Well      03/25/2019

Great centipede name. Centipede insect - is the proximity of a person and a common flycatcher dangerous?

If you have a flytrap - an insect - in your house, then consider yourself very lucky. With great skill, energy and diligence, this large centipede will carry out a good pest control in the house.

What kind of creature is this?

The common flycatcher is not an insect, although many people call it that. Insects are a separate class of arthropods. The flycatcher also belongs to the phylum of arthropods, but this is where its relationship with insects ends. All millipedes, or centipedes as they are often called, are a superclass consisting of 4 classes. In this diverse company there is a class of labiopods, which includes a fascinating creature called the flycatcher. Closely related to her are:

  • really dangerous scolopendras;
  • kivsyaki - consumers of plant and dead organic matter;
  • Drupes are close relatives of flycatchers.

If you try to answer the question of what a centipede looks like, it will be quite simple. It is enough to imagine a spider whose body someone has stretched, leaving the legs the same. Moreover, the centipede has nothing in common with spiders, people are simply very afraid of spiders, and since the huge centipede in the house really looks a lot like a spider, it gets a fair share of fear, hatred and the desire of people to kill this creature at all costs.

An adult common flycatcher can reach 15 cm, but most often in houses there is a multi-legged creature 4-5 cm long. The body color is not striking - yellowish-gray or light brown with 3 reddish or purple stripes along the body. Thanks to its flat body, coloring and thin legs, this centipede is well camouflaged on stones, walls, fences, etc.

You need to specifically focus on the legs of the flycatcher. It is their length and abundance that frightens people so much. Meanwhile, this is not only a means for fast running, but also something like ground locators designed to detect prey. The legs feel the shaking of the ground at a distance of several meters.

The last pair of legs of a centipede are the longest and are very similar to whiskers. Moreover, these elongated legs of the same length are located on both sides of the body. This is another trick of the flycatcher, since you can’t immediately tell where its head is and where its tail is. Long antennae, consisting of hundreds of segments, are also adapted for long-range detection of prey.

Lifestyle and nutrition

What does the centipede flycatcher eat? It’s not for nothing that they called her that; she is a real predator and feeds on everything she can catch. Most of all in her diet are flies, since there are so many of them a large number of. In our homes she feeds:

  • cockroaches;
  • spiders;
  • flies;
  • woodlice;
  • bedbugs;
  • ticks;
  • mosquitoes;
  • ants.

This list can be continued indefinitely, because it can consist of all the boogers that end up in our homes within the range of the flycatcher.

Danger level

Between the concepts of “scary” and “dangerous” there is a big difference. A centipede in an apartment is not at all dangerous. However, everyone is afraid of her, so they attribute to her properties that she does not possess. It is truly poisonous, but this poison is aimed at quickly immobilizing its food, that is, arthropods. Large animals like humans are of no interest to her. Man, of course, is dangerous to the flycatcher itself, but this centipede does not use its poison against him. This is probably too irrational. She prefers to hide from animals that are dangerous to her in all sorts of shelters, since this is easy for a flat creature to do.

The domestic centipede is not dangerous for humans because it cannot bite him. Moreover, she is not going to do this. The only possible danger is that a person can crush it, then the flycatcher will try to defend itself. If the centipede turns out to be large, and the human skin at the point of contact is tender, then there is a possibility of biting through the surface of the skin and injecting poison.

This happens extremely rarely. We can say that this is more a hypothesis than reality. However, what to do if the flycatcher still bites? First of all, do not panic, do not look for an antidote (there is none anyway), do not prepare for the worst.

The consequences of a centipede bite can be compared to bee or wasp stings. For humans, this can only pose a danger in the event of an allergic reaction, which has not been recorded in the history of medicine.

So, if a flycatcher was able to bite you, then you need to do the following:

  • put something cold on the bite site to eliminate pain and burning;
  • lubricate the swollen area with Zvezdochka balm;
  • apply a compress of vodka, grated raw potatoes, clay, aloe leaf or kalachoe;
  • apply an iodine grid.

You don't have to do everything at once. Listed here different variants relieving pain, relieving swelling and accelerating the resorption of poison. In most cases, you don’t need to do anything - disinfect the wound with iodine and wait for it to go away on its own. You won't have to wait long.

It should be remembered that if a flycatcher bites, then people are primarily to blame for this. After all, this little booger is not even able to see a person. She sees only a hand, some movement of something large and warm. This centipede doesn’t even always associate humans with danger—many have noticed how original creation sits, spread out against the wall, not suspecting what passions are seething around her small body about this.

Where do flycatchers live?

In nature, flycatchers live in the Mediterranean region, that is, in Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Outside this region, they are found in Crimea, southern Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, and southern European Russia. Flycatchers are found in natural conditions and in southern Asia.

Since they began to live in human dwellings, the range of these centipedes has expanded to the very Arctic latitudes.

This furry “beast”, looking like something between a spider and a worm, appears as if out of nowhere. This further increases the atmosphere of fear and horror of the small predator.

So where do these centipedes come from in our homes? They, of course, do not fly, but they hide well, spread out along the wall, in cracks in the plaster, behind baseboards, under wallpaper, in the bathroom, in various secluded corners.

In multi-storey buildings, flycatchers concentrate and breed mainly in damp, dark places. This is not due to the fact that they are particularly sensitive to the level of humidity, although this dependence is present to some extent, but because the most game accumulates in secluded damp places for the nimble, long-legged hunter.

If there are centipede flytraps in the apartment, this means that they have something to eat here. Namely, there are secluded places where cockroaches, woodlice, spiders and other small arthropods live, which are a delicacy for the long-legged monster.

What to do if your apartment is visited by such monsters

You don't need to do anything special. It is advisable to be glad that there is someone in your home who takes upon himself the work of limiting the number of all the small inhabitants of our home.

There is no need to use a fly swatter, set traps or spray pesticides. There's only one thing effective remedy- it's a little patience and waiting. After some time, the centipedes will disappear on their own. They will simply run out of food in this apartment, and they will go to another. Actually, the very fact of the appearance of flycatchers in a prominent place in your home indicates that centipedes have already gone to look for a better life where there are more populated hunting grounds.

It is impossible to live in a sterile and isolated world. Moreover, it is completely impossible. Nature abhors a vacuum. How more people destroys the inhabitants of the living space around us, the more other creatures penetrate into it.

Nature is not only forests, tundra and steppes, it is also our homes. Someone definitely lives in them and enters into ecological relationships. The centipede - flycatcher and all sorts of spiders represent a small group of regulators of the food pyramid, formed in homes against our will. We must pay tribute to their efforts. We shouldn't kill these boogers just because we're scared. Fear is not only a reaction to real danger, it is also an imaginary situation. Flycatchers are not scary or dangerous, they simply live next to a person without causing him any harm.

Before you get rid of centipedes, you should learn more about them. Yes, their appearance is terrible, but they cannot cause more harm to a person. The centipede can usually be spotted in the middle of the night, but this encounter is unlikely to make anyone happy. Therefore, having information on how to breed a centipede will be very helpful. The most popular methods will be discussed next.

Photo of a house centipede

How to recognize a centipede?

The centipede (also known as flytrap, centipede, centipede) belongs to the class of tracheal arthropods with a respiratory system. Thanks to the latter, flycatchers are able to exist on land, although they vitally need a humid environment.

This insect is ancient. It came to us from those times when the world did not yet know ape-like creatures. The scolopendra's body is flattened and divided into 15 segments. The limbs are located on the sides (15 - 40 pairs). If damaged or lost, each is capable of growing back. The first pair has pincers designed to capture the intended victim and immobilize it by injecting paralytic poison.
The bite is not dangerous to humans, although it causes pain. The poison is harmful only to insects - flies, snails, slugs, cockroaches. Excellent vision helps her see clearly during the day as well as at night. Can reach movement speeds of up to 40 cm per second. Thanks to its flat body, the flycatcher is able to crawl into the narrowest crevices. A pair of antennae are landmark antennas in space.

Reasons for insects appearing in the house and dangers

You cannot expect a greater threat from an insect than the unpleasant sensations caused by a repulsive appearance. But even here the centipedes managed to manage: they hunt exclusively at night. Therefore, they do not always catch the eye of home owners. How to fight centipedes? Very simple. Having determined the root cause of the invasion, it will become clear in which direction efforts should be made.

Factors that determine the optimal habitat for the domestic centipede are:

  • humid climate;
  • sufficient food;
  • warm;
  • darkness.

With the simultaneous influence of the above factors, the probability that it will be possible to capture a centipede in the bathroom or kitchen increases many times over. After all, humidified air is the most significant criterion when choosing a place of residence for these creatures. Food (insects, plant roots, remains of human food) is no less important for them, but it is inferior to the factor of access to moisture. Like humans, scolopendra does not harm plants, although it can feed on roots.

Note! Centipedes are quite harmless creatures. They are not dangerous to people, do not damage furniture, and do not harm plants. But they destroy harmful insects. Sometimes they bite if they are touched. Not every owner is able to put up with the fact that he has a centipede in his house.

How to effectively solve the problem?

An integrated approach should be taken to any problem. To find out how to remove centipedes, you need to carefully read each option and adopt the ones that are most suitable for the specific situation in the house.

List of effective preventive measures

In order for a centipede to leave its habitable space, it must be deprived of necessary factors existence. So the insect will be forced to go in search of more comfortable habitats for it. What should you do first?

  1. Ensure normal humidity levels at home. By depriving the labiopods of a moist environment, they will stop reproducing.
  2. Take care of ventilation of the premises - install air dehumidifiers or ventilation heat devices.
  3. Check that all water pipes are in good condition and that there is no condensation on them.
  4. Keep the basement dry in a cottage or country house, promptly eliminate dampness and mold on all surfaces.
  5. Remove all harmful insects (cockroaches, beetles, flies and mosquitoes, bedbugs and fleas) from your home. Without food in the house, centipedes will not stay long; they will leave on their own.
  6. Block all known places of entry of arthropods into the home: eliminate cracks in the floor, on the walls (especially near doors), and holes in window openings. In the toilet and bathroom, it is advisable to fill the cracks with silicone. It is recommended to install a mosquito net on the windows.
  7. Constantly inspect local area to check for the absence of rubble and other impurities like various deposits. In them, the centipede will begin to reproduce at an accelerated pace, and therefore will soon appear at home.

Note! Some owners recommend using sticky tape to combat centipedes. However, such a remedy is powerless against these insects. Having stuck, the scolopendra will be able to tear itself away from the tape, leaving a pair of its paws on it. And he will go home. And lost limbs will grow back.

How to remove scolopendra with insecticides?

Anyone interested in how to deal with centipedes should not ignore the use of special chemicals. There are not many aerosols and sprays against centipedes. Therefore, any means developed against most types of insects will be suitable here. Their effect on flycatchers will be similar to what they have on bedbugs and cockroaches.

Having chosen this method of control, it is important to observe personal precautions: protect your eyes with goggles, your hands with gloves, your face with a mask or respirator, and the rest of the body with a protective suit.

List of chemicals against centipedes

  1. Raid aerosol against crawling and flying insects. The product exudes a pleasant lavender aroma. Non-toxic. Allows you not to leave the room after treatment. But airing the rooms won't hurt.
  2. Medilis-Ziper is a liquid. Designed for dilution with water and spraying with a spray bottle. Spectrum of action - most known insects. Due to the specificity of the odor, the use of protective agents during processing is recommended.
  3. Starex is a spray for treating cracks with skirting boards. Gives excellent results despite the low price.
  4. Lambda Zone. The composition of the product includes lambda-cyhalothrin (2.5%), harmless to people and their pets, odorless.
  5. Globol Original is a product like a paste with deltamethrin and diflubenzuron. There is almost no smell, but extreme caution is required. The centipede will leave the house for a long time.
  6. Henkel Combat is an aerosol product with a convenient applicator that allows you to inject the substance into hard-to-reach places - into ventilation shafts, narrow cracks, under the bathtub. Effective and has a strong scent. Personal safety precautions should be observed when using aerosols.

Some people prefer to use only natural remedies. To do this, you can choose aerosols with natural pyrethrin. Experienced owners also have a control method such as the use of boric acid and diatomaceous earth powder.

If you cannot achieve the desired result on your own, you can resort to the help of professional disinfectors.

How to get rid of centipedes? First you need to put things in order: clean the premises, clear away debris, reduce the concentration of moisture. Apply the recommendations suggested above. Then the house will be clean and life will be calm.

By personal experience I know that meeting a centipede in your bathroom or any other room is not a pleasant event. Despite the fact that small arthropods do not cause much harm, the desire to get rid of them as quickly as possible is quite logical. So today I will tell you how to quickly get unexpected guests out.

How to recognize a centipede

Before figuring out how to get rid of centipedes in the house, you need to be able to recognize them, otherwise you will not achieve much effect from the procedures. By the way, these are very ancient insects; they lived even before the appearance of ape-like creatures.

How can you recognize a centipede? The centipede (also known as centipede, centipede, flycatcher) looks like a caterpillar with a large number of legs. Its flat, oblong body is divided into segments, on the sides of which there are from 15 to 40 pairs of limbs. When a limb is lost or damaged, they tend to grow back.

Although appearance Centipedes may well frighten off even an adult; they do not pose a serious danger to people. The venom of this arthropod is harmful only to insects (cockroaches, bedbugs, flies, etc.); if you are bitten by a centipede, you will only feel an unpleasant sensation similar to a mosquito bite.

If you are bitten by a flycatcher insect, treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide.

Ways to combat flycatchers: 9 examples

If you decide to fight centipedes in an apartment or house, you need to study their main habitats. Once you determine the source of the problem, you can eliminate it as effectively as possible.

What contributes to the spread of centipedes in the house? I can identify 4 most likely factors:

  • humid environment;
  • warm;
  • sufficient food;
  • darkness.

You can fight centipedes with folk ways or insecticides.

Traditional methods: 5 options

Most effective method getting rid of centipedes means depriving them of a comfortable environment in which they can exist and reproduce. To do this you need to follow a number of simple steps:

Image Instructions

Normalization of moisture levels

If in your house or apartment high level humidity, you need:

  • regularly ventilate the premises;
  • install ventilation heat devices or air dehumidifiers.

Pipe inspection

Make sure that there is no condensation on the water pipes - it attracts arthropods like a magnet. And a centipede in the bathroom is not a pleasant sight.

Basement Cleaning

This point mostly applies to owners of private houses. In this case, it is necessary to regularly eliminate mold and dampness in the room.

Getting rid of insects

It is very important to get rid of all insects that serve as food for centipedes. Don't know what centipedes eat? It can be:

  • beetles;
  • flies;
  • bedbugs;
  • cockroaches;
  • fleas;
  • mosquitoes. Get rid of these insects, and the centipede in the house will disappear on its own.

Block “points of entry”

To prevent the flytrap from entering your home, you need to block all entrances.

To do this, fill all the cracks in the house with silicone or other material with your own hands, and install mosquito nets on the windows.

Don't waste your money and buy adhesive tape - it's useless for a flytrap. The arthropod will be able to tear itself away from the surface, leaving several legs on it, which will still grow back later.

Insecticides: 4 options

Image Type of insecticide


An aerosol that helps get rid of crawling and flying insects. The product is non-toxic and has a pleasant lavender aroma.

Price– from 230 rubles.


A liquid that must first be diluted in water and then sprayed with a spray bottle.

It has a sharp, specific odor, which is why it is recommended to use protection when working with it.

Price– from 290 rubles.

Lambda Zone

A powerful insecticide containing lambda-cyhalothrin. It does not have a pungent odor and is also harmless to pets and people.

Price– from 720 rubles.


The product is in the form of a gel with virtually no odor.

It must be used extremely carefully, but then the centipede will not appear in the apartment any time soon.

Price– from 350 rubles.


I told you how to recognize and how to get rid of centipedes in a private home. So now you can easily free your home from uninvited guests. More visual instructions you will find in the video in this article, but if you still have questions, you can always ask me in the comments.

The house centipede looks completely unattractive, besides, it runs fast and bites, which is why many people are afraid of it. Is there a danger to human life from its bite and is it necessary to fight it? The answers to these questions will interest any homeowner.

Who is a centipede

The biological name of this creature is the common flycatcher or house centipede. According to the classification, the centipede is not an insect, but belongs to the group of arthropods, the class of the same name and the tracheal type. There are thousands of species of centipedes in nature. Their habitat is damp and dark places: foliage, shelters under bark and stones, etc.

Millipedes go hunting at night and hide during the day. The body of an adult centipede is divided into 15 segments, each of which has legs. Their sizes along the body are different: closer to the tail, the legs become longer, which allows them not to get tangled with each other when moving.

Outwardly, it is difficult to determine where her head is and where her back is. In addition, the front pair of legs evolved and turned into jaws designed for capturing prey.

The flycatcher has a chitinous cover and a flattened body. There are small hairs located all over the surface of the body, which is why some people call them furry centipedes. The average length is 3-4 cm; occasionally larger individuals up to 6 cm are found.


The speed of movement of a house flycatcher can reach 40-60 cm per second; such a fast-running creature often frightens ignorant and nervous people. They can move both on horizontal and vertical surfaces: on the floor, walls or ceiling. depends on the type of centipede and can reach 354 pieces.

As can be seen from the description and photo of the centipede, on its head are located:

  • compound eyes that see perfectly;
  • long mustache-catchers, resembling a whip in shape, with their help they monitor all changes in the environment;
  • the whiskers consist of 500-600 segments and react to temperature changes, help explore and navigate in space, and find safe places.

The color of an adult individual is gray-yellow, brown, with 3 purple or black stripes on the back. During the cold season, flycatchers crawl into secluded corners and freeze in order to “wake up” in the spring and return to active life again.

Nutrition and reproduction

The common centipede is a carnivorous predator that hunts pests: , . In nature, large individuals also feed on small lizards, frogs, spiders, and worms.

When attacking, she uses her front jaws, which are connected to poison glands. Having bitten the victim, the flycatcher paralyzes it and gradually eats it. Having caught several insects at once, house flycatcher eats them one by one, holding the others with its numerous legs.


The toxins released by the centipede have a pungent odor that repels other predators. Therefore, even after killing a flycatcher, not every animal will want to eat it.

Centipedes reproduce very in an original way. At the right time, males, when meeting a female, deposit a lemon-shaped spermatophore, then push the female towards it, which picks it up with her appendages. Then the female lays 50-60 eggs, protected with a special sticky composition, into the prepared hole. After which the mother flycatcher sits with her whole body on the clutch and waits for her offspring to mature. “Hatching” the eggs lasts several weeks, and all this time the female does not leave the nest, practically starving.

The hatched babies are white or transparent in color and have 4 pairs of legs; their number will subsequently increase to 15 after each regular molt, when the arthropods shed the old chitinous shell and acquire a new one. Life expectancy is 3-7 years.

Centipede venom is not dangerous to humans. The only exceptions are those who are prone to allergic reactions to insect bites. The bite site may become slightly swollen and their temperature may rise. Centipedes do not tolerate any infections.

The homeland of these arthropods is the northern regions of Africa, the Middle East, and southern Europe. There are several hundred species of centipedes in the world, many of which have not yet been studied by biologists. In the CIS, insects similar to centipedes can be found in the southern regions of Russia, the Caucasus, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.

How centipedes get into an apartment

Brown centipedes come to houses and apartments in search of food or with the arrival of the cold season. If there is enough food in the form of insects in the room, then they can settle for a long time. Most often they can be found in the basements of private houses, in the basements or subfloors of high-rise buildings. They prefer to hunt in the dark, but can be active during the day.

Factors that attract house flycatchers to a house or apartment:

  • high humidity and dampness;
  • faulty or leaking water pipes;
  • a bunch of small insects in room;
  • bad light.

The most favorable places for settling all varieties of house flycatchers: basements, bathrooms and toilet room, subfloor

The benefits and harms of flytraps

Knowing what a centipede looks like and seeing it in your apartment, country house or private house, you should not be scared and immediately try to destroy it. This creature does not cause any harm to wallpaper, clothing, furniture or kitchen products. It will never attack a person for no reason. However, few owners would agree to live next to such unsightly and nimble neighbors, so they try to avoid them.

If house flycatchers have appeared on the territory personal plot or in the beds, then there is no need to fight them at all, because there they will be useful, regularly destroying garden pests and their larvae.

On a note!

The most poisonous centipedes are scolopendras, which belong to the same class of arthropods; they live only in the southern regions of Russia, as well as in tropical countries. The larger its size, the more toxic the bite and its negative consequences will be.

Large centipedes are also found in nature, up to 20 cm in size, but they live in the countries of Asia, America and others, preferring a warm tropical climate.

Symptoms of intoxication after a centipede bite (photo below):

  • severe pain at the site of the bite, itching and burning;
  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • headache, palpitations, nausea and vomiting, anxiety.

If such signs appear, it is necessary to treat the wound disinfectant and take antihistamines.

Fighting centipedes in the house

The best way to combat house flycatchers that have settled in your home is with preventive methods. Taking into account its favorite habitats and knowing what centipedes eat, you can create all the conditions to make them feel uncomfortable in the house:

  • in apartments the number of such arthropods is minimal, so it will be enough to kill a few, which will help remove them;
  • repair water pipes in service areas, dry and thoroughly clean storage rooms, basements etc.
  • remove all pests from the house, i.e. get rid of prey accessible to house flycatchers;
  • block access routes for arthropods by sealing all cracks in windows, doors, along baseboards and foundations, and install mesh in ventilation;
  • repair wooden floors, remove cracks where house flycatchers like to live, cover them with varnish or mastic, the smell of which is unbearable for them;
  • Avoid allowing water or high humidity in pots and trays of indoor plants where centipedes like to make themselves comfortable.

Sticky tapes, which are used against flies and other insects, will not be able to catch house centipedes, because having stuck to it with its paws, it will simply run away without a severed limb. Subsequently, the flycatcher will grow a new leg. Food baits also have no effect on them, because they do not eat any food other than the insects they kill.

The appearance of centipedes in a private house or apartment becomes a problem for many of us. This insect is even useful in everyday life, but it has an unpleasant appearance and can bite you noticeably. Therefore, in most cases, people try to get rid of its presence. This can be done in different ways.

Varieties of centipedes: the reasons for their appearance in the house, is there a danger to humans from being in the vicinity of them?

WITH scientific point In terms of vision, centipede is the name of a superclass consisting of four classes of arthropods. On the territory of Russia, only the common centipede and the ringed centipede (class of labiopods) can be found in human habitation. In everyday life, both species are called centipedes or centipedes. Let's take a closer look at them.

Common flycatcher

Officially, the Volga region and the south of Russia are considered the habitat of the flycatcher (among other countries), but it can also be found in the center of the country. The insect is relatively small, in adulthood its size ranges from 3.5 to 6 cm. The color is sandy or yellowish-gray, with dark stripes along the body and across the legs. This centipede is a predator, feeding on small arthropods: moths, fleas, silverfish, flies, cockroaches, spiders, etc. In nature, it lives on trees and under them, in fallen leaves.

The flycatcher moves into human habitation in the fall, escaping the approaching cold weather. Settles in places with high humidity: basements, bathrooms, kitchens. Active at any time of the day. In defense, this centipede can bite, but the strength of its jaws is often not enough to pierce the skin. The insect bite is similar to a mosquito or bee bite; swelling of one degree or another may appear - it all depends on the person’s personal susceptibility.

The most common type of centipede found in homes is the common flycatcher.


In Russia, only the ringed or Crimean scolopendra is found, and it can only be found in the south of the country, or more precisely, on the Crimean peninsula (hence the second name). This centipede is a predator, hunting small insects and worms. The dimensions are modest for its genus, only 10–12 cm in length. The color is golden yellow, with black transverse stripes. The usual habitats of the ringed scolopendra are shaded, damp corners of the garden, cracks between stones or the space under them, rotten trees with loose bark, etc.

With the onset of cold weather, the insect begins to look for more comfortable places for life and often finds them in houses and apartments. Most often it settles in the bathroom and kitchen, since it is warm there and there is constant access to water. It comes into view mainly at night. The centipede's bite is painful (some compare it to repeated bee stings), but there is no danger to the life of an adult. A serious health threat arises if the person bitten is allergic.

Scolopendras tend to choose not only cracks in the floor, baseboards or space under furniture as a refuge. They can hide in shoes or under any object left on the floor. To avoid a bite, you should carefully look to see if there is an insect there and only then put on your shoes and pick up the item.

The ringed scolopendra can only be found in the south of Russia

How to get rid of: ways to combat centipedes in an apartment and private house

The flycatcher and scolopendra, although different in appearance, are very similar in lifestyle, so the methods of fighting them are the same. There are two options for ridding your home of these insects: technical and chemical. In the first case, we make the house unsuitable for the centipede to live in, and in the second, we use chemicals that poison it or repel it. It is irrational to use the second without the first, since after some time the insects will return.

What can you do at home without using chemicals to get rid of centipedes?

To make your home unattractive to a centipede, you need to remember its preferences: a large number of places where you can hide, high humidity, the presence of small insects for food. Hence:

  • Inspect the house/apartment for cracks in the foundation, behind the baseboards, between the floorboards. Everything that can be found should be puttied well. In the basement or underground, if there is one, do the same. Inspect storage areas, remove unnecessary stacks of paper, rags, etc.
  • Inspect water pipes and heating system, plumbing and places of its connection to sewer and water pipes. Eliminate any leaks found and consider how to avoid the accumulation of condensation on the surfaces where it appears. If the latter is not possible, then the problem should be minimized by improving ventilation.
  • Get rid of small insects inhabiting the room: flies, cockroaches, ants, moths, etc.

Often, these activities are sufficient and the centipedes themselves leave the home. If this does not happen, the next step will be to use chemicals purchased at the store or made independently.

Industrially produced insecticides that will help eliminate insects forever

The simplest and fastest are aerosols and sprays. The disadvantage of this method is possible toxicity to humans, since a suspension of the drug forms in the air for some time. You should work in a respirator, and after treatment, ventilate the room well.

  • Starex spray.
  • "Medilis-ziper." Concentrated product, diluted according to instructions, treatment is carried out using a sprayer.
  • "Delta zone". Used in the same way as the previous drug.
  • Henkel Combat, aerosol.
  • Raid, aerosol.

Other remedies effective in controlling centipedes:

  • Globol Origina, pasta. Contains two potent substances, deltamethrin and diflubenzuron. It helps for a long time, but special care should be taken when working with it.
  • "Lambda zone", granules. Places in places where insects gather.
  • "Raptor", aquafumigator. Allows you to treat the entire room at once, without working on individual areas. The most effective remedy of all, but also the most toxic. All people should leave the room while the fumigator is operating. Pets, including aquarium fish, must be deleted.

Photo gallery: products that will help remove insects from your home

Aquafumigotor "Raptor" - the most effective means for combating insects The aerosol is suitable for targeted destruction of centipedes When using Medelis-ziper, you will need a sprayer Encapsulated suspension "Delta-zone" is also applied by spray

You can also place sticky traps around the house. However, they are only effective against flycatchers. Scolopendra, especially a large one, is capable of pulling a limb out of the glue or tearing it off and leaving.

Using Natural Pesticides to Get Rid of Centipedes

The first remedy that should be mentioned is boric acid powder. Usually it is included in the poisonous bait, but this will not work with centipedes, they are predators. In this case, the powder is scattered on baseboards, under the bathtub, sink, and in other places where insects accumulate. The centipede gets dirty in the powder, tries to clean itself and the acid enters the digestive tract. If there are cockroaches in the house, we make bait: boric acid mixed with boiled yolk, the resulting mass is rolled into balls and laid out around the house. A centipede or flycatcher will eat a poisoned insect and become poisoned itself.

The second remedy is diatomaceous earth. The peculiarity of this drug is that it first destroys the outer covers of the centipede, penetrates inside, causing disturbances in the functioning of the body, and then death. The drug has the same effect on all insects without exception. At the same time, diatomaceous earth is completely safe for humans and pets.

Before you start fighting centipedes, you should remember that they help clear the room of small insects, which are also not desirable for us. This is especially true for owners of private houses, with a cellar and an old foundation, through the cracks of which ants and other arthropods enter the room.

Prevention of centipedes

The main way to prevent the appearance of these insects is to constantly monitor the condition of the living space and the order in it. Any cracks in the floor, furniture or walls must be repaired in a timely manner, and leaks from faucets must be eliminated. Rags and sponges used for cleaning should be dried promptly and stored in specially designated areas. The floor must be kept as clean and free from small items. It’s better to make it a rule: only furniture stands directly on the floor, everything else is on it or on shelves.

Video: interesting facts about the common flycatcher

Getting rid of flycatchers and scolopendras in the house is not difficult. And if you follow all the conditions for preventing their appearance, you can forget about these insects for a long time.