Shower      06/20/2020

Balloons with water and dye. Ice balls or how to make ice balls. How to decorate your yard with multi-colored ice balls: ideas, tips, photos

To please your child or your significant other, you can make a glowing ice ball. Its disadvantage is that it will melt when room temperature, but if you decorate the yard with such balls New Year's Eve or Christmas, you and your guests will experience a real holiday atmosphere. The ball will glow until it melts or until the batteries in the LEDs burn out. Try to surprise your guests and neighbors with such an amazing craft.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the process of making homemade products.

To create a glowing ball we will need:
- expander;
- pliers;
- any marker;
- balloon IR;
- several LEDs;
- cup.

So let's begin. We pour plain water into a glass. 200 grams is enough for us. You shouldn't take too much water, because then we will still have to add it from the tap. We need this amount so that the dye can dissolve and give the water the desired shade.

We take, break our marker and take out the cotton wool from it. We will use this cotton wool as a dye.

We throw the dye (in our case, cotton wool from a felt-tip pen) into a glass of water. To better color the water, it is better to rub the cotton wool. You can use food coloring that was left over from Easter, and if you don’t have either, dilute a little gouache or watercolor in water.

Now we take our LEDs, turn them on and wrap them with electrical tape, leaving only the bulbs burning. Electrical tape is needed to wrap the wires and the battery connection. Then they will be thrown into the water and it is highly undesirable for the water to come into contact with the batteries.

The next step is to pour a little dye diluted in water into the balloon.

After you have poured a glass of water with dye into the ball, we lower the LEDs into it. They must be thrown directly into the water.

Next, add regular tap water to the ball. In size you should get a small melon. Don't make the ball too big, it will be very difficult to fit it in the freezer and the effect of the diodes will not be the same.

I read how to make ice balls (ice balls) back in November in a magazine. There was only one thing that prevented me from trying this idea out right away: the weather. Our December was warm, there was no chance of freezing anything.

But this weekend, winter finally came to our region. Some snow fell and the temperature dropped to -7°C. The article I read said simply: pour water into balloons and freeze. But making ice balls from balloons was not so easy.

Improvised candlestick made from an ice ball, berries and leaves

In practice, when making ice balls, I encountered some difficulties. That's why I hope that my experience will be useful to someone. Agree, in winter the garden looks a little sad, you want to decorate it somehow, but ice decorations are the most natural and will always fit organically into the winter picture.

Place the water balloons in the cold

So here it is. The only way I was able to pour water into the balloon was by pulling the balloon directly onto the faucet and turning on the water. Then, when the ball had already stretched enough, I carefully pulled it off and tied it. I tied it with the tip of the ball itself; if you tie it with a thread, the water flows out under pressure. I made seven balls. The eighth ball burst. A liter of water spilled on me, I got completely wet, plus the rug in the bathroom and a puddle on the floor)))

Ice balls and scented candles

In the photo you can easily see that I put twigs, leaves, etc. in my ice balls. All this natural material I first stuffed it into a ball, and then filled it with water. It seemed to me that the ice balls would look more interesting this way.

Ice balls with twigs inside

I put the water balloons in a basin. On flat surface they tried to fall, stretch out, or be flattened. In addition to the balls, I also froze the water in plastic cups where I put all sorts of twigs and berries, my child also took an active part in this. Since the branches float in the water, the cups must first be filled to half, and when they are already a little frozen, filled to the brim.

But you can make colored ice balls if you first pour food coloring into the ball. For example, those sold in stores for coloring eggs for Easter. But I didn’t try this method in practice, since I didn’t have any dye at home. But there are still almost two months of winter ahead, I’ll catch up and create colored ice balls.

There is not much light from the candles - stained glass Street light very handy

I used the resulting ice balls as candlesticks. The candles had to be glued to the ones that were crooked. I use Better Nails glue for this. It dries transparent and holds well. My candles are scented. They smell too strong in the room. But in the frosty winter air their aroma turned out to be truly pleasant. On some balls, the indentation appeared on the top by itself - very convenient.

Ice balls

There was another moment. At first, the balls just started to freeze, and there was still water inside them. The child couldn’t wait to see the result, so we cut one ball. The unfrozen water poured out, and we ended up with a ball with a hole and a cavity inside. At the same time, he froze rather bizarrely. Next time I want to deliberately open some balls ahead of time.

I apologize for the quality of the photo, but the candles still need to be lit in the dark, so everything is a little blurry, but the ice balls in the ghostly glow of the candles look especially mysterious and somehow romantic. Probably colored ice balls will look even more interesting.

I also plan to fill plastic containers with water. various shapes and freeze them, and then assemble them into ice towers. As soon as I do all this, I will immediately share it with you!

Natalia Syrova

Syrova Natalya.

Master Class« Making ice balls» .

With the onset of cold and snowy winter, everything around is transformed. Coming out of the house onto the street, everything around evokes admiration, because the fluffy snowdrifts create a fabulous landscape. But after the snowfall, it rained, and everything around was covered with a crust of ice - crust. You cannot build snow buildings. IN Lately they practice decorating for the New Year not only interior spaces, as well as streets and playgrounds.

For example, they are very popular icy New Year's decorations for the street. Moreover, tinker outdoor ice decorations are very easy, as well as fun, entertaining and completely inexpensive. And I decided to go the same way m: freeze ice balls and decorate the kindergarten area with it.

According to the “recipe” everything seems to be easy and simple. In reality it turned out to be much more complicated. But as always. Firstly, it is not indicated anywhere how long it takes for the ball to freeze? How much water should I pour, what is better to tint? It turned out, no matter how funny and banal it may sound, but the balloon is filled with water only under pressure - you won’t be able to go outside with a funnel and a “one and a half”. All that remains is a tap or hose with water. Well whole line subtleties that I encountered in the process.

For making ice like this We will need the following decorations materials: water, any dye (food coloring or regular paints, gouache) and balloons. As you may have noticed, for manufacturing This wonderful decoration requires very few materials.

In a separate container (this can be a regular three-liter glass jar or a saucepan like mine) you dilute water with any dye you like. Depending on how much dye you add to the water, the color saturation of the future ice balls will depend. So, colored water is ready!

We put the ball on the tap and “inflate”.

Now use the help of your family and fill the balloons with colored water using a funnel.

We tie the ball without ropes and other things - with a loop from the neck itself.

We take a tightly tied balloon filled with colored water outside.

On the street (in cold weather, of course) leave it until completely frozen.

After 2 days, the colorful water in the balloons froze, using scissors, we freed the colored balls from the ice from the rubber shell (it is easily removable), and transported them to the kindergarten.

Icy The balls were laid out around the perimeter of the area.

Here's how it happened.

You can do whatever you want with the resulting balls. These are both wonderful self-sufficient decorations and an excellent building material. Create! I wish you creative success!

Thank you for your attention!

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Winter is coming, which means it's time to think about how we will decorate our favorite area for the New Year holidays. Multi-colored ice balls, randomly placed throughout the area, or, on the contrary, collected into one large incredibly beautiful pyramid, can become an excellent and quite original decorative element. Making such balls is not at all difficult, but they will bring an incredible amount of joy, especially if there are small children in the house who will be happy to help you with this activity.

Necessary materials

  • balloons of different shapes;
  • bright gouache, or ordinary food coloring;
  • container for diluting dye;
  • water;

First, let's talk about the optimal size of balls for our future multi-colored ice balls. As practice has shown, it is almost impossible to freeze a large ball. Even at a temperature of -20 C, only a 5-6 cm layer of water freezes overnight in a 3-4 liter ball. The water inside the ice crust expands when it freezes, most often breaking the ice shell. As a result, instead of a ball, you will most likely get two hollow hemispheres with uneven edges.

So don't try to make huge ice balls. Optimal size for our future multi-colored ice rariki, ordinary inflatable rariks measuring 10x10 or 15x15 cm will become. Of course, it’s also not worth filling them with water all the way.

Now let's start diluting the dye for our multi-colored ice balls. Simply dilute a jar of gouache in a one and a half liter bottle of water. For those who have pets or children at home, it is better to use food coloring, in case your beloved household members decide to taste the icy miracle.

After the dye is ready, carefully pour it into the ball almost to the brim using a funnel. Then we put it on the tap and “inflate”.

A few words about “inflating”. Everyone knows that water can only be poured into a balloon under pressure. This is either a tap or a hose with water. Perfect option when there is water supply outside. If there is none, you will have to “inflate” the balloons at home. It is best to do this above the bathtub, as it will be easier to clean up if the paint ball breaks. It is better to inflate the future ice ball together: one holds the ball, the other opens and closes the house. Practice shows that doing this alone is quite difficult.

It is best to tie the ball with an ordinary knot (loop of the ball's tail). It’s more reliable and there’s no hassle with threads.

Finally, the most sensitive step is freezing. We take the balls outside and carefully lay them out on the snow, trying to avoid touching each other and not deepen them into the snow. Do not sprinkle snow on top of the balls under any circumstances - under a warm blanket the water simply will not freeze. After a couple of hours, depending on the temperature outside, the balls will need to be turned over so that they freeze faster and better.

The next day, you can try to remove the “clothes” from one of the resulting ice balls. The rubber ball comes off quickly from the ice ball after a slight cut with a knife.

If everything is done correctly, the end result will be something like this. And that means you can release the remaining multi-colored ice balls.

By the way, you can use not only ordinary round balls. Try different shaped balls. Or, for example, ordinary rubber gloves. Then you will have multi-colored ice hands that you can stick into the snowman.

Western countries have long been practicing decorating for the New Year not only the interiors of houses, but also the streets, paying special attention to Special attention decor of the garden area. For example, ice Christmas decorations for the street are very popular among them, but such decor is quite suitable for our latitudes. Moreover, making street decorations from ice is very easy, as well as fun, entertaining and completely inexpensive. Basically, to make ice street decorations you will need water, a couple decorative elements(we’ll talk about this in more detail below), a suitable shape, as well as a spacious freezer or severe frost outside.

How to make outdoor decorations from ice.

How to make an ice wreath.

Festive wreaths can be used to decorate the branches of trees or shrubs.

Method number 1. Take a prepared pudding mold with a vertical insert in the center. Place bright berries and green twigs (spruce, fir or thuja) along the bottom of the mold and fill the mold with water. Send the form with water to freezer until the water completely hardens. After the water turns into ice, pour it into a basin hot water and immerse the form with ice in it, with a sharp change in temperature, the ice inside the form will melt at the edges, and you can easily pull out the wreath. It's retarded just to hang the wreath on a satin ribbon.

Method number 2. We take ready-made small molds for puddings, put a composition of berries and thuja branches on the bottom, fill each mold cold water and put it in the freezer. After the water turns into ice, you can immerse the mold in hot water for literally one minute, take out the miniature wreaths and hang them on the trees using ribbons.

Method No. 3. Place a glass or jar in the center of a deep round shape, lay out twigs, berries, leaves, citrus peels around it, and pour in water. To prevent the jar in the center from floating, you can pour water or sprinkle stones into it. All that remains is to expose the mold to the cold, wait for the ice to harden, take out the wreath and hang it on a ribbon.

Method number 4. Place acrylic snowflakes and Christmas tree balls into a baking dish with a vertical insert in the center, pour in a little water, and place the product in the freezer. When the first layer of water freezes, lay out a few more balls in a circle, add water again and put them in the freezer, after freezing, add more balls and put the mold in the freezer for the last time, take out the wreath, tie a ribbon and hang the product on a street tree.

Photo of ice wreaths.

How to make ice balls.

Method number 1. Let's prepare required amount balloons, pour water into them and pour out food coloring, mix the water inside by shaking the balloons. We tie the balls and put them in the freezer or in the cold outside. When the water inside the balls hardens, cut the shell with a knife and take out the colored ice balls.

Method number 2. You will need a special form for making ice balls (for drinks), you can put berries or spruce branches on the bottom of this form, and also put in strings of pendants, pour in water and put it in the freezer until it hardens completely.

How to make an ice candle holder.

Method number 1. Place a glass of stones in the center of the food container (for weighting). Pour in water and lay spruce or thuja sprigs on top, and also add viburnum, lingonberry or dogwood berries. Place the mold in the freezer, after the water has hardened, take out the candlestick and place a lit candle in the center.

Method number 2. We take two bottles of different sizes with a volume of 1.5 liters and 0.5 liters, cut each bottle in half, put the smaller bottle into the larger one, secure them with tape, put berries, leaves and tree branches between the walls, pour in water, and send the product into the freezer. After turning the water into ice, remove the future candlestick from the mold and place a lit candle inside.

Photos of various ice candle holders.

Ice tree pendants.

Round flat pendants are made as follows: various berries, twigs or flowers are laid out on the bottom of a flat round plate, everything is filled with water, a thread pendant is placed on top, the composition is placed in the freezer, then pulled out, separated from the plate and hung on trees.

Ice stars.

  1. To make stars, you can use star-shaped ice molds or baking molds; to create regular stars, the molds should be filled with water and frozen in the freezer.
  2. To create colored stars, you must first add food coloring to the water.
  3. For bright compositions, you can put berries, various twigs, leaves in the molds, or add sparkles.

Ice cubes.

Place various flowers or fruit slices in square ice molds, pour in water and freeze. Then we take out the ice cubes and decorate street flowerpots, tree branches and other yard elements with them.

Ice shards.

We paint the water blue, pour it into a rectangular mold in a thin layer, put the mold in the freezer, after hardening, hit the ice surface with a kitchen hammer, select beautiful fragments and place them somewhere outside.

Frozen heart.

Method number 1. Place heart-shaped pebbles on the bottom of a round plate, fill with water and place in the freezer, then take out the product and place it edge-on on a flat surface.

Method number 2. Place the berries in a heart-shaped baking dish and pine needles, put the mold in the freezer, then remove the product from the mold and place it somewhere in a visible place in the yard.

How to make garlands from ice.

In a mold for ice, lay out a thick woolen thread in a circle, pour in water, and put the mold in the freezer. After the water has hardened, carefully pull the tip of the string, followed by all the pieces of ice that should pop out of the mold. To obtain a colored garland, the water must first be tinted with food coloring.

Instead of an ice tray, you can use the base of a box of chocolates.

How to effectively decorate your home for the New Year:

New Year decoration made from ice will help you quickly, simply and inexpensively decorate your area for the upcoming holiday. If you have not yet tried to create street decorations from ice, then we recommend urgently rectifying the situation; we assure you that you will definitely enjoy this pastime.

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