Mixer      07/02/2020

It's good to live in the country now. Ordinary people, or why it is good to live in the countryside. What to live in the countryside

Therefore, I am offended when they speak arrogantly about the villagers: "The village, what to take from it." Or consider the peasants only as workers who are obliged to feed everyone. But there is in our villages something no less valuable than the single bread. They still live in such norms of human relations, which the city has long forgotten about.

Healthy bula

Take at least the custom of saying hello. In the village until now, as many years ago, a friend or stranger at a meeting is wished health. On any trail, at a bus stop, at the entrance to a bus or a store. And it is unlikely that this tradition will be interrupted in the near future. I'm sure of it, because my house is on the road to school.

Almost every day I meet a funny second-grader on it. Seeing me, he pulls up a heavy backpack hanging behind him and shouts fervently: “Shdrashte!” He lisps, because the front teeth fell out of the boy. But he is not shy, all of himself is so businesslike. I, they say, is already an adult and independent, I will go to school myself and say hello.

The chirping girls, moving around with some kind of dance moves (because you have to push around and play catch-up right there), interrupt their leapfrog and give out a greeting in unison.

A young mother with three children, small and small less than the first, sets an example, and the kids pull their “hello-a-a-aste” after her. And then they look at the parent, looking for approval: “Well done are we? Did you do everything right?" The woman praises with a smile and a look: “Well done!”

“It’s just some kind of Soviet Union,” my city guest was amazed at the massive “healthiness” on rural streets. “I already forgot how it happens.”

She does not yet know that we also have other - ceremonial - greetings with their own meaning.

Minute Curtsy

One of them, when you leave the yard, as if for a minute. For example, with a trash can to the tank (we are now no different from the city in collecting waste). Seeing a bunch of people at a neighbor's shop, you have to come up and say hello to the people. The format of this meeting is a la "Zucchini thirteen chairs", where communication is easy and relaxed.

Therefore, approaching with a sour expression or problems is not accepted. A joke, an anecdote, a funny story - please. We exchanged positive emotions, household news, paid attention to everyone and went on to weed and mow.

show yourself

When, after moving to the village, I gradually got to know my neighbors and drew up household documents, each of my new acquaintances pointedly reported: “And on Tuesday we have a market”. I ignored this detail of local life for a long time, because the market for me, yesterday's city dweller, was just a shopping place. But when I heard about Tuesday for the hundredth time, I realized that I misunderstood something. And, intrigued, began to wait for the next Tuesday.

Photo by Vladimir Yurchenko (archive)

The market is held on the square near the village council, where several cars come with milk, sausages, fish, clothes, felt boots, galoshes - depending on the season, household chemicals and various household items. Locals bring seedlings, seeds, pickles or fresh crops for sale.

Market communication is a journey in a circle from counter to counter, where everyone greets each other along the way. I'm a new face, so the people I meet are interested in:

“Whose will you be? Have you moved? Where? Ahh, it's not far from here. And we thought, from the North. Everyone is coming to us from the North now.”

It seems that you have been waiting here for a long time, and here I am - slow-witted. Those standing in line look at me and, noticing my interest, let me into their conversation. However, you don't have to answer. Enough nodding and smiling: I listen, and I like you.

In general, the market in the village is a place of initiation, introduction to the course of business, communication. And a public record of the fact that you even showed up here. A new member of the community that wants to know and appreciate you.

communal system

Now I understand that this is not just curiosity. In the village, people, even being behind blind fences, live in a herd, community. A fresh person can be useful, have some necessary knowledge and skills.

The explanation for this is simple. For every need you do not run into the city. Therefore, the villagers adapted to solve problems on the spot. There are painters, roofers, plumbers and other craftsmen here. The first guy in the village, of course, is a tractor driver. Everyone works honestly, they don’t cheat, it’s impossible to do it differently among solid relatives and friends. But every service has its price. By city standards, frankly, symbolic. But for a bottle of vodka, no one is shacking up.

If you don’t have useful talents (as in my case), then you will be accepted already because you don’t bring confusion into established relationships. Figuratively speaking, you don’t divide the boundary, you don’t trifle, you don’t gossip, you don’t scandal. In the village, where all the forces are spent on physical labor, peace of mind and those who know how to maintain it are especially appreciated.

Photo by Yury Korenko (archive)

All in the mind

If someone thinks that they drink indiscriminately in the village, he has not been there for a long time. At least in our village. In every family there is a car, men and women driving (women in Lately even more), work mainly in Belgorod. I don't see drunks and loitering on the streets.

In sight, only one heavily drinking neighbor. In moments of enlightenment, he is hired to dig up vegetable gardens or do other rough work and honestly earns his three rubles. Despite his bad luck, the peasant's fellow countrymen feel sorry for him, justify the bad habit with a hard fate, feed him, give away things. That is, they are not written off from the accounts, they are not allowed to die of hunger.

“But because he doesn’t steal,” the neighbor argues for the general kindness.

Ancestral Sanity

In general, there are few spontaneous, thoughtless actions in the behavior of rural people. Having started some business, they first carefully weigh everything, as it is more profitable and easier.

Perhaps this reasonableness is caused by constraint in means. However, watching how they live on a minimum wage, which is below the subsistence level, make reserves, and look after their homes, my new friends, I am inclined to believe that sanity in the village is a hereditary trait. In confirmation of this, a children's story.

Bored without friends, the six-year-old neighbor Vanka started a game with me: he offered to buy blades of grass from him. He brings multi-colored leaves to my bench and calls for each price: a ruble. When he has ten rubles in his fist, he gives the coins back. I resist: leave it to yourself.

“Well, we were just playing,” he convinces me, stubbornly putting money into my hand, and gives out an unexpected argument: “Otherwise you won’t have enough for the bus.”

I understand that at the age of six he knows everything about money that a reasonable person is supposed to know. As well as about honesty, which the villagers really appreciate.

It seems to me that in the rural ranking of virtues, honesty is in second place after the ability to keep the tongue in check. If here you deceived, stole, cheated, then you will not be scolded, beaten, or handed over to the authorities. They will simply be excluded from the list of communication, they will be ignored as an empty place.

In the city, for many, this is a natural state (as well as the principle “if only no one touches me”). But it is not easy to live in a village in eternal neglect.

Photo by Yury Korenko (archive)

Soul wide open

Once, at a bus stop, a bent old woman, immediately figuring out in me a stranger uninitiated in local history, began to talk about the war. That here, where we stand, there were anti-tank hedgehogs. As a 16-year-old girl, she washed the floors in the German commandant's office, and her mother, with tears in her eyes, met her at the gate every time: whole, returned. One night in severe frost, the Nazis drove people out of their homes and ordered them to go anywhere. And half-dressed, they wandered for several tens of kilometers to a distant farm, where they could hide.

I was shocked not only by her story, but also by her willingness to share her experiences with a stranger. In general, the details of their lives are not really hidden here. It makes no sense, you still can’t hide, everything is in plain sight.

As they do not conceal knowledge and skills that make life easier. Even standing in line, you get a bunch useful information about what, where and how much.

“Yes, it would be something to worry about,” I usually hear from neighbors when they find out that something is not going well with me. And give good advice, and even in a couple of hours they solve a problem that I would have spent two weeks in the city.

Old people honor

I get to work by public transport, which is always crowded (and transport workers stubbornly insist that we have enough minibuses). Drive to Belgorod, depending on the weather and traffic situation, 30-40 minutes. The route is considered suburban, a ticket to the end costs 58 rubles. So: I have never seen that in this bus an old man rode standing. Young people just take off from their seats when an old woman or an old man comes in.

Photo by Yury Korenko (archive)

And recently I was riding in a crowded trolleybus in the city. I went elderly woman apparently not very healthy. The seated male students lowered their eyes and looked smartly at their phones. Some of the girls were sitting next to them. Nobody got up. To be honest, the girls were especially sorry. Because over time, they will also have to find out what their eyes are lowered into the phone when you are next to heavy bags, pregnant, tired, sick.

Everything on the shelves

I like the arrangement of feelings of the villagers in relation to domestic animals. Here, as often happens in the city, they do not breed tyusi-pusi with cats, dogs, no one knits bows, does not put down jackets. A goat or a cat in the village has a clear practical purpose. And the business of the owner is to feed, give the animal a roof over his head, heal, if necessary, but not humanize.

Specifically, in my village, I observe people have a very correct, in my opinion, ability to distribute forces during the day, especially during hot weather. summertime. At this time, they get up early, literally with roosters, to water the gardens until the heat. Many people take a nap during the day. And after eight in the evening they try not to work anymore. On weekends, usually on Saturday, a cultural program interferes with this simple schedule: people sing songs here and there. They gather on a certain bench and sleep. Beautiful - listen up!

Happiness Classic

There are still a lot of things that please the soul in rural life. All together they give a feeling of harmony, peace, which you will not find among high-rise buildings and crowds of people. I can hardly describe it better than the great Leo Tolstoy, who preferred exclusively rural life: "Life outside the city, in the open air, in the fresh air, in the countryside - this is the first condition for earthly happiness."

I decided to dedicate this article to the village. I will tell you about what makes the village good, why people go there and what activities you can find there in summer and winter. In general, let's talk about the charms of village life - of course, from the point of view of a city dweller, and not a permanent inhabitant of the outback.

Why is it better to live in the countryside?

As some city dwellers have noticed, it is good to think in the countryside. It is quiet there, nothing distracts a person, nature is nearby - you can go out and calmly think. However, we think too much already. Now I live in a small town in the North-West of Russia and often go to one village nearby to relax. Believe me: the greatest pleasure is to go out into the field, into the forest nearby and just admire nature and not think about anything. Yes, not to think, but just to live, because in the city everything presses on you: a large number of people, lots of traffic. Look at the stunted city plants and trees - they are just a pity. And how many animals suffer in the city! So one day I thought: how did you live in this world of asphalt and concrete before? A person, of course, gets used to everything, but communication with nature, at least sometimes, is vital. It is in the village that you can breathe deeply, it is the village that fills the body with health and strength. In search of rest, many fly to warm countries, Pattaya, Sharm el-Sheikh, Goa, the Canary Islands have already become virtually household names. Meanwhile, the best rest is literally under our feet - just a few tens of kilometers from us, and often even closer. Moreover, it is good to relax in the village at any time of the year, because both in summer and in winter there is a lot of entertainment for everyone.

Village in winter and summer

Summer rural vacation has a lot of advantages over living in the city. Everything that a city dweller needs to get out of the metropolis for hours for - mushrooms, fishing, ordinary walks in the park - is available here literally immediately, as soon as you go beyond the line of village houses. Yes, and the favorite places of city dwellers cannot be compared with the countryside. Here, the mushrooms are better, and the fish is bigger and tastier, and you breathe better. Remember the traditional kebabs - where else to cook them, if not in the village? And how pleasant it is to sit together on a bench in the evening, looking at the sunset, among native nature- How can fashionable resorts compare with this? For nothing in the world! That is why more and more wise and wealthy Russians are buying not a villa on the Cote d'Azur, but a house in the outback. Or they build it themselves, and then go there for the summer, and their relatives sometimes stay there, sometimes for many months. To be honest, if it were my will, I would go to live in the village for good - if only I could get the Internet there, then you can only go to the city for some groceries once a month. But even without the Internet, you will not get bored there - nature will do its job. And how good it is in the winter in the countryside! Take sleds and skis with you - no Switzerland, no Alps will give you such a fun winter holiday! And finally, a few words about the best villages in Russia: what are they, where to look for them? Honestly, the best village - everyone has their own. If you have never been to a village, get farther into your area - especially if you have a car. You will surely find beautiful and cubby where few people go. Of course, for many of us city dwellers, the best village is the one where we spent best years childhood, where he went to rest every summer. Well, for those who wish, I will give here some villages where you can have a very good rest:

  • Varzuga (Murmansk region) - here you can watch the course of salmon - an event, I must say, far from ordinary for a city dweller;
  • Nikolo-Lenivets (Kaluga region) - in this village they make beautiful folk things in a modern style;
  • Esso (Kamchatka) is a fairly well-known thermal resort. Italy, of course, is closer, but on the other hand, it’s native, and for residents Far East more suitable;
  • Bogolyubovo (Vladimir region) - famous for the fact that the castle of the Grand Duke and a beautiful church remained in the village, which can only be reached by water;
  • Gorodnya (Tver region) is a very interesting place, not affected by the Mongol-Tatars, who simply did not get here, so here you can observe Rus' as it could be without this invasion - especially in architectural terms;
  • Srostki (Altai) - is considered the ancestral home of the Polovtsy - an ancient tribe known to us from historical events. In addition, this is the birthplace of the famous writer V. Shukshin and just a beautiful place.

Many townspeople dream of moving to live in the village "on the ground", to work with their own hands. But only a few understand what is needed for this, what they will have to face during this very move. I will try to explain to future migrants how to choose a place for future housing and housing itself.

Firstly, so far the most important question is: if you move, then where? It is necessary to think about buying a house with a plot for housekeeping, but buying a house is also its own difficulties, and not only paper ones.

First of all, this is the choice of a settlement: in a remote - "dying" or "dead" village, it is not a problem to buy a house, and they cost almost nothing there, but there are practically no houses in a residential condition. It is better to buy a house in a "living" village, but it will be much more expensive there at once. So what to choose? I offer only observations from my experience.

So, a house in a "dead" settlement is good only if you are doing very well with finances. Or you are a jack of all trades and have learned to do the bare minimum. It must be understood that this village not only died, but it did not survive in competition with other similar ones because of its remoteness from the “benefits” of civilization. And these are stores with the necessary supplies, medical care, veterinary care, electricity, roads, and even the police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If you are very good with finances and you have a normal off-road car, then you can drive it to the nearest settlement for a doctor or veterinarian in case of emergency, buy what you need, etc. Electricity can be obtained by alternative methods. But this is on the same condition that it is very good with finances, because many such sources are not cheap.

The advantages of this location of housing is that you are far from all sorts of "irritants" through which you decided to settle in the wilderness. But, in my opinion, there are also disadvantages: you will have to teach your children yourself or take them to school in neighboring settlements. In case of any dangers or difficulties, there is no one nearby who could be asked for help.

If you decide to buy a house in a “living” village, then you need to be prepared to spend a much larger amount of money. You can buy a house already with all the amenities, but again, it will be even more expensive, respectively, and those amenities are not always arranged there the way you would like. Most likely, over time, if not immediately, you will remake something (if not everything) for yourself. Plus, some hidden flaws of the previous owners will still “come out”, which, as usual, do the main thing - the visible residential condition of the house in order to “wind up” the price. But, as a rule, they do not finish or do negligently all sorts of little things. Therefore, in my opinion, you need to buy a house without repairs or minimal amenities and then do everything for yourself as you want.

When choosing a house, you need to pay attention to the ecology of the area in which it is located. In principle, you can try to look at this on the Internet.

The second thing you need to pay attention to already on the spot is water. If possible, collect from a source on the site that you want to buy. And check it by passing it to the laboratory - you will save later on medicines for yourself. It is best to take water from the so-called "punch" well, and not from a dug one, because a punch can be punched to the layer of water that you like to taste. Dug wells are usually dug to the first water, 3-5 meters.

The third thing you need to pay attention to is the land: what kind of soil, what crops are harvested by neighbors. It even happens that the neighbors have black soil through the fence, and you may have sand or clay. Therefore, you can even ask the neighbors about this site, how and what grows here, why the house is being sold, and so on.

Fourth, pay attention to the location of the site. Namely: if you are going to start a farm, and birds and animals need to be kept somewhere, then it goes without saying that there are buildings on the site, all sorts of sheds and storage facilities in which you will keep your farm and supplies for yourself and your pets.

What is the location of the site and how can this affect farming?
It is necessary to pay attention to what is located at the edges of the site. From my own experience, I can say that it is very important that some edge of the site goes to the so-called "pasture". It is desirable that it be on the side of the gate through which the cattle will walk. Who does not know, a “pasture” is a wasteland or a field, and the convenience lies in the fact that, with such a pasture, you can graze livestock and poultry there.If the "pasture" is very large, then you can mow hay there.

Another important issue in the location of the site is its remoteness from water and forests. The river can serve as a source of additional water intake, for example, for watering a garden. But it can also be dangerous during floods and can flood your site along with the house. Therefore, when choosing a site near the river, ask your neighbors about such cases.

It is also desirable to choose a flat site so that there are no lowlands, because during heavy rains such lowlands are flooded, especially if the first layer ground water is closer to the surface than 5 meters. Water after rain stays there for a long time and from this it deteriorates. And that's why the crop rots in the ground. Or, at least, a puddle stands there for a long time and it occupies a decent piece of your land, from which you can grow something, the same grass for hay.

Also, snakes can be found in swampy places, and you need to constantly pay attention to where you are stepping or what the raising of the next stone or log will bring you. The same applies to areas where there are also all kinds of dangerous insects: poisonous spiders, scorpions, etc.

The location near the forest also has its pros and cons. The forest, especially if it is large, is a source of firewood, mushrooms, berries, game, and even just clean air. But the forest is a source of wild animals that will make their way to you: foxes, martens and other predators, as well as hares.

If you start a cow, you can find out from future neighbors whether they drive their own into the herd, whether there is a shepherd, or their owners take turns grazing the cows. If cows are being driven into a herd, then you need to find out where the cows are going to go to the pasture and then find out how far you have to drive your cow to the gathering place. And milk yields depend on this, because if a cow goes far to pasture, this will lead to her overwork and a decrease in milk yield. And the cow can also limp or "stuff its legs." And then you have to leave the animal at home and mow her grass until she recovers.

The next, in my opinion, important point when choosing a site is future neighbors. Therefore, if you like the site and are almost ready to take it, work a little more and find out about your potential neighbors. The reason for such interest in neighbors is that if they turn out to be drunkards or drug addicts, then this is fraught with consequences such as “enclosing” a garden or even a house. But, in principle, this problem can be dealt with using big dog such as a German Shepherd. The only thing that can then give you trouble is their noisy scandals, which, as a rule, happen periodically.

When choosing a locality, you still need to decide how you will earn money for those types of goods that you yourself will not produce. We must count on the fact that in the village there will be a minimum wage for the same work, for which in the city they pay at least twice as much.

If the city is nearby, then you can sell the fruits of your labor there, as many villagers do. You can, of course, find work, but then you will have to significantly reduce your economy, because it requires permanent care. And if you do not cut it, then you will simply be very exhausted, and then you will quickly get tired of life in the village.

That is why young people leave the villages, because they want to have all the novelties of civilization, and to earn money quickly (albeit hard), for various gadgets, is possible only in the city.

Therefore, the main rule of life in the village for a not very wealthy person is to manage their finances well and be able to give up unnecessary things, without which you can safely live. For example, do not buy a 52” LCD TV or an iPhone. Yes, and there’s nothing to them, these tsatskis are only for careless residents of megacities or very wealthy people.

And here is my experience.

Many factors contributed to moving to the village to live. But I think two are the most important. Firstly, in cities there is now less and less clean air and products not spoiled by chemistry.As a family, we decided to move to the village and start our own farm there in order to eat our own products.

Second important point is the global financial crisis. With the onset of the crisis, my small business collapsed, which was a deterrent to moving to the countryside.

So, we decided to finally move, but before we moved, we had to resolve a number of issues: where we would live, how to earn real money.
We didn’t have money for our own house, so it was decided to move to live with my parents in the village.

We arrived and the first thing we bought, as planned, was a cow and a horse. The cow gives us milk, the surplus of which can be sold and earn a living. One cow is, of course, not enough for a family. Therefore, at first we sold almost all the milk so that we had money for life and food for living creatures.
Then we bought a heifer from the neighbors, which we are raising.

They acquired a horse in order to be able to transport feed, bring grass and hay, firewood, etc. They brought pigs, chickens and ducks.

We have a garden near the house - 10 acres, but it is not enough for us, so we took another 20 acres.

From spring to autumn, a lot of work needs to be done in the village, because a garden is added to all other household work, these are constant weeding, watering, and periodic pest control.
It is also necessary to mow hay for the winter for the entire farm.

If possible, firewood should be harvested. We also heat the stove in the shed with firewood, where we cook porridge for the animals. You can, of course, give them raw ground grain, but then it goes much more, and the animals themselves are more willing to eat boiled.

Closer to autumn, more work is added to harvest and stock up for the winter.

In winter, there is less work, and then there is time for different kind hobby.

Many of those who live in the city are fed up with noise, traffic jams and other uncomfortable phenomena. On this background country life after the city begins to seem like an idyllic oasis of calm and harmony. But do not rush to say to yourself “I will drop everything and go to the village!”

Life in the country after the city for those who are not ready for it can be overwhelmingly difficult. However, if you carefully thought through everything and calculated the solutions in advance possible problems- it is possible that it will The best decision in your life.

The image of the village in the minds of a city dweller is inextricably linked with peace and quiet, a measured way of life and closeness to nature. And indeed it is. In the countryside, there is no annoying background hum of cars, the air is clean, you can always take a walk in the forest or swim in the river. Hobbies such as hunting and fishing are becoming more accessible.

Village life is more subordinate to the natural rhythm. Summer here is a time of active housework, growing, picking mushrooms and berries. But in winter, the villagers have a lot of free time for rest, reading, self-education and family communication. Inhabitants country house spend evenings all together, and family members are more attached to each other, less often distracted by strangers.

Homemade natural products are a guarantee of health and longevity, which many rural residents are famous for. This applies not only to fruits.

Own milk, eggs and meat regularly appear on the table of those who breed cattle and poultry.

In the village you can keep in almost unlimited quantities:

  • Cats.
  • Dogs.
  • Cows.
  • Sheep.
  • Horses.
  • Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks.

Sufficient communication with animals and caring for them - perhaps this is what you lack to find peace of mind.

In many Russian villages, there are very few people, so the locals are friendly and always ready to help each other, unlike the townspeople, who are overloaded with the amount of daily communications. All this creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort, which, for those who appreciate it, more than covers possible hardships and material deprivations.

However, from an economic point of view, rural life is much cheaper. There is much more living space here - square meter V farmhouse costs less than a similar area of ​​a city apartment, even on the working outskirts of a depressed city. This also applies to cost. land plots. Public utilities in villages they are often limited to paying for electricity only.

If the city regularly accumulates rent debts, it is reasonable to consider moving to the countryside as a way to survive.

Own farming is the main support for the family budget, with its help you can save a lot of money, which in the city is deposited at the cash desks of supermarkets. This applies not only to food, but in many respects to clothing. For example, socks knitted from sheep's wool are superior in quality to factory goods. All that is needed to make them is time, which the villagers usually have in abundance.

Thanks to constant physical activity, the villagers are always in excellent shape. Even pensioners, who quickly wither among the “stone bags”, in the countryside are distinguished by their vitality and activity.
All this makes life in the village very attractive.

What to live in the countryside

It's no secret that finding sources of decent income is one of the main difficulties that those who think about how to live in the countryside after the city have to face.

For a part of those who have moved, freelancing becomes a way out of the situation. The penetration of the Internet into the countryside allows programmers, web designers and representatives of many other professions to earn good money without leaving the village. At the same time, unlike the city, they have the opportunity to keep a backyard and grow domestic animals.

If a large farm operates in the village, you can try yourself as a hired worker.

And with enough experience, you can do it yourself agriculture, for example, by starting an apiary or fattening pigs for sale. The farmer has the opportunity to receive a grant from the state, assistance in repaying a bank loan or paying for equipment received on lease. In any case, in order to work for yourself, you need to carefully study the market and not miscalculate the direction of activity and the possibilities of marketing the products produced.

In some regions, there are chain stores of farm goods that buy from farmers not only milk and meat, but also products such as juice, jam, yogurt and biscuits.

Experts talk about the demand for the following business ideas in rural areas:

  • Growing vegetables in
  • Cultivation of medicinal (the most expensive - licorice, elecampane, yarrow).
  • Sale of eggs and chicken meat.
  • Sale of sunflower seeds.
  • Collection of wild plants for subsequent drying or conservation.

If you are a doctor, teacher, or a representative of another public sector of a young age, then you can count on a raise from the state when you move to a rural area. True, you will have to work in your specialty for at least five years after you have been provided with financial support.

There is also a legislative provision providing for subsidizing the construction of a house in rural areas, which can also be of great help to migrants from the city. Compensation can be paid even after the construction of housing.

Thus, in rural areas there is an opportunity to receive a stable good income.

Pitfalls in a rural pond

The loss of familiar comfort, even for a short time, can become an insurmountable stress for city dwellers. The need to heat the stove, the lack of running water and sewerage, independent garbage collection and power outages - all this can provoke conflicts in the family, especially if initially there was no complete understanding and agreement on the issue of changing the place of residence.

If the loss of proximity to supermarkets and shopping malls with their huge range of goods and entertainment, many are ready to put up with, then the lack of pharmacies and the remoteness of hospitals can become extremely unpleasant circumstances. This is especially true for people suffering from chronic diseases. During rural work, due to lack of skill, it is easy to get injured, and ambulance will not arrive as quickly as in the city.

In the village, as experienced people note, there is nothing to do without a car, and the more family members have a driver's license, the better. The quality of the roads, however, leaves much to be desired in most rural areas.

Another problem, unfortunately, may be building relationships with others who may not immediately accept migrants from the city, especially if they differ from them in worldview and economic status.

Drug addiction is not so widespread in the countryside, but alcoholism is a long-standing problem of the villagers. In some regions, in particular in national republics, language differences can also cause difficulties - many villages are inhabited by speakers of unique dialects. Often there are settlements that have chosen a variety of religious sectarians. If you settle next to them, then it is possible that they will want to make you a member of their community.

Ecological cleanliness, which attracts in the village, is also far from being everywhere. For example, if the roads are covered with rubble, then all summer you will have to breathe in suffocating dust. Some settlements are located near open-pit mining enterprises. In this case, a huge amount of harmful emissions can literally pour on the heads of villagers.

When choosing a place for settlement, it will not be bad to check the radiological situation in it with the help of a dosimeter.

Thoughts about moving to the countryside often arise among young parents who want their children to grow up in the most healthy environment, away from environmentally unfavorable cities.

In rural areas, children learn to be independent earlier - they must work and help adults with the housework from a very young age. It is possible to distinguish a village child from an urban one not only in his attitude to work and money. These guys are more open to communication, they usually get along well with their peers, because they know all the neighbors and their children well.

Parents are more often at home, so there is no lack of communication with them either.

A city apartment offers a child much less space, a limited choice of subjects and activities, so mothers are forced to look for all kinds of development methods. In the village, the baby has more freedom of action, and his natural curiosity is constantly satisfied with the surrounding reality. The beneficial effect is provided by constant communication with animals, which a city child sees only in pictures in books.

Many women in the village do not work, doing household chores, so the problem of kindergartens is not so acute. The baby will follow you with a “tail”, watching you do the most ordinary things.

Thanks to school buses, children from remote villages no longer have to walk to school for many kilometers, and in many regional centers educational institutions are not worse, if not superior, to urban ones. Of course, there is a problem of personnel, but today's Internet technologies allow you to learn almost anything remotely.

With due concentration and responsibility, which are inherent in many village children, they are able to seriously compete with their urban peers when passing the Unified State Examination and entering the largest universities. Also, do not forget that in the village the child will have real friends for life, which not all teenagers from city blocks can boast of.
In the countryside, you can bring up physically strong and developed offspring in all respects.

In order not to suffer due to a lack of comfort, you can turn country house in a full-fledged cottage with all amenities.

Stages of improvement of living conditions:

  • Furnaces are being replaced water heating with radiators and a coal-fired boiler.
  • The lack of a centralized water supply is also not a problem - instead, you can install a pump with a hydraulic accumulator in a well or well, after which water will flow into the house in the same way as in a city apartment. Unfortunately, in some areas, the quality of natural water leaves much to be desired due to, for example, high content iron oxides. In this case, filters can be a lifesaver.
  • Modern equipment allows to solve the problem of sewerage.
  • Thanks to the voltage stabilizer, you will not experience discomfort during power outages.
  • In extreme cases, you can install your own electric generator.

Of course, all these innovations require certain financial costs. However, the cost of a village house with all amenities still in most cases does not exceed the cost of a city apartment of the same size.

In order to equip the house and keep it in order, men will have to master many new crafts, such as carpentry, construction, electrical, plumbing and welding work. It is better to start collecting information about all this in advance if you plan to move to the village. Women will not be bored either - they are waiting for not only the usual cooking and raising children, but also gardening chores, preparing food for the winter, knitting, sewing clothes. Therefore, if you are fond of hand made, in the village these skills will not be wasted.

In the countryside, it is very important to keep cleanliness and order - if you do not monitor the condition of the household clothes, rooms and yard, then everything will quickly fall into complete decline, in which it will no longer be possible to exist normally.
Those who decide to engage in agriculture are advised by experienced people to unite in cooperatives for the joint marketing of products and its processing.

What to consider when buying a house in the countryside

Housing prices drop noticeably already at a distance of 50 km from the nearest city. The migration flow is directed from the countryside to the district centers and regional centers, so in almost any village you will find someone who wants to sell a house, unless the village, of course, is already completely uninhabited.

You can find an advertisement for the sale on the Internet or in local newspapers, which the villagers trust very much in the old fashioned way. Here you can also give information about buying a house, preferably with details about your requirements for housing.

And if you're lucky, you can buy a house inexpensively in good condition if you have communications and access roads (for example, if the owner needs to leave urgently).

The best time to sell and buy houses in the countryside is autumn and winter, when the villagers have more free time.

Things to know before making a purchase:

  • The age of the house and the history of its former occupants.
  • The material from which the house is built (healthy wooden or reliable brick houses, but slag-filling structures are not worth buying).
  • Form of ownership of the land.
  • The presence of a gas pipeline, water, sewerage, cellars and outbuildings.
  • The presence of a reservoir nearby.
  • The fastest way to get to the village.

These questions can be asked to the owner already during a telephone conversation.
When inspecting the house for the first time, pay attention to the condition of the roof - are there any rotten logs in the attic, due to which the roof can collapse (the tree should not be easily pierced with an awl).

A similar requirement applies to the underground - here the logs must also be dry, otherwise they will rot and the building will sag. Determine the reliability of the position of the building by moving away from it by 30 meters - if the roof ridge is at an angle, then the house has already begun to sag. The quality of the stove is also important - if it is cracked, then in winter it will be cold in the house. You can ask the owner to fire up the stove for testing.

To register the transaction, the proper condition of all documents will be required, and after it it will be necessary to register the ownership of housing and obtain the appropriate certificate.

Village life - conscious choice many people who are not afraid of the difficulties of settling in a new place and are ready for a complete restructuring of their lifestyle. Rural life has its pros and cons, but modern technical solutions make it possible to bring life close to nature closer to urban life in terms of comfort.

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  • “You can’t forbid living beautifully!” A phrase that 100% reflects the essence of the Russian soul in general and more than half of the citizens in particular.

    Of course, there are exceptions who work, work and work again for an average salary all their adult lives. Depriving yourself of many of the joys of life, putting aside a penny in a jug. This, in their opinion, is called “stability”. They are accustomed to a modest, quiet life and for them there is no question of how to live well, how to live even better, they are quite satisfied with such an existence.

    But still, I would like to think about the good life in the full sense of these words.

    Wide is my native land

    If we consider a high-quality, worthy life in Russia, while not spending days at work on ridiculous rubles and not hunching for months on shifts, we can understand that there are more than enough opportunities!

    Russia is such a huge country, so multifaceted that only a very lazy representative of the human race will not be able to earn a comfortable existence. At the same time, it is not necessary to invest in the word “earn” meaning, for example, being in the office from 9 to 18 hours.

    And it’s not without reason that some people aspire to the capital of our country, while someone, on the contrary, is only happy to live in the region, in And main mistake, which many allow - the pursuit of the crowd. Everyone is in Moscow, and I am in Moscow. All in the suburbs, and I'm there too. At the same time, experiencing discomfort and thereby reducing your standard of living. The first thing that is important when deciding how to live well in Russia is to decide on your comfortable territorial location.

    Here is my village, here is my home

    Someone will grin and say: "The countryside and the good life are incompatible."

    But after all, much depends on the person who ends up in a particular place of residence. And one can argue - in the village you can live and live qualitatively even for a modern person.

    What is a village in the minds of most people? Old sloping houses, overgrown roadside, the only store that delivers food every two weeks, most of the population is 60+.

    Yes, nowadays there are such nooks forgotten by civilization. But basically the village has already known all the benefits of modern life.

    in the village

    It's not difficult at all.

    • Nobody canceled Plant, grow, take care, harvest, eat and sell.
    • Get a chicken or a goose. Let's reveal a secret - barter flourishes in any village. No money for a chicken - offer something in return.
    • To the topic of barter - in the village you can change everything for everything. Especially if the person came from the city. Having at least something to “offer”, a person in the village will never be at a loss, and quite possibly even at a profit.
    • Having the Internet (and now this is not a problem for villages, thank the satellites), you can easily establish trade in unusual, but useful goods. There are no funds for the purchase - an advance payment to help.
    • Communication and more communication. It is necessary to join the village circle, to be aware of all the news, to throw in your interesting things, to be useful. At the same time, do not go too far and do not turn into a rustic lick.

    In the village, in order to really understand how to live well, it is important to become a respected and significant person, but at the same time kind and sympathetic. Kind locals will never leave such a person in trouble.

    And we are, we are urban

    Living in a city, regardless of whether it is a large metropolis or a small provincial town, the need for money is always present. Another question is that there is absolutely no desire to earn this money with blood and sweat. A reasonable thought arises: “How to live well and not work?”

    Of course, a lot depends on the person. Someone wants to lie on the couch and spit on the ceiling and at the same time dream of millions. And someone will spend a little time and think about what needs to be done in order to have money, but not have to work.

    On reflection, you can find, for example, such options:

    • yourself, make other people work for you and bring income. So to speak, mental work. And you can do this remotely, without getting up from your favorite chair. In the city, it is much easier to make money this way, at least because of the number of inhabitants.
    • Do you have a hobby or passion? Turn it into a source of income. Of course, you will have to put in some effort. But after all a hobby it on that and a hobby - the actions bringing pleasure. Do what you love and earn good money. Handmade is always valuable.
    • Internet opportunities have not been canceled either. Become a popular blogger, cook, presenter. Again, without leaving home. And get profit from advertising and other delights of Internet life. By the way, this type of receiving money is also suitable for the village.

    Saving must be economical

    At first glance, saving and a good life are directly opposite concepts. And if you think about it, they are quite compatible and even mutually beneficial.

    After all, having determined for yourself how to live well and economically, you can forget about the eternal lack and get even more than it might seem.

    All you have to do is stick to the basic principles of savings:

    • To the store only with a list and only full.
    • No - sausages and other semi-finished products. Yes, pure meat.
    • Comprehensive offers and tariffs for mobile communications and the Internet will allow you to save decently and imperceptibly for yourself.
    • Coupons to help - coupon sites provide discounts up to 90% on various goods and services.
    • Discounts, promotions, bonuses in stores. Often these are not just but really profitable offers.
    • Tracking the consumption of electricity and water is not only profitable, but also useful.
    • Instead of stuffy karaoke or a bar, you can gather with friends and just take a walk around the still unexplored corners of the city.
    • A budgeting book is a great helper for saving money.

    What is good and what is bad

    Speaking about how to live well, one should take into account the fact that the perception of this very “good” is individual for each person.

    For some, traveling abroad brings incredible pleasure. And someone enjoys relaxing at a local resort, in the land of clean lakes and fragrant forests.

    Someone wears brands (by the way, not always real ones), and someone perfectly manages with replicas or does not bother with the manufacturer at all. The main thing is that the thing should be of high quality and, as they say, "the suit is sitting."

    Someone visits expensive restaurants, and someone has a picnic in nature with family and friends more expensive than lobsters and oysters.

    The main thing is that a person should feel as comfortable and confident as possible where he lives and is. In the business he does. With the people around him.

    Duma I think

    How to live well, without money or with money - it does not matter if a person has a rich, full inner world. If he lives in harmony with himself, with his feelings and emotions.

    For internal self-motivation and positive thinking about how to live well, some guidelines are relevant:

    • Wake up every morning with a smile, no matter how bad it really is.
    • When passing by any mirrors, stop for a second and wink at yourself with the thought: "But I'm nothing."
    • Organize thoughts, objects, connections within and around you. The principle of "everything on the shelves" is very important.
    • Stay true to yourself, always and everywhere. Important for self-assertion.
    • No fear! Do not be afraid of difficulties, people, yourself. In this life, almost everything is surmountable and fixable.
    • Never give up!

    The power of human think about the good, dream big, breathe deeply, and then everything will work out and there will be material prosperity, emotional calmness, psychological comfort and harmony. And feel free to share this warmth with others, because everything that you send outside will definitely return to you!