Well      04.03.2021

The composition of folic acid for pregnant women. Why do women need folic acid before conception and during pregnancy? Side effects of taking folic acid

A woman who is preparing to become a mother must carefully prepare for a responsible mission. healthy image life, parting with bad habits - common truths known to everyone. But few people know how important it is during pregnancy. This is one of the main tools that a future mother needs to use.

Determination of folic acid

Otherwise, it is called vitamin B9. There is also a generalized name - folates, these are vitamin derivatives. It is them that a person receives from food, and tablets are a synthetic agent that turns into folates inside the body.

Any derivatives of vitamin B9 are very important for the hematopoietic system, namely, in the formation of new blood cells. Due to their deficiency, anemia develops.

Role in the body

The main functions that folic acid performs during pregnancy should be highlighted:

  • Participates in the formation of cell DNA, that is, the carrier of hereditary information.
  • Stimulates blood formation.
  • Participates in the formation of the placenta.
  • Blocks the formation of cancer cells.
  • Restores muscle tissue.
  • Participates in the laying and subsequent development of the nervous tissue of the fetus.

Why is it important to get folate during pregnancy?

To the question, doctors cannot answer in detail within the framework of a quick appointment, so it is worth explaining its significance. On early dates its consumption increases sharply. There is an increased division of embryonic cells to form full-fledged tissues. The baby's tissue is the most difficult to transform. That's why you should take folic acid.

Deficiency can occur for various reasons:

  • Insufficient vitamin intake from food.
  • Malabsorption - occurs in chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines.
  • Genetic disorders in the folate cycle. It very rarely happens when the body does not have the necessary enzymes. Because of this, folic acid is not converted to folate. There is an accumulation of intermediate metabolic products, leading to diseases of the cardiovascular system, infertility and inability to bear a fetus. In this case, drink folic acid derivatives.
  • Taking oral contraceptives, barbiturates, sulfa drugs and alcoholic beverages reduces the level of the substance in the blood. If a woman took any of the above before conception, additional methods are required so that the folic acid norm for pregnant women remains within its boundaries.

Required dosage

The ideal option is to drink a vitamin before pregnancy three months before conception and throughout gestation. Usually women are advised to drink 400 mcg per day. Sometimes the dosage needs to be increased. If the expectant mother diabetes or epilepsy, then for her the daily norm is 1 mg. If children with a neural tube defect have previously been born, the dose of folic acid during pregnancy will be 4 mg. But the exact decision can only be made by a doctor after an examination.

Recommendations regarding the use of folic acid in women during pregnancy are being disseminated in many countries. So, American women who are at the planning stage take 400-800 micrograms per day a month before conception and for three months of gestation.

A blood test for vitamin B9 levels should be taken by anyone who has anemia or homocysteinemia. Healthy pregnant women do not need such an examination.

What is the best way to take it?

Pharmaceutical companies offer wide choose drugs that contain folate. Their main difference is in quantity, dosage and cost.

Some of the medicines that are available in tablets have a dosage of 1 mg, which is inconvenient. You have to break it in half so that the norm of folic acid during pregnancy is not exceeded. It is desirable to find a form that will contain 400-500 mcg. This is the standard dosage of folic acid required during pregnancy.

There is another option - complexes (, etc.). But they should be used by those who live in an unfavorable climate and have a poor diet.

Three components are enough for a modern woman:

  1. Folic acid during pregnancy at a dosage of 400 mcg.
  2. Iodine preparations when in an area with its deficiency.
  3. If you have anemia, you need to take iron supplements.

Taking drugs with a multicomponent composition can be called inappropriate. It is sufficient to take folic acid during pregnancy, because this drug is safe. Its effectiveness has been proven through numerous studies. When asked how much folic acid a particular woman should drink during pregnancy, a specialist should answer.

Extract from the instructions

Indications include the prevention of neural tube defects and vitamin B9 deficiency. Contraindications - childhood, pernicious anemia, cobalomin deficiency, the presence of malignant tumors, sensitivity to components.

According to the instructions for use, the established daily dose of folic acid for pregnant women is 400 mcg. Among side effects- itching, rash, hyperthermia, bronchospasm, bitterness in the mouth, erythema, loss of appetite, nausea and bloating. If you take folic acid for a long time, hypovitaminosis B12 may develop.

Also available special instructions. To prevent vitamin B9 deficiency, a balanced diet is necessary. The diet should contain green vegetables, legumes, beets, cheese, fresh liver, nuts, eggs.

If large doses are allowed and treatment becomes prolonged, a decrease in B12 concentration may develop. In the case where it seems that the doctor has overdone the appointment, you need to consult with another. Drink the amount that will be agreed with different experts.

An overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is possible, but only in those taking 25-30 tablets per day. In other cases, the excess is excreted from the body.

What else you need to know about vitamin B9:

  • Folic acid is prescribed for pregnant women, since during this period it is more quickly excreted from the body.
  • If a woman drank strong tea, the vitamin will be excreted from the body faster.
  • Reception of some medicines increases the need for vitamin B9.
  • It is important to remember that when taking folic acid during pregnancy, it is imperative to monitor the reaction - an allergy is possible.
  • In addition to the fact that the vitamin is necessary for the creation of the nerve cells of the baby, it goes to "repair" about 70 trillion of the mother's cells, because they are constantly updated.
  • Be sure to drink folic acid, as its deficiency is transmitted to the fetus and affects the quality of breast milk.
  • In order for an important element to be preserved in products, they must be eaten raw or steamed.

A woman may not notice that she lacks a vitamin. But already in the first trimester, the appearance of irritability, loss of appetite, fatigue is permissible. Be sure to drink folic acid so that all these symptoms do not interfere with a successful pregnancy. As a rule, doctors, when asked how to take vitamin B9, answer that 1 tablet per day is enough. In some cases, the specialist increases the dosage, but this is strictly individual. Therefore, before you start taking even such a harmless drug, you should ask your gynecologist how much to drink vitamin B9 and for how long. This will create for the health of the baby and mother optimal conditions. It would also be useful to clarify, . Vitamin must be supplied to the body and from natural sources.

Folic acid intake during pregnancy in the conditions of modern nutrition, unfortunately, is a necessity. The body cannot do without it, especially in conditions of growth and development, and every second pregnant woman is deficient in this vitamin.

Since folic acid during pregnancy is necessary for the formation of organs and systems of the child, first of all, for his nervous system, deficiency leads to malformations and other irreversible consequences.

What is folic acid and why does the fetus need it?

Cell division in our body occurs constantly and continuously, even if a person is an adult and has not been growing for a long time. There is a renewal of skin cells and the gastrointestinal tract, constantly destroyed and new blood cells are formed. In order for a cell to divide, the DNA chains in its nucleus must be doubled, each cell must get the complete human genome. This process is not possible without the participation of folates, that is, we need folic acid simply to maintain life and constantly renew body cells.

Its deficiency is manifested by symptoms characteristic of impaired cell division. The intestinal mucosa ceases to regenerate - the patient suffers from nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, the skin and mucous membranes do not regenerate - ulcers appear in the mouth, the skin becomes painful and irritated, seizures are disturbing. There is no regeneration of blood cells - anemia develops ...

A growing organism, in a child, a teenager, needs folic acid to an even greater extent, and imagine what the needs of a fetus growing in the womb are if it increases the number of cells in its body exponentially every week, and if you count the entire pregnancy, this billions of new cell divisions.

In the early stages of pregnancy, any error in cell division leads to fatal consequences, malformations are formed. The worst thing is that the baby’s nervous system is especially sensitive, and those defects that are possible with a folate deficiency during pregnancy can never be compensated for later, a newborn without a brain (anencephaly, lack of cerebral hemispheres) is incurable.

Folic acid has a second name, vitamin B9, nature has tried to protect the body from its possible deficiency. It is found in many foods, and even intestinal microorganisms are able to produce it on their own, supplying a person with this vital vitamin. In addition, our body knows how to store it in reserve, in the liver there may be an amount of folic acid sufficient to cover its deficiency for six months.

But, despite this, every fifth person on earth lacks it.

If the expectant mother does not have enough folic acid during pregnancy, this can lead to the following consequences:

Malformations of the child’s nervous system, underdevelopment of the brain, “open back”, when the vertebral arches do not fuse and the spinal cord of the newborn is not covered by anything, spinal and cranial hernias, in the absence of gross defects, a lag in neuropsychic development is possible.

The risk of miscarriage and premature birth, hypoxia and intrauterine death of the child due to the imperfection of the formed placenta.

It is possible to form any other malformations, depending on which particular organ system was most actively formed at the time of folic acid deficiency during pregnancy.

Why do we lack folic acid?

If folic acid is so widely available and can be produced in the body, why do we lack it?

The problem arises due to the fact that human nutrition is almost devoid of fresh greens, we subject all our food to heat treatment, and heat destroys folic acid. The use of antibiotics and dietary habits kill the beneficial intestinal microflora, and now there is no one to produce endogenous folic acid, and often found chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract lead to a violation of its absorption.

What foods contain folic acid?

Folic acid is found in almost all foods, some are especially high in it. Almost all vegetables with dark green foliage are very rich in folic acid, which is why it is called "folic acid", in Latin it means "leaf". Spinach, asparagus, lettuce, carrots are excellent sources. There is a lot of it in melon and apricots, strawberries and peaches, avocados and pumpkins, beans and hazelnuts, dark rye flour and whole wheat.

By the way, in the US, ordinary flour for sale is enriched with folic acid to prevent this vitamin deficiency on a global scale.

There is folic acid in many meat products, for example, in eggs, liver, cheese.

If we had not subjected vegetables to long-term storage and heat treatment, such a problem as a lack of vitamin B9 simply could not have arisen.

folic acid during pregnancy

The norm of folic acid for an adult is only from 200 to 400 micrograms, according to various experts. This is quite a bit, 100 grams of asparagus cover this need completely. Naturally, the rate of folic acid during pregnancy increases significantly, now in utero developing fetus uses it in large quantities. For the development of all tissues of the child, the formation of his placenta, folic acid is necessary, the norm during pregnancy for this vitamin is from 600 to 800 mg for different women.

Folic acid intake during pregnancy

From the above, it becomes clear that taking folic acid during pregnancy is a vital necessity, and even the most ardent opponents of drugs agree with this. Folic acid during pregnancy cannot harm, with an excess of its intake, it will simply be excreted in the urine, and the metabolism of this vitamin during gestation is significantly accelerated, and the excretion of excess too.

The use of folic acid during pregnancy, even from its very first days, is not always a sufficient measure to prevent the complications of vitamin deficiency, if it is really present in a woman. The fact is that we learn about the pregnancy only at the 5th week, or at the life of the embryo 16-18 days. And by this week, the baby is already laying the foundation for the future nervous system, which means that if there is no folic acid, malformations are possible. Yes, and the placenta is also beginning to form, therefore, if it cannot develop properly, this can cause an abortion. This means that the best thing to do is to start taking folic acid before conception, when planning a pregnancy.

There is a group of women for whom folic acid is especially needed during pregnancy, the use must be started when planning:

If you have a laboratory-confirmed vitamin B9 deficiency.
- If you have had miscarriages in the past.
- If in the family or you personally had a birth with a child with malformations or stillbirths, miscarriages.

If folic acid is prescribed during pregnancy, how much should I take and for how long?

It is optimal to drink it throughout pregnancy until childbirth in a prophylactic dosage. Of course, it is most important to take it in the early stages, however, even later, the baby continues to grow and develop, and of course, folic acid is needed for the successful process of cell division.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy

The dose of folic acid during pregnancy is selected for each woman individually. If you do not have its deficiency, you are not at risk, 1 tablet of folic acid per day, 1 mg will be enough for you. She will more than cover all your needs and the needs of the child.

Moreover, if you are taking multivitamin preparations for pregnant women, for example, Materna or Pregnavit, then there is no need for an additional intake of folic acid at all, because it is part of these vitamin complexes in the optimal preventive dose.

However, doctors prefer to play it safe and prescribe not 1 mg of folic acid, but 2-3 mg, that is, 2-3 tablets per day. Vitamin deficiencies can be hidden, and, knowing the possible risks and safety of taking high doses, it is better to get more of this vitamin than necessary than not to cover a possible deficiency.

If there is a confirmed vitamin deficiency or you are at risk for miscarriage, congenital malformations in a child, you must be prescribed folic acid during pregnancy, the dosage is very high, more than 5 mg per day. These pregnant women are prescribed Folacin, this is already a therapeutic, not a prophylactic drug, the dose in it exceeds the needs many times over.

Taking folic acid during pregnancy according to the scheme recommended by your doctor reduces the risk of miscarriage and miscarriage by several times, it is your doctor who will tell you how to take it in your case, and not you yourself.

Since the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is an individual matter, the preparations are produced differently to meet the needs of different women. Their price is also different.

Folic acid during pregnancy, price:

Folic acid, 1 mg tablets - cost about 30 rubles for 50 tablets.
Folacin, 5 mg - price 125 rubles. 30 tablets.
Folio, 0.4 mg folic acid and 0.2 mg iodine - price 320 rubles 150 tablets.

What are the drugs and how to take folic acid during pregnancy?

Folic acid tablets

Folic acid tablets are the most widely prescribed, cheapest drug that fully meets the needs future mother under normal conditions. How to take folic acid prescribed by a doctor different schemes reception. For example, with an irregular menstrual cycle, folic acid, when planning a pregnancy, can be prescribed only in the first half of the cycle, but more often it is still prescribed at a dose of 1-3 tablets 1-3 times a day. If you look at the documentation, folic acid can be prescribed according to the characteristics of a particular pregnant woman. A primiparous vegetarian who receives a lot of folic acid is unlikely to need such a high dosage as a normal pregnant woman who does not have the opportunity to constantly consume fresh leafy vegetables.


Folacin is a folic acid preparation, one tablet of which contains 5 mg of the vitamin. This dose is huge, it covers daily requirement several times, which is why the drug is not preventive, but therapeutic. When administered in such huge doses, even during pregnancy, the vitamin does not harm, its excess is simply excreted by the body.

Folacin is taken only if there really is a laboratory-confirmed vitamin B6 deficiency, in all other cases it is money thrown away, the excess is simply excreted, the child will not be healthier from this.


Folio is one of the most successful preparations for expectant mothers in early pregnancy. This is a complex preparation containing iodine (200 mg) and folic acid (400 mg). These are prophylactic doses of both one and the second drug, and this eliminates the need to swallow extra pills.

Multivitamins for pregnant women

All multivitamins for pregnant women contain folic acid in an amount that covers the needs of the mother and fetus. Elevit and Materna contain 1 mg of the substance, Pregnavit 750 mcg, Vitrum prenatal 800 mg, Multitabs-prenatal 400 mg. These are preventive, not at all high, but sufficient doses.

Folic acid during pregnancy, the instructions for the preparations of which are taken into account by the doctor, but are not mandatory, are prescribed to each woman in the dose and according to the scheme that is right for her, so do not be surprised that you were prescribed the wrong drug and not like your friend . How to take it may also differ. In any case, folic acid should be taken during pregnancy, it will help you bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Folic acid overdose during pregnancy

An overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is virtually impossible, because at least some clinical manifestations of its excess will appear only if you use 20-30 tablets at a time. Sane people do not use drugs in such doses.

However, still controversial and requiring evidence is the result of studies conducted on the intake of folic acid by pregnant women in high doses in Britain.

British scientists argue that if folic acid is taken in too much of a woman's body during pregnancy, an overdose can contribute to ... the birth of twins. Excess folic acid during pregnancy and at the planning stage contributes to multiple pregnancies. The fact is not proven, and requires confirmation.

One of the most important vitamins is folic acid, which during pregnancy must be in the diet of the expectant mother. Without exaggeration, the development of the fetus depends on this, as scientists have proven that meeting the daily need for folic acid allows the neural tube to develop without defects and defects.

Many during their lives have not come across the concept of folic acid or vitamin B9, and therefore information enlightenment in this matter often tends to zero. That is why in this article we will give answers to all the questions related to vitamin B9 that a future mother may have.

Folic acid: what, why and for what?

Folic acid or "B9" is a vitamin that belongs to the group of water-soluble and has essential role in the human body in general, but in particular - for expectant mothers. B9 controls many processes in the body that are vital. This vitamin controls protein metabolism and the synthesis of nucleic acids, which are directly related to the vital activity of cells (growth, division, etc.). And since the process of fetal development is directly related to the process of cell division and growth, vitamin B9 is indispensable for a pregnant woman.

Folic acid is practically not synthesized by the human body.

Unfortunately, our body practically does not synthesize folic acid on its own. An extremely small amount is synthesized within the colon by its microflora, but this amount does not even cover the daily requirement for vitamin B9 by half. Therefore, a person has to compensate for the lack of this component on his own through the use of food products with high content.

Do I need to take additional medications?

The daily norm of folic acid is quite high, and you should also not forget that the norm threshold for pregnant women is higher than for ordinary women, since most of vitamin is used by the body specifically for the development of the baby. Especially in the first trimester.

Folic acid should be consumed by pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, when the baby's organs are forming.

For this reason, it would be advisable to use special vitamin complexes containing in their composition the amount of B9 equal to or slightly higher than the daily allowance. If you are still not sure about the need to take additional drugs, then we will give two convincing arguments:

  1. Folic acid intake during pregnancy is a proven and used worldwide prevention of malformations in the fetus of the neural tube, from which the full development of the central nervous system will later occur.
  2. Many foods containing folic acid are not commonly eaten raw. And during the heat treatment of food, most of the acid is destroyed, which reduces the intake of the vitamin by the body from natural products to a minimum.

Medicinal vitamin complexes in this case will be more effective, since one capsule or dragee will contain the full daily allowance. Thus, you will save yourself from unnecessary headaches and guarantee the normal development of the fetus. The best option, of course, there will be a combination of eating natural sources of folic acid and the use of vitamin complexes. It has been scientifically proven that an overdose of B9 does not cause any harm to embryonic development, unlike its deficiency.

Deficiency B9: symptoms and meaning

Folic acid affects many functions in the body, which can suffer from its deficiency and cause disturbances in the entire coordinated work of the body.

For example, vitamin B9 warns the liver against an excess of fat, which reduces its performance and subsequently leads to the development of fatty liver hepatosis.

With a lack of folic acid, a pregnant woman may experience serious malaise

Folic acid is also involved in the process of hematopoiesis, namely in the synthesis of red blood cells - erythrocytes. Their deficiency can lead to the development of moderate or severe iron deficiency anemia. These degrees of anemia are always accompanied by immunodeficiency, which can be especially dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman, since the treatment of any minor illness is complicated by a ban on taking medications.

Folic acid has an effect on the central nervous system, as it is directly related to neurotransmitters. Irritability and memory impairment are characteristic manifestations of a lack of vitamin B9 on the part of the nervous system.

If you find yourself in compliance with the list of such symptoms, then you clearly have a lack of folic acid in the body:

  • constant weakness;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • frequent fainting;
  • weight loss;
  • unhealthy pallor (as a manifestation of anemia).

How much is needed?

How medicine B9 is in the form of a yellow powder used in capsules. It is excreted from the body easily, along with urine, so an overdose of folic acid is impossible.

It is also important to explain how much and for how long they drink folic acid during pregnancy.

According to scientists, the recommended dose of this vitamin for the period of pregnancy is 600-650 mcg per day, and for already nursing mothers - 500 mcg per day.

The World Health Organization writes that a slightly smaller amount of folic acid is enough to cover the daily requirement, but a small excess will be harmless. Scientists recommend starting folic acid at the planning stage of pregnancy, during all nine months and during the period of breastfeeding.

What foods can you find folic acid in?

The word "folium", from which "folic" comes, is literally translated from Latin"sheet", and therefore it is quite logical that the most a large number of vitamin B9 is found in greens and leaves. You can find such a necessary component in spinach, lettuce and onions. Even parsley contains a small amount of the vitamin. On average - about 51.5-51.7 micrograms per 50 grams of parsley.

There is also a lot of vitamin B9 in various vegetables and fruits, but most of all in cabbage, legumes, carrots, corn, avocados, tomatoes, and even watermelon.

Fruits and vegetables that contain folic acid

Among grains and legumes, it is worth giving preference to beans and lentils, which on average contain about 150-190 mcg (almost a third of the daily requirement!) Of folic acid per 100 grams of product. Different types cabbage also contains plenty of vitamin, although the amount, depending on the type, ranges from 15 micrograms to 35 micrograms per 100 grams of product. These vegetables are among the most affordable in our region and at the same time the richest in the presence of folic acid in them.

You can also find this vitamin in carrots and beets, which are a good source of fiber, which is necessary for good intestinal motility and the prevention of constipation. For pregnant women, this issue is especially relevant due to the fact that in almost a third of pregnant women, regular constipation leads to the development of hemorrhoids.

Watermelons and tomatoes contain about 40-60 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams of product. But they are also sources of vitamin C, without which the assimilation of cyanocobalamin (B12) and pyridoxine (B6) is impossible. These two vitamins are also of great importance in the functioning of the body. With a lack of cyanocobalamin, one of the subspecies of anemia develops, and pyridoxine is involved in the formation of protein bonds.

Corn is a rich source of vitamins in general and B9 in particular. About 25 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams of corn kernels. The most useful, of course, will be the use of corn in season, since canned corn does not carry such a number of useful elements.

You can gain the daily intake of folic acid by introducing apples, pears, strawberries, currants, grapes, bananas, etc. into the diet.

Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits are also real vitamin bomb so they must be used with care. Especially if you are prone to allergic reactions. A medium-sized orange contains almost 20% of the daily vitamin requirement.

It will not be superfluous to introduce several types of nuts into the diet, since today the food market offers a large selection. Folic acid can be found in almost all types of nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and others. For reference, 100 grams of hazelnuts contain about 70-75 micrograms of vitamin B9, and peanuts contain 230-245 micrograms.

A large amount of vitamin B9, as well as E and B6 is found in the seeds of flax, pumpkin, sunflower. They can be consumed raw or fried. Such an additive, by the way, will make any salad of greens and vegetables more appetizing and rich.

So do not forget that folic acid is also found in animal products. One of these foods rich in B9 is the liver of various animals. For example, in a regular chicken liver per 100 grams contains 235-250 micrograms of vitamin, in pork about 230 micrograms.

However, under the influence of heat treatment, most of the folic acid is destroyed, so that the best option there will be the introduction of several types of liver into the diet.

If you prefer fish, then cod liver is an excellent choice. It contains a large amount of vitamins B9, A, E and D. Plus, such a liver, even after heat treatment, carries enough fats and proteins necessary for a balanced diet for the expectant mother.

A significant amount of folic acid is found in eggs, especially raw ones. However, in order to warn yourself against salmonellosis, which can be carried by chicken eggs, scientists offer an incomparable option for pregnant women - quail eggs. These eggs are hypoallergenic and cannot carry the causative agent of salmonellosis, and therefore can be used even by pregnant women without a twinge.

Folic acid (or vitamin B9) is involved in the synthesis of proteins, amino acids necessary for the formation of DNA. The lack of folic acid during pregnancy negatively affects the formation of the fetus, increases the risk of miscarriages in the early stages, the birth of premature babies.

Lack of vitamin B9 can be assumed by the deterioration of health, decreased performance, lack of appetite, increased irritability.

In the event of the appearance of these symptoms in an adult woman, it is enough to consume 400 micrograms of vitamin per day in addition to the usual diet. During pregnancy, the dosage of folic acid should be increased to 600 micrograms, but not more than 1000 micrograms (1 mg) per day.

Folate deficiency occurs when:

  • deficiency needed for the absorption of folate;
  • violations of the absorption of vitamins from incoming food;
  • a genetic defect in the folate cycle - the absence of the MTHFR enzyme, due to which folic acid is not converted into an active form;
  • taking antiepileptic drugs;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • alcohol abuse.

The maximum need for pregnant women in an increased dosage of folic acid is noted in the first trimester when laying the fetal organ systems.

If a woman does not suffer from megaloblastic anemia, and there is no folate deficiency in the body, then during pregnancy it is enough to take 400 micrograms of folic acid in tablets.

How to take folic acid tablets correctly, how much to drink during pregnancy, so as not to cause an overdose, is described in detail in separate articles:

Benefits for a woman

In the first 4 weeks, folic acid is especially needed for a pregnant woman. During this period, new cells are actively formed and the consumption of vitamin for DNA synthesis increases. But the main thing for which folic acid is needed for pregnant women at this time is the formation of the nervous system at 3-4 weeks of the first trimester.

In addition to the formation of the nervous system, fetal organ systems develop in this period, the kidneys and heart are laid. Increased consumption of folic acid and the formation of placental tissue.

If in the first three months a woman's body lacks vitamin B9, then the consequences of this may be congenital malformations of the fetal nervous system, spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage.

In the second half of pregnancy, folate deficiency can provoke preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure with swelling of the extremities.

With preeclampsia, blood flow through the placenta is disturbed, which worsens the conditions for the development of the fetus, and the child may be born with a lag in physical development. Preeclampsia is one of the causes of premature birth, the development of eclampsia, a condition that is dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

In late pregnancy, folic acid is needed to prevent early rupture of the amniotic membrane, premature birth.

Fetal benefits of folate

In the early stages, the need for folates is especially high for the formation of the neural tube - the rudiment of the baby's nervous system. As a result of the non-closure of the anterior part of the neural tube at the 4th week of pregnancy, a defect such as anencephaly is formed - a malformation in which the cerebral hemispheres are partially or completely absent.

In the second half of pregnancy, the lack of folates negatively affects the state of the circulatory system, and through it indirectly negatively affects all the organs of the fetus. This is due to the fact that vitamin B9 deficiency causes an increase in the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the child's blood, which damages the endothelium of blood vessels and provokes the formation of blood clots in small vessels.

The death of the fetus when the endothelium of the blood vessels is damaged does not occur, but the child develops malformations:

  • neural tube defects - anencephaly, brain herniation;
  • heart defects;
  • impaired maturation of erythrocytes;
  • violation of the formation of the kidneys;
  • cleft palate - cleft of the upper palate;
  • limb deformity.

Additional use of folates in the second trimester prevents the appearance of developmental defects, reduces the likelihood of an umbilical hernia, Down syndrome, and contributes to normal weight gain and development of the baby.

The level of homocysteine ​​in the blood is one way to determine the folate status of a pregnant woman. It can be determined by direct measurements of the folate content in the blood, as well as by the analysis of existing mutations in the MTHFR genes responsible for the folate cycle in a woman.

When such mutations are detected for a pregnant woman, they individually select how to take it, determine how much folic acid she needs to drink every day in the first, second, third trimesters.

Possible harm

Active use of folates for the prevention of a neural tube defect in the fetus during pregnancy began in the 70s of the last century, and over the past years a lot of data has accumulated that indicate not only the benefits, but also the possible negative consequences of taking synthetic vitamin B9 in tablets.

This is due to the fact that at high dosages of folic acid, the need for ascorbic acid and vitamin B12. In the event of a shortage of these nutrients, part of the folic acid will not be absorbed and will be excreted from the body in the urine.

And to improve the absorption of folates, it is necessary not only to increase the dosage of vitamin B9, but to combine the drug with necessary quantity vitamins C and B12.

Large doses of the free form in the bloodstream can adversely affect health. So, with a high concentration of folic acid, there is a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes, which reduces the activity of specific immunity, reduces the body's ability to resist infection.

Uncontrolled intake of folic acid in large doses during pregnancy is also dangerous for the fetus:

  • at high doses, the risk (by 25%) of asthma in children increases;
  • increased risk of respiratory tract infections at an early age.

An excess of folate over a long period of time can cause:

  • allergic reactions - angioedema, urticaria;
  • a decrease in the concentration of vitamin B12 in the body and the development of pernicious anemia;
  • changes in the epithelium of the renal tubules;
  • side effects from the digestive tract - diarrhea, nausea, flatulence;
  • neurological disorders - insomnia, convulsions, irritability.

An excess of the vitamin may be associated with the genetic characteristics of a woman. If a woman during pregnancy has high content folic acid caused by a genetic mutation, then whether it is possible to drink tablets additionally, in what dosage and how much, the doctor decides, based on her state of health.

Additional vitamin intake in this case is dangerous for the fetus and can cause retinoblastoma in an infant - a tumor of the retina.