Shower      31.10.2020

Tasks of the intellectual game for younger students. Intellectual game for schoolchildren. Why do we need intellectual games for children

During a long trip, rainy weather or in the country, away from the toys of the child, you can take an exciting and useful game. Intellectual games are good for their accessibility and develop the child. With their help, time will fly by unnoticed. And at the same time, they do not require money or special training.

Orientation of intellectual games

Intellectual games have a huge potential and allow you to develop:

  • Memory. During the game, both involuntary and arbitrary memory work - even children preschool age they will remember the information given in this form very well.
  • Attention. In an interesting game, the child concentrates it as much as possible, trying not to lose sight of the smallest details.
  • Thinking. Thinking about a difficult but exciting task, the student will be able to perfectly train this skill, learn the solution algorithms for the future.
  • Logic. Intellectual games are inextricably linked with logical thinking, allow you to instill its foundations in children younger age and improve with older students.
  • Speech. A number of games, using the child's speech, develop the articular apparatus and help to assimilate new grammatical structures.

The game can have its own specifics and be aimed at the development of only one of these processes or train several skills. In today's article, we will consider multitasking games. In addition to the above processes, they will also help develop imagination, creative thinking, fine motor skills and etc.

Principles of application of intellectual games

When offering a game to a child, it is important to remember the following principles:

  • The game must be interesting. Invite your child to have fun, evoke the spirit of competition in him, and monitor his behavior during the game. If enthusiasm quickly dries up, it is better to change the task.
  • The game should have an optimal level of difficulty. Too easy - it will not be able to rive the attention of the child for a long time, very complex - it can upset him, cause displeasure or resentment.
  • The child needs support, help and praise. Be prepared for the fact that you yourself will have to break your head over the problem - the child should feel your interest, see participation. Praise his successes, but do not overpraise, and reduce criticism to a minimum or remove it altogether.

Game "Monkey"

Being a monkey isn't always a bad thing!

What develops: attention, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements

The game begins with a small fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a little monkey. And one day she got really bored. She was sitting at the table and was sad when the boy entered the room. The monkey hid under the table and watched. The boy went to the sideboard and took a candy - the monkey also ran to the sideboard and took out a candy. The boy unfolded the paper - the monkey unfolded it. The boy took a bite, the monkey took a bite. The boy smiled and so did she.

Next, the adult offers the child (children) a game in which he himself becomes a boy from a fairy tale, and the child becomes a monkey. After that, the parent can show any actions (for example, assemble a model), and the task of the child is to quickly repeat them.

What item was removed?

What develops: attention, memory, logic

A set of any items is laid out in front of the child (the optimal number for children elementary school– 5-9). The task of the student is to carefully consider all the items (within 30-50 seconds) and remember them. Then he turns away, and the adult removes one object. The child must determine which item was removed. If he finds it difficult, then you can give a hint: “This object is red”, “It is round”, etc.

For the development of logic, you can slightly change the conditions of the game. To guess the missing object, the child is given a number of logical clues: “He was lying behind the scissors, but in front of the pen”, “The object is larger than a notebook, but smaller than a book”, “It has four corners, but not a square”, etc.

"Chronological Sequence"

What develops: memory, attention, thinking, speech, logic

It is necessary to prepare several pictures based on a fairy tale. For example, for the fairy tale bun, you can draw a grandfather and grandmother, a cheerful bun, a hare, a wolf, etc. You can search for relevant images in books and the Internet.

"Picture Story"

What allows developing: attention, logic, speech, fantasy

The child is offered several pictures, for example, one shows a girl holding a candy, the second shows a girl with an empty candy wrapper in her hands, and the third shows a crying girl. The student needs to make logical story by these pictures. In this case, the events in the story should go in the sequence in which the images were presented.

"Locate in correct sequence»

What develops: attention, thinking, logic

The child needs to arrange the objects in the correct sequence based on logical conditions. Example:

A green circle cannot be next to a red square. The blue triangle must come before the green circle but after the yellow square. The red square is always the last one. The yellow square is paired with the blue triangle...

"Frame of balloons"

What develops: attention, thinking

Task: Imagine that you have 15 balloons. 5 of them yellow color, 5 - blue, 5 - red. You need to arrange them in a triangular frame so that there are no balls of the same color next to each other.

"Solve the code and complete"

What develops: memory, attention, thinking, logic

The child is presented with a series of images that are selected according to a certain principle. The task is to unravel this principle (code) and complete the series.

For example, the sequence:

What figure should be put instead of the question mark:

Pictures from G. E. Akimov “SUPERintelligence. Effective training for the development of natural genius "

"Geometric cipher"

What develops: attention, memory, logic, thinking, speech

The child is offered the following scheme:

And conditions:

Thus, the word/phrase to be deciphered is encoded. For example:

Pictures from A. Hart-Davies "Amazing Math Puzzles"

"Turn the Cups"

What develops: attention, thinking, logic

Seven cups upside down are placed in a row in front of the child. In one move, you can turn three cups (no more and no less). Task: Place all the cups correctly in three moves.


What develops: attention, memory, thinking, speech

Before starting the game, you need to make a series of questions on general intelligence, knowledge, erudition, quick wits. Questions can be both with multiple choice answers (How many planets are there in the solar system? A) 6; B) 3; AT 8; D) 9.), and without (How many emperors were there in Russia?).

To increase interest in the game, you can award your child points for each correct answer, and then exchange them for prizes. Or arrange a small competition between children, who will give more correct answers.

"Riddles with a trick"

What develops: attention, memory, thinking, logic, speech

There are a huge number of riddles with a trick, which are interesting to solve for both adults and children:

  • Can hands be a pronoun? If yes, then when? (When they are you-we-you)
  • What bird will become the largest in Europe if it loses only one letter? (Oriole)
  • Which month is the shortest? (May - only three letters)
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to enter a house? (When the door is open)
  • In which month does the chatty girl talk the least? (February is a short month)

You can find such riddles in books or on the Internet.


The players start counting aloud from one to one hundred, calling the numbers in turn. The task of the players is to say the word “true-la-la” instead of numbers that are divisible by 7 or include the word “seven” in their name (you can think of any other funny phrase; and instead of 7, choose another number, for example, 4). The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The remaining participants start counting from the beginning. You need to keep score quickly, then misses happen often, and the game turns out to be very fun. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

Earth, air, water, fire

An interesting word game for children on the speed of thinking. The participants of the game form a circle, in the middle of which the driver stands. He throws the ball in turn or balloon Hic to the players, naming one of the elements: earth, air, water or fire. If the driver said the word “Earth!”, Then the one who caught the ball needs to quickly (while the driver counts to five) name some domestic or wild animal; to the word "Water!" the player responds with the name of a fish or aquatic animal; to the word "Air!" - the name of the bird (flying insect). At the word "Fire!" everyone should wave their hands. Anyone who makes a mistake or cannot name the animal is out. It is impossible to repeat the names of animals, fish and birds.

Word volleyball

In this game, participants stand in a circle and throw a ball or a balloon to each other. At the same time, the player who throws calls any noun, and the one who catches the ball needs to name a verb that is suitable in meaning, for example: the sun is shining, the dog is barking, etc. If the player calls an inappropriate verb, he is eliminated from the game.

All questions - one answer

In advance, you need to prepare cards with the names of various household items. These can be kitchen utensils, household appliances, household and other items, for example: a frying pan, a saucepan, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, a broom, a mop, etc.

The players sit in a circle. The facilitator approaches each participant and offers to pull out a piece of paper with the name of the subject from the hat (box). When everyone has sorted out the cards, the leader stands in the center of the circle, and the game begins. The host asks the players in turn a variety of questions, and the players must answer these questions only with the names of the items they got on the cards (in addition, only prepositions are allowed). Rules: you need to answer questions very quickly, while the one who is talking to the host is forbidden to laugh, while the rest of the participants can deliberately make him laugh.

Options for questions and answers:

  • What is your name? - Mop.
  • And what do you brush your teeth with in the morning - Vacuum cleaner.
  • What is the name of your hairstyle? - Washcloth.
  • And who are your friends? - Frying pans.
  • What do you have instead of eyes? - Spoons.

The main task of the presenter is to come up with such questions, the answers to which involuntarily cause laughter from both specific players and all other participants. The laughing player is out of the game. The most imperturbable participant who knows how to restrain his emotions wins.

Answers out of place

The essence of the game: you need to answer any questions of the host very quickly, without hesitation, with any proposal that is not related to question asked. For example, the facilitator asks: “Isn’t the weather wonderful today?” The player needs to answer something like this: "I think today is Saturday." If he makes a mistake or answers in monosyllables (for example, says "yes", "no", "true" or "false"), then he is out of the game. One participant in the game cannot be asked more than three questions in a row. The leader's task is to try to confuse the player. For example, he asks: "Isn't it wonderful weather today?" The player replies, "I think today is Saturday." Host: Is today Saturday? Player: "I like to go to the movies." Host (quickly): “Do you like to go to the movies? One, two…” Playing by inertia: "Yes" - that's it, he lost the dialogue and is out!


Into this simple fun game, which does not require any additional props, can be played sitting at the table. A leader is chosen, who asks everyone in turn a variety of questions. The task of the players is to give the same answer: “sausage” or related words: “sausage”, “sausage”, etc. The main thing is to answer with the most serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game. The winner is the player who will cope with his emotions to the end and will not succumb to the host's provocations. Laughter during the game is guaranteed!


Fun outdoor game for kids. The host calls the participants words denoting the names of objects, and the players need to quickly find this item and hand it to the host. The difficulty lies in the fact that the presenter calls all objects “back to front”, for example: chyam, akzhol, agink, alquq (ball, spoon, book, doll). Fun for kids guaranteed!

Are you going to the ball?

A fun word game for quick reaction for a small company. The essence of the game: the participants are not allowed to laugh (and even smile!), as well as to pronounce the words: “yes”, “no”, “black” and “white”. The one who violates these conditions gives the phantom to the host of the game - any item he has, after which he leaves the game. When there is no longer a single player left in the game, everyone who has given away forfeits redeem them by completing fun tasks invented by the presenter.

The game begins with the host coming up to each player in turn with the words: “The lady sent you a golik and a broom, and a hundred rubles of money, ordered not to laugh, not to smile, not to say yes and no, black, white do not wear. Are you going to the ball?"

Examples of possible dialogs with player errors:

  • - Are you going to the ball?
  • - I'll go.
  • “Would you like to stay at home?”
  • No, I'll go. Oh…
  • What color will your dress be? White?
  • — Yellow.
  • - Then the hat, of course, will be white?
  • - Not white, and pink. Oh…
  • - Are you going in a carriage?
  • - Most likely in a carriage
  • What will you wear to the ball?
  • - Nice dress.
  • — Black?
  • — Blue.
  • - Will it be sewn especially for this ball?
  • - Certainly.
  • “And you will be the most irresistible lady at the ball?”
  • - Necessarily.
  • - And you will kiss everyone in a row?
  • No! Oh…

During the game, the host tries to make the one who answers laugh; in addition, he asks questions so that the forbidden words are spoken as soon as possible, and the players pay for it with forfeits.

(The host enters the stage against the background of music.)


"Good afternoon!" I tell you today.

"Good afternoon!" - I greet you.

And even though there are a good hundred of you in the hall

Everyone can answer now.

Do you like to play, friends?

Choir answer!

All. Yes!


There are many games in the world.

Do you know everything, children?

All. No!


"Lapta", "Fifteen", "Cities"

For everyone familiar?

Or maybe you remember, dear friend

A game called "Ikibuk"?

All. No!


Meanwhile, she is simple,

As soon as you read the letters,

So just name the word.

Stay where you are

We will read the word together.

Three four - ...


Leading. Why is our game called "IKI-BOOK" and not "CUBE" as we have just read? Because, in my opinion, the game of ordinary cubes is too simple, and in our game called "Ikibuk" there are tasks that will require your ingenuity, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Leading. Today, in an intellectual game called "Ikibuk", a team takes part ... and a team ... They are led by captains (name) and (name).

Dear viewers! I hope the participants are ready to show us how strong, smart and erudite they are, because these are the qualities that our esteemed jury will evaluate. Meet!

(Jury presentation.)

Leading. The rules of the game will be as follows: each team receives a cube of its own color, on which a different number of dots are marked on all sides.

(Teams are given large foam rubber cubes.)

At my signal, representatives from each team, approaching the playing field, roll their die. We count only those points that are on the top sides of the dice that have fallen out, and add them up. The resulting number will determine for the players the area from which tasks or questions will be given. Are the conditions clear?

All. Yes!

Leading. Then take a look at the regions.

(A poster is posted.)

2 - mathematics,

3 - game with the audience,

4 - the world around,

5 - music,

6 - Russian language,

9 - competition of captains,

11 - physical education,

12 - musical pause.

If the same area falls out twice in a row, the players make a new move. The entire game lasts 50 minutes. As soon as the clock announces the end of time, we sum up the final results of the game.

(Note: During the game, the goal is not to complete all the tasks.)


"Ikibuk" we start,

We're rolling the dice!

(Team representatives roll the dice. The leader determines the area, asks only one question or one task from it. Teams answer. The leader announces the correct answer and sums up. The game continues on.)

Variants of questions and tasks Mathematics

1. Logical task.

Grandfather Archimedes has a large family.

There are only seven children, and all sons.

Each son has a couple of children.

How many grandchildren does Archimedes have? (14)

2. Logical task. A man was asked how many children he had. He replied: “I have four sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? (Five)

3. Logical task. How to measure 1 liter of water using a two-liter and three-liter jar? (Fill a three-liter jar with water, pour water to the top into a two-liter jar, the remaining amount of water will be the answer to the question.)

4. Logical task. Kolya and Sasha have the surnames Gvozdev and Shinov. What last name does each of them have if Sasha and Shinov live in neighboring houses? (Kolya Shinov, Sasha Gvozdev)

Game with spectators

1. Guess who said these words:

"Great day", -

Said ... (deer, seal)

"But it's going to rain"

Said... (hoopoe)

"I'm going to the wagon"

Said... (python)

"Do not rush", -

Said... (trot)

"And I'm afraid,"

Whimpered ... (goose)

"You make everyone laugh"

Said... (mouse)

"The game is over"

said... (starling)

2. Game with the hall "Trees".

apple tree, pear, featherbed, birch,

Spruce, suitcase, TV, mimosa!

cherry, cherry, boot, orange,

linden, alder, grape, mandarin.

Plum, aspen, lilac,

Ash, paper, wattle.

Tooth, cypress, cherry plum,

Gum, pine, tower!

3. Fairytale competition.

Leading. Guys, if you hear the name of a hero or a famous fairy tale in my story, then raise your hands up.

When I was quite a boy-with-a-finger, I was very fond of fishing. And for twelve whole months I waited for my mother to let me go to the village to my grandfather. During this time, I grew up like Gulliver, and my mother let me go alone. But some three fat men stole worms and a fishing rod from me. For their snow queen to gore, for their ugly duckling to bite!

4. The game "word-enemies."

Leading. Big - small, wide - narrow - these are enemy words. Try to answer in chorus what pairs you get if you take the following words:

deep - ... (shallow)

large - ... (small)

salty - ... (sweet)

fast slow)

clean - ... (dirty)

down up)

start - ... (end)

large - ... (small)

heavy - ... (light)

right left)

a lot - ... (little)

catch - ... (release).

The world

1. The game "Tops and Roots" . Participants are given vegetables without tops on the tables. The leader, showing the tops, says: "Top, top, where is your root?". Children pick up selected vegetables. Whoever picks the right one gets a point.

(Vegetable options: potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, zucchini, onions.)

2. Competition "Who lives where?" Recall the name of the dwelling of the following animals:

- dog (kennel);

- a pig (pigsty);

- horse (stable);

- cow (shed).

3. Competition "Domestic and wild animals" . Participants per team are given two cards: "pet" and "wild animal". The host calls the animal. The team, after conferring, determines his belonging to a particular group and raises the appropriate card.

(Animal options: bear, ram, sheep, goat, fox, horse, cow, hare, rabbit, squirrel, sable, marten, bison, wolf, beaver.)

4. Competition "Define the device" . Solve riddles about the devices used in human life. (Participants of each team are given a barometer, clock, compass.)

Leading. How are these devices similar?

(Children's answers.)

Leading. That's right, each device has a moving arrow. Now, knowing the similar and distinctive features of these devices, you can easily cope with my riddles and give the correct answer, showing the answer to all viewers.

Puzzles(B.V. Shirshov):

When this friend is with you

You can without roads

Walk north and south

To the west and east. (Compass)

On the arm and on the wall

And on the tower above

They walk, they walk smoothly

From sunrise to sunrise. (Watch)

He worries and pleases sailors,

Reporting weather news.

He rises, then he falls

And always in place. (Barometer)


1. Song contest . Perform one verse of a song about winter with the whole team. Who remembers more songs?

2. Competition "Define a tool" . Remember the names musical instruments shown in the pictures.

(Options: button accordion, accordion, drum, balalaika, harp, violin, harp, guitar.)

3. Competition "Performers" . What are the names of groups of performers of one piece of music, if they include:

- 2 people (duet),

- 3 people (trio),

- 4 people (quartet).

4. Competition "Oh, these dances!" . Remember how you can more titles dancing.

(Options: polka, waltz, round dance, minuet, etc.)

Russian language

1. Logical task. From the word "ikibuk" write down all the letters in alphabetical order. (B, I, K, U)

2. Logic task . How to say correctly:

- fish don't have teeth

- fish have no teeth

- fish don't have teeth

Do fish have no teeth?

(Fish don't have teeth.)

3. Competition "Winter" words " . In 30 seconds, come up with as many words on the winter theme, consisting of 4 letters. (Snow, skiing, winter, ...)

4. Competition "Enter a letter" . Substituting the desired letter instead of dots, write down the resulting words. Who will make 4 words faster?

(Suggested letters: d, c, b, k, z, h, w, p. Variants of the resulting words: oak, cube, tooth, forelock.)


1. Competition "Let's do it ourselves" . Participants are given pre-prepared narrow strips of paper and glue. Task: glue a multi-colored chain in 1 minute. Who will have it longer?

2. Quiz. Remember:

- What is the name of the work where pieces of colored paper are glued? (Applique)

- A type of work where the pattern is depicted by sewing. (Embroidery)

- What is the name of weaving threads with knitting needles? (Knitting)

3. Competition "Snowflake" . Cut out a snowflake from paper as quickly and beautifully as possible. What team can do it?

4. Competition "Spit - girlish beauty" . Weave a braid out of ropes. The execution time is 30 seconds. Whose braid will be longer?


1. Competition "Continue the poem." The host reads the beginning of A. Barto's poems for each team. The task of the players is to continue the poem in unison.

For the 1st team:

They dropped the bear on the floor.

Tore off the bear's paw...

(I won't leave him anyway -

Because he's good.)

I love my horse

I comb her hair smoothly ...

(I will smooth the tail with a comb

And I'll go on horseback to visit.)

For the 2nd team:

There is a goby, swinging,

Sighing as you go...

(- Oh, the board ends.

Now I'm going to fall.)

The hostess abandoned the bunny,

Bunny left in the rain...

(I could not get off the bench,

Wet to the skin.)

For both teams:


Rope in hand...

(I pull the boat

On the fast river

And the frogs jump

Behind me

And they ask me:

"Ride on, captain!")

2. Competition "Guess". Name the author and work:

“She was shivering from the cold: her dress was torn, and she was so small, tender - how could she not be cold! It began to snow, and each snowflake for her was the same as for us making a shovel in the snow. After all, we are big, and she was only an inch tall ”(G.H. Andersen“ Thumbelina ”).

“The needlewoman obeyed. They went to the house. His house was made entirely of ice: the doors, the windows, and the floor were icy, and the walls were decorated with snow stars; the sun shone on them, and everything in the house shone like diamonds. Instead of a feather bed, he had fluffy snow on his bed ”(V. Odoevsky“ Moroz Ivanovich ”).

3. Competition "Quick Reading" . A member of the team is selected. He is given a children's magazine or newspaper with an unfamiliar text. The task of the participant is to read the marked passage quickly and clearly. Who will do better?

4. Competition "Composers" . Write a rhyming poem.

For the 1st team: For the 2nd team:

frost game

us the beginning

Competitions for captains

1. Competition "Collect skittles". Skittles are placed on the floor. Music sounds. The captains go around. As soon as the music stops, they need to collect as many pins as possible. Who will win?

2. Competition "Patter". Who will pronounce the tongue twister faster: “Pasha has chess, Sasha has checkers”?

3. Quiz. Answer the questions:

What is another name for tomatoes? (Tomatoes)

What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep)

4. Competition "Guess". Guess the riddles:

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't say anything. (Language)

- Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

- Between two luminaries, I am alone in the middle. (Nose)


1. Competition "Colors of colors". There are only three colors in front of the participants. Make up as many shades and other colors as possible.

2. Competition "Who is this?". Small excerpts of songs of cartoon characters sound. Task: schematically draw a character who performs a song. Who has a better portrait?

(Options: Winnie the Pooh, Leopold, Pinocchio, etc.)

3. Competition "Magic points". Representatives of the teams need to connect the points in the proposed drawing in order so that they get the outline of the ship. Who will complete the task faster?

4. Competition "Make-up artists" . Make up one of the players of your team. Whose hero will look more spectacular?

(Options: Indian, Baba Yaga.)

Physical training

1. Competition "Nuclear Throwers". Called one player per team. Who will throw the balloon next?

2. Competition "Strongmen". One representative per team participates. Clench the newspaper in a fist so that it is not visible.

3. Competition "The most flexible". Which of the team representatives will spin the gymnastic hoop longer?

4. Competition "Ay, yes I am!". Which of the team representatives will be able to do push-ups more once?

Musical pause

3-4 amateur performances are prepared in advance, which can be included in this program.

Leading. Attention!

Hours, friends, we are told

What time is up for the guys.

It's time to sum up

And reward all the players.

(The jury sums up. Awarding the winners and participants.)


Dear guests!

All those who love to play

We will be looking forward to visiting.

How do we get commands?

We will hold Ikibuk.

You can apply for participation at ... (name of institution) no later than ... (day, month, year).

Goodbye! See you soon!


1. Foam rubber cubes of different colors, 20x20 cm in size, from 1 to 6 dots are drawn on each side.

2. Playing field: a bright square 2x2 m made of fabric or fiberboard.

3. Pens, paper for the jury.

4. A poster with the name of knowledge areas and additional sectors.

5. Two- and three-liter jars.

6. Vegetables, tops from them.

7. Cards: "pet", "wild animal" - 2 sets.

8. Different types thermometers.

9. Pictures depicting musical instruments.

10. A card the size of a landscape sheet, where the end of the word “...ub” is written, a poster with the letters: d, c, b, k, s, n, h, sh.

11. Colored narrow strips of paper, glue - 2 sets.

12. Ropes for braids - 2 sets.

13. Cards with rhymes.

14. Skittles - 9 pcs.

15. 3 paints, paper, 3 brushes - 2 sets.

16. Felt pens, paper - 2 sets.

17. Target, water pistols, diluted paints.

18. Makeup - 2 pcs.

19. Balloons - 2 pcs.

20. Newspapers - 2 pcs.

21. Gymnastic hoop - 2 pcs.

22. Paper, scissors - 2 sets.

Young children love to compete in agility, speed, strength. They like it and role-playing games allowing you to transform into another person. We offer 13 different funny contests which can be used for any occasion.

1. "Chefs"

Props: envelopes containing letters that make up some "edible" word (for example, "carrot"); a sheet of paper and a pen.

Children are divided into teams, each of which receives an envelope. The task of the participants is to assemble a word from the letters as quickly as possible. After that, on a piece of paper you need to write as many dishes as possible in which this ingredient is present. The task can be complicated: the teams are given not one envelope, but several. From the words made up, the guys must make a recipe for a dish.

2. "Artists"

Props: a thick sheet of white paper, a felt-tip pen, cards with words.

Children are divided into pairs. Each pair draws a card with a word that they will have to draw. One participant holds an open felt-tip pen in his hands, the other moves a paper sheet so that an image appears on it. The team whose drawing will match the task will win.

3. "Plasticine duel"

Props: multi-colored plasticine, cards with the names of animals according to the number of participants, sheets of paper, pens.

Participation in the competition is individual. Each person draws out a card with the name of the animal so that the others do not see what is written on it. Selects the plasticine of the desired color. When everyone determines that they should blind, the host sets the stopwatch for 2 minutes. During this time, participants must have time to mold the animal that was indicated on their card.

After the time has passed, all works are collected and numbered. An exhibition is organized, during which the participants try to determine who the rivals blinded. They write down their assumptions on a piece of paper (for example, 1 is a fox). Here 2 winners are selected: the one who did the task best of all, and the one who guessed the most animals.

4. "Arrows"

Props: paper clips, bank.

Each person receives several paper clips (10-15). The task is to throw them into the jar from a certain distance. The one who throws the most wins. Paper clips can be thrown individually each, you can - all at once, depending on the established rules.

5. "Between two fires"

Props: Balloons.

Children are divided into 2 teams, each of which receives a certain number of balls. The task of the participants is to throw them to the side of the opponents while the music is playing. The problem is that rivals return them back! As soon as the melody ends, the number of balls for each team is counted. The one with the fewest wins.

6. Pathfinders

Props: paper-cut footprints of various animals - cats, dogs, chickens, ducks.

Traces are hiding in different places rooms. The task of the participants - teams - is to find as many traces as possible. After a certain time, the teams line up opposite each other and take turns making the sounds of those animals whose prints they have found. How many traces they found, so many times they must pronounce the desired sound. For example, they found 5 duck tracks - they must grunt 5 times.

7. "Testers"

Props: basin with water, plastic cups.

When a new ship is built, tests are carried out to see if it can withstand permissible load. The children are also invited to play the role of testers: they lower a glass half-filled with water - a “ship” into the water. Those who wish receive a glass of water. They take turns pouring some water into the ship. The one whose ship is sinking is out of the game. The game starts anew and is played until a winner is revealed.

8. "Running under the rainbow"

Props: bright lining fabric - rainbow.

Two adults take the cloth by the corners and lift it up with sharp movements. Participants must have time to run under it. Whoever touches the fabric is out.

9. "Constructors"

Props: balloon filled with helium a plastic cup, adhesive tape, threads.

The task of the participants is to design a balloon. You need to tie a long thread to it to make it easier to control it. Then, with the help of the created aircraft, you need to transfer various light objects from one end of the room to the other. For example, small details of the designer, from which you need to build a house.

10. "The most attentive"

Props: clothespins (about 30).

Clothespins are fixed on any objects in the room. The task of the participants is to collect them as quickly as possible. Whoever finds the most clothespins wins.

11. Treasure hunters

Props: a bowl in which various cereals and several larger items (beads, buttons or shells) are mixed.

Participants are blindfolded with a handkerchief. Their task is to find treasures by touch. Who is faster?

12. "Clip"

Props: everything you need to make a video.

Teams need to put a video for any song within a certain time. At the end of the time, the teams show what they did.

13. "Fashion sentence"

Props: everything that can be useful for creating clothes - old T-shirts, shorts, ribbons, adhesive tape, threads, needles, paper.

Participants are divided into pairs: a designer and a model. The designer from improvised material creates a costume that the model will have to present. Everyone will be the winner in this competition, but in different categories (for example, “the most terrible costume” is about the mummy costume).

Any game will be interesting and fun if adults not only organize, but also actively participate in ongoing activities, setting a good example. After all, laughter is contagious, and a good mood is transmitted by airborne droplets. So, you need to laugh and have fun more often so that the children feel good!

methodological goal. Development of cognitive abilities.

Preparatory stage. A wall map with multi-colored and numbered circles is being prepared for the game. The red circle is a question from the field of marine flora and fauna, the yellow one is from the field of history, the green one is from the field of geography. The circle at number 11 means a trap. A blitz tournament is hiding here - the team is asked three questions about the flora and fauna of the ocean; if the team does not answer the questions, then half of the points are deducted from it. The circle at number 8 means the Bermuda Triangle; The team is asked three questions from the field of history. Circle number 13 - the ship ran aground, the captains of the teams must ask each other questions. If the chip falls on number 4, then the team will automatically deduct 30 points. If the team gets on the “silver wave”, 30 points are added to it.

Age of participants- 11-13 years old. The guys are divided into two teams with the same number of people in each - from 5 to 10. The teams choose their captain.

Game progress. The right of the first move is played between the teams. The team that will be the first to correctly answer the question posed makes the first move (puts its ship chip on a circle of one color or another) and answers the question. If the team answers correctly, then it receives the number of points corresponding to the question (from 10 to 30 points) and makes one more move. If the team does not answer the question, then it loses the right to move further, and 5 points are deducted from it. The game ends when one of the teams scores a winning number of points - 100. She becomes the winner of the game and receives a prize - a huge pearl in the shell.

I round: "Marine flora and fauna"

Questions for 10 points

1. Name the largest fish on Earth. (Giant shield shark)

2. What kind of fish, if lying, then lying on its left side? (Flounder)

3. Who is called a toothed whale? (sperm whale)

4. What birds feel freer under water than in the air and on the sea? (Penguins)

5. What happens if a drop of pine resin falls into the sea? (Amber)

6. What does a whale eat? (Plankton)

7. How do lobsters breed? (lay eggs)

8. What is the only fish that has hot blood? (Tuna)

Questions for 20 points

1. What are the oldest fish on Earth? (Cisteppered coelacanth fish)

2. Can there be elephants in the ocean? (Yes, elephant seals)

3. What is the name of the water pool for keeping marine animals? (Oceanarium)

4. Which seabird has the largest wingspan? (At the albatross)

5. What can happen if a grain of sand gets into the shell of a mollusk? (Pearl)

6. In what ocean are sea bears found? (In the Arctic)

7. What animal is called a sea robber? (Shark)

8. Which cephalopod has tentacle arms that grow up to 20 meters? (At the squid)

Questions for 30 points

1. Under what name is kelp sold in stores? (seaweed)

2. What inhabitants of the sea are responsible for reducing its size and increasing land? (Coral polyps)

3. What is aquaculture? (Farming of fish, shellfish, algae)

4. Which fish looks like a snake and is a delicacy? (Sea eel) *

5. Who is a sea relative crayfish? (Crab)

6. What is the name of a flock of fish? (Junk)

7. What is called sea ​​dweller that moves head backwards? (Cuttlefish)

II round: "History"

Questions for 10 points

1. What was the name of the ancient Greek mechanic and mathematician? (Archimedes)

2. What is the name of the stone figure of a lying lion with a human head in Ancient Egypt? (Sphinx)

3. Who was the first Russian tsar? (Ivan groznyj)

4. Who did the first trip around the world? (Magellan)

5. What was the name of the prince who baptized Rus'? (Vladimir Red Sun)

6. Who invented the bicycle? (Leonardo da Vinci)

7. In Greek mythology, she is the goddess of war and victory. (Athena)

8. Name the ancient stone tool. (Hack)

9. What was the name of the elevated and fortified part of the ancient Greek city? (Acropolis)

10. Stepan Razin's patronymic. (Timofeevich)

11. Name the woman astronaut who first went into outer space. (Svetlana Savitskaya)

Questions for 20 points

1. Ancient Roman clothes. (Tunic)

2. Ancient Roman cloak. (Toga)

3. The god of sleep among the Greeks. (hypnos)

4. The god of the sun among the ancient Egyptians. (Ra)

5. God of sleep among the Romans. (Morpheus)

7. What was the name of the Grand Duke of Vladimir, the son of Yaroslav the Wise? (Alexander Nevskiy)

8. The central part of ancient Russian cities. (Kremlin)

9. Old Spanish coin. (Pistol)

10. The supreme god in Scandinavian mythology. (One)

11. Middle name of Dmitry Donskoy. (Ivanovich)

12. A scientist who studies the development of nature and society. (Historian)

Questions for 30 points

3. What was the name of the daughter of Priam, the king of Troy? (Cassandra)

4. The old student name of the university. (Alma mater)

5. Why did Prince Svyatopolk get the nickname Cursed? (For the murder of the brothers Boris and Gleb)

6. Goddess, patroness of chess. (Kaissa)

7. Russian coin, minted in the Kiev principality. (Zlatnik)

8. God of the sky and heavenly fire in Slavic-Russian mythology. (Svarog)

9. The most famous literary pseudonym of the writer Arkady Golikov. (Gaidar)

III round: "Geography"

Questions for 10 points

1. Which of the great navigators gave the name to the largest ocean? (Magellan)

2. Name the birthplace of coffee. (Ethiopia)

3. In which state does the longest river in Europe flow entirely? (In Russia - Volga)

4. Which river crosses the equator twice? (Congo)

5. Another name for corn. (Maize)

6. Desert in South America. (Atacoma)

7. The place where the river flows. (mouth)

8. Where is the city of Baden-Baden? (In Germany)

9. A branch of the riverbed. (Sleeve, duct)

10. An ice block in the ocean. (Iceberg)

Questions for 20 points

1. In what city was the man born who traveled across the three seas? (Tver - Afanasy Nikitin)

2. In which state was the first postage stamp issued? (In Great Britain)

3. What is the deepest lake in the world? (Baikal)

4. Where is the "navel of the Earth"? (On Easter Island)

5. In which city was cologne invented? (In Cologne)

6. Falls falling in ledges. (Cascade)

7. Sea giant destructive waves. (Tsunami)

8. On which river is Orekhovo-Zuyevo located? (On the Klyazma)

9. Temperature at the center of the Earth's core? (5000 °C).

10. "State within the state", part of the capital of Italy. (Vatican)

Questions for 30 points

1. Homeland of oranges. (South China)

2. Name the colored seas. (White, Black, Yellow, Red, Marble)

3. In what sea do the inhabitants of the three parts of the world fish? (In the Mediterranean)

4. Indicate a place on Earth in which wherever you turn, everywhere will be south. (North Pole)

5. The birthplace of skiing. (Norway)

6. Equatorial constellation. (Orion)

7. Where is the Land of Alexander I? (In Antarctica)

8. Shallow cave. (Grotto)

9. Small mountain, hill on Far East. (Sopka)