Toilet      06/15/2019

Five ways to quickly and effectively develop the site. How to clear an overgrown plot for a vegetable garden How to clear a plot of land from vegetation

from 1.5r per m2

Employees of "Sadovod-vip" complex clearing of summer cottages in Moscow, the Moscow region. Our company offers services for clearing the site from trees and shrubs, undergrowth, grass thickets, garbage collection, as well as the service of uprooting stumps. We do seasonal cleaning of the site. Cleaning country house. Plowing the land. Assistance in the development of new areas. Clearing the site for construction.

Clearing the site for construction

Having bought a land plot, or inherited it, especially if these are new plots in SNT and DNT. Many are faced with the need to simply clean the site from unnecessary natural vegetation, thin out the trees and take out the felled or fallen ones, uproot and level the site. Also remove the garbage left by the builders.

What is included in site clearing?

The clearing of the garden area includes mowing the grass, sawing off old and broken trees, cutting down shrubs, collecting grass and foliage. Cleaning the site also includes uprooting stumps and leveling the ground. Electricity on the site is not necessary, since all work is carried out with a gasoline tool. If necessary, we carry out dismantling (demolition) of dilapidated or unnecessary buildings (houses, sheds, rickety baths) buildings are calculated based on the volume of garbage. When cleaning the site, in most cases we organize garbage collection in containers of different sizes.

Site clearing price

How is the price for clearing the site formed?

Pricing is directly affected by the height, density and number of plantings on the site that need to be removed (scope of work), buildings that need to be demolished (if any), the use of special equipment, its dimensions, and garbage disposal. Affects the method that you can use when eliminating unwanted trees. Outside the city in private areas, if there are no buildings nearby, then they use a roll. If there are buildings nearby, then you need to cut down in parts, in which the removed fragments go down on safety cables - this is a more expensive method.

Seasonal cleaning service

In the summer, flower beds, lawns, and gardens need to be taken care of. Trim trees, shrubs, sweep the area. Wash off dirt, sand, you can whitewash curbs and tree trunks.

In autumn, remove fallen leaves, sticks, debris. Necessary

In winter, clear the area from snow blockages, clean the roofs, remove icicles. In winter, it is necessary to treat the surface from icing with special solutions. In the spring, carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the site, remove garbage after the winter period, and take it out of the site.

Why is it worth ordering a site clearing in our company?

    Affordable prices;

    We work under the contract;

    Guarantee for the work done;

    Flexible system of discounts;

    Efficiency (Departure of the engineer on the day of the request);

    Discount for pensioners 10%;

    Completion of work within the agreed time frame

    We work on cash and non-cash payments:

    We use our technology to complex work;

    Experienced employees and branded tools

Plowing the site

After a comprehensive cleaning of the site, we suggest plowing the land. Plowing the land is necessary for sowing grain, seeds vegetable crops, potatoes, etc. Plowing the land saturates the soil with oxygen, nutrients, helps to get rid of weeds. In the event that it is necessary to remove small irregularities from the surface, plowing the site is also necessary. After plowing, cultivation is usually done, the surface is finished with a rake and the output is even and beautiful site. RusDirect provides services for professional plowing and cultivation of land in summer cottages in the Moscow region. Our specialists perform work with a walk-behind tractor or a tractor.

Price for plowing land

Pricing is directly affected by the condition of the soil and the size of the cultivated area. Also, if there is a need to additional work- uprooting of stumps, removal of stones, waste of grass and wood, leveling of the site. In any case, the final price for services is determined on an individual basis. Our engineers will consult in detail and calculate the exact price.

How we plow

For plowing the land we use different types equipment (motoblock, tractor) and various mounted plows. RusDirect Company offers our customers non-moldboard and moldboard plowing with the help of various kinds plows. We select equipment depending on the wishes of the customer, and also offer different methods of plowing the land, depending on the type and condition of the soil. In addition to deep tillage with plows, we will also offer you surface tillage - disking (or harrowing).

How deep should you plow

The purpose of plowing is to loosen the top fertile soil layer, to cut the roots of weeds located in it. In this case, it is absolutely not required to raise the underlying layers of the soil. Therefore, to level the site and sow the lawn, 15 centimeters of plowing will be enough.

The better to plow the plot - with a tractor or walk-behind tractor

First of all, you need to proceed from the size of the site. If more than 10 acres, then it is better to plow with a tractor. In this case, the price will be more profitable. A walk-behind tractor can easily handle a plot of up to 10 acres. Any modern walk-behind tractor or tractor can plow the ground to a depth of 15 or even 20 centimeters. We use equipment with active rototillers, for us a simple task is plowing to a depth of 15-20cm.

What is a tiller for plowing

The active rototiller rotates independently of the rotation of the machine wheels. This allows her to develop great effort and plow even virgin lands.

What is disking

Disking (harrowing) is, in contrast to plowing, shallow tillage. Disk is done using disc harrows and is carried out if there is a high risk of soil erosion, as well as in the case of a small thickness of the fertile layer. Also, disking is done to loosen the land after plowing. The cost of soil disking is lower than plowing due to lower requirements for traction and equipment models. You can find out the approximate cost of disking on the pages of our website. For an accurate calculation of your object, call the contact numbers.

When to plow

The best time for this, of course, is from spring to autumn, in dry weather, when the air temperature at night is above +5.

Any construction begins with clearing and land. This allows you to start organized construction without delay. In order to qualitatively clear the construction site, it is recommended to choose dry and calm weather.

This process is quite laborious and can take from 2 to 5 days of work. It all depends on the neglect of the site and its size. The clearing of the site is carried out within the framework of a common private house, mainly on its own.

All work begins with proper planning:

  1. Make up detailed diagram site, taking into account its irregularities, hills, pits.
  2. Decide on the boundaries of the site so as not to cultivate someone else's territory.
  3. Carefully inspect the area and decide on the scope of the upcoming work.

Make a detailed list of all upcoming works. Decide who will do what. This will help to competently organize the workflow and save time on its cleaning.

Before you start planning the site, draw on paper as you see it. Don't forget to consult with your family. After you've thought home location, landscape design, a place to build a house and other buildings, you can proceed directly to clearing.

Preparatory work for clearing the site for building a house includes:

  • collection of garbage and various wastes;
  • clearing the territory from stones and large boulders;
  • removal small shrubs and grass mowing;
  • felling of dry stands;
  • clearing the area from stumps;
  • demolition of old buildings;
  • marking and planning of a site for new development;
  • import of black soil.

Properly planned clearing of the site and compliance with the stages of work will help to bring the site to the required appearance in a timely manner.

Attention: do not rush to get rid of all the trees on the site at once, they can be useful to you when building a house. Cut them down, clean them of small branches and put them in one place.

Also, do not take out all the cut branches. They can be burned on the site, and the ashes can then be used as a fertilizer in the garden area.

What you may need when clearing

With your own hands, you will not be able to completely free the territory from stumps, bushes, grass and debris. To do this, you need to prepare at least minimal amount tools:

  • an ax for cutting trees and shrubs;
  • shovel;
  • winch;
  • motokosu;
  • cultivator;
  • chainsaw;
  • rope.

It is unlikely that you will be able to do without special equipment. Especially if there are old buildings on the site that need to be disposed of.

In some specific cases, for clearing areas cranes, excavators, loaders, tractors and bulldozers are involved.

With the use of special equipment, the pace of all work significantly accelerates I.

Procedure and features of work

It is necessary to start work on the site with its cosmetic cleaning. Remove first stones, branches, construction or household debris.

After clearing the territory, you can build. At this stage, it will be necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail, and where you will place the entrance to the site, and how the equipment will call on it in the future.

What to consider when applying "chemistry"

With the cleaning of weeds on the site, you can cope with the help of chemicals . Spraying grass with herbicides is considered the most popular and effective method weed control. Need to apply the remedy with a sprayer on leaves and stems. After a short time, 2-3 weeks, toxic substances as part of the chemicals completely destroy the vegetation.


Modern weed control chemicals are safe. 2-3 months after the grass has been processed, it can be planted on the site cultivated plants.

Cutting down trees legally

Even at the initial stage of marking the acquired site, the owner must decide whether he will completely get rid of the trees. After all, for competent organization playground or recreation area, a couple of trees can be left for shading. By the way, it’s not worth felling tall and large trees on your own, it’s better to turn to specialists.

Please note: cutting down trees on your own property may require a permit, do not break the law.

To avoid accusations of illegal tree felling, in advance contact your local government to the landscaping department for advice on this matter.

Deforestation on their own plot is under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and governed by local regulations, is different everywhere.

This applies to IZHS lands, and if the trees are on home gardens country and garden plots , then you can cut them down without permission - according to the law (Decree of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 05.11.1998 No. 14) this will not be an environmental crime.

Uprooting stumps on the site can be done in various ways.

Method 1

Moisten the soil around the stump. Dig around the entire circumference of the stump to a depth of at least 30 cm, and then cut the roots with a chainsaw. After that, swing the stump and remove it.

Roots fruit trees grow at a great distance from the tree.

Method 2

Drill some deep cuts in the cut and fill them with saltpeter solution. After a year, the stump can be easily and quickly burned. Since the saltpeter will completely saturate the wood and make it flammable. But this option is only suitable for those who are in no hurry with construction.

Method 3

Although this method is used extremely rarely, it is still worth mentioning. Plant mushrooms on the cut and harvest. In a few years, the mushrooms will deplete the wood so much that the stump will turn into dust and it will not be difficult to remove it from the site.

In a long-abandoned garden, you have to start by eliminatingthickets wild plants, shoots of trees and old bushes,to make room for your. Target - to clean up, as far as possible without destroyingsense of the integrity of the garden. It's better to do everything gradually,tidying up zone after zone.

More on this topic:

So your first priority
Clear the area of ​​debris and weeds
Free the soil from stones
Use unnecessary boards for constructioncompost pit

Try to immediately free a small area (preferably incorner of the garden) where you can put wastebuilding materials and separately - removed shrubs. INcompost try to put only small plant waste,otherwise you won't get by alone compost pit or container.Large branches are best immediately neatly laid in the formready firewood or burn.

Try not to turn compost heap just to the dumpwaste, it is better to maintain on site from the very beginningorder, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain - clearingone corner of the site will lead to littering another ....Practice shows that such "corners" with waste laterremain on the site for years, they simply do not reach their cleaning hands!

It is desirable to arrange a place for a fire where the spreadthe smoke will not annoy the neighbors with the wind. Then the trashwill burn as the work is carried out, saving energy andfunds to remove it from the site.

Removing unwanted plants
At the beginning of the development of the garden, gardeners usually like eachplant by its individual beauty or purpose, andI want to keep more of them. But the beauty and convenience of the garden inlargely depends on the location and combination of allplants than from the charm of individual specimens.

In the old neglected garden, the plants so fill the lawns andpaths that the original garden layout becomesunrecognizable. Over time, the garden changes as the plantsgrow at different rates, some develop very quickly,suppressing low and slowly growing ones, and then it is necessarytake certain measures.

But be careful! Trying to keep everything under controlnovice gardeners often cut all shrubs withoutparsing, destroying the beauty inherent in every plant inin his own form. Bush trimmed in this waycan become very "shaggy" as individual shootswill compete for light, air and space. Sometips for assessing the condition and rejuvenation of trees are given during this article.

In a heavily overgrown garden, it is better to immediately remove someplants, so you provide moreplaces so they can grow in their natural form.First remove all unnecessary, and then reduce the sizethe most overgrown instances that you decideleave, with restorative pruning or transplantsome of them to more suitable places.

To quickly and easily pull out young unnecessary trees ordelete side shoots, should apply the hoe and the systemleverage. This is more effective than cutting plants andspray them with pesticides or dig up the roots afterwards.

Advice: at growing more or lesscompact, you will save a lot of time and effort if you simplyspread under several closely growing bushes the oldoilcloth or thick film. Then all the small cuts are notyou need to collect manually, or you can just pour it directly intocompost or in a specially designated place.

Stump removal
Small, dead or dying trees are relatively easy toremove by digging up the roots. big trees should only be removedspecialists to extract huge stumps. But you can kickleave to collapse on its own, speeding up the process,by drilling holes in the living tissue of the stump (cambium). Then you needsprinkle it with something to destroy weeds.

Drill holes around the perimeter of the stump closer to the edges oruse a saw to saw through the surface crosswise,squares. Then place a suitable poison in the holes or onlined surface.

If the stump throws out fresh shoots, it is also easy with them.cope with such means, but do not forget to protectsurrounding herbaceous plants. To manually dig a largestump, you'll need a few days of hard work.

Logs and other residues should be removed from the site, but sometimesthey can be partially used for the design of tracks orkindling, and you can even burn them gradually along withthe rest of the trash.

It often happens that household plot stands idle for several years. And, of course, the land on it is overgrown with weeds, small shrubs and trees. This area is not suitable for horticultural work, and even more so to create a unique landscape. High-quality clearing will help to ennoble the neglected territory.

Site clean-up work

Today, there are many companies whose main task is to clean the site. Their range of services includes the following:
mowing grass;
removal of shrubs;
uprooting of rhizomes and stumps;
felling and felling of tall trees;
demolition of old buildings and fences;
garbage removal.
Many companies also carry out competent planning and marking of territories for further construction or planting.
To clean the site, the most various methods: from self made to heavy equipment. Which method of cleaning should be applied to a particular area depends on the type and degree of pollution.

Removal of undergrowth

Shrubs small trees are a beautiful addition to the landscape, however, if the area has not been cultivated for a long time, these plants fill the entire space. But you can get rid of them very quickly. Clearing the area of ​​shrubs and small trees carried out in two ways:
Removing along with the root. This method is applied to small shrubs with a trunk diameter of up to 15 cm. Using special equipment - a scarifier, you can clean up to 3 acres of land per hour of work.
Two-stage cutting. This method is used to remove large trees with a trunk diameter of 15 cm or more. The essence of this method is that the trunk is cut down first, and then the rhizome is uprooted.
Weeds in the backyard not only spoil appearance the entire area, but also makes any landing impossible. Remove tall grass special device- a brush cutter. This tool is capable of cutting grass as tall as a man. After the weeds are cut, they are removed or left on the site, taking into account the wishes of the customer.

Often, the presence of small forests on the territory prevents construction work. Clearing a site from large trees is a laborious process, performed in the following ways:
sawing in parts (used for very tall plants);
felling the whole trunk together with branches (for the safety of surrounding buildings, the tree trunk is insured with ropes or supported by a truck crane);
sawing entirely in the direction of the natural slope (used only in devastated areas).

Removal of roots and stumps

Stumps and roots in the summer cottage are a place of active reproduction harmful organisms. Therefore, if planting is planned on the territory, then getting rid of old roots is necessary. Stumps are removed in the following ways:
1.Removal of stumps with crusher crusher. This method is very simple and neat. In addition, it can be used to remove a stump of any size. However, its use in areas with construction debris or stony soil is undesirable, because. concrete fragments or natural cobblestones disable crushing equipment.
2. Removal by chemical means. Cleaning a site from stumps by this method is only suitable for areas where planting work is not planned in the coming years. The chemical removal process can take anywhere from a few months to three years. However, the advantage of this method is that not only the stump is destroyed, but also its entire underground root system.

Uprooting by a tractor.

Cleaning the site with a tractor stands apart in landscape work. The use of special equipment on the site significantly speeds up the work. However, removing unwanted rhizomes and stumps in this way has certain disadvantages. Firstly, if there are no more than five stumps on the territory, then hiring special equipment is unprofitable due to the high cost of the service. Secondly, the tractor is heavy equipment, which, if used ineptly, will cause serious damage to the general landscape of the site. And thirdly, removing the stump of a felled tree can damage the roots of healthy plants.
Our company uses special crawler-mounted equipment with low ground pressure, which combines high power with respect for the terrain and planting. There were works when during the cleaning of the site I had to drive over the lawn more than 10 times and after 3 days it was restored!

Another method for uprooting stumps is to use hand tools. The cost of this procedure is very high, because. The process takes a lot of time and effort. When uprooting in this way, the entire root system of the stump is removed. In addition, after this procedure, the land will be suitable for planting in a year.
Cleaning suburban area is a very labor intensive process. If the territory was neglected for a single year, he will cope with its cleaning on their own almost impossible. Removal of all debris and vegetation manually will take not a single month, even with teamwork.
The best way to improve the site - the services of specialists. The cost of this method with a small area is not very high. In addition, all work, taking into account the loading and disposal of waste, will take no more than a month.

A plot inherited, donated or bought in a hurry, may not always be a piece of paradise with smooth lawns and exotic, well-groomed plants.

Weeds on the site can even be cultivated plants that have grown due to excessive self-seeding.

As a rule, a site that has stood for a long time without maintenance is overgrown with trees, bushes and weeds.

The fence can be dismantled for firewood, and a bunch of garbage can be piled on the site itself. It is not uncommon for streams of rainwater to break through entire trenches in the ground. Such a site will definitely have to be developed and ennobled.

Work planning

The first impression of getting acquainted with a new suburban acquisition can be very negative and even depressing, but there is no need to fall into despair. There are no impossible tasks. You need to start by planning first the scheme of the site itself, and then proceed to the work plan and calculate the need for materials and equipment. You can do the work yourself, for this you need to have a lot of free time, a reliable tool and good health, which will be further strengthened by work in the open air. Keep in mind that it can take months or even years to ennoble an overgrown area alone. Involving a team with heavy equipment will save a lot of time, but it will be very costly and will not give the proper quality of work. The site in this case will be badly broken, and the soil is contaminated with the remains of trees and bushes. The third one is the most best option- to independently develop a site with the periodic involvement of relatives and acquaintances or hired workers, who are easy to find through ads.

After drawing up a master plan to bring the site into a decent form, it is necessary to clarify the exact boundaries of its territory. This is necessary not only in order not to mistakenly waste time and effort on processing someone else's territory, which will then have to be given away, but also to return one's own, if for some reason the neighbors took it for use. The operation to accurately determine the boundaries of the site for a small fee will be carried out by surveyors. Along the way, you can examine the composition of the soil on the site in order to know what additives and in what quantity will be required for it in the future. it is better not to put it right away. Firstly, it will interfere with the processing of the soil. Secondly, it will impede the movement of vehicles, which will constantly deliver any materials or take away construction debris.

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Tree clearing

After establishing the exact boundaries of their possessions, you need to decide on the trees. It is not at all necessary to cut down all the vegetation on the vine and turn the site into a bare prairie. Some trees can serve good decoration terrain and improve the appearance of the site. If it is planned to build a gazebo or install a barbecue on the site, then the shadow from a tree growing next to them will be good additional protection from the sun. When the fate of the trees is decided, you can start felling. If the trees are thin, you can simply cut them down with an ax.

If thick, tall trees are sentenced to liquidation, then you need to seek help from professionals. Felling such trees is not only difficult, but also dangerous. Stumps should be left high, up to 1 meter, this will subsequently facilitate their uprooting. It is better not to throw away the remaining wood after felling, but to saw it into convenient pieces and fold it neatly. Over time, firewood can come in handy for a fire or barbecue. The branches, having been cleared of leaves, can be used for artistic weaving, strengthening work, or simply burned after drying, while destroying some of the weeds and fertilizing the soil with ashes.

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Getting rid of stumps

Stumps left after cutting down trees can hardly be called a decoration of a summer house or a house. At first, they constantly let out young branches that need to be cut. When the stump stops producing new shoots, a lot of harmful organisms settle in it: mold, fungi, insects - all this will be distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. Therefore, it is better to get rid of stumps immediately, at the same time freeing up usable area for future plantings. If this work is left for later, then when uprooting, you can cause serious damage to the already created landscape: damage paths, flower beds, crush flowers and grass. There are several ways to get rid of stumps.

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Uprooting stumps with a tractor

This is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of stumps. It is enough to free the passage to the stumps, dig them a little and then the technician will do everything. The remaining hole after removing the stump can be used to plant a new tree, shrub, or as a mini-pit for any building element. If there is no use for the pit, then you can simply fill it up. The disadvantages of this method include its high cost and danger. The use of a tractor is economically justified if it is necessary to get rid of a large number stumps.

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Removing stumps with a crusher

A method that does little to no damage to the surrounding landscape. It is good if a valuable shrub grows next to the stump that needs to be preserved, or there is some kind of structure and, when removed from the ground, the stump can damage it with its roots. For such work, it is not necessary to clear the entrance to the object and use heavy equipment. The only drawback of using a crusher is a small processing depth, only up to 30 cm. In the place that remains after the removal of the stump, it is no longer possible to plant a tree or without unnecessary problems lay down strip foundation, as part of the roots will remain in the ground.

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Using chemicals to remove stumps

Very simple and cheap way which does not require any heavy equipment or the help of specialists. An electric drill and an accurate dosage of relatively harmless chemicals are enough. The essence of the method is that the stump is drilled as much as possible deep holes, in which wet saltpeter is laid. After that, the stump is isolated to prevent water from getting inside and washing out the saltpeter.

It should be in this state for about a year so that the saltpeter completely saturates all the wood, including the roots. Next, the stump is set on fire and completely burns out, including the underground, root part. chemical method the good thing is that it does not require any effort, but it takes a lot of time. After burning the stump, no more less than a year before the area on which it was located becomes suitable for sowing grass or planting berry bushes. In addition, you need to be careful not to get a chemical burn to the eyes and respiratory organs, and also not to set fire to the peat bog (if the site is located on it).

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Destruction of stumps by mushrooms

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Manual Stump Removal

The cheapest and safest environment way of uprooting stumps. Here, as a rule, special equipment and equipment are not required. To begin with, the stump is dug in to the maximum, and its roots, as far as possible, are freed from the ground. After that, the roots are separated with an ax and a saw from the stump. Further using physical strength rolling the stump is removed from the ground.

The roots remaining in the ground can be pulled out manually, using a winch, or destroyed with the aforementioned by chemical means. It should be noted that it will not be possible to cope with such work alone, it is necessary to think in advance about attracting a group of physically strong assistants. In addition, stumps cannot be uprooted by hand in winter and in slush, as frozen ground and mud will make this work almost impossible.

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Shrub Removal

Getting rid of extra bushes is very easy. To do this, you need an ordinary garden pruner or a hacksaw and bayonet shovel. If the bush is very thick and lush, then you first need to cut the branches to get to its main trunks. Then one person begins to pull the bush towards himself at an angle to the ground, while the second person digs up the roots of the bush, freeing it from the ground. As a rule, this method is enough to get rid of the bushes for sure. If you just cut down the bush at the root, then very soon it will give fresh shoots and the operation will have to be repeated.

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Lot leveling

After removing trees and stumps from the site, it is necessary to plan it. Planning is necessary in order to get rid of pits in which water will collect and extra bumps that will spoil the appearance. You don't have to be perfect flat surface. It is most advisable to make the surface slightly elevated in the middle of the site with a uniform slope towards the edges for rainwater to drain. Along the edges, the site needs to be equipped drainage ditch to collect excess moisture from the soil. The edges of the ditch must be reinforced so that they do not crumble under the influence of the flow of water, otherwise each rain will carry away part of the earth from the site, and the ditch will eventually turn into a wide stream. The walls of the ditch can be sheathed with branches left after felling trees, pieces of slate, boards, corrugated board or metal tiles, which always remain after construction. Large boulders, if such are on the site, can be left, using them later as the basis for a rock garden.

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Getting rid of weeds

After cleaning, it's time to fight weeds, otherwise it will not be possible to grow beautiful flowers and bright green grass on it. Weeds are one of the most formidable and constantly acting enemies for a summer cottage. They take nutrients, moisture from the soil, poison it, cover other plants from the sun. An area overgrown with weeds will not bring much joy when traveling to suburban area. Weeds can be dealt with in several ways alternately, as well as combining and combining them. It must be taken into account that weeds cannot be destroyed in one go. Each type of weed has its own lifespan: some can be stored in the form of seeds in the ground for years, waiting for favorable circumstances. In addition, weeds constantly enter the site along with fertilizers, are carried by the wind, on clothes and shoes. If you do not constantly fight weeds, then the site, no matter how carefully it is ennobled, will very soon grow again.

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Preparatory work

First you need to mow all the grass that is on the site with a scythe or trimmer, and if there are no neighbors and the site is surrounded by uncultivated land, then a couple of meters around it, since the lush vegetation surrounding it will give a huge influx of seeds to the cleared land. Next, you need to collect a lot of garbage from the ground: old leaves, grass, branches, stones, and the like. It is not necessary to throw out the trash. You can fold it in the far corner of the site and use it to make compost.