Well      06/12/2019

How to check the depth of a well after drilling - technology, methods and methods of measurement, recommendations. Drilling and determining the required depth of the well. Logging cable with magnetic marks

Drinking water well depth

One of the most important indicators for a summer resident is the depth of drilling, because it is by depth that the price of drilling is calculated. Our practice shows that most people do not understand what the depth of the well should be. It is generally accepted that at shallow depths there is little water, at great depths there is a lot of it. Accordingly, a shallow well is enough for a summer cottage, and a deep well is needed for water supply at home.

These are all myths, now we will clarify this issue and tell you how to find out how many meters to drill a well.

How to find out the depth of water for a well

On this moment there is no 100% way to check the water depth before drilling. Even geophysicists will not be able to accurately determine.
So how do you know how deep to drill a well?
There are 4 working tips:

  • Ask how many meters of wells the neighbors have. But they can withhold real data, don't be surprised by this. Occasionally it happens that even in neighboring areas there can be significant differences in depth.
  • Ask the drillers. Companies that have been operating in your area for a long time have probably already re-drilled every square meter and know the approximate depths.
  • Find well depth maps of the Moscow region on the Internet and see the points closest to you.
  • Drill an artesian well. Everything is clear here, you order and they drill for you until the limestone is opened, after which you will know the result.

Optimal well depth for drinking water

A person who has nothing to do with drilling thinks something like this: water starts from 10 meters and the deeper it becomes, the cleaner and cleaner it becomes, and starting from 40 meters (relatively), it is as clean as possible. It is this water that is potable, and a well for such water is called artesian. Hence the classic question is born: “at what depth is drinking water?”
Having learned such a depth from someone, people want to drill a fixed hole of 70 meters, or 30 or 100 meters.

All these are delusions! There is no optimal well depth.

We also often hear similar words: “I don’t need a lot of water, I just water the plot.” Some people believe that if a well is drilled on summer cottage and the water will go mainly for irrigation, then you can drill shallow. This is a myth and let's find out why it's not true.

How deep does an artesian well start?

In the generally accepted sense, an artesian well in the Moscow region is a well drilled to water-bearing limestones, hence its second name is a limestone well. But at what depth the drillers will open these limestones, this will be the very “optimal well depth”. Water may also be contained in other rocks, but in the Moscow region they are drilled for limestone. Since the geology of the area is heterogeneous, such aquifers can occur both at 20 meters and at 200 meters. And no one can accurately say the exact depth of their occurrence.

They don’t drill to the depth, they drill to the water-bearing rocks!

Having opened these rocks, you will get a well with a certain flow rate (productivity). Under this debit and under your goals is selected submersible pump and then it doesn’t matter whether this water is used for irrigation or for the house, the pump will pump as much as it can.

For a more accurate understanding of what to expect in your area, you should look at the map of the depths of the Moscow region or return to and use the advice from there. If you are not in the Moscow region, find a similar map of your region and find out how deep water wells are drilled in you, but all these are only indicative values.

What is the depth of the well does not require a license

As with well depth, there is no maximum depth to which a well can be drilled without a permit. According to the Subsoil Law, you can drill an artesian well if it does not exploit the aquifer used for the centralized water supply of your locality.
In addition, an ordinary summer resident who drills a well for his home and only his own needs does not need a license.
You can learn more about the license.

How to check the depth of the well after drilling, so as not to be deceived

And at the end, let's move on to important point how to verify the words of the drillers and find out how many meters they actually drilled. After all, it is generally accepted that a priori they want to deceive you.
After the drilling has been completed, the drilling crew hands over the well to you and makes a depth measurement. You must be present at this process, because it is you who sign the certificate of completion and if something is wrong, then there will be no one to present claims.
Measurements are made by drillers with their drilling tools, namely drill rods, which have the same length (pictured). The bars are alternately lowered to the bottom, a mark is made on the last bar, then they are taken out and laid out. Then take a tape measure and measure the length of the rod and multiply by their number + part of the latter. Everything is simple. You have the right to measure at least every barbell.
As you can see in the photo, the rod is rigid metal and even if you want, it is impossible to lower more than necessary into their well.
This is the simplest and most accurate method of measuring the depth of a well.
Therefore, when a well is handed over, come and check the depth so as not to do what we will write about later.

Practice shows that many do not trust this or were not there when the well was commissioned and are simply sure that they were deceived. Therefore, having received a working well, they begin experiments, sometimes right on the day the drillers leave.

  • Classic case #1.
    After reading articles on depth measurement (from theorists), you decide to lower a hammer, ax or other heavy element into the well. Everything would be fine, but those who advise this method probably forgot that, at a certain depth (indicated in the passport), the well has a transition to a smaller diameter. Your hammer will rest against this smaller diameter and will not go further, you will decide that this is the bottom and consider that you have been deceived.
  • Classic case #2.
    Your hammer nevertheless entered this smaller diameter, plunges deeper and deeper into the water, the rope becomes heavy, and even if your object has sunk to the bottom, the rope itself stretches further under its own weight.
    And it's good if you can pull your hammer back. It often happens that either the rope just breaks, or the hammer gets caught on something, you pull it and get a rope break, or you just can’t get your hammer back.
    As a result, you lose the warranty, lose the opportunity to install the pump and get a new well that needs to be repaired. They will try to repair it for you, but for some money.

Sometimes the depth measurement service is provided by third-party workers whom you have called to install the pump. Their method is about the same - a load on a rope. The result is the same as with self-measurement.
You can learn more about cheating by drilling firms.

How to check the depth of an old well

Having bought a house with an old artesian well, or having received an abandoned well in some other way, in the complete absence of documents for it, most likely, it repair not worth it. After all, this is a waste of time and money, and it is not known whether there will be water at the outlet.
Perhaps, during the downtime, stones and debris were thrown into it, perhaps casing pipes were torn in it, and if it is a sand well, then its service life has long expired and it is inoperative.
It's a lottery: you have to pay for logging, you need to buy a submersible pump according to the parameters of the well and try to pump it out. There is a risk that the pump will catch on to something, but only in such an empirical way can one understand whether the well will work.
If there is no water and the pump has already been purchased, then you will have to drill the well again and hope that your purchased well pump will fit its parameters.

Well water level measurement

After the well has been drilled, the water level in the well is measured with a device that drillers call a cracker. When it hits the water, it emits a pop, this allows you to determine the static water level.
The dynamic water level is defined differently: when water is pumped out, it bounces off the rods, the underwater and surface parts become slightly different colors. Based on this, it is easy to determine the dynamics.
You can’t throw a cracker, even if the well large diameter and the pump is narrow, there is a risk that everything will get stuck.

All these works are carried out by drillers, you yourself do not need to measure the water level, especially since the pump is already standing. There is a very high chance of the gauge getting stuck, and repairs are very expensive. Yes, and it makes no sense to remeasure, everything has already been done and calculated for you.

Water is the basis of life. Every day, a person uses tons of this priceless mineral for his own purposes, so it is constantly lacking. Owners of suburban real estate in all its manifestations seek to provide themselves with life-giving moisture and are engaged in the arrangement of wells or wells. Many are interested in how to find water for a well in their area. It turns out that you can try to do it yourself, using one of the many existing methods.

Where does groundwater accumulate?

Before you start looking, it's worth knowing a little more about ground water Oh. Moisture underground accumulates inside the so-called aquifers as a result of precipitation filtration. The liquid, sandwiched between water-resistant layers of soil, consisting of stone or clay, forms reservoirs of various sizes.

Their location is not strictly horizontal, they can bend, forming in such areas a kind of lens filled with water. Their volumes are also very diverse: from a few cubic meters to tens of cubic kilometers.

The scheme of groundwater occurrence is necessary in order to have at least some idea where the source may be.

Closest to the surface, at a depth of only 2-5 m, lies the "top water". These are small reservoirs fed by precipitation and melt water. In dry times, they tend to dry up and cannot be a source of water supply. In addition, water from them can most often be used only for technical purposes. Of greatest interest to humans are deep aquifers containing large reserves of finely filtered water. They usually lie at a depth of 8-10 meters and below. The most valuable water, enriched with minerals and salts, is even deeper, at a distance of about 30-50 m. Getting to it is real, but difficult.

Popular ways to search for water on the site

If desired, the search for water under the well can be done in several ways. The most common of them:

Use of pottery

The ancient method of determining the presence of water involved the use of a clay pot. It was dried in the sun, then turned over and placed on the ground over the place where the water vein was supposed to lie. After a while, the dishes fogged up from the inside, if there really was water under it. Today, this method has been somewhat improved.

You need to take a liter or two of silica gel, which is an excellent desiccant. It is thoroughly dried in the oven and poured into a clay pot. After that, the dishes with the gel are weighed on accurate scales better than pharmacy ones. Then they are wrapped in cloth and buried to a depth of about half a meter in the place where it is supposed to drill a well. Leave it there for a day, then dig it out and carefully weigh it again.

Not one or two aquifers have been found with silica gel yet

The more moisture absorbed into the gel, the closer the water. Can be on initial stage bury a few pots and choose a place with the most intense return of water. Instead of silica gel, an ordinary brick can be used, which is also dried and weighed.

Observations - where do plants grow?

Some plants are excellent indicators of underground water.

Plants will tell you if there is water in the area

For example, a birch growing above a stream will be of low height with a knotty, twisted trunk. The branches of the tree located above it will form the so-called "witch's panicles". The water close to the surface will be shown by thickets of woodlice, low herbaceous plant. River gravel directly points to the watercourse located under it. But the pine, with its long taproot, says the opposite - in this place the water is deep enough.

Definition by height difference

This method can only be used if there is any body of water or well nearby. You will need an ordinary aneroid barometer, with which pressure will be measured. Based on the fact that for every 13 m of elevation difference, the pressure will drop by about 1 mm of mercury, one can try to determine the depth of groundwater. To do this, you need to measure the pressure at the site of the proposed well and on the shore of the reservoir. The pressure drop is about half a mm Hg. Art. indicates that the depth of the aquifer is 6 or 7 meters.

Observations of natural phenomena

The soil, saturated with underground moisture, will certainly evaporate it. In the early morning or evening at the end of a very hot summer day, you should pay attention to the area where the well is supposed to be equipped.

If fog forms over it, there is water there. It is best if the fog rises in a column or swirls, which means that there is a lot of moisture and it is close enough. You should also be aware that waterproof layers usually follow the terrain. Thus, in the basins and natural depressions, surrounded by hills, there will definitely be water. But on the slopes and plains it may not be.

exploration drilling

How to find water with a frame?

Very often, the search for water for a well is carried out using dowsing, an old and very accurate method for determining the watercourse. Before starting the search, you will need to prepare frames, which are pieces of aluminum wire about 40 cm long. Their ends at a level of about 10 cm are bent at a right angle. It is believed that it is best to insert frames into tubes of elderberry that have been cored. The wire in the tubes must turn absolutely calmly. Also, forks of branches of viburnum, willow or hazel can be used as a frame.

Frames are small pieces of aluminum wire bent at right angles.

  • We determine the position of the cardinal points using the compass and mark them on the territory of the site with pegs.
  • We take a frame in each hand. We press the elbows to the sides, we direct the forearms parallel to the ground, so that the frame becomes, as it were, an extension of the arms.
  • Slowly we cross the territory of the site from north to south, and then from east to west. In a place where there is a watercourse underground, the frames will begin to move and intersect. This place is marked with a peg.
  • Considering that water usually lies in the form of peculiar veins, having found one point, we determine the entire watercourse. To do this, we perform the previous operation several times, each time marking with a peg the place where the frames intersected.
  • We determine the power and depth of the watercourse. We imagine that we are diving to the depth of our own growth, then to two, three or more such distances. The first time the frame will react to the upper border of the water vein, the second - to the bottom.

A well on the site is a practical solution for providing water supply to the house and personal plot. Techniques self search groundwater flow will allow you to determine the presence of water on the site and help make a decision on the possibility of arranging the system. But do not rely too much on them, because all these methods, although considered quite accurate, give only general answers to questions. Only specialists will be able to determine the presence of an aquifer, its depth and thickness absolutely accurately.

The need for water land plot- not discussed, it should be wherever there is life, especially if the cottage is used for planting vegetables and fruits. That is why it is very important to host not just a tap that will supply water according to a schedule that you will have to adapt to, but a full-fledged well with a pump. In our article, you will find out what depth of the well is required without permission and by law.

Where do we start

So, you have purchased a very nice plot of land with beautiful views of the surroundings and excellent soil for planting crops and fruit trees. The only drawback of your purchase was a tangible distance from central water supply.

No one will dispute the importance of water for the life of everything on earth:

  • Human.
  • plants.
  • Animals.

In principle, nothing is impossible.

However, there are many obstacles in the way of supplying water to the site from the central water supply:

  • Connecting to a water supply system with the laying of kilometer-long pipelines turns into a very laborious and not at all fast process.
  • The total price for the whole complex of works and materials, plus the project and design, will hit your finances quite noticeably.

Drilling and determining the required depth of the well

In this case, landowners make the only right decision - drilling a well directly on the site or in an area of ​​​​easy and unhindered access. If you are not ready to do this task with your own hands, then you will have to turn to specialists.

In any case, in the case of drilling, regardless of the way the work is performed, the very first and, of course, the pricing factor is the question - to what depth to hammer the well.

There are several points worth paying attention to.

Here, in fact, two of them, which will answer the question - how to determine the depth of the well:

  • The geology of your site.

  • Type and depth of groundwater.

Related articles:

The groundwater

Consider four main types of groundwater:

  1. First- perch, found at a shallow depth of up to 3.5-4 m.

This upper aquifer is filled with rain and melt water, and in this regard is characteristic:

  • A high degree of pollution, since it actually washes away all the dirt from the soil surface and, seeping through the upper layers of the soil, is more likely to be additionally polluted than cleaned by filtration.
  • Almost complete disappearance in the dry season and in frost. Without constant filling, some of the water from the perch water seeps deeper, and some dries up.

  1. Second Groundwater is usually found at a depth of about 10 m. Distinctive feature groundwater is the presence of a powerful hydro-resistant layer under the water layer. Its role can be played by clay or rocky layers that prevent water from seeping into the underlying layers, which ensures that the groundwater reservoir is filled even during periods of drought.

Groundwater, lying at a depth of 8-10 m, is already quite clean, filtered on the way through layers of various soils.

For your information! Between the perch and groundwater, as well as other types of groundwater, there may be several intermediate layers of water. The groundwater layer may not be continuous, with breaks, and in this case seepage into the water layers located below is inevitable.

  1. Third- interstratal waters, are usually located at a depth in the range from 10 to 100 m. The very name of this type of water suggests that they lie between two water-resistant layers of soil. The upper water-resistant layer may have a low degree of permeability, which provides additional replenishment of interstratal waters due to seepage from the two upper water layers.
  2. Fourth- artesian waters, lie just below 100 m from the surface of the earth. However, in some cases, they can also be found at a depth of 50 meters. For prey artesian water beats deep well. Naturally, this is the purest water.

The instruction on how to find out the depth of the well to which you need to drill is simple - what quality of water do you want to get at the exit to such a layer and drill it.

Advice! The depth of immersion of the pump into the well affects the quality and uninterrupted supply of water. Two rules are obligatory here: firstly, water must flow into the pump by gravity, i.e. the pump is immersed at least 1 meter from the dynamic groundwater level in the well. Secondly, the pump must be constantly in the water for uninterrupted cooling.

exploration drilling

Now about how to check the depth of the well in a particular area. To find out this value, reconnaissance work is carried out, i.e. test drilling.

The safest way to measure the depth of a well is to keep a detailed drilling log that notes:

  • Occurrence of soils of different groups.
  • Depth of aquifers.
  • The degree of absorption of recycled water.
  • Depth of soil erosion.

Permissive questions

Another issue that will have to be faced is the need for a permit for drilling. According to the law on subsoil in relation to water production, the owners land plots, without special agreement, have the right to drill and operate a well within the area up to the depth of the first aquifer.

And, if this applies to you, then feel free to get to work. If the location of the water source is supposed to be outside your land, then you will have to negotiate and look for those who are responsible for the area adjacent to you.


There is nothing complicated in the "analysis" of the soil and drilling, this issue can be resolved in two ways. The first is with special equipment when a well with a depth of more than 15 meters is required. The second is independent, when you make a well with a rented drill on your own to the groundwater level, so to speak, it will go for irrigation.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Many doctors say that well water is the most useful. It goes through natural filtration. Due to the fact that its channel flows underground, it does not contain impurities of dust, dirt, harmful elements that are on the surface of the earth.

If you are the owner own house or cottages, you are very lucky, because you have the opportunity to drill a well. It is quite difficult to do this on your own. It is better to rely on specialists in this matter. But the cost of such work depends on the depth of the well, and it is quite difficult to check the footage. Most people have no choice but to take the workers at their word. Of course, there is another option: following the advice, independently check the depth of the well after drilling.

In addition to controlling the cost of work, channel parameters should be known in order to properly install pumping equipment. Experts in the field of drilling wells without fail guarantee the provision of a passport for it. It also contains hole parameters.

In order to check the depth of the well after drilling, it is necessary:

  1. Having a passport.
  2. The presence of a pump.
  3. Measuring tool.
  4. Diving weight for the meter.
  5. Rope.

Having a passport will help you navigate the approximate parameters of the well.

In addition, it contains certain information:

  1. The level of the water.
  2. Depth indicators.
  3. Casing pipe in diameter.
  4. The limit of the maximum filling of water.

If there is no passport available, this happens when drilling on your own without the permission of the authorities, it will be a little more difficult to measure these indicators.

Procedure for measuring depth

In order for the measurements to be as accurate as possible, such work should be done at a certain time of the year at a certain temperature.

This is best done in the second half of the summer period with calm, dry weather.


  • Measure the dimensions of the hole radius.
  • Attach the weight to the end of the rope.
  • Immerse the rope until you are sure that the weight has touched the bottom.
  • By pulling out the rope, you will see the water level and the actual depth.

In this way, you will be able to determine the statistical depth indicators. There is a concept - dynamic deep indicators.

To measure dynamic data, you need to use pumping equipment. The process itself is quite simple. Its essence is that the pumping equipment pumps out all the water from the well, after which the measurement rope is lowered into the hole. There will still be a certain amount of water at the bottom - this will be dynamic data.

Important! Do not forget to put hoses and a filter mesh on the edge of the pump. This is necessary to prevent dirt from getting into the equipment.

How to determine the required depth?

Determining the depth of drilling a well for water is quite simple. When the first aquifer is reached, water samples are examined. If there are no harmful elements in the results, the depth is considered sufficient. If they are, the depth continues to increase.

Location of natural sources in the context

If the work is carried out by specialists, they are already familiar with the approximate parameters, based on the geological map of the area. If you do it yourself, you will know the exact parameters only when the final layer is reached.

Determining the depth of a well with a logging cable

You can check for yourself how deep the well was drilled by another popular method. This method requires a logging cable with magnetic marks spaced at certain intervals. They provide information about the depth indicators of the dive. The screen on top of the cable reads this data. If the depth is at the level between the marks, its indicators are determined using special marks on the cable.

Determining the depth of the well using acoustic depth gauge

The scheme of operation of the device is very simple, but this is one of the most accurate ways. In addition, it is the easiest to work with. This device can be rented.

The essence of the work is that the device sends signal waves deep into the well. They are reflected from the bottom and come back. With the help of the entered formulas, depth indicators are calculated.

Acoustic depth gauge

Cost of work

When issuing a passport for a well, it is customary to believe the indicators indicated in it, but it is better to check everything yourself.

If you do not want to spend your time rechecking the parameters, it is better to contact well-known companies with extensive experience and a good reputation.

The cost depends on the parameters. It is calculated only after the completion of the work. Initially, they can tell you the approximate cost based on the geological map and other data. The exact price is determined by how many special rod elements were used.

It is the number of these elements that you should control.

The process of measuring the depth of a well using drill rods is shown in the video below.

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