Mixer      11/16/2021

Technique-meditation for the fulfillment of desires “Magic star. Fast Wish Fulfillment Proven Wish Fulfillment Method

Today I will share with you one magic ritual on quick wish fulfillment. I often use it myself when I need to get something urgently or quickly fulfill a "burning" desire.

I’ll make a reservation right away that your goal should not be global and difficult to achieve. This technique is suitable only for the execution of real and quite "earthly" goals.

But first, let's remember the basics of bringing what was conceived to life with the help of the energy of thought and the power of inner intention.

  • Wish must be true . It should belong to you and no one else - not a neighbor, not a friend, not an advertisement for any product. That is, your goal should not be imposed from outside, but come from the depths of your Soul. How to check the desire for truth can be found in the article "?"
  • Relaxation . When conducting a ritual for the quick fulfillment of a desire, you must relax and stop the action of the mind, that is, stop the "thought stirrer" and calm your emotions.
  • Concentration . You need to concentrate as much as possible and focus your attention on the end result, putting aside the path and ways to achieve it.
  • Imagination and emotions . Creating an image of what you want in your imagination and filling it with emotions is an important part of the ritual. The image should be clear and distinct, and the emotions should be bright and strong. The clearer the image and the stronger the positive emotions, the faster and easier the achievement of the goal.

Ritual for the quick fulfillment of desires

For the ritual you will need:

  • blank sheet of white paper
  • red marker or marker
  • long white wax candle

Write your wish in beautiful handwriting on a piece of paper. Let me remind you that it should be in the affirmative form, in the present tense, not contain a particle “not” and the word “I want”. For example: "I'm getting a promotion!"

Put on the candle with the same marker 6 divisions-marks at the same distance from each other. Thus, you will divide the candle into 7 equal parts.

Light a candle, concentrate on your goal to the utmost and think about it continuously until the candle flame reaches the first division. Do not let go of your focus for a second on the goal, connect all your imagination and energy of intention.

Try to see all the details of an already fulfilled desire and soak up the emotions of joy from its materialization! After all, you have just embodied it in the Subtle World, now it is only a matter of time. Mentally thank the almighty Universe for its fulfillment!

When the candle burns down to the first mark, extinguish it (do not blow it out!), Put it on the windowsill on top of the wish sheet.

Repeat the ritual for 7 days in a row.

On the last, seventh day, at the moment when the candle is almost completely burned out, burn the sheet with the note in its flame, and carefully spread the remaining ashes in the wind through the open window of the same window sill on which your desire “lived” for 7 days.

If you did everything right - concentrated to the utmost, connected your emotions to full power and vividly visualized the ultimate goal - the desired should be quickly fulfilled.

That's it, your task now is to forget about it as soon as possible so that the energy of expectation does not “put pressure on reality” and does not interfere with the implementation of the desired. Switch to other things and let the Universe find the shortest paths and ways to implement it.

Well, now you know, quickly and easily. Share this wonderful ritual with your friends - for this, please click on the social network buttons below the article - let their dreams come true as quickly as yours!

Alena Golovina

Interesting on the topic:


What are the benefits of relaxation? She helps us make our dreams come true!

What does relaxation give for the fulfillment of desires? Answer: All.

This answer was given by the American subconscious researcher José Silva in his book Getting Help from the Other Side. She deserves her place in my top.

Jose Silva is the developer of one of the most powerful and effective systems for changing lives and fulfilling desires called the Silva Method.

What is the Silva Method? I will not invent anything and write from myself, but rather I will give the definition of the author himself:

The Silva Method is a way to relax the body and mind, and then, by slowing down the frequency of brain waves and activating the right side of the brain, come to some kind of positive result.

Important! The method tells not only about the method of relaxation, but also about how to use this state later to push our desires to realization. After all

What are the benefits of relaxation for me

Why did I decide to write an article about relaxation and touch on this topic? Yes, simply because I have already experienced the Silva Method on myself, and it really helped me fulfill my desires. At the moment, I can say with full confidence that until I tried to relax according to this system, I had no idea what true relaxation is, and the word meditation was just a word for me.
But that's not all. Imagine my surprise when the speed of fulfillment of my desires increased many times!

Since then, I have always visualized my desires only at the alpha level. That is how this relaxation system described by Jose Silva is called in other words.

The José Silva method… is more like dynamic meditation. First you relax, then you show your subconscious what you want to have. This is the most powerful active meditation on the fulfillment of desires!

How to learn to relax?

Now the hardest part: learning to relax.
I will quote the instructions of Jose Silva himself, described in the original source, in his book "Getting help from the other side."
Your task is to follow the plan.

How the Silva Method works

  1. Relaxation of the body allows you to relax the mind
  2. Relaxation of the mind slows down the frequency of brain waves
  3. Slowing down the frequency of brain waves allows the right hemisphere of the brain to function more actively
  4. The right brain connects you to the non-material, creative realm - the other side.

Relaxation is as necessary for the fulfillment of your desires as in order to make a phone call, you need to pick up the phone and dial the number!

If managing your reality is important to you, then the sooner you learn the skills you need to relax, the better.

Now I'm going to ask you to put the article down and enjoy a few minutes of relaxation from stress. You will close your eyes, take a deep breath, and visualize a passive scene. Thus, you activate the right hemisphere of the brain. Your connection to the other side - the realm of creation and vitality - will become stronger. When you open your eyes, you will feel better than you do now. You will feel that the body is filled with new strength and freshness.

Six essential steps

Here is a list of required actions. Read it first.

  1. Sit comfortably.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, relax your body.
  4. Imagine a peaceful scene that is your ideal of peace and beauty - a beach, a meadow, a tree - and visualize yourself there for one or two minutes.
  5. Tell yourself that when you open your eyes, you will feel great, energized, and better than before.
  6. Open your eyes.

Reread these six steps again; notice how simple and natural they are. The first three are what most people do when they return home after a hard day's work. The last three are a typical form of daydreaming.
Ready? Now do it.

You have just taken the first step towards a new life where your dreams come true.

How to apply relaxation in everyday life?

Jose Silva suggests entering the alpha level up to three times a day:

  • First meditation in the morning right after waking up.
  • Second meditation after lunch, at home or at work.
  • Third meditation before bed.

Each of these meditations or otherwise relaxation sessions consists of the following steps:

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable place
  2. Relax your body and close your eyes
  3. Count down from 100 to 1 (or 50 to 1, 25 to 1)
  4. Imagine an image from your desire (1-30 min.) - visualization.
  5. Tell yourself that when you open your eyes, you will feel great, energized, and better than before. Count from 1 to 5 and open your eyes.

Features of morning meditation

In the morning you wake up already at the alpha level. So you need to get up, go to the toilet and go back to bed. Sit down with a pillow under your back. Then do the 5 points above.

Be sure to follow the correct sequence, this is directly

Features of evening meditation

In the evening you are very tense, so you need additional relaxation.
Below is an instruction for the so-called progressive relaxation.

Progressive Relaxation Instructions

Concentrate your mind on each part of the body in turn, relaxing them and listening for a reaction.

Start at the head and move to the toes. Move slowly and deliberately, making sure each part of your body has responded before moving on to the next. Relax your scalp first. Then the forehead. Eyes.

Face, neck, shoulders and arms. Don't move to the back until you feel your arms and shoulders respond and you feel a good sensation. This is followed by the chest, abdomen, lower back, thighs, knees, shins, ankles, feet, and toes.

There is no need to memorize this order, as it is a natural sequence of movements from head to toes. On the first night, reread these instructions and take each step of relaxation slowly and carefully.

Personally, audio meditations for relaxation help me a lot in this matter. Of the ones I have tried, I can recommend meditation on relaxation by Vitaly Gibert, you can buy a CD or listen to it online for free.

Listen to the audio: Vitaliy Gibert's relaxation practice

After relaxation, start counting from 100 to one and go up to 5 points according to the Jose Silva method.

How can relaxation help you fulfill your desires?

Let's now study the relaxation connection. How does something as simple as relaxation allow us to succeed in something as important as the fulfillment of our desires?

The brain of an average person functions in the frequency range from 1 to 20 cycles per second: 20 cycles in a wakeful state, from 1 to 4 cycles in sleep, and extremely rarely at intermediate frequencies, only when falling asleep and waking up.

However, it is the intermediate frequencies that provide conscious use of the right hemisphere of the brain, our spiritual connection. The ideal frequency for thinking is in the center of the frequency spectrum and is 10 cycles per second. It is this value that scientists call the alpha level or alpha state.

People who think and analyze their problems centered on the alpha level receive help from the other side - from the subconscious.

Their consciousness is connected with the Higher mind.

When they get an answer, even if it comes in the form of a guess, they are much more likely to be right than they are wrong. You can say that these people are receiving divine inspiration or, if you like, acting instinctively or intuitively. They work in favor of creation, not against it.

They get help from the other side just because they are in the alpha level. Many of you may be disappointed with the ease of contact 😉

And here is the main secret of the Silva Method and the benefits of relaxation:

Relaxation + Visualization = Results

It's that simple. And you have always known this formula, you have applied it in your daily life.

Well, you come home in the evening after a hard day at work, relax in a comfortable chair and draw your problems: how bad things are going, how expensive everything is, how small your house is, how old your furniture is, how sick your child is, and so on. Further. And you are worried.

Today I will tell you about one good ritual that will help you fulfill your desire quickly.

But first, we will recall with you the main subtleties of using the energy of thought. It is important to know them in order for your thought forms to be realized.

1. The desire must be yours. No neighbors or parents. No friends or loved ones. YOUR. Coming from the heart. Only true goals materialize quickly!

To understand your desire or not, ask yourself, why do you need all this? If the answer is in a positive way, then everything is fine, but if you want, for example, a car to look cool, then

it is a false goal coming from the ego.

2. Before doing a ritual or other practice, it is important to tune in to it. Relax. Stop (reduce) the chatter of the mind. Calm emotions.

To do this, do the preparatory exercises:

First, relax your body completely. Any relaxation method will work for this.

Just sit comfortably and let yourself sink into a state of relaxation, relax your whole body, legs, torso, arms, etc.

Then do meditation to stop the VD. For example, look at a dot in front of you, which should be drawn on a white sheet. And when thoughts appear, imagine that this point absorbs them.

Go just close your eyes and imagine a black or white screen. When thoughts arise, wipe them off with a rag.

And don't forget to enter the alpha state. Look at the dot and count from 100 to 1, when you get to one, close your eyes. Stay a little in this state, then proceed to the ceremony.

3. When attracting, it is important to focus on the intention. You must be focused on what you want, there must be no fears, no restrictions, only true faith that everything will work out.

3. In most cases, you need to focus on the end result. And not on ways to achieve. That is, it is important to feel that you already here and now have what you want to attract into your life. You already have a loved one, you already live in your house in the mountains.

4. The most important thing is the image and emotions. The image must be clear. Definitely full of details. Emotions are positive, bright.

5. Take action. Any magical work is not a magic wand.

If you think that you will perform a ritual or visualization and everything will come into your hands, and at the same time you will watch TV, this is a complete delusion. After you have done the work on the subtle plane, you should move on to activity in the physical. To do this, listen to your intuition, friends, and act in accordance with its prompts.

6. Don't deny what you attract. That is, it is important to ensure that in everyday life you do not contradict your desire, which you fulfill. Let's say you attract the house of your dreams, you have done a ritual or some other method, and after that you think all the time that this is not real, that there is no money for a house, etc.

With such thought waves you will destroy all your work. Therefore, catch yourself on them and recode the information. Imagine that you erase this thought with an eraser and tell yourself positive beliefs.

Fulfilling a wish in 7 days

All you need to quickly grant a wish is to buy a long thin white candle (wax) and a sheet of paper. Write your intention on paper. In present time. Clearly. Detailed. Focusing on the end result.

How to write:

You describe everything as if the goal has already materialized. In present time.

Let's say your desire is to buy an apartment.

What city is she in? area? what is the situation? what is the view from the window? what neighbors? floor? with whom do you live in it? etc... That is, the more details, the more likely that you will attract exactly what you really want. Be precise in your wording. The universe takes everything literally. And gives what she ordered.

Tip: practice before practice. Think about your desire for a few days, describe it as accurately as possible. And then visualize.

"Thank you God for a two-room apartment on the 5th floor in the city of Gelendzhik with a view of the mountains and the sea near the sanatorium "Friendly Beach" with all the conditions and comfort, with wonderful calm neighbors. Truth"

Done? Fine.

Now divide the white candle into seven parts and make notes. Put it on the wish sheet. And light it up. Look at the candle flame and visualize your desire until you reach the first mark.

This is where concentration is important. Keep your focus on the target. Don't let him go. Feel the emotion of having what you attract. Dive deeply into this state, as if you have already materialized desire.

How to visualize

In our example, you imagine celebrating housewarming with your friends and loved one in your apartment. As you stand on the balcony and admire the beautiful views, the wonderful sea, and the beautiful green mountains. How you inhale the sea air and hear your friend say to you: Tanya, congratulations on buying an apartment. Well done. I'm proud of you!

When 1 part of the candle burns out, put it out and put it on the windowsill along with the piece of paper on which you wrote the intention.

Repeat the ritual the next day. And so 7 days ...

The last time the fire reaches the 7 mark, take your wish sheet and burn it in a candle flame. And then go to the window, and send the ashes from the burnt paper into the wind.

When you work with the desire to quickly fulfill it, you should do this ritual for seven days, concentrate on it. And before and after practice, let go of all thoughts about what you want. Try not to remember him, not to become attached. And live in the present moment, enjoying the here and now.

In general, positive emotions are very important. If you want to quickly fulfill desires, you need to monitor your radiation. It is important to do things that will inspire you, energize and positive vibrations.

Perform the ceremony on the growth of the moon, or on the new moon. Be sure to believe that this method is magical and with its help your desire will come true. To enhance the action, you can promise the Universe something in return. This is where the principle of energy exchange comes into play. It is no secret that if you want to get something that your heart desires, then it is important to give something.

For example, if you want to get pregnant, promise to help orphans, if your desire is material, after it is fulfilled, you can give 10 percent to charity, if you want love, promise to help, for example, homeless animals.

When the desire materializes, be sure to keep your promise, otherwise the Higher Forces will take everything back.

"Shaman" slowly, consciously. At the end of the ceremony, thank the Forces, and read the "Our Father".

Other methods of wish fulfillment

1. To fulfill a wish, I recommend using visualization in conjunction with beliefs. This is a non-ritual method. It is carried out several times a day. The duration of the days is unlimited, this is an individual question, the answer to which depends on many factors. From your strength, from what desire you want to fulfill, etc.

Having entered a trance, how to do it is described at the beginning of the article, speak for 5-10 minutes the belief that personifies your desire. You can use the text that we prepared when writing a description of the intention for the ritual. If the text is too long, make it smaller. Then do visualization of the goal, observing the intricacies of working with the imagination.

2. Written method

I like the 10 Wishes method. very simple and very effective. For her, you should buy the most beautiful notebook. And on the first page write 10 of your desires.

It is natural to do it according to all the rules. You already know them.

Rewrite these desires every day. Or at least read. But the first option is the most effective.

When one of the written intentions materializes, cross it out, write down a new one.

3. Wish Board

A common method that works great. It is only important to make a collage not in a computer, but with your hands, in order to charge you with your energy, to invest strength. Do it on the new moon.

How to do?

You will need whatman paper. Paste your photo in the center. Pay attention to the fact that it was new, preferably in full growth. Well, you liked it too.

Glue pictures around your image that clearly reflect your goals. This can be done arbitrarily or according to the laws of Feng Shui.

Once created, contemplate your visualization board daily.

4. Positive rite

We are writing a letter to the Higher Powers.

Buy new things:

  • beautiful envelope
  • handle
  • paper

Sit near the table where you will write a message to the Higher Forces. Relax, go into a trance, and start making your request.

Say hello first, and then write about your intentions. At the same time, formulate them in a positive way, without negation and in the present tense. Be sure to describe everything in detail, invest emotions.

  • The formula is:
  • What wish?
  • What emotions?
  • What qualities will you acquire?
  • How will you behave?
  • What to do?

Write as if you are sincerely sharing joy with the Universe, do not forget to say thank you speeches at the end. And write "Truth".

Reread your magical message, visualizing what is written there. Feel it all. And then place the sheet in an envelope and seal.

Write the following information in the margins of the envelope:

Where: Higher Forces, department of fulfillment of desires.

From: Your name.

And then put the envelope in the mailbox.

5. Magic Method

Here is one simple rite, it is done with the help of honey. Helps make a wish come true.

To spend it, go to the store, you need to purchase the following things:

  • linden honey
  • red ribbon
  • clay pot
  • linen napkin

Sit in front of the table, put some sign in the pot that you associate with the fulfillment of your desire.

For material desires, you can use coins that are better spoken. For buying a home - a key, for a love purpose - 2 hearts.

Now take honey and fill it with a container, which after that should be placed on the window so that your pot of desires is saturated with the energy of the moon and the sun.

Let him stay there for a day. During this time, you must approach him seven times and say the spell:

“I put an offering in a pot, tomorrow I will receive a gift in my hands”

Now you should cover the magical container with a napkin and tie a ribbon beautifully on the pot. Say the spell again and put it in a secret place.

Take out a container of honey weekly, hold it in your hands and whisper a plot. And when the desire comes true, pour the dry contents under the tree. Leave an offering and give thanks.

How to Fulfill a Material Desire

1. To materialize a money desire, sew a green bag, fill it with cinnamon.

2. Visualize how you receive the amount of money that you attract.

3. Visualize what you intend to acquire with the attracted finance, that is, what you need a certain amount for.

Remember that it is better to work with money desires like this: create an image of an apartment, travel, for example, and not money. The efficiency is higher.

4. It is important that you have no resistance to the amount involved. If it is, do this practice: imagine that your money is a vessel, mentally expand it to the desired size.

5. Meditate that you are a magnet and finances are attracted to you from different places.

6. Clean up your financial channels. Often, material desires are not fulfilled if the cash flows are clogged, negative accumulated in them.

7. Eliminate restrictions. If you think that money is bad or that you will never get rich, you will not get rich. Work with your conscious and subconscious programs with affirmations and other methods.

8. Wear green stones like malachite. Charge it in the bank. Imagine how it is filled with the energy of wealth.

How to fulfill a love wish

1. Sew a pink bag and fill it with rose flowers. You can add mint, cinnamon. He will be your talisman, attracting relationships.

2. Wear rose quartz, or better yet, charge it before wearing it to attract love. That will be more efficient.

3. Let go of the past. If your heart is closed, love relationships will not come. First, forgive the pain, let go of the former, replace the blackness of your anahata with light.

4. Love yourself. One who has high self-esteem can fulfill a desire in the sphere of love. Because the principle of the mirror works here.

It is not possible to attract a worthy partner if you have a low opinion of yourself. Either you will be rejected or humiliated. Therefore, love yourself.

5. Decide what kind of relationship you want. And what kind of partner do you need.

6. Visualize love images. Plus, say affirmations.

How to fulfill a wish related to health

1. First of all, you cannot refuse the help of doctors. And use mental practices as an addition.

2. Say the affirmation "I am healthy" for 5-10 minutes. Then visualize yourself as a happy, energetic, healthy person.

3. Believe in healing.

4. Look for internal causes and correct them. It is no secret that any ailment is associated with psychosomatic factors. So it is important to see them and change your thinking and actions.

Affirmation for the fulfillment of desires

I believe in the Higher Powers and in my strength. I know that I am the master of my life and I can change it. I attract what I want easily!

I believe in the materiality of thoughts. I create my reality with the help of thought forms and actions.

My desires coming from the heart come true. I believe in it. I know that the power of thoughts exists. And I use it for good.

How to make any wish come true

Let's summarize.

To fulfill a wish, it is important to clearly define what you really want. Describe it on paper in every detail. Then choose the technique you like and work with it. As a rule, this is work with beliefs, visualization, all kinds of rituals and talismans.

It is important to remember that in addition to magic, whether mental or ritual, actions are also important. Be brave, go forward, realize your dreams and don't give up.

Science to do miracles. Author's training for the fulfillment of desires Karavaeva Natalya Gennadievna

Meditations for the fulfillment of desires

Meditation(from Latin meditatio - to ponder, ponder) is a form of mental activity that provides immersion of a person in special trance states.

The latest philosophical dictionary. Gritsanov A. A., 2009

Meditation is a wide variety of practices, ranging from methods designed to achieve relaxation to exercises done with far-reaching goals, such as increasing feelings of well-being. (Attention regulation and monitoring in meditation. Antoine Lutz, Helen A. Slagter, John D. Dunne, Richard J. Davidson, 2008.)

Some types of meditation use visualization.

Meditative practices are often used in wish fulfillment techniques. This is due to the amazing properties of meditation.

Firstly, meditation involves complete relaxation of the body and entry into a trance state, and this, as we remember, promotes communication with the creative unconscious.

During meditation, a person is completely focused on some object or idea (in our case, on the desired goal). This eliminates all extraneous interference, both external and internal.

Meditation allows you to create vivid images that are understandable to the subconscious, and evoke positive emotions, which also help to consolidate the desired program.

Finally, meditation practices are an excellent tool for healing the body and expanding consciousness.

You can compose a meditation on the fulfillment of a desire yourself.

In this case, a number of conditions are met

1. Complete physical relaxation.

There are many ways to relax, here are just a few:

a) the use of natural trance states:

The so-called prosonic states: the time before bedtime and immediately after waking up;

The process of taking a warm bath or shower;

Contemplation of fire (candle flame, bonfire tongues, fire in the fireplace);

Lonely aimless walk;

Perception of the sounds of nature (the sound of the sea, the sounds of rain, the rustle of the wind, the singing of birds);

b) breathing techniques.

Examples of simple and effective techniques.

EXERCISE"4 by 4"

Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Start inhaling for 4 counts and exhaling also for 4 counts. Breathing is done through the nose.

Over time, you can increase the score to 6–8.

EXERCISE"Conscious Breathing"

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Notice a slight coolness on the inhale and warmth on the exhale.

Imagine that you are breathing through the middle of your chest. Then through the solar plexus.

You can “breathe” through the crown, lower abdomen, palms and feet, and then through the surface of the whole body.

For each part of the body, take a comfortable number of breaths and exhalations: from 3 to 10;

c) muscle relaxation.

The essence of the method is the consistent relaxation of all muscle groups.

In order to relax the muscle as much as possible, you must first strain it as much as possible.

Close your eyes and focus on tensing—relaxing every muscle group in your body.

Start with your toes, then your feet, calves, knees, thighs, belly, back, chest, arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, and eyes.

For each part of the body, try to create maximum tension and hold it for 5-10 seconds, and then fix your attention on relaxation;

d) countdown.

The countdown helps to slow down the brain waves and the person enters a trance state.

Depending on the experience and psychological characteristics of the person practicing the countdown can be:

from 50 to 1; from 20 to 1; from 10 to 1; from 5 to 1; from 3 to 1.

2 . Border crossing.

In almost every meditation on the fulfillment of a wish, there is a symbolic border separating the physical (real) world and the spiritual world (the world of unlimited possibilities).

The “other side” can be represented by symbols such as a country, a city, a house, a castle, a cave, a gate, an island, a mountain, a forest, etc.

For example, Robert B. Stone, a famous writer and theosophist, created an entire "Magical Universal City".

This mental city has everything to fulfill your desires.

There is a universal Bank where you can get money for any need.

To do this, you need to report your need and ask to withdraw money from your personal universal account. After some time, the required amount materializes in the real physical world. It also happens that your request is satisfied not with the help of cash, but in some other way.

There is also an Eternal Life Resort in this city, where you can restore health and gain youth.

In this magical city, you can also visit the universal Temple of Wisdom, where you will receive answers to all your questions and help in creative and scientific research.

There is a magical Trade Center and a universal Court there.

If desired, in this city you can "find" the Labor Exchange, a marriage agency, a travel agency, a construction company.

In whatever form the “other side” is presented, in order to get there, it is necessary to cross the symbolic border.

To do this, you can, for example, swim across a river, open a door, gate or portal, climb up a ladder, enter a forest or a cave.

3. The beauty and grandeur of the "Other Side".

The magical reality, where dreams come true, should be radically different from our usual reality. Therefore, almost every meditation emphasizes the beauty, grandeur and some magical properties of the country of fulfillment of desires.

It can be a pleasant glow, unearthly music, perfect shapes, jewelry made of precious stones, amazing patterns and ornaments, beautiful landscapes.

Magical reality should evoke positive and sublime feelings: joy, delight, surprise and reverence, peace, harmony and love.

4. Locals.

The inhabitants of another reality (if any) must also be somewhat different from ordinary people.

They can be presented in the form of higher beings or spirits (angels, gods and goddesses, spirits of nature, spirits of ancestors), fabulous creatures (fairies, wizards, sages, magical animals).

Residents of the "other side" can meet the newcomer, talk with him, answer questions, give advice.

Magical inhabitants may not exist at all, or they may provide love and support invisibly.

5. Please.

After a person has crossed the border, seen the sights and met with the locals, he sets out the request with which he came.

The request can be made orally, in writing and symbolically:

a) verbal request.

If a traveler is met by a local resident (angel, sage, goddess of Fate, fairy), the desire is expressed directly to him.

If the appearance of the inhabitants of a magical country is not provided, the desire is expressed into space, while it is assumed that the request is heard and taken into account;

b) a written request.

Wish can be written down.

You can write down your request, for example, in the Book of Desires with a golden pen, or on the Magic Board with magic chalk, or with a twig on the sand, if it is a seashore.

At the same time, it is very important to see the inscription made with the inner eye as clearly as possible. To enhance the effect, the inscription can be made to glow;

c) a symbolic expression of a request.

In this case, a person transfers a certain symbol of his desire to the “Other Side”, so that it translates it into real life.

For example, José Silva offers this way of symbolically visualizing a dream.

Imagine a large garden area. Nothing grows on it yet, you see only plowed land. This is the Garden of your creativity, the Garden of your desires.

Mentally take the seeds in your hand, clearly imagining what you want to grow from them: a house, a family, a business, or something else.

Plant the seeds in the ground. Water them.

Watch as the seeds of your desires sprout, as the outlines of your dreams gradually appear. Visualize this image as vividly as possible.

Jill Edward, a British psychologist, therapist and renowned writer, uses the following symbolic device in her Crystal Cave meditation.

Imagine the magical Cup of Plenty.

Imagine your desire in the form of a symbol and mentally throw this symbol into the magic Cup.

If you want love, throw a small heart into the Chalice. If you want success in your work - an asterisk. If you want money - a gold coin.

Watch how the symbol thrown by you is multiplied thousands and thousands of times, how the Chalice is filled with many gold coins, stars or hearts. There are so many of them that they do not fit in the Cup and begin to spill onto the ground. Soon the whole space is filled with them.

6. Gratitude.

Having voiced his request, the person sincerely thanks the "Other Side" and sets off on the return journey.

7. Return.

The traveler returns the same way he came. Crosses the border in the opposite direction. At the same time, if there were any locks (door, gate) - they are left open so that desire can enter real life.

That's all the "rules". I think now you can easily create your own creative meditation for the fulfillment of a wish.

Meditation "World of Wish Fulfillment" will help you.

MEDITATION "WORLD OF Fulfillment of Desires"

Before you begin your meditation, read the text below several times to help you memorize it well.

Close your eyes, relax.

Imagine a flowering meadow.

You lie with your arms outstretched on the cool silky grass and breathe in the intoxicating smell of meadow flowers and herbs. Warm wind caresses your skin. You feel peace and tranquility.

Clouds float above you. You look at them and, like when you were a child, you wonder what each cloud looks like.

Here one of the clouds separates from the others and begins to slowly descend. It goes down and down and down. This white fluffy cloud swims up to you, as if inviting you to ride.

You sit down on the cloud, sitting comfortably on its soft surface.

You are slowly rising above the ground, higher and higher. You see a flowering meadow, a forest, a river below you.

You rise even higher, and the earth below appears before you in all its splendor. You have the opportunity to enjoy the flight and admire the stunning views.

You are gaining more O higher altitude, and the earth disappears from your field of vision. Now there are only clouds below you.

Finally your cloud stops and you see the Heaven's Gate in front of you. They are amazing in their beauty and grandeur. Their airy carved doors, decorated with dew drops, softly glow and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. A path of clouds leads to the gate.

You easily jump off your cloud and walk along the heavenly road to the magic gate. As you approach, the gates swing open and you find yourself in another dimension, in a world where dreams live and where the wildest dreams come true.

In this world, the law of the materialization of thoughts operates. Whatever you think about will immediately appear in front of you.

In this world, you can create anything: any objects, objects, phenomena. You can create seas, rivers, forests and mountains. You can build any buildings. You can command the elements. Here you can do everything.

You have come to this world to meet your higher self.

The Higher Self is the architect of your destiny.

The Higher Self is the architect of your destiny. It knows everything about your past, present and future. It knows your purpose and guides you along the path of life. It protects you in times of danger. The Higher Self can correct your destiny and give answers to all your questions.

Now you need to create a meeting place with your higher self.

What will it be? Fairytale castle? Oceanfront with sun loungers in the shade of trees? An office with comfortable chairs? A treehouse from your childhood?

After the place has been created, mentally invite your higher self to the meeting.

The Higher Self can appear in any way and look in any way.

Greet him and ask how you can address him.

Now you can state your request or ask questions with which you came.

Know that your request will certainly be fulfilled, and you will receive answers to your questions (if not now, then a little later in a dream, in the form of insight or a “sign”).

Perhaps your higher self wants to give you a gift.

In any case, thank the Higher Self for his help and care and go back.

Return the same way you came here. When leaving, leave the gate open. This will enable magical gifts to enter your real life. In addition, it will facilitate your further communication with the higher self. Now you can better hear his advice and tips through your dreams and intuition.

Sit on the cloud, it will help you get back to the flowering meadow.

Mentally count from 1 to 5 and return to the real world refreshed and refreshed.

From The Golden Book of Yoga author Sivananda Swami

Fulfillment of Destiny The fruit of meditation is samadhi. This is a serene superconscious state, when the "I" of a person, having overcome all the barriers that separate the infinite and unconditioned from the limited and transient, becomes identical with the Cosmic Spirit.

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Fulfillment of orders Mind: Everyone here says that without our unity with you, Soul, no desire will come true. Well, everything is clear with me: I act by the usual methods in the material world, and what are you doing, a cunning witch, maybe you will reveal a secret? Soul: I have a secret - mine

In order to finally realize certain things, we sometimes need to hear it a hundred times and under different circumstances. The ten truths we're going to talk about today are just such things. These are a kind of life lessons that many of us learned many years ago. Nevertheless, we are constantly reminded of them, because we have not been able to learn them properly.

Friends, today I will try to help all of us, including myself, realize and remember some things once and for all ...

1. Life is pretty short.

We know that life is short. We know that death, sooner or later, will come to our doorstep. And yet we seem to climb the stairs without thinking about anything. We all rise and rise and ... suddenly we stumble and fall down.

We expected that there would be another step at the top, but it was not there. We lose balance, and it is in this brief moment that our attention switches to the present. We begin to realize what is happening and what the world is like around us.

Live your life today! Don't forget about death, but don't be afraid of it either. Fear that you won't live the life you could have. Why? Because you are too afraid to act.

Death is not the main loss in this life. The main loss is everything that you allow to die while you are still alive. Go ahead. Be brave. Take action, even if you're scared to death.

2. You will only live the life you create yourself.

Yes, others can convince you, but they cannot decide for you. Make sure the path you choose is really yours. Make sure it matches your desires and aspirations. When that moment comes, don't be afraid to change your path or start carving a new path for yourself.

It is better to be at the very bottom of the ladder you want to climb than to be at the top of the ladder that was never yours. Remember this.

Be productive and patient. To endure does not mean to wait. Being patient means working hard towards what you believe in while maintaining a positive attitude. This is your life. It is entirely made up of your decisions. Don't just talk, but do. Let your life be a clear example of the fact that you have achieved everything that you talked about. May you still be successful.

Even if you are destined to learn only one truth in life, let it be next: taking risks by following your heart is always worth it. Even if you have no idea where you end up, be brave. Be brave enough to step up to the frontier, beyond which the unknown awaits you. Listen to your heart.

3. Being busy doesn't always mean being productive.

Employment is not a virtue. Employment does not deserve respect. Yes, we all have crazy days. However, few of us can really be busy all the time. Many simply do not know how to live within their means, prioritize and say "No" when necessary.

Today, being busy doesn't always mean being productive. Just take a look around. There are far more busy people in the world than there are productive people. Busy people are always running somewhere and half the time they are always late. They run to work, to conferences, to meetings, to important events… They hardly have time to be with their family. They rarely sleep. They receive new letters in the mail every minute and they have a bunch of obligations that they must fulfill during the day.

Due to their busyness, they feel like super-important people. But this is nothing more than an illusion. They are like hamsters who run all day on their own wheels.

While being busy makes us feel alive, that feeling is fleeting. It dissipates very quickly. One way or another, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or already on the verge of death, we realize something very important. Understand that we would like to be busy less time and more time to live a life that makes sense.

4. Before you achieve success, you always have to face failure.

In most cases, mistakes cannot be avoided. Learn to forgive yourself. Making mistakes is completely natural. Problems only arise if you don't learn from your mistakes.

If you have a very strong fear of failure, you simply won't be able to do what it takes to succeed. You need to come to terms with the fact that you will not avoid failures along the way.

Do you know what distinguishes a professional in his field from beginners? The professional fell a lot of times. He tried and fell a lot more than a beginner. Every work of art is the result of many failed attempts to create it. The thing is that only the artist himself knows about these failures. We see only a work of art that he managed to create in the end.

What conclusion can be drawn? Everything is simple. If the desired does not happen now, it does not mean that it will never happen. In order for everything to work out right, sometimes it takes everything to go wrong first.

5. Thinking and doing are two different things.

Success will not come to you by itself if you sit and dream about it.

A person's actions speak for themselves, not their words. Knowledge that is not backed by action is of no value. The beautiful and wonderful do not happen to those who only dream about it. It happens to those who work hard to achieve goals.

Ask yourself what is really important to you, what do you want in this life. Be brave enough to reshape your life according to your desires.

If you continue to live in anticipation of the moment when you are 100% ready, you will most likely spend your whole life waiting.

6. In order to forgive, it is not necessary to wait until you are asked for forgiveness.

When you learn to forgive without being asked for forgiveness, your life will become much easier. The main thing is to be grateful for any experience that life gives you. It doesn't matter if the experience is positive or negative.

It is worth slowing down and saying: “Thank you life for this lesson.” You need to realize that clinging to past grievances means losing the opportunity to feel happiness today. Remembering old grievances is like planting thoughts in your head that you don’t need at all.

Forgiveness is a kind of promise. A promise you want to keep at all costs. By forgiving someone, you promise yourself that you will not use your past (which cannot be changed) against your present.

To forgive does not mean to justify a person for the wrongs that he has committed. To forgive means to throw off the burden of resentment and no longer feel like a victim of the past.

7. Some people just aren't right for you.

What you achieve in this life also depends on the kind of people you surround yourself with. That is why you need to be brave enough to cut off communication with everyone who is trying to drag you down. You should not try to maintain relationships with those next to whom you do not seem to yourself a wonderful person, capable of almost anything.

If you feel insecure and begin to doubt yourself, then this person definitely should not be part of your inner circle.

Do you feel like you can't be yourself? Do you feel emotionally devastated after every conversation? Are you starting to get anxious? All this is an occasion to think about your social circle.

Listen to your intuition. You already have people who inspire, give energy and strength. That is why it makes no sense to try to start a relationship with those who simply do not suit you.

8. Loving you is not the work of others, it is your task.

Yes, it is important to treat the people around you with kindness and love. More importantly, treat yourself with kindness and self-love. In order to achieve anything, you need to learn to love yourself.

Make sure you don't look at yourself through the eyes of people who don't appreciate you at all. Whatever they think of you, you must know your worth.

Get started today. Let someone love you for who you are. Let love with all your flaws. Let me love you no matter what. Let that "someone" be you.

9. Material goods don't define you.