Mixer      06/26/2020

Flower stand as a trendy element of modern design. How to make a planter for a garden: original and creative ideas for planting ornamental plants (125 photos) DIY planter inserts

Flowers in the house can not only become part of the interior, they can enliven almost any room and change it beyond recognition. For these reasons, and also because of the love of living plants, many houses plant real gardens. But it is one thing when the flowers sit in completely different pots that do not harmonize with each other and the environment, and quite another when they fit perfectly into the interior. On sale in stores there are pots of the most different sizes and colors, but sometimes it is not possible to find the “same” option. And in this case, the easiest way to do flower pots with your own hands.

The most important function of a flower pot is not to decorate the interior, but to protect the root part of the plant from external influences and create a certain “island” of soil in which the bush will feel comfortable and good. When choosing pots and planters for home plants, you should not focus on them. appearance, although it is certainly very important factor, Despite everything. But if in the first place is caring for plants (after all, they are also alive), then it is important to pay attention not only to the appearance of the container, but also to its other features - how close is the pot to the fact that plants can be grown in it? In order not to make a mistake in choosing, as well as to make a suitable and correct pot with your own hands, you need to know what the right pot for the plant should be.

When choosing containers for plants, you need to focus on:

  • form;
  • size;
  • material of manufacture;
  • practicality;
  • appearance.

Attention! Any pot should not only be beautiful, but also suitable for the transplanted plant, taking into account all its requirements for growing conditions.

In order to choose the right container, you first need to study the literature regarding the transplanted flower. Some plants prefer large and spacious pots, while others prefer small and cramped ones. There are variations with wide in diameter, but low pots, and, conversely, narrow and high. All advice on containers will be written in the recommendations for the growing conditions of a particular plant.

The main requirements for flower pots can be studied in the table below.

Table. Requirements for pots and planters.

A drainage hole should be in any pot, and it does not matter which plant is transplanted - moisture-loving or one that prefers dryness. In clay pots, the hole is usually one and is located in the middle of the bottom. In plastic ones, there may be several holes throughout the bottom area. And for some plants, drainage is needed even on the sides of the containers.
Often, when a plant grows out of its pot, the container, after transplanting the former resident, goes “by inheritance” to another, smaller flower. Here, before landing in old pot, it needs to be cleaned well, rinsed. It is bad if the material cannot be thoroughly cleaned of the old soil, and it is doubly bad if a diseased plant lived in it before.
The shape of the pot can be any, although it is preferable to choose square or round. As for the volume and size, they are selected depending on the planted plant. Regarding the size, you can focus on the parameters of the root part - it should not be crowded, otherwise the roots will not develop correctly and will cease to fully fulfill their functions.
The pot in any case should be as stable as possible. In case of an accidental fall, the plant may lose its aerial part, and then the green pet is likely to die. Moreover, for plants with a large above-ground part, it is very important to take stable pots and preferably with a wide bottom.
It has been known for centuries that best material for the manufacture of the pot is ordinary clay. But also any breathable will do porous material. The roots of the plant must be able to breathe, they also need air. In some cases, you can use metal or plastic pots, but this is not always a good option.

The difference between a cache-pot and a pot

Many people think that a planter and a pot are one and the same. In fact, these are two different concepts. A cache-pot is a decorative container, usually decorated in every possible way.. And it’s not even necessary to put soil in it - you can simply put a simple pot of suitable size with soil and a plant inside the pots. Typically, such containers are used only for interior decoration purposes.

As for the pot, it can be both simple and unremarkable, and very beautiful. And just inside it is placed the soil for the plant.

On a note! The pot must have drainage holes, while the pots may not have them.

Unlike a pot, which has special requirements for materials, a planter can be made from anything. The main thing is that the material is non-toxic and does not release substances hazardous to the plant into the air. Planters can even be woven from branches or used to decorate them with paper and fabric elements.

One of the advantages of using a planter without drainage is the ability to water flowers without worrying that water will flow onto window sills and furniture after watering. However, it is important not to forget that when irrigating the plants, you need to empty the pots from the accumulated water. It is necessary to remove the liquid from it 15 minutes after watering. If this measure is neglected, then there is a risk of root rot.

Most often, it is plant pots that are made by hand. Let's see how you can make a container using improvised means.

Decor flower pots do it yourself - photo

Why make your own pots?

Given the availability of a wide variety of containers for flowers in stores, a reasonable question arises - why do you still make them yourself if you can buy them? Everything is simple. Reasons for making homemade pots:

  • desire to save money;
  • love for handicrafts;
  • the desire to give old things new life;
  • selection unique items interior;
  • a special style of the room, under which it is impossible to find a suitable pot.

What can be used?

An ordinary human fantasy can give an answer to this question. Absolutely everything can be used to create containers for home plants, from cement to ordinary food cans. You can make decor out of paper, eggshell, skins from nuts. Buttons, sequins, paint and even old fabric will come to the rescue. It’s really enough to turn on the fantasy and give it free rein, and it will definitely tell you what can be done from the “garbage” available at home or the remnants of art and repair materials.

Of course, if you use the same mayonnaise buckets or other similar containers as pots, then for starters it is important to prepare it, namely, remove all labels from it, wash off the glue, and do not forget to make drainage holes.

Old things can also be used as pots. This includes dishes, a shoe, a grandmother's teapot, and even furniture. The main thing is to properly prepare the objects so that they do not collapse and lose their appearance under the influence of liquid and soil.

Sometimes it’s enough just to decorate an old pot that has lost its appearance. You can not do everything from scratch, but only decorate it with something. They can go acrylic paints, twine, natural material, varnished, beads, etc.

On a note! You can create flower pots yourself with your children. This good way to involve the child in creativity, helping to develop fine motor skills and giving the opportunity to master the various devices used during work.

We make pots ourselves: options and master classes

Of course, fantasy is fantasy, but without the proper skills and understanding of the process of creating hand-made things, you won’t be able to immediately understand how to make this or that option. Based on the examples below, you can come up with your own pot and bring it to life.

clay pot

Clay - indeed the best option to create a pot, however, to make such a container with your own hands, you will have to master the skills of modeling from this material. As a rule, to create clay pots, you need Potter's wheel and the clay itself. Although you can try to make such a container for a plant, using only your hands.

The clay needs to be kneaded well, and then, separating a small piece from it, make a flat cake, getting the bottom for the pot. Gently make drainage holes in the cake if the container is not used as a planter, but as a pot. And then you need to make small bundles with a thickness of about 0.5-1 cm and a length equal to the diameter of the bottom of the pot with a gradual increase. The first tourniquet is laid out around the circumference of the future bottom, the second is placed on it, and so on. As soon as the container of the desired height is obtained, it remains only to burn it in the oven, and the pot is ready.

pot of cement

This option also involves a kind of modeling, but in a slightly different style. A pot of cement will be different good level strength, and is fairly easy to do.

Step 1. To make a cement pot, you need to take old curtains (tulle and curtains), as well as prepare cement and a pot shape blank. It can be, for example, an old plastic bucket or another object.

Step 3 Then in this "cement water" you need to soak the tulle, soaking it well with a solution.

Step 4 Now you need to take a pot shape (for example, a bucket), turn it upside down and throw a tulle soaked in cement on it. You also need to form beautiful tulle folds, giving them the same shape on all sides.

Step 5 The corners of the hanging tulle need to be thrown over the edges of the form.

Step 6 An inverted container from below (or from above relative to the current position of the container) must be tied with a piece of braid.

Step 7 Now you need to coat all the folds and the bottom with a cement mixture, adding a strengthening composition. Can be applied with a gloved hand. After that, the future pots must be left alone for 24 hours to dry.

Step 8 The dried pots need to be painted with the desired color paint.

Step 9 After the work is completed and the paint has dried, the planter can be used for its intended purpose.

We make a simple and elegant pots

Interestingly, not always a flower pot can be a container. Sometimes it can be just a stand for a regular pot. Let's see how to make the simplest, but original version.

Step 1. From a wooden block you need to make several slats. In this case, 4 are 8 cm long, 4 are 9.4 cm long, 4 are 12.5 cm long, 4 are 9 cm long.

Step 2 Now you need to glue square blanks from slats 8 and 9.4 cm long, each uses 2 pcs.

Step 4 Now you need to glue the second square to the legs. You should get a design, as in the figure below.

Step 5 After the glue dries well, the pots can be used for their intended purpose by placing pots in them.

DIY pot decoration

You can decorate a simple and boring flower pot, giving it a completely different look than it was before. To do this, you will need tape, twine, newspaper and acrylic paints with varnish.

Step 1. From the bottom edge of the pot, you need to step back about 2 cm and wrap the pot with tape. The most important thing is that the adhesive tape fits very tightly at the top.

Step 3 When the paint dries a little (and this is about 30 minutes), the tape must be peeled off.

Step 4 Now you need to paint the bottom of the pot with a paint of a different color. Here you can not use adhesive tape, but you need to act carefully so as not to stain the top color.

Step 5 The saucer for the pot should be painted in the same color as the bottom part.

Step 6 After the paint has dried, you need to varnish the pot.

Step 7 It is required to apply a thick layer of varnish on the junction area of ​​\u200b\u200btwo colors, and then, until the varnish has dried, you need to wrap this place with twine and tie it on a bow. After that, the pot must be left to dry completely.

A thick layer of lacquer Cache-pot with dough elements is applied to the junction of flowers

An interesting and original planter can be made by decorating the pot with elements made from dough.

Step 1. First you need to prepare everything that you need. This is the flower pot itself, a mold for cutting out elements from the dough, Moment glue, a toothpick, acrylic paints and a primer mixture. Then you need to knead the dough using 1 cup of ordinary flour, 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a full glass of salt (necessarily fine), a glass of water. The dough must be kneaded until elastic. You can store in the refrigerator.

Step 2 Now you need to roll out the dough and cut out decor elements from it using a mold. They need to be sent to the oven to dry. And then both the elements and the pot need to be covered with soil.

Stages of decorating a pot with twine and buttons Even a simple pattern (and this is ideal for those who cannot draw) can transform an ordinary pot Simple geometric patterns look no less stylish, especially when they are solved in black and white How to paint flower pots with slate paint Covered with fabric pots look incredibly cozy 5 /5 (9 )

The easiest way is to go to the store and buy a ready-made flower stand / rack. Manufacturers today offer many different models pots, bookcases and wall structures. And similar products can vary quite a lot in appearance, design and shape.

More fun to make flower shelves with my own hands. The Internet is full detailed instructions and master classes that describe this process in detail. As for the materials, you can use any available tools of your choice or purchase "raw materials" from a specialty store.

The advantage of creating a stand for indoor plants on your own is the uniqueness of the end result. You can decide on the design configuration yourself, color solution, invoice. And you will not have any doubts about its exclusivity. Such a thing will be the subject of your pride and the envy of others.

With trepidation, a product made can become one of bright accents in the interior. As a result, all actions for its manufacture must be done carefully, without haste and fuss.

Thanks to homemade coasters for flowers, you can emphasize the design features of the room, for example, create the atmosphere of a French province or an Alpine chalet.

An example of the original rack

You can make a stylish flower shelf using the simplest things, such as twigs and planks. Pots must be placed on planks one above the other. And if you replace the plant pots with glass jars, then this will add originality to such a craft.

This design looks very interesting and allows you to quickly arrange indoor flowers. She takes up minimal space.

Are calculations necessary?

Simple variations of flower stands do not require calculations. However, for more complex structures may need to sketch. The more complex the idea, the more calculations will be needed. They are necessary to avoid instability and unsteadiness of the stand. In addition, thinking about the nuances allows you to achieve ease of use.

Advantages of making your own hands

  1. Now there are a lot of outlets that sell materials that can be used to create flower shelves with your own hands.
  2. Any creativity allows you to make a thing so that it fits exactly into existing interior.
  3. The rack can be made to any size you need.

Design for pots on the windowsill

The flower stand on the window must meet the following requirements:

  • compactness;
  • high light transmittance;
  • aesthetics.

It is best to place violets on it.

When deciding on the design, it is necessary to pay attention to lightweight suspension-type systems. Most often they are designed to be placed on the sides of the windows. Such a solution has many advantages, the main of which is that they give a minimum of shadow.

Most often, multi-tiered whatnots are made of wood, choosing breeds that are easy to process. There is nothing difficult in creating coasters from wood. The process itself is very exciting.

The cost of flower shelves will tend to zero if you use the materials left after the repair, for example, cutting chipboard.

Wrought iron stands/stands for flowers

Making a metal stand at home is not easy, but it is possible if you put enough effort. In addition, forging skills are needed here. But, before starting work, you need to make sure that such a thing would be appropriate in relation to the chosen interior style.

Forged structures for plants can be both floor and wall. Both solutions are quite elegant and convenient. The choice depends on your preference. But remember that metal coasters are more expensive than wood ones.

Other materials

A popular material for creating flower shelves is plastic. It can be of different colors and textures. It's easy to work with him. No special skills or special tools are required. Shelves and racks made of plastic for placing plants can be made even by a beginner in needlework, if he has such a desire.

It will not be possible to list all the products that are offered in stores for designing flower stands - they are too diverse. You can easily choose any option suitable for your case. Yes, and such “raw materials” are quite acceptable.

A bookcase or stand for indoor plants can be a good gift for an amateur florist. Especially if she self made. After all, by creating a thing on your own, you put a particle of your soul into it.

No more room on the windowsill? This method will be of interest to those who cannot attach their favorite flowerpots even on the floor!

I really like the idea vertical gardening . And all because this method helps to save space with a lack of space and frees window sills and other horizontal surfaces from green spaces, and it also looks unusual, stylish and very beautiful.

And today's edition "So simple!" invites you to know interesting ideas how to do beautiful hanging flower pots using simple and affordable improvised materials. Now this is not a balcony, but a real garden of Babylon!

DIY hanging planter

  1. And I'll probably start with macrame techniques, which, in my opinion, is most suitable for creating hanging planters.

    Planters in this technique can be either very simple, which can be done literally in 10-15 minutes with your own hands, or complex - the result of many hours of work.

    Therefore, I propose to practice first on the easier ones, honing your skills, and then move on to more difficult ones.

  2. Hanging pots from metal baskets can be immediately covered with a substrate, but in order to prevent moisture from passing through, coconut fiber must be laid on the bottom, and this will only improve the appearance of the pots.

  3. Great idea for crochet lovers!

  4. A hanging planter made of straws will suit the interior with innovative touches. Just grab a pack of neon cocktail straws, some strong string, and get started. And even 15 minutes will be enough for this!

  5. old hoops, good glue, an unnecessary bowl - and after 20 minutes you are the owner of such an unusual and very stylish planter.

    To do this, half of the hoop is placed vertically, a bowl is placed horizontally inside and points of contact are marked on the hoop. Glue is applied to them, a bowl is placed and kept until the glue hardens.

  6. For creating hanging pots you can use a variety of materials at hand available in the house: baskets, buckets, bottles and even old balls!

  7. And here are some simple master classes on the technique of weaving macrame.

    I love these options!

  8. The tree also gives a fairly wide range of actions, a variety of shapes and colors. Just choose what you like best and create!

    And this is not even a planter, but a real shelf for flowers! Arm yourself with the old cutting board and strong threads, and so that the flowerpots do not fall and the board does not slip out, make small grooves along the edges of the board or fix the threads with a drop of glue.

    I think this is an incredibly simple and yet quite elegant idea!

    This hanging planter will wonderfully complement your home interior. It is done quickly and simply, the materials also will not take a lot of money.

To see the process weaving planters in macrame technique, I suggest watching this video.

And this - great idea hanging planters for orchids! A decent result, while everything is quite simple and easy, isn't it?

I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with 6 wonderful ideas

Flowers are the decoration of our life. And correctly designed with the help of stands and supports flower composition becomes a work of art. Everyone can create a masterpiece: all you need is a little imagination and improvised means.

Flowers decorate the interior and create comfort in the house.

Perhaps this question was asked by every hostess. Today there is a huge range of various decorative forms, supports, holders and supports. The only problem is that truly beautiful accessories are expensive and not everyone can afford them. And what is affordable is not always pleasing to the eye.

Floral arrangements attract to the house positive energy create peace and harmony.

Another advantage of "hand made" products is that they can be made right size. If there is a small corner between the sofa and the armchair for a flower stand, or a fragment of the wall near the closet is ideal for a shelf, then by carefully measuring the space, you can create a neat and very practical interior detail.

A self-made shelf will become an original addition to overall design in style and form.

Moreover, today you can purchase various accessories, decorative elements and fasteners, so that the thing is beautiful and as functional as possible.

Types of plant stands

Stands can be wall, floor, made of wood, metal, and even unusual improvised materials.

A flower stand serves several purposes: it provides the right conditions for plants, it allows you to save extra space.

As an option - wall model made from wood and metal. For decorative metal carcass attached wooden shelves. Their number may vary. The stand is very functional, as it allows you to place flowers in a room of modest size.

This arrangement adds effect and style to the interior of the room.

A "flower garden" of this form is more often used as a street element for summer cottages and large terraces. However, if desired, it may well decorate a room or kitchen. The bottom shelf can be used for other purposes, or will allow you to place another batch of flower pots.

An unusual solution for placing flowers. The stand is fixed both on the ceiling and on the floor. This model will decorate a large living room or hall of impressive size.

Looks very stylish and practical.

Another version of the "floor flower garden". In this case, the frame with stands acts as a screen, and can be used for space zoning even in rooms. small size. The main thing is that the pots "sit" tightly.

The convenience of a do-it-yourself floor stand for flowers lies in the variety of forms that it can take.

If space permits, volumetric structures can be used. They are performed in different style and are selected depending on the interior design. Light-loving flowers are placed on the upper steps, and pots with plants that are not so demanding on the presence of light are placed further down.

All plants on general design it should be convenient and comfortable to grow qualitatively.

DIY floor stand for flowers

It turns out that creating exclusive decorative elements does not require serious material costs. The main thing is fantasy. At the same time, even the most simple model looks elegant and exclusive.

Be sure to follow the correct dimensions any kind of floor stand for flowers with your own hands.

One of options: stand in the form of a ladder with a support with reverse side. For its manufacture, an ordinary staircase, cut to the desired size, is suitable. To make a support, you will need bars and a screwdriver. IN last resort, you can fasten with nails. Wooden pallets are used as supports for pots.

The minimum height between tiers is 40 centimeters.

The finished flower pot stand is varnished. This model looks good both in white and with the effect of antiquity. It will decorate the terrace or complement the interior of the house in country style.

As you can see in the photo on such a “ladder”, not only pots with fresh flowers look beautiful, but also figurines and candles.

If desired, the composition can be "diluted" with artificial flora.

Another unusual DIY flower stand. Key moment- load-bearing part of the structure. Of course, you can also use regular wooden blocks (optimal size 5x5 cm), but then it will lose its natural charm. Having chosen the branching part correctly, all that remains is to attach the wooden coasters for the pots and the base. This is also done with a screwdriver.

A special composition is applied to the finished model for shine and protection.

Do-it-yourself flower stand on the windowsill

And yet, the main place for placing flowers in a house or apartment is the windowsill. Firstly, because this is the brightest place, and, as you know, there is no life without light. Secondly, because of space saving. If something can still be put and hung in a corner or on a wall, then the window sill, as a rule, remains a free zone.

If there is a lot of space in the rooms, then the structure does not have to stretch only up.

And in order not to be content only with the length of the window sill, an elegant way of placing flowers was invented. These are classic shelves. They can be made from different materials:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • tree.

And they can also be attached to the window opening in different ways. Or close to the glass, or next to the window opening.

It all depends on the finish and design of the window, as well as on personal preferences.

In this case, the window in the kitchen is decorated in an unusual way. Used glass shelves inside the window opening. The alternative is clear plastic. Shelves are mounted on special holders.

Another similar model, only the shelves are held on special fixtures near the window. By the way, summer residents use a similar design for growing seedlings.

Stands-shelves on the windowsill are a great opportunity to put a lot of pots in a limited space.

Wall mount models

Another commonly used option is wall-mounted flower shelves. They are mainly valued for their compactness and versatility.

If desired, the design is made from improvised materials.

It is difficult to imagine more handy materials than the remains of pipes of different diameters. As you can see in the photo, you can place flowers in such a design in any order. Especially when it comes to voluminous petunias that bloom all summer.

Even the most gray "stand" looks bright and interesting.

Laconic room option shelves on the wall looks like this. Without unnecessary decor and volume.

Very interesting homemade shelf. To make it, you need a board that needs to be sawn into square elements and cut a hole in the middle. For fastening use a thick rope. In this case, the structure rests on two segments, but variations are possible, for example, four segments can be used. For them, four holes are drilled in a square element.

The shelf is attached to the ceiling with hooks (their number depends on the number of pieces of rope).

A similar design can be attached to the wall.

Today, models are very popular wooden coasters for flowers.

As pots, ordinary jars with transparent glass are used. Before placing plants in jars, it is better to fill them with pebbles, it will look original.

Metal stand

Wrought iron floor flower pot for three flowers

Metal flower stands have been relevant since Soviet times. True, then it was not about the exclusivity of the model, or about its functionality. As a rule, these were the simplest wall options for two flowers.

Today, metal flower girls are very stylish, elegant and comfortable.

It is simply impossible to make such models on your own, without skills and special equipment. To create such a masterpiece, you definitely need a drawing, a sketch and an accurate calculation.

A simple, but very elegant option: a stand for three flowers. The model is made of two identical parts, arranged in parallel, and connected in such a way that stands for flower pots are placed in the gap.

The twisted elements are reminiscent of classic design décor.

Flower girls on the window, balconies for flowers

Balconies for flowers can completely change the look of a house (or apartment). With their installation, a special style and sophistication appear. Even the most ordinary apartment looks very dignified.

Balcony for flowers is installed on the window of an ordinary apartment.

When a special box with flowers is installed on it, the view from the window will be completely different.

If climatic conditions allow, even indoor flower compositions are grown in such flower beds, for example, cyclamens, dracaena and some ampelous varieties.

Forged structures have a different shape.

In this case, it is only a stand for a flower box, decorated with twisted elements.

Hinged flower pot with hot forging

With the use of hot forging technology, unusually elegant objects are created. Sometimes you can’t even believe that coasters or decorative elements are made of metal. This is the result of the work of real masters-professionals. To create a masterpiece requires special equipment, skills, and talent.

Interesting model of a hinged florist. Even without flower pots, it is quite self-sufficient decorative element complementing the interior.

Another option, very gentle and elegant.

And hinged flower girls of such a plan look good not only indoors, but also as a decorative component of the external appearance of the house. They are usually placed next to front door. The main thing is to make sure that the flowers in this pot are always well-groomed, because this will be the first impression of visiting your home.

The right flower stand, emphasizing their beauty, enhances positive emotions.

Even the simplest houseplants are perceived differently when they are cleverly placed on shelves or stands. Finally, the use of coasters allows you to save space and make the room more comfortable and functional.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself flower stand.

50 stylish options for flower stands:

Flowers are beautiful creations of nature. But it looks much better when they are in a pot. To improve the look of your patio, you can go to a store that specializes in this theme and purchase everything there. But isn't it more fun to do it yourself? Make a planter for the garden with your own hands, put your soul and your strength into it.

And if you still opted for the second option, then next we will look at a few ideas on how best to decorate your garden with flowerpots and how to make them.

What can you make a pot out of?

It is not so difficult to create pendants for your pots yourself, and you can find the material for this even in your attic, garage, and sometimes even in the kitchen, because almost everything that we see around can be useful to us in this matter. .

Materials for pots can be very diverse. For example, it can be wood, cement, fabric, thread, bottles, cans, buckets and much, much more. You can list indefinitely.

Cache-pot from plastic bottles

Admit it, because even such a simple and, at first glance, not needed in Everyday life subject like plastic bottle can sometimes help us in our search unusual idea. In the case of pots, this is no exception.

One has only to cut off part of the bottle and your pots are ready. And it's not that difficult. And then you can hang it like this, or you can paint it in bright colors yourself or with the help of a stencil.

Planters made of cement and fabric

Cement planters will look very original in your garden. They are durable and stylish in appearance, and if they are also painted, there will be one feast for the eyes. We will take a closer look at this option.

Creating such a pot is also not difficult. To do this, you will need: cement, fabric you do not need, a deep container in which you will mix everything, and any object that will have to give shape to your creation.

First of all, you need to prepare cement mixture. It should be of medium consistency and homogeneous. Then put a cloth in it and do not touch it for about 10 minutes. All this is necessary in order for the fabric to be saturated with cement.

Then you should get the fabric and put it on a previously inverted bucket or other object that you will use to shape. But in our case, let it be a bucket.

So, put the fabric on a bucket, smooth or fold if desired, and leave everything as it is until the cement has completely dried. And only after that carefully remove cured cement from a bucket.

That's all. As you can see, it's not as difficult as it looks at first glance.

Wooden planter

Wooden planters will look no less original in your garden than those made of cement. In addition, the tree, as a pure and natural object, will be in perfect harmony with any colors. And especially with vines.

Making them is also not difficult. Take about twenty identical bars and stack them in a checkerboard pattern, remembering to fasten them. You will have to choose the dimensions and number of bars yourself.

It is also quite possible to take ordinary wooden boxes in which vegetables and fruits are sold in the markets. One has only to process and color them correctly, and a new decor for your garden is ready.

Rope planter

A planter woven by hand from ropes will look beautiful. To do this, you will need a metal ring, which will serve as our center and start, buttons and about ten pieces strong rope. See for yourself how long you need. Since here you have to choose for yourself, based on the size of the pot.

The creation process itself will be a bit similar to macrame. So, if you are familiar with this technique, then it will be even easier for you than expected.

To begin with, we take a metal ring and attach double-folded ropes to it. The number of ropes, see the size of the ring. The fastening points must fit snugly against each other.

Then we take any two such ropes and fasten them at a distance from the ring with a button with two holes. We do the same with the rest. Then these ropes diverge in different directions and are attached there with neighboring ones in the same way.

And all this continues until you run out of threads. That's all. There is nothing complicated here either.

Burlap planter

Even ordinary strong fabric can serve as a material for flowerpots. All that is required is to sew two dense pieces of fabric together like a pocket and hang the product with the pot inside on the fence.

Cache-pot from a watering can, bucket and basin

If you have these three items lying around somewhere at home, then you should not immediately throw them away. They are also quite suitable for pots. You just need to decorate them to match the interior of your garden. And that's it. Flowers in such containers look pretty cute and funny.

There are millions of options for do-it-yourself planters, and you can’t consider them all in one article, so you can look for everything else among the photo planters for the garden.

As we said earlier, making them is not difficult at all. One has only to turn on the imagination and add a little of your heart to this matter. And you will definitely succeed.

Good luck and beautiful planters for your garden.

Photo planters for the garden