Mixer      11/26/2021

Do-it-yourself carnival angel costume for a boy. Do-it-yourself angel costume for a girl. How to create an original image for a New Year's party? Christmas angel wings

A beautiful carnival outfit is sure to please the child. Round dances, contests, gifts, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden will not be so fun and memorable if the child does not wear a carnival costume for the New Year's party. Today it is not customary to dress up children in bears, bunnies and chanterelles, such images are extremely rare at the holiday. And this is quite logical, because the children's heroes have changed. If Cheburashka was popular before, today it has been replaced by such heroes as Spider-Man, Winx fairies, Catwoman, Sponge Bob and other characters of cartoons that are popular today. An angel costume for a girl will be quite modern and stylish. To create it, you will need a minimum of time and money. It can be a white angel costume or a black one, depending on which side the child prefers.

Details of the image of an angel

First of all, in order to create a costume, you need to determine the main elements of the image of this character. Of course, these are wings, a halo and these are the main details. You can also use additional accessories to complete the look.

The creation of each of these elements needs to be considered in more detail in order to understand how to make an angel costume for a girl with your own hands.

Suit Materials

In the choice of materials for clothing, the age of the child plays a decisive role. An angel costume for a girl for children can have an original tutu skirt made of tulle, for an older age, you can use satin velor and even expensive brocade.

For wings, in addition to the base material, a sealant is required. As such, hard tulle in combination with synthetic winterizer, collar glue fabric, interlining and a more troublesome option - corset bones are suitable.

An angel's carnival costume must have a halo for greater effect. It can be made from wire entwined with New Year's tinsel.

Choosing the color in which it will be performed for the girl with your own hands, you can deviate from the generally accepted white or black. A pink angel or an angel in a golden dress will look pretty cute. Of course, you should not chase after expensive high-quality fabrics, since the New Year's party will pass very quickly, and next year the child is unlikely to want to wear the same outfit again.

How to make wings?

At first glance, it may seem that the wings are made very difficult, but, firstly, this is not so, and secondly, without them there will be a completely different angel costume. Children's outfit should be thought out to the smallest detail, so the wings should not interfere with the child's movement. There should not be any fastenings on the belts, as is customary for adult costumes with wings. It is better to sew these elements of the image to the back of a dress or blouse. But so that they do not retract, they need to be made as light as possible.

Given the width of the child's back, you should draw one wing on a piece of paper so that it protrudes slightly beyond the girl's arm. Next, this template must be transferred to hard tulle, synthetic winterizer and the main fabric. From the last material, 2 parts should be cut in mirror image.

After all the elements are cut out, they need to be folded in this order: two parts from the main fabric facing inwards, tulle on top of one of them, and then a synthetic winterizer. Further, this design must be fixed with needles or swept away. Then you should lay a line along the contour of the details from the side of the front fabric and leave an uncovered section measuring 5 centimeters in the place of attachment to the back, through which the wing will be turned out. At this stage, the element is turned on the face and a machine line is laid, repeating the alleged contours of the feathers. The second wing is done in a similar way, but in a mirror image.

For greater showiness, the wing can be embroidered with stones, pearl beads, sequins, and even sewn on with swan fluff.

How to make a wire halo

The halo is an important element of the image. An angel costume for a girl without this detail will not be so spectacular. In order to do it, there are several options. The lightest one has been known to many since childhood, when mothers twisted wire crowns and wrapped rain around the frame. For an accessory of this type, you will need to make two circles of wire according to the volume of the child’s head, connect them to each other with a vertical mount about 10 centimeters high. In this case, the fastening must be sufficiently reliable so that the halo does not bend. After the frame is ready, it can be decorated with a rain of gold or white, depending on the main tone in which the angel costume for the girl is made.

Nimbus on the headband

Also a good option for a halo on a headband. To create it, you also need wire. It will be attached in two places: on the rim and not very high above the very head of the child. It can also be decorated with rain or decorated with satin ribbons. For greater showiness, you can glue rhinestones or beads on it, which will give the details an exquisite shimmer and shine.

If there is no desire to work with a halo, you can always stop at the option with a floral wreath. It should be made in delicate shades so as not to be too colorful on the child's head.

Design options for basic clothing

It is generally accepted that the angel should be in a long dress with flowing long sleeves. Such a robe will really look beautiful, but you can deviate from generally accepted ideas. The New Year's angel costume will look chic if a long-sleeved T-shirt is used as the main clothing. To make this as easy as shelling pears, you will need an elastic band in accordance with the volume of the child's tummy and about 3 meters of white soft tulle. We cut the main materials into strips 10 centimeters wide and simply tie them with an elastic band.

You can also sew a tutu skirt from whole tulle without cutting it into elements, but simply cut the cuts equal in width to the length of the skirt, sew them together and make a drawstring for the elastic along the edge. After that, it remains only to thread the elastic band with a pin. Both the first and second options look simply charming.

If this option is not suitable, then you can stop at the same long dress.

Dress patterns for an angel

Sewing a dress is easy enough. You will need to measure the figure of the child: the length from the wrist to the wrist through the neck with arms outstretched to the sides, the length from the shoulder to the floor, the volume of the chest and waist.

After measurements, you can begin to develop patterns. It can be built directly on fabric. At the same time, the width of the material must be at least the measure “from the wrist to the wrist”, and the length must correspond to two measurements “from the shoulder to the floor”. So, the fabric is folded in half across, on the fold mark the measurement “length from wrist to wrist”. A mark is made in the center of the segment and a neck and a slot are drawn so that the head fits well into the hole. After, focusing on this center, about 20-25 cm below the fold, a half-girth of the chest is placed, and even lower - a half-girth of the waist. From the extreme points of the chest marks, cuts for the sleeves are brought out to the sides, and side seams are brought down, which should be flared as much as possible.

After these manipulations, it remains to cut out the details, process the seams with an overlock and a machine, and the neck with an oblique trim.

Additional accessories

As additional elements of the costume, you can use completely different and even unexpected elements. For example, in combination with a tutu skirt, fur knee-length leggings will simply look wonderful. Leather armbands above the elbows will fit perfectly on the arms. The image of an angel can be made somewhat hooligan or, on the contrary, charmingly sweet and romantic. It all depends on the preferences of the child. If the character holds a bow and arrows in his hand, then automatically he will become a cute Amurchik.

It is no secret that girls love various rings, beads and bracelets, and these elements will not be superfluous in such an outfit and, on the contrary, will give it luxury. The main thing is to choose everything in tone so that the angel does not turn into a fairy or a sorceress.

Angel costume- the perfect dressing solution for a carnival or Halloween, New Year's or Christmas party. In this outfit, both preschoolers and those who study in elementary and high school look equally great, and even teenage girls can choose such a costume for their New Year's party. As a rule, such a set includes a free-cut dress or a fluffy skirt with a top, wings and a halo, as well as light sandals.

If you want to create your own halloween angel costume, then you will definitely need advice,. This sewing option will take less time than sewing a whole dress, moreover, it is easier and faster to work with tulle than with satin material, which is desirable to choose for a dress.

Angel costume

To sew DIY angel costume you will need a pattern, you can take a wide long shirt-dress as a basis, it can be made fitted if you additionally outline tucks, but it is better to make a free-cut shirt so that it remains airy and weightless.

It is desirable to choose a white fabric, but you can also take a golden fabric, pale blue tones or silver. Silk would be an ideal option, but this material is expensive, and only experienced craftswomen can undertake such painstaking work, so satin or thin cotton fabric will be the most practical option, which will work easily even for a seamstress without experience in sewing complex products.

The pattern downloaded on the Internet must first be printed on A4 sheets, then cut and glued. Transfer the finished pattern to thick paper, for example, you can use old wallpaper rolls. To transfer the pattern to the fabric, you need to fold the piece of matter in half so that the front side "looks" inward. Put a pattern on top, pin with sewing pins along the edge and carefully circle with a piece of dry soap or chalk. When you transfer the pattern, do not forget that you need to leave allowances for the seams, about 1 cm.

After all the details have been transferred to the fabric, it must be cut and sewn along the side seams, then turned right side out. Separately, you need to sew the sleeves, and then sew them into the armholes. A loose shirt can also be a one-piece piece if you don't want to mess around with sewing on the sleeves. At the end, you need to process the neck, cuffs and bottom of the free dress. You can sew on a silver ribbon or satin ribbon.

The easiest way to make wings is to cut them out of thick cardboard and then decorate them with a white cloth. To make a mount for the wings, you need to take an elastic band, the width of which is about 2 cm. Using this elastic band, two straps must be sewn on the back side, which can be comfortably worn on the shoulders.

It can complement your image of an angel, but it is better to make a halo, and you can take an ordinary hoop as a basis for it. To create a halo, you will need a fairly strong, flexible and thin wire, if you did not find a white wire, then you can wrap it with tape or tape.

From a piece of wire, you need to make a circle and wrap it with a braid of artificial white push (you can find it in fabric stores), you can also use faux fur that is left over from an old jacket. You also need to take a piece of wire, bend it in the shape of a “V” and fix it at both ends on a circle. Twist the loop in the middle and thread the white hoop into it, then twist it so that the hoop is securely fixed. The junction of the wire and the hoop can be decorated with ribbon or artificial fluff.

At the end angel costume for girls it remains to add only light sandals or flip flops. They should also be white, without catchy elements, Czechs can also be put on the legs.

Angel costume for girls

Angel costume buy it is possible not only for a preschool child or schoolchild, such outfits are also sold for adult girls who can wear it to a New Year's party or a Halloween party.

Instead of a spacious shirt, you can wear a top and a long fluffy tulle skirt according to the master class presented. A layered puffy white skirt would make a great cosplay outfit, and next year it could be used as a Dead Bride Halloween outfit.

To make voluminous fluffy wings for an angel costume, you can use a white boa or fake feathers. The basis for them can be made of wire, bending it and giving it the desired shape. Cover the contour with white tulle or tulle, and attach feathers on top. The boa can be attached by moving in circles from the center to the edges, while the feathers are best attached in rows, moving from top to bottom.

Carnival costume of an angel for a small child, you can crochet by doing small wings at the back. Such an outfit will look especially impressive at a christening.

Girls need to remember that if you want to create a natural image of an angel, then you should be careful with makeup, it should be natural, without bright colors. Hair is best curled into curls on curlers.

As a rule, the image of an angel is chosen by girls and girls with blue eyes and blond curls, with such an appearance and the outfit looks harmonious.

An angel costume usually consists of three main parts: a white dress for a girl (or a long white shirt for a boy), a halo and white wings on the back. This outfit can be worn for Halloween or New Year's masquerade. But not everyone knows how to make an angel costume with their own hands.

Let's look at a few options, and you, based on the materials you have available, choose how to sew an angel costume for your favorite angel.

Feather wings

So that your child can go to a New Year's party or Halloween as a real angel, make him wings from real feathers. They can be borrowed from any poultry farm or from a grandmother in the village.

We will need:

  • copper wire in an insulating braid - 3 m;
  • a template cut out from a newspaper;
  • thin thick cardboard;
  • any white fabric, but knitwear is better - 0.5 m;
  • glue "Moment";
  • large feathers of a white duck or chicken;
  • downy feathers;
  • downy boa or rabbit fur;
  • double-sided tape and regular;
  • scissors, pliers.

Work order

  • We bend the wire around the perimeter of the template with pliers. Start at the base of the wing. Then you can use the remaining ends to attach the wings to your back.
  • We cut out two wings from cardboard according to the template and attach them inside the wire frame with adhesive tape. Then we glue the white fabric cut out according to the same pattern with a hem allowance of 1 cm (4 blanks) on both sides.
  • We glue down feathers around the perimeter, masking the wire frame.
  • Glue the largest feathers in rows. They have smaller feathers.
  • We decorate the top of the wings with fluff, covering the tips of the top row of feathers. Glue the boa. If you have pieces of white rabbit fur lying around, consider that its time has come. The wings are ready. Do not forget to sew on two straps so that the whole structure can be put on your back like a backpack.
  • foil wings

    With these shiny silver wings you will conquer the whole Halloween. For feathers, you can take the usual tetra-packages metallized from the inside from under milk, juice or wine.

  • To cut a feather, you need to fold the blank in half and cut out a crescent.
  • Without unfolding, make a fringe.
  • Cut out two wings from thick cardboard and paste over them with “silver” feathers on both sides, starting from the bottom.
  • Fasten the wings together with wire and come up with a mount for your boy's back.
  • Very simple

    I want to impress my friends on Halloween, but not everyone can collect so much foil, especially since not everyone has access to duck and chicken poultry farms. Now you will learn how to make an angel costume from ... cardboard disposable plates. You will have time to make this costume even if Halloween starts in two hours. It is clear that for this we need a lot of paper plates.

  • Set aside three plates, and draw two symmetrical arcs on the rest. Cut the plate along these lines. Throw out the middle, the two extreme crescents will be our feathers.
  • Divide the "feathers" into two equal piles and fold them in two fans as shown in the photo, fixing with glue along the edges of the plate.
  • To hide the ugly ends, glue a second plate on top of them.
  • Glue two straps and hide their ends under the third plate.
  • Light angel wings for your girl are ready, and she can wear them for Halloween.

    Angel Costume Patterns

    An angel can go to Halloween in any suitable dress, even in a nightgown. But if his wardrobe does not have such “angelic” clothes, we suggest sewing a dress according to the simplest patterns.

    Since angels come in different sizes, the pattern is given conditionally. You can, for example, calculate the scale from the circumference of the chest and draw patterns. With a fabric width of 80-110 cm, you can calculate how much fabric is needed: 2 shelf lengths + sleeve length. With a width of 120 cm: front length + sleeve length. With a fabric width of 140 cm, one length of the dress will be enough for you, and the sleeves are cut out from the rest of the width.


    Well, what is an angel without a halo?! It is very easy and simple to make it from copper wire. We also need a regular hairband.

  • Make the halo itself first. Roll it from the wire, leaving the two ends hanging down on opposite sides. Decorate it with white fluff if you are going to Halloween, or tinsel if you have a New Year's party ahead of you.
  • Attach the two ends of the wire to the hoop and mask them with white tape. So the costume for your angel is ready.
  • You can be strict, harmful, amorous, absolutely rational and reasonable - but does this prevent you from being an angel? And if so, then allow your inner being to manifest, and your wings to open above your shoulders. How exactly to do this, in other words, how to make an angel costume with your own hands, getting the maximum pleasure from the process and efficiency from the result - we will tell you here.

    Step 1: Define a style.

    Angels, as you know, are different - playful and strict, funny and inspirational, as well as loving, beautiful and free from any prejudice. First, decide what you want to be - the style of your angel costume will depend on this.

    Perhaps the most discreet of all angels is the classic hero of Christian mythology, in a long, non-tight suit and rather large wings.

    This angel is very feminine, attractive and still quite unassuming.

    Such an angel will definitely not refuse to fool around.

    Decided? Let's get to work.

    Step 2: Angel dress.

    First you need to sew the basis of the angel costume - a dress or a pair.

    This is what the most traditionalist, very understated angel dress might look like. If you decide to be modest - use this pattern. The sleeves are very comfortable to wear, and the hem can be sheathed with not too fancy gold braid. It will turn out heavenly!

    And this is a slightly more frivolous dress. However, he also has enough fabric on his back so that future wings do not rub you.

    By the way, if you already have a ready-made white dress or sundress, you can very well take it as a basis. A little ruffles, a little jewelry - and the basis for the angel's outfit is ready!

    Step 3: Spread your wings!

    Now, in order to soar above the crowd at a future party, you will need a pair of strong wings.

    First you need to decide on the form. If you don't feel the confidence needed to make big complex wings - make small and cute ones. Ready to work hard - soar on the wings of your imagination and enjoy the result. For example, here are some very inspiring wings for an angel costume:

    As a material for the wings, you can take almost anything: the main thing is to reproduce the feathery structure and convey the general outline. The general contour, by the way, or the base, can also be made of different materials.

    Hangers and tulle

    You will need two metal hangers, tulle, thread and needles.

    • Bend the hangers so that the overall outline looks like wings. Point the hooks inward. By the way, if you don’t have a hanger at hand, take an ordinary wire, the main thing is to securely fasten the ends.
    • Cover the frame on both sides with tulle, securing with a seam over the edge.
    • Drape the bottom edge with tulle fragments cut in the shape of feathers.
    • Connect both wings together, wrapping the junction with a dense white cloth or fur - to avoid chafing the angelic body.


    For cardboard wings, you will need cardboard - thick enough, but not corrugated - a pencil, scissors, glue.

    Draw the outline of the future wing. Mirror it to get the second one. In this work, both wings are cut from a single piece of cardboard. If you need very large wings, provide a reinforced cardboard jumper. To make the angel costume more functional, make a jumper from a strong fabric, then when the wings move, the connecting part will not fray.

    Cut out the wings. The narrowest places can be strengthened by gluing a second layer of thinner cardboard.


    For this base, you will need a fairly thick film or oilcloth, wire, white cloth, glue, scissors, paper and pattern pencils.

    • Make a pattern of one wing of a pleasant shape for you, mirror it to get the second.
    • Transfer the pattern to the film and cut along the contour
    • Glue the film around the perimeter with wire to strengthen future wings
    • On both sides around the perimeter, glue the wings with a thin white cloth.

    Now the blank needs to be turned into wings.

    To do this, you can use a variety of materials - for example, ordinary tulle or other light fabric, thinly cut paper.

    And this is the beginning of the creation of feather wings. In fabric wings, the ends of the feathers can be inserted into the fabric, strengthening the connection with glue. Glue starting from the lower layers. Top the wings with a down feather or gutted boa:

    In addition, you can make foil wings, large threads, yarn, and even gauze. By the way, the wings do not have to be white at all. Golden or silver wings, blue, pink and even multi-colored models look great. It all depends on what kind of angel you are! The main thing is to take care of attaching the wings to yourself - this can be, for example, sewing to a dress. And if the wings are supposed to be removed before the end of the party - just sew on the hand loops. Like this:

    Happened? So you are ready to take off!

    Step 4: Take care of the accessories.

    Even the most playful angel is entitled to a halo. It can be done, for example, by wrapping a wire frame in sequins, attaching it directly above the wings, or attaching it to a hair band. The beauty of this design is that the halo will literally hover over your head:

    Also, a halo can be attached directly to the head using hairpins - or you can purchase a ready-made version from us. By the way, if your hairstyle is not very angelic, feel free to use wigs. Nimbus is attached to them just fine.

    Now it remains only to pick up shoes - let them be elegant shoes or sandals to match - and buy elegant stockings. To make the angel's costume flawless, also arm yourself with suitable accessories - a trumpet, a bow with arrows or a heart.

    Costumed holidays are loved not only by kids, but also by older children. Planning a children's party or a school party? Then you should take care of making a beautiful and unusual fancy dress for a child in advance. How to make an angel costume with your own hands? Here are a few options that do not require large financial costs or special professional skills.

    Clothes for the "angel"

    The traditional color for an angel's fancy dress is white. But for a children's outfit, any light shades are suitable - blue, beige, pink, silver.

    If you need to create an angel costume for a girl with your own hands, a tulle skirt and a light (white) top would be an excellent option. A festive ready-made dress of the corresponding shade is also suitable. You can complement such an outfit with light (white) tights without patterns and shoes of the same color - woven sandals or simple shoes. The basis of the suit can be a white shirt and trousers.

    If there are no suitable clothes in the children's wardrobe, you can make the classic masquerade outfit "Angel" with your own hands. It is quite simple to sew a suit in the form of a straight elongated shirt:

    • For the "shirt" you will need a piece of white (light) color fabric. It can be plain cotton, linen, satin or any smooth silky fabric.
    • It is necessary to take measurements from the child: hips + 10-15 cm for a free cut, the estimated length of the future suit and the length of the sleeve (if a shirt with sleeves is planned).
    • In accordance with the dimensions obtained, a pattern is made of thick paper. You can use a ready-made template (example below).

    • The fabric must be carefully folded in half (wrong side out). A paper pattern is applied to the fold, with the help of a piece of soap or chalk, the pattern pattern is transferred to the fabric, taking into account a 2-3 cm allowance (seams).
    • It remains only to cut the shirt and sew it in the usual way.
    • A lazier option for cutting a shirt is to make a pattern directly from a piece of fabric. You should draw and cut out a fabric rectangle, the length of which corresponds to two lengths of the shirt. Rectangle width: half of the resulting hip volume. The resulting workpiece is folded in half lengthwise and sewn on the sides. A cutout is made for the head, about 20 cm are left unsewn for the hands on both sides. The edges of the product can be processed for reliability, and a belt can be made or picked up for the resulting “tunic”.

    "Angel", a costume for a baby, is ready. It remains to make wings for him. Such an angel costume for a boy and for a girl is suitable.

    Headdress and hairstyle

    The traditional masquerade headdress for the image of an angel is a halo. The basis for it will be a regular hair hoop. The blank for him is a small ring of wire. You need to fasten a halo to the hoop on two small pieces of hard wire inserted into the hoop or on the springs of the finished carnival hoop in the form of horns. You can decorate the diadem by gluing the halo ring with silver paper or white fluff, wrapping it with Christmas tree tinsel or “grass” yarn.

    Instead of a halo diadem, an angel costume for a girl can be supplemented with a wig of light curly curls or make such a hairstyle if the length of the hair allows.

    Wings: cardboard or thick paper

    And, of course, wings are the main element of the "Angel" masquerade image. The easiest way to complete the costume is to cut out wings from thick paper or white cardboard according to the template. This option is the easiest and fastest. You can fix the paper wings on the back of the child with Velcro, on the straps of a narrow linen gum, or simply sew with threads directly to the clothes. The big disadvantage of this option is that paper (cardboard) wings do not hold their shape well and are very short-lived.

    Original cardboard wings can be made from food paper plates (pictured). To do this, you will need to cut feathers from them for future wings in the form of arcs with corrugated edges. Feather blanks are glued to the base, the whole plate. On top of the glued arcs, another paper plate is carefully glued. Finally, straps or clothing Velcro are attached to the bottom plate of the base.

    Fabric wings (tulle)

    These angel wings look gentle and very airy. In addition, they can be decorated with shiny beads, sequins, embroidery to your taste. Frame fabric wings are made in this way:

    • A template is drawn on paper for the future wire frame of the wings.
    • Along the contour of the wire drawing, you need to bend the frame, connecting the ends of the wire blank to each other.
    • The frame must be covered with a translucent fabric of any light or white color. The most popular material used in such products is tulle, which looks spectacular and stretches well. But any translucent fabric will do, even ordinary pharmacy gauze.
    • Straps or clothing Velcro are attached to the center of the wings.
    • If desired, the wings can be decorated around the edges with Christmas tinsel, fluff and other things. On the surface, you can draw feathers with a clothes marker or acrylic paints.

    Angel wings with paper feathers

    A complicated version of cardboard wings is decorating with paper feathers. The fastest way to make such feathers is from ordinary paper napkins. To do this, the napkin is folded in half and fringe cuts are made from the side of the fold. Next, the blanks are glued to the base, cardboard wings, starting from the bottom edge with an overlap (when gluing, the top feathers slightly cover the bottom ones). The top of the wings is decorated with round Christmas tree tinsel, fluff or fur.

    Wings with feathers cut not from napkins, but from white paper will require more time and effort, but the result of such painstaking work looks very impressive. Such wings are made as follows:

    • For the base, wings made of thick cardboard, right and left, are cut out and fastened together.
    • Three types of feathers are cut out of smooth white paper or thin soft white cardboard: long, medium long and upper round small feathers.
    • On a cardboard base, paper feathers are glued overlapping, from the bottom up. The decorating order is the same as for a real bird wing: the bottom edge is the longest blanks, then in descending order of length. To enhance the effect, the bottom of each pen can not be glued, but, on the contrary, slightly bent upwards.
    • Before the glue is completely dry, push a line through the center of each pen with the blunt end of scissors or a knife. Let the wings dry, attach the elastic straps.

    Wings with fabric feathers

    The wings will look very unusual and beautiful if, instead of feathers from napkins, stick slightly gathered ruffles on a cardboard base - fabric stripes of white or any light color. It is better if the fabric “crumbles” a little at the cut point - the uneven edges will look more like feathers.

    foam wings

    Another fairly budget option for creating angel wings is foam rubber. This material is good because it retains its shape perfectly and, if desired, can be easily painted, for example, in gold or silver.

    You will need two types of white foam rubber: dense (thick) with a width of at least 1.5-2 cm and the thinnest - 0.3 or 0.5 cm, as well as a wide elastic band for fastening straps.

    A base is cut out of dense foam according to a template - one blank in the form of two connected wings. Two elastic straps are attached to the middle of the base. For reliability, it is better not to fasten the straps, but to fasten them with a backpack around the central part of the base.

    Narrow ribbons are cut from thin foam rubber - feathers, with which the base or only the bottom of the workpiece is decorated. Foam rubber feathers are glued in the same way as paper ones - starting from the bottom of the wings, overlapping.

    You can give color to the wings either by painting with a coloring composition from a spray can, or with the help of a bronze (silver) dye and a brush, painting over the product in the direction along. It is important to choose the right paint so as not to damage the foam rubber: the composition should not contain acetone. It is also impossible to use different varnishes.

    Natural feather wings

    The most believable wings can be created by using natural bird down and feathers for decoration. How to make an angel costume with bird feather wings?

    • First of all, you need to remember that natural feathers are a heavier material than fabric or paper. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the size of the wings that the “angel” will wear: the costume should not only look beautiful, but also be comfortable and light. For a child's outfit, it is better to stop at a length to the waist or even shorter.
    • As a basis, you can take the same cardboard blank or a wire frame sheathed with white fabric. In the first case, the feather and down are simply glued to the cardboard, and it will be more reliable to sew the feather to the fabric blank with threads or fishing line.

    • Natural feathers can be purchased in specialized departments for needlework, including online services. But a clean poultry feather or feathers from an unnecessary boa will do.
    • The feathers are sewn (glued) according to the principle described above: starting from the bottom of the base, the longest feathers are overlapped first, then in decreasing length. The top is decorated with light bird down.
    • Straps are attached in the center of the wings - with a backpack. Simply sewing onto clothing or using Velcro is undesirable due to the weight of the feather wings.