Well      05/15/2022

Analytical ability test for 2 hours. Tests for mindset - mathematician or humanities? Intelligence Diagnostics - what is it

This is probably the only test of its kind to determine the mathematical ability, in which you do not need to solve any problems. The point is completely different.

The fact is that every person by nature, to one degree or another, has a sense of quantity. This is when, looking at several groups of objects, you can determine by eye which of them is larger.

So, psychologists have found that the more developed the natural sense of quantity, the greater the mathematical potential a person has. People with high mathematical potential learn the exact sciences more easily and quickly, and also reach a higher level in understanding mathematics.

During the test, for a short time, you will be shown two groups of circles of different colors. When they disappear, you will need to decide which color circles had more.

Click on the button below to start the test. To exit the test mode, press the ESC button on the keyboard, but note that the test will be interrupted and it will need to be started again.

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The standard of living and satisfaction in all its spheres often depend on abilities. Starting from communication in the family and ending with work, every day the brain makes billions of calculations, which often go beyond the attention of consciousness. Complex and simple actions directly affect the surrounding space. Therefore, it is important to know your own characteristics. The "What mindset" test online is fully accessible to every user with a standard Internet connection, but whether it will be objective is another question.

The truth about tests

In order to find out the mindset and be sure of the correctness, it is worth taking surveys on different resources, sometimes it is worth repeating the survey to avoid mistakes, but the full picture can be obtained after special tests from psychology textbooks, which are now actively filling the network. It is necessary to immediately stipulate that it takes time (from 15 minutes or more) to pass the “What mindset” test online, the number of questions is at least 25, and there will be 5 or more answers to them. They are complex and lengthy, but they will give the result as close to reality as possible, which is not bad without consulting a psychologist. Such tests are not limited to the division into technicians and humanists, but show variations from several mindsets (humanitarian, practical, mathematical, artistic and universal).

If the desire for testing is dictated solely by the desire to have a good time, then forward to new knowledge!

All people are completely different, each of us is endowed with a lot of talents and qualities, but not all of them appear. The most interesting such feature is the analytical mindset. People endowed with the ability of an analyst are guided by cold logic, almost never resorting to emotions. Speaking about the physiology of this phenomenon, we can talk about the developed left hemisphere of the brain, since it is it that is responsible in our body for logical thinking and a mathematical mindset.

Such a person is most often a pragmatist in relation to life, he tries to look for meaning in everything and put everything on the shelves, he is able to come to the right conclusion, even if the number of known facts is extremely small.

Children with an analytical mindset show the greatest ability in the exact sciences; the so-called mathematical ingenuity helps them in this.

For example, in algebra, a student can be incredibly successful, while at the same time, in abstract sciences, aimed at actions with imaginary objects (for example, geometry), his successes can even be below average. It is possible to determine the level of such abilities in a person through the use of various tests.

The practical side of analytical thinking

From the point of view of psychology, this type of thinking is the ability of a person to use logic when analyzing information and making decisions. It is also impossible not to mention that it includes the concept of "mathematical ingenuity".

There are several fundamental aspects that characterize the analytical mindset:

  • selection of individual components in the entire array of information;
  • the ability to comprehensively analyze both initial information and selected structures;
  • building logical arguments and chains of inferences, which allows you to draw the right conclusion, even with a lack of initial data;
  • the ability to see different options for solving a particular problem.

The ability to predict the course of events is a very important and convenient feature of such people. However, this does not always bring joy to the analyst himself.

Problems of people with an analytical mindset

In general, a person with such a technical mindset is always collected and rational, he has a very highly developed mathematical ingenuity. However, "romance" and spontaneous decisions are alien to him, he calculates everything in his life to the smallest detail and is very annoyed when something does not go as he planned. He tends to use phrases: "Mathematics puts the mind in order," and the like.

Presentation: "Analytical thinking"

Given this feature, many psychologists talk about the so-called "curses" of analysts:
  1. Constant information hunger. The analytical mind is always in a state of searching for new information and very often this information is of a rather dubious quality;
  2. Constant fluctuations. An ordinary person in a controversial situation most often takes one of the positions and adheres to it. While the analyst, having subjected both points of view to the test, finds its pluses and minuses in each, without taking into account the emotional component of the dispute. Because of such situations, it is very difficult for them to converge with people;
  3. The indecision of the analyst may be only superficial. In fact, most often in the pursuit of collecting missing facts, a person simply loses sight of the moment of making a decision;
  4. Constancy. For people with an analytical mindset, the concept of a “comfort zone” is characteristic, into which no one should intrude. An attempt to change the routine of actions for a long time unsettles such people;
  5. Problems with adaptation in society. The literal perception of any questions and actions and straightforward answers to them do not contribute to the presence of a large number of friends, at the same time, analysts themselves react very sharply to criticism addressed to them;
  6. Skepticism about everything. It is extremely difficult to convince such a person of anything. Factual evidence is required that he really needs it, emotional statements in this situation will have no effect;
  7. Not the ability to market. It is impossible to force such a person to praise a product in which he sees obvious flaws. The same applies to the analyst himself, not infrequently, when applying for a new job, such people, in the middle of the "aptitude" test, declare: "I'm not suitable for you" and leave. In addition, the technical mindset requires that there be specifications for each product purchased;
  8. People with a similar mindset prefer to spend time alone, because of this they are often considered hermits.

Presentation: "Test: Find out your type of thinking"

Research on Analytical Ability

Research is being conducted to determine whether a person really has such abilities. This is often done during job interviews, because it is analytical qualities that are most valued in the field of finance and business.

In order to confirm the presence and find out the level of abilities, first of all, candidates are asked to pass the appropriate test. However, not many people trust its results.

Firstly, it may turn out to be irrelevant, secondly, being in a stressful situation, a person may not fully show his abilities and, thirdly, many prefer “live” communication. If, however, the test is passed relatively successfully, the candidate may be offered an internship, during which he either confirms or refutes the test results.

Analysts are often very smart and well-read people. However, even such a virtue as a mathematical mindset always has its dark sides. You can talk endlessly about the superiority of the analytical mind, but at the same time, no matter how smart a person is, he very often remains alone. And yet, all people are born with analytical abilities, but unlike such a mindset, they are of a less pronounced character and should be developed.

Test name. Psychological test "Analytical mathematical abilities. Form A"

Short name. AMS.A


This psychological test is designed to diagnose analytical mathematical abilities. Analytical mathematical abilities are academic. That is, first of all, they allow a person to better assimilate educational material, in this case, mathematics. Analytical math ability is closely correlated with IQ, and so most IQ tests include subtests for identifying patterns in number series. Possessors of high scores in analytical mathematical abilities show the ability to analyze not only in the field of mathematics, but also in other heterogeneous problems. Possessors of low indicators for this quality do not show any abilities or inclinations for analysis, often commit unjustifiably frivolous acts.

The stimulus material of the test consists of twenty numerical rows. Each row includes ten numbers that are in a certain relationship with each other. One of the ten numbers is missing (marked with an ellipsis). The task of the subject is to find this missing number.

The technique can be carried out both in individual work with the subject, and in a group. Test time: 15 minutes. It is forbidden to use a calculator and make any auxiliary entries.

The technique can be applied both in school psychology when analyzing the mathematical abilities of students, and in the process of professional selection for professions that require well-developed mathematical and analytical skills: various kinds of analysts, economists, etc.

The technique has four different forms (A, B, C and D). This form is Form A.

Assessed qualities. Analytical mathematical ability

Order of conduct

The subject is given stimulus material and an answer sheet. The duration of the technique is 15 minutes.


You will now receive assignments. Each task is a series of numbers. These numbers are in a certain pattern. Find this pattern. One of the ten numbers in the row is missing. Using the found pattern, determine what kind of number it is. Write this number on the answer sheet and proceed to the next task. If you can’t solve one task for a long time, then move on to another. Time you have: 15 minutes.


1) 196 175 154 133 112 91 ... 49 28 7

2) 39 24 23 41 7 58 -9 75 -25 ...

3) -31 -30 -55 -1 -79 ... -103 57 -127 86

4) 23 ... 57 74 91 108 125 142 159 176

5) 155 ... 205 230 255 280 305 330 355 380

6) 5 -4 -13 ... -31 -40 -49 -58 -67 -76

7) -15 -1 4 -9 8 9 ... 17 14 3

8) 89 ... 73 83 57 70 41 57 25 44

9) ... -28 -16 -12 -8 4 0 20 8 36

10) 11 18 12 ... 9 7 21 0 2 26

11) 0 -9 -10 -7 -17 -3 ... -25 4 -21

12) 6 -8 1 1 -15 6 ... -22 11 -9

13) 95 95 112 86 129 ... 146 68 163 59

14) 92 105 106 133 120 161 ... 189 148 217

15) 6 -3 -21 15 -48 33 ... 51 -102 69

16) 120 ... 62 33 4 -25 -54 -83 -112 -141

17) 7 31 55 79 103 127 151 175 ... 223

18) -2 -13 -27 -29 ... -45 -77 -61 -102 -77

19) -19 4 27 50 73 96 119 142 ... 188

20) 38 28 18 ... -2 -12 -22 -32 -42 -52


FULL NAME.: ______________________________________

Age (full years): ___________

Results processing

Use the key to count the number of correct answers. One point is awarded for each correct answer. So the maximum score is 20.

Below is a table of indicative standards for different ages.


Year of test development. 2009

Version number. 1.0

1. Psychological test "Analytical mathematical abilities. Form A" [Electronic resource] // A. Ya.. 24.02.2009..html (24.02.2009).

Developer. Laboratory site

License. Text content is available according to

Everyone is probably aware of the division of people according to the type of mindset into the humanities and mathematicians. From the first years of a child's life, caring mothers are interested in how each of them manifests itself at different ages and what is the best way to occupy the baby, depending on the type of his thinking.

What is the difference between mathematics and humanities?

If your child has a mathematical mindset, then the exact sciences will be easily given to him. At the same time, most likely, he has a good memory from an early age, logical thinking is developed, and solving complex riddles and puzzles is a joy for him.

If the baby has a humanitarian mindset, then solving problems on logic is a burden to him. It is believed that the humanities are sublime, creative people, with a well-developed imagination and intuition, devoid of standards and "frameworks", with unlimited thinking. They often draw beautifully, have an ear for music, they have a developed sense of beauty.

Test for determining the inclinations of a child at an early age

If your child:

  1. Loves to color.
  2. Doesn't know how to solve simple puzzles for kids his age.
  3. Requires proof of the veracity of the tale.
  4. It has an excellent sense of smell, subtly reacts to odors.
  5. Prefers memory games, lotto, checkers.
  6. He loves role-playing games (in "daughters-mothers", "war").
  7. He thinks very soberly and clearly, striking his parents and their friends.
  8. Likes realistic stories about children or animals more than fairy tales.
  9. Afraid of the dark.
  10. He talks a lot, often comes up with interesting fairy tales and stories.

Answers "yes" to questions 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10 indicate that your baby is more of a humanitarian. Answers "yes" to questions 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 indicate that he probably has a mathematical mindset.

What is the best thing to do with a baby in order to develop his abilities from childhood?

Determining who your child will be in the future, when he is still small, is quite difficult. The main task of parents is not to teach him to read or write as early as possible, but to teach him to reason and think logically on his own, because it is these qualities that will help him analyze situations in any profession he chooses in adulthood.

It's not that hard. Start by reading fairy tales, but after reading, ask your child a few questions about what he heard. Let the kid try to come up with his own ending for the story. Buy him coloring books, sketchbooks, take part in classes with him. It is good if you have any musical instruments at home. And you can be sure that a baby who has been comprehensively developed since childhood will not become only a “mathematician” or “humanist”. If you teach him to think big, he will not have problems learning in any of the school subjects.

Scientists say that children who have a pronounced inclination to only one area of ​​science are no more than 1-2%, and they themselves easily make it clear what they are interested in studying. Only 12% of very bright children have a clear inclination towards the study of the exact sciences or the humanities, and still they cannot be called "pure" techies or humanities. Approximately 5-8% of gifted children demonstrate high ability to study both the exact sciences and the humanities.

How children are divided according to their mindset

In principle, every person is born with the inclinations for any kind of activity, because wise nature generously endows us with opportunities. But not every person develops these inclinations into abilities.

Until your child enters high school, it will be very difficult to determine exactly what he is more inclined towards, and should he? In the lower grades of elementary school, education is aimed at developing the abilities that are necessary to master any field of knowledge, and in the future, any profession - in other words, the child is taught to learn. And this is right, because the mental processes that influence the formation of the special abilities of the child develop until the senior grades, and only by the age of 13-14 the formation of different types of thinking ends. Now it becomes noticeable which school subjects are given to your child easily and with pleasure, and which are not of particular interest.

Of course, it must be taken into account that interest in school subjects and grades do not always give a real idea of ​​the child's abilities. Newton was considered mentally retarded at school. A smart, talented, gifted child at school can be both an excellent student and a loser. Grades often depend not only on intelligence, but also on the psychological characteristics of the student, and the nature of his relationship with teachers.

In fact, the division between mathematicians and humanities is not based on any serious research in the field of the brain. Most often, such stamps are awarded to students by school teachers. If the child could not quickly give an answer in the lesson, instantly solve an example in his mind, he was confused at the blackboard, the diagnosis is immediately ready - a humanist, it is not given to him to solve problems. But in fact, the reason for such a child's behavior in the classroom may be simple constraint or features of his nervous system.

What tests determine a child's inclination to study sciences?

Professional psychologists have developed a lot of special tests to determine the inclinations of children of different ages. If you want to find out in advance the mindset of your child, contact a professional psychologist. The specialist will offer him to continue the logical chains, find the superfluous and give other tasks to determine the level of development of his abstract thinking, spatial imagination.

If your child's abilities are not yet so clearly expressed, let him try himself in as many activities as possible. Let him do what he likes: visit creative circles, collect models, draw, sing, dance. The main thing is that the lesson should bring sincere joy.