptic properties and good hygroscopicity, salt absorbs excess moisture and destroys all harmful microorganisms.

Storing garlic in bags

Linen bags must first be soaked in a saline solution, allowed to dry and put garlic in them. Salt absorbs well. excess moisture preventing bulb germination. In drier rooms, you can also use ordinary linen bags, pouring onion peel into them. Salt and onion skins will reliable protection garlic heads from various infections and pests.

Storage of garlic in paraffin

The paraffin enveloping method is quite laborious. It is necessary to melt the paraffin (1-2 candles) and immerse the whole garlic heads in it one by one for a while, then wait for the paraffin to solidify completely. It is advisable to store garlic in this form away from radiators. The paraffin film will help retain moisture, prevent the heads from drying out, and the carbon dioxide released and retained inside will prevent the development of diseases.

Storing garlic in oil in the refrigerator

It will not be difficult to preserve a small amount of garlic with any vegetable oil. To do this, completely peeled garlic cloves put them in a sterile dry jar and fill with oil. So, in addition to keeping your garlic cloves fresh, you'll end up with a flavored garlic oil that can be used in salads or in medicinal purposes. Garlic is stored in this way for a long time, but always in the refrigerator.

Storing garlic in the ground

Some summer residents store garlic directly on their suburban area. In late autumn, a hole is dug in the garden, dried healthy heads of garlic are placed in it, placed in an airtight plastic bag. Everything is carefully wrapped with 4-5 layers of newspapers. From above it is covered with earth and covered with foliage, tomato tops, so that the earth does not freeze. In a winter with little snow, you can insulate this place by raking up a large amount of snow. So the garlic will be preserved without loss throughout the winter. The main thing is to mark the place where the garlic was buried so that in the spring you do not accidentally dig up this area.

Storing dry garlic

Harvesting garlic by drying is not common, because with such storage, the content of useful substances is significantly reduced. Peeled garlic cloves are cut into thin slices and dried until completely dry. You can dry garlic on radiators, on a stove, in an oven or an electric dryer, the main thing is that the temperature does not exceed 60 ° C. After that, it is enough to grind the resulting garlic "chips" to a state of powder in a mortar, blender or coffee grinder and, mixed with salt, store in a dry glass, closed jar.

Storing garlic in pantyhose

This "grandmother's" method has not lost its relevance - it is still convenient and economical to store garlic in old nylon stockings or tights.