Well      11/16/2021

What does a green candle mean? The meaning that the color of a candle has in magical rites. The color of spark plugs - what should and can be

For many years, candles have been performing a decorative function, turning an ordinary interior into a mysterious, romantic one. And fire is a mystical sign, one of the five magical elements. It is a symbol of passion and supernatural power.

There are people for whom candles are not just an element of decor, but an artifact, without which meditations, spiritual practices and certain rituals are indispensable. Wax products help to improve the emotional state, to fulfill the most secret desires. We invite you to talk about candle magic and the meaning of candle colors in magic!

What is candle magic?

Magicians and esotericists call this one of the most primitive magical arts. This species, by the way, is usually referred to as natural magic. It is built on small rituals and on the use of a minimum number of artifacts.

Each person at least once in his life performed the simplest rituals related to this type of sorcery. For example, he blew out the candles on the cake on his birthday. Yes, yes, this is candle magic! Indeed, at the same time, a person makes a wish, sends it to the Universe, asking for support. And the final result is, of course, influenced by faith in the actions performed and the Higher powers.

Why do many magicians choose candle magic for themselves? Of course, first of all, this happens because the fire element has always been associated with people with inhuman power, transformation, purification and fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Fire fascinates and attracts, it is the embodiment of that divine spark, which, according to esotericists, is present in every person! In addition, it is fire that allows a person to become related to something supernatural, beyond the control of the mind, beyond the limits of the material world. That is why bonfires used to burn on the altars of pagan gods, and why candles burn in Christian churches today.

The advantage of using magic candles is the simplicity and convenience of this way of changing reality. In addition, this type of witchcraft is incredibly effective: it allows you to solve problems in almost all areas of life. Of course, the flame of a candle is much smaller than the flame of a ritual fire, but there is also a significant advantage - in addition to the pure energy of fire, candles have a “body” that the sorcerer can also use in the process of witchcraft. Various magic words and symbols can be applied to it, oils and herbs can be added, enhancing the effect of the ritual.

Rules for using candles

There are a number of certain rules that magicians strictly observe. Let's talk about the most important ones!

For each ritual it is necessary to take new candles, sorcerers warn. Those that have already been lit (even briefly) already store information that can spoil the entire magical ritual. Some rituals involve lighting and extinguishing one candle several times. Please note - in no case should you change candles or light them outside the ritual!

It must be remembered that candle magic is, first of all, the most real creativity! Therefore, combinations of two or more colors are allowed here! Of course, the color descriptions below can be called basic and widespread, but no one forbids using candles in accordance with your attitude. Another important detail is that handmade candles are imbued with the energy of the person who created them. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to mold a magical artifact yourself, be sure to do it! You will be able to receive an energy charge of incredible power.

After any, it is important to properly dispose of the candles. Experienced sorcerers are advised to carefully collect the cinders (it is advisable not to touch them with bare hands) and throw them away from you.

Candle color

The color of this magical attribute can be compared to a key that opens a certain area of ​​the human subconscious. What color should the ritual candles be? It all depends on what it is aimed at! We bring to your attention a selection of characteristics of certain shades!


Red candles are simply indispensable when it comes to love magic. After all, red is the color of passion and expression, love and energy. They will help not only attract new relationships into your life, but also return lost feelings, increase sexual desire. An important point - you need to light two identical candles at once - this symbolizes reciprocity between partners.

And red candles help to gain success in business - just light them before some important event and just look at the flame. Magicians assure - the red color attracts good luck, improves the financial side of life.

It is also worth using them in case of fatigue or before exhausting work. You need to sit comfortably in a chair opposite the candle, let your thoughts go free and look at the fire. Even a short rest will restore a huge amount of energy, will allow you to perform complex work.

Another area of ​​application is the presence of outside interference. Esotericists recommend lighting scarlet candles throughout the house in cases where fatigue piles up, everything literally falls out of hand, light bulbs burn out in the rooms. It is believed that the flame will expel all evil forces.


White is the color of sincerity, insight, purification and wisdom. The magic of color allows you to use it in rituals aimed at healing from diseases, the search for truth. In addition, white candles help childless women feel at last. They also help to correct the effect of wax of other shades.

Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, one cannot but say that white is a great helper for people of various professions, especially teachers! It helps you achieve all your goals. colors are useful when a new source of energy or its awakening is needed.


This color is considered to be synonymous with optimism and joy. Therefore, it is recommended to light yellow candles when there are guests in the house. In addition, they are often used to improve relations between spouses. The fact is that bright wax brings harmony, mutual understanding and respect!

The color of the sun is also associated with the intellectual potential of a person. That is why such candles are lit before passing exams, passing an interview. You can use yellow candles just like that: lit in the house, they will bring financial well-being, comfort, tranquility and a friendly atmosphere.


A blue candle is able to awaken in a person a feeling of mercy towards others. She also awakens her own sense of guilt. Such attributes are good for various spiritual practices and meditations: they help improve health, awaken energy, and attract prophetic dreams. Another property of them is that they are able to give answers to difficult life questions. In addition, blue candles are the strongest weapon, often used in the fight against evil forces. Wax of this color has a large energy charge, however, magicians often do not advise turning to it - this can lead a person to depression and frustration.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, it is impossible not to mention the magical attributes of black, it accumulates magical energy in itself, and therefore, it has a number of very different characteristics that can influence not only the consciousness of a person, but also the events taking place in his life.

Candles of black color perfectly help in the fight against obstacles, difficult circumstances. They get rid of negative energy, accelerate recovery after diseases. It is strictly forbidden to treat wax of this color lightly! You should not use them in rituals aimed at desires in which you are not completely sure. When should these candles be lit? Magicians say - in moments of reflection on difficult issues, when justice is needed or when life is complicated by various obstacles. It is also important that the black color affects the process of meditation, making it deeper.


What is green associated with? Of course, with fertility, abundance, material wealth, summer greenery. And therefore, esotericists recommend lighting such candles when you urgently need to attract finances into your life, improve the health of households, and increase the level. In addition, green candles help in the implementation of creative ideas and ideas. Unlike the blue ones, green attributes can be used on a daily basis and will help you get inspired.

Speaking about the magic of color, one cannot fail to mention that different shades of green help in solving different problems. For example, when a person burns dark green candles, greed and envy leave his heart. Emerald candles are a symbol of love, important achievements and vivid emotions. Therefore, it is worth lighting them at a time when you need to strengthen the union and dilute the insipid life with small joys.


Orange is a symbol of the sun and summer, power and enterprise. He is able to give a person strength, enthusiasm and good luck. In addition, it strengthens both friendly and business ties, gives recognition and success. It is worth lighting candles of this color in those situations when you need to quickly adapt to any situations, adapt to reality. In addition, orange is the best assistant for women who want to lose weight and transform.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, it is worth mentioning pink candles. All shades of this color attract romance, sensuality, point to the path that will lead to spiritual harmony and balance. Such candles should be lit by too callous women: they will help them become more tender and softer.

Another useful property of this color is the programming of energy for reconciliation. Therefore, you need to use them after quarrels. They will help to find compromises in any situation. By the way, it is best to use rose-scented wax products - they will enhance the magical effect of the rituals.


Typically, these candles are used together with others in a variety of rituals. Their main purpose is to accelerate the result, to strengthen the ritual.


Purple wax products will help to reveal hidden opportunities and talents, expand the boundaries of consciousness, make a wise decision. Magicians use them to create the necessary mood during predictions of the future or various fortune-telling. These candles are used to protect against magical influences, cleansing from negative influences.

golden and silver

Sorcerers recommend using golden candles for women. It is generally accepted that they will help to acquire happiness and wealth, determination and the mood to win. Silver attributes are necessary if it is necessary to get rid of the negative impact, improve well-being and gain vitality.

Blue and turquoise

Who should use blue wax candles? People who lack patience and inspiration. Their influence is especially soft, so they can gently resolve spiritual torment. Quite often such candles are used during seances.

You can light blue candles, look at the fire and think about your loved one - this can program him for loyalty and incredible affection.

Turquoise attributes play the role of a kind of talisman that can cleanse the soul and push for change.


These tones are absolutely neutral, and therefore are suitable for people who need to understand their own thoughts and feelings. The meaning of the color of candles allows them to be used for meditation and practices aimed at reflection and relaxation. Esotericists recommend lighting them at the end of a busy day.


Brown candles help to gain confidence. They prevent danger, free from excessive amounts of energy. Another action is balancing the connection with the outside world.

In what areas should candles be lit?

After you have decided on the color of the candles, you need to choose a place in the house where you will light them. Multi-colored candles located in the southwest will help build relationships with a loved one, resolve conflict situations with children.

If there is a great desire to succeed in professional activities, to gain popularity, magicians are advised to take red, blue and purple candles and light them in the south of the house.

It's no secret that Qi energy is the source of all life on our planet. If you feel that it has stagnated and needs to be dispersed, it is recommended to light magic candles at least two or three times a week in the most inaccessible places of the home, for example, in the corners.

Candles that a person lights in the northeast of an apartment or room will help to strengthen the influence of the energy of the elements of the Earth (and therefore bring stability, self-confidence, and preserve family happiness into your life). This should be done at least twice a week.

You can also eliminate the chill that has appeared in a relationship with the help of candles. It is best to take red wax products. They should be burned in the bedroom, choosing the southwest side for this. Esotericists warn - you should not do this too often, otherwise both you and your partner will simply get tired of excessive manifestations of feelings.

Absolutely in all zones and in all rooms you can light white. They will create an indescribable atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness in the house, rid the home of negative energy that has been accumulating for a long time.

Candles are used in magic in various rituals and ceremonial actions. At the same time, their shade plays a significant role, because the result of the mystical action will depend on the value of the color of the candle. Therefore, if you are ready to conjure, we advise you to carefully read this material.

To master the magic of candles, you do not need special training or training. It is available to almost everyone. The main feature of such magic is that for the ceremony you will need to stock up on a few candles, as well as have pure thoughts and unlimited faith in a positive result.

Fortunately, today the shops are replete with a very wide selection of candle products. In general, what kind of candle you get - the usual one, which we use if the light is turned off, or purchased in an esoteric store - does not really matter.

But it is extremely important that the candle is brand new. After all, if it has already been lit (even for a short period of time), then it has managed to fill up with a certain amount of information and it can negate the entire effect of the rite. In addition, the previously used candles give off vibrational flows into the Cosmos and will no longer help you in the fulfillment of your desires.

An important nuance. The magic of candles will work only if the ceremony is completely transparent and pure.

In general, it is ideal to make candles for a magical ceremony with your own hands. Handmade candles are filled with the energy of the one who creates them, and this helps to create real miracles. Therefore, if you have the makings of a sculptor, be sure to use this and make a few candles with your own hands. Thanks to this, you will be able to attract a very powerful flow of energy, which will give you confidence that absolutely any dream can really be realized.

The shade of ritual candles is also very important. Each of the shades has a different characteristic, so when choosing candles for a ceremony, be sure to consider the purpose for which you need them and what events you want to attract into your life.

Why pay special attention to the color of the candle?

The shade of the candle should be selected based on the specifics of the planned ceremony.

Specific colors attract certain types of energy, so the color can both enhance and reduce the impact of the ritual being performed.

And in order not to make a mistake, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and characteristics of each of the colors in candle magic.

Candle magic: characteristics of flowers with their properties

Consider the purpose for which you need to use a candle of one color or another:

  • White candle - correlates with cleansing, health, sincerity, truthfulness, divine power, peace and tranquility. You can light it in meditation practices and during prayer. Also used when working with the 7th energy center. White candles are also used as altar candles.
  • Ruby red. This shade, as a rule, finds application in love magic, helps to influence people's feelings (both in positive and in bad senses). This means that by using a candle of this color you can both provoke a feeling of love, as well as anger, hatred and jealousy.
  • Red - has a wide range of effects. With the help of a red candle, it is really possible to attract love and passion into a person's life. It also helps restore health and bestows physical strength. The red hue is related to the element of fire and can be used to help a person achieve their goal (for example, advance in a career). Corresponds to the 1st chakra.
  • A pink candle is a symbol of femininity, attractiveness, romantic and friendly relations. A pink candle will help attract tender and pure love, and will also help build a serious relationship if you suffer from self-doubt.
  • Orange candle - helps to control the situation and change it. Associated with strength, attractiveness, power. Also, the spectrum of action of the candle is everything related to sexual life and everything that gives a person pleasure. Orange is associated with the 2nd chakra.
  • Yellow candle - with its help you can increase creative energy, imagination, as well as fill a person with vitality and activity. Corresponds to joy and attractiveness. Increases the assimilation of information, improves memory. A yellow candle is good to use in clairvoyance or divination. With its help, you will better concentrate on something, your imagination will grow. The correspondence of the yellow candle is the 3rd chakra.
  • Light brown candle - it is used in money magic. Thanks to her, you will receive financial benefits and benefits.
  • Brown - allows you to successfully solve court cases, and also treats pets. Also, with the help of a brown candle, you can search for missing items.
  • Olive - attracts money, luck in gambling, business, promising work. The difference between olive and green is that the former has a softer and longer lasting effect.
  • Green light - will also attract good luck in gambling, business, good work, good harvest. Another green color correlates with harmony, rejuvenation, healing of the physical shell, marriage, mercy. It has a connection with the 4th energy center.
  • Candle of the color of the sea wave - helps to heal emotionally, comforts, protects.
  • Blue - associated with spirituality, meditation, prayer, peace, tranquility and protection in the home. Helps to pass exams. Blue is associated with the fifth chakra.
  • Blue candle - shown in the use of rituals that give a person wisdom and protection, in meditative practices. Promotes healing, improves well-being. Reveals spiritual potential, fills with inspiration. It will help to achieve peace and harmony in the home. It also promotes weight loss. Its correspondence is the sixth chakra.
  • Dark blue - can be used when turning to the forces of light for help. Dark blue candles will help with fractures, improve the process of bone fusion.
  • Purple candle - will help with clairvoyance and divination. Also, a purple candle can be lit when spiritualistic contacts are being made. Associated with the 7th energy center.
  • Purple candle. Purple is a highly spiritual color. It is used when spells are removed, dark forces are expelled, and also when serious illnesses are treated. Hue will help with clairvoyance, divination, seances and contact with the other world. In addition, it correlates with power, domination, subordination, management, control. Associated with the 7th energy center.
  • Gray candle - contributes to the soft expulsion of dark forces, successfully copes with various negative influences. Also, a gray candle can be used in the process of thinking about complex tasks. It is associated with charm, charm.
  • Black candle - it is often used in cases where you need to absorb and destroy negative energy. It binds evil forces and protects. It will help to get rid of the evil eye and damage. Often, black candles are used as altar candles (along with white ones) to normalize the energy balance.

The influence of the phases of the moon on magical rituals

In many ways, how successful the magical ritual will be will depend on the phase of the moon. Before carrying out any ceremony, it is necessary to carefully study the lunar calendar.

  • The growing moon is suitable for those rituals that are designed to increase something (money, strength, energy, love), for creative actions;
  • The waning moon is suitable for rituals for the destruction of something and getting rid of the unnecessary (obstacles, misfortunes, difficulties, illnesses are eliminated, and also various troubles are caused);
  • At the time of the full moon - you can resort to any rituals;
  • At the time of the new moon - lapels and exiles are held.

Now you know what shade of candles you should choose for your magical actions.

In conclusion, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material.

Experienced drivers and mechanics know that an inverted spark plug can be a good diagnostician in determining the condition of the engine and ignition system! In a normally running engine varies light gray to light brown. If in the engine of your car it is not the same color as it should be, then watch the video and take into account the diagnostic findings of a professional.

To obtain reliable data on carbon deposits on candles, inspect after the engine has been running for a long time, and not only at low speeds, otherwise erroneous conclusions can be drawn.

The color of spark plugs - what should and can be?

In order to better navigate the color of soot when diagnosing an engine by the color of soot, as well as to choose them correctly for your engine and needs, we present a table of color values:

spark plug colorSoot characteristicTroubleshooting Recommendations
Light brown (normal candle color)This is the color that spark plugs should be with good performance. It indicates that the thermal characteristic of the selected spark plug is normal, the engine, fuel and ignition systems work stablyIf carbon deposits and deposits are minimal, and electrode burnout is moderate, then the candle can be safely returned to the workplace
Velvety black with dry soot or glossy black with a wet finishA typical spark plug in an engine with a rich fuel mixture and increased consumption. Such soot will smell like gasoline.If this is in the engine of a carbureted car, then you need to adjust the supply of gasoline. In an injection car, a malfunction in the fuel supply control system can have several reasons - this is an oxygen sensor failure, a malfunction of the throttle actuator, an air flow meter, and even a banal air filter clogging. Read more about the reasons for re-enriching the mixture.
Deep black with an oily sheenOily black slag on the insulator, accompanied by increased oil consumption, indicates that oil has entered the combustion chamber. This can be caused by leaky oil scraper rings, hardened valve stem seals, or worn cylinders and valve guides. Additional testing is required for an accurate diagnosis.Perform a detailed diagnosis of the engine and eliminate the malfunction hiding inside, and then change the candles.
black sootCarbon formation on black candles, reminiscent of suede, occurs, as in the previous version, due to an incorrectly determined thermal characteristic of the candle for this engine and operating mode - too “cold”. There is no self-cleaning. This often happens when the urban cycle is accompanied by low speeds, frequent stops and starts.If there are no defects on the candle, you can resume working with a good cleaning, but if you do not change the driving style, the situation will repeat itself, so it is more advisable to replace the candle with a “hotter” one (with a lower glow number).
light gray colorTalking about a lean air/fuel mixture. It can occur both due to incorrect dosage, and. Driving with this mixture formation increases the load on the engine. And this, in turn, threatens with overheating of the combustion chamber and burnout of the valves.Check the ignition timing, there may be a large advance. Refuel at another gas station, you may have refueled with poor quality fuel. You will find more about the causes of a lean mixture and their elimination.
White soot with a grayish tintIf the insulator is in white soot without changing the electrodes, this also indicates a poor mixture, but if the electrodes are melted, glow ignition (the candle is too “hot”).Revise the thermal characteristics of the candles or the valves may be stuck (check the gaps). Check how the car behaves when the engine is turned off - glow ignition will manifest itself in the reluctance of the engine to stall after turning off. The candle should be changed, specifying the recommended thermal characteristic. You will find how to choose the right candles for your car.
White coating on the electrodes or completely clean and wetDo not confuse white plaque and soot of the same color. Indeed, in this case, a pure white precipitate will be due to the ingress of antifreeze into the engine cylinder. Plaque on the central and side electrodes will be accompanied, and the candles themselves will have a sweet smell. With a broken cylinder head gasket, the candles will be wet and completely washed out, from any soot.Replacing the spark plug is not enough, you need to additionally inspect the engine block and eliminate the problem of liquid ingress. Old candles can be restored by cleaning and drying
Dirty white porous depositsSuch soot will smell like a rotten egg (hydrogen sulfide). Off-white lead deposits are indicative of the use of highly leaded gasoline found in anti-knock additives.If the side and center electrodes are not damaged, then the spark plug can be sandblasted or fired out, after which it can be re-usable, but the fuel needs to be changed.
Red (brick) colorA shade of reddish color on the insulator indicates the operation of the engine on gasoline with lead impurities. Brick-colored deposits worsen the formation of a spark, since such a coating is conductive, although an ohmmeter will not fix this when checking.Definitely change the gas station and replace the spark plugs. The fuel contains an excess of additives containing metal and manganese additives, which are used to increase the octane number.
Orange (brown) plaque with dry sootThe orange sooty spark plug was caused by detonation from low octane gasoline or early ignition.The operation of the engine under such conditions is not so much a danger to the candles as to the pistons. Change both the spark plugs and the gas station. It is strictly forbidden to overload the engine on such fuel.
Glossy yellow insulatorThe yellow glaze on the spark plug insulator is the result of a regularly rapid increase in combustion chamber temperature following rapid acceleration. Drag racing enthusiasts can often see this color of the plug, since a sharp increase in speed is accompanied by a very high temperature in the cylinder, due to which all deposits on the surface of the insulator melt, forming an electrically conductive vitreous coating.It is not recommended to ride on such candles, because, since the coating is conductive, sparking failures occur (in particular at high speeds). Therefore, candles, the surface of the insulator of which is glossy and has a yellowish color, must be replaced.

Consider all these points and do not operate the car on poorly functioning candles, because they can cause not only unstable engine operation, but even wear of the piston (in the event of destruction), high voltage wires or the ignition coil (since an increased breakdown voltage occurs between the electrodes). And the color of the spark plugs will be a great clue about the condition of your car's engine.

Magic candles - there are so many of them and they are all so different. Different shapes, sizes, colors ... Which candles to choose for a particular rite, which ones to put on the altar to call a deity, and which ones to light for the success of a new undertaking? Probably, everyone who started practicing candle magic faced similar questions.

And if the purpose of the main types of magic candles is relatively easy to understand (they were described in one of the previous articles), then the correct choice of the color of candles often causes controversy even among experienced practitioners. Indeed, what does the color of a candle mean, what color should the candles be on the altar during a magical ritual - these are far from idle questions, since they largely determine the success of the entire rite.

Let's try to figure out what role the color of candles plays in magic and how to choose the right candles for a particular ritual. First of all, it should be said that there is no single absolute set of rules as to what the color of a candle means. Different cultures of different peoples have their own ideas about color matches. If in Christian Europe white is traditionally perceived as a symbol of purity, purity and divine grace, then in the countries of the East it is often the color of death and mourning. If for a person of Slavic culture black is the embodiment of darkness, nightmares, evil and curses, then for an African it is a symbol of night passion, sex and fertility.

For an adept of Western European ceremonial magic, formed on the basis of the Gnostic teachings of the East, alchemical works and Christian ideas, blue / blue is the color of the boundless sky, lofty aspirations, truth, fidelity, chastity and justice. And for the typical fan of Santeria from Brazil, the blue color is a symbol of the beautiful goddess of the sea Yemanji, mother of all orishas, ​​patroness of the family, motherhood and protector of children.

In other words, when choosing candles for equipping a magical altar and conducting rituals, it makes sense to take into account the peculiarities of that magical (religious) movement within which the work is being carried out. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that in modern magic there are certain stable ideas about what the color of a candle means, which are quite universal and can be used in most cases.

Why is the color of the candle so important?

Why is the color of candles so important during a magical ritual? The whole secret is in his personal perception by the operator. As Aleister Crowley noted, "Magic is the science and art of bringing about change in accordance with the will." The will of the magician, meaning the one who directly carries out the impact. Accordingly, the main magical tool is the consciousness of the magician, his will, his intention and ability to mental concentration. At the same time, everything that enhances the mental and volitional abilities of the operator, which helps to open the subconscious and purposefully use the energy hidden in it, contributes to the strengthening of the created influence.

The color of the burning candle (as well as the color of other surrounding objects) plays an important role in this process, since it acts as a kind of key that opens certain components of the operator's subconscious. A color pigment is a matter that emits energy of a certain wavelength and speed. In other words, color creates vibrations that the human brain is able to perceive and respond to them in a certain way. Each color carries its own vibrational effect.

However, the current symbolism of a particular color will differ depending on the prevailing cultural, religious and magical traditions. Therefore, it is so important not only to follow the instructions of authoritative sources, but to select matches that are meaningful and meaningful to you personally. In order for color vibrations to start working, they must evoke some kind of subjective and consistent response in the soul of the practicing magician.

This is an important point, since a purely mechanical following of even the most authoritative instructions will not bring the desired effect if it contradicts the internal guidelines of the practitioner. For example, if the manual for a magic candle says that black is used to purify, eliminate negative influences, and for the magician himself, this color carries only a negative semantic load, if he sees in it only manifestations of black magic, which causes him internal rejection, then even a ritual performed according to all the rules will be useless. Therefore, no matter how serious sources of information you use, do not forget that the final and most important authority is you.

The interpretations of candle colors and descriptions of their scope given in this article are the most common and universal at this historical stage. They can be used as a starting point in the process of creating your own rituals, but they cannot be taken as the only true and absolute ones. Everything needs to be tested by practice.

What color should the candles be?

Traditionally, in candle magic, three primary (basic) colors are used, symbolizing a fairly wide range of phenomena - white, black and red. If a practicing magician has the opportunity to expand this list - fine, if not, that's okay too. The three listed colors are usually enough for any ritual. All other shades of candles only refine and more carefully direct the created effect.

As you know from the school physics course, white is the sum of all other colors of the spectrum. In magical terms, this is a balanced presence of all influences, harmony embodied in matter. For this reason, the white color of candles is considered universal, creating a very powerful and positive vibration. White candles are always appropriate on both the religious and magical altars. In addition, they can serve as a substitute for candles of any other color, if those are not at hand. Therefore, when replenishing your candle stocks, first of all, you should take care of a sufficient supply of white candles.

White symbolizes purity, purity, sincerity, virtue, higher spirituality and, most importantly, truth.

If everything is clear with the white color and there is no doubt about it, then the black color often causes a lot of misunderstandings. Many people perceive black as a symbol of night, darkness, curses and evil. For some, the very thought of lighting black candles on their altar is unacceptable, as it may unleash some evil or endanger the operator himself. It is important to understand that if there are sensations of this kind, then it is better not to use black candles at all, regardless of what is written in the manual. A magical rite performed with a sense of internal resistance will not bring any benefit.

Those who do not have such prejudices and are more open to the unknown should pay attention to the following features of black candles. First, black is unique in that it does not emit its own vibrations. Black is emptiness, darkness, the absence of any color and light. By the way, it can be mentioned that the quality of emptiness in Eastern spiritual and magical teachings is considered a feminine / negative polarity, absorbing rather than radiating energy. This is why black candles are so effective. Burning, they release only what was laid in them from the outside. Accordingly, depending on what intention it was charged with, the candle will be “good” or “evil”.

Since the black color of the candle does not have its own energy impact, these candles are great for spiritual practices: meditation, the development of extrasensory abilities, etc. Often a black candle (candles) is used when asking for something impossible, "miraculous" - a safe way out of a dangerous difficult situation, to achieve an incredible, almost unattainable goal.

Another important feature of black candles is that no other type of candle gives such impressive results in the most serious banishing and cleansing rituals.

Black color symbolizes inertia, night peace, dark and cold depths of the ocean, as well as the deepest corners of the subconscious. The burning of a black candle embodies the light that came from the darkness.

Red is the color of life, hot blood, vitality and sexual passion. He has a strong, positive vibration of the Martian character. Red stimulates and excites. Whatever feeling or desire is discussed, red brings it to the limit. Red is courage, indestructible health, stormy energy, passionate desire and unbending will in its realization.

Red candles are used in rituals of protection against psychic attacks, physical harm caused by black magic, as well as to overcome internal fears and laziness.

Orange is the color of the summer afternoon, when the sun is at its zenith, it is enthusiasm, fun, vitality and optimism. In other words, orange is the color of great power that can be used to achieve success, attract useful, benevolent people and good things into your life. Orange candles are used in rituals to enhance attractiveness and attract friendship, increase adaptability, and well-being.

Yellow is considered the color of the Air element, which controls the mental activity of people, so the use of yellow candles stimulates the imagination and intellect. Yellow symbolizes creativity, skill, commerce, medicine, diplomacy, and adaptability. Also, yellow can mean unexpected changes.

Yellow candles are used in rituals when it is necessary to "incline" the mind of a person in the desired direction. They are also used to improve memory, healing, and success in art. Yellow candles are also good for depression, when you need to improve a bad mood.

Those who adhere to Caribbean traditions in magic often use yellow candles for exorcism and exorcism.

The golden color is close in its properties to yellow, but still has noticeable differences. It symbolizes the universal community, "cosmic intelligence", intuitive abilities, as well as great luck. Golden candles are often lit to invoke the divine presence, to bring peace to a community or group, to enhance collective understanding.

The golden color is also well suited in all rituals of a commercial nature: to achieve quick success in financial affairs, to attract buyers and clients, to increase inventories.

Pink is the color of tenderness, love and affection, it is warmth and generosity towards oneself. Pink symbolizes softness, spiritual realization, unity of souls, sublime love, honor and kindness. Pink candles are most successfully used to solve family situations, to attract true love, to strengthen tender affection. They are also used for healing, mostly spiritual. Candles of a bright, rich pink hue successfully dispel darkness and trouble, help destroy adverse circumstances and attract good luck. Also bright pink is the color of the sensual pleasure of reciprocity.

Green is the color of the planetary influence of Venus, as well as the color of young foliage, flowering meadows and rich gardens. It is the color of life itself, fertility, natural abundance and growth. It symbolizes nature, material well-being, good health, renewal, cooperation, generosity and good luck.

Green candles are lit in rituals to attract money, material well-being, gain wealth of any kind, as well as for a successful marriage, return and retention of youthfulness and attractiveness. Green is very successful for problematic situations when you need to restore balance and find harmony, "generous" the miser, to repeat and update the spell. In addition, green candles are very effective when a fresh, "healthy" look at a "stagnant" situation is required.

The colors of the blue spectrum are traditionally widely used in candle magic. Depending on the shade, they are used to solve certain problem situations.

LIGHT BLUE (Cyan) is the color of serenity, inspiration and devotion. In most traditions, it symbolizes peace and happiness in the family, tranquility, immortality, innocence or male youth. In practice, candles of a light blue hue are often used by women to maintain male devotion, to retain the love of a son or sincere friendship of a man. Hence, in European languages, the expression “true blue” (from French “true blue”) arose - “reliable, devoted”.

ROYAL BLUE - bright, saturated color embodies the planetary influence of Jupiter. It symbolizes joy, laughter, gaiety, as well as loyalty on a collective level, successful group activities and expansion. However, before turning to the power of Jupiter and trying to awaken it, it is worth studying more closely the most frequent manifestations of this peculiar planet. The power of Jupiter is great, but it is very difficult to control it on a personal level. If used improperly, this power can provoke mental disorders, twilight consciousness of epileptic or psychogenic origin, and even cause insanity.

A rich, thick, dark blue shade of indigo is somewhat similar to black. It is the color of the planetary influence of Saturn - the planet of discipline, limitation and control. Indigo candles are most suitable for deep meditation, as they are able to create an inertial effect, calm any mental activity. They are used in rituals aimed at stopping someone's action in order to stop gossip, unwanted rivalry, neutralize someone's magic. Indigo also helps speed up the processing of karma through experience, bringing clear understanding and wisdom.

Purple is a special color. It is a symbol of greatness, independence, dignity and wisdom, as well as various kinds of psychic manifestations, idealism and spiritualistic contacts. Purple candles are used when great spiritual power is required. They are used in exorcism rituals, against black magic, from demonic possession. This color helps to break witchcraft spells and promotes mental and spiritual healing. In evil influences, purple candles are used to destroy the cover of spiritual protection.

The color is quite rare and little studied, since magenta-colored magic candles are not often found on sale. But if you are lucky enough to find these candles, it makes sense to buy a lot of them at once in stock, since their effect is often impossible to obtain in any other way.

Magenta does not belong to the colors of the traditional spectrum and emits vibrations at a very high frequency. This color is a kind of illusory fluctuation between ultraviolet and infrared range, it symbolizes Super Power, omnipotence. Being ethereal in nature, the magenta color penetrates into all planes of being and is prone to fast work.

It is effective to light magenta candles together with any others to speed up a given process. One candle can be used to hasten a "delayed" result. As magical candles, magenta is used for spiritual healing, they are best suited for exorcism rites and desired quick changes.

SILVER (Light grey)
Cool silver color is a symbol of stability, peace and neutrality. Silver candles are lit to neutralize any unwanted influence or negative impact. The silver color is especially good for meditation, it helps in the development of extrasensory perception and psychic abilities. It is convenient to use altar candles of a silvery-metallic hue to invoke the moon goddesses, to attract the help of the Great Mother, as the feminine aspect of the Divine.

Brown is the color of the earth, the color of the soil of the planet itself. Its vibrations are entirely concentrated on the material plane. Brown candles are often lit during periods of financial crisis as they are believed to attract money and financial success.

Brown altar candles can be used to attract the spirits of the Earth, who must always be rewarded for their help and appropriately released, or returned to the Earth through a special ritual. Some drop a coin into the pit as they bury the rest of the spell materials. Others put “special” gifts on the altar.

In some traditions, there is a list of a large pantheon of spirits, where a special offering is provided for each (for example: a cigar, a glass of whiskey, a flower, an ear of corn, etc.). These gifts are burned with the rest of the materials for the spell.

January 22, 2018

The working part of the candle is constantly in the combustion zone of the fuel mixture and is able to serve as an indicator of the processes occurring inside the cylinder. What plaque covers the surface of the combustion chamber, invisible from the outside, is deposited on the electrodes. For a motorist with many years of experience, who is used to repairing a car on his own, it is not difficult to identify the problem by looking at the color of the spark plugs. This is the fastest and most convenient way to look inside the engine, one has only to disconnect the high-voltage wire and unscrew the part from the socket.

What color is considered normal?

The performance of the gasoline power unit is evidenced by spark plug electrodes, painted in a light brown tint, without oil soot and soot. A similar picture is observed in completely new engines and motors that have passed the overhaul stage.

If the color of the working part differs from the specified one, it is advisable to carry out further diagnostics and identify the cause of the malfunction. And not always the engine itself is the culprit. What are the color options for spark electrodes:

  • light gray or white;
  • black;
  • brick or frankly red hue.

In addition to all sorts of colors, the skirt of the candle is covered with a variety of deposits - soot, brown soot, or may simply look wet. These phenomena are also considered signs of various malfunctions. It is proposed to consider each situation in more detail.

Light electrodes

White or light gray spark plugs in all cylinders are a sign of a lean air-fuel mixture supplied by an injector or carburetor. Moreover, the skirt, the platform near the electrodes and the threaded part are absolutely dry, without traces of oil.

Why is a lean combustible mixture supplied:

  • lambda - the probe incorrectly informs the control unit about the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases, the reason is sensor wear;
  • faulty or clogged injectors;
  • incorrect carburetor settings or clogged fuel jets;
  • insufficient pressure in the fuel rail of the injector;
  • problems with the idle speed controller;
  • air leakage under the collector or elsewhere;
  • unsuccessful chip tuning of the controller, made by the owner of the car.

A lean mixture does not pose a particular danger to a running engine, but it brings discomfort to the driver. The car accelerates slowly, “pulls” badly and twitches - there is a lack of fuel. Oddly enough, the phenomenon causes an increased consumption of gasoline - a motorist who wants to achieve better dynamics, presses the accelerator pedal harder and more often.

Note. Often the light shade of the working electrodes is due to the type of fuel used. If the car is operated on methane or liquefied gas (propane-butane mixture), this color is considered normal.

The working part is covered with black soot

Black spark plugs - a symptom that indicates an overly enriched combustible mixture (the proportion of gasoline is increased above normal). Therefore, the fuel does not burn completely and forms a layer of soot on the chamber walls and spark plug electrodes.

An additional symptom of this problem is black or dark blue smoke from the exhaust. When regassing, small flakes of soot can fly out of the pipe.

There are quite a few reasons for enriching the air-fuel mixture, the most common ones look like this:

  1. One of the key sensors has become unusable - air flow, temperature, throttle position or oxygen content in the exhaust (lambda probe). The controller activates the emergency program and prepares the mixture according to other indications.
  2. Carburetor malfunctions (blockage of air jets, wear of throttle valves, and so on).
  3. Damage to the pressure regulator in the fuel line.
  4. Nozzle wear - sprayers “overflow” and leak when the power unit is not working.
  5. Problems with sparking - the power of the electrical impulse is not enough for the normal ignition of the combustible mixture.

Important! If during the diagnostic process you find black spark plugs, the malfunction should be found immediately. Increased consumption of gasoline is only part of the consequences of excessive enrichment.

There are others, not so harmless:

  • part of the unburned fuel penetrates the crankcase and dilutes the oil, accelerating the wear of engine parts;
  • the other part enters the exhaust manifold, which is why shots are periodically heard in it;
  • soot clogs an expensive catalytic converter - it has to be cleaned or replaced with a new one;
  • the service life of spark plugs is drastically reduced.

When running on an enriched fuel mixture, the engine “chokes”, unstable idling and cycle skips are observed. When a certain amount of soot heated to a high temperature accumulates in the chambers, the “pseudo-diesel” effect occurs - after the ignition is turned off, the engine does not want to stall and makes 2–10 revolutions of the crankshaft. The reason is hot soot, which ignites the combustible mixture without a spark.

The origin of the red plaque

This phenomenon is less common than the above effects. Why do some candles have red electrodes:

  • low-quality gasoline with additives that increase the octane number is poured into the tank;
  • a motorist or a fuel supplier adds additives to gasoline, which include a large amount of metals;
  • the owner of the car put candles in the cylinders that were not suitable for the glow number.

The reasons for the appearance of a reddish tint of candles do not pose a direct threat to the power unit, but harm in the long term. Driving on low-quality gasoline with incomprehensible additives a priori accelerates the wear of parts and assemblies. Plus, the increase in consumption arising from the deterioration of the combustion conditions of the mixture in the cylinders.

Operating a car with more “cold” or “hot” candles in terms of glow number reduces engine power and greatly reduces the life of the elements. A characteristic sign of improperly selected candles is a drop in idle speed of the crankshaft and misfires.

Other symptoms of problems

The following symptoms will tell you about future and current problems with the engine, which you can identify after unscrewing the spark plugs:

  1. Engine oil is visible on the threaded tip and the platform near the outer electrode.
  2. The working part protruding into the combustion chamber is covered with fluffy brown soot.
  3. The candle is frankly wet, a sharp smell of gasoline is heard.
  4. The internal electrode is burnt or missing.

When a small amount of liquid oil is present on the candle, it is worth thinking about checking the cylinder-piston group. Grease penetrates through the oil scraper rings, getting inside the chamber with each cycle and the piston moves up, so it does not burn. As a rule, a similar effect indicates the initial stage of wear of compression and oil scraper rings.

Light brown plaque means that the engine consumes a large amount of lubricant for waste. Moreover, oil penetrates along with the combustible mixture - through the opening valves. The fact is confirmed by the fact that the lubricant completely burns out and is deposited on the walls, since it enters the chamber only during the intake cycle. The reason is the critical wear of the valve stem seals (otherwise, valve seals). An additional feature is a high oil consumption, amounting to 0.5–1 l per 1 thousand kilometers.

The wet, gasoline-smelling spark plug must have been pulled out of a dead cylinder. The second option is the complete failure of the candle itself. Gasoline is regularly supplied to the chamber by an injector, but does not ignite and partially drains into the crankcase. If there is no compression in the cylinder, then there is no compression and subsequent flash - the fuel is wasted (consumption reaches + 25%) and dilutes the engine lubricant.

Reference. An idle cylinder is clearly audible at any engine speed - the engine is desperately “troiting” and starts up poorly on a cold one.

Obviously, a candle with a burnt out electrode must be replaced. An important nuance: these parts do not change one at a time, but only in sets of 4 pieces. It is allowed to put a working candle in the cylinder temporarily - to get to the garage or service station.