Mixer      06/15/2019

Sun flower - sunflower. Synopsis of GCD on cognitive and speech development for children of senior preschool age. How a sunflower helped a person. A fairy tale about the past, present and future Questions for the fairy tale "The Generous Sunflower"

Sunflowers smell
Sunny freshness.
Also, be sure
Morning tenderness.
And they always smell
Despite the weather.
Take a look at them
And forget adversity.
(Author: Alexey Antonov)
The history of the sunflower goes back to the third millennium
BC. Research shows that already at the time
even before the "domestication" of cereals, the flower was cultivated
North American Indians. The seeds were eaten and used in
as a medicine, they produced dyes. The Incas worshiped the sunflower
like a sacred flower.
In Europe, "Sunflower" came in 1510, he was brought "savage"
Spaniards from North America. At first, flowerbeds and front gardens were decorated with sunflowers. Later, from wild species, breeders received large-fruited
grade. Almost 200 years have passed when in 1716 in England,
registered a patent for the production of sunflower oil.
And the first mention of the industrial cultivation of sunflower dates back to

The flower was brought to Russia from Holland in the 18th century. However, here
worth mentioning. During excavations of ancient settlements in the territory
Moscow region, dating back to the 7th-5th centuries BC, found seeds
sunflower. And on the walls of the vessels, where food stocks were kept,
remains of oil, very similar in composition to
sunflower. Probably our ancestors knew and even cultivated
this is a plant, but for some reason the flower was forgotten over time.
One way or another, the sunflower counts its years in Rus' with
times of Peter the Great. During the first hundred years of "life" in
A Russian flower was planted to have a "little sun" on
his garden, and the "husking of seeds on the mound" was the most
favorite recreation of peasants and merchants. The nobles did not spare money
on the arrangement of flower beds with an overseas flower. In Moscow, he, as unseen,
grown even at the Kremlin wall.
Sunflower oil is widely used as a base for cooking
oil solutions, plasters and ointments, used as a laxative
and choleretic agent in the treatment of inflammatory diseases
intestines and cholelithiasis and for the prevention of atherosclerosis
. Assign it to 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Local
boiled sunflower oil is recommended as a healing
remedies for fresh wounds and burns in the form of oil dressings.

The name of the plant Helianthus came from Greek. "Helios" means "sun" and "anthos" translates to flower. Greek
mythology tells about the appearance of this flower
one day a water nymph named Clytia was thrown out of the cool
depths on the shore of a sandy island. Enchanted by the bright light, she
rested on the shore and in amazement watched the hitherto invisible
a golden sun ball that moved across the sky. It's a sight
so lured her that she wished to always admire sunlight.
Clitia's prayers were heard. Her mermaid tail has gone to the sand
chaining her to the spot, her silver hair curled into petals
around her face, and green leaves sprouted from her fingers. Nymph
turned into a sunflower - a flower of the sun, whose color reflects
gold of the solar disk and every day follows its movement.

Another legend about the appearance of the sunflower came to us from
far, far away land of the Aztecs.
They say it happened a long time ago. Then in
In the country of the Aztecs, there lived a lovely little girl with a beautiful
name - Xochitl. In the Aztec language it meant "flower".
The girl adored the sun and admired it from dawn to dusk.
When the sun went down in the evening, she sadly walked home, living
the dream that tomorrow she would see him again.
It so happened that for a whole year the sun appeared every day,
and not once, not for a moment, did the clouds cover it. For Xochitl it is
was an incredible joy.
However, what was a joy for her turned into a terrible
misfortune for maize crops: the stems stopped reaching up,
the cobs were not heavy. In addition, the beans and peppers also stopped growing.
Without rain, all plants suffered, from thirst they drooped to the very ground.
The drought left the fields barren.
People started dying from hunger. The Aztecs prayed to the gods daily
asking for rain. Seeing all this, Xochitl understood why people endure
suffering and hunger. To make it rain, she went to the temple
Tonatiu - the god of the Sun and turned to him with a prayer. She asked
him to hide behind the clouds and save her people.
The little girl's prayer reached the sun god Tonatiu.
And now the whole sky was covered with a carpet of clouds. The long-awaited rain came.
So much water poured out that the bent maize began to merrily
rise and all its cobs are swollen from large, full-weight grains.
Everyone around was filled with joy. Only poor Xochitl became sad:
she suffered without the sun she loved so much. Without him, she slowly faded away,
but then a bright ray broke through the clouds and ordered Xochitl to go to the sacred village, where the sun never disappears, where flowers always bloom.
There, her name will not be Xochitl, but Xochitl-Tonatiu (which in Aztec means "flower of the sun").
So the pretty girl turned into beautiful flower
sun-kissed, with a dark core just like her hair and eyes.
Every day this flower opens towards the sun on
dawn and turns after him in his daily journey along
sky until sunset...
From that very time, at the beginning of autumn, in all fields, and especially maize,
those golden flowers begin to bloom. Indians affectionately call them
xochitl-tonatiu, which means sunflower.

The Russian fairy tale has a similar plot:

Once upon a time there was a girl who loved the Sun. Every morning she
ran out of the house, climbed onto the roof and stretched out her arms
towards the rising light.
- Hello, my beautiful lover! she shouted
and when the first rays touched her face, she laughed happily,
like a bride who felt the groom's kiss.
All day she looked at the sun, smiling at him, and when it shone
went into the sunset, the girl felt so miserable,
that the night seemed endless to her.
And then one day it happened that the sky was covered with clouds for a long time and
dank dampness reigned over the whole earth.
Not seeing the bright face of her lover, the girl suffocated
from melancholy and grief and withered, as if from a serious illness. Finally she
could not stand it and went to those lands where the sun rises,
because she couldn't live without him anymore.
How long, how short did she go, but then she came to the ends of the earth,
on the shore of the Sea-Ocean, just where the Sun lives.
As if hearing her prayers, the wind dispelled the heavy rays and light
clouds, and blue sky waiting for the light to come.
And then a golden glow appeared, which with every moment
it got brighter and brighter.
The girl realized that her lover would appear now, and pressed
hands to heart.
At last she saw a light-winged boat drawn by golden swans.
And in it stood an unprecedented handsome man, and his face sparkled so
that the last remnants of the mist all around had vanished like snow in spring.
Seeing her beloved face, the girl cried out with joy - and immediately
her heart broke, unable to bear the happiness.
She fell to the ground, and for a moment the Sun held her
shining gaze. It recognized the same girl who always
welcomed his arrival and called out words of ardent love.
“Will I never see her again? - sadly thought the Sun.
- No, I always want to see her face turned to me!
And at that very moment the girl turned into a flower, which
always lovingly turns to follow the sun.
That's what it's called - a sunflower, a sunny flower.

It is believed that the sunflower was the herb of frankness. Many in
ancient times believed that if you put a sunflower under your pillow
at night, it will cause prophetic dreams, especially if you
robbed, then the face of the thief will be seen. Also sunflower like him
also called, used in incense to fight unclean
by force. And to bring the liar's wife to clean water, costs
bring a bag of sunflower grass to church and then the unbelievers
spouses will not be able to leave the building. The flower helped a person to manifest
their best qualities, protect yourself from enemies, many believed
into the good power of the sunflower and kept this tradition several
centuries in a row.
According to one of the ancient legends, the gods gave people a sunflower in order to
so that the sun never leaves them. After all, sunflower flowers
always turned towards the sun, in any weather, even in the most foggy
and rainy day. It is no coincidence that the sunflower has become a symbol of joy and optimism,
Also, loyalty...

One day, a small sprout made an important decision for itself. He told everyone that he wants to be like the Sun. Let's read this story..

"Generous Sunflower"
Fairy tale author: Iris Revue

When my acquaintance was a small sprout, he decided that when he grows up, he will be like the Sun. Everyone looks like someone. Lily of the valley flowers - for white pearls, bluebell flowers - for a real bell.

“Everyone likes the sun,” the sprout reasoned, “golden, high, round. This is how I will be.

Time passed, the summer sun warmed the earth well, warm rain watered all life on earth to its fullest. And our familiar sprout rose, became strong and strong.

And he really did look like the sun. He had a huge yellow flower stretching towards the real sun.

They began to call him Sunflower. During the day, the Sunflower turned its head following the Sun, and at night it lowered it down - he slept like that.

And by autumn, the head of the Sunflower was already tightly stuffed with delicious seeds.

The sunflower turned out to be not only similar to the sun in appearance, but also as generous as it is. People learned how to make halva, sunflower oil, gozinaki from sunflower seeds; and the seeds themselves are a healthy and tasty delicacy.

This is how Sunflower turned out!

Questions to the fairy tale "The Generous Sunflower"

What did the little sprout decide to be like?

What helped the sprout to become strong and strong?

Have you seen a real sunflower?

When do sunflower seeds appear: in spring, summer or autumn?

How many seeds does a sunflower have?

What can be made from sunflower seeds?

Big flower with yellow leaves called Sunflower. The flower slept in the field, not paying attention to the fact that the Sun had long since risen.

In the clearing everyone was happy with the sunny, warm rays. The acacia straightened its curls and held out small white buds to the Sun. Lush rose hips exposed orange berries to sunny attention. Soft green grass for distillation ran across the field, throwing up its green eyelashes to the Sun. Even the plantain spread out its large palms for solar heat. The sun could serenely enjoy the joy of this beautiful world nature, if not for one but.

A sunflower towered in the middle of the field, peacefully curling its yellow petals into a large bud.

Why is this flower still sleeping? - the Sun asked the Wind flying by.

You should be aware of this,” said the Wind, smiling.

To me? Sun was surprised.

Yes, exactly to you.

But why? - the Sun flared up in bewilderment.

Because the Sunflower is such a flower that blooms only at the behest of the Sun itself. Think about its name - Under-sunflower, the one under the Sun! Wind said.

Oh! - the Sun was surprised.

The wind has gone. The sun began to shine over the field again. The Sun looked at the green, strong stem of the Sunflower and thought over the words of the Wind.

Let's try! - exclaimed the Sun, and began to tilt his face to the flower. The closer the Sun descended to the Sunflower, the faster the yellow petals of the flower threw back their wings in different directions.

And, oh miracle! The sunflower spread its petals and saw its reflection in the gentle smile of the Sun. The sun has never descended so close.

And what was his admiration when the sun saw its own reflection in the opened sunflower flower. Since then, every year, with the onset of summer, the Sunflower and the Sun have been waiting for a meeting to look at each other as if in a mirror.

Tale about sunflower seed for children anxious, experiencing fears, loneliness

A large family of seeds lived in a garden on a tall sunflower. They lived together and happily.

One day - it was at the end of summer - they were awakened by strange sounds. It was the voice of the Wind. He rustled louder and louder.

“It's time! It's time!! It's time!!!" called the wind.

The seeds suddenly realized that it was really time for them to leave the basket of their native sunflower. They hurried and began to say goodbye to each other.

Some were taken by the birds, others flew away with the wind, and the most impatient jumped out of the basket themselves. Those who remained were enthusiastically discussing the upcoming journey and the unknown that awaited them. They knew that some extraordinary transformation awaited them.

Only one seed was sad. He did not want to leave his native basket, which was warmed by the sun all summer and in which it was so cozy.

- Where are you in a hurry? You've never left home before and don't know what's out there! I'm not going anywhere! I will stay here! - it said.

Brothers and sisters laughed at the seed, said:

- You are a coward! How can you refuse such a trip?

And every day there were less and less of them in the basket.

And then, finally, the day came when the seed was left alone in the basket. No one laughed at him anymore, no one called him a coward, but no one called him anymore with them either. The seed suddenly felt so lonely! Oh! Well, why didn't it leave the basket with its brothers and sisters!

"Am I really a coward?" thought the seed.

Rain is coming. And then it got colder, and the wind became angry and no longer whispered, but whistled: “Hurry-s-s-s-s-s-s!”. The sunflower bent to the ground under the gusts of wind. The seed was afraid to remain in the basket, which, it seemed, was about to come off the stalk and roll to no one knows where.

“What will happen to me? Where will the wind take me? Will I never see my brothers and sisters again? it asked itself. - I want to be with them. I don't want to be here alone. Can't I overcome my fear?"

And then the seed decided. "Come what may!" - and, having gathered strength, jumped down.

The wind picked it up so it wouldn't bruise, and gently lowered it to the soft ground. The ground was warm, somewhere above the Wind was already howling, but from here its noise seemed like a lullaby. It was safe here. It was as cozy here as it had once been in a basket of sunflowers, and the seed, tired and exhausted, imperceptibly fell asleep.

A seed woke up in early spring. I woke up and didn't recognize myself. Now it was no longer a seed, but a tender green sprout that stretched towards the gentle sun. And around there were many of the same sprouts, into which his brothers and sisters-seeds turned.

They were all happy to meet again, and they were especially happy about our seed. And now no one called him a coward. Everyone told him:

- Well done! You were so brave! After all, you were left alone, and there was no one to support you.

Everyone was proud of him. And the seed was very happy.

From book "Labyrinths of the Soul"

Illustration: WallpapersMap.com

O. Khukhlaeva "Labyrinths of the Soul"

To buy in Labyrinth.ru

To buy in Ozon.ru

Hello dear readers!

Today we continue our story about sunflowers. The sunflower is a symbol of the sun, joy and optimism. A small sun that turns its head towards the big sun.

Sunflowers bloom from July to August. When you see a field with sunflowers, it is impossible to pass by such beauty. We also went for a walk with the children and admired the sunflowers.

If you have such an opportunity, go with the children to the field and admire the sunny flowers, tell them riddles and just tell them about it amazing flower. I think that from such a walk you will be charged with optimism and your mood will rise.

  1. Interesting sunflower facts for kids.
  2. Sunflower legends.
  3. What is made from sunflower.
  4. Riddles for children about sunflowers.

Many people have known this amazing plant since childhood. Both children and adults love to indulge in seeds. Previously, in the evenings in the villages and villages on the benches, people clicked seeds and had conversations.

Children love to eat seeds, delicious halva and kazinaki. Do they know what they are made of, what do they know about sunflowers.

The people call the flower a sunflower, but correctly - a sunflower.

Name of this amazing plant comes from the Greek words: "sun" and "flower". The huge flower really resembles the sun in miniature.

In fact, the yellow circle is not one flower, but an inflorescence - a basket in which there are many flowers. It is an annual plant with a thick stem and large green leaves. The stem reaches a height of 2 m and above.

Why is the sunflower called sunny flower? Because it is constantly growing and the stem becomes longer on the side that faces the sun. The stem contains the phytohormone auxin, which regulates plant growth. It is located in that part of the stem that is not illuminated by the sun and the plant is forced to reach for the sun.

The sunflower has its own interesting story. His homeland is North America. The Indians considered him sacred plant and used in medical practice for fever, chest pains and treatment of snake bites.

The flower came to Russia under Peter 1, who brought sunflower seeds from Holland. It was cultivated as decorative flower. But later they tried the seeds and began to grow them in vegetable gardens to get a delicious treat.

Sunflower oil was first obtained by the peasant Bochkarev, who invented a press and squeezed an oily liquid from the seeds.

Sunflower legends

According to one of the ancient legends, the gods sent sunflowers to people so that the sun would never leave them. After all, in any weather, his flower is always turned to the sun. The sunflower is considered the flower of the sun, joy, optimism.

One of the legends about the appearance of the sunflower came from Mexico.

Once there lived a little girl named Xochitl, which means "flower". She loved the sun very much and admired it from dawn to dusk. The sun appeared every day and did not hide behind the clouds. For the girl, it was a blessing. But plants without moisture died. A drought set in and people began to die of hunger. The Aztecs prayed to the gods to send them rain.

The girl went to the temple and asked the sun to hide behind the clouds. The girl's prayer reached the sun god Tonetiu. The long-awaited rain poured down. And Xochitl began to fade without the sun. And then a divine voice ordered her to go to the sacred village, where flowers always bloom and the sun shines. And there she will be called Xochitl-Tonatiu - “flower of the sun.” So the girl turned into a sunny flower, which opens towards the sun and turns its head towards it.

What is made from sunflower

Tell the children that the sunflower is a very useful plant.

Sunflower is grown all over the world. It is used in Food Industry. Sunflower oil is made from its seeds, which is rich in vitamin E. Halva and delicious kazinaki can be prepared from sunflower seeds.

Sunflower is a honey plant.

Also, sunflower is used for technical needs, in cosmetology (production of paints and varnishes, paper, in soap making, make creams).

How to grow sunflowers ornamental plant making bouquets.

Sunflower is used in medicine, tinctures and tea are prepared from it. The oil is rich in vitamin E and contains unsaturated acids. It is used to treat burns, wounds and other skin diseases.

Seeds, roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of bronchitis, headaches, intestinal colic. Decoctions from the roots help with rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

But despite positive traits, seeds in large quantities are harmful: they can lead to stomach ulcers, inflammation of the appendix, and tooth decay.

Sunflower experiments

With children, you can experiment with sunflower seeds, to find out the properties of oil, how oil is obtained from seeds.

Take raw seeds, peel and pass them through a garlic press or simply place them on paper and press. Will remain on paper greasy spots that don't disappear. These are drops of oil.

You can learn from experiments the properties of oil. We take a glass of water and drip sunflower oil with a pipette. What will we see? The oil stays on the surface of the water. We conclude: it does not sink in water, but floats in a large drop, which means that oil is lighter than water.

If you stir a drop of oil, small droplets form. Oil particles are divided. Also, the oil is clear. If you throw coins into a glass of oil, you will see them.

Doing with children, a conclusion about the properties of oil: oil is lighter than water, it is transparent, viscous, fragrant.

Food is fried in oil, vegetable salads are seasoned with it.

In the spring with children, you can try to grow a sunflower in the garden. To do this, take raw seeds and plant them in the ground. Seedlings will appear that need to be looked after, watered, loosened, fought with weeds. And the plant will grow and delight you with large baskets of black seeds. When they ripen, you can collect and fry the seeds. Or cook delicious halva at home.

Today we told the children about the sunflower, learned what can be done from it. and also read the legend of the sunflower.

I also propose to consolidate knowledge about the sunflower, to make riddles for children.

Sunflower riddles for children

On the winding path

The sun is growing on the leg.

As the sun ripens

There will be a handful of grains.


The golden sieve of black houses is full.

How many black houses

So many white people.


In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head.


I look like the sun

And I love the sun.

I always turn to him

Your head.


And finally, our photos with sunflowers. We walked with Yulia and Ksyusha, went to the field with sunflowers.

This is how our conversation turned out today about sunflowers, the flowers of the sun.

Best regards, Olga.