Mixer      06/29/2020

The first organization to occupy the legs of the bush. Russia banned the import of "Bush legs". Chlorine American chicken. American food Fascism. Manipulation at the state level

Now in Russia there is no such supermarket that would not sell chicken legs. Their legendary nickname from the 90s - " Bush's legs" - Only the older generation remembers. But in the post-perestroika crisis, chicken legs became a symbol of strong economic contacts between the United States and Russia.

Food panacea

Anyone who was “lucky” to survive the “dashing 90s” remembers perfectly how hungry that time was. The collapsed Soviet economy left the population with an outstretched hand. Kilometer-long queues for basic goods and an ever-decreasing amount of products have become as commonplace as the sunrise.

Mikhail Gorbachev, then General Secretary of the Central Committee, saw the solution to the problem of famine in the signing of a cooperation agreement with US President George W. Bush. Ships with tons of frozen chicken legs sailed to the Soviet Union, which the Americans themselves did not want to buy.

The inhabitants of the overseas "food paradise" preferred chicken white meat to chicken legs. The president decided that the idea of ​​selling slow-moving goods in the Soviet Union was simply a brilliant idea. The buyer met the delivery with great enthusiasm.

In an era of total shortages, cheap "Bush legs" have become a real salvation for millions of Soviet citizens in crisis. They were bought in kilograms and prepared in different ways. From a pair of fatty legs it was possible to cook a pot of soup for a family of five. Cheap and cheerful.

Manipulation at the state level

In 2005, the governments of the two countries signed a new agreement. According to him, 74% of the chicken imported into Russia had to come from American producers. Annual deliveries should be increased by 40 thousand tons. In 2006, Russia purchased 35% of chicken meat, in Europe and Brazil - about 10%. The country itself produced only 55% of the entire mass of the "strategic product".

In such an economic environment, the notorious "Bush legs" have become a lever of mutual political pressure. America exported 40% of all its legs to the former Soviet Union. Both sides were vitally interested in the cheap meat trade.

In 2006, Russia announced that it would remove exemptions for Americans on the import of chicken meat and other food products if the World Trade Organization does not accept her into its ranks. Thus began mutual manipulation in order to obtain economic benefits.

"Saboteurs" on the table

When the "passion for chicken legs" subsided in Russia and the starving people were satisfied, consumers began to wonder what, in fact, the manufacturer offers them under the tender chicken skin. Experts have long warned Russians that Bush's legs are rife with unhealthy antibiotics and hormones. These substances help to raise chickens faster, but kill human immunity.

Publications appeared in the press stating that chicken meat is treated with chlorine in American factories. Poultry farm owners have claimed to use a very weak solution of this poison. It should not cause any harm to the body. And yet, Russian medicine and consumers themselves are wary.

The situation was aggravated after in 2002 the sanitary services found salmonella in Bush's legs. This microscopic bacterium leads to severe poisoning, often fatal. After the grandiose scandal, US chicken legs were not sold in Russia for a whole month. There was an official ban.

At the beginning of 2010, Russian standards were tightened. The chief sanitary doctor ordered to ban the sale of meat, in the production of which chlorine compounds are used. After 4 years, an embargo was introduced on American chicken and other types of meat. Bush's legs are a thing of the past.

In 2015, a statement by Medvedev followed, saying that Russia was quite capable of developing its own meat production on a scale sufficient to provide for the entire population. From that moment on, only domestic chicken legs began to be sold on store shelves. Bush has nothing to do with them anymore.

Nowadays, chicken legs are an ordinary and familiar product that many people in the country do not pay too much attention to. Moreover, people are so accustomed to their constant availability on sale that they even forgot their first name among the people - “Bush's legs”. And this despite the fact that a few years ago this product played an important role in building relations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation.

Rescue from hunger

At the beginning of 1990, the food situation in the disintegrating Soviet Union was critical. Food became less and less, and people's lines, on the contrary, increased at a crazy speed. However, at the same time, friendship with the United States grew stronger every day. And at a certain moment, the then head of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, signed, in a sense, a historic agreement with his American colleague George W. Bush, which stated that the United States would supply frozen chicken legs to the Union, which ended up painfully familiar to us. the name "Bush legs".

Economic component

Such a decision in the current situation was, of course, beneficial to both parties. The USSR was getting rid of the food crisis, and the United States found a huge market for its not always good food products. “Bush legs” began to be delivered to the Union also because the overwhelming number of Americans gave their preference exclusively to white chicken meat, which is why the chicken legs sold very poorly in the US domestic market, as a result, there was an oversupply of them. Therefore, Bush Sr. decided that the sale of this product in the USSR would be economically feasible and fully justified from an economic point of view.


As time has shown, "Bush's legs" in Russia turned out to be a real salvation for ordinary citizens of the country during the period of huge deficit that took place during the period of the planned economy. And even when Boris Yeltsin came to power with his determined idea of ​​a free market, thanks to which the prices of all goods increased significantly, American-made chicken legs were still both widely available and relatively stable in value. It gave good opportunity to feed people with low material incomes, because even one “Bush leg” made it possible to cook a hot dish (soup or borscht) for the entire average family.

manipulation tool

In 2005, a special trade agreement was signed between the Russian and American governments, according to which, until 2009, 74% of the quotas of all chicken meat imported into Russia should belong exclusively to the United States. At the same time, it was indicated that each year the indicator of deliveries had to increase by 40,000 tons. In addition, American chicken legs were sold in the Russian Federation at dumping prices, which literally killed local poultry producers unable to withstand Western competitors. Of course, thanks to this, the US economy, even on the outskirts of Alaska, stood on "Bush's legs" - so gigantic was the income of Americans from chicken meat sold overseas.

Such a contract made both parties hostage. "Bush's legs", photos of which are given below, have become a real lever of political blackmail for both Russia and the United States. The thing is that it was already extremely difficult for the Russian Federation to refuse this product because of its simply crazy popularity among the people. At the same time, the Americans were also not interested in losing such a gigantic sales market as Russia, because at that time 40% of the export of chicken legs fell on it.


In 2006, Russia delivered an ultimatum to the United States, which stated that the trade preference for the import of agricultural products (including "Bush legs" as well) would be canceled if the protocol for the entry of the Russian Federation into the World Trade Organization was not fully agreed and approved within three months. (WTO).


Over time, when the long-term euphoria from the availability of cheap chicken products has passed, serious questions began to arise. Ordinary citizens of the country began to worry very much whether it was even possible to eat the “Bush legs” that they had already fallen in love with, the calorie content of which was quite high (158 kcal per 100 grams of product). Repeatedly conducted expert checks stated that in these chicken legs the concentrations of various hormones and antibiotics administered to the bird during its active growth, are simply outrageous. As a result, lovers of such legs began to undergo a significant decrease in the body's immunity and the occurrence of various dangerous allergic reactions. In addition, there was information that American chicken contains large doses of female hormones, which are extremely detrimental to the male body.

It also became known to the public that American poultry producers actively use chlorine in their factories. At the same time, the US authorities allowed the concentration of this chemical element in the ratio of 20-50 parts per million. According to the owners of poultry farms, such slightly chlorinated solutions are not capable of posing a danger and a threat to human health. At the same time, even such meager information turned out to be quite enough for sanitary doctors to sound the alarm, and potential and existing consumers to think about the rationality of purchasing such chicken legs.

However, this information in no way stopped many, and people still continued to acquire American legs that had already become almost native. And even if a person wanted to buy chicken legs not produced in the territory of the United States of America, then brisk traders in the markets very often literally “crammed” them anyway under the guise of a product produced, for example, in Brazil.

international scandal

In 2002, "Bush's legs" were completely banned for a period of one month. The reason for this was the situation when salmonella pathogen bacteria, dangerous to human life, were found in chicken legs imported from the United States of America. This scandal significantly damaged the reputation of American suppliers and aroused the distrust of Russians in them.


American goods have repeatedly become the subject of ridicule of many comedians, and the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov “walked” on them. Bush's Feet, however, has been banned since January 1, 2010. This was due to the fact that an order signed by the chief sanitary doctor of Russia came into effect, which stated that it was inadmissible to sell chicken products to the population, which are produced using chlorine compounds.

Import substitution

In August 2014 Russian Federation and introduced a complete trade embargo on all meat products and products from the United States. After that, the “Bush legs”, the recipe for which, over the long years of their supply, became known in many Russian families, completely ceased to be delivered to Russia. And already in May 2015, Dmitry Medvedev, who is the prime minister of the country, even stated that the Russian Federation could well fill its domestic market with chicken meat on its own. Therefore, today's chicken legs lying on the shelves in stores and supermarkets have absolutely nothing to do with the United States, much less with former President Bush.

Bush" - myths and reality

Import theme
American poultry doesn't come off
from the pages of Russian newspapers, overgrowing
all new facts, and more often
conjectures and untruths. To
objectively assess the current
situation on the poultry meat market in
Russia, let's do it for a start
a small digression into our recent

Late 80s -
early 90s. Economic
disintegration in the country acquires
avalanche character. Products
food becomes more than just
scarce - they are literally
disappear from store shelves.
Remember the joke from that time? Comes
a man in a grocery store and asks:
"Do you have food?" - "Eat",
- the seller answers. "Weigh
me, please, a kilogram. "Well,
seriously, rural
economy, crushed
disparity in prices, threatened by full
production stop. Peasants
no one could feed
even yourself… Production plans
foodstuffs were carried out
only on paper. deep crisis,
hitting the entire economy,
paralyzed the Russian
the poultry industry, which
during its heyday
produced about 2 million tons of meat

What and how in
that period fell on our
dinner table? Of course available
at the price of american chicken
chicken legs that suddenly appeared
then in Russia and filled the vacuum
in the food market. For many
"Bush's legs" have almost become
the only meat product
affordable for the family budget.

poultry production in
Russia is gradually reviving.
However, imported chicken meat is all
still occupies a major market share.
True, not 90 percent, as
some journalists say
about 70 percent, 56 percent of
which account for
American poultry products and
about 12 - to the share of European.
The remaining 32 percent of the market is tight
controlled by Russian
poultry meat producers. So,
for example, the volume of the American
imports of poultry meat in 1997
amounted to about 950 thousand tons, and
domestic production - about 542
thousand tons. and consumption volumes
birds per capita in Russia
grew from 7 kilograms in the late 80s
years to the present 12.

would follow where
the funds received
state in the form of customs
duties on imports of meat to Russia
birds. To date, GTK
set at 30 percent
customs duty on the import of chicken
meat to the territory of Russia. And from 18
July additional rate introduced
at 3 percent. Last year in Russia
about 932 thousand tons were delivered
chicken meat. Average price of 1 ton
was then 750-850 US dollars.
It is easy to calculate that the Russian
the budget was supposed to come from imports
this amount of poultry meat is more than
100 million US dollars.
Approximate cost
poultry farm reconstruction
up to 200 thousand
broilers per week is 10-15
million US dollars. Thus,
only for 1-2 years it was possible
to reconstruct and improve
production at ten major
Russian poultry farms, which
are currently inactive. Where
share this money that
intended to be directed to
development of the Russian
poultry industry, remains

Well, if these
funds are not being spent
purpose, then it is expedient
generally reduce the tariffs introduced
for the import of poultry meat, or, according to
at least revise them like this
so that both the state budget and our
own producers

What is the point,
for example, keep high
30% customs duties on
imported chicken thighs,
that do not compete
to our manufacturers producing
mainly chicken carcasses? From
only ours suffer
consumers. To save
budget revenues in the past
volume could be adequate
increase customs duties on
imported chicken carcasses
would lower the price
pressure on domestic
the poultry industry as a whole. AND
it is necessary, of course, strictly
channel funds from
customs authorities for development
Russian poultry

Americans in the collapse of our
domestic chicken production
ridiculous to say the least. We must ourselves
take responsibility for your own mistakes. AND
understand that in a market
economy there is always a powerful

From everywhere
now there are reproaches in the low
as imported legs.
Let's leave some
journalists allegations that
as if "Bush's legs" are
strategic reserve of NATO, which
stored in US warehouses
8-10 years, and now it "melts"
cheap to Russia. To be like this
simply cannot, because
storage of such a huge stock
it would take the unthinkable
quantity specially
equipped warehouses
unrealistic even for the US. Available
same in America warehouse capacity
entirely used for storage
poultry meat in the amount of current
needs that make up 15
million tons of meat per year (including

opponents of american chicken
found such an "argument": in the legs
poultry, they say,
harmful to health accumulate
heavy metals and therefore
Americans don't eat them, but
prefer to sell abroad.

Responding to
these are, to put it mildly, unverified
statements, it should be noted
that meat quality control
birds in the USA at all stages of it
production from growing
young animals before processing is
one of the toughest in the world. More
addition, in the poultry industry
US involved over 7,000
veterinary inspectors who
constantly working in enterprises
and cold stores. These inspectors
are state
employees and provide control
for quality from
states. By law, each
produced poultry is checked as
at least four times. At present
time in the US introduced a new system
food quality assessments,
including poultry meat, which
this was used in the selection
products for space

American poultry meat to Russia
only supplied with
enterprises that have been approved
Russian veterinary
services during the visit of our
delegations led by chief
veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation V.M.
Avilov in 1996. Inspection
trips of Russian veterinarians to
American enterprises
are being carried out now.

they say americans don't eat meat
chicken, so they shake it off in
Russia. This is not true: both legs and
especially the wings they consume in
incomparably large quantities
than in Russia. It is these parts
chickens make up a significant
part of the menu of many American
fast food restaurants,
called "fast food".
According to statistics, Americans
consume about 3 million tons of legs and
wings. Can be done with confidence
claim that even the rich
Americans at least once a week
happy to eat chicken
leg or wing.

consumption of this type of meat
is 42 kg per capita in the USA
population, which is 3.5 times higher than
volume of poultry consumption in Russia. IN
1997 USA exported to Russia
about 7 percent of volumes
domestic meat production
poultry, by 83 percent, or 17 million tons,
consumed themselves.

These are the facts.
And instead of falling with
sick head on a healthy one, worth
think about how to help
Russian poultry industry to stand on
legs, teach him to let go
competitive products
regain domestic

On November 30, 2018, the 41st President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush, died. George Bush Sr. lived a long and eventful life. Born to a senator and a banker, he did not flee from World War II and at the age of 17 he entered the military, where he became the youngest pilot in the US Navy. Until the very end of the war, he participated in the fighting. After the end of the war, he was engaged in business, in the mid-60s he went into politics. In 1976-1977 he headed the CIA. Finally, in 1989, George W. Bush - the elder reached the highest point of his career - became President of the United States.

The presidency fell on a difficult economic period in the country, and due to the forced increase in taxes, he could not be re-elected for a second term. In foreign policy The period of his reign coincided with great changes in the world. Under George W. Bush, the US conducted major military campaigns in Panama, the Philippines and, of course, the Persian Gulf. But the most significant event of this period was the collapse of the USSR. And if Ronald Reagan is accused in the post-Soviet space of being his " Star Wars"finally exhausted the Soviet Union, bringing it to collapse, then George W. Bush, Sr., is primarily associated with the "Bush legs", which for a while became one of the main food products in Russia.

A young George W. Bush (center) with Joe Reichert (left) and Leo Nadeau during World War II

Chicken legs, nicknamed "Bush legs" have become one of the symbols of the 90s. Deliveries of American chicken began in 1990. The food situation in the USSR had already become critical. There was less and less food, the queues were getting longer, but friendship with the United States was getting stronger. As a result, Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush Sr. signed a trade agreement on the supply of frozen chicken legs to the USSR. Chicken meat is considered "meat for the poor" all over the world - it is the cheapest and most accessible source of animal protein. Not just chicken was supplied from the USA, but the cheapest part of the chicken, the chicken legs. Some say that those deliveries were essentially a "waste sale" to Russia. However, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the cheap "Bush legs" helped the Russians a lot in the 90s. There was no choice. Or American chicken, or no meat at all.

Around the "Bush legs" and today there are many myths and legends. It is believed that this meat was harmful because the hormones and antibiotics that chickens were fed on American farms settled in the chicken legs. There were rumors that people who constantly ate these legs had reduced immunity and allergies. Some argue that "Bush's legs" are NATO's strategic stockpiles, which were stored in American warehouses for ten years, and in the 90s were very profitably sold to Russia. And a separate suspicion was caused by the whiteness of the meat.

Photo: Vitaly Belousov / TASS

In fact, in the United States and in the 90s there was very strict control over the production of meat. The poultry industry employed thousands of government inspectors who constantly monitored compliance with standards. Each bird was tested at least four times and complied with all American regulations. The reason for the whiteness of the meat was treatment with chlorine in a small concentration (no higher than in drinking water). Hormones in poultry farming were banned in the United States as early as 1972. And antibiotics for the prevention of bird diseases were used exactly the same as in Russia.

One of the main myths is that snickering Americans eat only white meat, and throw out the legs and wings, and that waste was sold to Russia. The myth is only partly true. Americans are really willing to consume white meat. However, just look at American fast food, and the absurdity of the assertions that Americans do not eat chicken wings and legs immediately becomes apparent. In the 90s, the Americans supplied Russia with a huge number of "Bush legs". In the second half of the 90s, 70% of chicken meat in Russia was of foreign origin. AND most of came from the USA. So, in 1997, the volume of American poultry meat imports to Russia amounted to 950 thousand tons. But the Americans themselves then consumed more than 3 million tons of wings and legs.

Another popular myth is that the Americans entered into an agreement with the traitor Gorbachev and destroyed the poultry industry of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Actually the Soviet Agriculture was backward by world standards. And the food shortage was caused, among other things, by the low efficiency of technology. In the 90s, the Americans created joint ventures in Russia, brought in technologies, finished equipment, and today's poultry farms in the Russian Federation copy American ones.

As the share of domestic production grew, the percentage of "Bush legs" imported by Russia gradually fell. But they were delivered to the country until 2014. In 2014, the Russian government, in response to US sanctions against Russia, imposed sanctions on the Russian population, banning the supply of all meat products from the United States.

The story about "Bush's legs" would be incomplete without mentioning humanitarian aid for Russia in the 90s. The most famous episode was Operation Provide Hope ("Give Hope"). It was a US Air Force operation to deliver humanitarian aid to the CIS countries. Heavy military transport aircraft delivered food and medicines. Over the 20 years of the program, 985 flights were made with the delivery of 24,000 cargoes of the most different types. Operation Provide Hope was largely propaganda. Its volumes are insignificant against the background of assistance from other organizations and countries.

From the beginning of 1991 to January 9, 1992, Russia received 284,000 tons of foreign humanitarian aid, including 246,100 tons of food. Until the end of the 1990s, the volume of humanitarian aid remained huge. Thus, in November 1998, the United States provided assistance to the Russian Federation in the form of 1.5 million tons of wheat and 100,000 tons of other foodstuffs. In addition, a $600 million loan was issued to buy food from American farmers. At the same time, the European Union allocated $500 million as a gratuitous grant for the purchase of food in Europe and $13 million for medical care.

In 1891, a severe crop failure occurred on the territory of the Black Earth and Middle Volga regions. State stocks of grain were not enough. The situation was aggravated by epidemics of typhus and cholera in 1891-1892. The number of deaths from starvation and disease is estimated at more than 400 thousand people.

The Russian Famine Relief Committee of the United States was formed to provide assistance to the United States. The first Indiana ship, which delivered 1,900 tons of food, arrived in Russia on March 16, 1892. In total, food aid worth $1 million was delivered from the United States at that time. In addition to food assistance, the US government provided financial assistance in the form of loans in the amount of $75 million.

But even more amazing was the US aid to Soviet Russia in the early 1920s. In 1921-1922, a massive famine broke out, covering 35 provinces. The Southern Urals and the Volga region suffered the most. The causes of the famine were the consequences civil war, the drought of 1921 and the policy of "war communism" with food requisitions and the seizure of food. The number of victims of hunger was about 5 million people. Numerous cases of cannibalism are known. The Soviet government was unable to cope with the disaster and turned to foreign countries for help.

The main help came from the American formally non-governmental organization, the American Relief Administration (ARA). The first ARA canteen opened on September 6, 1921 in Petrograd. In early December 1921, the organization fed more than 500,000 Soviet children. In mid-1922, the ARA was feeding over 6 million people in its canteens. Assistance was also provided with food and clothing parcels, medicines, clothing and footwear. According to the estimates of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade, ARA imported about 595,000 tons of humanitarian aid. In total, the organization spent $78 million, of which $28 million was provided by the American government, $13 million by the Soviet government, and the rest of the money was raised through private donations.

People in Russia do not like to remember about the help from the "Americans". Especially today. Periods of state weakness are carefully pushed into the corner. Propaganda tirelessly convinces ordinary people that insidious America longs to destroy, tear Great Russia to pieces. However, having "collapsed" the USSR once, America did not finish off Russia, but, on the contrary, provided assistance, saving people from starvation. Russia, having slightly increased fat over the years of high oil prices, is again looking for confrontations with those who have helped it more than once in the most difficult periods.

The post was prepared by Alex Kulmanov

Economic aspect

The United States is the largest supplier of chicken meat to Russia. In the year, only 55% of all chicken sold were grown in Russia, 35% were imported from the USA, 6% from Brazil and 4% from other countries, mainly European. In 2005, an agreement was signed between the Russian government and the US government, in which American suppliers own 74% of chicken import quotas for up to a year, and each year supplies should grow by 40,000 tons.

Most Americans prefer white meat chicken. This fact determines the low prices for imported chicken, as they are offset by the cost of lean breasts sold on the domestic market, which is about 3-5 times higher in the US than in Russia.

Meat quality

It is widely believed that "Bush legs" are unhealthy, since antibiotics and hormonal preparations used in raising poultry are concentrated in the limbs. However, the use of hormones in poultry rearing has been legally prohibited in the United States since 1972, and drugs that are allowed, including in Russia, are used to prevent bird diseases. As a consequence of the use of antibiotics, people who often use "Bush legs" may have a decrease in immunity and allergic reactions; also consumption is not recommended for children. American factories use chlorine in the production of poultry meat, while the officially permitted concentration of chlorine is 20-50 parts per million. Manufacturers consider chlorination with weak solutions to be acceptable and not harmful to human health, comparing it with adding chlorine to drinking water. This is done for disinfection purposes. Similar methods are used in Russian poultry farms. The rapid growth of modern bird breeds is due to the improvement of breeding, rational nutrition, disease control.

Political aspect

Deliveries of American chicken meat are used by both sides as a lever of political pressure, since Russia accounts for up to 40% of exports of chicken legs from the United States.



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