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Zodiac signs compatibility in love Taurus. Compatibility of the Taurus sign with other zodiac signs. Compatibility of Taurus woman and Libra man

The compatibility of a Taurus woman with other signs varies. Taurus people are distinguished by their patience, kind disposition and balance. Women of this sign are wonderful housewives and mothers, sensual lovers. Relationships depend on many factors, including the partner's element, the influence of the Moon and the year of birth.

Character of a Taurus woman

Kind and gentle Taurus women are born for family and marriage. They enjoy furnishing their home and become wonderful mothers. Representatives of this sign are smart, know how to listen to their interlocutor, and rarely allow themselves to be rude. In bed they are sensual and demanding; Venus has blessed them with a stormy temperament, which is why sex is of great importance to Taurus.

Here are the main character traits of a woman:

  • softness;
  • betweenness;
  • femininity;
  • kindness;
  • diligence;
  • thrift;
  • sensuality;
  • hard work;
  • equilibrium.

If you offend a Taurus woman, she can break down and show her character. At such moments, it is better not to be near an angry lady. Often, representatives of this zodiac sign pay too much attention to material things, forgetting about their own development and spiritual growth. Taurus are owners and want their other half to belong entirely to them.

Compatibility of Taurus woman with earth signs

Earth signs are calm, balanced, for them the main goal in life is home, family and material well-being. Here are the representatives of this element:

  • Calf;
  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn.

The Taurus woman’s compatibility with other signs of the earth element is good, because she herself belongs to this group of zodiac signs.

Compatibility of two Taurus

Two people recognize each other as kindred spirits from the first meeting. They have a common worldview and plans for the future. A family of two representatives of the same sign may seem boring from the outside, but they feel great together, because they both dream of stability, comfort, and a measured life. The sex between them is long and sensual, which further strengthens their family.

The negative side of such a couple is the passivity and slowness of both partners. Having reached a certain level, they absolutely do not want to grow further or change anything. Both are very stubborn; if disagreements arise in the family, no one will give up their positions. Financial difficulties also undermine compatibility: it is difficult for both spouses to find an additional source of income.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Virgo man

The compatibility between the two earth signs is almost perfect. They do not have their head in the clouds; they prefer peace and prosperity to romantic adventures. Such a couple always has order in their house, and there is delicious food in the refrigerator. The woman is the leader in the couple. The Virgo man is more flexible, therefore he is ready to give in. In return, he gets the type of relationship he has always dreamed of.

The couple lacks dynamism; the man and woman are fixated exclusively on material things. If a conflict arises between them, it is capable of destroying this connection to the ground. The woman is patient, but her husband’s nagging will infuriate even her. Then she will show all her temperament, not a trace will remain of her former restraint. Love comes to an end and the couple breaks up.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Capricorn man

A guy and a girl born under these constellations dream of marriage from the first minutes of their acquaintance. For them family relationships are very important, so they won’t delay the wedding. The family of Taurus and Capricorn is calm, without violent feelings and emotions. The spouses set a goal for themselves, which they persistently achieve. The man will become the leader in the family, and the woman will be happy to obey him.

Disagreements in such a couple are extremely rare, because their compatibility is the best in the zodiac. The partners are too similar to each other, they have the same views, so there are almost no reasons for conflicts. Problems can arise if relatives interfere in family relationships and try to teach the young family about life. Material difficulties can also overshadow the union, but not for long.

Compatibility of Taurus woman with fiery men

Representatives of the fire element are energetic, purposeful and powerful. They are able to ignite people with their ideas, but they can also incinerate them with anger. Fire is controlled by:

  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius.

The compatibility of the earthly Taurus woman with fiery men is not very favorable. Great intensity of passions can destroy their union.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Aries man

The characteristics of this union are not without positive features, although in general it is complex. A woman is attracted to the activity of Aries; she sees in him a protector and a reliable partner for the family. A man is captivated by the beauty and femininity of his partner. With the traditional distribution of roles, peace, order and prosperity will reign in this family.

Problems will not bypass the couple. Both signs are stubborn and don’t mind competing for leadership. A woman harbors grievances within herself for a long time, but at one moment she expresses to her partner everything she thinks about. The man is impulsive, he often offends his wife with his straightforwardness. She is patient, but to a certain extent. Quarrels and conflicts in this marriage are very dangerous, they lead to breakup.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Leo man

The relationship in this couple is very strange. There is a lot of love and passion in them, but at the same time there is always confrontation. Partners have a lot to give each other. A woman will find a protector who will push her towards personal development. A man is a reliable support and wise adviser. The main thing is that the partners are able to take advantage of the advantages of their bark. Unfortunately, this rarely happens.

Both signs have leadership qualities. A woman seeks to subjugate her partner, who, in her opinion, is not very wise and reasonable. Leo will never give up his leadership. He does not consider it necessary to listen even to his wife’s reasonable advice. The constant struggle exhausts both, and the relationship ends very quickly. In terms of divorce rates, such a couple is very common.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Sagittarius man

Sagittarius man and Taurus woman do not have the best compatibility. Such pairs are extremely rare; the signs exist parallel to each other. If sympathy arises between them, this is the exception rather than the rule. Cooperation in a couple is possible if the partners are united by a common goal. But their approaches to achieving it will always be different.

Freedom-loving Sagittarius does not tolerate pressure on himself at all, and the woman tries to tie him to the house. In turn, the wife will be irritated and offended by her husband’s straightforwardness. She periodically causes scandals, from which Sagittarius simply runs away to friends. Relationships can be established only when the partners distribute roles and agree in advance on rights and responsibilities.

Compatibility of Taurus woman with air men

The air element is a symbol of freedom and independence. Its representatives do not tolerate restrictions, rarely become attached to people, they are smart, but irresponsible. Here are the signs that are ruled by air:

  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Aquarius.

The Taurus woman has poor compatibility with air men. Relationships do not depend on her, but on the partner and his desires.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Gemini man

Such a pair is rare. But despite all the contradictions, they can be happy in marriage. The man becomes the leader and engine of the couple. The woman helps him take right decisions, brakes on dangerous turns and provides a reliable rear. The spouses will achieve harmony in the family only when they learn to give in to each other and understand the motives of their actions.

There are a lot of disagreements and conflicts in the union. Gemini man and Taurus woman have low compatibility, so they do not get along well. The wife condemns her husband's frivolity and lack of commitment. Gemini is irritated by a woman’s slowness and her desire to keep everything under control. More often, a man leaves the family when he feels that his freedom is being encroached upon.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Libra man

Relations in this union can work out well if the partners want to find a compromise. Both value comfort and stability, and this brings them together. They love sex and are perfectly compatible in bed. A hardworking woman will become an excellent housewife and a gentle lover. The romantic Libra man will appreciate her efforts. He is more dynamic and open, so he will be the one who will provide for the family.

Partners have different characters, so conflicts between them are inevitable. A woman is tied to home, a man cannot live without friendly communication. Libra is a freedom-loving sign; they do not tolerate pressure and will never follow orders. If a wife tries to take control of her husband, she will encounter resistance. Ultimately, bickering can lead to a breakup.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Aquarius man

The union of these two signs can be based on love and friendship. A woman likes her partner’s dynamism and romance, his unconventional thinking. A man is passionate about the thriftiness and practicality of his partner. They set high goals for themselves and work toward them together. A husband is able to push his wife towards spiritual self-development, which will only benefit her.

But what initially united a couple can separate them. An Aquarius man and a Taurus woman will lose compatibility if they start making claims against each other. A wife often tries to limit her husband’s freedom and control his life. The man does not like to take on obligations and begins to criticize the practicality and down-to-earth nature of his wife, which he previously liked.

Compatibility of Taurus woman with water signs

The element of water is unusual, it has plasticity, its depths are mysterious, and a lot of interesting things are hidden in them. Water signs are introverts, with developed intuition, they are not easy to understand. Water signs include:

  • Scorpion
  • Fish.

The earth cannot live without water, it becomes barren, so the Taurus woman has good compatibility in marriage with water men.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Cancer man

Such a couple will be very happy in marriage. Partners decide to live together after a few years of dating, as they take issues of family life very seriously. The union will have deep feelings, passion, tender affection, and loyalty.

The spouses have the same views on finances; both try to spend money wisely and have a substantial reserve in their nest egg. Here they have simply perfect compatibility.

Cancer man and Taurus woman may lose compatibility if they do not learn to be more open and compliant. Quarrels rarely arise in their family, but grievances accumulate. The woman endures until the volcano inside her explodes. The man withdraws into himself and grieves over his difficult fate. Only frank conversations and respect for each other's opinions and feelings will help a couple avoid a breakup.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Scorpio man

The union of two strong personalities is very promising. They will conquer the whole world or destroy each other. The leader in the pair will be Scorpio, he is more flexible and is not afraid of change. A woman will become a faithful assistant and will always support her husband wise advice, will provide comfort in the house. There is great sex between them, both partners are sensual and passionate. Everything will be fine if the spouses do not decide to fight for leadership or be jealous of each other, because both are terrible owners.

Partners can completely ruin their relationship when they start making claims against each other. Scorpio often loses his temper, he is impatient and temperamental. But a woman is not without such a shortcoming; she periodically takes out her dissatisfaction on her husband. Scandals are destructive and kill everything good that is in this union.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Pisces man

Pisces man and Taurus woman have good compatibility, but without working on oneself, it will not be possible to build a normal relationship. Both partners are sensual and a little sentimental. A woman will be happy to take care of a man who is weak at first glance. He will give her inspiration, help her perceive the world in brighter colors, and understand people.

Problems arise from misunderstandings. The wife will not delve into the intricacies of her husband's soul. She will soon begin to be irritated by his closedness and mystery. The man will feel deprived of attention, which will make him withdraw into himself even more. Accumulated grievances will cool the feelings of the spouses, and quarrels and scandals will alienate them from each other. Only sensitive attention and a desire to understand your partner can save such a marriage.

Taurus is one of the three earth signs. People born under this sign are distinguished by friendliness, tenderness, passion, kindness, hard work and stubbornness. Compatible signs with Taurus are other representatives of the earth signs: Virgo, Capricorn. Taurus are attracted to air signs, especially Gemini. I propose to take a closer look at who Taurus is compatible with.

Taurus and fire signs

  • Aries - the union is based on passion, attraction, tenderness and can be long-term if Taurus does not try to limit the freedom of Aries.
  • Leo - such a union is unlikely, and in those situations when these two decide to try to get along together, most often the relationship is based on deception.
  • Sagittarius is a good combination for friendships. Romantic relationships, especially between bright representatives of the elements, are short-lived.

Taurus and water signs

  • Cancer - great combination to develop long-term partnerships and friendships. Representatives of both signs are homebodies who highly value coziness and comfort.
  • Scorpio - these signs, completely opposite in character, have every chance of becoming a wonderful couple. Taurus here represents loyalty and reliability, while Scorpio represents strength and determination.
  • Pisces - the union is based on care, tenderness and friendship, but there is no place in it for bright flashes of passion and madness.

Taurus and air signs

  • Gemini - despite the obvious attraction, they are unlikely to be together for long. Sooner or later, the restless twin will give in.
  • Libra is a good union, especially if the partners learn to compromise.
  • Aquarius is a very ambiguous union in which both partners strive to subjugate each other, so quarrels cannot be avoided here.

Taurus and earth signs

  • Virgo partners in this union are united by common views, preferences and life principles.
  • Capricorn is a promising union: here physical attraction is combined with common interests and preferences.
  • Taurus - are Taurus and Taurus compatible? Certainly! Both partners are friendly, quiet, calm, reliable, devoted and homely. It is more pleasant for them to spend the evening at home together than to have fun at a party. Another area that unites them is money, so, having combined their efforts, they devote a lot of time to replenishing their wealth. The only negative is that partners have little opportunity for development and personal growth.

The compatibility of Taurus with other signs depends on the dominant energies in the partners. Each zodiac symbol has certain characteristics that a peace-loving Taurus can either get along with, or his whole nature tells him to avoid contacts with diametrically opposed people.

What determines the compatibility of zodiac signs? Zodiac signs can be friends for many years, but are completely different from each other according to their horoscope. Why do some people get along well with each other? mutual language in business and in life, but in love relationships they fail? We will try to understand all these issues today.

Characteristics of the sign

Representatives of the Taurus sign, on the one hand, are as simple as five kopecks, but on the other hand, their inner world deep and sometimes contradictory, the influence that the stars have on the earth sign is not always clear.

Everything in this world is subject to the influence of cosmic energies and interactions of the planets of a particular individual’s horoscope. If we talk about the sign of Taurus, then the following planets have a dominant influence on its horoscope:

How to distinguish a Taurus

A typical Taurus is distinguished by calmness and equanimity, it is difficult to unbalance him or convince him of anything; if he is sure of something, he will never come forward with his opinion, no clear arguments and evidence will help. They are not particularly eloquent; more often they are limited to a set of short phrases like: “yes”, “no”, “maybe”. They approach the matter with the utmost seriousness and extreme meticulousness; do not expect quick actions and decisions from Taurus; representatives of this sign do everything slowly and deliberately, thinking through every step.

Taurus is by nature non-impulsive, he does not give in to aggression and provocations, he can live in his own little world for years and not notice that squabbles and bickering are happening around him, but if you manage to throw him out of balance, there will be trouble! The ox's rage is limitless, he is capable of destroying everything in his path.

People of the Taurus sign are for the most part financially successful; they always have a small capital in their nest egg, with which they will willingly come to the rescue of an old friend or relative. Having free money does not make them hoarders. They are very happy to spend money on home improvement or on gifts for loved ones.

Taurus man

Men of the Taurus sign are very loving, but they will never show their passion first; they will charm and flirt until the lady herself begins to pursue him. The ox’s tactics always work flawlessly: ladies feel the strong core of a Taurus man, their inner sexuality, and they themselves take the first step.

Men of this sign are gentle and caring, there is also a share of romance in them, he can dedicate a poem, a song to his soul mate, give a beautiful bouquet of flowers, but do not expect ardent confessions from him, hundreds of compliments, they are stingy with words, they show their feelings with care.

Taurus looks at life specifically, he does not build castles in the air, does not harbor illusions, for life he is looking for a reliable companion who will be faithful to him and provide a reliable rear. Having chosen a wife, he will first submit for approval a plan of the house in which the young family will live.

The Taurus man is well built, strong by nature, Taurus cannot be classified as an intellectual sign, it is unlikely to be possible to talk about “high things” with him, the sign is down to earth, he is worried everyday problems and worldly affairs. Strength men - hard work and diligence, they firmly know what they want, despite the vicissitudes of fate, they confidently move towards their goal.

Taurus cannot imagine their life without a home and family, they dissolve in their children, are personally involved in arranging and renovating the house, and, as a rule, by the age of 30 they already have their own home or are about to buy one. They love to garden and garden if they live in an apartment; they grow indoor flowers with great trepidation.

According to the horoscope, a Taurus man is distinguished by his reliability, he will not tolerate a grumbling woman commander next to him, his life partner should be pretty, playful and affectionate, not contradict her husband, no matter who her profession is, in marriage she should be meek, take care of the house , family.

Compatibility of a Taurus man with other signs

Since we are talking about the sign of the earth, we should not forget that in a partner, representatives of this element value beauty and sophistication, femininity and sexuality, reliability and homeliness. As you know, men love with their eyes, Taurus is no exception. A man of this sign chooses a sophisticated and beautiful girl, she may be peppery, but she’s definitely not a bitch.

Love relationship

In adolescence, they are attracted by inner sexuality and emancipation, and they begin to be sexually active early. The compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs at this age is based on carnal desire and solely on physiology.

In a more mature period of one’s life, the choice falls on a partner who will make an ideal wife. A girl should be beautiful, neat, faithful, make concessions, provide a reliable rear and comfort at home.

Earth Fire

The compatibility of couples where the man is earth and the woman is fire can be passionate and ardent, but the man in these relationships will always dominate, oppressing the freedom-loving fire partner, who values ​​equal unions, where the husband and wife have the same position in marriage. The partner in such a relationship will be burdened by her husband’s down-to-earth nature, his seriousness and excessive calmness; simply put, she will be bored with him outside the marriage bed.

Compatibility of Taurus with other signs

CALF! Compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Compatibility Horoscope - Taurus


Taurus – compatibility with other zodiac signs. Love horoscope.

Taurus Horoscope of compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs

compatibility in love of the sign of Taurus with the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Taurus sexual compatibility horoscope ♉ Compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs

Calf. Compatibility at

Husband For Taurus Woman. Marriage Affairs

The compatibility horoscope of Taurus often pits them against passionate lioness girls. The compatibility of Taurus women and men with Leo is good only in sexual terms. Leo in this union is attracted by the sexual potential and strength of the partner, his sensuality and temperament. Later, the relationship develops into friendship between partners, since in addition to bed, there are also everyday moments in life. Emotional lionesses often lack the Italian temperament, recklessness and spontaneity in a partner. Taurus in this union lacks stability, he does not accept the madness and temper of his partner, and involuntarily has a depressing effect on her. The situation with a Sagittarius girl is similar, but you can count on a longer relationship than in the case of a Leo or Aries.

Earth Water

Earthly men are most comfortable in relationships with girls of the water element. Water nourishes and moistens the earth; thanks to water, life appears on the earth. The tandem of water and earth is always fertile and beneficial. As a rule, the compatibility of the elements is ideal. Marriages between partners are long and happy, partners in relationships complement each other and provide support. The compatibility of Taurus in love and marriage with representatives of the water element is very high.

Pisces will win the heart of a romantic bull with their sensuality, kindness and sophistication. Their fragile spiritual world has many points of contact: they have a keen sense of art, they appreciate good music and painting. Taurus is attracted by sexual compatibility with a Pisces woman and her calm disposition. The only thing that can scare away a fish is its disorganization. The union of Pisces and Taurus can easily develop into a long-term relationship.

The Cancer woman will conquer the man with her thriftiness and stability; she, like the Taurus man, loves home and children. She takes care of household chores with confidence and takes on most of the household responsibilities. She values ​​the ability to earn money in a man and loves beautiful and practical gifts.

A passionate Scorpio girl will bewitch you with her charms, but her domineering character and desire for leadership can become a serious obstacle in a relationship.

Earth Air

The interaction of the two elements is more adversarial than friendly. Representatives of the air element are easy-going, very sociable, cannot stand loneliness, and have inner attractiveness and intelligence. Air has a detrimental effect on the earth element.

For the Aquarius-Taurus couple, friendly relationships are more suitable; both signs are too different to create a strong family. In a relationship, a man will lack peace and stability. The windy two-faced twin will not be able to bestow a quiet and sedate life.

A union with Libra can be more harmonious, but it is also difficult; by nature, Libras are balanced, they consciously approach every step of their life, and plan events. In marriage, she is a good housewife and mother, but she is too demanding of a spouse, and conflicts may arise on this basis.

A marriage with an Aquarius cannot be called a calm union; the couple gets along well in bed, but it is difficult for an exalted intellectual Aquarius to understand a down-to-earth Taurus; conflicts may arise against the background of different worldviews.

Earth Earth

An alliance can be promising, representatives of the earth element understand each other perfectly, they have the same life values, they do not like change. Couples in which both partners are Taurus can result in a strong and loving family, if the husband and wife move in the same direction and support each other, the family will become financially successful and strong.

The compatibility of women and men of the Taurus sign cannot be called ideal; in a couple, both partners gravitate towards leadership, but there are many chances for a happy family life.

Of all the zodiac signs, the most harmonious relationship is with a Capricorn girl; she belongs to the type of woman who thinks globally, she is the one who is capable of making a general out of a soldier, and will support her husband to achieve his goals.

Taurus is able to fulfill the deepest desires of a Virgo like no one else. Virgo is a good housewife, but not a very good mother. He often makes excessive demands on his spouse and tries to take control of everything. The union can be successful if the wife makes concessions to her husband.

Taurus woman

Women of this sign are distinguished by ease of communication, she gets along well with a banker, a carpenter and a nuclear physicist, finds a common language with everyone, perceives people as they are. One thing can be said about Taurus women: she contains all those qualities that captivate and attract men. A large share of prudence and kindness, tenderness and care for your partner, beauty and hard work and many other valuable feminine qualities.

She values ​​reliability and stability in a partner and does not tolerate unbalanced people who disturb peace and tranquility. Taurus women cannot be called pathologically jealous; she may agree with her husband’s admiration for the good figure of a young girl, but on the condition of innocent admiration. She does not accept betrayal; having caught her husband cheating, she will destroy everything in her path. It is better not to anger a Taurus woman.

Being a good housewife, she is kind to her family and home. Women of this sign, as a rule, cook well, everything in the house is brand new, and there is an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. A big lover of gardens and indoor flowers.

The Taurus woman is distinguished by her sensual perception of smells; she can fall in love with a man only because he smells pleasant, he is well-groomed and caring. If you are going to conquer a woman of this sign, give her good perfume, take her to a symphony music concert or an art exhibition. A woman of subtle spiritual organization will definitely appreciate your efforts.

A Taurus wife is not a sissy; she will not blame her husband for temporary financial difficulties; she will go to work until the situation stabilizes. A caring mother, a good housewife, a breadwinner and a support for a man - all this is not a complete list of her positive qualities.

Compatibility with other signs

The Aries man attracts the Taurus woman with his sexual energy, charm and determination. Unfortunately, the union cannot be called ideal; conflicts often arise in the couple, both partners fight for leadership, neither the man nor the woman in the couple agrees to make concessions.

The compatibility of Taurus women and men is undeniable, they go in the same direction, they have common goals and ideas. A woman is an ideal housewife, a good mother and keeper of the hearth, a man is a breadwinner, a reliable support.

For a woman, this union is especially difficult; the Gemini man is sociable and fickle; he will not give confidence in the future, which is so necessary for women of earth signs.

For a Taurus woman, a Cancer man is the very stability and stronghold of family happiness that she dreamed of. Ideal sexual compatibility, love for home and children, mutual support. Whatever cat runs between them, providence itself brings this couple together.

Leo attracts women with his strength and romance, but the royal courtship is followed by a family life full of litter and resentment. A Taurus woman lacks confidence and reliable ground under her feet. The Leo man in a couple is a little bored, he lacks the chaos and ease in relationships with earth signs.

A completely harmonious relationship can result from an alliance with a Virgo; both partners choose a material position in life, have common goals and a vision of the world and family. They are kind to the house, this couple has perfect order in relationships and in the home.

Of all the signs, Libra is distinguished by its prudence and balanced decisions. The couple feels quite comfortable with each other, and from time to time the partners make compromises.

A union with a Scorpio man can bring family happiness both partners, idyll in sexual intimacy, similar life priorities. The determination and leadership qualities of a man in marriage will bring financial success couple, if the wife makes concessions and listens to her husband’s opinion.

The ardent Sagittarius man attracts ladies with his passion and sociability, but this can play a disservice in family life. Prone to love adventures, quick changes of ideas and life positions, Sagittarius unbalances the sedate Taurus girl. Ultimately, what brings a couple together can also drive them apart.

A completely harmonious and long-lasting union can come out of a couple in which the man is Capricorn and the woman is Taurus. The spouse in the relationship will support the partner, provide him with a reliable rear, and, if necessary, become a shoulder to lean on. Similar life values ​​and temperament of spouses can guarantee a happy future together.

A man of the Pisces sign captivates with his romance and tenderness, and can build a good career with the support of his wife. The union is favorable for both partners.

Compatibility of partners according to the Chinese horoscope

In addition to zodiac compatibility, do not forget about the Eastern horoscope. Every animal eastern horoscope inherent in a set of qualities and characteristics that influence the fate and character of a person. If a couple's compatibility is high in both the zodiac and Chinese horoscope, consider that providence itself brought the couple together!

Below is a table of compatibility of partners according to the Chinese horoscope.

TAURUS - ARIES: Two different personalities. Taurus does not like to be rushed, which will dampen the enthusiasm of Aries, who is prone to the more impulsive joys of sex. Taurus does not have a developed sensual imagination, and if Aries relies on emotions, then Taurus will find it difficult to respond to him. The relationship can be hot, but in marriage, Taurus must learn to overlook Aries's occasional infidelity.

TAURUS - TAURUS: They are not always sexually compatible. A woman is sentimental in love, a man has a more earthly nature. The Taurus man prefers the company of other men. He loves to chase women. The Taurus woman cannot tolerate deception or lack of attention to herself. The relationship can and should be pleasant, but one can only guess about the fate of the marriage.

TAURUS - GEMINI: Dual, changeable, many-sided Gemini is the opposite of the constancy of Taurus. Taurus is attracted to Gemini's artistry and imagination. Taurus's reserve arouses Gemini's interest. However, Gemini is annoyed by Taurus's slow reaction and his clumsy, amateur caresses. A colorless relationship and not the best prospects for marriage.

TAURUS - CANCER: Cancer appears to Taurus as a romantic, satisfying partner. The stability of Taurus will not be shaken by the changeable mood of Cancer, and the constancy of his aspirations provides reliable reasons for postponing the start of a sexual relationship. Both have a strong desire for a passionate, emotional life. If the physical side satisfies them, then it will be an acceptable relationship and, possibly, a successful marriage.

TAURUS - LEO: Taurus will have to put up with Leo's grandiosity complex. Leo considers it natural for himself to occupy a central place in his lover's life. Leo is cheerful and responsive; Taurus is prone to restraint and selfishness. There are no problems expected in the sexual area, but for this Leo must set the pace and mood. It's difficult to please a Leo and this can complicate the connection, and in the long term, this is not an important combination.

TAURUS - VIRGO: Taurus is more physical and may be irritated by Virgo's puritanical tendencies. When making love, Virgo prefers simple ways and, if possible, avoids excesses. Taurus is not against simplicity, but his tirelessness in sex may bother Virgo. Other than that, there are few problems. Good communication: A successful marriage is possible. But it requires compromise in the area of ​​sex.

TAURUS - LIBRA: Libras will bring a great deal of emotional warmth and understanding into their sex life, necessary to analyze and solve all physical problems. Libra will try to excite and satisfy their partner. Taurus is also persistent, so the chances for mutual satisfaction in this area are good. Taurus can take the lead in the bedroom. The connection is “cute”, and a good, long-term union is possible.

TAURUS - SCORPIO: They have an equally developed sexual appetite. In addition, none of them feels the need for outside connections. When irritated, Taurus can be stubborn, and Scorpio's anger, if angered, should be feared by all signs of the zodiac. A relationship full of storms is expected, and marriage is possible only with extraordinary tolerance.

TAURUS - SAGITTARIUS: The danger is that Taurus will try to “put the freedom-loving Sagittarius on a short leash.” It won't work. Extremely sexy Taurus will be pleased with the voluptuousness of Sagittarius, but irritated by his desire to seek love wherever possible. They will be happy together, but carefree Sagittarius is usually a much better lover than a spouse.

TAURUS - CAPRICORN: Sexual attraction is equal in strength. Neither of them is looking for wild, over-the-top sex. Taurus will not like Capricorn's innate tendency to hide their expectations. And, accordingly, Capricorn will react negatively to Taurus’ attempts to insist on his own. There will be no “romance” in their relationship, but they are capable of sensual love and a good, long-term partnership.

TAURUS - AQUARIUS: Prone to introspection, Aquarius is not as interested in the physical side of love as Taurus. Aquarius prefers intellectual communication, but this type of love will not satisfy the sensual Taurus. On the other side. Taurus will seem too demanding to Aquarius. However, Aquarius likes to master the technique of sex, and this can captivate him. Casual relationship, unpromising marriage.

TAURUS - PISCES: Pisces have a lively, unpredictable temperament in sexual relationships. Taurus may find it difficult to deal with. By helping Pisces realize their fantasies, tactfully and reliably encouraging them, persistent Taurus can achieve a lot. The success of sexual harmony depends on Taurus. Good prospects for a passionate relationship and for a satisfying marriage.

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According to the compatibility horoscope, the Taurus woman has great strength spirit and is certainly a strong personality, but she has the intelligence not to demonstrate this to a man. She will forgive her friend for any shortcomings and will never refuse help. If compatible, the Taurus woman will become a reliable support for her husband, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort at home.

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Taurus man

They often say about Taurus-Taurus compatibility: “they live in perfect harmony,” because the similarity of their interests, goals and aspirations is so obvious that it catches the eye. Solid and reliable Taurus finds his “soul mate” in such a marriage. And after twenty years, this couple may not be bored of being together, discussing their plans together, rejoicing together or solving problems that have arisen. The union of two Taurus is double strength, energy and perseverance. Together they are comfortable and good, and they are able to move mountains!

In terms of compatibility, the Taurus woman and the Taurus man are both very economic people. They are like “self-propelled savings banks” with one desire to provide for themselves in old age, so they can easily afford both a prosperous life and its special style. Both Taurus know well what their love and marriage partner wants and desires. And their love intensifies with the accumulation of material wealth and an increase in the bank account...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Gemini man

They say you can't order your heart. Therefore, the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Gemini man is such that they may become interested in each other, and even experience strong feelings, but such a union has little chance of happiness and longevity.

In this contradictory marriage, many will see quirks of fate - the active Gemini man and the leisurely, thorough Taurus woman seem so inappropriate for each other from the outside. But love has its own laws, including the law of attraction of opposites. Unfortunately, it is difficult to expect stability from these relationships - too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof, coming into conflict with each other.

It is difficult for a Taurus woman to come to terms with the fact that a Gemini man is in no hurry to return home from work in the evenings. Unlike him, she does not like noisy parties and does not share many of his other hobbies. These are too different people, and not only their character differs, but also their life goals...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Cancer man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Cancer man- both are economical and thorough, practically created for each other. Both, as a rule, strive for money and are ready to accumulate it through hard work; both value comfort above all else hearth and home, both love and appreciate carnal pleasures, which makes them excellent lovers.

True, the Taurus woman is sometimes not satisfied with the slowness of the cautious Cancer, and she is able to express this to him directly to his face. In such cases, Cancer hides in its “shell” and gradually accumulates grievances. However, these grievances are minor and rarely reach a critical level when he is ready to break. Most often, the positive moments in their relationship far outweigh the negative ones, and this union has every chance of happily lasting a lifetime...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Leo man

Such couples are rare. A Taurus woman and a Leo man do not have the best compatibility and they usually look for more suitable partners.

They will not be able to bring their union to family life “like everyone else,” so those Taurus and Leo who are satisfied with unusual and vibrant relationships stay together. Most often these are talented, spiritually developed and strong people.

Leo leads an active social lifestyle, while the Taurus woman guarantees him a reliable rear, devoting herself to home and family. In terms of compatibility, both the Taurus woman and the Leo man value any carnal pleasures, be it food, sleep or sex, and therefore they suit each other well in bed...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Virgo man

According to the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Virgo man, this union has every chance of being long and lasting. They have a lot in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, and are used to achieving everything through their own work, both are committed to serious relationships, value the comfort of the family hearth and strive for prosperity.

This is one of the most durable pairs. Their good compatibility is obvious even to ill-wishers; they do not forget to note that “they found each other.” The fact is that many consider Taurus and Virgo to be boring, stingy, and homebodies.

No surprises are expected from Virgo and Taurus; they are predictable and calm. To some, this union may seem boring; there are no bright passions and experiences in it. This is not a romantic relationship full of adventures and twists and turns, but a partnership for a long and happy life together...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Libra man

In terms of compatibility between Taurus women and Libra men, this couple is one of the most common. Taurus and Libra are attracted to each other and have good compatibility. In this union, partners are united by a love for the small joys and pleasures of life. The Libra man is a more subtle and creative person than the Taurus woman, however, both he and she know how to appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, and good sex. Thanks to this, their relationships often turn out to be very strong - nothing brings people closer together than the ability to enjoy little things together.

In everyday life, a Taurus woman, as a rule, gladly takes upon herself homework: cooks delicious food, takes care of children. True, she is not always happy with the Libra man’s success at work and can sometimes blame him for indecisiveness...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Scorpio man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Scorpio man- these are directly opposite signs of the Zodiac. At first glance, it seems that they have different values ​​and character traits: the Taurus woman is friendly and calm - the Scorpio man is emotional and quick-tempered, the Taurus woman loves home comfort– Scorpio loves power and his work. However, they have a lot in common: both take marriage seriously, have a similar temperament, are jealous, and Scorpio, despite his firmly established reputation as a heartthrob and womanizer, knows how to be truly faithful to the woman he loves, just as Taurus remains faithful to his beloved.

In the Taurus-Scorpio alliance, the partners have excellent sexual compatibility. The sensual Scorpio man and Taurus woman are great for each other sexually, and Everyday life The Taurus woman, who has an indestructible calm, does an excellent job of not reacting to Scorpio’s sarcastic remarks...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Sagittarius man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Sagittarius man– their characters are almost completely opposite. They live in completely different rhythms of life, strive for different goals - and, despite this, they are able to find their happiness in union with each other.

It is not easy for a homely and practical Taurus woman, who loves stability and confidence in the future, to come to terms with the constant changes in the life of a Sagittarius man, with his desire for freedom and a somewhat frivolous attitude towards money. In addition, Sagittarius runs away from marriage like the devil from incense, which, naturally, does not please the serious Taurus woman.

The most difficult thing in their relationship is not to go in different directions, shrugging their shoulders in bewilderment, after the first meeting. If this did not happen, and they felt mutual attraction, their dissimilar characters have every chance of merging together, perfectly complementing each other, like pieces of a complex puzzle. And this, perhaps, for many, many years...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Capricorn man

In terms of compatibility, the Taurus woman and the Capricorn man are the most complex, but also the most creative union of the three pairs of the Earth element. He can bring more problems than any other, and what’s especially bad is that it immediately attracts with excellent compatibility, and only then difficulties appear. But, on the other hand, in this union there is a lot of internal energy, many opportunities for self-improvement for each partner and many chances for life success and material well-being.

For the melancholy heart of the Capricorn man, the Taurus woman is already a real find. In both one and the other, feelings are constant and lasting. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is faithful and devoted to each other. Between them, as a rule, love does not arise “at first sight” or in the form of a “forest fire”, but over the years, mutual understanding and agreement deepen, the feeling of affection grows stronger...

Compatibility of Taurus woman - Aquarius man

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Aquarius man- this is one of the most difficult unions. It does not give partners anything either in everyday life or in spiritual terms: they do not organize their lives very coherently and achieve common goals, and communication with each other develops in them completely different traits that are needed for internal growth.

However, such couples are not uncommon. The secret is that in the Taurus-Aquarius union, both receive emotional storms, shocks and a life rich in feelings, which they are not capable of with other partners due to their strong craving for stability.

It is especially difficult for a Taurus woman in this marriage. She will have neither peace nor rest here, since the sins of her partner, Aquarius, will constantly agitate her. Taurus will constantly have to cope with both Aquarius himself and his friends or girlfriends...

Compatibility of Aries woman - Pisces man

In terms of compatibility, a Taurus woman and a Pisces man are an amazing couple. They are both similar and dissimilar to each other at the same time. They look at how different they are and notice the commonalities.

This couple has several fundamentally important issues on which they differ. If in everyday communication they do not argue about them, then they have every chance of living together happy life. Oddly enough, more often the fate of a couple depends not on the constant and firmly standing Taurus woman, but on the fluid and changeable Pisces.

Such an alliance is especially good for a Pisces man: in a Taurus woman he usually finds the necessary mutual understanding and support. She willingly takes over the management of the household, is able to make decisions and take on an organizational role in the family (which the Pisces man does not like and cannot do) and even if necessary, can earn more than him in order to support the family...