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Breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. Wellness exercises using Buteyko breathing exercises Buteyko breathing detailed steps

Proper breathing is an important preventive measure for many diseases. According to experts, this is a true barometer showing the state of human health. Breathing is closely connected not only with health, but also with consciousness.

The famous scientist K.P. Buteyko developed his own breathing technique, which helped many people cope with their illnesses.

Buteyko Konstantin Pavlovich - a doctor, physiologist, scientist who conducted many experiments on breathing. After that, he convincingly substantiated that deep breathing is harmful to the human body. This is because a large amount of oxygen displaces carbon dioxide, which is an important chemical compound for the body. According to the scientist, the deeper a person breathes, the more seriously ill he is. Deep breathing can provoke a spasm of some organs, especially the vessels of the brain. It is important to understand that if the vascular network and muscle tissue are reduced, the required amount of oxygen ceases to reach the organs and metabolic processes are disrupted.

Buteyko argues that carbon dioxide cannot be wasted, so you need to be able to breathe properly. The scientist's experiments showed that in the blood of healthy people, the volume of carbon dioxide is much higher than in patients.

Breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method treat more than 100 diseases. A positive result is achieved by 90% of patients.

Principles of Buteyko breathing

To begin Buteyko exercises, you need to learn shallow breathing. It is difficult for an unhealthy person to do exercises, you need to be patient. In the early stages of doing gymnastics, profuse sweating often occurs.

During the course of the treatment course, it is imperative to eat right. It is preferable to eat plant foods the minimum amount fat. It is forbidden to take alcohol, smoke. It is recommended to sleep lying on your stomach, breathe through your nose.

Try not to bring yourself to a stressful state, as the respiratory rhythm is disturbed.

Thanks to Buteyko gymnastics, those who have been suffering from chronic diseases for a long time recover.

Buteyko breathing affects the body in the following ways:

  • Improves nasal breathing, which helps to eliminate rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • The cough goes away;
  • Mucus comes out of the lower part of the lungs;
  • Allergic diseases are cured;
  • The activity of the cardiovascular system is resumed;
  • Blood pressure returns to normal;
  • Significantly improves blood circulation in the brain.

Breathing according to the Buteyko method is based on a successive decrease in the duration of the depth of inhalation and exhalation, but the breath holding pause is lengthened. People get back in balance chemical substances, the immune system is strengthened and the disease begins to recede.

Practicing Buteyko is very convenient, because the exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time.

The exercises are simple, so they are suitable for all ages. Children are encouraged to engage from the age of four.

To perform breathing exercises, you need to sit in a comfortable position, but your back should be even. Pull your neck up, put your hands on your knees. Relax completely. Before starting to perform gymnastics, it is important to be able to make a “control pause” (after exhaling, a person must hold his breath until he feels a lack of oxygen). Gymnastics begins with a reduction in the depth of breathing, reducing it to a minimum. This procedure lasts about 5 minutes, after which a control pause is measured. This is repeated five times - this is one cycle. During the day, do these six cycles with a break of 4 hours. Record all measurements in a special diary. The increase in indicators indicates the correctness of the exercise. But when the numbers are the same, this explains the slow effect of the exercises. With a pause of 60 seconds, you can do gymnastics twice a day. Full mastery of the technique allows you to do the cycle only once a day.

Health test

To find out what kind of health a person has, you can conduct a test. Prepare a stopwatch, sit on the edge of a chair, do not cross your legs, relax, raise your head. After exhaling, squeeze the nose with two fingers and hold out until the first sensation of a lack of oxygen appears. The state of health is assessed by the following pause indicators:

  • 3–5 sec. - the person is very sick;
  • 30 sec. – have minor health problems;
  • 60 sec. - good health;
  • 2-3 minutes - a person has super endurance.

Gymnastics according to the Buteyko method should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is especially true for people with serious illnesses.

Some exercises can not be performed in severe asthma.

This workout is a great workout. If you do it every day, you can significantly increase the air retention pause. It is best to test on an empty stomach.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

  • with the threat of bleeding;
  • during exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • with diabetes, if there is dependence on insulin;
  • with aneurysm deep blood clots;
  • in the presence of foreign transplants in the body;
  • if there was a heart operation;
  • during pregnancy.

It will be difficult to perform exercises for people with chronic tonsillitis.

Below are some exercises that can help in different life situations.

Exercises "Ambulance"

This section will describe exercises that help with various diseases, pains, emotional experiences.

Bronchial asthma

If there is a problem with bronchial asthma, you need to show great perseverance, since training should take 2-3 hours a day and no less. You need to try to gradually reduce the speed of inhalation and its depth, learn to pause after a measured, prolonged exhalation. Make long breathing pauses at least 3 times a day (up to 60 seconds or more).

Hold your breath according to the following rules:

  • take a comfortable sitting position, slightly touching the back of the chair;
  • having exhaled, squeeze the nose with two fingers, making a respiratory pause until the moment when the lack of it becomes very strong;
  • take a long and shallow breath;
  • rest and repeat the exercise.

Systematic respiratory pauses contribute to the normalization of carbon dioxide in the blood and prevent asthma attacks.

stressful state

Two options are offered.

1 option. After exhaling, hold your breath for at least three seconds.

Option 2 "Blowing out the candle." Stop breathing after taking a deep breath. Fold your lips into a tube, and sharply do three exhalations:

  • 1 exhalation - air is exhaled from the abdomen;
  • 2 exhalation - from the chest;
  • 3 exhalation - from the top of the lungs.

The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. Perform "Blowing out the candle" vigorously, a maximum of three times.

Fears, anxiety

Knowledgeable people say that negative emotions are collected in the place between the ribs and the top of the abdomen. To get rid of fears, negative emotions, you need to do three deep breathing cycles. Breathing is measured. On the third time, the air is completely exhaled and pause in breathing. Then inhale. This will fill the body with living energy, freeing itself from negativity.


After a full inhalation, a respiratory pause is made and a long exhalation through the mouth. Make sure that all the air comes out with a long whistling sound. Do this three times.


When your head hurts, you should immediately begin to make your breathing shorter. At first, it follows with a maximum pause after exhalation. This will give a rapid accumulation of carbon dioxide. At the end of the pause, hold your breath. The head will clear up, the pain will go away.

Stuffy nose

If one nostril of the nose is blocked, it is necessary to close the breathing nostril with a handkerchief and stop breathing for several seconds. After doing this several times, the nostril will open.

Exercises to strengthen the body

A set of breathing techniques is offered to help strengthen the body.

Breathing in rhythm with a long exhalation

Order of execution:

  1. Take a comfortable position;
  2. At the expense of 2-3 - a breath is taken;
  3. At the expense of 4-6 - exhale.
  4. Over time, the inhalation lengthens to a count of 4-5, and the exhalation to a count of 7-10. Control the rhythm. Do 4-5 times.

Regular breathing with active exhalation

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth as if blowing out a candle. Exercises are done at least 4 times.

cleansing breath

Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale in short bursts (3-4 strokes) through half-pursed lips. This exercise is useful to do after a long stay in a stuffy room. Do it at least 3 times.

Calming breath


  • On a deep lingering breath, raise your arms forward and spread apart, turning your palms up.
  • Raise your head;
  • With a long exhalation, go to the starting position, lowering your head and arms.

The body's healing system, known as breathing exercises or Buteyko exercises, is called by the author "a method of volitional elimination of deep breathing." According to him, proper breathing should be quiet, slow and nasal. The scientist claims that the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is an indicator of health and the most important factor in its recovery. Moreover, in healthy people it is much higher than in patients. Therefore, for treatment and general recovery, Buteyko recommends exhaling as little and as little as possible, using shallow breathing.

The dependence of a person's condition on breathing is well demonstrated by an attack of bronchial asthma. When the patient begins to suffocate, he actively grabs air, which significantly worsens his condition - breathing is not enough even more, the lungs swell intensely, and the need for oxygen is increasing. But if he stops breathing for a few moments, the body's defenses will work - the vessels will expand and increase the delivery of blood with oxygen to the tissues. As a result, the general well-being of the asthmatic will improve significantly.

Important! Buteyko breathing is not only the inhalation of oxygen, but also the saving of carbon dioxide by slowing down the respiratory process. According to the scientist, carbon dioxide in an increased amount heals the body and is able to get rid of many diseases.

The essence of the technique is to perform exercises that contribute to a gradual decrease in the depth of breathing and an increase in the duration of its delay. The longer the pause between inhalation and exhalation, the better the saturation of cells with oxygen and the preservation of carbon dioxide in them. As a result of the restoration of the correct ratio of these two most important elements in the body, whole line positive changes - acid-base balance is regulated, metabolism is improved, immunity is strengthened, existing diseases are cured.

The breathing technique proposed by Dr. Buteyko is positioned by modern medicine as a way to get rid of bronchial asthma. But in reality, it allows you to cure 118 diseases without drugs and other supportive measures. First of all, these are allergies, pulmonary, cardiac and vascular diseases, obesity, pain syndrome of various origins, pathologies of the digestive tract, and many others.

The great advantage of Buteyko breathing exercises is that the exercises can be performed anywhere, regardless of time and external circumstances. They are distinguished by simplicity, accessibility and versatility - both children from 4 years of age and the most elderly people can do it.

Contraindications and warnings

The limitation for using the method of Konstantin Buteyko may be the presence of the following diseases:

  • mental and mental disorders;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • acute infections;
  • insulin dependent diabetes;
  • aneurysm with large blood clots.

Also, breathing exercises are contraindicated in the presence of transplants, after heart surgery, during pregnancy. Difficulties may arise with diseases of the teeth or chronic tonsillitis.

For those to whom gymnastics is suitable, it is necessary to take into account the warnings of the author of the technique:

  1. Be prepared for challenges - treatment requires a lot of effort to initial stage be able to stop taking deep breaths. In some cases, to achieve the goal, you cannot do without a special corset.
  2. Be prepared for unpleasant sensations - at the initial stage, fear often appears, unwillingness to do gymnastics, exacerbation of diseases, pain, and failures in the respiratory process. It is very important for such manifestations not to give up classes, waiting until the discomfort disappears and recovery begins.
  3. Refuse drug therapy - if this is not possible, you should at least reduce the dosage of drugs by 2 times, but for complex diseases, be sure to do this under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Exclude other methods of treatment - Buteyko exercises are effective on their own and do not require any auxiliary measures.

Preparatory exercises

Before starting Buteyko breathing exercises, it is necessary to prepare the body:

  • gradually switch to less deep breathing;
  • learn to breathe with a delay and only when a feeling of lack of air appears, which should accompany the performance of all exercises in the future;
  • increase the duration of the exhalation so that it lasts several times longer than the inhalation.

To achieve this goal, you need to perform only 2 exercises, each lasting 7-10 minutes:

Exercise 1:

  1. Get straight. Exhale, on a slow inhale, slowly raise your shoulders and immediately begin to exhale, lowering your shoulders.
  2. Slowly inhaling, take your shoulders back, trying to bring your elbows together. On a slow exhale, move your shoulders forward, squeezing your chest. Do everything stress-free.
  3. On the next inhale, tilt to one side, and on the exhale, straighten up. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Exhaling, gradually throw your head back, inhale. On a new exhalation, lower your head to your chest. Inhale and stand straight.
  5. While inhaling, turn the torso to one side so that one arm is behind the back and the other in front. On the exhale, come back. Repeat on the other side.
  6. Without controlling your breath, twist first one, then the other shoulder, and then both at once, as if controlling the oars.

Exercise 2:

  1. Take the pose of a soldier - stand still, turn your shoulders, pull in your stomach, lower your clenched hands.
  2. Gently rise on the toes of the feet, taking a leisurely breath with a full chest.
  3. Freeze without breathing for 5 seconds.
  4. Exhale slowly as you return to the starting position.

After completing these exercises, you need to adjust your breathing.

Teaching proper breathing

This complex includes 3 exercises. They are aimed at gradually reducing the depth of breathing until it is reduced to nothing.

Endurance training:

  1. Sit up straight, relax, look ahead.
  2. Start breathing very briefly for 10-15 minutes, overcoming the lack of air and the desire to breathe.
  3. If breathing is not enough at all, you can make it a little deeper.
  4. When performed correctly, the body will be filled with warmth, and then with heat, you will want to take a deep breath. To overcome this desire, you need to relax the diaphragm.
  5. At the exit, do not change the depth of breathing.

After the end of the exercise, the usual pause after inhalation and exhalation should increase by 2 seconds.

Muscle tension:

  • Lie on your stomach, with force press your chin to the floor or a fist placed under it.
  • Hold your breath, increasing the pressure of the chin. Endure as long as possible.
  • When it is not possible to hold the breath, strain other parts of the body - raise the head and shoulders, pull the arms one by one, then the legs.

This consistent muscle tension will make it easier to switch to shallow breathing.

Breath hold:

  • Stand up straight, take a deep breath.
  • Hold on for as long as you can.
  • Exhale forcefully through your mouth.

At first, the breath delays will be short, but over time they will become much longer. To control the change in the duration of pauses, the exercise must be performed with a stopwatch.

Shallow breathing training

These Buteyko breathing exercises are aimed at developing the habit of breathing shallowly and bringing pauses up to 1 minute.

  1. Make the maximum possible delay. When there is a strong feeling of lack of air, take minimal breaths. If there is an irresistible urge to inhale deeply, do so and repeat the exercise from the beginning.
  2. During a similar delay, do not stand, but walk without stopping. After the maximum possible pause, inhale and repeat the steps.
  3. Breathe shallowly at first for a couple of minutes, and then bring these periods up to 15 minutes.

Such training should be performed daily, at least 4 times a day or more, but at regular intervals.

Basic exercises

This complex develops the ability to hold your breath for long time regardless of load:

  1. We breathe shallowly, performing each respiratory movement for 5 seconds, including maintaining a pause of the same duration after each exhalation. We do 10 repetitions.
  2. We breathe deeply, but the duration of the respiratory movements is increased to 7.5 seconds, and the delay remains the same. In this case, inhalation should begin from the diaphragm, and then move to the chest, and exhalation, on the contrary, should end with the diaphragm. We also do 10 repetitions.
  3. We massage the nose with our fingers along the entire length, holding our breath.
  4. We breathe alternately through the nostrils - 10 repetitions.
  5. We retract the stomach and repeat the breathing movements of the second exercise. We do not relax the stomach until the end of the exercise. We do 10 repetitions.
  6. We ventilate the respiratory system - breathe quickly, inhaling and exhaling without delay for 2.5 seconds. We do 12 times. At the end, hold your breath to the limit, exhale strongly.
  7. We breathe rarely by levels:
    1st level: All respiratory movements, including the delay after each exhalation, last 5 seconds. We do 4 repetitions and without a break we move on to the next level.
    2nd level: We repeat the exercise of the previous level, but we make an additional delay after each breath.
    3rd level: We increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation to 7.5 seconds, we do the delay only after exhalation for a duration of 5 seconds. We perform 6 repetitions.
    4th level: We repeat the exercise of the second level, but the duration of each movement is increased to 10 seconds. In just 60 seconds, 1.5 respiratory cycles are completed. We do 6 repetitions. The goal is to reach 1 cycle per minute.
  8. We delay the pause - while standing, hold your breath as long as possible, first after exhalation, then after inhalation. Do 1 time.
  9. The same exercise, sitting - 10 repetitions.
  10. The same exercise in walking in place - 10 repetitions.
  11. The same exercise, squatting - 10 repetitions.
  12. We breathe superficially - completely relax, breathe with the chest, gradually making the respiratory movements less deep until they are performed only in the nasopharynx. Follow this rhythm for 3-10 minutes.

Important! All Buteyko breathing exercises must be performed only on an empty stomach. They are done silently and strictly through the nose, unless otherwise indicated in the description.

Stages of recovery

The final stage of the healing breathing technique is the reaction of recovery and cleansing of the whole organism. This process is very individual, depends on many factors and can vary significantly in terms of appearance - from 1 hour to several months after performing gymnastics.

The initial signs are very unpleasant:

  • nervous tension;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feverish conditions;
  • fever, headaches;
  • pain in the tissues affected by deep breathing;
  • exacerbation of symptoms of the underlying disease.

The recovery itself takes place in 5 stages, each of which corresponds to the achieved duration of breath holding - from 10 to 60 seconds. This delay is called the control pause, which is performed after a normal exhalation and is counted until the first slight desire to take a breath. That is, it shows how many people can not breathe without the slightest tension. To measure the control pause, you need to breathe in the usual rhythm for 5 minutes, and then carry out the indicated test. After it, breathing should remain the same as it was before the test.

  1. While the control pause does not exceed 10 seconds, the body is cleared of superficial problems. Usually there is an increased secretion of all liquids and mucus, symptoms develop that resemble a cold, dryness appears in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, and intense thirst.
  2. With a pause of 20 seconds, everything starts to hurt, including places of old injuries or operations, all chronic diseases become aggravated, sputum is intensively separated, and in case of pulmonary diseases, the temperature rises greatly.
  3. The possibility of a delay of 30 minutes begins a psychological cleansing, which causes a reaction of the nervous system, crying for no reason appears, irritability increases, and depression may develop.
  4. When the pause lasts 40 seconds, a cardinal cleansing is already taking place - the state of blood vessels, metabolic processes, the work of all organs are normalized, cardiovascular problems, allergies, hypertension are eliminated, neoplasms are resolved.
  5. After reaching 60 seconds, the body is completely cleansed and healed, but negative manifestations still remain and manifest themselves depending on the presence and type of the most chronic diseases. Language will be the indicator of reaction. If there is a raid, then the process has not yet ended. When fully recovered, it will be pink and clear.

Treatment with Buteyko breathing exercises has helped many people restore their health. This healing technique has a huge number of supporters around the world. But each body is individual, and the result largely depends on its characteristics. However, it is still worth trying this unique method, since there is always a chance of a positive outcome if a person himself strives for recovery.

The human body is a complex biochemical laboratory. We unconsciously interfere with its work by eating refined food stuffed with chemicals, experiencing constant stress, inhaling poisoned air. Dr. Buteyko added to these risks also incorrect breathing. In his opinion, the imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body creates the basis for the development of many serious diseases. The respiratory gymnastics developed by him helps to restore this balance and significantly alleviate the condition of seriously ill patients.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko - physiologist, candidate of medical sciences, practicing doctor and researcher. Immediately after graduating from the institute and starting medical practice in the early 1950s, K. P. Buteyko first tried the effect of shallow breathing on himself during an attack of malignant hypertension. The disease overtook him while still a very young man. And ironically, this was precisely the pathology he was studying. Doctors gave him a bad prognosis, but despite this, Dr. Buteyko lived for 80 years, largely thanks to the technique he developed.

He devoted almost 30 years to an in-depth study of the phenomenon of shallow breathing and attempts to officially introduce his methodology into clinical practice. The years of his work at the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Cardiology were also devoted to this. Buteyko called his method the volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLHD).

Brief excursion into physiology

From school lessons, we learned a firm belief that life is impossible without oxygen, but the product of its processing in the form of carbon dioxide is a waste that is emitted from the body with exhaled air. In his methodology, K. P. Buteyko proved that this was not so, considering carbon dioxide to be life-giving for the body.

The scientist argued that most ailments are the result of too deep breathing, which overflows the body with oxygen. And its excess in the lungs leads to the loss of too much carbon dioxide. Why did Buteyko attach such importance to carbon dioxide? Here it is appropriate to talk about its role in biochemical processes. It affects many of them:

  • the production of hormones and their physiological effectiveness;
  • functioning of the nervous system;
  • intensity of the digestive glands;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • maintaining a stable acid-base balance.

And finally, carbon dioxide controls a person's breathing, sending a signal to the brain to take the next breath. Carbon dioxide is a powerful vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the walls of blood vessels, allowing more blood flow. If the level of carbon dioxide decreases, vasoconstriction occurs and tissues and organs receive less oxygen.

Methodology K.P. Buteyko teaches you how to control your own breathing. According to the scientist, breathing superficially and infrequently, a person maintains an optimal balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide, while getting rid of severe manifestations of the disease or even recovering from it.

Video: the essence of the Buteyko method

Buteyko test to determine the level of health

Dr. Buteyko has developed a test to determine the state of human health. It was determined by measuring the duration of the control and maximum pauses in breathing. At the same time, the alveolar air was analyzed for the content of carbon dioxide in it and the pulse rate was measured. He tabulated the results. According to it, anyone can determine how healthy he is.

To test, sit on the edge of a chair. Posture should be correct, hands on knees.

A pause in breathing that does not cause discomfort is called a control pause (CP). The maximum pause (MP) is measured in the same way, but the breath is held longer, as long as the lack of air can be tolerated. Muscle tension or simple walking will help prolong the delay.

Table: determination of the level of health according to the Buteyko method

Body conditionBreath shapeThe degree of health impairmentCO 2 alveolarControl pause (sec.)Maximum pause (sec.)Pulse rate (per minute)
% mmHg Art.
Enhanced endurancesuperficialV7,5 54 180 210 48
IV7,4 53 150 190 50
III7,3 52 120 170 52
II7,1 51 100 150 55
I6,8 48 80 120 57
Norm6,5 46 60 90 68
DiseaseDeepI6.0 43 50 75 65
II5.5 40 40 60 70
III5.0 36 30 50 75
IV4.5 32 20 40 80
V4.0 28 10 20 90
VI3.5 24 5 10 100
VIIBorder of life

You can do the test yourself. It is carried out on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning or in the evening before going to bed), as the process of digesting food can distort the result.

Who is shallow breathing training for?

Official medicine recognizes the effectiveness of the method only in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Clinical trials of Buteyko breathing exercises (in 1968 and 1981) as part of therapy with the use of drugs and physiotherapy showed a moderate improvement in the condition. The fact that the method works for other diseases is evidenced by numerous reviews of grateful patients. Diseases in which breathing exercises bring relief:

  • hypertension;
  • chronic lung diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema);
  • sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoids, laryngitis (in particular, laryngospasm);
  • various manifestations of allergies;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • cardiovascular;
  • diseases of the kidneys, central nervous system (in particular, epilepsy), digestive organs.

In his writings and articles, K. P. Buteyko claims that his breathing technique relieves excess weight by reducing appetite, improves immunity and prevents frequent colds.

You should consult with your doctor before starting treatment using the VLHD method.

Video: how and what diseases the Buteyko method treats

Contraindications for Buteyko gymnastics

  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • the presence of a transplant;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • aneurysm;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental disorders, when the patient is unable to understand the essence of the method;
  • rehabilitation period after heart surgery;
  • chronic angina;
  • dental diseases;
  • bleeding.

It is possible to conduct classes in severe conditions only with the participation of a doctor or a specialist in VLHD. This is especially true for advanced forms of hypertension. For general strengthening body and disease prevention can be dealt with independently.

How to prepare for classes

It is difficult to learn shallow breathing right away, so the author of the technique developed special exercises as an introductory part to the main classes. Movements of the body and arms are performed in harmony with breathing. You need to breathe shallowly, through the nose, the diaphragm is relaxed. During the exercise, a slight feeling of lack of air should appear. Before starting the exercise and after the end, you need to hold your breath and measure your heart rate.

Exercise #1

Practice sitting on a chair, your back should be straight, your shoulders should be straightened. The movements will help you breathe shallowly.

  1. Raise your shoulders as you inhale and lower as you exhale.
  2. Pull your shoulders back and close your shoulder blades as you inhale, as you exhale, pull your arms forward.
  3. Inhalation is combined with the tilt of the body to the side, exhalation - with the straightening of the body. Repeat tilt to the other side.
  4. Take your head back as you inhale, tilt it forward as you exhale.
  5. While inhaling, turn your body to the right, while exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement to the left.
  6. Without controlling your breath, make circular movements with your shoulders as when rowing.

In the process of execution, heat gradually spreads through the body, perspiration appears. The exercise will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Exercise #2

  1. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and stomach in.
  2. As you inhale, rise on your tiptoes and stretch your arms up.
  3. Freeze in this position and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  4. Lower yourself slowly and exhale calmly.

Take a short break after each lift.

Basic breathing exercises

After preparation, you can proceed to the main exercises. Their implementation requires calmness, silence and full concentration on gymnastics:

  1. In the process of breathing, only the upper part of the lungs should be involved. Inhale, exhale and pause, the duration of each phase is 5 seconds. The cycle is repeated 10 times.
  2. A long breath should take you 7.5 seconds. Feel the direction of breathing - the diaphragm should rise to the thoracic region. Exhalation occurs from top to bottom and also lasts 7.5 seconds. After exhaling, pause for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Hold your breath once for 5 seconds, while pointwise massaging the back of the nose.
  4. Perform the second exercise, alternately pinching the right and left nostrils with your finger. Repeat 10 times for each.
  5. Go back to the second exercise. Perform it by pulling in and tensing the abdominal muscles as you inhale. Keep them in good shape until the end of the exhalation. Repeat the cycle 10 times.
  6. Take 12 deep and short (no more than 2.5 seconds) breaths and exhalations. This will ventilate the lungs. At the end, hold your breath for as long as possible.

Respiration reduction at four levels:

  1. Cycle inhale - pause - exhale for 5 seconds, then hold the breath for 5 seconds. Repeat for 2 minutes. Then inhale, exhale, hold for 5 seconds, repeat for 1 minute.
  2. Repeat the previous exercise, extending each phase to 7.5 seconds. Runtime - 3 minutes.
  3. Double hold exercise. Exhale, hold your breath, inhale, hold your breath. It is done 1 time. Then again inhale, pause, exhale, hold your breath - each phase for 10 seconds. Runtime - 4 minutes.
  4. Holding the breath from 3 to 10 times in different positions (during movement, squatting, sitting).

Complete the set with the exercise, sitting on a chair and breathing shallowly, gradually increasing the time from 1 to 15 minutes. K. P. Buteyko recommended performing the complex 3-4 times a day.

Exercise to help you hold your breath

K.P. Buteyko said that physical exercises help to master his breathing exercises. They can be done during breathing exercises, they all require muscle tension:

  • head tilts;
  • spreading arms to the sides;
  • strong emphasis with hands on the back of a chair or table;
  • strong clenching of fists or an elastic ring;
  • stretched in a tense smile or lips stretched into a tube;
  • look up;
  • rubbing the palms or any other part of the body;
  • rotational movement of the arm from the elbow;
  • sitting on a chair, raising legs on toes.

Exercise as an ambulance

Breath-holding exercises are not just for long courses. They can be used as ambulance in various disease states.

Relieve stress

Sit comfortably in a chair and breathe in and out. After exhaling, hold your breath for a few seconds. Another option is to inhale, hold your breath, then exhale three sharply:

  • the first - the air is pushed out by the stomach;
  • the second is exhalation from the chest;
  • the third is from the top of the lungs.

Do the exercise three times.

Get rid of headaches

Sit down and relax as much as possible. Start breathing with short inhales and exhales. After each exhalation, make a long (as far as possible) pause. After a pause, try to hold your breath. After a few minutes, the headache will go away.

Freeing the nose

With complete nasal congestion, the exercise cannot be done. It will help if only one nasal passage does not breathe. To release it, you need to stop breathing. Close the breathing nostril with your finger and hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Repeat this several times.

Video: help with adenoids in a child

Recovery rates

According to Buteyko, the body goes through several stages of recovery. Each of them is characterized by a certain level of carbon dioxide in the lungs - 28 mm Hg, 32 mm, 39 mm and 46 mm. You can track these milestones on your own by measuring the duration of the maximum pause and correlating it with the Buteyko table. Backlash Dr. Buteyko considered breathing exercises to be an indicator of the reverse course of the disease and called them harbingers of recovery:

  • exacerbation of the disease (often occurs in asthmatics);
  • headache, stomach, joint and muscle pain;
  • the appearance of panic and feelings of fear;
  • weakness or, conversely, nervous excitement;
  • loss of appetite;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath, dizziness.

The reaction to recovery can frighten the patient, although Dr. Buteyko considered it normal and called the cleansing of the body from toxins. What can happen in the body:

  1. Cleansing is accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, sputum formation in the respiratory tract, urine staining in a reddish color. The discharge smells like drugs. Hair begins to fall out and skin flakes off. At this stage, the doctor takes from several hours to several weeks. Although a third of patients do without painful manifestations.
  2. The temperature rises to 40 ° C, and it is not recommended to reduce it. strong headache Dr. Buteyko explained the lack of minerals in the body - potassium, calcium and sodium. In this regard, he recommended eating more foods containing these elements.

Doctor Buteyko recommends doing therapeutic exercises continuously for three months. Although the reaction of the body to them is individual, and for each patient the need for the duration of the course is different. If the method is used as a general tonic, a person feels an improvement in well-being within a week after the start of classes.

Doctors' opinion

<…>the method of volitional restriction of pulmonary ventilation and holding the breath on exhalation is not shown to everyone. Therefore, if you want to start training, go through a thorough examination. And if after it the doctor prescribes you breathing exercises, the first 2-3 sessions should be carried out under his control. The doctor will see if you are doing the exercises correctly, how your body reacts to volitional breath holding. And only after you master the breathing exercises, the doctor will allow you to practice at home on your own. But no later than two weeks later, you must again come to him for an appointment. Medical supervision during Buteyko breathing exercises is mandatory! Otherwise, you risk punishing yourself severely. Suddenly or gradually, your condition may worsen significantly. And in those suffering from a severe form of bronchial asthma, the risk of developing an asthma attack increases, which will require immediate medical care.

S. G. BURKOV, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Do you suffer from asthma, hypertension and other serious illnesses? Do you want to heal without using drugs? Then you just need to learn about the methodology of the famous Russian scientist Buteyko!

And just in this article we talk about his unique system of superficial therapeutic breathing. Applying our advice and recommendations, you can get rid of the symptoms of many diseases, and by practicing the proposed set of Buteyko exercises, gain precious health.

K. P. Buteyko and his discovery

How a person breathes affects his well-being and health. The ancients understood this, and therefore, thousands of years ago, various breathing practices appeared: Chinese Qi-gong, Indian Pranayama, the Buddhist Vajrayana system, and others. Among the modern developments in the field of proper breathing for the treatment of ailments, one of the most effective is the Buteyko method.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko (1923 - 2003) Soviet scientist, physiologist, professor of medicine. He made his discovery in 1952, developing a unique method of shallow breathing. Its author had to prove the effectiveness of his method in practice for many years, and only in the 80s the USSR Ministry of Health gave legal status to the Buteyko method.

Konstantin Pavlovich proved the effectiveness of his system for hypertension on himself. Suffering from a malignant form of this disease and observing seriously ill patients, he invented his method of volitional elimination of deep breathing. Having applied his breathing exercises, the scientist was completely cured and began to introduce his own achievements in the process of treating patients with various diseases.

Proper breathing according to the Buteyko system and the essence of the method

According to the Buteyko teachings, very deep breathing is the cause of many diseases. In the human lungs, oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. Hyperventilation disrupts this exchange and does not lead to an increase in oxygen in the lungs, but the amount of carbon dioxide necessary for the full life of the human body decreases. As a result, cells do not receive enough oxygen, provoking even deeper breathing, which leads to spasm of blood vessels.

The body tries to prevent a lack of CO2, resulting in spasms in asthma, hypertension, and metabolic diseases. Therefore, Buteyko suggested breathing only through the nose and limiting deep breathing. This allows you to balance the ratio of oxygen and CO2. You need to breathe calmly, being in a state of complete relaxation. However, do not allow excessive lack of air.

Shallow breathing is the most correct. With it, the diaphragm is relaxed and the stomach and chest do not move. The air reaches the clavicular region, and this is like sniffing an unknown substance carefully. The general scheme of Buteyko is simple: inhaling a small volume of air lasts about 3 seconds, then exhaling for 3-4 seconds, and then a four-second pause.

Who is shown the Buteyko technique and what are its benefits

The author of the technique believed that more than 100 diseases could be cured using the system he proposed. Buteyko's special breathing showed high efficiency in cases of emphysema, allergies, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, and diseases of the central nervous system.

According to studies, this method of treatment is effective not only for asthmatics. Exercises are successfully applied to the nose, removing its congestion. Diseases associated with impaired nasal breathing are also treated: rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis and many others.

Gymnastics by Konstantin Pavlovich stops attacks and other negative symptoms of serious diseases within a few minutes. And constant practice gives tangible results for a month and allows you to fully recover. On the Internet you can find many interesting videos of Buteyko himself and his students. Reviews of grateful followers will help to verify the effectiveness of the great scientist's system.

This breathing system is also useful for children. You can practice the Buteyko method from the age of 4 under the supervision of parents, which helps with such problems with the child's health:

  • frequent colds;
  • asthma and all kinds of respiratory diseases;
  • adenoids and prolonged rhinitis;
  • with excess weight and gastrointestinal ailments;
  • allergies, various skin diseases and many others.

Contraindications for Buteyko breathing exercises

This technique is practically harmless. However, there are some contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • mental illnesses and mental deviations, in which the patient is not able to understand the essence of the method;
  • severe period of infectious diseases and severe bleeding;
  • diabetes mellitus for insulin dependent;
  • with aneurysm and after heart surgery;
  • tonsillitis in chronic form and dental diseases.

It is better for expectant mothers to be treated according to this system before pregnancy.

What do you need to know before starting classes?

The effectiveness of the method has been proven for decades, but some difficulties may arise on the way to recovery. It takes a lot of willpower, patience and regular practice. Unpleasant sensations, fear and exacerbations are possible at the beginning of mastering the system.

Don't be afraid of some pain, deterioration of appetite, lack of air in the early stages. The emergence of an aversion to exercise should not stop you. After some time, the disease will begin to recede.

Buteyko was confident in the strong side effects drugs and poisoning the body from their action. Therefore, the scientist recommended using his method by refusing drugs, or at least halving the rate of their consumption. Severely ill patients should do this under the guidance of the attending physician.

Before classes, you can test your health. To do this, sit up straight and relax all the muscles. Now take a natural breath and hold your breath. A delay of less than 30-60 seconds indicates a painful state of the body. Using this kind of simulator, you can increase the delay every day, improving your well-being.

Preparatory phase for gymnastics by Konstantin Buteyko

With this respiratory gymnastics, the depth of breathing should be reduced gradually, and over time, reduce it to zero. To prepare for the exercises, sit on the edge of a chair or any hard surface with a flat back. With your hands on your knees, look above eye level and completely relax your diaphragm.

Breathe shallowly and noiselessly through your nose, and soon you will feel the lack of air. Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. If it becomes necessary to increase the depth of inhalation, do so, but continue to breathe in the upper part of the thoracic region.

If performed correctly, a feeling of intense heat will follow, and you may be covered in perspiration. By relaxing the diaphragm, you can get rid of the desire to take a deep breath. You need to finish this preliminary exercise without deepening your breath. Before carrying out this preparation and at the end, hold the breath completely and fix the pulse.

A set of breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method

Having completed the preparation, go directly to the classes on this treatment system:

1. Engage only the upper lung sections: inhale, then exhale, pause. Five seconds for each stage. Repeat these cycles 10 times.

2. This exercise involves diaphragmatic and chest, that is, full breathing. Inhale for 7.5 seconds from the bottom - from the diaphragm, raising it to the thoracic region. Now exhale the same time period in the opposite direction, from top to bottom. Then there is a pause of 5 seconds. Do these cycles also 10 times.

3. Hold your breath and massage the nose points. Do the exercise 1 time.

4. According to the principle of complete breathing from the 2nd exercise, breathe first by closing the right nostril, and then the left. 10 repetitions for each nostril.

5. Again we take a full breath, but now, while inhaling, pull in the stomach and hold the abdominal muscles until the end of the exercise: inhale for 7.5 seconds, exhale the same amount of time, and then pause for five seconds. Repeat 10 times.

6. This is an exercise for complete ventilation of the lungs. Perform 12 strong deep breaths, lasting no more than 2.5 seconds. After doing this exercise for a minute, you should pause as much as you can while exhaling.

7. Perform four-level rare breathing as follows:

  1. Inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, then hold for 5 seconds. Do it within a minute.
  2. Five seconds to inhale, now pause, also for 5 seconds, and now exhale for the same time. After - a delay of 5 seconds. Two minutes to complete.
  3. At this level, repeat the previous exercise, but do each cycle for 7.5 seconds each. This will take 3 minutes and, accordingly, you will get 2 breaths per minute.
  4. We do the last level for 4 minutes. Inhale, pause, exhale and hold for 10 seconds. You will get 1.5 breaths per minute.

It will be optimal in the future to bring the exercise to one breath in 60 seconds.

8. Double delay. Inhale and complete a complete breath hold. Then comes the exhalation - and again the maximum pause. Do 1 time.

Finish this complex with the preparatory exercise that was performed at the beginning. Do all exercises on an empty stomach, without noise, focusing on gymnastics. Do not be distracted or interrupted until the end of class.

You can learn this breathing exercise on your own and do it at home. But it is still worth consulting with a specialist first, and starting classes under his supervision. Exercise regularly and after a few sessions you will feel relief!

What to remember:

  1. Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is a scientist who was ahead of his time, who invented and implemented a unique therapeutic breathing technique.
  2. The essence of his method is shallow breathing, which is necessary to maintain required amount carbon dioxide in the body.
  3. More than 100 diseases can be cured with this breathing technique.
  4. Before classes, you need to pay attention to contraindications.
  5. The provided complex will help improve well-being and gain health.

See you in the next article!

This method was developed back in 1952 and since then it has been successfully used to relieve and treat symptoms of allergic manifestations, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko can be effective in the following diseases:

  • - allergic diseases;
  • - in violation of cerebral circulation;
  • - with hypertension;
  • - with angina pectoris;
  • - with pneumosclerosis;
  • - at bronchial asthma;
  • - with emphysema;
  • - with asthmatic bronchitis.

According to the well-known scientist Buteyko, the reason for the development of the described pathological conditions is hyperventilation, which causes a lack of CO2 in the blood. This happens due to increased tone of smooth muscles, impaired tissue free breathing and spasm of all existing airways.

In order to saturate human blood with the carbon dioxide it needs, which is extremely small in the air surrounding a person, you need to learn how to clearly regulate your breathing so that it becomes more superficial, and the pauses between breaths themselves become longer.

The very principle of such correct breathing is extremely simple - you need to take a superficial shallow breath for 2-3 seconds and then exhale for 3-4 seconds. The pause between breaths should be increased. At this time, the human body must rest, and during pauses, to stimulate the trigeminal nerve, it is necessary to look up. There is no need to be afraid of the emerging feeling of lack of air.

If you decide to start exercising according to this system, then you need to prepare for the appearance of unpleasant sensations that will arise in the first stages of the exercises. You may have an aversion to exercise, fear, a feeling of pain, exacerbation of diseases. In addition, such unpleasant symptoms as rapid breathing, loss of appetite, bouts of lack of enough air are possible. The most important thing in this is not to stop your studies, because only in this case, after some time, recovery will begin and discomfort will gradually pass.

This system has one indisputable advantage, which is that such exercises can be performed anytime and anywhere: on a walk, at home, in transport, at work. In addition, this technique is suitable for almost all ages: it can be practiced by all people who have reached the age of four.

Breathing exercises Buteyko, exercises

The complex of well-known Buteyko breathing exercises is aimed at developing the most correct breathing and at developing the natural abilities of a person to hold his breath, both during the inhalation itself and during the subsequent exhalation, both in a state of activity and at rest.

The upper sections of the lungs should work: inhale for five seconds, then exhale for five seconds (while you need to relax the muscles chest); after which you should make a five-second pause and not breathe, while being in the maximum possible relaxation. Ten times (total - 2.5 minutes).

Proper complete breathing. Thoracic and all also diaphragmatic breathing at the same time. Inhalation should last 7.5 seconds, starting with normal diaphragmatic breathing and ending with chest breathing at the end; Exhalation should last 7.5 seconds, starting from the uppermost parts of the human lungs and ending with their lower parts, that is, the diaphragm; five seconds pause. Ten times (total - 3.5 minutes).

Targeted acupressure on the maximum pause of the points of the nose. Once.

Full breath, first through the right, and then through the left half of the nose. Just ten times.

Retraction of the abdomen. For 7.5 seconds we take a full breath, then the same amount of time we do the maximum exhalation. We maintain a five-second pause, keeping the abdominal muscles in a retracted position. Ten times (total - 3.5 minutes).

MVL (maximum ventilation of the lungs). We perform twelve maximum quick breaths and the same exhalations, that is, the inhalation should last 2.5 seconds and the same exhalation. We do it within a minute. After performing MVL, you should make MP (maximum pause) on exhalation to the very limit. Execute once.

Rare breathing (performed by levels).

Level one:

  • Inhale - from one to 5 seconds, five seconds - exhale, pause - also five seconds. There are four breaths per minute. Do a full minute, then, without stopping your breath, do the next levels.

Level two:

  • Inhale - from 2 to 5 seconds, hold your breath at the end of the breath - also 5 seconds, then exhale - 5 seconds and pause - 5 seconds. There are three breaths per minute. Runs for two minutes.

Level three:

  • Inhale - from three to 7.5 seconds, followed by 7.5 seconds of breath holding, exhalation also 7.5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds. There are two breaths per minute. You have to do it within three minutes.

Level four:

  • Inhale - from 4 to 10 seconds, hold your breath for 10 seconds, exhale - 10 seconds and then pause - 10 seconds. 1.5 breaths will come out per minute. It takes 4 minutes to complete. So go on and on. Who can endure. Normally, you need to bring up to one breath per minute.

Breath hold (double). To begin with, you should perform MP on exhalation, then the maximum delay on inhalation. Execute once.

MP in a sitting position from three to ten times, MP in walking in one place also from 3 to 10 times, while running in place MP should be from 3 to 10 times and then MP in the process of squats - also three to ten times .

Shallow breathing. Perform chest breathing while sitting in the most comfortable position with maximum relaxation. Gradually reduce the strength and volume of inhalation and exhalation - to breathing at the level of the nasopharynx or to invisible breathing. In the process of such breathing, at the very beginning there will be a slight lack of air, then a medium shortage or even a strong one. This will indicate that the exercise is being performed correctly by you. On shallow breathing, it is worth holding out for three to ten minutes.

All breathing exercises should be performed only through the nose and without unnecessary noise. After completing the complex and before it begins, you need to measure MP, CP (control pause) and pulse. Buteyko breathing exercises, the exercises of which you already know, should be performed on an empty stomach.

On final stage With this method, the purification reaction of the entire human body will occur. It is impossible to predict exactly when the reaction will begin. Sometimes it starts after a couple of tens of minutes, and sometimes after a couple of months of classes. There may be several reactions, or there may be none.

On the eve of the long-awaited purge, there will be a sharp increase in CP (for 3-5 seconds), then, during the purge, it will fall, since the accumulated carbon dioxide in the process of restructuring will be spent on the restructuring of all existing systems organism: liver, intestines, cardiovascular system, lungs, musculoskeletal, nervous system. Despite the fact that the CP falls during the cleaning process, it will not fall on average, that is, it will not be lower than the level that it was before the start of the complex. The duration of such reactions is usually noted from a couple of minutes to up to three weeks.

There is no need to be afraid of such a reaction. On the contrary, she needs to rejoice, as this will mean that the body has begun to recover. If you get sick where there was no pain before, then this will only mean that you simply did not feel pain before, but the disease itself still existed.

At this time, it is better not to take medicines, but if you still do not dare to give them up, then use them at least in a lower dosage than usual (well, if you can reduce the dosage by half). The most severe patients will require ongoing laboratory monitoring (for example, diabetics).

It is possible to single out such stages of the purification reaction: they will correspond to a CP of 10, then 20, then 30, later 40 and 60 seconds.

First frontier Frontier 10 seconds

Everything that lay on its surface will begin to be removed from the body. Often, salivation, nasal discharge, frequent urination, loose stools, sweat, thirst, sputum, plaque on the tongue will be observed. If problems with the bladder and kidneys were previously noted, then cramps may appear. The state of health can be like with the flu: fever, chills, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, aches and weakness throughout the body. Appetite may decrease or even disappear. The person will begin to be thirsty, severe dryness appears in the nasopharynx, nose and mouth.

Milestone 20 seconds

At this point, the intestines, lungs, skin (itching), nose will react. The joints will become painful, the spine will hurt, in addition, all your postoperative scars, injury sites, and fractures will be ill. In addition, the places of former medical injections will itch, all existing infiltrates will resolve after numerous injections. Metabolic processes may also be partially affected: even migraines may appear, eczema worsens. A copious amount of sputum is secreted. If earlier there were frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, there were operations on the nose, then a huge amount of plugs, pus, often with blood, can be released from it.

Taste sensations, smell will be restored. Disorders of daily stools and even vomiting may occur. A certain number of people stay at the CP for 10-20 seconds for 6 months or more, as their body is excessively slagged. In order to cleanse yourself, you will have to constantly be in the VLHD method. It is known that in pulmonary patients the temperature often rises to 41 degrees, but it will not last for days, it will constantly jump up and down. You can't beat her! If the child has a temperature, then vinegar wraps can be used. Sputum can come out not only in pulmonary patients, but also in hypertensive patients. Hemoptysis is often observed. This means that there is a rejection of the lung tissue, which was destroyed by bronchoscopy and the former suffocating cough. It can take two or three years for a complete restructuring of the lung tissue and the lungs as a whole. Restructuring facilitates massage. The heart and liver need to be massaged only when jogging, for example, in the park, or when jumping on a regular rope. Even acute emphysema will pass in 7-14 days. If at this moment an x-ray examination of the lungs is carried out, then a positive trend can be obtained. In order to have something to compare with, an x-ray should be taken before the start of classes and then every 6 months.

If dry sputum begins to stand out, then you can put mustard plasters, jars, increase the volume of liquid (salted hot water), and massage. If the pulse does not exceed 70 beats and there are no obvious cardiac manifestations, then you can go to the sauna with dry steam.

If any kind of skin diseases, then you should visit the bath more often. Soap in this case is better not to use. It is enough just to rinse and after the bath rub the body with castor oil.

Angina pectoris and hypertensive patients can visit the bath only when they reach a stable CP within 30-40 seconds. The pulse should not be higher than 70. Patients with ischemic disease with heart pain during cleaning, they can take validol. Hypertensive patients often experience nosebleeds. In this case, the nose cannot be plugged. It is best to simply substitute a bath of water and put a cold compress on the bridge of your nose.

From the nose, the duration of the discharge may be longer than from the lungs. You do not need to rinse your nose with medicines. You can only apply slightly salted water, releasing and drawing it in with each nostril in turn.

Milestone 30 seconds

Start to react here nervous system. A person can cry for no particular reason, he becomes more irritable and excitable. Depression, a persistent aversion to breathing exercises may appear.

This phenomenon was called psychological cleansing. If a person has skin diseases, then cleansing can manifest itself in the form of a rash, itching, which usually disappear on their own, without the use of any ointments and other drugs, however, subject to constant and persistent practice of the VLHD method. Patients with thyrotoxicosis note tears, sobs. Hypertensive patients complain of pressure surges.

Milestone 30-40 seconds

Now the cleaning will be very drastic. Vessels, intestines, metabolism, both kidneys will be rebuilt. Neoplasms will dissolve, pressure will normalize. After reaching 40 seconds, the hypertensive is no longer hypertensive. All existing cardiovascular disorders will disappear with a stable CP of 42-44 seconds. Asthmatics say goodbye to their disease at 22-24 seconds of the CP. There will be a restructuring of all endocrine systems and functions: the thyroid gland, the menstrual cycle, the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, the genitourinary sphere.

At the same time, mastopathy worsens, pain occurs, and even violations in the menstrual cycle are possible. If mastopathy has appeared, then no medicines need to be used. Toxicosis and erosion go away. The person is losing weight. However, very thin ones will also lose weight, but after cleaning they will acquire their normal weight. The body will recreate the missing forms with new, healthy and clean cells.

All existing metabolic disorders, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis will give wild pains at CP 40. Sand will appear in the urine. Stones will begin to pass from the bladder and gallbladder. At this moment, you need to constantly and intensely train, jump, move, dance in the end, because during physical exertion the CO2 content will increase, the channels will expand and the stones will come out without pain.

At the same time, hemorrhoids are cleaned, so purulent discharge and bleeding may occur. Varicose veins will disappear. Ulcerative patients may experience short-term pain, feces with mucus, vomiting. Intestinal colic, severe cramping pains in the abdomen are manifested. There is a disorder of the stool and urination becomes more frequent. During this period, you do not need to seek surgical help, you can not take any painkillers. You can try to get rid of all the symptoms with enhanced gymnastics. Sleep is back to normal. The need for night rest will be reduced to four to five hours in one day.

Milestone 60 seconds

Everything that did not have time to come out in the previous stages will be cleaned up here. At this stage, it is recommended to provoke a reaction of recovery on your own with any catarrhal disease in combination with a violation of the rules of normal life (for example, in nutrition). A large amount of sputum may be produced now, as the deepest parts of the lungs will be cleared.

Quite often in the course of reaction of recovery the breaking of a voice is noted. This happens from the former suffocating cough or from bronchoscopy. The first attack of suffocation - swelling of the larynx, laryngospasm. After the recovery reaction, your voice will be restored. The heart will also hurt, even if there were no such complaints before. There will be brick-red urine during the purge. It will be cloudy, with mucus, with sediments, foul-smelling, with the smell of drugs and with bloody secretions.

Patients with osteochondrosis note the release of a huge amount of salts. The urine of such people is frothy and white. Their saliva is very unpleasant, it must be constantly spit into a jar. There may be uterine bleeding.

Language will become the mirror of reaction. Ideally, it should be moist, pink, without cracks and furrows, clean. Yellow plaque - the liver is being cleaned, white - the gastrointestinal tract. If the tongue is dry, then the body does not have enough water. If the tongue is coated, then the person is disgusted with food. In this case, he cannot be forced to eat. On the contrary, at this time you need to drink plenty of water in order to remove the remaining toxins from the body. As soon as the tongue becomes clean, pink and moist, recovery can be diagnosed at this turn.

Finally, I would like to give a few tips that will help facilitate the cleansing of the body:

  1. 1. Don't drop the method. Your main task is to breathe, hold on and maintain the positions won from deep breathing.
  2. 2. Take a sitz bath (only thighs in the water), hot showers, visit the sauna. All this should be done with chills, if the heart allows and there is no temperature.
  3. 3. You need to take more salted hot water. While cleaning, do not forget to eat plain table salt. Do not forget that weakness is often the result of a lack of salt. At the same time, this salt will have nothing to do with the deposition of harmful salts in the spine.
  4. 4. You can't eat by force. Do not distract the body from work - natural cleansing.
  5. 5. You can put mustard plasters, jars, do massages.
  6. 6. Try not to lie down. Move around the room, sit, but it is better to do it in the fresh air.
  7. 7. In the process of cleaning, eat honey, take washed tooth powder. White clay is also suitable (three times a day, tsp). All these substances will pass through the intestines in transit, collecting all the poisons.
  8. 8. If in the process there are severe pains in the intestinal region or stabbing pains in the heart, then you can help yourself with validol, not forgetting to train your breathing hard.
  9. 9. In food, add 2-3 drops of potassium iodide solution per day.
  10. 10. Try to suppress your cough with proper shallow breathing. The phlegm will be easier to pass without coughing.
  11. 11. In case of poor bowel function, you can make a homemade enema or take a laxative (senna leaf, magnesium or sodium sulfate, joster, buckthorn bark).
  12. 12. During the restructuring process, the lungs will need heat, so during this period it is impossible to supercool. Wear an extra vest. It is not worth being in a draft. However, you should not overheat - do not wrap yourself up too much. Chest massage and other thermal procedures are useful.
  13. 13. If you are tormented by an unbridled cough, then you can do distracting water procedures - warming the legs and hands in hot water(The temperature should be as high as you can tolerate). You can also massage the collar area.
  14. 14. Do not eat sugar, it is better to switch to dried fruits. Tomatoes and grapes are also banned, as they have a negative effect on a diseased liver.
  15. 15. If purulent conjunctivitis occurs, you can wash your eyes with a strong solution of green tea, which needs to be slightly salted.
  16. 16. In the process of cleaning, you need to monitor the condition of the mouth. The oral cavity must be constantly rinsed in infusions of herbs. The tongue will have to be cleaned of raids with a spoon.