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Landscape style in landscape design: learning English romance. The beauty of wildlife - landscape style in landscape design

Many sources say that the landscape style appeared in the 18th century in England. According to history, English naturalists created new cultural currents from the East, which eventually affected the literature and painting of the country. It turns out that there was a major cultural explosion, which led to the emergence of new views on the world of landscape design.

Thus, a landscape-style park will be not so much the fruit of interrelated ideas from the East, but an original phenomenon of English culture, which embodied the idea of ​​the naturalness and beauty of the surrounding world and the people who created it, of course.

By itself, a landscape-style garden suggests a free and natural arrangement of various elements of the landscape. Here you can see straightness, and correctness and symmetry are excluded. The main feature of the landscape landscape style is the absence of any hints of its man-made origin.

Often, a somewhat chaotic, but at the same time carefully thought-out arrangement of the main parts and elements can be used. A mandatory feature of this direction is uneven terrain with ravines and hills, which can be not only artificial, but also natural. Often there are also ponds of irregular shape.

Pond in landscape style (video)

The compositions here are usually created in such a way that in the process of moving along the paths, a person constantly comes across several hidden compositions in his field of vision - for example, behind each bend of the path he should receive new impressions and be convinced of the unexpectedness of decisions related to the art of creating a landscape landscape.

Of course, harmony should also be present in this case - this is a kind of indicator completion of the landscape. The paths that go along the site should have a sinuous shape, but at the same time their turns should not be sharp in any case. As the material from which these paths are created, it is necessary to use improvised means donated by nature or imitating it. Here we can very well say that there is some similarity with the well-known Feng Shui teaching - on the basis of it, the paths that smoothly turn into other directions should become excellent conductors for positive energy Qi, which ensures a harmonious state of a person, thus creating his successful interaction with environment.

And, it should be noted, the smoothness and sinuosity of the lines should be in all forms of a landscape style park - in original form trees, in a beautiful natural stone and even the roofs of the houses adjacent to the park should take part in this ensemble.

Of course, in a landscape style garden it is difficult to underestimate the role of all kinds of water objects - ponds, streams, small waterfalls or even an artificial swamp. The most important thing here is that they look as natural as possible.

In the process of choosing plants for planting, you need to use exactly those species that are natural for a particular climate zone, that is, for the area where the personal plot is located. Only here it should be taken into account that in order to give some kind of "overseas" flavor, it is important to plant exactly those plants that are characteristic of this part of the world. This, as you know, can be very difficult, especially for middle lane Russia, and therefore it is important to keep in mind this moment.

As for the examples of landscape style, the old English manors of the past centuries clearly stand out among them. On the territory of the countries of the former CIS, some Crimean parks can be noted, the style of which was actually borrowed from the British at one time.

Pond in landscape style (part 2) (video)

Landscape style in landscape design (20 photos)

A natural style garden or landscape garden reflects the kind of terrain that we would like to get when it is laid out. A landscape can be called any area that we see around: forest, steppe, sea, village houses or a metallurgical plant. Not all landscapes are equally good, so we try to choose the one that we like the most.

Choosing a landscape garden

The choice of scenery should, of course, match the taste of the whole family. Based on the general family choice, all subsequent work is planned, which will take into account the features of the selected landscape. Consider the version of the forest landscape, which is so familiar to everyone.

forest landscape

To form it, you must follow the rules:

  • if the natural relief, soil and vegetation are preserved on the existing site, then it is better to preserve this natural gift as much as possible. Most interesting sites it is better to leave it unchanged when planning;
  • terraforming (creation of hills, reservoirs, etc.), associated with the opening of the fertile cover, must be carried out carefully, preserving the flora;
  • the maximum naturalness of the created landscape will be given by local plant cultures, this will express the stylistic orientation of the garden;
  • varietal plants should be skillfully combined with the species available on the site;
  • it is better not to rush into laying out the garden, but to postpone the controversial decision and think it over thoroughly and only then put it into practice.

Landscape garden - Learn from nature

When considering the layout of a garden with a forest landscape, it is better to collectively go to the forest with a camera, find corners that are attractive to everyone. Then the places you like can be reproduced in the garden. Thus, each member of the family will have their favorite place to relax. For the whole family, this landscape garden will be a great place for relaxation, like a magical land where the kind magician from the movie "Cinderella" transferred the guests of the ball.

It is useful to pay attention to the relief of the corner you like, to study the vegetation in a clearing or in a shaded lowland. The plants there will be different, and when decorating the landscape, they should be planted in accordance with their preferences. It is difficult to find an absolutely flat surface in nature, therefore, when creating a project landscape garden, it’s good to plan hills and lowlands, a forest clearing and a stream with a bridge, a transparent birch grove and a mysterious spruce forest. If it is possible to harmoniously bring all the attractive elements into a single landscape ensemble, then we can say that the landscape-style garden was a success.

Plants in a forest landscape garden

Not bad if small Christmas trees grow on the territory of the future garden. But you should know that a large number of these trees with age will make the area darker and more gloomy. If there are a lot of Christmas trees, then it is better to transplant them to a certain corner of the garden, creating a wild spruce forest. Young trees will easily tolerate a neat transplant.

But birches and pines are best left in place, because even as they grow, they do not create gloom. You can add an undergrowth of hazel, euonymus, currant, viburnum or various varietal plants to them.

The beauty and organic nature of the forest garden will be added by forest low plants planted next to coniferous trees, such as strawberries, stone berries, violets. Together with other low-growing species, they will create beautiful living green carpets. cultivation ground cover plants eliminates the need to break the lawn, which, moreover, will not look appropriate here.

Landscape style is also good because it does not require too much investment. Saving money, but investing soul and love for native nature, you can get for many years a great place for family holidays.

The concept of style is well known, because any activity today is carried out within the framework of this definition. The stylistic direction includes the features of some art, characteristic of a certain time. Landscape design, however, like many other architectural and construction projects, also takes place according to a certain style trend. Choosing the right style of landscape design is not an easy task. Firstly, the types of landscape design are quite diverse, and secondly, not every style will look perfect in a particular area. But the desire of any owner land plot is that, when they see his territory, those around him characterize it with the word: “Delightful!”. Therefore, creating a landscape masterpiece requires a lot of effort, time and knowledge of what landscape design styles are and how best to reproduce them. This is what will be discussed below.

regular style

Landscaping in the style of a regular (classical) is characterized by symmetrical and graceful forms. It is characterized by the presence of restraint and clear boundaries. This stylistic direction suggests the presence of a large object as the main part of the landscape composition, it can be a water source, a pond or a statue. Around it are paths of absolutely even shape, strewn with pebbles or gravel, and trees are arranged according to the same principle. As a rule, the paths are necessarily decorated with carefully cut hair.

Regular style or classic

Classic style in landscape design allows organization, planted in a strict symmetrical arrangement. Flower representatives can be from the brightest to discreet shades. The flower bed decorated with tulips, petunias, crocuses, for example, marigolds will also look most suitable for this style.

As part of such landscape compositions there may be trees of strict form. For example, the territory can be decorated with linden, catalpa, spruce or is also perfect.

characteristic feature garden, decorated in a classic style is the organization of bosquets, that is, geometric compositions created by decorative shearing of densely planted bushes or trees.

Classic style in the backyard

landscape style

What it is? In short, this direction is the exact opposite of the aforementioned regular style.

It is characterized by the absence of any symmetry, clarity, restraint, everything is as natural and natural as possible. When designing in a landscape style, it is recommended not to focus on large objects, including the house itself, but rather to skillfully hide it behind the trees.

landscape style

Features of such a landscape project are:

  • Wildflowers and those that can be found in forest lands. They should be planted in an asymmetric order, according to the principle of the natural landscape. Some experts advise opting for colors of soft colors, close to pastels, which will create a greater effect of naturalness;
  • Winding paths. Undersized grass will serve as the optimal cover for them, you can also use brick chips or sand cover.

Landscape-style paths have a winding shape

Landscape garden (video description)

Japanese style design

The Japanese trend in landscape design is, first of all, achieving harmony between nature and man. Often this style is called "soothing", because the main goal of designing is to relax in the full sense of the word, from the physical state to the spiritual. Main landscape elements rocks and water count.

Japanese style

When designing the territory in this direction, focus on

  • paths paved with stone;
  • on decorative structures consisting of several stones (5-6 pieces);
  • construction of stone fountains or sculptures.

These components are mandatory requirement to create a Japanese atmosphere.

As for vegetation, there are several basic recommendations - flowers of calm shades, low trees. Irises, ferns, dwarf pines, hydrangea, heather are suitable alternatives.

As for one more element - “water”, it can be organized as a miniature one, decorating it with a bridge and. These elements will give the landscape Japanese expressiveness and color.

Japanese-style pond is a must

English style direction

English style in landscape design has a rich and long history. In view of this, often when designing a garden in this style, one can often find an imitation of ancient stylized ruins and statues.

English style

Very often the big picture personal plot complement natural water bodies, although artificial ones are no exception, but created following the example of the first. Tall trees, sandy shores can be used as decorations for reservoirs. The paths can be lined with natural or similar stone, and small shrubs are planted along, as usual.

Design engineering in English style carried out over large areas, as there is a need to accommodate a large number shrubs, trees, herbs. Dense vegetation is one of the main features.

For this flow, the observance of symmetry is completely irrelevant. On the contrary, winding paths, multi-tiered plants, alternation of shrubs and lawns and other contradictions are completely normal for a garden created according to the English principle. However, it is impossible not to mention the perfectly trimmed lawn, which is the main skate in this direction.

English style in the garden

Country style

So far from a complex civilization, and so close to natural primitiveness, the style in landscape design is rustic. Its characteristic features are uncut grass on the lawn; inconspicuous and so common plants; wattle fence, instead of a high stone fence; decoration in the form of aged vessels various shapes. Among the trees, first of all, fruit trees, such as apple, cherry, pear, find their place, but flower beds are decorated with daisies, cornflowers, tulips - in general, everything that reminds of a distant and carefree childhood. The final touch, emphasizing simplicity and rusticity, will be decorating the site with a clumsy stuffed animal, wooden cart or wheel.

Country style


The American continent is certainly considered the birthplace of this direction, the times of the development of the Wild West still remind of themselves. wooden houses, garden fruit trees, a garden with a traditional wicker fence - all this is very familiar to the design of this style. In some features, it is very similar to the previous, rural one: there is still no lawns and natural grass, climbing plants on an extension to the house, trees and shrubs in wooden tubs, everything is quite natural and has no clear boundaries. Clay pots, wooden buckets or a trough act as decor.

Country style

Chinese style

Landscape design in the Chinese style is, first of all, the unity of the principles of the ancient culture of Feng Shui and modern achievements in landscape design. All components of the design should be located in their place according to the cardinal points. The basic rules are naturalness, splendor and beauty. Since according to Chinese omens red is a symbol of life and good luck, as well as wealth and fame, it is easy to assume that garden plot would be simply unthinkable without plants different shades red. One of the central places will be given to a pond with lotuses, a small bamboo bridge is an obligatory attribute.

Chinese style

A good option for choosing trees will be willow, peach or plum trees. Their number should be moderate so that they do not stand out too much and do not cover the main elements of landscape decoration. And of course, the main component of the overall picture has always been, is and will be - with a curved roof, built in the traditional Chinese style, which the inhabitants of the East call "the eyes of the garden."

mediterranean current

The main condition is the preservation of sophistication, but at the same time simplicity and nobility. Mediterranean style in landscape design involves the presence of "live" fences, consisting of shrubs, beautiful rose gardens, meadows with herbs and fruit trees.

mediterranean style

As in other style directions, the construction of some water components, for example, a fountain, a stream or a waterfall, will not be superfluous. In some cases, to achieve completeness and maximum compliance with the chosen style, it is recommended to build a gazebo, preferably where there are many trees. It can be decorated with flowerpots and provide a path leading to a water feature.

Consultation with an expert on choosing a style (video)

So, as you can see, the styles of landscape design are diverse and unique. And these are just some of them, in fact, there are a lot of them, for every taste. The main thing to remember is that a wise choice and the right approach is the key to making dreams come true!

Deciding which style of landscape design to choose for a summer cottage is a rather difficult task. Every person who dreams of his own plot or is already the owner of a summer house, a country house cherishes in his dreams the idea of ​​​​a beautiful garden. To realize your dream, you need to correctly determine the tasks that need to be solved. And the most important thing is to choose the forces of the landscape of your future site. Our article will help you solve this problem.

Conventionally, styles are divided into 2 types: regular and landscape.

regular style- gained popularity in France. Everything should be strict in this style, but in small garden it is difficult to arrange a regular style, because such a garden involves long walks through the labyrinths. In France, this style was associated with exquisite fountains and beautiful architecture.

landscape style much easier than the regular one. The characteristic of the landscape style is that it is natural, irregular forms are implied in it. For people who have chosen this style, this is a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Regular styles

1) french style landscape design was formed in the era of classicism. The humanists of this time strove for clarity of forms and lines, balance of compositions, symmetry and geometric correctness of contours, proportionality and simplicity. The creator of Versailles, gardener-architect Andre Le Nôtre can be considered the founder of the French style in landscape gardening art. If you have not been to Versailles, then the less remote Peterhof will allow you to imagine the solemnity and grandeur characteristic of the French style.

Landscapes in this style are characterized by spacious terraces, calm ponds without waterfalls, paths paved with artificially aged stone, and cut plants. However, in the parks of the 18th century, spacious and bright, low stairs, wide steps, or simply inclined planes were often used instead. The idea of ​​French parks often came down to emphasizing the grace of a house or palace. Instead of fences, this style suggests using ditches with water, which do not visually limit the space and often unexpectedly appear in front of walking guests. For this effect of surprise, the ditches-fences were once called "ah-ah." Now time-consuming channels have been replaced by graceful forged gratings.

In regular park building, every little thing is thought out. Benches, gazebos, bridges, park sculptures, fountains, curbs and even outdoor vases are located in the best places from the point of view of a landscape architect.

But, perhaps, the alleys can be considered the main sign of the French style. They can be parallel or radiate from the compositional center, they can intersect (almost always at a right angle) or rest against the shore of a reservoir, but it is they who will organize the symmetry of space that distinguishes the regular style from any other.

The alleys of the French park must be wide, spacious, perfectly straight. The central alley should go to the main building of the composition; as a rule, it is formed with the help of a dense planting of one type of trees. Those of you who have been to old estates, most likely saw centuries-old lindens, hornbeams, ash trees or especially lovely autumn maples. Mountain ash looks elegant on short alleys, and in general it can be noted that when laying out a park in the French style, exotic trees give way to domestic tree species.

The second exit of the alley traditionally led to free space with maximum visibility. At present, when it is not easy to find an unnecessary palace for such design delights, alleys often lead to garden sculptures, gazebos or fountains.

The most interesting element of the French style is the labyrinth. It became a property not only of royal parks, but also of estates in some Maly Sekhnovichi. A labyrinth in landscape design is, as a rule, thickets of shrubs with paths among them. The layout of the regular park presupposes here, first of all, the geometric shearing of the bushes. As with other elements of the French style, the labyrinth requires a significant area. Juniper, honeysuckle could be used to create them, although cases of adaptation to the hazel labyrinth are also known. In the 18th century, which was the heyday of the style, boxwood was popular in domestic parks, which, alas, constantly froze.

The flower beds in such gardens and parks are bright, often made of flowering plants also develops a symmetrical geometric ornament. However, historically, flowerbeds in French-style parks are borrowed from the Dutch school; they do not become the leading elements of park decor. But the planning features french style did not borrow from Dutch. But here there are unique elements- bosquets, which are essentially a flower bed, but made of trees. They are a compact planting of trees (sometimes at a distance of only 30-50 cm), forming closed space. The area inside such a landing is sometimes called a "green office". A bosquet can be used as a frame for a fountain or a sculpture.

2) Italian style. This style of landscape design is created according to the laws of a regular style. It is a small garden near the house, often surrounded by trimmed hedges. The surface of such a garden is geometrically divided into straight or diagonal paths. In the center of the garden, there is often a fountain or pond that surrounds a flower garden or paved area.

An Italian garden can be called a real work of art, in which nature and art are combined in harmony. The Italian garden is often located on a rather difficult terrain. If the garden does not have height differences, then bulk terraces and retaining walls are made, lined with stone or decorated with sculptures, niches or balustrades. They also use decorated stairs and ramps so that the terraces are interconnected and form a single composition. A lot of stone is one of the important differences of the Italian style. Fences, stairs and ramps are made from it to connect terraces, as well as fountains, cascades, pavilions in the park, balustrades, etc. Stone can also be decorative elements, such as benches, flowerpots and statues. Paving of platforms, paths and alleys is carried out from stone. In the center or along the axis of the garden are fountains, streams and some other water compositions characteristic of the Italian garden. The sound of water, as it were, brings some dynamics to the garden and becomes its musical accompaniment. Vegetation is of great importance for the arrangement of the Italian garden. The most popular are trees with a wide crown - cypress and oak. For a green hedge, use laurel, myrtle or boxwood. The components of the green massif are mainly oaks, poplars, chestnuts, fruit trees, elms, olives. For groups use conifers- cypress and Italian pine. In pergolas climbing roses, ivy and grapes are used. Italian style uses flowers to a limited extent, since their placement must be well and clearly planned.

One of the main features of the Italian garden is the indispensable use of topiary bushes. There are many trees and shrubs (coniferous and deciduous) that grow quickly and tolerate shearing well: thuja, barberry, common spruce, derain, etc. Often the Italian garden is characterized by the use of hedges and plant borders as a backdrop for fountains, decorative vases or sculptures. also in Italian style a combination of both abstract and geometric shapes is used. The main thing in this case is fantasy and a bold creative approach.

3) Moorish or Muslim style. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of several squares, the center of the composition is a fountain or pond, and around it plants are planted in a geometric sequence and paths are broken. Pools and fountains are often lined with marble or decorative glass, it is worth remembering that water in Islam is sacred, it is purification and life, without it the Garden of Eden is simply impossible to imagine. The framing of such a garden are galleries, which are entwined with roses or wild grapes. A characteristic feature of such a garden is a corner of aromas where they plant spices- such a heavenly place will surely appeal to the owners who adore spices and unusual aromas. Tiled or mosaic paving is common in the courtyard - it is both simple and elegant.

landscape styles

1) English style. This style is based on naturalness, it is a harmonious combination of human labors with the gifts of nature. There is no place for symmetry, geometric lines and shapes, most often the main role is played not by the house, but by the garden, while the building is hidden behind dense undergrowth or entwined with wild grapes. Picturesque reservoirs, winding paths, plants planted in tiers - all this is a landscape style. If you have an uneven area, do not worry, because this style involves alternating hills, slopes and flat areas. For reservoirs, it is worth creating a natural frame - planting near-water plants, sprinkle the soil with sand or pebbles, pave the paths with wild stone or cut tree trunks. Low shrubs are planted along the paths, but flowers in English garden a little - most often these are wild flowers and unobtrusive garden flowers - chamomile, calendula, aster, bluebell, and they are planted not in flower beds, but in chaotic groups.

2) Japanese style. The Japanese garden is indeed one of the most mysterious gardens, and in many ways this mystery lies in its simplicity. That's why he's so attractive. The Japanese style is also a special philosophy, and it influences the life of the owner of the garden, actively helping him. In the matter of getting rid of stress, finding inner harmony, the Japanese garden has no equal: here all the elements of style have been adjusted over the centuries for this very purpose. This is a garden easy care(although it seems complicated at first). But at the same time he is one of the most "professional".

A sense of proportion and taste are very important here, because the Japanese garden is a work of landscape art. And therefore, in order for such a garden to look organic in our conditions, you do not need to literally copy all its elements. Do not try to create it exactly as it is traditionally in Japan, but use the motifs, techniques, symbolism of this garden, using your pictorial means. Most often, a garden in this style takes small area, its beauty is in symbolism. Stone sculptures and figurines framing the reservoir, a light gazebo, and natural vegetation will be appropriate here. A special place in the Japanese garden is occupied by cherry blossoms - the embodiment of beauty and resilience. Perfectly get along in our climate and bonsai - bonsai, conifers and low shrubs. Do not forget about the stones - chaotic heaps and intricate compositions will complement the Japanese garden.

3) Chinese style. It has similarities with Japanese. The main feature in the hierarchy of elements in decor is the subordination of one to another. Another feature is the use of the teachings of Feng Shui: maintaining harmony between the elements of landscape design and between nature and man. In this form, the balance between water and land is harmoniously maintained, the harmony of clean areas with planted plants. Elements are often used in Japanese style: trees that have a non-standard shape, statues of idols or mythical heroes, lined with decorative rocks.

In the foreground in such a garden - water and stones, and only then architecture. Flowers play only a fleeting role, coniferous trees, bamboo, stunted shrubs will organically fit in, but the lawn may be completely absent. It is definitely worth building a wooden pointed gazebo for tea ceremonies on outdoors, stretch a bridge across the pond, you can hang Chinese lanterns around the perimeter of the site.

Modern styles

1) Country style. The country-style garden has a rural charm, it is a nostalgic peasant garden. Its main motto is naturalness and ease. Gardens in this style are common throughout the world; and in every country the rural garden has its own flavor. Country music is characterized by a certain non-negligence, cheerfulness, a motley mixture bright colors. This is a garden where a lot of things grow and there are many accessories. But the sloppiness here is actually very thoughtful. The country garden does not require complex care and can be arranged on a plot of any size, but the optimal one is from 6 to 12 acres. There are no special requirements for the shape and location of the site, but it is desirable that it is not in the forest.

Cosy country style: in fact, it is in search of this unique comfort that many people buy summer cottages. Characteristic of this style - the use of simple and uncomplicated forms and natural materials. Texture and color decorative elements should resemble the material from which the house is built - it can be stone, wood or brick. The garden is filled different colors- flowerbeds with bright flowers are appropriate here - mallows, peonies, phloxes, calendula, marigolds, dahlias and others.

There are no visual restrictions in such compositions. It is desirable to make furniture yourself - in last resort, chairs can be made from stumps, and a table from several boards. You can decorate the site with clay pots, wattle, old painted buckets or barrels - the main thing is not to be afraid to show your imagination and then your country cottage area it will be really unusual and very cozy.

2) Modern- one of the most elegant and mysterious styles, and he came to the garden from the interior. The Art Nouveau style that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century had such a strong influence on culture as a whole that it simply could not help but manifest itself in garden performance. The main highlight of the Art Nouveau style is the line.

Art Nouveau lines are smooth, flowing, bewitching, arched. They seem to flow into themselves. The style is not one of the simplest, because here, like nowhere else, the connections between the zones between each other and the garden with the house must be perfect. A well-made garden in this style is like music. There is something in it from Japanese garden: the same elegance, meaningfulness. The Art Nouveau site is mostly decorative, but despite its apparent simplicity, it requires careful maintenance. The plot of medium and large sizes is optimal - from 10 acres, the shape is best of all complex, irregular. The area should not be too dry.- Repair, decoration of premises

The English style in landscape design began to take shape in the 18th century under the influence of eminent figures of the Age of Enlightenment, such as Voltaire and Rousseau. People tried with all their might to gain knowledge about history, architecture, traditions, but at the same time, a return to nature, its primacy and supremacy was promoted in every possible way. For this reason, people began to pay more and more attention to the surrounding space. tried to make it not only original, but also natural. Such landscape style called landscape. The most famous example is Stowe Gardens in Buckinghamshire. English style in landscape design is based on the following principles:

  • open plan;
  • the illusion of natural landscape compositions;
  • emphasizing natural charms and masking flaws;
  • the integrity of the composition.

The priority of the "English" style of landscape design is naturalness.

In contrast to the French Versailles type of gardens, which, with carefully modeled shrubs and straight paths, should emphasize the absolute control of mankind over nature, the English natural landscape asserts that art that is indistinguishable from nature has the highest value.

The landscape landscape welcomes uneven natural relief - slopes, hills, natural reservoirs, ravines and swamps.

All architectural structures in this case are secondary. They fit into the natural design in such a way that it seems that all the plants were located here long before the construction, and the person only carved out a free place for the building.

Often masters of garden art beat the "element of surprise" in the design of the site. The latter implies that there are hidden compositions in the park, which the visitor does not know about, and which reveal to him the magnificence of the garden from different facets. For example, a picturesque bridge, a pavilion or just a beautiful view of the natural landscape can await guests around the bend of the path.

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Composition features

The design of the garden in the English style suggests a riot of color and an abundance of flowers.

Landscape style is now in vogue, as it allows you to beat the natural features of the relief, simulate a meadow, forest, field. English landscape design allows a person to relax and unwind as much as possible. The English design is characterized by soft lines; no tiled paths or bare ground can be found here. Often even the contours of houses are decorated and hidden by greenery. Plants and shrubs climb along the walls of architectural structures and tree trunks. All corners are carefully hidden and masked. The English landscape landscape is convenient for those people who do not really like or do not have time to care for the garden. Plants, trees and shrubs are free to grow back without spoiling the design and style of the site. They are cut only when access is closed. sunlight through the windows, or interfere with the passage.

All paths in the English garden lead to the climax: to the gazebo, house, pond, bench.

Such a landscape can be made in the form of a meadow of wild and cultivated herbs. Mandatory in this case are honey plants, which are designed to attract bees, butterflies and other insects to the meadow, giving additional charm to the site. All decorative buildings are desirable to be made of natural materials like stone or wood. They fit well with the design. Landscape landscape style involves the use of those plants that are typical for your area. They are designed to create the most natural and natural landscape. Despite the seeming randomness, such a landscape style requires mandatory planning. It is necessary to place trees, flowers, shrubs and other plants in such a way that they not only fit into the design, but are also provided with light and shade according to their needs.

This landscape style involves planting garden flowers, forest and field perennials closer to home. It is recommended to arrange a reservoir on the territory. Please note that the pool will definitely not fit into the landscape. Stop your choice on a small lake or pond, the best irregular shape. Pour sand and pebbles on the shore. To decorate the surface, you can plant in water:

  • nymphaeum;
  • water lily;
  • water hyacinth;
  • water lily;
  • water chestnut;
  • yellow pod.