Mixer      04/02/2021

Orthodox holidays are given. Orthodox church calendar. Prayer book, Orthodox prayers for every day

Holy Cross, tone 4

Ascend to the Cross by will, / to Your namesake new residence, / grant Your bounties, O Christ God, / rejoice us with Your strength, / giving us victories in comparison, / aid to those who have Your weapons of peace, / invincible victory.

Translation: Ascended to the Cross voluntarily, to the new people named by You, grant Your mercy, Christ God; rejoice in Your strength to Your faithful people, giving them victory over their enemies - may they have help from You, the weapon of the world, an invincible sign of victory.

Venerable Leo, Bishop of Catania

Troparion to the Monk Leo, Bishop of Catania, tone 4

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, / the abstinence of the teacher / show thee to your flock / the truth of things, / for this sake you acquired high humility, / rich in poverty, / Father Leo, / pray to Christ God / / be saved to our souls.

Translation: By the rule of faith and image, as a teacher, she showed you to your flock, immutable. Therefore, you acquired - high, poverty - wealth. Father Leo, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Monk Leo, Bishop of Catania, Tone 8

Like a great lamp, to have the Church, all-blessed, / to you, shining more than the sun, / save by your prayers, blessed, / invincible, and unshakable from all heresy, and not filthy, / / ​​like ever-memorable.

Translation: As a great light, the Church honors you, all-blessed, shining brighter than the sun, Save her with your prayers, blessed, invincible and unshakable from everyone, and undefiled, as always remembered.

Blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise

Troparion to the Blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise, tone 4

It was the good of the co -realized one who would have been ethnic,/ The prince of Yaroslava,/ Dobra in the benefit of the live,/ Vera was unheated/ And the wisdom of the wisdom in the hundredths of the priestly. greatness and rich mercy to us.

Translation: As a precious branch of a pious root, the noble prince Yaroslav, having lived well, you preserved the impeccable faith, and having arranged an amazing temple of the Wisdom of God in the throne city of Kiev, now you are coming to Heaven, pray to send us great and rich mercy.

Kontakion to Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Tone 4

I was of an echo, God, the God of Yaroslav,/ God's vessels of the elevation of Bogovoi,/ in the bonnial life of the living,/ many holy zerkhvi arranged esa;/ The same affirmation, the prince,/ I will have all the same. .

Translation: From your youth, you became, God-wise Yaroslav, a divine vessel chosen by God, living in piety, you built many holy churches, therefore we glorify you, our prince, as an adornment of your people, glory of Kiev and strength of the whole Russian land.

Prayer to the noble prince Yaroslav the Wise

Oh, holy noble great prince Yaroslav, grace-filled intercessor and patron of all those who honor you with love! Offer up this small prayer of your unworthy servants to the Lord Christ, may the living spirit of the Orthodox faith, love, piety, prosperity in good deeds be established in Your Holy Church; May shepherds be granted the zeal of care for the salvation of people, as if to enlighten the unbelievers, instruct those who have gone astray and turn back those who have fallen away; rather, let all the children of the Orthodox Church be pure from worldly temptations, superstition, superstitions and obsessions of the enemy. He, the Prednitsch of the Bogo, is not the end of it, praying to you, but helping you with your representation, and all the attacks, attacks and mourn more, more likely, I will endlessly. Together with you, let us glorify humanity and generosity in the Trinity of the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Venerable Mark, Jonah and Cornelius of the Pskov Caves

Troparion to St. Mark, Jonah and Cornelius of Pskov-Caves, tone 8

The luminaires, appearing omnipotence/ in the vertebrae, the queens of the Mother of God,/ Read Fathers on Maryko, John and Korreli,/ Held, the baptism of Christ at the same time,/ The afternight is more closely. and we graciously run to you and tenderly say: / about reverence, pray to Christ God / be saved to our souls.

Translation: As bright lamps appeared in the caves of the Queen of the Mother of God (in the caves of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Caves Monastery), our fathers Mark, Jonah and Cornelius, because you, having raised the cross of Christ on your shoulders, boldly followed Him and approached in purity to God, from That they were enriched by the power of miracles. Therefore, we also zealously resort to you and cry out: “O reverend ones, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.”

Troparion to the Martyr Cornelius, hegumen of Pskov-Caves, tone 6

The Pskov-Pecherian inhabitant,/ The blessing of the miracles of the icons of the Mother of God,/ many and the Bogovi races,/ Tom and the professional root/ decorated the dubious,/ the alien the Mother of God of the Glory,/ the alien is the most likely,/ Ino and there is a lot of life and a lot of life. and enclosing./ There and martyrdom a crown/ for many years of his shepherd's valiant acceptance./ Let us sing the same, people,/ let us give thanks to Christ God and His Most Pure Mother,/ as a glorious venerable martyr has been given to us// and a prayerful soul.

Translation: The Pskov-Pechersk monastery, from ancient times glorious for the miracles of the icon of the Mother of God, brought up many monks to God, and there the Monk Cornelius labored a good feat, glorifying the miraculous Mother of God, enlightening the Gentiles, saving monks and many people, while beautifully decorating and protecting his monastery. There, after many years of your pastoral service, you valiantly accepted the crown of martyrdom. Therefore, let us sing, people, to Christ God and His Most Pure Mother, let us give thanks, as having given us the glorious venerable martyr and intercessor for our souls, worthy of bliss.

Kontakion to the Monks Mark, Jonah and Cornelius of the Pskov Caves, Tone 2

Blinded by Christ, the Readers,/ and that baptism at the ram -gamble,/ I suffered God, armed with invisible enemies/ and the constant prayers, I am a copy of it,/ I was in the hand of it. venerable our fathers Marko, Iono and Cornelius, / / ​​Fertilizer of the faithful.

Translation: Having captivated your hearts with the love of Christ and lifting His cross on your shoulders, you carried it, saints, armed against invisible enemies and having unceasing prayer, like a spear in your hands, you defeated the demonic militias. Therefore, we appeal to you: "Rejoice, our reverend fathers Mark, Jonah and Cornelius, the believing adornment."

Kontakion to the Monk Martyr Cornelius, hegumen of Pskov-Caves, tone 4

The bright lamp of Orthodoxy / and the pure Pskov land was protection, / eradicating polytheism and instructing people to God. / Strengthen the house of the Mother of God and be glorified by you, / adorned with virtue, the crown of the martyr accepted Jesus, / / ​​remember us, Lord, children , Venerable Martyr Cornelius.

Translation: You were a bright luminary of Orthodoxy and a special protection of the Pskov land, eradicating polytheism and directing people to God. The house of the Mother of God was strengthened and glorified by you, adorned with virtues, you received a martyr's crown, remember us, your children, with the Lord, Martyr Cornelius.

En kontakion to the Monk Martyr Cornelius, hegumen of Pskov-Caves, tone 2

From a young age, Cornelius is wonderful, / having betrayed himself by labor and deed, / you were appointed hegumen of the Pskov-Caves monastery, / having been an image of faith and fasting life to everyone, / you brought many people to God. / For your own greatness from evil / virtue we are persecuting, / you have betrayed your soul to God as a martyr. / For this, let us cry out with faith: / Venerable martyr Cornelius, / pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Translation: From your youth, amazing Cornelius, betraying yourself to labors and deeds, you were appointed abbot of the Pskov-Caves monastery, you were an image of faith and fasting life for everyone, you brought many people to God. For your own great virtues, persecuted by envy from ill-wishers, you gave your life as a martyr to God. Therefore, with faith we cry out: "Martyr Cornelius, worthy of glorification, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls."

Prayer to the Monk Martyr Cornelius, hegumen of Pskov-Caves

Oh, holy venerable Martyr Cornelius! We humbly bow down to the race of your relics and tenderly pray to you: graciously look at our spiritual and bodily sorrows and deliver us; help us, holy lord of God, from the slander of evil people, from below you yourself suffered innocently on earth. Защити́ нас от наси́лия диа́вола, стра́стно вою́ющаго в не́мощных удесе́х на́ших, умоли́ Го́спода Бо́га и Пречи́стую Его́ Ма́терь дарова́ти нам ти́хое и безгре́шное житие́, взаи́мную бра́тскую нелицеме́рную любо́вь и ми́рную христиа́нскую кончи́ну, да чи́стою со́вестию предста́нем нелицеме́рному стра́шному суди́лищу Христо́ву, и в Ца́рствии Его́ просла́вим The life-giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Hieromartyr Zadok, Bishop of Persia

Kontakion to Hieromartyr Zadok, Bishop of Persia, Tone 4

I am master of the word zealously in the likeness of the aftermath, / as if the good shepherd laid down his soul for Christ’s sheep, / Hieromartyr Sadof, we pray thee, long-suffering, / pray as the shepherd of the head of Christ / and honor us as the right hand, standing sheep, / Holy Father Sadophe, / who poured out his blood for Christ.

Translation: You diligently followed the words of the Vladyka in likeness, for as a good life he gave his life for the sheep of Christ (), Hieromartyr Zadok, we pray to you, who suffered a lot, pray to the head of the shepherds of Christ and to count us among the sheep on His right side (), let us sing to you: “ Rejoice, holy Father Zadok, who shed your blood for Christ.

The total duration of fasting is 48 days. It begins on the Monday, seven weeks before Easter, and ends on the Saturday before the Easter holiday.

The first week of fasting is carried out with particular rigor. On the first day, complete abstinence from food is accepted. Then, from Tuesday to Friday, dry eating is allowed (they eat bread, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey, drink water), and on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with butter.

On the second to sixth weeks of Great Lent, dry eating is established on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, hot food without butter is allowed on Tuesday and Thursday, and hot food with butter on Saturday and Sunday.

During Holy Week (the last week of fasting), dry eating is prescribed, and on Friday you can’t eat until the shroud is taken out.

On the feast of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God(April 7) (if it did not fall on Holy Week) and in Palm Sunday(one week before Easter) it is allowed to eat fish. On Lazarus Saturday (before Palm Sunday) you can eat fish caviar.

It starts on Monday on the 57th day after Easter (one week after Trinity), and always ends on July 11 (inclusive). In 2016, it lasts 15 days.

On Petrov fast on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, fish is allowed, on Monday - hot food without oil, and on Wednesday and Friday - dry eating.

On the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist (July 7), you can eat fish (regardless of what day it falls on).

During the Dormition Fast on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, dry food is allowed, on Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil, on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with oil.

On the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19), you can eat fish (regardless of what day it falls on).

In the period from November 28 to the feast of St. Nicholas (December 19 inclusive), hot food without oil is allowed on Monday, fish is allowed on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, dry food is allowed on Wednesday and Friday.

From December 20 to January 1 on Tuesday and Thursday it is already forbidden to eat fish, instead hot food with butter is allowed. The rest of the days remain unchanged.

From January 2 to 6, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, dry food is prescribed, on Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil, on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with oil.

On Christmas Eve (January 6) one should not eat until the first star appears in the sky, after which it is customary to eat juicy - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins.

On the holidays of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple (December 4) and St. Nicholas (December 19), fish can be eaten on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The most important Orthodox holidays distinguished by especially solemn worship. The biggest and brightest event in the Christian church calendar is Easter. It has a special status and the most solemn service. The date of the celebration is determined by solar-lunar calendar and is unique for each year (falls between April 4 and May 8).

The rest of the great feasts are divided into Twelve and Non-twelfth.

Twelfth- These are the 12 most important holidays of the Orthodox calendar, dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin. They are divided into two categories:

  • non-passing
    They have a fixed date and fall on the same date every year. These include 9 twelfth holidays.
  • Transitional
    They have a unique date for each year, which depends on the date of the celebration of Easter and moves along with it. These include 3 twelfth holidays.

Non-Twelfth- these are 5 great holidays Orthodox Church dedicated to the birth and death of John the Baptist - the baptizer of Jesus Christ, the apostles Peter and Paul, the appearance of the Virgin, the circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil.

Orthodox fasts and continuous weeks

Fast- a period of restriction in food, in which one should refrain from eating food of animal origin.

There are 4 multi-day fasts: Great, Petrov (Apostolic), Assumption, Christmas and 3 one-day fasts: Epiphany Christmas Eve, the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. There is also a post on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Solid weeks are the weeks during which fasting is canceled on Wednesdays and Fridays. There are 5 such weeks in a year: Christmas time, Publican and Pharisee, Cheese (meat is forbidden), Easter, Trinity.

Days of Special Remembrance for the Dead

On days of general commemoration of all dead Christians, it is customary to visit the graves of deceased relatives and pray for them. In the circle of the liturgical year, such dates are: Ecumenical Parental Saturday, 2-4 Saturdays of Great Lent, Radonitsa, Commemoration of the Dead Soldiers, Trinity and Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturdays.

True believers honor the traditions of their church, so they look forward to the onset of fasting - the time when you can repent, cleanse yourself spiritually and fully devote yourself to God. That is why it is very important for the Orthodox to know what dates the fasts will fall on in 2020.

What is a post

The first post was God's commandment to Adam not to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Everyone knows what happened in the end, even people who are not so deep in faith: the covenant broken by Adam led to the distortion of man by sin. To renounce worldly problems - this is precisely what fasting in memory of the first sin of man implies. Many see it as an ordinary diet and limit themselves only to food, but, in fact, this time is given in order to understand oneself and find one's own path to faith. In Orthodoxy, they adhere to many-day and one-day abstinences.


GreatFebruary 2 - April 18
PetrovJune 15 - July 11
UspenskyAugust 14-27
ChristmasNovember 28 - January 6

One day

WeeklyEvery Wednesday and Friday except Weeks
Epiphany Christmas EveJanuary 18
The Beheading of John the Baptist11 September
Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the LordSeptember 27

Solid weeks

Christmas timeJanuary 7-18
Publican and PhariseeFebruary 10-16
Maslenitsa weekFebruary 24 - March 1
bright weekApril 20-26
Trinity weekJune 8-14

One day

Friday and Wednesday are weekly fast days. Exceptions - Great Weeks:

  • Christmas time - January 7-18;
  • Publican and Pharisee - February 10-16;
  • Pancake week - February 24 - March 1;
  • Bright week - April 20-26;
  • Trinity week - June 8-14.

Why were Wednesday and Friday especially singled out? This is connected with the historical events of the life of Christ. On Wednesday Judas betrayed his teacher, and on Friday the Savior was crucified. Weekly abstinence trains the strength of the spirit, prepares the body for longer fasts and strengthens faith. These days, meat, fish (you can eat meat-eaters in winter and spring), eggs, milk and sour-milk products are unacceptable. As for sunflower oil and hot food, it is customary to discuss this issue with the priest. Strict Orthodox canons suggest dry eating these days, but most often, due to the characteristics of human life and health, connivance in severity is acceptable. If possible, one-day posts should refrain from noisy parties, from watching entertainment programs.

In 2020, the Orthodox will have 70 days when they need to maintain spiritual purity and adhere to food restrictions.


According to the church calendar, there are four such periods. They take place on the eve of major holidays. Two of them are movable and are counted from Easter, the rest are clearly fixed in the calendar.

great post

It starts 48 days before Easter and is considered the strictest. Its second name is Holy Fortecost. In 2020, Lent will take place from March 2 to April 18.

It was installed in memory of the forty-day journey of Christ in the wilderness. All this time the Savior did not eat or drink anything, he struggled with the temptations of the devil. Like Jesus, every Orthodox Christian must strengthen his fortitude and maintain his purity.

Rules of the Holy Fortecost:

  • Taboo on all food of animal origin.
  • In the first week, hot food, vegetable oil are prohibited.
  • In Great Lent, the requirements for weekly fast days are intensified and Mondays are added to them: only cold food without oil is allowed and only after Vespers. You can eat dried fruits, raw vegetables, bread.
  • Tuesday and Thursday - hot, but without oil and only in the evening. In 2020, April 7 (Tuesday) is the twelfth feast of the Annunciation. The church allows fish on this day.
  • If the date of remembrance of the great saints falls on fast days, hot food with butter is acceptable. If on Wednesday and Friday - cold food with wine.
  • On Saturday and Sunday you can use vegetable oil. On Saturdays, except Great, wine is allowed.
  • April 11 - Lazarus Saturday. On this day, you can eat fish caviar.
  • April 12 (Sunday) - Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The Church allows fish.
  • Holy Week is a time to commemorate the last days of Christ's earthly life. She is as strict as the first seven days. With regard to food, Good Friday is forbidden, when even dry eating is not allowed.
  • On Saturday, on the eve of Easter Sunday, a single meal of raw food is allowed.
  • All days you should refrain from entertainment, watch less TV, and have empty conversations.

Petrov post

Also refers to the transitional and begins a week after the Trinity. In 2020 it will start on June 15th and end on July 11th. The Church venerates him in memory of those who received the Holy Spirit after the Trinity and in labor and hunger prepared themselves for the preaching of the Gospel. Petrov Lent is less strict than the Great Lent, but still it has its own characteristics.

  • The requirements for meals on Wednesdays and Fridays are increasing: on these days, you should eat cold food without oil and unheated drinks.
  • On Monday - hot food cooked in vegetable oil.
  • On all other days, fish is allowed.
  • Fasting is considered apostolic, so the church instructs believers to dedicate this time to understanding apostolate in general and purify their souls.

Christmas post

It always starts on November 28th and ends on January 6th. This time is given to Christians to prepare themselves for the meeting with the Savior who appeared in the world and to offer him as gifts of their pure soul. Prayer, bodily abstinence, forgiveness of offenses, repentance - this is exactly what the life of a true Christian should be like in this period. All 40 days before Christmas they do not hold weddings, they try to refrain from secular holidays. The Church does not set too rigid limits, as in the Great Fortecost. From November 28 to December 21, the meal is similar to the days of Peter's Lent: dry eating on Wednesdays and Fridays and hot dishes with vegetable oil on Mondays. On other days, fish is allowed. The exception is the day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19), when wine is allowed in the meal. From December 21 to January 6, a complete ban on fish and seafood is introduced. The strictest day is January 6, Christmas Eve, when food cannot be eaten until the first star appears in the sky.

Assumption post

The shortest of all, lasts from August 14 to 27 and ends with the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the 28th. According to a long-standing Christian tradition, it ends the year: September 14 is the Church New Year. The Dormition Fast is the only one dedicated to the Theotokos. Usually, strict days of abstinence are defined as a sign of purification before the holidays, but before the Dormition they repeat the preparation for the eternal sleep of the Virgin. In gastronomic terms, this is the most relaxing of all fasts: dry eating, cold food without oil should be only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The exception is August 19 (in 2020 this is Wednesday), the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, its second name is Apple Spas. On this day, the church allows you to eat fish.

In 2016, the Orthodox calendar consists of fixed events and events of the Easter circle, the dates of which are tied to the day of the celebration of Christ's Bright Sunday.

Calendar contains:

  • holidays, the date of which is fixed from year to year;
  • holidays, the date of which is correlated with the day when Easter falls;
  • posts, multi-day and daily;
  • days when the dead are commemorated.

Traditionally, the calendar contains the Twelfth and Great Feasts.

Great Orthodox holidays


14 - Circumcision of the Lord


7 - John the Baptist Christmas

12 - Holy Apostles Paul and Peter


11th day of the execution of John the Baptist, when believers hold a particularly strict fast


14 - Protection of the Virgin

Among the twelfth feasts, the events most revered by the church gospel history.


2-6 church calendar establishes a strict fast, on the 6th, on Christmas Eve, do not eat until the first star, and then break the fast with wheat kutya with honey and fruits.

7 - Orthodox Christmas.

7-17 - Christmas time is on, when any dishes are served on the table.

14 - celebrate the Circumcision of the Lord.

18 - they prepare baptismal water.

19 - Baptism (Theophany or Epiphany), consecrate water and reservoirs.

20 - the meat-eater begins. During this period, meat is allowed every day. Only on Wednesdays and Fridays is it better to replace it with fish.


15 - The Presentation, which marks the unification of the Old Testament with the New.


8 - the day of the 1st and 2nd finding of the head of John the Baptist.

14 - starts. For the first week, everyone, without exception, abstains from fast food, you can eat only in the evening - once. The first days it is desirable to refuse food altogether.

22 - the day of the 40 Sebastian Martyrs who died for the faith. Also, on the day of the spring equinox, they bake cookies in the form of birds - they meet spring.


7 - Annunciation of the Virgin.

23 - Lazarus Saturday, caviar is served on the table on this holiday.

24 - Palm or Palm Sunday - is celebrated on the last Sunday of Lent. Today, believers can serve fish and grape wine to the table.

30 is the end of Lent.


1 - Bright Sunday of Christ, Easter. Today, all believers celebrate the most significant event in the gospel history - the resurrection of Christ. The whole week after Easter is the Bright Week of Easter, when the Orthodox celebrate without restrictions. Easter cakes and egg coloring are obligatory attributes of the celebration. Many Orthodox holidays are tied to the day on which, according to the lunar cycle and the Gregorian calendar, Easter Sunday falls.

8-14 - Red Hill.

10 - Parents' day, when dead relatives and friends are remembered with joy.

23 - the day of memory of Simon the Zealot - the apostle.


7 - the day when Patriarch Ignatius, during prayers, received knowledge about the whereabouts of the head of John the Baptist, this was the 3rd miraculous finding of the head of the saint.

9 - Ascension of the Lord, on the 40th day after Easter, the appearance of the Holy Trinity to the apostles and the Blessed Virgin.

16 - Semik, the day of remembrance of those who died a violent death, suicides.

18 - Parental Saturday.

19 - Holy Trinity, Pentecost.

20-26 - Trinity week.

27 (to July 11) -. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday they eat only bread and vegetable food, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays fish is also served at the table.


6 (night on the 7th) - the night of Ivan Kupala.

7 - Nativity of John the Baptist.

8 - the day of the patrons of marriage and the Orthodox family, Fevronia and Peter.

12 is the day of Paul and Peter. The summer meat-eater begins, until August 13th. Unlike the winter meat-eater, on Wednesdays and Fridays, only vegetable food and bread are served at the table.


2-day of the prophet Elijah, after which a ban on bathing is imposed.

14 - saved honey, after which, according to the people, the bees do not carry honey. Today they eat honey and poppy seeds. The Dormition fast begins (until the 27th), when only vegetable food and bread are consumed, and vegetable oil is added to the diet on weekends.

19 - Transfiguration of the Lord, saved the apple. Today, fish, apples and grapes are served on the table.

29 - saved walnut.


11 is the day of memory of John the Baptist and the soldiers who died for the Motherland.

21 - the birthday of the Blessed Mary, the Mother of God.

27 - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. Diet is limited to plant-based foods.


8 - Sergius of Radonezh is commemorated.

14 - Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


5 - commemoration of deceased parents.

21 - the memory of Michael, the archangel.

28 - Advent begins.


4 - the day when the Entry into the temple of the young Mary, whom her parents dedicated to God, took place.

9 - St. George's Day, in memory of George the Victorious.

19 - the memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

25 - the memory of Spyridon the Saint.


The calendar of Orthodox fasts in 2016 establishes one-day and multi-day fasts. Refusal of certain types of food or complete abstinence from food, together with prayer, spiritual searches and good deeds, help to purify the soul and strengthen the body.

Throughout the year, believers fast every Wednesday and Friday, except for those that fall on Christmas time, the week of the publican and the Pharisee, Shrovetide, Easter and Trinity week. These days (Wednesdays and Fridays) there is no fasting, any dishes can be on the table. These are the following dates:

  • January 8, 13, 15
  • February 24, 26
  • March 9, 11
  • May 4, 6
  • June 22, 24.

Daily posts

January 18 - on the eve of Epiphany, September 11 - the day of the execution of John the Baptist, 27 - on the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

Long-term posts during 2016

Great Lent: March 14 - April 30 Peter Lent: June 27 - July 11 Assumption Lent: August 14-27

Commemoration of the dead

On certain days, the Orthodox are sure to commemorate with love and blessed memory deceased relatives and friends.


5 - parental Saturday, meat and meat

26 - Saturday for the 2nd week of Great Lent


2 - Saturday for the 3rd week of Great Lent

9 - Saturday for the 4th week of Great Lent


9 - Day of Remembrance of the Dead Warriors

10 - Radonitsa


18 - Trinity Saturday


5 - Dmitrievskaya Saturday

Orthodox calendar for 2016 differs little from other years. Only the date of Easter and the events associated with it are shifted.