Toilet      06/29/2020

What is subjective reality. Objective and subjective reality. That is, within the framework of a subjective belief system, other people are conscious, just like me.

People have different bad habits. It does not mean smoking alcohol or drugs. Some people like to drum their fingers on the table during a conversation, others like to swing their legs to the beat of the spoken words, and some people click their knuckles without thinking about whether crunching their fingers is harmful. They don’t notice how annoying it is to others, they just like it and that’s it, especially if, after a click, they pull their finger away and crunch again. Some do it when they are nervous, others out of habit, without noticing. But this is by no means a harmless activity. First, habituation occurs and the person clicks his fingers automatically. Secondly, such a process causes changes in the cartilage of the joints, which leads to their deformation.

Why do fingers crackle

Finger crunchers explain their addiction as a way to relieve tension from stiff fingers. But how can they become numb if they are constantly moving. Yes, with prolonged immobilization, tension increases in the joints. To remove it, people click their joints.

After that, it becomes easier for them, because the ratio of the articular surfaces is restored, the pressure in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir connection decreases. At the same time, the intra-articular fluid begins to fluctuate strongly, as if boiling, and forms air bubbles. It is they who, when squeezed, burst and cause a sound in the form of a click. This phenomenon was described in the process of conducting an experiment by scientists, where the entire manipulation was recorded on an X-ray image.

The opinion of orthopedists does not coincide with the statement of scientists. They believe that the click is the result of microtrauma to the tendons and ligaments, which, when stretched, emit a characteristic crunch.

Can't click bones

Doctors insist that frequent stretching of the joints causes them to loosen. Thinks the same most of ordinary people. There are diseases in which there is a characteristic crunch in the joints and this is in no way connected with a bad habit.

In the presence of these violations, you can not snap your fingers. This leads to even greater injury to the joints, causing acute inflammatory processes in them.

Do I need to see a doctor

The crunch of the joints of the fingers may indicate the development of serious joint diseases or the presence of congenital pathologies (this was mentioned above). Therefore, it is impossible to say with accuracy that the joints are crunching due to a bad habit. When clicks appear, an orthopedist is visited to conduct an appropriate diagnostic study and exclude the presence of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If such violations are not observed, then try to get rid of the habit so as not to cause the development of joint diseases.

If the crunch is caused by destructive changes in bone and cartilage tissue, then treat the pathological processes. At the same time, complex treatment is carried out (drug therapy, diet, physiotherapy exercises, compliance with the work regimen).

Harm from cracking fingers

Children, inheriting adults, often repeat different movements and habits after them. How children crunch their fingers can be seen even in kindergarten. Already at this age, they may begin to develop joint pathologies, since children's bones and cartilage are not strong, therefore they undergo deformation faster. If such a habit is noticed, they turn to a pediatrician or psychologist to advise on how to properly wean a child from such actions.

Being young people do not think about the consequences of their bad habits. Therefore, they do not attach importance to the warning that such manipulation is harmful and leads to the development of pathological processes in the joints. At a young age, no changes in articular connections are observed, but with age everything changes. Appears:

Scientists say that the constant stretching of the joints of the fingers leads to a decrease in their elasticity, frequent dislocations and irritation of nearby nerves. Also, frequent overload of the joints leads to the erasure of cartilaginous and bone surfaces, impaired mobility. That is, a minor bad habit leads to significant consequences - arthritis. But this has not been clinically proven.

There are no statistical data that would confirm that arthritis developed as a result of clicking the knuckles of the fingers. Addiction is the impetus for the occurrence of this disease in people with a predisposition to joint pathologies.

There is another opinion. A doctor from California, Donald Unger, clicked the joints of one hand for 60 years and did not notice any abnormalities in the work of the joints, that is, such a procedure did not harm him, but there was no benefit either, since the joint was not particularly mobile. Perhaps there was no deformity of the joint due to individual characteristics scientist's body. After all, not every person is predisposed to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In any case, it is necessary to get rid of such a habit so as not to provoke joint diseases and not to irritate others.

How to get rid of a habit

Most people claim that they only crack their knuckles when they are emotionally aroused, because it is easier for them to relieve tension and focus on something specific. If this happens rarely, then it's okay.

When the process is repeated systematically, it acquires the status of a bad habit, which is very difficult to get rid of on your own. There is a psychological addiction. Then a person constantly needs to control his movements and instead of stretching the joints, carry out mini exercises:

Often people with bad habits bring their execution to automatism. If you do not pay their attention during the manipulation, then they will not remember it, and most often they will deny it. given fact. Therefore, in order to get rid of such a habit, you need to constantly control yourself and stop clicking if it is noticed. If this cannot be done on your own, then ask relatives or work colleagues to make comments each time the finger stretch is performed.

If clicking is associated with emotional experiences, then the patient should do work that would distract him, require increased concentration of attention (drawing, needlework). In the case when the patient does not associate the manifestation of the habit with any circumstances, it is recommended that he write down all cases of snapping his fingers, as well as the reasons that caused them. Then it will be easier to get rid of the bad habit.

Warm baths with chamomile, pine needles relax the hands very well. sea ​​salt. Helps to fight bad habits of playing sports. In this situation, you need to go swimming. Strengthens with systematic training nervous system, the emotional state stabilizes, and the addiction to snapping fingers passes by itself. Do not forget about foods containing calcium that strengthen bone and cartilage tissue (dairy products, fish). You need to eat nuts and beans.

The longer a person suffers from this bad habit, the more effort is expended to get rid of it.


Considering the foregoing, it is impossible to say for sure whether snapping the knuckles of the fingers is harmful or not. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism (as in the case of the Californian scientist), the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system or predisposition to pathologies of the joints. Therefore, each person, having weighed all the pros and cons, decides independently: to get rid of bad habits or not.

It should be remembered that the constant crunching of the fingers is not as safe as it seems at first glance. When it appears, it is better to consult a specialist so as not to miss the onset of the development of serious diseases. To maintain health until old age, you need to maintain it from youth, do not expose the body to unnecessary procedures, get rid of bad habits, even if they seem harmless.

Crunch in fingers- a common phenomenon in almost all age categories of people. It can be observed from infancy to old age.

The causes of the crunch are varied, we will name the most common:

  • strong physical activity provokes excessive stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, joints and bones;
  • Sedentary lifestyle leads to atrophy not only of muscles, but also of the bone skeleton;
  • Joint stress occurs when you stay in one position for a long time;
  • Congenital pathologies of the joints, when the joints are located freely relative to each other, clicks are heard when the bones diverge and return to their original position;
  • Immoderate carrying weights;
  • The crunch may indicate about diseases of the joints: bursitis (inflammation of the synovial bag), tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons), arthritis (inflammation of the joints), arthrosis, rheumatism, etc. in this case, the crunch will always be accompanied by pain;
  • Received injuries can also be the cause of the crunch;
  • Salt deposits, salt contributes to the hardening of cartilage, reduces the elasticity of tissues;
  • Flaw calcium, liquid;
  • Bad habit to relieve emotional stress, if necessary, focus on any process, making important decisions;
  • Mental disorder varying severity.

The human skeletal system is designed specifically for movement. But any load should be moderate and reasonable for a particular organism.


The norm is a natural crunch or physiological, which is observed during movements, movements, sharp turns, physical exercises. As a rule, such a crunch is almost inaudible.

And if it occurs This is beneficial for the joints, as the necessary, natural relaxation of the skeleton and muscles occurs. If the joints, cartilage, tendons are in a healthy state, then even with sipping and other natural sprains, there should be no crunch.

Crunch can be normal when it occurs during physical exertion, or after exertion, if it is not accompanied by pain symptoms, swelling, stiffness of movements, redness and other unpleasant symptoms


Pathological crunch
delivers pain, swelling appears, puffiness is a sign of deformity of the joints.

If this is a symptom of a disease, or hereditary pathologies of joint development. Only a qualified orthopedist or surgeon can diagnose a disease or pathology.

When finger crunching is not a symptom diseases or pathologies, and the lover of crunching thus manifests himself, tries to attract the attention of others, or crunches precisely during nervous tension. A person with sore joints is unlikely to crack his fingers for show.

The desire to crunch for the public testifies about a possible mental disorder. After all, you can find more adequate ways to express your personality. And drug therapy may also be indicated. A consultation with a psychotherapist will help in solving this problem.

The mechanism of occurrence of a crunch in the fingers

In 1947, Canadian scientists conducted a study on the mechanism of the appearance of a crunch in the fingers. The tests were carried out on volunteers who stretched their fingers to a crunch and at that moment recorded what was happening in the joints using MRI.

The output was the following: with natural or artificial stretching of the joints between them, the pressure drops sharply and a cavity is formed, which is filled with gas bubbles, with a sharp bending of the joint, the bubbles burst with a specific pop.

Orthopedic doctors believe that the crunch occurs as a specific reaction of the joints and tendons to a sharp flexion.

crunch benefits

In the medical environment there is no consensus on the benefits or harms of this action. There is no benefit at all. Some scientists and doctors speak not about the obvious benefits of crunch, but about its harmless effect on the human body.

Allegedly, those who like to crunch in this way relieve tension, relax, and do not bring any threat to health.

There is a well-known example of a California doctor who crunched the fingers of one hand for 60 years, and after 60 years did not notice the difference between the hands.

That is, both hands were healthy. But this is an isolated case. It would be unreasonable to draw global conclusions on its basis. You can talk about the benefits of crunching when it accompanies morning sips and exercises, or after a long work in one position.

Stiff muscles and ligamentous apparatus are stretched and thus tension is relieved. Or when long work on the computer, you need to unload your fingers.

Harm crunch

Most doctors and scientists speak out about the obvious dangers of crunching. Proving that uncontrolled crunching leads to deformation of the hands, loosening of the joints, deficiency of synovial fluid, infringement of nerve endings, dislocations, subluxations, swelling and swelling, inflammatory diseases of the joints.

It is known for certain that systematic crunching leads to fragility of the joints, and this can lead to more serious consequences. But the aesthetic side of the issue: the crunch unequivocally causes a repulsive impression, it raises doubts about the adequacy of the lover incessantly crunching.

The consequences of the crunch

As you know, each organism lives and develops according to its individual laws. No one can guess whether there may be consequences of a crunch or not. If you deliberately crunch your fingers several times in your life, then nothing terrible will come of it.

But if it becomes a habit for many years, it can certainly have the most negative impact on the condition of the joints. The constant unnatural load on the articular mechanism cannot pass without a trace.

The articular and ligamentous apparatus is destroyed very slowly, throughout life: at first it loosens, loses its elasticity, cracks appear, there is a deficiency of articular fluid, from which the joints rub against each other, causing pain

And all this leads to serious inflammatory diseases of the joints.. In young years, no consequences of bad habits are visible, you will have to reap the fruits of your thoughtless actions in adulthood. If there is at least a small amount of risk to health, it makes sense to think about whether to ruin your health.

How to get rid of this habit?

If scientists are still arguing about the benefits and harms of crunching, it would be wise not to experiment on your health. And do not annoy other people with an immoderate crunch.

If doctors have diagnosed that crunching is not a symptom of a disease or pathology, but a bad habit, then you need to gradually abandon this habit. The main thing should be desire.

It is possible to replace the crunch with:

  • Massage fingers, gradual rubbing of each finger from tip to base;
  • distraction maneuvers, collect a Rubik's cube, twist the pen or balls in your hands;
  • brush charger, clenching and straightening of the fists, rotation of the hands clasped together, alternate flexion and extension of the fingers, relaxation of the hands by shaking;
  • Baths with sea salt or extracts of chamomile, sage, pine;
  • Swimming. A wonderful sport that is shown at various diseases, primarily the skeletal apparatus. It also relieves psychological stress, relaxes muscles, strengthens the immune system.

Prevention of crunch in the fingers

Of particular importance is the complex of preventive measures useful for people who have a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the joints, athletes and everyone who wants to maintain painless mobility of the bone skeleton until old age.

Let's list the main events:

  • healthy food, be sure to include foods rich in calcium;
  • Keep track of your weight excess weight loads the bones and joints beyond measure;
  • Use required amount liquids, up to three liters in summer, up to two in winter;
  • Move more, movements block stagnation in the skeletal system;
  • safe sports, choose the sport that will benefit the body;
  • Avoid injury and heavy physical exertion.

Answer to the question- is it possible to crunch your fingers on your hands, it will be like this: yes, you can, but first evaluate all the likely risks to your own health and the peace of others.

For many, it is important to know why the fingers are crunching, and whether this is a problem. Doctors refute the generally accepted opinion about the benefits of this activity, and explain how to get rid of a bad habit.

Why do fingers crackle

Experts say that the real reason for the crunch of fingers is natural processes organism. The mechanism of occurrence of a characteristic crack is as follows - in the synovial membrane there is a special fluid that fills the space between the cartilage and acts as a natural lubricant.
This substance includes several elements:
  • oxygen
  • carbon dioxide
A sharp movement contributes to the expansion of the cavity in which the liquid medium is located, the appearance of free space and a change in normal pressure. The result is the formation of small gas bubbles. Their bursting becomes the cause of the characteristic click.
medical fact. A crunch that occurs periodically is not a pathology. Finding out the causes of this phenomenon will be required in the event of its constant occurrence and the presence of uncomfortable sensations.

Why do fingers crackle

If the crunch of the fingers is accompanied by pain or deformities, the reasons for this may be:

  • Salt deposits.
  • Arthrosis.
  • traumatic factors.
  • Abnormal mobility of articular elements.
An increased concentration of salts in the body leads to their penetration into the articular and muscle tissues. The result is the appearance of a joint crunch.
Osteoarthritis causes wear and tear of the joints, and the loss of their ability to perform natural functions. The disease is often accompanied by a crack that occurs against the background of a violation of normal processes in the bones.
Injuries that lead to a violation of the integrity of tissues, excessive friction or displacement of the joints also often provoke the appearance of crackling sounds. In some cases, a similar phenomenon occurs after damage to the capillaries or muscles adjacent to the articular bag. Abnormal mobility of the joints often causes their accelerated aging and the appearance of a crunch.
Good to know. Often, the knuckles of the fingers make clicking sounds in babies. This process is explained by the unformed bones and the increased flexibility of cartilage, which is characteristic childhood. In the absence of genetic abnormalities, this phenomenon goes away on its own.

What happens if you crack your fingers

The habit of crunching your fingers on your hands is not completely harmless.
Constant exposure to the joints can cause:

  • pinched nerves
  • tissue stretching
  • dislocations
  • bone deformities
  • synovial fluid deficiency
If you want to warm up and restore tone after a busy day, it is recommended not to crunch your fingers, but to perform special exercises. This will bring much more benefits, and will help to avoid dangerous sprains of ligaments and tissues.
There is a whole range of exercises that can replace finger crunching and have a really positive effect on the joints.
During the warm-up you will need:
  • Imagine virtual “clicks” on the forehead and perform such movements 3 times with each finger.
  • Squeeze all fingers in turn, starting with the little finger, then unclench in the reverse order. Repeat up to 3 times.
  • Cross your fingers (imitating "scissors") 4-5 times.
  • Connect fingers in the lock. Holding in front of you, make wave-like movements with them.
  • Keeping the previous position of the hands, raise them above the head and sharply lower them individually down.
Such simple passes will not only help improve the condition of the joints, but also allow you to get rid of the harmful, annoying habit of cracking your knuckles around people.

Do I need to do something if the fingers are crunchy

Finger crunch does not apply to independent diseases, however, in some cases, there is a need for diagnosis and treatment. This becomes necessary with the simultaneous appearance of clicks and pain.
To make a diagnosis, specialists use the following methods:

  • X-ray, which allows to identify voids, erosion, areas of thinning of cartilage tissue;
  • An MRI showing areas of articulation that are difficult to visualize on an x-ray.
  • arthroscopic analysis is a procedure that combines elements of diagnostics and therapy.
After passing the examination, the specialist selects the most effective methods treatment. Traditionally, the therapeutic regimen includes taking medications in combination with exercise therapy and massage.
Important! Self-selection and uncontrolled use medical preparations can cause undesirable consequences and complications.

Cracking your fingers can be helpful

Many orthopedists claim that the opinion that crunching is good for joints is not true. Also, this phenomenon does not eliminate the numbness of the fingers.
The conclusion of the doctors is unambiguous - the crunching of fingers can be neutral at best. It does not have a positive effect on the body. On the contrary, such manipulations can gradually cause loosening and deformity of the joints, the appearance of swelling and protrusion. Most of all, the negative impact of the crunch extends to the thumbs.
The field of all of the above, we can confidently conclude that the intentional crunching of the fingers does not have a positive effect on the joints. In addition, movements that provoke cracking in the bones cause psychological dependence.

Why fingers crunch: video

An informative video will help you better understand the nature of the origin of the crunch in the fingers, and assess your own condition. Also, the participants of the video explain why you should not get carried away beyond measure with this seemingly harmless activity, and what are its long-term negative consequences.

The structure of the fingers implies their ability to fine motor skills, in which a person has the ability to grab various objects, hold them. To carry out these functions, interphalangeal joints are included in the work, which in their structure are not much different from large articulations of bones. The joint cavity includes the heads of conjugated bones, which are protected from friction between themselves by elastic cartilage tissue. Forms a joint ligamentous apparatus, which does not allow pathological movements and protects against injuries. The internal cavity is filled with synovial fluid, which plays the role of lubrication during any movements. Normally, no third-party sounds are heard during flexion and extension of the fingers.

The joints of the fingers crunch only if there is a reason for this. It can be expressed in pathological changes in the ligamentous apparatus, cartilage or bone tissue. Sometimes there are cases of deficiency of synovial fluid, which contributes to the free sliding of the heads of bones in the articular cavity. Let's try to look at everything possible reason crunching fingers in order.

The most common reason why fingers crunch

No matter how trite it may seem, but the most common cause of a condition in which fingers crackle lies in microscopic injuries that a person may not even notice. For example, for incorrect setting of the hands while working with a computer keyboard, amplitude oscillations occur in the interphalangeal joints, due to which the ligaments are stretched. Subsequently, this creates conditions for exceeding the limit of allowable extensibility of the articular cavity during the spreading of the finger. At the same time, air bubbles from the surrounding tissues are drawn into the stretched joint. When bending, the air is squeezed out with a characteristic crunch. A slight click may also occur, which indicates that the joint is sufficiently loose and poorly fixed by the ligamentous apparatus.

In young people, the appearance of a crunch in the joints of the fingers may be associated with rheumatoid cartilage changes, ankylosing spondylitis, household or sports injuries.

In old age, the joints of the fingers most often crackle against the background of deforming osteoarthritis and arthritis. At the same time, on initial stage an inflammatory reaction is observed, which, due to the swelling of the surrounding tissues, prevents the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage. Its destruction begins. The heads of the bones gradually become exposed and begin to rub against each other during movements. This may be accompanied by a characteristic crunch. This is accompanied by severe pain and limited mobility. Outwardly, the joints are swollen, hyperemic during exacerbation and painful to the touch.

Is cracking your fingers bad?

Some people gradually develop a bad habit of crunching their fingers. They deliberately provoke the maximum abduction of the phalanx and then sharply bend the phalanges in order to produce the corresponding sound.

Is cracking your fingers bad? The answer to this question is quite clear. It is categorically impossible to do this, especially systematically. In this way, you stretch the already weakened ligaments even more. In the future, this can lead to a deficiency of synovial fluid, habitual dislocations, or deforming osteoarthritis.

Our clinic specialists manual therapy are ready to provide you with assistance in eliminating the crunch in the joints of the fingers. Masseurs and chiropractors will help restore normal blood supply, which contributes to the restoration of the ligamentous apparatus and cartilage. Physiotherapists can help develop individual program gymnastics to improve the work of the interphalangeal joints of the hands.