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Who is the father of the youngest son of Varley. Actress Natalya Varley: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Filatov shook Varley by the shoulders and shouted

Natalya Varley is a very creative person. Immediately there was a circus and cinema, then theatrical stage and dubbing. She writes poetry and publishes books. Varley is purposeful and smart, able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles that make her even stronger.

Natalya recognized the nationwide love of the audience of a large country after filming the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Viy”. Even these two roles would be enough to bathe in glory until the end of days.


Natalia Varley was born on June 22, 1947 in Constanta, Romania. Natalia's childhood passed in Murmansk, where the Varley family moved because of her father's appointment. Dad's name was Vladimir Viktorovich, he was a participant in the Second World War, a military sailor.

From 1955 to 1957, he held a fairly high post in Murmansk - chairman of the city executive committee. The father was of Welsh descent. As the family legend says, in the 19th century, a manufacturer from Wales settled in Russia, who brought with him not only servants and stables, but also two brothers-jockeys. The surname of the brothers was Varley. Soon they married Russian girls and finally settled in Russia. Mom's name was Ariadna Sergeevna, her pedigree also stretches abroad, to romantic France. Ariadne was the granddaughter of the famous French geologist Barbot de Marny.

The family also has a younger daughter, Irina. She is also an actress, but not a professional one. Her place of work was an amateur theater.

Natasha's creative abilities manifested themselves in early childhood. When she was only four, she wrote her first poem and could draw very well. Then it turned out that the girl has an ear for music and a pleasant voice. After consulting, the parents decided to develop the child's abilities. So Natasha ended up in a music school. The only thing that the doctors did not allow to do was physical education, the girl had rheumatic heart disease.

In 1957, the family settled in the capital. It was in Moscow that the girl first got into the circus and simply could not take her eyes off the arena. She liked everything about the circus. Soon she saw an announcement saying that a children's circus studio was announcing a recruitment, and the girl secretly decided to get there from her relatives. The management of the studio really liked the graceful, flexible girl and accepted her. She tried her luck in all circus genres, but opted for tightrope walking.

After graduating from eight classes, the question of choosing a life path was not there - it was definitely a circus. Natalia continues her studies at the State School of Circus and Variety Art. Even the famous masters of tightrope walking applauded her diploma number - she was under the dome of the circus, on a chair, and at the same time played one of the works.

After graduating from college, Natalya works in a circus. Her partner was the famous L. Yengibarov himself, and the place of work was the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. With the light hand of Engibarova, Natalia got on the set.


During one of the performances, Natasha attracted the attention of the famous director G. Yungvald-Khilkevich. She was thin and petite - this is exactly the type the director needed for the film "Rainbow Formula". He offered Natalia a small role and she agreed. With this film, the biography of Natalia Varley in the cinema began.

Natalya played brilliantly, it's just a pity that the picture has lain in storage for over twenty years. According to the censors, the film contained elements of a parody of the then leader of the country - and he was safely sent to gather dust on the shelf. The picture hit the screens only in 1988.

Natalia liked acting, and she decided to develop her acting skills. At the age of 19, the girl became a student at the Shchukin Theater School. After graduation, she got a job at the Stanislavsky MDT, to which she gave seven years. Then she moved to the Theater-studio of a film actor.

When the "Rainbow Formula" was being filmed, one of Gaidai's assistants noticed a miniature actress with excellent plasticity and an unsurpassed sense of humor. It was this assistant who invited Natalya to try her hand at the casting for the new comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures." Almost 500 actresses wanted this role, but Varley was out of competition. It was she who was entrusted to play the role of Nina. The actress was the same as her heroine - young, bold, spontaneous. Filming with Gaidai was very prestigious and promising. This director knew how to make a star even an aspiring actress, unknown to anyone.

After the release of the comedy on the screens, Natalia became the favorite of the entire USSR. Nobody expected such crazy popularity. The partners of Varley, unknown to anyone until that time, were already eminent masters -, F. Mkrtchyan,. And the presence of the famous Nikulin-Morgunov trinity in itself guaranteed the comedy a colossal success.

After this picture, Natalia had a lot more works, almost sixty successful projects, but the viewer remembered her as a student Nina.

Then there were decades of filming, many heroines, among which the most significant was Pannochka from "Viya", Lisa from "12 Chairs", Coach Marta from "Guest from the Future". The actress herself prefers the social drama "Downpour", where her heroine is the saleswoman Nazi, a decent woman, brought to life by life to depression and disappointment in people.

In the period from 1970 to 1980, Natalia had only a few projects, including the musical for children "I don't want to be an adult."

The crisis of the 90s affected the career and life of Natalia to the fullest. There are no offers for filming at all, and the actress completely goes into work on dubbing foreign films. 2000 films - this is exactly the number voiced by Natalya Varley during the severe crisis of the 90s. Her voice was heard in films where S. Lauren, K. Deneuve, M. Streep, V. Castro played.

The only work in the cinema during this period was the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Natalia got the role of Bastinda. She starred with, V. Pavlov,. The actress herself subsequently said that in the 90s she was called to act, but there were no worthy roles.

The new century was marked by work in the New Year's musicals "Twelve Months" and "The First Ambulance", which were filmed in 2005 and 2006.

In 2006, Natalia was offered to play one of the main roles in the fantasy genre. It was the film "Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs", directed by N. Lebedev.

Other talents of Natalia Varley

Even as a child, she began to write poetry, and continued to do so almost all her life. Natalya did not give them to the publication, she simply read them to all her relatives, friends and acquaintances. In order to acquire professional skills and hone her skills, she became a student of the only Gorky Literary Institute in the USSR. After graduation, Varley was awarded a diploma with honors. Two collections of her poems have already been published.

Varley is very versatile. Everything is easy for her - to play movies, write poetry, sing and even broadcast on television. At the very beginning of the crisis 90s, she released a record on which songs written on her poems sound. The music belongs to the composer N. Shershen.

A little time passed, and Natalya participated in the TV project "Theatre and Cinema Stars Sing". The actress performed there with her author's works. For fans, this was a big surprise - after all, her vocal talent manifested itself in full force.

After the transfer, she released an album in America with her songs, which was very popular with emigrants.

In 2009, Natalia was again at the peak of popularity, only not as an actress, but as a singer. She took part in the show "Two Stars", where the famous N. Gnatyuk became her partner. The songs performed by their duet were very well received by the audience and the jury.

Then there was work on television, as the host of the programs "Homework" and "Your Business".

Personal life

In the personal life of the actress, everything was not easy. The first marriage was at the age of 20. She was married to the director. From this union she was dissuaded by all the friends who were closely acquainted with her chosen one. Their union did not last long.

The second time the actress got married in 1971. This time, Vladimir Tikhonov, the son of famous artists and became her husband. This marriage was also destined for a short century. Vladimir drank heavily, and they parted very quickly. Already after the divorce, Natalya in 1972 gave birth to a son, Vasily.

Photo: Natalya Varley and her husband Vladimir Tikhonov

In 1985, she became the mother of her son Alexander. Paternity is attributed to the Uzbek artist Ulmas Alikhodzhaev, with whom Natalya met for some time. Vasily and Alexander chose their directorial path.

In the personal life of the actress there was a third marriage. This time, her chosen one was a man named Vladimir, who has nothing to do with art - he has a construction business. They even got married, but this did not save their marriage. Varley is alone again.

The actress is a big cat lover. She always had a great many of them in the house, and now there are only two left. In order not to confuse her murchiks, the actress gave them extravagant nicknames. Subsequently, she even published a book on their upbringing and maintenance.

Present day

Last year, the actress celebrated her 70th birthday. Her friends told the press about some facts from the life of a star that no one knew about. So the name of the singer surfaced - Alexei Zardinov, an affair with which Natalia is credited. The singer said that only music connects him with Varley, he has a family and his wife is very remotely similar to his former lover, Natalya Varley.

Selected filmography

  • 1966 - Rainbow Formula
  • 1966 - Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures
  • 1967 - Viy
  • 1969 - Gold
  • 1972 - Black crackers
  • 1974 - Three days in Moscow
  • 1980 - Clown
  • 1984 - Guest from the future
  • 1994 - The Wizard of the Emerald City
  • 2006 - First Ambulance
  • 2006 - Wolfhound from the kind of Gray Dogs

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Went down the aisle three times. As you know, the actress gave birth to the eldest son Vasily from her second husband Vladimir Tikhonov. But the youngest child Varley Alexander has nothing to do with any of her husbands. At least, if this were not the case, then why would the artist need to hide the name of the boy's father. Meanwhile, Natalya Vladimirovna keeps this secret to this day.

The birth of the youngest son of the actress, who was born 13 years after his older brother Vasily, can only be called a miracle. The fact is that due to the sometimes too harsh conditions in which Natalya Varley had to act, and as a result, constant colds, the doctors made her a disappointing diagnosis - infertility. The doctors were absolutely certain that Varley would never be able to have children again. It is not known whether Natalya Vladimirovna herself hoped for something, but in the mid-80s she found herself in a position for the second time. Both the pregnancy and childbirth of the actress could hardly be called ideal. Varley's contractions began when the baby in her womb was barely 8 months old. The newborn was so weak that only thanks to the professionalism of the pediatrician Alexei Grachev, whom the actress quite often mentions in her interviews, the boy was saved. The actress named her youngest son Alexander.

Pediatrician Grachev

Not once did Natalya Varley give out the name of the father of the child. To all questions on this topic, the actress continues to remain silent or smile mysteriously. Meanwhile, Varley fans and journalists voice numerous versions of Alexander's birth. Some suggest that the biological parent of the artist's son is the same doctor Alexei Grachev. Like, it’s not without reason that a happy mother speaks of the pediatrician with such admiration. However, opponents of this version are sure that this is a common manifestation of gratitude.

Vladimir Tikhonov

In addition, the above story does not stand up to criticism, if only because the actress had the right to give the child any middle name. However, Varley recorded the youngest son in the same way as his older brother, "Vladimirovich". And both boys inherited their surname from their mother. In connection with the first circumstance, one could assume that the second husband of the actress, Vladimir Tikhonov, is also Alexander's father. As you know, the son of Nonna Mordyukova and Vyacheslav Tikhonov died in 1990, but Alexander was born 5 years before his tragic death. Despite the fact that the marriage between Tikhonov Jr. and Natalya Varley broke up back in 1978, this does not mean that the former spouses could not maintain a relationship. But in this case, it is not entirely clear why Varley needed to hide the name of the child's father.

Uzbek actor

Moreover, it is worth recognizing the fact that Alexander does not at all resemble Vladimir Tikhonov, unlike his brother Vasily. But with the Uzbek actor Ulmas Alikhodzhaev, Alexander really has a lot in common. It is worth noting that in 1984, that is, on the eve of the birth of her youngest son, Natalya Varley starred in the film “Fiery Roads” produced by Uzbekfilm. The main role in the tape was played by Ulmas Alikhodzhaev. A few months after filming ended, Varley gave birth to a son. By the way, if we accept this proposal as the only true one, then the secrecy of the actress regarding the boy's father can be easily explained. The fact is that Alikhodzhaev was not free. Perhaps, in order not to cast a shadow on her beloved, who is no longer alive, Natalya Varley prefers to keep this secret until now.

Natalya Varley and Vladimir Tikhonov are beautiful, bright, talented, but with completely different destinies. Life brought them together for only a short time. Very little is known about the children of these people, except that none of them set foot on the acting path.

The fate of the actress Natalya Vladimirovna Varley

Natalya Varley - the famous pannochka from "Viya", the brave and dexterous beauty Nina, from the still beloved "Prisoner of the Caucasus", she was loved by all the men of the Soviet Union, girls and girls tried to be like her. Natalya was born in cold Murmansk. Apparently, life in the harsh conditions of the north left its mark on the character of the actress.

As a child, Natalia had serious health problems. However, the girl really wanted to play sports and dance. Despite the prohibitions of doctors, little Natasha enrolled in a studio where they taught the art of the circus. She graduated from the studio with success and became a student at the Moscow School of Circus and Variety Art.

Simultaneously with her studies, the girl showed the wonders of balancing act in the capital's famous circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Natalia Varley's stage partner was the magnificent Leonid Yengibarov. One of the performances was visited by the famous Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich. The director was indelibly impressed by Natalya's number, that he invited her to audition for the film "Rainbow Formula", which, unfortunately, the audience did not see. However, the beginning of Natalia's stellar career was laid.

When Natalya was auditioning, the young circus performer was noticed by Leonid Gaidai's assistant, who was looking for an actress for the role of Shurik's lover in The Prisoner of the Caucasus. Much more eminent actresses wanted to get the role of the beauty, but the director liked an unknown tightrope walker. This was followed by shooting in the mystical horror movie "Viy", where Natalia played a completely opposite role. Her little lady, and especially the flight in the coffin, have become classics. Then there were works in the film "12 Chairs", as well as in the "Wizard of the Emerald City". Work in the cinema did not prevent Natalya Varley from getting a theater education - she graduated from the Shchukin Theater School. After, the actress joined the team of the Stanislavsky Theater.

It is clear that in the life of such a bright, talented woman there was a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfans. One of the admirers and, later, the husband, was Vladimir Tikhonov.

Short life of Vladimir Tikhonov

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tikhonov was born in Moscow into a family of famous actors. It would seem that fate gave the boy everything he needed for a happy future. But, the eternally busy parents could not give the child the main thing of love, care and attention. The young man was certainly talented. He easily entered the Shchukin school, graduated from it and began to act successfully. He has 18 films to his credit.

As a student, he met Natalya Varley. A spark flared between the young people, and they got married. By the way, Nonna Mordyukova did not accept her future daughter-in-law and spoke unflatteringly about Natalia almost until her death. A son was born in a young family, whom they decided to name Vasily. But the couple still broke up. The reason for the breakup was Vladimir's addiction to drugs. Also, the man liked to drink, after which he made a noisy, ugly scene.

After a divorce from Natalia, Vladimir married again, to the actress of the Theater on Ice, Natalya Egorova. In this marriage, a boy was also born, named after his father. And in these relations, Vladimir could not stop. He died very young in 1990. He was only 40 years old.

After a divorce from Tikhonov, Natalya Varley gave birth to another son and named him Alexander.

Children of Vladimir Tikhonov and Natalia Varley

Little is known about the fate of Vasily, the son of Natalia and Vladimir. He is a non-public person, he avoids journalists. It is known that, after serving in the army, the young man worked as a trolley bus driver. Then Vasily became interested in design and decided to get a higher education. He chose the Moscow Institute of Modern Art to study. However, he was not a student for long - the young man got married and decided to quit his studies in order to support his family. Vasily did not return to the student bench anymore. He worked as a laboratory assistant for some time, then became a subway worker. However, the family eventually fell apart. A few years after the birth of their son Eugene, Vasily and his wife divorced. The ex-wife went to Italy, leaving her son to her husband. Natalya Varley was engaged in raising her grandson. She is very attached to the boy and therefore it was very difficult for her to part with Eugene when he decided to leave for Italy. Now they communicate mainly via Skype.

The youngest son of Natalia Varley, Alexander, became a director. Now he is the owner of his own studio. Natalya Varley proudly talks about the fact that Alexander worked with Nikita Mikhalkov and Nikolai Lebedev. In addition, the young man is seriously interested in music, is a member of a musical group.

The youngest son of Vladimir Tikhonov graduated from a culinary school. However, then he decided to devote his life to opera, graduated from opera singing courses and entered GITIS. Now Vladimir works at the Capital Theater of Romance.

Varley was born in Romania, but moved to Murmansk with her parents as a child. Then fate threw her family to Moscow, where, having visited a circus performance, the girl simply fell in love with the circus. At this time, children were recruited there for training. At 13, Natasha went for an interview and was accepted.

The future actress literally grew up in the circus. It is not surprising that Natalia wants to connect her future life with this type of art. After graduating from college, the girl acted as a tightrope walker. With a number where she hovered over the arena with a light inch, Varley went to travel around the country. Fate brought her to Odessa, and there the star was already noticed by the famous Leonid Yengibarov. He called Natalia to him. It was through the mediation of the famous clown that she first got into the cinema. First, for a very small role, and then - in the "Prisoner of the Caucasus."

Patron fears

Yengibarov was 30. A young man in general. Varley, already in adulthood, will admire him, call him the most educated and charming man, a talented lyricist and tragedian. She admits that the mentor touchingly looked after his new employee: he accompanied her home, read Baudelaire, but she, just a girl, was simply frightened by strong patrons.

For many more years, Varley will bypass influential suitors, and will not even receive the title of "honored artist" because of the rejected lover. Her documents submitted for receiving the title will then be returned from the Ministry of Culture by the director of the cinema sector of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who led one of the delegations, of which Varley was a member. After the official part, the tipsy official first flirted with the young actress, and then broke into her room for a long time. The frightened girl did not open it, and later, when she did not receive the title, she realized who “tried” so much for her.


A few months after the filming of "Prisoner of the Caucasus", Natalia will meet her future husband - an actor Nikolai Burlyaev.

It was real, fast-moving romantic love. A talented actor and a subtle man, he will charm Varley from the first days of his acquaintance. And the main decision will be made when Natalia goes on tour to Gorky.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" has already been released, crowds of fans followed Varley everywhere. From the circus, in which she continued to work, she had to get out through the back door. One day, carefully opening the door, Natalya will see a frozen Nikolai, clutching flowers barely alive from the cold in his hands. He takes her home and stays the night. This will be her first night with a man, after which he will propose to her. “Otherwise, we couldn’t have,” Varley later admits.

Acting environment

Bohemian life divorced a beautiful couple. After returning from the Crimea, where Varley and her husband spent their honeymoon, both plunged into acting everyday life. Burlyaev went to work at Lenkom, Natalia went to study at Pike. The husband loved noisy parties, was the soul of his real bohemian company. Natalya still remained an infantile child, she was terribly jealous of Burlyaeva, sobbed, threw tantrums, went to live with her parents. By the end of the first year of marriage, due to constant scandals, they saw each other less and less.

At this time, Varley hit Leonid Filatov. Even before marriage, he appeared in the life of an actress with romantic intentions before, he protested the most against marriage, but Natasha always listened to her heart, and not to outside observers, and followed love. When her small family came to a divorce, Filatov rejoiced and hoped. He woke the dormant student Varley with a hot kiss on the cheek, was nearby, devoured with his eyes. But in the end he was left with nothing: next to the little actress, a stately and beautiful woman began to appear more and more often. Volodya Tikhonov.

After divorce

Varley lived in her first marriage for three years. In the latter, she and her husband were already terribly jealous of each other. A huge number of talented men dragged behind the beautiful and stellar actress. Filatov did not take his eyes off her, sent friends to find out how things were going with her husband, tormented her with calls and notes. One of his friends is blue-eyed Boris Galkin so charmingly painted Natasha Lenya that she fell in love with Galkin! Tikhonov found out about the hobby and was terribly upset.

However, it is he who will accompany his “Masik” everywhere, but he will not insist on intimacy for a long time, which will win her heart.

But the amorous Varley was credited with many different novels. One of them is with Konstantin Raikin. She only mentioned him a couple of times in her interviews - as a good friend, who gathered wonderful skits, and also told a story about how Tikhonov's second wife accused her of infidelity.

Whose child?

They met with Tikhonov for four years. It was a sweet young man, it was touching love. Natasha found out about her husband's addiction to drugs only on the day of the wedding.

A series of scandals ensued. Each time Volodya swore to quit, each time everything started all over again. Natalya either lived with him or went to her communal apartment. After his death, there will be many rumors. For example, Mordyukova herself in her hearts will send a note to her daughter-in-law: “We still need to check whether Volodin is a son!” Gossip will be supported by the second wife of Tikhonov, Jr. Natalya Egorova-Tikhonova, and in her interviews she will boldly declare first that Varley gave birth to her first child from her ex-husband, and then, when the boy grows up, he will find his obvious resemblance to Konstantin Raikin. Raikin was also asked questions about the child he shared with Varley, but he just brushed it off.

In the last interview, Mordyukova will mention Vasenka only in passing. She will say that she would be glad to see him, but she realized that he had grown up and he simply did not need her. The guy has other concerns. Varley also causes confusion, being part of the Tikhonov family, confident in Volodin's paternity, but for some reason rewriting Vasya with her last name.

Second son

She says that this child is only hers, and thanks God that he was born at all.

After numerous colds suffered on the set, doctors diagnosed Varley with infertility. She was told that she would never be able to have children again. But a miracle happened: Natalya became pregnant for the second time. Now, in the features of an adult Sasha, fans of his mother are trying to guess the features of one or another artist, from those with whom Natalya worked. But Varley only smiles, never admitting who his father is.

Not only pregnancy, but also the birth of Sasha was a real miracle. The contractions began in the eighth month, when Natalya was working on a test while studying at the Literary Institute. Feeling something was wrong, Varley went to the hospital, where she was observed. It turned out that the shift doctor had a birthday. She could not explain anything to anyone, and she herself went to the maternity room. There the midwife took in a very weak, almost lifeless baby. Only thanks to the professionalism of the micropediatrician Alexei Grachev, who was nearby, he was saved! The grateful Varley mentioned his name so often in connection with her second child that the fans of the actress first called him the father.

Many fans of Soviet cinema are interested in the biography and personal life of Natalya Varley, who was an incredibly popular actress at that time.

The future celebrity was born into a very interesting family. Her father worked as a sea captain, and her mother was the granddaughter of a mining engineer, and this profession was hereditary in their family.

Natalia's childhood passed in the city of Murmansk. She was a very talented child, from an early age she showed herself in poetry, music, drawing. An unpleasant moment was certain health problems, because of which the girl was not allowed to attend physical education classes.

In the late 1950s, the Varley family moved to Moscow. The change of place of residence became fatal for Natalia, since an event took place here that directly influenced her future activities. One day, my mother decided to take her to the circus, the girl really liked the performance. In addition, she saw an announcement that said that children of the appropriate age were being recruited into the circus group.

Natasha went to the studio secretly from her parents, where she successfully passed an interview with teachers. As a result, she graduated from the acrobatics department at the circus school.


After graduating from college, Varley decided to work in her specialty. She performed as part of the Moscow Circus troupe, together with the famous clown Yengibarov. It was he who contributed to the fact that Natalia ended up in the cinema. The fact is that one of his acquaintances, director Yungvald-Khilkevich, decided to attend one of the performances. He liked the tightrope walker Varley so much that he invited her to act in films.

The debut picture of Natalia was the Rainbow Formula, where she got the role of a nurse. The film was never destined to hit the screens, but during the filming, the assistant director Gaidai drew attention to the young actress. This meeting once again became fateful, since it was with her that Natalia's filmography began.

She played the role of student Nina in the "Prisoner of the Caucasus", which made her famous throughout the country. Leonid Gaidai gave her preference among 500 applicants. This was largely facilitated by her previous work. So, when the director asked her if the actress could strip down to her swimsuit, this question did not cause her any difficulties. The fact is that it was in such clothes that she had to perform in the circus.

The next incredibly famous picture was Viy, where Varley successfully embodied the image of Pannochka on the screen. Natalya decides to firmly connect her fate with acting, and for this purpose she enters the Shchukin Theater School.

After that, she both acted in films and shone on the stage of the theater, maternity leave served as a break in her activities. In the 90s, the actress left filming in films, justifying this by the fact that she was not offered worthy roles.

Personal life

It would be interesting for many fans of her work to learn about the details of her personal life in the biography of Natalya Varley. The actress has been married twice. Her first husband was Nikolai Burlyaev, a well-known actor and director at that time. Feelings flared up between them with lightning speed, which, unfortunately, were not destined to last for a long time.

It is interesting that Natalia's friends (among whom Mikhail Zadornov and Leonid Filatov can be named) tried in every possible way to dissuade from this marriage, and as a result they turned out to be right. A few years later, the star couple broke up.

The second husband played an important role in the personal life and biography of Natalya Varley. They became Vladimir Tikhonov, the son of actors Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Nonna Mordyukova. In addition, he studied with Varley on the same course. This marriage also did not last long, since Vladimir regularly abused alcohol.

A year after the divorce, the couple had a son, Vasily. Natalia has two children, in 1985 she gave birth to another son, Alexander, information about his father remains unknown.

Both Varley's sons chose creative professions, Vasily studied at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, and Alexander at the Faculty of Journalism, but in the end both of them became directors. Many are interested in whether the actress has grandchildren? The celebrity became a grandmother in 1995, when Vasily had a son, Eugene.

Many years later, the actress decided on a third marriage. Her chosen one was a man known as Vladimir, who was engaged in the construction business. Unfortunately, this marriage also did not last long.

The surname Varley has an unusual sound, and this is largely due to its origin. Family tradition says that she is Welsh. It is believed that at one time the ancestors of this family came from Wales. They served as jockeys in the stable of a wealthy manufacturer, who at one time decided to move to Russia. Subsequently, the jockeys found themselves Russian wives and settled in this country.

Interesting cases include a curiosity that occurred during the filming of "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Natalia spoke about him in one of her interviews. When the scene was filmed. during which she was driving a red car, she almost crushed the legendary trinity: Nikulin, Vitsin and Morgunov, because the car's brakes failed.

Varley is known for her love of cats. At one time, their number in her house reached two dozen. The woman gave them very original names, for example, among the favorites were Scholarship, Salary and Pension.

Natalya Varley now

In 2017, the actress celebrated her 70th birthday. Throughout her life, she showed versatile abilities, she acted not only as an actress, but also released collections of her poems, was able to prove herself as a TV presenter of the projects “Home Troubles” and “Your Business”.

In 2017, in honor of the anniversary, one of the secrets in the biography of the actress was revealed. It turned out that she was connected by romantic feelings with the singer Alexei Zardinov. The relationship broke up, but the celebrities cooperate: Alexey sings songs based on Natalia's poems.

Photos of Natalya Varley help to get an idea of ​​how rich her biography and personal life were. She showed herself as a bright talented actress and was remembered as a woman with an amazing fate.