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The best time for sunbathing. Sunbathing is best taken in moderation. The benefits and harms of the sun. Sunlight rejuvenates the body and skin

Why sunbathing remains one of the most effective ways health promotion? The sun is the source of life on earth. Plants, animals, people need the beneficial rays of the sun. The inhabitants of the North suffer from its shortage. On gloomy, winter evenings, all living things are looking forward to the warmth of spring, the lush flowering of gardens, the rebirth of joy and hope in the hearts.

How you want to soak up the intoxicating bliss sun rays exposing their weary bodies to the golden rain. But sunbathing can become insidious enemies, turning a wonderful vacation into serious illness. It is necessary to know the whole truth about them so that joy does not turn into trouble. For information on how and when is the best time to sunbathe, read the article.

All about benefits sunbathing. Sunbathing can be enjoyed at any time of the year, without waiting for the scorching rays in the July heat. And the good May sun will gently and gradually help the skin of a person to make friends with his touches. What are the benefits of sunbathing and why are they so necessary?

The infrared rays visible to the eye endow the earth with warmth, warm the bodies and souls of people, bestow joy and positive thoughts. Autumn depression lies in wait for many sensitive hearts due to lack of solar energy. The sun is an excellent natural antidepressant. The lack of sunny days in winter takes away activity and enthusiasm, the desire to think and create, increases fatigue and drowsiness.

Under the influence of solar energy, the body produces serotonin, which is called the "hormone of happiness." It endows its owner with joy and ease, wonderful emotions, strengthens willpower.

Invisible but priceless ultraviolet rays have an excellent antibacterial effect. They destroy germs and viruses of colds and many infectious diseases. They increase the body's resistance, strengthening the immune system, to harmful factors. environment.

UV rays produce vitamin D, which is vital for adults and children. Without vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus. Only in such a community will strong bones and teeth be formed. And only this trinity saves babies from the development of rickets, and protects the elderly from osteoporosis and severe fractures. The latest research scientists have proven that vitamin D inhibits the development of cancer cells, helps in the treatment of psoriasis and is necessary in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

sunbathing, warming the body, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and increases the level of hemoglobin. Sweating and in, toxins, toxic salts amplifies. A person experiences a surge of vivacity and activity. Under the influence of the sun, dry and sluggish skin is filled with energy, becomes elastic and silky. Sunny rain heals problem skin, drying acne and degreasing foci of infection.

How to take sun baths?

Acquaintance with solar streams after a long winter is desirable to start in the spring, away from the gassed quarters of the metropolis and closer to nature. A May picnic on the banks of a river, lake or on the sea coast is a wonderful holiday for adults and children.

The May sun is safe and pleasant, so sunbathing can be taken at noon and not limited to 10-15 minutes. Gentle heat can warm the skin for 3-4 hours. Sunbathing is most beneficial when taken on the move, playing ball or badminton. Ultraviolet during this period will give a lasting tan without harm to health.

The most “ruthless” months for tanning are July and August. For a joyful holiday, you need to go to nature at dawn, and enjoy the sun from 8 to 10 in the morning. Fans of evening baths will be able to soak up the beach after 16-17 hours.

Before leaving the house, you should protect yourself with sunscreen with a sunscreen (SPF30 for fair skin and SPF15 for dark skin). In the bag, in addition to fruits and vegetables, you need to put a bottle of still water and grab an umbrella from the sun. A bucket hat and sunglasses complete a fun, light outfit.

Toddlers up to 3 summer age and older people will get more benefit and pleasure from being in diffused sunlight, under the canopy of trees or in the shade of an umbrella. The first sunbath should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Daily communication with the sun is extended by 10 minutes. You should not go to nature after a hearty breakfast in order to get maximum joy, health and not fall asleep under the direct rays of the sun.

Fighters for the right lifestyle will be interested in information that at dawn the sun's rays have a tonic and invigorating effect on the body. At sunset, the sun relaxes and relieves nervous tension, and UV rays have the longest wavelength and actively produce vitamin D.

Possible side effects and contraindications. Excess solar rain can spoil the rest and "reward" with unpleasant and severe complications. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin turns red, touching these areas causes sharp pain and burning. A sunbather gets a burn that provides him with a sleepless night. Underwear, careless movement cause soreness. Later, the burnt skin begins to peel or hang in shreds. In addition to the burn, overdried skin ages quickly. Solar radiation destroys collagen fibers and the epidermis loses elasticity.

Excessive passion for relaxing under the scorching rays can lead to sunstroke. This serious condition is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, tachycardia, nausea, and weakness. The patient is worried about severe dizziness, headache, darkening in the eyes. Sometimes there is a loss of consciousness.

The possibility of the formation of moles, age spots is especially dangerous for owners of light, thin skin. These "decorations" can degenerate into skin cancer and lead to death. Excessive heat can result in rupture of the walls of the subcutaneous vessels and the formation of a red mesh. Reflected from the water surface, the sun's rays dazzle the eyes and affect the quality of vision. It is important to know that UV rays penetrate underwater to a depth of 2 meters and can be harmful to health during a long swim.

Sunbathing is best taken according to the rules, then you can count on good result. And it lies in an even nice tan. With the right approach, you will not have to endure the pain of burnt covers and in a panic look for the first available means to alleviate it. We offer to take a kind of course for a beginner tanning. He will tell you how to care for your skin before and after the "ultraviolet session".

How dangerous is the kiss of the Sun

No matter how long autumn, winter or even spring may seem to us, but sooner or later, glorious long days and short nights come - a wonderful, promising summer. It's time to lie on the deck chairs by the sea or the river, play beach volleyball. However, after waiting for rest and warmth, do not forget about the rules of safe tanning, take into account the best time to sunbathe, and other subtleties.

Many adults and teenagers want to receive the “kiss of the Sun”, including in the USA. A survey conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology showed that 72% of 7100 respondents believe that tanned people look more attractive. For some young people, it was associated exclusively with health.

Only a small number of those surveyed suggested that teens are best off sunbathing with sunscreen. skin covering from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This will help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Doctors confirm that the cells of a growing body divide and change faster than in adults, which in a sense can be regarded as stress for the body. Therefore, precautions are very important. Staying on the beach, it is better not to endanger yourself, apply a cream "from sunburn".

This is very important to always remember: sunbathing is best taken with caution. Some admit: that, carried away by a pleasant occupation, they felt that the integuments became drier, thinner. Indeed, intense exposure to the rays can cause physical changes such as wrinkles, freckles, and an increase in age spots.

To avoid such consequences, remember four tips for a healthy summer tan. Exfoliate first. You need to prepare the skin before going out into the open air. During the cleaning process, the most upper layer our "natural shield" (obsolete), its renewal is ensured.

According to cosmetologists, the removal of dead cells improves the color of the integument, cleanses the pores of dirt from excess sebum, and even prevents acne. You can remove obsolete particles with the help of economical, but very effective scrubs. They contain sugar cereals and salt. The cleansing mixture is applied to a washcloth or special gloves.

Yes, when sunbathing, it is important to know what time is best. Sunbathing is also very important. But no less significant is a thorough, proper cleansing, so do not delay, spend it. After such a procedure, each "chocolate bunny" (the dream of many!) Remains so for a long time, the shade fades slowly.

Many tanning enthusiasts ignore cosmetical tools, are advised to relax "in its original form." But you continue to use a protective cream? You are doing the right thing: sunbathing is best taken without ignoring the remedy. SPF ingredients only increase the time you can spend in the sun without suffering from skin damage.

Degree of cream protection and skin color

High SPF numbers provide a better barrier against UVB (medium wavelength ultraviolet radiation) but let UVA (long wavelength radiation) through. If the tube says "Broad spectrum", then the content will protect you from UVB and UVA rays.

True, there is still no standard system for measuring UVA protection. Light skin contains a small amount of melanin, which can make it vulnerable to the effects of carcinogenic UV rays, and severe redness (burns) occurs without adequate protection.

There is evidence that in those who are dark, the melanin content in the skin corresponds to an SPF of 13.4 (compared to 3.4 in No, and there is a risk of sunburn.

According to some reports, the amount of protective cream that needs to be applied at a time is 2 milligrams per square centimeter (mg / cm 2). It is applied to open areas skin exposed to sunlight.

To obtain the specified SPF of a sunscreen product, for example, if you are 163 cm tall and weigh 68 kg, wearing a one-piece bathing suit, approximately 29 g of the substance should be applied to your exposed body. This must be done 15-30 minutes before sun exposure.

You can repeat the procedure 15-30 minutes after returning from the beach (or after being in the water, as the cream could wash off). According to research by the National Institutes of Health (USA), we can conclude that the earlier you apply a protective cream, the better for your skin.

How to take sun baths? To get a healthy and glowing tan, don't overload your skin with UV rays. It is best that the tan "accumulate" gradually. Dose the time spent under the luminary evenly to reduce the risk of burns.

After spending a whole day at the beach, you can become "chocolate" in a short time. But this "achievement" can come off as quickly as it came. The best way get a healthy summer tan - radiant baths in small doses.

Half an hour to an hour under the sun a day will allow your body to produce the optimal dose of melanin, which will accumulate with each subsequent session. It is important to choose the right time to stay on outdoors. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, UV rays are most active on sunny summer days from 10 am to 4 pm. Sunbathing in the summer is best taken before 10 am or after 4 pm.

Going to sunbathe, do not forget to choose the right glasses and a hat. As for the eyes: they themselves and the skin around them are very susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet rays. Many medical professionals believe that neglecting proper care can lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and even eye cancer.

How to choose eye protection and headgear

Sunbathing is best done with goggles with UV absorption up to 400nm, which means they block at least 99 percent of UV rays. Ideal glasses are those that have a large, oblong frame.

Thanks to such "eyepieces", the eyes are protected from light coming from different points. Very small "protectors" may look stylish, but they are bad helpers: they do not save, neither from bright light, nor from ultraviolet radiation. When choosing the color of the glasses, remember that the shades of the glass affect the mood (optimal dark gray, dark green light).

A hat with a 7-8cm brim will help protect your ears, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp, while still looking stylish while getting a tan. If you want more shade, choose a hat with a brim over 15 cm. This way you will cover yourself from side rays and even falling from behind. Such a headdress resembles a small roof, many feel very comfortable under it.

Rest before your next trip

While the baseball cap looks perfect, it only offers protection at the front and top of the head, leaving the neck and ears vulnerable to the weather. Whatever headgear you choose, it is preferable that it be from natural materials(cotton, straw).

Finally, you must take care to give the body time to heal itself. This is very important after a day spent in the heat. Before going outdoors again, stay indoors and rest. observe four simple advice, and you appearance will always be healthy, radiant.

So, we already know how and at what time it is better to take sunbaths. In summer or at other times of the year, the following general wishes are also effective: while relaxing in the air, keep a watch at hand so that you can keep track of the time. Take a cold or cool shower after the beach (a hot long bath only dries the skin even more). When drying yourself, just stroke yourself with a towel, soaking up moisture (no need to “wipe vigorously”). Use after sun lotion. Drink enough clean water.

It is well known that hardening by the sun increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.

With moderate exposure to sunbathing, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, the level of hemoglobin rises, and the work of the circulatory system normalizes.

Solar energy improves hearing and vision. Effectively affects the sun and the treatment various diseases skin and nasopharynx.

What can we say about the beautiful that the skin acquires under the influence of sunbathing ...

And the Pantry of Beauty will tell you about how to take sunbaths correctly and about their benefits.

Vitamin D and sunbathing

It has long been proven that the lack of sunlight, in particular vitamin D contained in the sun's rays, affects the activity of all human organs.

Bones suffer from a lack of vitamin D, the ability to regenerate cells worsens, it gives immunity, depressive states develop.

Therefore, exposure to the sun becomes an obligatory component of our life.

The amount of ultraviolet rays during the day and throughout the year is not constant.

It is clear that in summer there are much more of them than in autumn or spring, and in winter there are practically none at all. There are more UV rays during the day than at sunrise or sunset.

Draw conclusions - spending a few hours on the street on a sunny winter day can be more useful than 15-20 minutes in the sun on a summer afternoon.

The intensity of the sunbath also depends on the terrain, and on the humidity of the air, and on the availability of industrial facilities or reservoirs. For example, there are more ultraviolet rays on the banks of a river or sea than in an industrial area. Smoke and air pollution reduces the activity of ultraviolet rays by 10-15%.

How to sunbathe

With the indisputable benefits of sunbathing, do not forget - the sun is useful only in reasonable quantities!

Abuse of sunbathing is capable not only of the body, but also seriously harm your health.

With excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, elastin and collagen, the substances responsible for its firmness and elasticity, begin to break down on the skin.

To prevent the effect of photoaging of the skin (reduction of its elasticity), sunbathing should be taken correctly.

The optimal time for sunbathing in summer is morning (from 7:00 to 10:00-10:30) and evening (after 16:00, on especially hot days - after 17:00).

In spring and autumn, you can pamper yourself with sunshine at noon (from 12:00 to 16:00).

In the course of scientific research, it has been established that the morning rays of the rising sun have a tonic and invigorating effect.

While the sun's rays at sunset have a calming effect and relieve tension.

Accordingly, taking sunbaths at dawn, you are charged with positive energy. And those who like to soak up the rays of the setting sun, at this time relax and calm the nervous system.

You need to gradually increase the duration of sunbathing.

Remember, only proper sunbathing improves emotional and physical well-being, increases efficiency, improves perception and concentration.

22-10-2012, 13:25


There are attempts in many circles to convince everyone that sunbath- This is a complex and extremely risky procedure that can only be used by a person technically trained in the laboratory or a doctor. When reading an ordinary book on sunbathing, one definitely gets the impression that sunbathing is difficult and also very dangerous. There are so many warnings and so many procedural details to follow, so many times and conditions for avoiding sunbathing, that it's very easy to give it all up in disgust and forget about sunbathing altogether. But there are many claims with commercial overtones. Anyone with enough common sense to be able to sleep, exercise and breathe fresh air can take a sunbath. This bath is as natural as the named treatments.. The ritual used by Dr. Rollier and the other doctors does not make sense. They start by exposing one leg for a few days, then the other, then both legs, then the thigh, then the abdomen, chest, and finally the back. All this ceremony is unnecessary. In my opinion, Rollier is too cautious at the beginning of sunbathing and delays the process after the patient has acquired a good tan.

There are a few simple precautions to be taken when sunbathing, and anyone of average intelligence can understand and apply them. For those who have never sunbathed, the following are especially needed: precautions.

Sunbathing is completely different from the common practice of enjoying fresh air. Taking a sunbath without clothes. Care must be taken not to burn the body. The rule should be "better too little than too much". Blondes and redheads should be more careful than brunettes and dark-skinned races.

It is necessary to start a sunbath with exposure of the whole body from six to ten minutes daily and gradually increase the time of exposure from half an hour to an hour or more, even up to three to four hours. But time increase slowly. Expose the front exposed part of the body to the sun for three to five minutes, then the exposed back side of the body for three to five minutes. Increase the time each side is in the sun by one minute daily and up to half an hour for each side of the body. Although I often find even this pace too fast and have to slow it down considerably, I don't think it should be scrupulously followed by healthy and active people.

A person lying in a solarium can more easily abuse a sunbath than someone who is messing around on the beach. I also believe that there is more benefit from exposing the back to the sun than the stomach, I cannot prove this now, this is my personal theory.

All you need is natural protection.

Usually strongly insist on sun protection of the head and eyes. But this is bad advice. A person does not need glasses and caps just like animals. Sunlight is very beneficial for hair and eyes. It has always amused me to hear sunbathers recommend covering their heads and then hear from them about the amazing results of hair growth from UV radiation. It is well known that sunlight enhances hair growth, and more head exposure can easily reduce the number of bald people through similar baldness prevention. I've been bareheaded for over fifty years in most of Texas under the tropical sun and it doesn't hurt me today. My patients do not cover their heads while sunbathing without being harmed by it. The eyes also benefit from light, and harm from too much darkness. It has been found that in poor eyesight, looking directly into the sun is of great benefit. Fish found in dark water caves are always blind. Mules working in underground mines have a great visual impairment, which mules working on the surface of the earth do not have. Men working underground and children living in dark cellars are always very sensitive to light. Both need sunlight, and prescription of dark glasses and goggles can only worsen their condition. But this is exactly what doctors and ophthalmologists constantly do, who are constant only in one constancy - to approach everything is wrong. Dr. R. A. Richardson wrote in Psychology (1929): “During my recent trip to Africa, I took the opportunity to find out whether cataracts and blindness, which are often observed there, are caused by intense sunlight and heat, as I have spoken before. To my surprise, I found that the people blinded by cataracts were from among those who worked not in the open air, but in the small shops and bazaars of Tunisia. When questioned, I concluded that the cause of their eye disorder was an excessive infatuation with proteins, sugars, starches, nicotine and coffee.

The eyes themselves are not sensitive to light, eyelashes are sensitive to light, which causes them to close when strong sunlight falls on them. Of course, they close to protect the eyes, and we should fully appreciate the significance of this fact by opening our eyes to the light. This is the only cover required for eyes in the sun. Sunglasses for "eye protection" are absurd. In fact, they make the eyes more sensitive to light and damage vision. Squinting is not necessary and no safety goggles are needed to prevent it. You can look directly at the sun in the afternoon without squinting. The development of wrinkles around the eyes is an indicator of thoughtlessness. Any need for glasses and creams will disappear if you just stop squinting. Squinting doesn't do any good.

With regard to sunbathing, there is an objection to the so-called "drying damage" that is allegedly done to the skin. But this is a consequence of overheating in the sun. rather than sunbathing, if reasonably taken. This is where the manufacturers of lotions and "natural ointments" can be expected to emphasize the vices of "overdoing" by not distinguishing between the abuse of sunlight and its proper use to sell their wares.

But doctors should know better. Facial lubrication creams, lotions and ointments are completely unnecessary for those who have enough intelligence to behave correctly. There is no need to lubricate the skin to prevent dry skin. Dry skin indicates overexposure to the sun. Body lubrication olive oil before sunbathing prevents some of the ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin and is therefore not recommended. This seems to be a very old practice, since in ancient times baths with ointments were taken. If sunbathing is taken correctly, then there is no need to lubricate the skin with ointment after it. Excessive sun exposure makes the skin dry and flaky. If you don't get carried away with sunbathing too much, it will leave the skin soft and properly lubricated with its own fatty secretion. If "protective" doses were really as effective as they say, they would interfere with the benefits of sunburn. There is no excuse for being in the sun for so long that the skin becomes dry and hard. Why abuse what we do? An intelligent person does not need any ointment to replace natural lubrication, for he has no guilt for the abuse of excessive exposure of his skin to the sun. The purpose of sunbathing is not to see how much you can burn yourself and even more so become black from a tan, but to supply your body with the right amount of sunlight. They also object that sunburn destroys the fine structure of the skin. But what has this objection to do with intelligent sunbathing? It's stupid to get sunburned. There is no reason to let yourself get burned while sunbathing. Due care regarding the duration of the sunbath will always prevent burns. A reasonable person will sunbathe gradually and will always avoid burns by all means. Only stupid girls stay in the sun so long that they destroy their skin. Others will change the ointment offered for sunburn for reason. People who can't sunbathe without getting burned belong to the same category of people who can't eat without overeating. They are out of control and without self-discipline. They tend to abuse everything.

Heliotherapy is the therapeutic effect of solar radiation on a partially or completely naked person. The procedures strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on blood vessels, muscles and other tissues, have a general strengthening effect, and improve mood.

Indications and contraindications for sunbathing

Sunbathing is shown for vitamin D hypovitaminosis, mild hypertension, inactive rheumatism, inflammatory diseases: lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, joints, nervous system(but not during an exacerbation!), With gout, obesity, neuroses.

But there are a number of contraindications, these are: hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, all diseases in the period of exacerbation, tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma; It is not recommended to irradiate children under 1.5 years of age.

Under the action of sunlight, blood flow to the skin first occurs (influence of infrared and visible parts of the spectrum), after 6-12 hours the skin acquires a persistent red color (influence of medium-wave ultraviolet radiation). After 3-4 days, the redness decreases and the top layer of the skin begins to peel off; at the same time, there is a tan (pigmentation) caused by long-wave ultraviolet radiation.

How is heliotherapy performed?

How is heliotherapy performed? Sunbathing is carried out in open areas or under louvered awnings, which creates diffuse radiation; the height of the trestle bed should be 45-50 cm. On hot summer days, in order to avoid overheating, the foot end of the trestle bed is located towards the sun, in the cool months - transversely to the fall of the sun's rays. The person's head should be in the shade, and sunglasses should be worn over the eyes.

A little more about the latter. Buying cheap fashion glasses from street distributors, you most often run the risk of damaging your eyesight, since these things are made of glass that does not block ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, the pupils under dark glasses are always reflexively dilated, and ultraviolet waves passing through them in in large numbers, "burn out" the retina of the eyes, which is responsible for the perception of light signals. High-quality sunglasses always have labels with the letters UVB, but its presence does not guarantee protection against counterfeiting. It is better to protect your eyes by covering them, for example, with the brim of a hat.

Sunbathing time

Sunbathing is recommended in the morning from 8 to 11 hours later, half an hour - an hour after breakfast at an air temperature of at least 20C. Half the time is spent lying on the back, half on the stomach. After the procedure, you need to rest in the shade for 10-15 minutes, shower or douche with a water temperature of 22-32C, rubdown or bathing.

If the tolerance of sunlight is good, then you should start with 10-15 minutes of daily exposure to the sun, adding 4 minutes for every third day and taking one or two-day breaks after 5-8 days; the recommended maximum exposure time is 60 minutes.

People who have the first effects of radiation very quickly, but who are not forbidden by doctors to use heliotherapy, can increase the time of sunbathing by 4 minutes every three days, and the maximum time for them is 40 minutes.